Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Apr 11, 2010


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. Not to mention supernatural stuff as well. If anything like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

Otherwise, enjoy!

Because of Drew - Chapter 32

I was left with more questions than answers, as usual. Why in the hell would things seem to be going like this?

Before I could even begin to try to figure out the answers to my problems, my soon to be husband materialized into the office, and he was attached to a familiar face from the past. None other than Jonathan Taylor Thomas. The very same one who not too long ago tried to break Drew and myself up.

"Why in the BLOODY HELL would you bring that MONSTER into my office after what he put US through? Do you even REMEMBER anything about him?" I yelled at Drew.

"I brought him here because he has a throry as to who cast the truth spell on Jake." he said, quite calmly.

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"I had a vision of the call. And I remembered that this moron over here used to have powers, so I went to him and asked him if he knew what was going on." he said.

"And I do." Jonathan piped up. "There is another power out there which is trying to weave its way into your lives. I ran into her at one time, and let me tell you, she is a force to be reckoned with. I tried to bind her powers, because she was too powerful. Even for me."

"I remember how you used your powers to nearly destroy our happiness. If she is more powerful than THAT, than we have a serious problem." I thought out loud.

"Before you think about doing anyhting to her, I have something else to share." Jonathan began.

"Before YOU finish that thought, my soon to be EX-HUSBAND and I need to have a little chat, alone. So, if you don't mind," I raised my hands, and he froze in time. "What is going on Drew? Remember how much I DON'T trust him? That is about how much right now I DON'T trust you!"

"Will you chill out! Damn you worry and shout more than a menopausal woman! I am surprised that half the damn building doesn't know that you have powers and that we just happened to show up!!" he shouted at me.

"I cast a protection spell on my office. Sound can come in, but no sound leaves. And DON'T you shout at me! I have every right to be pissed off that you brought one of my enemies into my office to talk about someone else's problem. I have too many things going on right now. My head feels like it's about to explode!" I shouted. "And, right now I need to get away from here. As far away as I can. Too much stress on a magical head, only into trouble these powers have led, take me away from this terrible place, to where I can be the most safe, let no one follow in my stay, just help me to get away!"

And suddenly, where else would I have shown up to? My apartment! Safe house. Too safe of a place. There were protective spells everywhere, nobody would be able to get in here. Magical, mortal, nobody. Work? Fuck it. There was absolutely no way I could ever go back there again.

I still can't believe that he brought one of my mortal enemies straight to me. I should kill him for that.

But, I cant. I am still so in love with that idiot who tried to make my head explode.

I always wondered if it was possible to love and hate someone at the same time, and now my worst fears come to the surface. Life is still so wrong and unfair. Love, hate, the lines are so blurred right now.


That was the answer to my problem. I got my powers back, and I might as well use them. Magic got me into this mess, so magic is gonna get me out of it.

"I look to find the evil witch, bring her here without a glitch, she who dwells on the slivers of night, and ruins lives with her evil might, bring her here now to me, so I can set us of her free." I rhymed.

Lights started swirling around, and she appeared in my presence. As she finished materializing, her back was facing me. I noticed the rather outlandish outfit, and the presence of a tattoo on her left shoulder blade. It didn't take me long to realize who the "evil" witch is. And no, she wasn't evil. In fact, she is one of my older witch friends. I was shocked, and surprised that anyone could ever find her as evil. Meaning, he lied again, and this time, not just to me, but to my husband as well.

"Stefani! Long time no see baby girl." I said.

"Hey baby boi! You been taking the magical world by storm?" she asked.

"Always, and never." I began.

"Forever and ever!" she finished.

"Girl, how the hell have you been? Taking the mortal world by storm if I do remember properly? And is it Stefani still? Or do you go by Gaga now?" I asked.

"I answer to both, as usual. And those mortals, they don't know any better. Fame hasn't quite gotten to me yet, and the witch thing hasn't been much of a factor in my life since I last saw you." she said.

"Really? You haven't been doing any magic at all? For how long?" I asked.

"Couple of years now. Ever since I started the singing career. Cast a spell to bring myself a little bit of in the singing world, and now here I am. Two years older, and billions of albums sold." she said. "What about you sweetheart? You ever find yourself a man?"

"In a way, yeah. And he is part of the reason that you are here." I said.

"What do you mean babe? What happened?" she asked. "But keep it simple, it's a little early, and I haven't had my martini yet."

"It's 3 In the afternoon. Early?" I asked.

"Yeah! You remember how much we used to party, I just never stopped. You got to be the responsible one!" she said.

"Yeah, so I heard. Anyways, got a little off topic. I don't know if you remember a while ago when a former boy band member came out of the closet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I remember that! The cute one right? Drew Lachey?" she asked.

"Got it. Well, he is my fiancee." I said.

"Doesn't surprise me in the least. Someone went and got so freakin hot, I am thinking about using him as one of my backup dancers!" she said.

"You flatter be baby girl. Now, the reason that I summoned you. Do you remember Jonathan Taylor Thomas?" I asked her curtly.

"Smug little prick cause he had so many powers. I always thought he had something up his evil little sleeve." she said.

"And he hasn't gotten any better. First, he tried to split Drew and I up. Worked, and I lost him for about a month. Now, he is trying to get between the two of us again." I said.

"Be careful. He has a lot of magical tricks up his sleeve." she said.

"Not anymore. He tried to kill me, and I stripped his powers." I said.

"I doubt that. I stripped his powers 4 times, and somehow he always seemed to get them back. I don't know how, but I think that the two of us together should be able to tag team him, and keep his powers away from him for the rest of his miserable life." she explained.

"I need to get Drew. That's who he is after. I never thought about that before. He tried to split us up to get me out of the way. That way, he could go after my soon to be husband!" I shouted.

"No, he is trying to get to you by getting Drew." she stated. "Think about it. You told me about that prophecy from the past. He is trying to infuriate you to the point where you are gonna be blinded by rage and won't care about the reprecussions of your actions."

"So, what do we do about it?" I asked. "There isn't much I can think of when it comes to battle spells. I never wanted to do anything with them."

"That's where I come in baby. Battle is my strong point!" she said as she spun around and changed into a battle ready outfit. Fabulous as usual. "We gotta go and get him. Eliminate him now. However, I don't think that the two of us alone can take him. He is more powerful than anything I have ever encountered."

"Drew could help us." I said smartly.

"He doesn't have powers babe. We need to stay in focus for this." she said.

"Than you need to start drinking." I said. "And I have another story to tell you. Back when Drew and I split up, because of Jonathan, he got into a car accident. In order to save his life, I gave up my powers. Somehow, fate twisted us up again, and now we both have equal powers."

"Than we need to get back to him before that evil little bastard can use his mind contorl techniques on your husband." she said.

"Mind control? We have to go now!" I said quickly, and changed into something more battle appropriate, and we flashed out, to go back and get everything settled, once and for all.

End of 32

There it is guys and maybe gals, never know. That was the latest installment in my little project.

Feedback is greatly appreciated, however not necessary. I love writing, but just been busy for the past year.

If I lost some of my readers because of my lack of posting, I do apologize, but life is just keeping me busy. Thank you for reading and I will keep up my postings in a more timely manner.

And yes, I will get back to the sexual action in the next chapter or 2, maybe even three.

Next: Chapter 34

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