Becoming a Chinese Dog

By Kai Anderson

Published on Dec 15, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.

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The flogger marks on my back remained warm and painful for quite a while, as I struggled to find a more comfortable position within the tiny solid steel cage. It was impossible. There was no comfort to be found, and that was undoubtedly the plan. My neck was twisted awkwardly against the top corner of the cage, which was fine to begin with, but as time passed my neck became stiff, then sore, then agonizing. My knees were pushed forward, almost to the front of the cage, as the ankle cuffs dug into my calves, the chain between them pressed tight against the bars of the cage door as my feet stuck out between the bars. My forearms were outside the bars, with my wrists handcuffed outside, so I could not use my hands to grab the bars for support, nor could I bring my hands inside the case or reach the ground below the cage as I could not bend forward with the limited space. My knees ached. My back ached. My balls ached. My hands had feeling now, enough to feel icy cold. My feet were freezing. I was shivering, and the wind continued to blow through the missing tiles in the skylight and around the cage. My nose was running and I couldn't reach it. I listened intently for sounds from the store above, but only faintly heard the rain still falling through the skylight onto the floor behind me, making the situation all the more damp, cold, and depressing.

I drifted in, and very much out, of uncomfortable drowsiness. I certainly didn't sleep comfortably, but I would suddenly open my eyes with pain and discomfort all over my body, and it would take a few moments to remember that I had volunteered for this torture.

The lights suddenly coming on startled me from one of those drowsy moments. I had not even heard the door open, and the way my head was twisted inside the case, I could not look over to see whoever was walking down the creaking wooden staircase. I had no idea how long I had been in the cage, nor what time it was. I was stiff, cold, in pain, and as I heard the footsteps on the stairs my cock woke up from its own slumber and started to rise to the occasion. As I shuffled millimeters and tried to prepare to welcome Master, I realized that there were multiple voices, speaking softly in -- Chinese I presumed. I suddenly got nervous and shivered.

Master finally came into view next to the cage and with him were seven other Asian men. All looked to be in their mid-forties or older. Most were casually dressed in slacks or jeans and polo shirts or t-shirts. Two were dressed in suits with ties. All were pointing their cell phones towards the cage, and towards the animal within the cage. I had confided in Master as we talked on Recon that one of my fantasies was to be exposed and humiliated in public -- or to be a porn star known by hundreds of thousands of guys around the world. It was a fantasy, but not something I really anticipated becoming a reality, yet, I was now facing that possibility. Seven total strangers were seeing, and filming me, in my abject submission and humiliation. How far would they spread those images?

As the seven men, plus Master, all chatted Master motioned towards the stock room area and I saw two young, muscular, Asian guys wearing way too tight White shorts, White sneakers, and no shirts. They had intricate tattoo's all over their arms stomachs, chest, neck and back. I would later find out, the tattoo's extended all over their bodies and they even had some small tattoo's on their face which were almost imperceptible until you were close enough to see them. One of the young Asian guys bent down and uncuffed one of my wrists, and the other walked behind me and I heard him unlock the padlock securing the cage and swinging open the cage gate. The pressure of the gate on my ass allowed me to stretch out a little, but before I even had time to relax the chain between my ankles was grabbed and I was dragged out of the gage backwards onto the cold concrete floor. The other young Asian guy came up and pulled my arms behind my back, re-cuffing my wrists. Both moved to each side of me and they picked me up onto my feet as though I weighed nothing.

Half walking, half dragging me to the middle of the room, my collar was padlocked to a chain hanging down from the roof above me, leaving me stretched upright, but not choking. The two young Asian guys then stepped off to the side and the shorter, more muscular one, retrieved a hose that was connected to the small sink next to the toilet. I hear the hiss of the water filling the hose and as he walked towards me, the cold water gushed in a strong stream hitting me in the chest and abdomen. I tried to lift my left leg instinctively to create a barrier to the assault, forgetting my ankles were cuffed so it only came up so far. This threw me completely off balance and I started swinging in small circles with my collar biting into my chin and neck as I did. The freezing cold water played up and down my entire naked form, soaking me completely from head to toe, moving from my front to my back, ensuring the water covered every single inch of my naked flesh. As it hit me in the face, I found it difficult to catch a breath, but it would quickly move down to my groin, or up to my mostly shorn head. I began shivering uncontrollably and could feel my skin tingling as it does when exposed to cold weather.

Finally, the water stopped, and I stood frozen, the water dripping off me onto the floor below. I was finally able to slow my breathing, but I was still shivering. The seven older Asian guys were lined up in front of me, looking me up and down with smiles on their faces and clear lust in their eyes. Despite the cold and my shivering, my cock was standing at attention, and my eyes darting from one to the other as they took photographs and filmed me on their cell phones.

Master said something in Chinese, and the seven descended on me likes Wolves on a lost lamb. Their cold hands ranged all over my wet flesh at the same time, twisting my nipples, tugging on the heavy chain still attached to my balls, fingers probing my mouth, others probing deep into my asshole, hands gripping and stroking my cock, others slapping my ass cheeks. It was a total stimulation overload for me. I was gasping for breath, my heart was racing, my cock was throbbing, my hole was twitching, and I was desperate to get fucked and shoot my load. I was totally into this. I wanted their hands all over every single inch of my naked and vulnerable flesh. They rotated around me and jostled for position, their hands sometimes fighting with each other for prime position on my flesh. Once or twice someone would accidentally step on my naked and vulnerable toes, but they didn't care at all. The small tuft of hair left on the top of my head by Master provided a fun "joy-stick" for them to tug and pull at my head, which typically threw my body off balance into two or three of them at a time.

They finally relented and stepped back excitedly, jostling for best positioning and pointing their cell phones at me once again. Master stepped forward with a single tail whip and without any waring it whooshed towards me, wrapping around my left chest and arm and impacting painfully on my lower back with a loud crack and slapping sound.

"AAAAhhhhhhhhh......." I screamed and tried to twist my body away from the pain, which of course was completely futile.

As I was just recovering from the first blow, the second struck from the opposite side, low around my left hip, curling behind my back over my still handcuffed wrists, and ending with a painful slice on my left butt cheek.

"AAAAAAhhhhhhhhh......." I screamed again, twisting again, futile again, my eyes closed and my face contorted with the sudden intense pain.

Whoosh, crack, another blow struck me low on my left hip and wrapped around the back of my thighs, slashing onto the front of my right thigh. It felt as though that final point of the whip was burning through my flesh.

I danced and screamed. The whip continued to whoosh and slice over my naked, cold, exposed flesh. The Seven Asian men laughed, encouraged Master to hit me harder, and spoke loudly and animatedly among themselves. The points where the whip tail finished their sweep burned with an intensity that made me absolutely certain the flesh was being ripped away from my body. More, and more, and more intense burning spots were burrowing into me as Master seemed to increase the pace of the whipping, moving my left to my right side on each stroke. Hitting me high across the chest, then low on the legs, Angling the whip up, then horizontally, then down. My eyes were closed the entire time, as the pain was just so intense I could not open them even had I wished to. I could not really even scream anymore, as it was all I could do to grunt in agony and try to pull in enough breath before the next blow hit. I was crying, shaking, burning, twisting on the chain affixed to my collar.......then nothing.

I opened my eyes as freezing cold water was playing all over my naked back. This felt SO GOOD. So soothing against the burning spots all over my back and legs. It took me a moment to understand. The feet and people standing a little distance away watching me. The rough and dirty concrete floor I was lying on. The cold water pooling around me before it flowed in a little river away from me towards my feet. My hands and feet still secured by the cuffs. My balls no longer the primary point of pain and concern for me. I remembered. I was in a store basement in China town and I had willingly accepted this situation.

"I will leave with all of my body parts" was the agreement I had with Master.

"You will be bruised." He had promised. "You will be sore. You will have marks on your flesh. You will suffer pain and discomfort. You will be cold, and wet, and used as my play toy as I desire." He had continued. "BUT, you will leave on Monday morning in one piece and healthy -- I promise you that."

I had fully expected Master to be rough, aggressive, demanding, yet I had not in my wildest imagination anticipated this reality. This level of pain and discomfort. This level of agony. I remembered being hung by my collar as Master whipped me with the single-tail, and I realized I had passed out and woke up naked on the concrete floor with them hosing me down in freezing cold water to bring me around. I should stop this now. I should say "NO MORE, PLEASE."

The water stopped as I contemplated begging for this to all stop. The two young Asian guys lifted me physically by my arms off the floor and over to a small rough wooden table that had been moved into the middle of the floor. The table was odd, as the surface of the table was angled slightly upwards, and there were V shapes cut in from the edge towards the center of the table. I was lifted easily by the two young Asian guys onto the rough wooden surface, face down. My ankle cuffs were removed, but my ankles were immediately pulled wide to the edges of this strange table and I felt them being wrapped with chain and I heard the all too familiar click of padlocks. This was repeated for my wrists. My legs were pulled wide out to the side, clearly exposing my ass entirely to the audience that was observing. I now realized what those V cuts were for. My cock and balls hung down off the table but my hips were supported on the table as was my chest, but my head hung off the other side of the table. Spread eagled on this surface, my wrists and legs were splayed wide apart and secured, but my ass, cock, balls, and mouth were all readily accessible and it took only moments for the first of the older Asian men to take full advantage of my offerings.

I felt the denim and cotton of a t-shirt brush my inner thighs before the fingers invaded my asshole. Driving in deep and twisting around inside my guts. As the fingers assaulted my hole, another older Asian guy in a two piece suit walked in front of me, pulled up my head by the tuft of hair and as I looked up into the round, slightly overweight face, with a greying goatee his other hand slapped me hard on the cheek. My head turned in the direction of the force of the slap, only to receive a slap on the other cheek as his hand returned. Four more slaps in quick succession, not really hard or painful, but assertive and demonstrating my utter vulnerability. The guy in front pushed two fingers deep inside my mouth and to the back of my throat, as the guy behind me removed his fingers and instead drove his cock in one single thrust deep inside me. I could feel the zipper of his jeans and the material of his t-shirt against my ass cheeks as he grunted on each thrust of his hips, burying his cock all the way into me, then withdrawing entirely, his cock popping out of my hold each time. The guy in front had removed his fingers after exploring my throat and unzipping his suit pants his cock was slapping my face instead of his hand. It was an average cock, cut, with a light pink mushroom head, and a distinct curve upwards to the sky. He was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum which with each slap was deposited on my cheeks and nose. He finally eased his cock gently into my mouth and pushed the head down my throat. The pounding in my hole was not too intense, and the cock in my throat was sliding in fairly gently, so I was able to take both without bucking or gagging.

I heard comments, clapping, and laughing from the other older Asian guys who were the audience for this first fucking of me. The guy in my ass shot his load inside me quite quickly with a loud series of grunts and exclamations in Chinese that I could not understand. As he pulled out, the guy in my mouth withdrew and walked around the table. As a new guy, wearing light colored slacks and a polo stepped up to my face, the suited guy walked behind me. Polo shirt grabbed my head, turned me back to face him, and slowly unfastened his belt and pants, dropping them to the ground. His green plaid boxers were tented and had a wet stain on them, which he pulled down to reveal a fairly thick and long, uncut dark colored cock. As he pulled the foreskin back to reveal a dark mushroom head and obvious "crud" around the head I felt the sudden pressure of the suited guy behind me slowly pushing his cock into my hole. Polo shirt ordered me to "lock" around his cock head to remove the "crud" which smelled and tasted disgusting. Really bitter, and pungent, and almost enough to make me gag. As suited guy fucked me fairly gently from behind, Polo shirt guy thrust his cock suddenly into my mouth and down into my throat. I gagged and convulsed, trying to push him away with my hands, but of course, they were secured by chains to the side of the table. I had very little in my stomach other than water, but it flooded my mouth and escaped my lips, despite his cock remaining buried deep in my throat. I flexed my arms and tried to twist away from the choking cock, but I had nowhere to go. I started to see stars as my stomach continued to convulse, and he held my head tight against this hips, keeping his cock impaled down my throat. He slowly pulled it out, and again, my stomach convulsed and emptied its contents on the floor below me.

This process continued, and repeated, as the guy fucking my hole would finally deposit their load inside me, and the guy fucking my face would move around the table to my hole, as a new "customer" would move in to use my mouth however they wished. Two of them pissed down my throat, warning me in English to drink every last drop, before they face-fucked me. One of them shot a huge load of cum into my mouth, making me keep it there while he photographed it before ordering me to swallow it. He then went on to fuck me in the ass, and deposited a second load inside me. One of them made me lick out his crusty and sweaty asshole, farting three or four times in my face, before turning around to face fuck me. One of them pissed into my guts, filling me up and telling me to hold it while he fucked me, but this was just impossible to do. Each time his piss sloshed out of my hole while he fucked me, he would slap me hard on the ass.

Finally, all seven had apparently used me to their satisfaction, and had taken all of the pictures and film they wished. Leaving me bound and stretched on the table, Master led the seven back through the stock area, up the stairs, and into the store, followed by the two young Asian guys. The light was shut off, and the door slammed closed, leaving me naked, stretched, and filled with cum, spit, and piss in both of my holes. I could feel cum running out of my ass and I could still feel the burn of the whip strikes all over my body.

Despite the lights being turned off, I realized it was getting brighter outside, as light from the skylight behind me brightened up the normally dark, damp, cold, and dirty prison I was now resident in. I tried to shift positions on the table, to relive the strain on my legs and arms. I had a little more room to move than within the cage, and I was lying down, even though my head had nowhere to rest, so it just hung over the edge, looking back under the table at the puddle of piss and cum under it, and at the cum dripping slowly off the tip of my cock as it ran out of my asshole, down my balls, and down the length of my shaft.

I was exhausted, sore, hungry, thirsty for fresh water to rid my mouth of the horrible taste in it, I wanted to take a dump to get rid of what was sitting in my guts, that make me feel like I needed to get rid of it, even as it continued to leak out of me slowly.

This was Saturday morning. I'd only been here for less than twelve hours, and I was used up, spent, and disgusting. I'd been used and humiliated by nine guys I had never seen before today. Two just watched and prepared me, while seven total strangers explored my naked body and flesh, watched me write in agony and pass out as I was beaten mercilessly with a whip over my entire naked body, then they used my two holes, filling me with their cocks, cum, piss, and spit. cock was hard and throbbing again.

This was just Saturday morning. I don't get out of here until Monday morning. FUCK. TWO DAYS of this let. Can I make it?


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

Next: Chapter 4

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