Becoming Brians Bitch

By Bruce Demosthenes

Published on Mar 5, 2014


Finally Saturday rolled around.

Probably Saturday as a single day was the longest day of the week in my life now given how horned I was.

Like every Saturday there were no classes but we were expected to be up for breakfast at 8am and it wouldn't be until 2pm until I could go to Brian's.

As I had all week, when my roommate was out of the room, I quickly took off the jock under my towel and ran to the shower and had a quick morning shower and then ran back to the room, putting the jock on (which now smelled so noticeable I think our entire bedroom reeked of cum). Not allowed to own jeans, I put on a pair of corduroys quickly over them. A polo shirt socks and sneakers and then I was down at breakfast by 8.

Positive my tablemates could smell me, I offered to serve the food (we usually took turns and it wasn't my turn but I wanted to be up and moving around rather than sitting next to someone who might say "what's that smell" and then, after getting everyone's attention, someone deducing it was me and what the particular smell was - cum).

With nothing to do during the day and not wanting to be around people, I ended up walking for hours around the parks and government buildings. I must have walked all of downtown and the school's entire neighbourhood five times over as I waited until the clock counted down until 2.

At 2pm I was standing outside of Brian's front door and as soon as my watch hit 2 I let myself in and climbed the two flights of stairs to the attic.

Brian was not there, but I knew that didn't matter. I knew what was expected of me and I quickly removed my clothing until I was stripped down to the jock and then stood in the centre of the TV room with my hands at my sides.

I resisted the temptation to check my watch, leaving my hands at my side where Brian expected them to be, but I guessed at least an hour had gone by before I heard voices downstairs (maybe it was only 15 minutes but it felt like an hour).

The panic of being caught by his mother or brother was forefront in my mind for the entire time, and I knew that standing there in a jockstrap two sizes too small, one that had long ceased being white because of the loads of cum I had filled it with over the course of the week, would leave nothing to their imagination. If they caught me it would be impossible to explain and, as a boarder, I wasn't even supposed to be off school grounds so not only would I be outed as the bottom boy I had become, I would probably be suspended which would mean telling my parents.

As it became apparent that no one was making a move to come upstairs, I relaxed a bit - well as much as someone standing hands by their sides in a tight jockstrap and nothing else on in someone else's house can relax.

Eventually I heard someone coming up the stairs and, once I saw it was Brian, the lump of panic in my throat and stomach began to recede.

Brian, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt as he had last Saturday, looked nonplussed. He came over to me and he inspected the pouch of my jock, and seemed pleased at how caked it was with cum.

While he said "you stink," I could tell he liked the fact that I had clearly worn the jock all week and had cum as much as I had (cum that he knew had been shed out of lust for him while being completely subservient to his demands).

"You know where the lotion is," he said.

I ran into his bedroom, grabbed the lotion off his bed stand, and ran back to where I had been standing with my arms back at my sides.

Brian took the lotion out of my hand and squeezed some out on his hand, rubbing it into my crack. Still behind me, I heard him undo his pants, but I did not turn to look, staring straight ahead with my arms at my side.

I could hear him moving behind me, but I could only guess what he was doing.

Pretty soon I felt his hands on my ass and legs as he moved my legs apart. I could feel his cockhead slide between my ass cheeks and connect with my hole as he positioned me so my feet were spread to shoulder-width.

He then put my hands from my side to on top of my head and whispered in my ear "from now on I want you standing like this when I come upstairs, legs apart, hands on head."

As he was positioning me and talking to me I could feel his cock pressing into my hole and I pushed back obediently knowing he wanted inside me with the least amount of resistance.

Brian kept pushing and even though my hole had tightened in the last week since he had been inside me, he was all the way inside me in a matter of seconds (taking my breath away in the process, and I couldn't help but gasp at how huge his cock was and how much it filled my boy ass).

Once fully inside me and standing behind me I could feel his clothes. He had not bothered to strip. I could feel the cold metal of his belt buckle and his zipper against the top of my legs. He had just pushed his pants and underwear down enough to free his cock.

Brian's hands took hold of my hips and he began to fuck me hard, without waiting for me to get used to him being inside me. I fought the need to cry out or beg for him to stop. It wasn't just his big cock that was hurting my ass; his belt buckle and metal zipper were digging into my flesh.

I just stood like that, legs spread with my hands on my head, while Brian proceeded to fuck my ass hard with his big adult size cock.

I don't know if he was very horny or had someplace to be or it was just his mood which, with his pants barely being pushed down was definitely down and dirty, but it wasn't long before Brian was going to town on my ass in a way that made me know he was close to cumming.

It hurt like hell on my ass, with no preparation and him standing like that (he was taller than me to begin with and with my legs spread every upward thrust went deeper than he had ever gone, lifting me up off my feet as he rammed that mammoth cock into my tight ass).

I knew my cock was hard in my jock and every thrust hit my prostate and I knew he would make me cum even though he was hurting my ass with his cock as well as his belt buckle and zipper like he had never done before.

In spite of the paint I couldn't help myself and I began to shoot yet another load into the jock. I guess Brian could tell, probably from my ass squeezing around his cock as I shot cum into my jockstrap, because he reached around and felt the wet spot in my jock and laughed.

"You are one horny slut," he said, as he grabbed my hips even harder and rammed my ass with his blunt thick tool again and again trying to literally force the cum out of his own cock and balls and deep into my ass.

I could feel him tense behind me and I knew he was starting to unload inside me. I consciously squeezed my ass tight around his cock to give him pleasure and make sure that nothing leaked out.

His cumming went on forever, and I didn't stop squeezing my ass tight around his cock all the while.

Finally he pulled out and I could hear him doing up his pants behind me.

Leaning in he whispered in my ear "keep squeezing your hole tight, I don't want any of me to leak out. I'll be back."

With that Brian went downstairs, leaving me standing in his TV room in my jockstrap (pouch soaked with the load I had shot while he fucked me), with my legs apart, hands on my head and ass clenched to try to keep his cum inside me (though I could feel it wanting to leak out, he had definitely shot a big load inside me).

Trying to keep my ass clenched while my legs were spread proved too much. I could feel Brian's cum starting to leak out of my hole.

I don't know if Brian hadn't cum for a several days but the load in my ass seemed like more than I had ever had. I could feel it oozing down my leg.

Brian was going to be mad.

I could hear Brian coming up the stairs (or I hoped it was Brian) and I tried to clench harder.

Brian emerged from the stairs and came to stand behind me. His fingers went to my ass and legs.

"God you are a sloppy whore," Brian said as he began to scoop up the leakage and then put his fingers to my lips. Without hesitating I began to lick his fingers clean.

Brian kept scooping up his cum as it leaked out of my ass and feeding it to me and I continued to lick and swallow it. His cum I wanted though what it was mixed with I was not so keen on but I knew I had to eat it all as I had defied his instructions and let him leak out of me.

"We can't have this mess again," Brian said.

Brian then forcefully shoved his finger into my hole, moved it around as though scooping me out, and put it in my mouth. I sucked on it until it was clean and he did it again a couple times.

"I don't want to deal with a mess like this ever again," Brian said. "So I want you to buy an enema and clean yourself out before you come over next Saturday."

"Where do I get an enema," I asked.

"A pharmacy," he said with a tone that conveyed I was a complete idiot for not knowing that already.

"And you stink in that jock," he added. "When do you do laundry?"

"Sundays" I responded.

"OK, you can wash it with your laundry tomorrow but you will stick with your routine of wearing it all week long, even to bed, and only jacking off while you have it on."

I nodded.

"You know what is going to happen now," he asked.

I nodded. "I am going to get spanked cause I defied your instructions and let your cum leak out of me," I answered.

"And," he asked.

"And cause I am a dirty whore and my ass wasn't clean for you," I added.

"You are definitely beginning to understand the rules," said Brian. "But I am not going to spank you today because there are already nice red marks on your ass from my belt and zipper. So I want you to, as soon as you get back to school, take a shower and stay in the shower facing the nozzle until someone comes into the bathroom."

Looking closely at my ass Brian added "they are pretty pronounced, I am thinking that anyone who sees them is going to know what you have been up to."

"But?" I began to stammer, when Brian slapped me across the face.

"Sorry," I said meekly.

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry sir."

"Did anyone see your red ass last Sunday," Brian asked.

I told him about grade 9 Robert but that he hadn't said anything so he may not have known what it meant or was willing to keep it a secret because we were such close friends. Brian seemed disappointed but didn't say anything more about it. He simply said "OK, get your ass off to school and get in the shower," as I scrambled to put on my clothes and run out of the house.

Not being a long weekend the younger kids were not on the upper flat but a number of the seniors were (while it was still afternoon, it was getting close to suppertime). I undressed in my room and then walked across the hall to the shower in my tawel. No one was in the bathroom so I got under the water and stood there facing the wall, letting the water run over me (calming the panic in me as I waited for someone to come in to use the washroom or to shower [less likely since no one showered before supper] and see the belt and zipper marks just below my butt).

I heard the door to the washroom open but I didn't look around. I stayed facing the wall under the shower (as I had been instructed) hoping like hell whoever it was would not see or, if they did, would not recognize the marks or, at least, not say anything.

After what seemed like an eternity I heard a voice say "you were right bro".

"It was much redder last Sunday," said another voice, and I recognized it immediately as Robert's.

"You can see a belt mark there and zipper marks along there," replied a voice that I now knew was his older brother David.

Rob wasn't even supposed to be on the upper flat but he clearly had told his older brother Dave what he had seen last Saturday. Dave was only a year behind me in school and lived on the flat down the hall. They must have been watching for me to head to the shower today to confirm their suspicions on what I was getting up to with my Saturdays.

Rob and I usually hung out on weekends, in spite of the age difference. We were good friends. So I guess, in addition to the red marks on my ass, my being distant and preoccupied and disappearing from school had made him very curious as to what I was up to and he had been watching and had even discussed it with his brother.

"What do you think," Robert asked his brother.

"I think that the reason Bruce has been hanging around you is because he is queer for you and while someone is obviously already tapping that ass, there is no reason you can't have some fun with him," replied Dave. "I am guessing he would like that."

At this point my face was redder than any mark you could make on my ass.

"Would you like that," asked Robert.

Without turning around or looking at them I simply nodded.

It was true I had been lusting after Robert since I first sat at his table in the junior school (because when I went into boarding all the tables in the senior school had been full) the year before. As a monitor at the head of the table he exuded authority and as a small blond boy with semi-curly hair he was just my type and looked very sexy in his green blazer and grey flannels.

I had checked Robert out frequently in his grey flannels when we ate together in grade 8 and now that he was in the senior school we still ate together but we also shared a locker-room so I had checked him out in his blue briefs as he changed for sports every day. And I checked him out most nights as he changed for bed in his room (because we had become friends while I sat at his table, I had permission to go to his room on the lower flat even though boys socializing across grades was frowned upon, so I was frequently in his room when he changed for bed as his lights out was 10pm and ours was not until 11 and not seriously enforced).

And of course last Saturday, even though I had been terrified of what he thought when he saw my red ass, I had still checked out his cock which I had seen once or twice before in his room when he came back from a shower and which dangled down nicely over his balls. I would like nothing more than to suck him or having him fuck me.

But then, and it was only as the words were leaving my mouth I realized how much I had come to accept I was Brian's property, I said "but I will have to ask Brian."

Both Robert and Dave laughed hysterically at that.

"Damn, you are someone's bitch," said Dave.

I simply nodded.

"I respect that," said Robert. "Get back to me when you do."

Then they left.

David and Rob knew I was being dominated and fucked and I had even told them by whom. What if they told someone? But they had clearly spoken to me about me servicing Rob, so if they told wouldn't it look bad for Rob?

The more I thought about it I concluded using a fag would not look bad on Rob, and knowing about it wouldn't look bad on Dave, because both Rob and Dave were into girls. Dave had a girlfriend and Rob had started to fuck around with girls in the neighbourhood (both the rich girls and the poorer girls from under the hill) most of whom he called 'sluts', so the only one it would look bad on was me.

But is Rob thought of the girls who gave him sex were sluts, what would that make me and what would that do to our friendship?

And what would Brian say?

My brain was racing a mile-a-minute with these questions and doubts.

I dried myself off and went to my room, hiding myself in there for the rest of the weekend (in my dirty jock), wondering what the fallout would be come Monday morning and what would Brian say when I told him about what happened - when I asked his "permission" to service my friend Rob.

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Next: Chapter 5

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