Becoming Daddys Bitch

By Paul Vanden boogard

Published on May 3, 2021


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Becoming Daddy's Bitch - Chapter 2

Still sobbing, I rolled onto my side and pulled my knees to my chest. I was so shocked, I didn't know what to think, but just laid there, falling asleep as I waited for the ache in my stomach to go away. I saw the cum stains on the sheets when I woke up the next morning, and could feel it leaking from my asshole and running down my leg as I went down the hallway to shower. When I touched my asshole, it was tender and raw, so I had to wash it gently. I tried not to think about what happened, but I couldn't stop. I had loved the feel of his muscular body as he pressed me against him, had loved the feel of his cock and balls in my hand, and the feeling of his hand on my cock. I had even loved the feel of his weight pressing down on me, but it had hurt so much when he had fucked me. Looking at the pictures in the book, I had never imagined what it must feel like to get fucked, and wondered if any guys actually enjoyed it. Somehow, I knew that they did, but I didn't think that I ever would.

I didn't look at my dad the next day, but he kept talking to me as though nothing had happened, and by evening I had no choice but to talk to him again. He kept asking me questions at the dinner table, and I didn't want my mom to know that something had happened. I hadn't felt like hanging out with my friends that day, so I pretty much just stayed home, playing video games and listening to music in my room, or wandering around in the woods out back.

I usually don't close my bedroom door at night, but I did that night, hugging my sheet tight against me and hoping my dad wouldn't come into my room again. He didn't, and eventually I fell asleep.

After a week I started thinking that it might not happen again, but it did. I was already fast asleep, but came awake as my boxers were being pulled off of me. I didn't even have time to react before my dad's full weight was on top of me, his hand clamping my mouth shut as he pressed his lips to my ear. Kneeing my legs apart, he pushed his cock up into my hole, going "shh...shh...shh" as I screamed a muffled shout into his hand.

"I know it hurts, pal, but I need this. It'll hurt a lot less if you just relax."

I couldn't stop him. At six foot two, he was easily twice my size. I could feel his whiskers scratching my cheek, feel the coarse hairs of his chest pressed against my back, his warmth and his weight. They all felt nice, and I tried to concentrate on them as I let my body go limp, but I could feel his cock filling my ass, and it still hurt like hell as he pushed it in deeper and deeper with each little thrust. Biting my lip, I tried my best to hold back my whimpers, tried harder and harder to just relax and accept him. When he was all the way inside of me, he stopped thrusting, giving my insides time to stretch and loosen themselves, the pain slowly fading to a dull ache. Then he started his motion again, short, slow thrusts that slowly gained in length and speed until he was fucking me in earnest. It still hurt, but not nearly as bad as it had the first time. I could feel his thighs slapping hard against my ass cheeks, and tried to picture his cock as it slid in and out, like the pictures I had seen in the magazine.

He started grunting every time his cock slammed into me, and with a loud grown he pushed himself in and dumped his load, his cock throbbing in my hole. Then suddenly he was out and on his feet, pulling his robe on as he walked out of the room. Clamping my tender asshole shut, I pulled on my boxers and hurried to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet to empty myself of his cum.

I knew then that he would fuck me again. He had seen the magazine. He knew I liked men and not girls, that I was turned on by cock and not pussy. Though I didn't want to say it to myself, I knew that I was gay, and that was what gay men did.

But did that mean that my dad was gay?

It didn't make any sense.

I wanted to ask him, but I didn't know how.

It was about another week before he came into my room again, pulling back the covers and laying down next to me. He could see that I was still awake, and pulled me against his body, pressing my face against his chest with one hand firmly on the back of my head. It was warm and soft and hairy, and I could smell the scent of him. He smelled wonderful; manly. Moving my head, he positioned my mouth over his right nipple.

"Suck it. Lick it. Nibble lightly on it with your teeth."

It was incredible, the shape of his nipple as I ran my tongue over it, the feel of the coarse chest hairs that surrounded it. He pushed my hand down onto his cock and grabbed my crotch, massaging my still limp dick though the fabric. It still amazed me how thick his cock was, and fit wasn't even hard yet, though I could feel it growing in my hand. I loved the shape of it, the way it felt in my fingers.

With a gentle push, he buried my face into his armpit, and I moaned in delight as I caught a good whiff of it; dark, musky, manly, both a little fresh and a little sour. I stuck out my tongue to taste him, my hips squirming as he stroked me and I licked the thick patch of hair under his arm.

I knew how it was going to end, but when he started pushing down my underwear, I hurriedly pulled them off, my tongue still busy licking the bulge of his bicep. Then he started pushing me down, my tongue trailing over his chest to his abdomen, stopping only a moment so I could lick at his navel before he pushed my face into the incredibly thick bush of pubic hair just above his cock. The aroma was incredible, and I nuzzled my nose deep into his crotch.

"Suck me, boy. Suck my cock."

Just like in the pictures.

I was a little tentative, but I knew that I wanted to, and opened my mouth wide to take in its head, sucking on it like a baby on a bottle.

"Yeah. Use your tongue. Lick while you suck."

He pushed my head down further onto it and I almost choked, then he pulled me up and pushed me down again. Up and down. Up and down.

"Just like that, boy. And keep licking."

He tried to push me down further, but I could only get about a third of his cock into my mouth before I started to gag. Then all at once he grabbed my arm and threw me onto my back, his arm sweeping my legs into the air as he rolled onto his knees. Pushing my knees almost to my chest, he rammed his cock up inside of me, causing me to shout. Not seeming to care, he started fucking me, his eyes fixed on is cock as it plunged in and out of my hole. I grimaced and whimpered, but to my amazement, the initial shot of pain faded quickly into a dull ache, and I felt as though I was going to cum.

It was amazing, watching him, his lips drawn and his forehead creased in concentration as he pounded his cock into my hole, the muscles of his arms and chest and abdomen bunching and flexing. I had never realized how incredibly handsome he was before, and he suddenly became the epitome of masculinity to me.

I was gasping for breath as his breathing got deeper and deeper, his groans starting out as a low rumble as he slammed his cock in harder and faster. It really hurt, but at that moment I didn't care. Watching him fuck me was better than any pictures in a magazine.

Then suddenly he slowed down.

"Jack off."

It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me, then I snaked my hand down to my crotch to stroke myself. My cock had gone limp, and it took a little bit, but it slowly hardened in my hand as his picked up his rhythm again.

Oh my god, it felt wonderful, and in just a few moments I was already shooting a load, my asshole clenching around his cock as my cum erupted to splatter on my chin and my chest and my stomach and my arms.


He pushed himself in deep, his expression one of both pain and ecstasy as his cock emptied inside of me, his chest muscles heaving as he gasped for breath. Opening his eyes, he looked down at me, a slight smile crossing his lips. Then with a grunt and a grimace, he pulled himself out and rolled off the bed, snatching up his robe and wrapping it around him.

I was too weak to move, still breathing hard as my mind swirled and my whole body tingled. My insides still hurt, and my asshole was on fire, but my orgasm had been the most incredible one yet, and I knew that I wanted to feel that again.

I could feel my cum starting to trickle from my stomach down my side, so I slid out of bed, grabbing my t-shirt to wipe myself off, his cum already starting to leak down between my legs. I was sure that my asshole was still gaping from his massive cock, so I clenched it shut and hurried to the bathroom, falling face first into my bed and immediately into a deep sleep.

I was part of the sophomore class when school started a few days later. It wasn't that I didn't like school, I just wasn't very good at it. Math was easy, and I always got A's, and I really liked science, because it was interesting, but it was hard to remember all the facts and details, and I only ever managed to get a B. As for the rest of my classes, I was lucky if I got C's and D's. The thing I was most nervous about, though, was having to shower after gym class. It wasn't that it was the first time, we had all been showering together since the seventh grade, but for some reason I was afraid the other boys would look at my ass and somehow know that I had been fucked, and I was afraid that if I looked at their cocks, I might get a hard on.

I didn't have any classes with my friend Collin that year, which made school even more boring, and I didn't really have any other friends, but we'd hook up over lunch hour and sneak off the campus so Collin could smoke a cigarette.

My dad came into my room again only a few days after school had started. It had been a rough Friday at school, and when I came home I had to help my dad load up his truck for a job, then unload it again later after he got back. I was lying on my stomach and fast asleep when dad pulled off the covers and yanked off my underwear. I tried to roll over, but he pushed me down flat, then pushed my legs apart and laid down on top of me, his fingers brushing my asshole as he lined up his cock to push it in. I whimpered with the initial thrust, but I knew that I was going to get fucked no matter what, and it was easier if I just let him. Maybe that was why it didn't hurt hardly at all, and after a few moments it actually started to feel really good.

Maybe I kind of did like this.

"God, you are such a good fuck, boy."

I couldn't move, and he just kept pounding away, his cock massaging my insides as it slid in and out and in and out. It felt so good I started moaning, and I wanted to grab my cock and jack off so bad. But I loved his weight on me. I loved his warmth and his smell, and the feel of his chest hairs as they rubbed against my back, his thighs pressing down against mine, my feet trapped beneath his ankles and his chin planted against my temple.

And his cock. Oh god, his cock felt so good inside my hole.

He grunted and thrust and grunted again, his cock swelling and throbbing as it emptied its load. Collapsing on top of me, he held me pinned for several moments before slipping out of me and pushing himself off the bed. He was barely out of the door before I rolled onto my back and started jacking myself off, not caring that his cum was leaking from my ass and onto the bedsheets.

I woke up a lot earlier than usual the next morning, pulling on my boxers and hurrying to the bathroom to take a shower. My mom and dad were already up, and I could hear them talking in the kitchen just down the hall. I was just swinging the door shut when I heard my mom ask, "Well, did you and Elias enjoy yourselves last night?"

I stopped, shocked, afraid that she knew that my dad had fucked me.

My dad chuckled. "Well, I don't know about him, but I certainly enjoyed it."

"Well, I'm glad you're finally fucking him."

"You know I had to wait until he was old enough. I am glad that he turned out to be a fag, though. It's sure going make things a lot easier."

I stood in the open door with my chin dropped to my chest.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy. You know I never wanted him in the first place."

"I know, dear. And you know how grateful I am."

"Hmmm. Well, you can do whatever you want with him, as long as you keep your promise to me."

"Oh, my love, I have every intention to. Now, what would you like for your breakfast?"

"Oh, just and English muffin. And some orange slices, if you wouldn't mind."

I just stood there, staring, my jaw dropped to my chest. My mom wanted my dad and me to have sex? I couldn't...I...I...I didn't know what to think.

I didn't remember taking a shower, and I barely remembered getting dressed. How was I going to walk into the kitchen and have breakfast with them? What were they going to say?

I was so nervous, I decided to stay in my room until they both left, but then my dad called to me down the hallway.

"I've got pancakes on!"

"Uh, okay!" I shouted back.

I tried to pretend I hadn't heard them when I walked in. My mom glanced up at me, but went right back to her computer, and dad was at the counter flipping the pancakes. He set my plate in front of me, and we started to eat.

"You have housework today."

"I know," I mumbled. I always had housework on Saturday.

"Well, do it first, then you can go out and play. But don't go anywhere. I need your help later."


"And clean your room."

Nothing else was said, and they went about their morning as though nothing different than normal had happened. I finished my plate and went to start my chores, stripping the beds and remaking them, then doing the dishes and wiping down the kitchen. Next were the bathrooms, then I had to sweep and vacuum all the rooms, and finish by dusting, being careful not to disturb anything in my parent's bedroom or my mom's office/private sitting room. It was almost ten thirty by the time I started on my own room, and I was still working on it when I heard my dad come in through the door from the garage. He made us lunch, and then I had to help him load plywood into his truck before I could go anywhere.

"Home at four."

I biked around town, but Collin wasn't home, and I couldn't find him anywhere, so after a while I just went back home to finish cleaning my room. My mom's car was gone, so I knew she wasn't there, and it was just after four when my dad came back. He grilled some chicken for supper, and we watched a movie, and that was pretty much my whole day. It wasn't until I got in bed that I started thinking about my parent's conversation. I hadn't wanted to think about it, but now I couldn't stop.

Mom said that dad could do whatevere he wanted with me, that she hadn't wanted me in the first place. I was kind of sad and kind of mad, but I guess I had already kind of known that, even though I didn't want to admit it. All my life, my mom had hardly paid any attention to me, and I had often wondered if she even knew that I was there.

I wanted to forget about it, to think about something else, so I fondled myself for a little bit, but I couldn't get hard, and eventually I just fell asleep.

My dad came into my room again that very next night, pushing me over as he sat with his back to the headboard. Laying on my side, I just looked up at him until he pulled me against him, guiding my mouth onto his nipple like had before. I didn't need to be told what to do, and started licking and sucking as my hand slid down to wrap itself around his cock. Holding my head against his chest with his left hand, he trailed his right hand down my back and started caressing my asshole with his finger. I moaned a little bit, my hips starting to squirm as I rubbed my hardening cock onto his hair covered thigh. I stroked his shaft, and then felt his balls as I craned my neck to lick up into his armpit, his finger starting to probe its way up into my asshole. He smelled clean and fresh, and I knew that he had showered. He let me lick his armpit for a little bit, then pushed me down until I was kneeling between his legs. Grabbing his cock, he pressed it against his abdomen.

"Lick my balls, boy. Give them a good bath with your tongue."

I buried my nose into his crotch, inhaling his deep, manly aroma. Sticking out my tongue, I started to lick at his sac. His balls were huge compared to any I had seen in the magazine. His sac had to be three times the size of mine, and it was soft and warm on my tongue, his balls rolling about as I licked at them. His sac was hairy, too, both rough and incredibly smooth at the same time. I licked across the top, and licked the side, then tried to lick underneath, finally using my nose to lift them so I could lick the bottom of his sac. I didn't know if I was doing it very well, but when I glanced up at him, his head was back and his eyes were half closed, and he was humming contentedly under his breath.

My own cock was rock hard between my legs, and I reached down to stroke it.

"No. Don't touch yourself. Not yet."

I pulled my hand away, and he pushed his cock up and out, filling my vision with his huge shaft, rippling with cords and veins.

"Now suck me. Run your tongue up my shaft and wrap your mouth around my cock."

I did as I was told, licking the head of his cock as I wrapped my lips around it. I sucked on his head a few moments, then he pushed me down onto him, his cock filling my mouth and poking into the back of my throat. I started to gag and pulled up, but he pushed me back down again. I struggled to pull up, but he held me there, then eased the pressure so I could back off a little, only to push me down again. I was gasping for breath through my nose as he worked me up and down, only a third of his cock able to fit down my throat.

At last he took his hand away, and just let me suck, tears leaking from my eyes and drool running down his shaft. I backed all the way off so I could swallow my spit, but he pushed me back down onto him, his hand resting lightly on my head as went back to sucking.

"Yeah. Nice and wet."

Hooking his hand in my armpit, he pulled me up to him, positioning me so I was straddling his waist. Grabbing his cock, he rubbed it against my asshole, then pushed me down on top of it, his cock spreading me wide as it entered.

"Ungh!" There was a slight moment of pain, but it quickly faded as I slid further and further onto his cock, causing me to moan blissfully as it filled me completely.

"Yeah. Now ride that cock, boy."

I almost couldn't believe that I could take his whole cock inside of me, that it could feel so wonderful as I pushed myself up and down on it. It hurt a bit, but the fact that I was in controlled helped, and it wasn't long before I was slamming myself down hard onto his cock, wishing that I could take in just a little bit more.

"Now stroke yourself."

My cock had gone limp, but hit hardened quickly in my hand, and before I knew it, I was cumming, my asshole squeezing tight around his cock as I shot all over his chest. I stopped moving up and down on him, but he grabbed my hips and kept thrusting himself deep inside, letting out a long groan as he filled my asshole with his cum.

Both of us panting and heaving, he rolled me onto my side on the bed, his cock slipping from my hole, then rolled off the bed himself.

"That was a good fuck."

All I could do was smile as he pulled on his robe and left.

Next: Chapter 3

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