Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Jul 20, 2023


Hey guys, Just wanted to say thanks for all of your support with the story, I love hearing from all of you! Please feel free to message me and let me know what you think of the stories.

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Love, Jake.

Twins chapter 8

The first part of the next week was fairly lowkey, I just blew the twins a few times, nothing too exciting. Thursday during school though things got interesting. Early in the day My chemistry teacher asked me to help a class full of freshmen study for a test, so I complied since it was just a study hall period for me.

You'll never guess who just happened to be in that chemistry class. Thank the gods, Chelsea, the girl Matt was lusting after. I took my chance, and while helping her with some equations, I gently said "Hey I have a friend who thinks you're really cute." After telling her who, she told me he looks like a douche, to which I thought "Of course he is." But I told he that he was a super cool guy and she should at least let him hangout with her at the football game Friday night. She thanked me for the chemistry help and agreed to a few minutes at the football game.

SCORE! Brownie points for this faggot.

Later in the day, Tristan texted me and asked me to the same game, I told him I would be there with a few friends and to meet me there. He said yes, of course.

The last thing to happen on Thursday, Zach, the guy I blew twice, bumped into me in a hallway and said "I saw you and your boyfriend at the movies."

"Okay?" I said. Not sure where he was going.

"You still being a stuck-up bitch or you going to let me up in your cunt?"

Holy shit. No.

I politely said. "Zach, I told you no."

"Fine but watch your back queer." He said as he pushed past me.

What a weirdo, just take the no, I thought.

When I got home from school, I ran down to the twins' house. Hearing a distant "Come in" I entered. Going down to their bedroom, I found Steven playing video games.

"Yo dude what's up? He asked.

"Where's Matt? I got good news." I said.

"Oh sure, you only want him." He said flatly. "Basement." He finished, clearly enthralled with his game.

Walking down into the basement, I found Matt at his workout machine. Wearing just some gym shorts and shoes, he said "sup fag?"

Trying to be coy, I looked at the ground and moved my foot back and forth. "I got a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah?" He said.

"You remember that girl Chelsea you told me about?"


"Well I saw her at school today and she agreed to hangout with you at the game tomorrow, if you want." I told him.

"No fucking way. Are you serious right now?" he said, lighting up.e sahe

"Yeah." I said.

"Oh my god, you're the best little faggot you know that!" He said running up to me and picking me up in a big hug, lifting me off the ground. After he spun me in a circle, he set me back down on my feet. I obviously was blushing wildly.

He ran up the stairs, and I heard him yelling to Steven "Yo this lil faggot got me a date with Chelsea! I told you I was going to get that pussy!"

I chuckled a little hearing that and went back upstairs. Once back into their room I listened awkwardly as they described all the stuff they would do to her, including a n "Eifell tower."

"What's that?" I asked.

Steven laughed and the said" When two dudes fuck a bitch and high five while doing it."

"Oh." I said awkwardly. Then my faggy lil brain blurted out "You wanna practice on me?"

Matt shrugged "I could go for dumping a load."

Steven said" Let me finish this match."

So, Matt laid down on his bed, and put his hands behind his head. Trying to be sexy, I bent down and pulled his shorts down with my teeth. He just laughed at me.

Taking his rock-hard cock in my mouth, I swished my tongue around his head and then slide my tongue down the bottom of his dick till the head was in my throat and I started to lick his nuts. He let out a moan and held my head in place there.

Taking his dick out of my mouth, he kneeled up on the bed, and flipped me onto my back. Sliding his cock down my throat, he started to face fuck me. The slobber started to flow freely from my mouth as I gagged, slowly starting to cover my face.

"Yeah you fucking slut." Matt said, making that gross loogey noise, he spat a huge loogey onto my chest.

That's when I felt my legs being pulled up. Finally, Steven joined the party. Matt took his dick out of my mouth, and then I felt Steven hand wipe a huge glob of my slobber from my face. I still couldn't open my eyes because they were covered in the slobber.

Steven took the slobber and spread it on my hole. He slowly slid into me, and I moaned, loud. I could feel matt pull up on my legs to hold them up in the air for his brother, and he put his dick back into my throat.

"Eh em." Matt said. "Someone needs to shave his legs."

I tried to say sorry, but it was hard while being throat fucked.

Steven started to jack rabbit into me, and so did Matt. Then the verbal assault ensued. This time it wasn't just Matt either. Steven joined in too. Both of them called me all sorts of names: fag, slut, pig, whore, and plenty more.

They played off each other telling me I was their bitch. Then Steven spat a HUGE loogey onto me, and a split second later, I felt him unloading into my hole. I could feel his dick contracting and dumping into me.

"Did you just nut?" Matt said. To which Steven said "Yeah." In a tired after sex voice. A few more pumps from Matt, and he dumped his load down my throat as well.

I just laid there covered in slobber, spit, and cum leaking out of my holes.

Steven bent down and wiped my eyes free and said, "Let's go shower."

We all three got into the shower and cleaned off. Then Steven gently shaved my legs before we got out of the shower.

The next day, I went through the normal school day. After school I got a ride to the game with Matt, who said Steven wasn't coming. Before going to the game though, he gave me a jock to wear, and gave me a second smaller one. "What's this one for?" I asked. "Oh I got it for your boyfriend for you."

"Oh, uh thanks. He's not my boyfriend though."

"yeah yeah." He said waving a hand. I put on my jock before leaving for the game.

When we got to the game, I met up with a few of my friends and brought Matt over to Chelsea. She looked unimpressed, but as I walked away, I heard her laughing, which is always a good sign.

Finding Tristan shortly after, I went and sat with him to watch the game. I gave him the undies saying I wanted to return the gift. Around halftime he said he had to go say hi to friends, and I went to do the same. When I found my friends, I found Steven with them.

"Oh hey dude, I decided to come." He said.


"Hey dude." I said.

"Wheres my bro? I wanna go interrupt his date."

I pointed to where Matt and Chelsea sat, thankfully both smiling.

When I went back to where me and Tristan sat, I found him waiting for me, a huge smile on his face. When I got up to him, he lifted his shirt a bit revealing the jockstrap. As he did I got a peak at his tight little twink body and got a boner.

Me a Tristan sat and talked watching the game. He was surprisingly cool, we both had the same taste in music and movies.

When the game finally ended, sadly our team lost, Tristan pulled me out behind the bleachers and started to kiss me.

I joined in and when I tell you I lost track of time, I mean it. We sat there making out for a while, until I heard the one voice I didn't want to hear.

"I told you guys, the fags would be here."

Looking up I saw Zach with three other footballs players.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I told you what I want." He said.

"And I said no." I said.

"Get em." Zach said, and his buddies started walking closer to us.

"Run!" I said to Tristan, and we both started to run away. We didn't get far. I heard them grab Tristan right after we started to run, Then I felt a body hit me from behind, and fell into the grass.

I heard Zach say, "Bring his boyfriend over here." And next thing I know I'm staring at Tristan's scared face next to mine in the grass."

I could feel my shorts being pulled off, and heard one of the football players say, "Look they are both ready for us."

I tried to get up, and a foot landed on my back. I could see another foot keeping Tristan on the ground.

Zach bent down so I could see him next to Tristan. "You know what? I think I'll take him instead." He said, looking at Tristan.

"NO!" I screamed.

Tristan was sobbing and begging "no." over and over. I watched as Zach unzipped his pants and get behind Tristan. At the same time, I felt one of the other guys get behind me. The other two were holding me and Tristan down respectively.

I'll never forget the look Tristan made when Zach penetrated him. Pain mixed with terror. He just laid there and took what Zach gave him, bawling his eyes out.

As I got entered I pretended I wasn't even there. Just closed my eyes and tried to pretend it was just Matt. I couldn't look at Tristan's face anymore it was too unbearable.

After Zach and my rapist both unloaded into me and Tristan, the next two took their place. By now I had completely left my body in my mind and I think I just passed out in the moment not able to process what was happening.

When I finally came too, it was too the only two voices I wanted to see.

I looked up, and both Matt and Steven were above me, they had rolled me over, and Tristan still lay next to me, softly crying.

"What happened?" Matt asked, face full of concern.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 9

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