Becoming Whole

By moc.liamtoh@MDJeM

Published on Jul 12, 2000


Send all suggestions, comments, critiques, and flames to Nothing is set in stone until written so please send your ideas. BTW, this is fiction and so on and so on. Any celebrities and such may or may not be gay. I don't know. Do not take any of this as fact. You should know by now.

Well I know this one is shorter than the other one but my brain became fried and nothing wanted to come out right. So this is what I was able to write. Next one is going to have more romance and just plain more. Well have fun reading and send me your thoughts via e-mail.


Previously from CHAPTER ONE

"Oh all right." I stopped tickling him and just lay there on top of him.

After a moment he disturbed the silent. "What do you want to do now?" He chuckled a little with his eyebrows raised.

"Hmmm. Good question." I grinding my hips into his a bit. "I was thinking..."

"Yes?" He looked surprised because usually parry his remarks with comebacks. I think he REALLY wanted to do something, judging by the pressure from below his waist onto me.

"A nice round of," my face was now a few inches from his face, "SORRY." I gave him a quick kiss and jumped from the couch and ran into the dining room. I snickered as I actually went and got the sorry game and brought it back with me into the living room. Mark was still stunned. I brought the game over and put it in his lap. "You going to play?"

"You were serious?" Mark was now more perplexed than before.

"Would I not be?" I gave him my best innocent look I possessed.

"You are psycho."

"Just copying you."


Although Mark wanted to play strip Sorry, which I do not have a clue how that would work, especially since we both only had boxers on, I opted to play regular Sorry. We chatted about meeting the guys. He still thought Nick was the cutest, but argued that Kevin possess far more beauty than Nick. I, however, had an advantage since I actually met Kevin. But we both agreed the second cutest was definitely AJ. The night was broken by dawn, as rays of light splintered their way through the kitchen blinds, to which was barely in our view.

Neither of us could go to sleep after the game of Sorry so we both just stayed up with the TV playing cartoons we barely watched during our conversation. Nothing was safe from our talk. Mark was just the little sex hound, as almost all he talked had to do with sex. Not that I did not bring it up at all, but he just seemed to have derailed somewhere from the one track and could not move to another topic. Soon enough, it was 9, and Mark needed to go to work.

"Well buddy, I've got to get ready. You get some more rest before the concert, all right." Mark made it more of a command than a request.

"Yes, master." I slurred speak and stood up, hunching.

"Master, hmmm. I could get used to that." Mike smiled at the thought. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Don't stick your tongue out unless you plan on using it." I raised my eyebrow and started walking towards him. "Oh, I've had enough of your teasing for one day." He laughed and went into the bathroom. The day carried on and Mark went to work. I had never changed my clothing so much in my life, ever. By the time I had gotten ready for the concert, Mark had come home was ready to go.

"Do I look all right?" I said look at my clothing, making sure I looked everything was fine.

"Yes, you look gorgeous sis." My hand met the back of the head, as did my other hand and his stomach.

"Bitch. Okay let's go.

To start, I had never felt so tall in my life. Except for the parents, I was pretty much taller than the rest of the audience. Luckily I had backstage passes because I did not want to deal with the screams of the prepubescent. When we were allowed backstage, we got to see the Backstreet Boys from the best seats there. The show was so amazing. I couldn't help but stare at Kevin's ass when I got the chance. His body is just so, anyhow. After the show, we were told to wait in this room. The walls were painted green and the furniture was brown. We stepped in and walked on a rug that had a picture with a bunch of leaves on it. How nice, such an earthy feel. I walked over to the couch and sat down gently as to not wrinkle my clothes. Mark, on the other hand, just plopped down next me and took up as much room as possible. I looked at him odd then realized I was taking this way too seriously. So I a deep breath, than quickly hoped up and laid down on the couch, my ass on Marks lap.

"Ahh, so comfy."

"Well you don't have the big ass on your lap."

"I do not have a big ass."

"Yes you do fatty." I swatted his arm. "Oh the abuse."

Just then, the Backstreet Boys came in. My mind reeled, as I did not think the scene looked right. I quickly sat up and laughed. My face was never so red.

Kevin smirked and then introduced the guys. "The tomato is Joe and bug eyes is Mark I believe." The guys said hello and sat down. Brian and Nick sat on the couch on the other end of the room. Howie plopped on the chair next to Nick. Kevin sat on the chair next to me. AJ, on the other hand, just sat down on the floor in front of Mark and me.

"So what were YOU all doing?" AJ looked at us as if he was in junior high, ready for the gossip.

"We were doing nothing little one." I looked him and tried to be as adult like as I could.

"Kevin, he's making fun of me. Beat him up." AJ sniffled, while smiling.

Kevin lightly tapped my arm. "All right, you have been avenged."

"Anyhow, so how are you doing Joe? You feeling all right?" Kevin decided to start again with the pleasantries.

"I am doing quite fine. My ribs still hurt sometimes and I get a little dizzy sometimes, nothing big." Mark immediately coughed a liar, and Kevin caught it.

"Mark, is he not telling me something?" Kevin raised his eyebrow at me.

"Well, actually he fai..." I put my hand over Marks mouth.

"I very much got lots of rest." I mentally kicked myself for the stupidest thing I had ever said. And I could tell no one bought it and everyone gave me a, so what really happened look. "Fine, I had a small blackout. Nothing big. Probably just a lack of food." Again Mark coughed. I was going to have to get him some halls, or my foot.

"Oh my gosh. You should go to the doctor again." Kevin immediately went into father mode.

"No no no. There is no way I am going. Uh huh." The rest of the guys now looked at me like nuts. "Oh, um, I don't like doctors." That didn't help the stares any. "Anywho, how are you all doing?" I got a response of tired.

"Then you all should get some sleep, there is no point in staying here talking to me." I was going to stand up when the door opened up.

"Hey you guys, you in..." Joshua Chasez came into the room and paused. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you had people here." He started to turn but then was stopped by Howie's voice.

"Oh no come back in. This here is gimpy." He pointed to me and I gave him a bewildered look. Wow, how many people knew Kevin hit me with his car? I looked over to Joshua and froze. I was completely capture by his eyes.

"Oh hey Joe. I'm JC." He put out his hand. I smiled.

"Heylo." I shook and his hand and did a little dance in my head. His handshake was so warm and strong. He smiled back. I release his hand and he sat on the only place left besides the floor, right next to Mark. I would have told him that it was a bad idea but oh well. Mark was still gawking, a face I have never really seen before. I could help but laugh. "Mark, at least close your mouth. Drooling is not polite." His head whipped around in a fashion that I swore he was almost mad. Almost. His arm flew with is head and lightly smack my stomach.

"Shut yer hole." Mark flushed with embarrassment.

"But that's not what you wanted me to do last night." His mouth dropped. I gave my innocent look. Revenge is sweet. Well at least I knew where to blood was in his body. You know a tomato would have been jealous of Mark's coloring.

"Okay okay, before Mark kills Joe, change of subject." All the guys were still snickering a bit. A conversation erupted as we discussed some politics and stuff. We eventually arrived on getting everyone to talk about himself. I had to explain myself first since I paid for the bill in cash.

"Well, my parents didn't take my coming out very well. They didn't kick me out. I actually had my own apartment. But they became so cold. So I packed up my stuff and put everything I wanted to keep in my truck and drove off. While driving around I bought a lottery ticket and actually won. The jackpot was like 5 million. I opted for the lump sum and invested half of it wisely in the stock market. I put a quarter of it in a CD and the rest in a checking account. After that I bought a better car and drove more. And that's how I ended up in Phelan. There is where I met Mark. I met him after he..."

Mark cut me off with his hand over my mouth. "Say it and die!"

I laughed and continued. "After that...incident... we got together for about a month or so, then called it quits. But we're staying good friends. I live in his house right now but I am planning on driving off soon to god knows where. I just want to explore everywhere. Besides my label signing me want me to go to Florida for promotion and such."

"Well, a fellow artist I see. Who's your record company?" Nick really didn't talk much before so I was a little surprised he was the one to ask.

"Same as yours."

"That's great. You are going to love Florida. Sand, skin, and music. What else do you need?" Nick was just beaming thinking of Florida. I guess he's not a snow person.

"Actually I am a winter person. I love the snow."

"Eh, I hate the cold. Oh well, you'll still love the skin and music."

"True." The talking raged on for another hour until the boys had to leave. I shook each of their hands as they were leaving. Kevin and JC stayed behind to talk to Mark and me.

"Well it was great talk to you again Joe. Um," Kevin patted his pockets looking for something. He pulled a piece of paper and scribbled on it. "Here is my address there and phone number. Keep in touch all right. We'll probably see more of each other since we have the same label."

"All right. Have a good night Kevin."

"Night Joe, Mark." I watched Kevin leave and I turned back to JC. He didn't look real anxious to go.

"So what do you all want to do now?" JC looked at us both, waiting.

"You aren't going to leave with them?" I said pointing in the direction the boys went.

"Nah, they have to go and sleep and stuff. You all wanna go catch a movie or something." I was actually pondering saying 'no' just to see Marks face but he answered first.

"Sure we'd love to."

"Cool. Let me just grab my stuff and we'll go. Stay here, okay."

"Okay." Mark answered, practically swooning over JC.

"Dork." Mark didn't even hear me while I laughed.

Send all comments to Thanks and sorry again for the shortness of this Chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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