Before the Storm

By moc.loa@0030gnikG

Published on Mar 8, 2001


I've got the next Before the Storm out (obviously), this'll be the fifth one now. . If you want me to e-mail you when I update, tell me and I'll be happy to send you a reminder. Thanks for reading.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me comments and suggestions. I'm happy to write back to you and I'll take all comments and criticisms into account. Read my other stories if you have the time; The Day Before Tommorow, At the Beginning with You, Rain, and Still Every Time.

Hope ya'll like it, and I'll be writing more ASAP, I promise. Love ya'll!

Disclaimer: this is a complete work of fiction, this is not a representation of the actual sexual orientation of any of the backstreet boys. Meaning, in your dreams. . . maybe.

Before the Storm (5)

Kevin sat on the bed reading, his glasses pushed down to the end of his nose. His dark brown hair lay matted to his forehead and his eyes were a dim green. As he turned a page, his eyes wandered to looked up at the blond sitting at the edge of the bed. He was beautiful, his short hair hung perfectly, gracing his face. His wide shoulders tapered to a small waist and his skin was a flawless cream.

"Nick, talk to me," Kevin said setting the book down on the nightstand. "If we're going to make this work, you need to talk."

Nick turned around and stretched out on the bed. "You know what's on my mind Kevin, you know it's all out in the open now, I just need to talk to you about it."

Kevin nodded and gently smoothed Nick's hair. "I'm listening."

"Kevin, I love you more than anything. You're gorgeous, you're intelligent, you care for me, you say the right things, you know my ups, and you know my downs. But you know how I've felt for Brian, you know how long I've loved him too," Nick said, his eyes fixed on the patterened comforter. "I don't want to leave you Kevin, but I want to be with Brian so badly it hurts all the time."

Kevin clenched the corner of the sheets with his hand, watching Nick lying on the bed. Kevin licked his dry lips and cleared his throat. "If that's what you want Nick, I can't stop you. I'm not going to stand in your way, and we'll never really be happy if you love someone else."

Kevin wiped a tear from his eye before it fell. "You can leave me Nick, without any guilt. I'm happy if you are."

Nick looked up at Kevin, his eyes shining with his unshed tears. "You don't mean that Kevin, I know you don't. If we're apart, you'll be a wreck, and so will I. We both know that." Nick took Kevin's hand in his. "It's not that I don't love you Kevin, because that's not true. It's that my heart is in two places. I don't know where to go, I don't know what to do or how to choose."

Kevin turned away from Nick as tears fell from his eyes, running down his cheeks. "Leave Nick, I mean it. Leave now while I'll let you, while you can."

"Goddamnit Kevin, stop looking away. You don't always have to be strong, you don't always have to pretend everything's alright."

Kevin bent down and put his hands over his face. "Leave Nick, I'm telling you."

"Kevin, fucking look at me goddamnit," Nick said calmly.

Kevin slowly brought his hands down from his face and turned around to face Nick. Nick looked at the tearstreaked face, the wild brown hair and emerald eyes. "Kevin, I can't help it. I'm falling in love with you all over again."

"No you're not Nick, it's just pity. Don't feel sorry for me. We'll all be happy if you just go to Brian, go to him now."

Nick moved slowly to Kevin and kissed him, spreading his mouth wide with his lips. Thrusting his tounge inside Kevin's mouth, Nick pushed him down to the bed. Staring down into Kevin's beautiful face, Nick placed his hands on either side of Kevin's head. "I don't know what it is Kevin, but I feel something when I'm around you. Whether we're together until tommorow, or until the day I die, I want this now."

Kevin felt Nick pressing down into him and his mind spun. Nick's slender body gyrated erotically on top of him sending pleasure spasming down his spine. Closing his eyes, he felt Nick's lips press against his again, a warm flood of sweet saliva entered his mouth. Kevin placed his hands on Nick's back and pushed up his shirt, feeling the warm skin underneath his fingertips. Tracing figure eights on Nick's back, Kevin pushed up to meet Nick's thrusts, pressing their hardness together.

Nick groaned at the pressure and his tounge danced fervently in Kevin's mouth. "I love you Kevin Richardson, and I'm not letting anything get inbetween that." Kevin clenched his fists as he heard the words, the words his mind needed to hear, the words he craved. Nick fumbled with the buckle on Kevin's pants, quickly pulling the belt from the loops, he unzipped Kevin's pants quickly. Kevin pushed up off the bed as Nick pulled the pants from him, throwing them to the floor. Nick pressed his face against the front of Kevin's boxers, feeling the warm pulsating sensation of Kevin's hardened cock. Kevin let out his breath in a hiss as Nick blew his warm breath gently through the thin material driving Kevin insane. Looking up, Nick saw the pained expression on Kevin's face. Quickly, he ripped off Kevin's boxers and shoved his face all the way down on Kevin's erection.

Kevin's brain registered the warm wet feeling immediately, his fogged brain immediately went into overdrive as Nick ran his tounge around the shaft. Kevin clenched his teeth as Nick placed a hand on his chest, gently rubbing the sweat into Kevin's hard stomach, feeling the muscles tense beneath his fingertips. Kevin's breathing increased as Nick took Kevin all the way into his mouth. Kevin looked down, watching the way Nick's hair moved gently, falling in the way of his eyes.

Nick stood up and peeled his shirt off, wet and stained with sweat. Pushing his sweatpants and boxers down in one swift motion, he lay on the bed on his back, completely helpless. "Kevin, I want you to fuck me."

Kevin blinked twice as Nick repeated his command. "Fuck it all to hell Kevin, I need you inside me now, I need your body, I need your cock."

Kevin reached for the lube on the bedside table, but Nick smacked his hand away, his blue eyes danced icily. "No Kevin, I want you and just you."

Kevin looked at Nick's eyes with apprehension, but seeing the anger and pain that dwelled in the blond's mind, he moved over to Nick's back. Pressing his cock at Nick's entrance, he pressed slowly, feeling Nick's sphincter open to accept his head. Nick took in a quick breath and pressed back, sweat beading on his forehead. "God I love you Kevin, fuck me, make love to me."

Kevin sunk his hardened shaft all the way into Nick in one quick motion, driving the head deep into Nick's warm body. Nick winced at the quick intrusion, but as Kevin pulled out, the sensations of skin against his prostate sent Nick into heaven. "You are unbelievable Nick," Kevin hissed as he continued to drive forcefully into his lover. Nick pressed back against Kevin as he relaxed into the rhythm. Kevin placed his hands on Nick's shoulder, massaging the wet skin gently as he closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensations spreading quickly through his body. Feeling his pleasure building, Kevin pushed once more into Nick slowly. "I'm gonna cum Nick," he said urgently.

Nick pushed back hard as Kevin's pace sped up. "Fuck Nick, god you make me feel so good," he whispered urgently as he felt his orgasm begin. The pleasure washed through Kevin's mind and his fingers raked down Nick's back leaving ten deep red lines on his back. Nick felt Kevin's cum flood into his body and he writhed beneath his lover as he felt the warm sensations. Kevin collapsed on to Nick, his body completely exhausted. Pressing his nose into the back of Nick's hair, he inhaled the sweet scent of shampoo and the intoxicating smell of Nick's body. Sucking gently on the back of Nick's neck, Kevin rolled Nick's skin between his teeth, tasting the salt of the sweat.

Nick rolled over, and Kevin looked up into his eyes, seeing the desire and lust. Kevin forced himself down on Nick's six inches, feeling the head press hard against the back of his throat. Nick's hands traveled to Kevin's head, and he pressed down on every thrust. Green met blue as Nick released his sweet cum into Kevin's mouth, feeling the warmth of the liquid collecting in Kevin's mouth. Kevin quickly moved up on top of Nick, pressing him down into the bed. Nick opened his mouth and Kevin kissed him deeply. Nick smiled as some saliva spilled over the side of his mouth and sighed contentedly as Kevin bent down and licked it from his chin.

The weight of Kevin's body pressing down on him relaxed Nick, and he kissed Kevin again, savoring the sweet taste of his lover's mouth and the faint salty taste of the cum. "You make me feel so good Kevin, I love you so much," Nick murmered into Kevin's neck, flicking out his tounge to gently massage the wet skin. Kevin gently rolled off Nick, turning on his side to look into Nick's eyes. Nick sighed and pressed his head into Kevin's chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath.

"I love you too Nick," Kevin said slowly as he felt sleep pull his eyelids down.

"Goodnight Blondie."

"Night Boo."

Kevin raised an eyebrow as he heard his old nickname. Smiling, he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend.

"Nick, you in there?" Brian asked after knocking softly at Nick's door. "I, I need to talk to you."

Brian heard sheets being pushed down and the soft tread of feet on the carpet. The door opened and Nick poked his head out into the hall. By the soft light, Brian saw the reddened eyes, bloodshot from the lack of sleep and the wet dark blond mess of Nick's hair. The blue eyes seemed dull and blank, their former sparkle tamed to a gleam. "Bri, what's up," Nick stated more than asked. "You need something?"

Brian shifted awkwardly. "No, I just wanted to talk to you," he said slowly, his eyes searching the patterned carpet. Looking back up past Nick, his eyes scanned the room. "Mind if I come in?"

Nick shook his head and walked quietly back to the bed, sitting down on the edge. "What do you need Brian?" Nick asked cheerfully, but the tone of his voice gave away his exhaustion.

Brian sat down next to Nick and wrapped his arm around him, pulling them close together. "I need to talk to you about everything that's happened in the last couple days," Brian started. Seeing the haunted look in Nick's eyes, he dropped his arm to the bed and absently traced patterns on the cover. "That is, if you feel comfortable talking about it right now. I don't want to push you, give the word and I'll leave."

Nick shrugged and got up from the bed. Pulling a sweatshirt from the floor underneath the bed, he pushed it over his head, wet spots appearing on the worn, wrinkled fabric from his damp hair. "I still have this sweatshirt Brian," Nick said quietly returning to his spot on the bed. "I sleep in it every night."

Brian nodded and continued to stare off into space. "Nick, I know you have Kevin, and I have Dawson," Brian said trailing off.

"But?" Nick asked plainly, his voice monotone, void of emotions.

Brian cleared his throat and crossed his ankles, rubbing his leg with his toes. "But I have to talk to you about that. Dawson is wonderful Nick, he's everything I could want in a man."

"But?" Nick asked again.

Brian sighed. "But he's not you."

Nick willed the tears away, but he felt the wetness collecting at the corners of his eyes. "I know Brian, I tried to make myself stay with Kevin. I love him, he's wonderful. He's everything I could want and more, but he's not you. God Brian, I feel this overwheling attraction to you and I can't explain it. Whenever I'm around you, I feel so alive, I feel so loved."

Brian pulled a kleenex from the stand next to the bed and gently bent in front of Nick. Reaching up, he wiped the tears from Nick's eyes and cheeks, feeling the blond's body tremble beneath his touch. "I love Kevin so much, why is this happening to me," Nick whispered as Brian stood up. "It's not fair; not fair for him, and not fair for me."

Taking Nick in his arms, Brian let him cry out the frustration on his shoulder, feeling the delicate friction of their bodies against one another. "It's okay Nick, everything's going to be fine," Brian murmered softly.

"No it's not," Nick managed to gasp out through his tears. "It's not Brian, you don't understand how much shit I've gone through, how much I've put Kevin through and how much more he's going to have to face."

Brian loosened his grasp from Nick, letting him sink to his knees in defeat. "I'm causing too much trouble here, I have to leave," Nick said quietly, his tears abruptly stopping. "I have to get out of here, I have to get out of here," he chanted like a mantra, his mind spinning, the world collapsing.

Brian bent down and hugged Nick to him. "No baby, you're not causing any trouble, and you're not leaving. I'm not letting you slip through my fingers one more time. I've let you get away so many times in the past, I can't let myself make that mistake again."

Nick looked up at Brian suddenly, his blue eyes wide. Brian's heart stopped as he looked lovingly down at Nick's face, the red, bloodshot eyes, the perfect nose and lips, the creamy white of the skin, the shining trail of tears down his cheeks. The next words caused Brian's heart to jump into his throat, and the adrenaline to cascade into his system. "Brian, will you be my boyfriend?"

Brian took Nick's hands in his lap, the real world seemed to melt away like a mirage. Time froze as Brian smiled and pulled Nick to his feet, their lips meeting in a kiss preserved forever. "Yes Nick, I'll be your boyfriend."

"Kevin, talk to me," Nick pleaded bringing his hand up to Kevin's face, forcing him to make eye contact. Kevin looked away again to the window, his jaw set and his eyes void of expression or emotions.

"There's nothing to talk about, Nick," Kevin said quietly turning out the bedside lamp, the room immediately plunged into darkness. Nick's eyes gradually became accustomed to the dim lighting, and he sighed, twisting his fingers uncomfortably in his lap, trying to pull Kevin's sillhouette out from the black of the shadow he was hidden in.

"Yes there is Kevin, there is something to talk about, you know it," Nick said, his voice strained with emotion, hoarse and quavering slightly. "I'm together with Brian."

Kevin seemed to wince slightly, but only a slight movement in his cheeks gave it away. A small sign, but one that Nick immediately picked up on. "God Kevin, I'm so sorry, I never saw this coming," he said taking on of Kevin's hands in his. Kevin felt Nick's hand take his, but his body was numb, his mind and heart in shock and greif, his motor control completely involuntary.

Like a sudden shock of realization, Kevin jerked his hand out of Nick's grasp, pulling his knees up to his chest, his eyes closed and hands clenched together. "Why, why me?"

A stab of pain flew through Nick's chest as he watched Kevin begin to cry. "God I'm so sorry Kevin, I never meant for this to happen, why do I cause everyone so much pain?"

Kevin shook his head and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "No Nick, this isn't your fault," Kevin said in barely a whisper. "I love you, remember that."

Nick tore his eyes away from Kevin, unable to wipe the pained look on his face, the betrayed haunting expression behind his handsome face, the gorgeous body wrapped tight to itself, hiding from the world.

Nick got up from the bed and almost ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.

Kevin bent his forehead down, his hands finding their way up to his head, curling and pulling his messy auburn locks. Finally, a dreamless sleep crept over Kevin Richardson's tortured body and mind. Falling asleep, a picture of Nick's face appeared from the unknown realm of his mind, the beautiful face and blond locks stayed burned into his memory for eternity as his heart tried to find refuge from the man who he loved, and could never again return the favor.

Nick crawled up from inbetween Brian's legs, wiping the back of his hand across his lips. His blond hair was matted down to his forehead, and beads of sweat stood out on his lean, muscular body from the glare of the harsh overhead lights. Brian's slightly muscled chest heaved slightly as his breathing began the decline from its orgasmic high. Clutching the wrinkled, sweaty bedsheets, Brian smiled and licked his dry lips as Nick's breathing also returned to normal. Collapsing onto his new lover, Nick's eyes closed slightly, trying to block out the morning light. "'morning babe."

Brian grinned and ruffled Nick's damp hair. "And what a way to wake up, damn, I could get used to this."

Nick giggled into Brian's chest and flicked his tounge out, tasting the hot, damp skin. Brian pulled Nick up his body and kissed his lips gently. Nick toyed with a lock of Brian's hair as his lips found Brian's neck, his tounge swirling around the smooth skin, tasting the faint salty lingering of the cum.

"I love the way you smell after sex," Nick said softly as Brian wrapped his arms around Nick's naked body, pulling them close together. Brian looked up at Nick skeptically raising one eyebrow.

Nick blushed slightly and kissed Brian's nose. "I dunno, you smell good, like a man."

Brian nodded and his hands wandered down to the small of Nick's back, feeling the moist skin and the slight bump of the spinal cord beneath the skin. "I love the way you smell all the time," Brian said smiling, pressing his nose into Nick's neck and inhaling. "Mmm, I can still smell the cologne from last night."

Nick squirmed and bit Brian's earlobe playfully. "And I still hurt from last night."

"Really? Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" Brian asked, concern showing through on his face as Nick's teeth found yet more expose skin to nibble.

"No babe, it's a good kind of hurt," Nick said softly running his hands along Brian's sides, feeling the warmth of his lover's body. Shifting, Nick felt Brian's growing hardon beneath his slim body. Gyrating down erotically, he closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. "You want a repeat performance?"

Brian breathed out quickly and pressed up against Nick, his body aching with desire. "You don't know what you do to me Nick, you have no idea."

Nick dug his arms into the bed, wrapping them snugly around Brian's neck, pulling his head up to join their lips in a sealed lock. Brian thrust his tounge into Nick's mouth, feeling the saliva run between them, and tasting the cum he deposited minutes earlier. Brian danced his index fingers along Nick's back making the blond shiver from the erotic touch. Brian slyly moved his lips to Nick's ear. "I want you to fuck me."

Nick looked at Brian and gave him a crooked smile. "Just tell me when."

Brian rollled over and smiled. "When."

TBC. . .

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