Begging for Blackmail

By The Guardian

Published on Jul 4, 2011



My new Sir has assigned me the task of writing a story for this site. He said I could write fiction or non fiction. I decided to write a fictitious story, which hopefully will reveal to Sir some of the darker desires lurking on my own shadow side. I have a deadline of three weeks... Or else it will be a punishment for me. I do like to be obedient so here is the story... On time. Maybe I'll get some pets and scratches for being early.

Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or events is coincidental.

If graphic sexual material offends you, please leave now.

Begging for Blackmail

It is hard to identify myself. I have a name and an address and all of that but it seems as though that person is no longer me. My real identity is now simply, "slave". The transformation was not gradual in the grand scheme of things. It was sudden but it seems from that moment on it has been a path of continually going deeper and deeper into the life of a true slave.

It all started a little more than two years ago, on a summer day in early July. The weather was hot. I live in a rural setting near Lake Geneva, Wisconsin with my wife. There is a big farm house and a barn and various sheds and work buildings on 12 isolated acres. Across the small 2 acre corn field lives my neighbor. They had not lived there very long. They built a nice log home and settled in about eight years ago. My wife and I had lived in our house for more than twenty years. When the neighbors appeared we welcomed them with all the usual good will that one hopes to find in a rural setting. They were about the same age as we were, upper forties. They had a son, Ken who was about 12 years old when they moved in. He was one of those real bright kids, kind of scary smart, if you know what I mean. We never had any kind of close social contact with these neighbors. Occasional dinners, barbecues and the casual wave hello from across the corn field. When the corn was high they were completely blocked from view.

My wife works a steady job at a big hotel in town and I work freelance on web design and graphic arts, mostly at home and on a sporadic basis. I kind of consider myself semi retired and so most of my time is dedicated to taking care of the chickens and gardens. There is always something to fix around this place so it is a good thing that I am handy.

Two years ago on that particular hot summer day in July found me in the workshop, which is out in one of the out buildings. The little farm had no occupants other than myself, the flock of 25 chickens and a couple of cats. Since the weather was so hot I did as usual and stepped out of my short pants. Underwear is a rare find under my pants and I enjoy being completely naked, including barefoot. A shirt on my body in the summer is also a rarity so it is easy to get completely naked quickly. I wasn't thinking much about anything when Ken walked into my shop. He startled the hell out of me. I had nothing at hand with which to cover myself. The short pants were hanging by the door behind Ken. He had a full frontal view of my completely nude body before my hands were cupped around my package to block the view.

"Oh, sorry." Said Ken as he just stood there looking calmly with a slightly amused expression.

I chuckled nervously and blurted out my explanation, "I often work here in the nude on hot days. It just makes no sense to wear clothes in this heat."

"I see." Ken replied with that unnerving calmness. He did not seem flustered or embarrassed at all. "Don't be nervous Mr. Melborn. I don't care if you're naked. Do as you like. I am studying to be a doctor, after all."

He smiled at me with a look that bore right into me. I felt completely intimidated. Ken was now 20 years old and in college. He was living at home. I never expected him to step into my workshop. We stood there for what seemed like a minute with Ken just looking at me with his disarming smile. I was sweating as much from nerves as the heat. My body was damp and I could feel the cooling air on my bare backside coming in from the open doors. The moment was getting awkward so I attempted to make a joke, "Good thing you didn't bring a camera or you could blackmail me."

Ken smiled but his eyes remained serious, "Riggggght. Anyway, the reason I'm here is to see if you had a set of jack stands Dad could borrow. I know you do a lot of car work..."

"Yes. Yes." I said, realizing that he was not moving. Waiting for me to have to make a move. I hoped that he would allow me the privilege to bring them over later but he kept standing there.

"Can I get them now?" Ken asked, knowing full well that he was putting me on the spot. Why didn't I just throw him out? And tell him that I would bring the stands at my convenience. I know now that it was due to my own deep desire to submit to this beautiful young, intelligent man. At the time however I was simply confused and caught off guard. I relished the secret thrill of feeling inferior and naked in front of a clothed person.

At last I simply walked over to the corner of the shop where I kept the jack stands. I picked them up and carried them over to Ken who stood there with that smirk on his intelligent face. The jack stands offered only a little eye shield protection until they were handed over to Ken. Then there was that brief moment of full exposure until my hands could again cover my cock and balls. Ken seemed to make a point of looking directly at my groin to get the view.

"Thanks, Mr. Melborn. I'll bring these back tomorrow, around noon. Looks like it will be another hot one. I suppose you'll be naked again. Will I find you here?"

"Yes." I said quickly but which question was I answering? That I would be here or that I'd be naked or both?

With that Ken departed. I watched him walk back from the shop window as he strolled along the edge of the corn field. He looked back once.

It was hard to concentrate after that encounter. Many thoughts. Many questions. It was lucky that he did not burst in while I was masturbating. I do sometimes like to jerk off out there in the work shop while alone. I felt like masturbating now. What was it about being naked in front of another person who had their clothes on? Why was I horny and thinking about what had just happened? Why did I plant the idea about the camera and the blackmail? That was stupid. And yet I knew perfectly well what I was saying. Secretly I wished he had taken pictures of me naked. My hand was slowly stroking my fattening cock. Ken was telling me to do it. He had the pictures. I really hoped he would come back. Yes, I will be there tomorrow. I will watch for him to approach. I will be completely naked again, with nothing to hide myself with. I hoped he would bring a camera. What a great fantasy! It was not long before my load of cum was dripping off my hard cock and into the waste basket.

Even after the orgasm it was hard to get the fantasy out of my mind. It burned deep inside me somewhere begging for another orgasm. The sex life with my wife was all but dead after twenty years. I love her very much. So much that my love for her transcends the merely physical. there is nothing I would not do for her and there is no way I would allow her to find out about my fantasies involving men. It is not hard for me to admit to being bisexual but I know it would freak out my wife. There is no romantic interest in me to have a love affair with a man- But sex! Sex is something else. The male body needs it. Mine does anyway. Have I stepped over a line with my fantasy involving Ken?

I lay in bed next to my wife that night with the questions and desires still spinning like a vortex in my head. At the bottom of the vortex was the dark center of my deepest desires. I know what they are and I was afraid of them. Is that why I am so excited. Was it wrong to let my shadow side play with Ken?

He will come back tomorrow. Will I keep my shorts on or take them off? Laying there in bed that night the answer seemed to remain out of reach.

My wife left for work after our quick goodbyes and I proceeded to take care of the chickens and the usual morning chores. All the while my mind kept oscillating between wearing the shorts and being naked. In the work shop the clock said 10:30 A.M. There was no point trying to do any work. All thoughts were on one thing. Look out the window! Will it be easy to see if he is coming? The short pants drop around my ankles. My hands shake as I pick them up and hang them by the door. I am pretending that I will wait and greet Ken naked when he arrives. I won't put the shorts on until the last possible second. I won't really let him see me naked again. The shorts can be seen from outside hanging by the door so if Ken does show up he will see them and know that I am inside, naked.

Of course there is no if. He will show up and this time I will let him have a real look. Will he take a picture? Perhaps. Probably not but it will really turn me on to play that he might. Once again I was rubbing my cock. It was wet with pre cum.

11:30, my guts were in knots. I should put my shorts on but I knew that my body would stay naked and wait for Ken. Oh, please show up! Even if all I get is the pleasure to once again be naked in front of that young force of a young man it will be enough to please me. I was so horny I couldn't think. Ten minutes to twelve. The corn was hardly moving in the calm, hot air. Large dark clouds floated silently on the horizon. The next ten minutes seemed like an hour. It was noon and then a minute past. Then two minutes. I began to think that I am being completely silly. For Heavens sake you're 52 years old! Put your pants on, idiot!

Ken steps out from around the edge of the corn field. He's coming! This is actually going to happen. For a moment I hesitate and think of quickly grabbing my shorts off the hook. He's looking at the doorway. He'll see the pants hanging there. It's too late. Suddenly I felt all calm. A sense of surrender to my desire fills me and I walk to the middle of the shop. I stand there with no protection, completely nude. My back is slightly to the door.

"Hello Mr. Melborn." The tone of Ken's voice sounds like the start of a race. I turn acting startled because for some reason I truly am startled. My hands remain at my side. I almost feel faint as I see the flash of his camera.

"Nice one!"

Again the camera flashes and I am caught in some kind of slow motion thought pattern. My mind runs like molasses. I look at my naked cock and it is fully erect. It is lit for a moment by Ken's flash.

"What? What are you doing?" I manage to squeeze out of my throat.

I don't cover myself but I turn my back to Ken and I see my silhouette flash on the wall as he takes a picture of my naked rear. With my hands now covering my cock and balls I turn back to face Ken and I state the obvious. "You're taking pictures of me in the nude!"

"It was your idea." Ken said as he pressed some buttons on the camera, which was also his phone. "I'm sending these to my email. They will look great. Here are your jack stands, Mr. Melborn. Come and get them."

I just stood there trying to conceal my erection.

"I like the one with your hard on, Mr. Melborn. Why do you have a boner? Are you excited about something? You knew I was going to come here, didn't you? You waited for me naked so I could see you. Why are you trying to hide yourself? Put your hands at your sides and show yourself to me."

His last sentence was a command. Numbly I exposed myself completely. I put my hands at my side and stood there silently. Thoughts rushed through my mind with the blood from my pounding heart.

"What are you going to do?", I asked in a quiet voice. I had no strength of will. It was swallowed up in the realization that I had hung myself on a hook like a worm and this young fish actually took the bait. Only I end up as the fish on the hook. My mind was trying to wrap around that idea when Ken spoke.

"Grab your cock with your left hand, Mr. Melborn."

I simply did as he asked. In that moment there was nothing else to think about. My mind seemed to be his and he played me like a puppet. How did this happen? Why did I allow it?

"Now turn a little to the left. Look at the camera, Mr. Melborn. Hold your dick out so I can see it. That's it."

Another flash further blinded my reason.

Now face me and put your hands behind your head. Stretch, Mr. Melborn. Good!"


"What does this mean?", I ask as my body trembles with fear and excitement. My cock is still rock hard. Ken has me. He actually has me by the balls but does he know it?

"I'm not sure, Mr. Melborn.", he said as he fiddled with his phone, sending the next batch of photos to be lost in cyber space, far out of my reach and control.

I should have attacked him and crushed his phone. I should have marched him to his house and forced him to delete the files. But it was not really what I wanted. And what if his email was sent to multiple addresses? I'm not up on what these kids can do with technology.

"for a start, why don't you start playing with yourself, Mr. Melborn? If you refuse, think about how interested your wife might be to see that I have these pictures of you holding your hard on. And I'll ask her why you would send me such filth."


Ken cut me off with an unkind laugh.

"you're one of those old guys who just loves the idea of being completely controlled don't you?"

He didn't wait for an answer. "I'm not going to hit you up for cash or anything like that. That would step into the realm of real crime. What we want is to just have a good time, don't we, Mr. Melborn?" He gestured with his phone. "Come on Mr. Melborn, play with yourself. I want to get a nice shot of you really wanking your weenie."

I looked down with bewilderment at my half erect cock dripping with wetness.

"Come on. You have to now. I can do a lot of crazy shit with this material. You'd be in a very uncomfortable position, Mr. Melborn."

I put my hand on my cock and slowly started to masturbate. My numb mind was trying to think a of a way to deny that this was really happening. What happened to the hot fantasy that I was so excited about? How did it get turned into a real case of submission and blackmail? When was he going to tell me that he is only kidding?

Instead He just kept taking more pictures.

"That's a good boy, Mr. Melborn. Beat your meat for me! I want to capture you shooting your load. Let me know when you are about to cum so I can capture it with video."

I pumped my dick with a firm hand. Deep down I felt terrific being naked in front of Ken. There was not much I could really have done. Was he serious about showing the pictures to my wife? Would he really say that I sent them like some kind of pervert? There was no answering these questions. The orgasmic energy was taking over. There was nothing to do but stroke for Ken. Yes, let him see everything. The reality of my fate hit me and the orgasm started to rise. My cock head flared and my balls were high and tight. "I'm going to come!", I breathed.

My load shot from my shaft.

"Got it! Beautiful! Oh, nice! A little dark but I will be able to pull some nice stills from this. You're going to be a star."

I moaned aloud and staggered to a stool and sat down.

"Ah, ah, ah! Mr. Melborn. Don't sit down, get on your knees. Come on, kneel."

I slid my naked, sweaty ass off of the dusty naugahyde covered stool and lowered my knees to the dirty shop floor. I was exhausted and still amazed about this whole scene. It was a moment of surrender I guess. There was nothing for me to say.

"I won't take up all your time, Mr. Melborn. You can have your life and enjoy your time with your wife. I won't say anything or show any pictures as long as you are a good boy."

I looked up at Ken. My tired eyes were calm.

"A lot of my time will be devoted to school but this summer we are going to have some fun, you and I. I hold the trump cards Mr. Melborn. You are going to work hard to please me. It's funny but I really get a charge out of humiliating you. Maybe it's because you remind me of my Dad. He's a bit of a turd, you know. Yeah, so maybe I like making one of his peers crawl around naked."

My head hung in shame I could see my flaccid little weenie dripping cum onto the dusty cement floor of the shop. I had dirt on my naked skin. I wanted to take a shower and wash this event away. I wanted to put it all back to normal.

"Look, Ken, We can't do this."

"Too late for that now, old man. You offered yourself to me naked and now I've got you.

I'll share these photos with you so you can see how stupid you look."

He squatted down and brought his young, handsome face level with mine. I couldn't look into his eyes.

"I'll tell you one thing, Mr. Melborn: From now on you will go naked as much as possible. Certainly whenever we're together. I like seeing your old cock bob around in that nest of gray hair."

He almost choked on his laughter. He stood up and towered above me. His voice was filled with a sudden energy.

"You wanna see something, Mr. Melborn? Huh?"

He opened his fly and fished around in his jeans until he brought forth a beautiful cut cock. It was perfect and he had at least three more inches than my five.

It hung there in front of me with its taunting power. Ken could see the hunger in my eyes. Quickly it began to grow even bigger. It stood out straight in front of him like a cannon. It was now well over nine inches, close to ten in fact and fat with a big swollen knob.

"Lick it!", He said in a breathy, commanding voice.

I had felt another mans cock with my hand when I was young but having a cock in mouth was a first. I could see where this was going and I had no power to turn it around. It was like riding in a slow motion train wreck and the train was my old, quiet life. A sudden wave of regret mingled with a forlorn nostalgia for the life I had just abandoned welled up in me and I felt a desire to cry like some child. After a sob and a whimper I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. The whole weight of his thick cock was lifted by my wet tongue. It seemed a long ride for me to slide from the base all the way to the tip. As it left my tongue it bounced in front of me happily.

"Put it in your mouth, Mr. Melborn."

Why does he keep calling me "Mr. Melborn"? Calling me a respectful name while I'm kneeling in front of him, naked on a dirty floor, obviously in a position of submission seems mocking. Perhaps he knows exactly what he's doing.

"Come on! Suck on it!"

I swallow and again open my mouth. I take in a few inches and close my mouth over the warm cock. I close my eyes and am amazed that there is actually a cock in my mouth. The reality made me feel very low but also very sexy.

Suddenly another flash brought me back to full attention. I pulled off of his cock. Ken laughed as he sent the picture to join the others in the library of my personal humiliation. I continued to kneel there silently in a kind of shock.

"That's right, Mr. Melborn, Now we have a nice shot of you with a big cock in your mouth. Did you like it? Huh?

My head slowly nodded.

"Say It!"

"Yes. I- I liked it." I heard myself say it. I could have said I did not like it but he would have known I was lying.

"Say, `yes I liked it... Sir'."

I took a deep breath, "Yes, I liked it, Sir."

Ken gave a satisfied sound and added, "You must learn your place now, Mr. Melborn. You are going to be my slave. Yes, that's right. Slave. My very own slave."

He worked his still enormous dick back into his pants and zipped them up. I will see you tomorrow Mr. Melborn. Shall we say the same time? Be naked for me. I'll show you how good you look on camera.

He left quickly and I knelt there for a long time trembling on the verge of panic. I looked at my naked, dirty body and tried to connect it with the word, "slave". Ken's words still rung in my ears and rattled around in my head. I felt angry and so very stupid. What had I done? All I had to do was keep my shorts on. Instead some dark part of myself opened the door to change and bared myself. That was the moment when my life changed forever. Oh yes, it was hot at the moment but from that point on my fantasy was committed to reality. To this day I flip from excitement and desire to disgust and anger.

When my wife got home from work I greeted her naked. She was pretty used to me hanging around without clothes. We ate the dinner I prepared and then she unloaded the stress of her work day. I listened sympathetically without really paying close attention. How could I after my experience. It was impossible to not hear the echo of Ken's words, "You must learn your place now, Mr. Melborn. You are going to be my slave."

I went to get some coffee and settled down with the computer to check my email while my wife got herself ready for bed. I almost expected an email from Ken but I was disappointed. After my wife and I had made our goodnights and she had gone to bed I searched the web for blackmail stories and gay sex. It was really just to fill my mind with expectation for what may happen tomorrow. My mind raced while viewing the internet porn and the reality of my day kept slamming into my consciousness with raw hormonal force. The image of Ken's mighty cock in my mouth with me kneeling naked before him had me wet. After masturbating I grew tired but it was impossible to get the days event out of my head. Even after I got in bed I was still horny. I fell asleep fantasizing about Ken's huge prick being shoved into my throat.

The next day was a bit rainy but still relatively warm. I sat in the workshop, naked. Waiting for Ken to show up and lead me on down the path of complete sexual gratification and terror.

He popped in wearing all of his clothes, including a light hooded sweatshirt. I felt very naked next to his fully dressed state. He was also carrying a zippered gym bag and I really wanted to know what was in it. I would find out soon enough.

"Ah Mr. Melborn. How nice to find you in. Properly attired I see in your finest birthday suit. Just the thing for a slave."

He grabbed my shorts off the hook by the door and told me to follow him. I walked outside and followed him toward my house. There was no reason to worry about being seen from the road because of the thick hedge. Unless someone pulled into the driveway I was quite safe. In fact I often walked to and from the shop naked. This time it was different because Ken had my shorts in his fist. He was forcing me to walk naked to my house. It did feel odd and I wondered what his game plan was. How far was this going to go?

"Did you think about me last night?"


"Yes what?!"

"Yes Sir!", I replied quickly.

"You need to be trained Mr. Melborn. You must learn to be respectful. We will see to that."

We entered the house and Ken looked around. He had been in the house on a few occasions when he and his parents had been over for some dinner or other.

"Let's go to your room. Your wife will be gone until about six, right?"

"Yes. Yes Sir!" I said.

In the bedroom he ordered me to stand at attention with my eyes straight. He walked around me and inspected me. It was impossible to stop the erection from coming up. Ken gave me his demeaning smirk and went on for some time about what a horny, fucked up pervert I was.

He put his bag on the bed and zipped it open. He pulled out a hair clipper and a moment of panic set in. Just what was this Kid going to do to me? What was the breaking off point? Was it better to let him shave my head or show the pictures to my wife?

He plugged an extension cord into the outlet and plugged in the clipper.

I had to ask, "Sir, what are you going to do to me?" My voice was shaking and I felt myself being pushed to the edge.

"Don't worry, Mr. Melborn. I'm just going to clean you up a bit. I think I'll leave the hair on your head alone. Of course, if you make me angry your head is forfeit. Now get on the bed and lay on your back."

I gave him a nice, "Yes Sir!" and did as I was told.

"Spread your legs."

Of course I complied. I had great reservations about this. The clippers came on with a noisy buzz and he brought them down to my pubes.

"I thought you liked seeing my cock bob around in my gray nest of hair!" I said somewhat panicked.

Ken took hold of my dick and stretched it down.

"No!! How will I explain this to my wife?"

"Does she ever see you naked?" He said, looking at me sternly.

"All the time! I hardly ever wear clothes in the summer!"

Ken seemed to like that. "Hmmm. You don't say? well, tell her you shaved to clear up a... A rash or something or you just felt like it. Anyway it's your problem."

He brought his face close to my groin and positioned himself with the clipper.

"No! Please don't! Please!", I begged "Don't do this to me!"

Ken ignored me and I felt the blades vibrate through my pubic hair.

"Oh, no! No!" I almost sobbed.

Ken worked very carefully and slowly. I looked down and saw the great pile of hair laying like a tumble weed on my stomach. Ken continued to eagerly but slowly work the clipper through my pubic hair. My cock grew hard in his hand, which actually made it easier for him to clipper my hair away. He was moving the clipper down from the head of my cock to the base and it felt really good. When my pubes had been completely clipped and all my hair was laying on my belly, Ken turned off the clipper and pulled out his phone to snap another picture to capture my freshly trimmed crotch.

"why? I thought you said you liked my pubic hair."

"SIR!! How many times do you have to be reminded? Your getting a spanking for that!"

I was momentarily shocked. "Sorry Sir!", I blurted.

Ken went on to explain, "You see Mr. Melborn, your dick is small compared to mine. You are inferior to me. I have a real man cock while you have a boy dick. A real man can sport a thick bush like a lion mane. Whereas you should not be allowed any pubic hair. You don't deserve to have pubic hair. Anyway, I'm your Master and I say it goes, so it's gone."

With that he gathered up the pile of hair and put it in the trash. He ran his hand over the stubble that had been my bush. It felt quite humiliating and odd to be hairless there.

"Your hairy legs look silly now.", Ken said as he brought the clippers back to life with a flick.

"Sir, please!! No! Sir, I can't-"

He started at my feet, taking the hair off my toes. He worked quickly up my legs. He ordered me to stand and spread my legs to facilitate his work. In a short time my legs had been clipper shaved. I was now clipped to a stubble from the waist down. Ken stood facing me. He looked down at my wet boner, which brought that damned smirk back to his face. He placed the clipper back in my pubic region and then brought it straight up over my belly, up over my chest, all the way to my neck. He continued to clipper all the hair off my body. When he had finished with my chest and belly he grabbed my arms and took the hair off of them. He told me to lift my arms and he made quick work of removing my arm pit hair.

How humiliating, I thought. At least he was leaving my head alone. The clippers were hot when he finished. I was ordered into the shower to rinse off but before the water was tuned on Ken told me to get in the tub and get on my knees. I did as he instructed but wondered nervously what his plan called for next.

"Face me.", He said.

I turned sideways in the tub and had to kind of squat kneel with my knees wide apart. It wasn't comfortable. I watched as Ken once again pulled out that beautiful cock from his pants. Did he want me to suck it again?

"You are to become my slave Mr. Melborn. As my property it is my right to mark you as such."

He just stood there for a moment and I was trying to figure out what he was talking about. When I saw the first couple drops of his piss dribble out of his pee hole I realized with horror what he meant. Very quickly his stream became like a hose and his hot piss hit me in the chest with humiliating force. My eyes were shut tight and I had my lips pressed together in disgust. He started to move the stream around to cover as much of me with urine as possible. Through my closed eyes I could still see the flashes of his camera. "Oh no.", I thought. Deeper and deeper I go. The hot piss splattered on my face and I tried to look away but it was pointless. In no time I was drenched. I hung my head in complete shame.

"You are know coated with my piss, Mr. Melborn. You are marked as my property. I will mark you regularly to remind you to whom you belong. Feel it. Rub it around on yourself."

I had heard of golden showers before but never in all my days did I ever suspect I would be the recipient of one. The hot piss was cooling off now and I rubbed it around on myself as ordered. There was piss gathered in the bottom of the tub and the smell of his urine filled my nostrils. This was really disgusting. It seemed to push me lower and lower. However the realization that Ken was humiliating me and doing this to me was also arousing. With each breath, I took in his smell. The more I smelled it the more horny I became.

When the piss was feeling very cold and starting to dry, Ken pulled the shower curtain closed and told me to run the shower. I turned on the water and let it warm up and then turned on the shower. It was a relief to feel the warm water cascade down my body. I washed with soap and noted how prickly my body felt, thanks to the clipper.

Ken's hand thrust itself into the shower holding a disposable razor.

"Here!", Ken shouted over the hiss of the shower. "Finish the work of the clipper. I want you smooth from the neck down."

It was funny how my mind began to accept these orders. A short time ago I would have protested but his orders kept hammering me deeper into submission. The deeper the submission, the more willingly I accepted the situation.

"Yes Sir!"

It took me more than 45 minutes to complete the operation. I started with my legs and it made me feel quite feminine while sliding the razor up my legs. I had seen my wife perform this operation but now it was a matter of imitation. My mind juggled various explanations that I would offer to my wife as to why I decided to denude my body of hair. It also felt like a blow to my masculinity while shaving my chest. My chest was not extremely hairy to begin with but wasn't a man supposed to have hair on his chest. What did I become when the hair was stripped away?

When the work was done I stood before Ken naked, wet and smooth. He inspected me and took the razor from my hand.

"Turn around." he barked. "Put some soap in your ass crack. You didn't shave back there."

That area seemed kind of off limits in my mind but none the less, Ken had me bend over and he shaved the hair out of my ass. I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. As the towel moved over my body it felt amazingly sensuous. My dick was half erect when I finished drying.

"Now you look more fitting!" said Ken. "More like a proper slave."

His hand moved over my body, feeling the smoothness of all it's parts. Now I was fully erect.

"I want you to keep you body shaved like this. Every day. Do you understand, Mr. Melborn?"

"Yes Sir!"

It was difficult to accept the amount of time required to maintain a fully shaved body. I thought I might try a depilatory. Anything to make this easier.

Ken had me follow him out into the bedroom. I stood there naked, still looking at and feeling my new smoothness. Ken reached into his gym bag again and pulled out what looked like a small belt.


I lowered myself to my knees. An act that still makes me feel very humiliated. Ken stood before me. He was still fully clothed. I looked at his black boots and his jeans and felt more naked than ever. Then I felt the small belt touch the back of my neck. Looking up I watched Ken close it around my neck. A collar! He's putting me in a dog collar! I looked up still higher to allow him the ease of buckling it. It felt snug but not uncomfortable. I felt it with my fingers, trying to get used to it.

"You are know wearing your Master's collar. I hereby officially make you my slave. From now on I will only call you slave' and you will only refer to me as Master'. Do you understand slave?"

"Yes Master.", I whispered.

"you can free yourself any time but the consequence will be the very public exposure of the growing library of humiliating pictures. You don't want that embarrassing kind of trouble do you?

"No Master.", I said, looking down at his boots.

"What really amazes me in all this is that I know deep down you want to be my slave. This really turns you on, doesn't it?"

I found it difficult to answer his question. It was true but somehow I just couldn't wrap my mind around it and admit it openly. Master just laughed at the consternation written on my face. There was no hiding anything from this clever young man. My eyes betrayed my thoughts and the hardness of my naked cock betrayed my desires. He kept me naked so he could read me like a book.

"Now lay on the bed. On your stomach.", he commanded.

Ken pulled his gym bag off the bed as I lay myself upon it. He fished something else out of the bag but I didn't see what it was.

Then Ken lifted my foot a little and he slipped something around my ankle. I wanted to look but I knew better. It felt like thick leather and then as he buckled it on I knew it was a cuff of some kind. Where did he get this stuff, I wondered to myself.

He proceeded to cuff my other ankle and also my wrists. I just lay there and let him. Then he pulled some heavy nylon cords out of his bag and started securing me, spread eagle to my bed.

"I told you that you would be spanked. Do you remember slave?"

"Yes Master."

"You probably thought I was kidding, huh?", he growled a couple of laughs.

"When was the last time you were spanked?"

"Once when I was a little kid, Master."

"That would be what, 50 years ago? Well, I'd say you are long overdue, slave."

He finished securing me to my bed. The ropes were pulled quite tight from the rings in the cuffs. His knots were skillful and made it impossible for me to really move.

Master pulled a small paddle out of his bag. It was thin, smooth hardwood. He smacked it lightly against his palm. The sound of it sent a shiver of wonder over my very naked flesh.

"Before I begin I'm going to give you your safe word. If you get to a point where there is something wrong, you can't take it or you are sick or something, say my full name, `Kenneth' and I will stop. Use of your safe word will be evaluated each time you use it. If I think you used it without really needing to then you will take the penalty. Do you know what the penalty is for using your safe word when it isn't serious?"

"No, Master. What?"

"I'll run my clipper over your head and give you a butch job. Then I'll shave your head bald. Have you got that slave?"

"Yes Master!"

"So you better not be frivolous with it. You see what a nice, caring Master I am? Be glad I give you a safe word."

Would he really shave me bald, I wondered. Such a threat would indeed make me think twice unless I were in real trouble. While I was trying to imagine myself with a shaved head, Master continued.

"This spanking is to teach you respect. Do you understand that, slave?"

"Yes Master.", I replied into the pillow.

"I wonder. You must remember to address me with respect. Who am I!!!", he barked.

"You are my Master!", I replied, beginning to feel desperate as my limbs tested the tightness of the ropes.

"Don't forget it!"

Master brought the paddle to my naked butt with a swift smack. I was amazed how much it stung. My voice involuntarily cried out in pain.

"You will address me with respect!"


"You will always call me Master when talking to me!"


My tender butt was actually being spanked! Me! A grown man in his fifties was getting a bare bottom spanking from someone young enough to be my son. The humiliation made it feel like my insides were melting. My ego was melting away, leaving behind the obedient boy that Master was turning me into.

Master started a steady, slow rhythm with the paddle. He was not spanking me particularly hard. Just enough to sting and make me yell. The paddle kept hitting and smacking. One butt cheek then the other. On and on the spanking continued. At last I began to beg.

"Stop!! Please stop, Master! Please, Master! I can't- Oh God! Please! I'll do anything you want! I'll be a good slave Master!"

"I know you will, slave.", Master said in a calm voice.

The paddle kept up its painful rhythm. While my limbs struggled against the strong leather of the cuffs and my mind wondered if it would be better to be bald.

"Just a bit longer for you, slave. You must be punished."

I screamed in pain, I begged, I cried and then he stopped. I lay there sobbing, grateful to have it stop. I felt like I had been pulled out of myself and stuffed into a new life. Then I did something without even thinking about it. I thanked him.

"Thank you, Master, for correcting me and punishing me. I will try to be a good slave and serve your every command."

I think I said it because I was so grateful that he had stopped but I also said it to make him happy. And on another level I really meant that I wanted to be a good slave to Master.

The ropes were removed and I was released but the cuffs and collar stayed on. Master told me to turn over onto my back. The flesh of my butt was hot and felt like fire. I rolled onto my back and lay there like a fish out of water, a beached whale, a spent force. I lay there, spread out before him, naked except for the slave leather. The collar felt tighter and I was very much aware of it. A small child who had just been spanked. That was me.

Master put his hand on my face and turned me to look at him. My eyes were wet and he looked beautiful and calm. His touch was tender as he stroked my cheek. His fingers wandered to my throat where he toyed with the collar. Then his hand moved like a whisper to my chest where it cupped my breast lovingly. I wanted to close my eyes and melt into the moment like chocolate in a batch of brownies but it was impossible to take my eyes off of him. We were together in a beautiful moment.

I could barely hear his whisper.

"You are my slave."

His dark eyes scanned my body.

"You're mine and I will take good care of you. I expect you to obey me and service my needs like a good slave. It will be our secret, yours and mine."

Then his voice filled with authority.

"Never forget that I have an ever growing collection of pictures and video showing you to be a real pervert. Just one of those pictures in the right place with the right story could turn your life into a real nightmare. That is the price for forgetting that I am your Master. Obey me, submit as my slave and all will be well. You do understand, don't you slave?"

"Yes Master. I understand."

My cock grew hard as I spoke. There was no hiding my desire. I offered explanation.

"Master, I opened the door to my enslavement. I bared myself to you hoping you would take me. I feel really stupid about it but I'm thrilled that you have taken me. It really is what I've wanted. It isn't easy to admit this. Am I crazy to want to be your slave?"

"I don't care if we're both crazy as long as we both get our rocks off.", said Master, standing up.

"Get up slave. Stand up!"

I got off the bed. Master reached once again into his bag of tricks and pulled out a long chain. He held it from one end and it danced in the air like a shiny snake. It was then easy to notice that it was a leash. He snapped the end to the ring in my collar, grabbed the gym bag and led me down stairs.

It was a very strange feeling to be led on a leash. A host of strange things were bombarding my mind. It made me feel almost giddy. I was naked, collard and cuffed and being led through my own house by a clothed young man, the son of my neighbor. My ass still felt the fire of the punishment that had been given to me. The familiar surroundings took on an eeriness as we walked. There was the sofa where my wife and I relaxed last night. There is the kitchen island where we had coffee just this morning. If my wife saw me at the hand of young Master Ken I couldn't imagine what she would have thought. It would have been too far out for her to conceive any meaning. She would probably just bolt. This is why I must obey Master. Would he really show the pictures? It was too much to risk. It was just easier to obey.

Master led me outside. I looked around nervously. It made me uneasy being led outside. Especially on a leash! He brought me over to a shady and secluded area.

"Kneel, slave."

I knelt upon the grass and he unclipped the leash, which he returned to the bag. Then Master unzipped his pants and pulled out his thick cock. It dangled there in front of me like a scepter of commanding power. It was wet and there were a few of his pubic hairs visible where it was coming out of the fly of his pants. It reminded me that he had stripped me of my pubic hair.

"Now give your Master a nice slow blow job."

I held him gently by placing my hands on either side of his thighs. The denim jeans were taught and I could see the cuffs on my wrists. The `D' ring in the left cuff caught a glint of sun. I could feel the warm air around my naked body.

My mouth took in as much of his enormous cock as it could. I really tried to take it in as deeply as I could but my gag reflex kept me from going too far. To compensate I grabbed the part that didn't fit in my mouth with the thumb and forefinger of my left hand and worked it in rhythm with my lips. My tongue slid easily and soon there was a nice continuous motion. I kept my eyes open. the reality of this situation was not lost on me and my own cock was also hard and dripping.

"You are going to swallow my cum, slave. You are going to take me into your belly and hold me there. If you don't you will be punished tomorrow. If you take it all, I will reward you tomorrow. Do you understand, slave?"

I nodded the affirmative slowly in time to the blow job I was giving.

He kept talking, almost to himself about how he owned me and all the power he had over me. It was turning him on as much as me. My rhythm remained steady even as his camera flashed close to my face. His moaning grew louder and he seemed to be at the point of no return. His ejaculation was imminent. I just kept to my work. Half the load of cum was down my throat before I even knew it. I could feel the next shot fill my mouth and I just swallowed with ease. Master held my head as his thick cock pumped the last portions into my mouth. I was amazed how easily I took it. It did not taste bad and it did not gross me out. I had never had cum in my mouth before. Perhaps fantasizing about it for so many years was preparation enough.

Master was delighted with my performance.

"Good boy!"

He laughed and rubbed my head and patted me like a dog.

"You're a natural born cock sucker. I've found the right slave."

He held his wet, shiny cock out to me.

"Strip it out and clean it, slave."

I pressed my lips into his cock and sucked. I squeezed it with my fingers and stripped out the last drops of cum. I swallowed it and licked his cock greedily.

"Steady, slave! You'll have me horny again. You'll be doing plenty of cock sucking, don't worry. Sucking my cock will be one of your main duties."

He backed away a step and held his big cock. Once again his hot piss blasted onto my body. The stream came up to my face. My eyes were closed tightly but I parted my lips to get a better taste. It was revolting but I loved being revolted. I knelt there in the shade being cooled in the light breeze. I heard Master zip up his fly. I wiped the piss out of my eyes with my fingers and blinked.

"I have to be getting home, slave. Clean up the collar and cuffs and be wearing them tomorrow when I come over. When does your wife leave in the morning?"

"She leaves at 7:30, Master."

"Good. I'll be here before 8:00. Be ready for me. that means naked, shaved, collared and cuffed."

"Yes Master."

He took a last picture of me and departed.

I had a couple of hours before my wife would get home. Submitting to Master's whims had put me behind schedule. There was piss to clean up and pubic hair to vacuum off the bed. Then there was a dinner to whip up for my wife. I hurried through the chores, quickly cleaning the collar and cuffs and then stashing them in the top of my closet. I put the bedroom into order checking carefully to make sure there was no incriminating evidence left behind. The thought of hearing my wife call from the bedroom saying, "Why is there a dog leash and a paddle in the bed?", was enough to keep me agitated and nervous.

Once I felt fairly certain no trail of clues was left to tell the tale of my enslavement to our neighbor's son, I started preparing a supper for my wife.

She arrived before it was finished and there was no time for me to put on any clothes. I realized that she would see me with my now shaved body and my mind played a series of possible responses. I tried to decide on the best reaction as my wife came over to kiss me.

"I'll have this on the table soon, Love.", I said.

She kissed me and patted me on the bare rump. A jolt of panic shot through me as I wondered if my ass cheeks were still red from the spanking.

"That's alright, I'm going to go up and change."

She didn't notice! At least not yet. I looked at my ass, which seemed okay, then set the table and put out the food and sat waiting. My wife arrived and we had our usual meal. As we dined I kept thinking that my wife is very used to me being naked, especially in the summer. It would be a bit unusual for me to cover up. I wished that I had not been so free and easy with my nudity.

After dinner we were both cleaning up when she hit me with the question.

"Have you shaved your body?"

Without even thinking I turned to her and revealed everything and said,

"Yes! Do you like it?!"


"It's less itchy when I sweat in the summer time. At least that's the theory. I hope it works. It just seemed like something to try. It's just hair after all. It will grow back.", I rambled.

"You shaved your pubes too?"

"Why not? Figured I may as well go all the way.", I laughed nervously.

She was smiling and reached out to touch me. She rubbed her hand on my stomach and felt my bald pubic area. She took hold of my cock and squeezed it with intent. The cock responded to her as it always had but had not for so many years.

"It's weird but I like you like this."

She was turned on. We retired to the bedroom and she was like a different woman. She was hot for me. We kissed and she kept rubbing and teasing me. We had sex for the first time in years. I exploded inside her and in my mind I thanked Master for rekindling the sex life of my marriage. I fell asleep quickly because quite frankly, I was exhausted.

Upon awaking, I had to rush to be ready for Master after my wife's departure. There was a whole new relationship with my wife which had to be nurtured by spending extra time with her. I asked her to pick me up a few bottles of depilatory. At least my requirement to shave my body was out in the open. I had to hurry through my chores and make sure our chickens had ample food and water. Then I had to take a shower and get myself shaved for Master and my wife.

My wife kissed me goodbye while I was still in the shower taking the hair off of my chest. Once she was gone I knew there was not much time left. I had to be sure that my ass crack was also shaved. Somehow I felt that if I was not well shaved from neck to toe Master would punish me. I was really starting to think like a slave.

I ran downstairs with my collar and cuffs in my fists and buckled them on. As I was securing the collar to my neck I could see through the back door window that Master was approaching the house. I opened the door to let him in and fell to my knees, ready to submit to his authority. He took a picture of me in the doorway.

"You're so cute in your slave attire with you're naked little boy penis hanging there.", he laughed.

"Master.", I acknowledged.

I crawled back to get out of his way and he entered and closed the door. The gym bag was once again in his possession and I wondered what kinds of toys he brought this time.

Today he was wearing a tight pair of black jeans and a plain black t-shirt. He also had on his black boots and his wrist was sporting a leather cord that was wrapped around a couple of times. He looked so young to me and also rather hot. I wondered if he would ever let me see him naked.

He set the bag on the kitchen table and sat down.

"Before I enjoy using you as my pleasure slave, how about making me some breakfast. I'm not used to getting up this early during the Summer and I didn't have a chance to eat. Hop to it, slave!"

He put his feet up on another chair as I got up from the floor and washed my hands.

"What would you like, Master?"

"I don't know. Eggs..."

"Scrambled with toast and sausage?" I suggested.

"Sounds good."

I happen to be a good cook and I tried to impress Master with my skill. As I cooked, the bizarreness of the scene struck me. I was suddenly, keenly aware of my nakedness and the cuffs, cooking and serving my black attired, young Master.

My cock was getting hard and I did my best to conceal it. I tried to distract myself with some conversation.


"Yes, Slave."

"It was really a struggle to be ready for you this morning. It takes a while to shave and I have to take care of our chickens. I was wondering if we could start our- I mean my service a little later, like 9:00? It would be a big help to me."

Master got up and moved toward me. My skin prickled with fear, wondering what he might do.

"Well slave, we shall see. You will have to earn your request. What are you willing to do for your Master, Hmmm?"

He had his hand on my naked butt as I fried the sausage.

"I don't know. What would you like me to do?"

I could feel that smirk of his. His hand gently patted my soft, smooth behind.

"Here is how it will work: You take your shower and get yourself all shaved and smooth for me. Get your slave attire on and do your chores. In the process I want you to get filthy. Cover yourself with dirt, muck, whatever and then chain yourself in that stall in your barn and wait there like an animal until I show up."

He went and sat down again.

"That's it? Stand there in the stall?"

"Like a dirty pig. I want you really filthy."

"Yes Master."

I set his breakfast before him and put myself by his side, on my knees.

"Master, tomorrow is Saturday and my wife will be home all day."

"Oh, right. Well, Monday then I guess. Did your wife say anything about your shaved body?"

"Well... Yes. Actually she liked it."

"Ha!", Master laughed. "Well, well, well."

"Frankly I was surprised but also delighted."

Master grabbed my ear and squeezed it hard.

"Always address me as `Master'. Do you need another spanking, slave?"

"Sorry Master! Of course. I'll get it right. I really want to be good, Master."

He released my ear and returned to finish his breakfast.

"I'm afraid I'll have to spank you again. You are a naughty boy, slave. I'll spank you until you learn to always say `Master' when you talk to me.

"Yes, Master."

"Hand me my bag, slave."

"Yes, Master."

I lifted the bag and handed it to him. It was not terribly heavy but I could not tell what it might contain.

Master opened the bag and quickly pulled out the leash and snapped it to my collar. He then rose and led me over to our open fireplace area. there was a large leather couch there and he told my to bend myself over the back so that my rump was up in the air. I heard him fishing in the bag again and then he stood over me but I could not see him. My face was pointed down toward the floor. Master's hand was on my lower back.

"Who am I?, asked the young man.

"You are Master.", I responded.

"and what do you call me?", asked Master sternly.

"I call you `Master'."

I felt silly and humiliated in this position and I knew what was coming.

"When do you call me, `Master'?"

"Whenever I address you, Master."

I almost forget to address him then. He probably would have really let me have it if I did.

"You must learn until it is completely automatic. `Master'!"

He brought the paddle swiftly to my bare buttocks. I shouted at the sharp pain and jumped at the sharp sound.

"Master!" repeated Master.






He kept it up until I was struggling to keep myself in place over the back of the couch. He held me there forcefully by pushing my arm up my back. I yelled and screamed and felt like a child. He succeeded in completely humiliating me. He let me up and I stood there rubbing my punished butt and groaning while he continued to chastise me verbally.

"You are naked and wearing a dog collar. How can you forget that you're a slave? Do you remember why you are a slave?"

Master stepped back and took a picture of me to drive home the point.

"Your wife likes your shaved body. Would you like to see if she likes pictures of you sucking a big cock. I bet she'd like the shot of you with cum in your mouth. I bet she'd really flip over the one of you getting peed on. Well, slave? Huh? What do you think?"

"No Master. I don't want her to see the pictures."

"Then learn to address me properly and take your punishment. You either take the spankings or someone will see pictures of you. Maybe the lady at the post office would get a kick out of them."

"No Master. Please, I'll be a good slave, Master."

"Alright then."

Master gave a sharp tug on the leash and I had to trot behind him all the way to the bedroom.

I stood there in the bedroom, naked except for my collar and cuffs. Master held me on the leash. There was a kind of strange comfort in being on the leash, held by my strong, young Master. I listened to his pure, young voice.

"You surprised me, slave. I thought you would really balk at sucking my cock but you turned out to be a natural born cock sucker. Didn't you, slave?"

"Yes Master."

My hands could feel the smoothness of my shaved thighs as I stood there under his control. It felt very nice and made me feel very much the slave. My cock was hard.

"I said that I would reward you.", Master continued.

He directed me toward the bathroom and he had me stand in the tub. He brought his bag with him and I wondered just what my reward was to be. Another golden shower perhaps? Master extracted something red and rubbery out of the bag. It looked like a hot water bottle. He started to run the tap water and then brought a long red rubber hose out of the bag. There was a smooth bulbous end on the hose and then I surmised the purpose and the intent.

"We need to clean out your pussy before I mess around down there. It's alright, I know what I'm doing."

I watched as he filled the rubber bottle with warm water and attached the hose. He hung the bottle from the shower curtain rod and told me to turn around. I obeyed silently and waited. The end of the hose was slick with lubricant and found its way into my bowel with ease. Master released the valve and the warm water gushed into me.

"Look at me.", said Master.

I turned to look at him and he took a picture.

"And here we see the slave getting his pussy cleaned."

Master squeezed the bag and I began to feel full. When the whole contents had passed into me, Master slipped out the hose.

"Now hold it, slave. Suck it in. Now come out here and sit on the toilet."

It felt like my sphincter had to work double duty to hold the flood in my ass. I hurried to sit on the toilet before my bowel erupted.( "Now expel your bowels, slave. I'll refill the bottle. It will take more than one rinse to really get you cleaned out."

Water and waste blew out of me for a full minute. I cleaned myself off, rose from the toilet and flushed.

"Back in the tub, slave."

I stepped back in the tub and faced the wall. Once more Master filled my bowels and had me expel it. He was not satisfied until he had given me three enemas. As I sat there wiping myself clean it was odd to be conducting something so private in front of Master. It was embarrassing and yet I kept telling myself that I had better get used to it. By the time we were finished my cock was half erect.

Master led my by the leash into the bedroom and told me to sit upon the bed. I sat there naked, still feeling the burn on my butt. Master pulled what looked like another collar from the bag but this one had something red attached. A ball gag?!

"Open your mouth, slave."

I opened my mouth and Master put the ball gag on me and buckled it behind my head. My eyes bugged out at the size. It felt a great deal bigger than it looked.

You won't be able to use your safe word so if there is an issue, just raise your hand. Do you understand, slave?"

I nodded the affirmative.

"You see, Master looks after you. Be a good slave and all will be well. Be a bad slave and Master will make things very embarrassing for you. Now lay on your back."

I obeyed and he once again started digging into his bag of tricks. at last he pulled out a rubbery, purple dildo as long as his own mighty cock but fatter. It also had little knobs on it. He applied lubricant to the dildo and told me to bend my knees.

Have you ever been fucked in the ass before, slave?

I nodded in the affirmative.

"You have?! When? Tell me about it."

Master quickly removed the ball gag. and held it while I spoke.

"I had a friend when I was in Junior High. We used to mess around sometimes. We toyed with sex as befitted our hot, young bodies. We were too awkward for girls and it seemed like we were horny all the time back in those days. We fucked each other more than once. I haven't had it in the ass since then, Master."

"Holy shit!", exclaimed Master. "You are full of surprises, slave. Quite the horn dog, aren't you?"

"I guess so, Master."

"Did you like taking it in your boy pussy?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. You really are a pervert."

Master put the ball gag back in my mouth, which I opened obediently.

"And so I'm rewarding you in the way you like. I guess I figured you'd like to have your pussy fucked."

Master made no ceremony of quickly bringing the dildo to the entrance of my nether pleasure center where he proceeded to work it in. I tried to relax and not fight it. My fists gripped the bed sheet as it entered me. There was no pain but there was shock and then delight. Master pushed deeper and deeper until I could feel it way inside. My moans were muffled by the gag as I lay there in a trance like ecstasy.

Master placed his hand on my smooth bare thigh and began working the dildo in and out with a slow burning rhythm.

"Does slave like the pleasure from Master?"

I groaned my pleasure into the ball and nodded.

My breathing was rapid as my toes curled involuntarily. Precum was dripping from my cock and Master took advantage and started to masturbate me. I was lost in the amazing pleasures of my body.

"Slave must learn that Master can give rewards for good service or punishment for failure. Today slave learns from punishment to always address me as `Master'. Slave also learns through pleasure the reward for being a good and obedient cock sucker who swallows the loads he's given."

Master let go of the dildo and my cock in order to step back and take a picture of me.

"Mustn't miss an opportunity to add to the blackmail library. You look so cute with a big dildo up your ass and a ball gag in your mouth. Not exactly the commanding male now!", Master laughed.

He then resumed his administration of pleasure to my body until I exploded in orgasm. My cock pumped several loads while my sphincter gripped the dildo in a silent scream of mind blowing pleasure. Master guided the cum to pool on my shaved belly. I opened my eyes to look. Master's hand was thick with goo. He rubbed the cum all over my face and hair. He gathered more from the pool on my belly and spread even more on my face. He removed the ball gag and had me lick his fingers. Then he spread the rest around on my belly and chest.

"There we are, slave. Didn't that feel good?"

"Yes Master. Thank you, Master."

Master eased out the dildo and my body reacted with another shiver of delight.

"Now get up off the bed and get on your knees, slave."

I did as he commanded and knelt before him. My cum covered, bare skin felt cold and tight in the air. Master unzipped his fly and pulled out his massive member. It was wet with his own excitement.

"Now it's slave's turn to pleasure his Master. Suck it slave! Show Master what a good blow job you can give."

It felt so sexy to suck that big hard cock. My lips were wet and eager. His cock was smooth and young and the humiliation it gave to have my mouth worship it was keen and exciting. Master captured more pictures of my enthusiasm for having his cock in my mouth. I enjoyed hearing him moan with pleasure. It meant that I was fulfilling my duty as a sexual pleasure slave.

When he came it was easy for me to swallow his cum. I sucked him clean for all I was worth. He pulled his cock out and slapped my face with it.

Then he told me to just keep sucking and I could feel his cock going soft. Even flaccid his cock was big and firm. I kept my mouth working it and soon it was hard again and delivering yet another big load of cum as he had a second orgasm. Oh to be young again, I thought.

Once Master recovered he snapped the leash back on my collar.

"Stay on all fours, slave. Like a dog."

He gave the leash a tug and I followed. It was damned scary crawling head first down the stairs but I followed without mishap. He led me out into the yard over to the shady area where he peed on me the day before. He kept me on all fours on the lawn and removed the leash.

"Stay, slave! Don't move."

Once more Master let his piss fly upon me. The stream thundered on my back, dripped to my belly and ran down my legs. He made sure to wet my head as well. Urine and cum mixed in my hair.

"Sit up on your heels, slave."

I did so.

"Going to be a couple of days until we can continue our training. In the mean time I want you to do things for me. First, you are to remain naked all weekend. If your wife insists that you go out you can put clothes on but no underwear."

That was an easy order to follow.

"Yes Master.", I said.

"Second, I want you to masturbate four times per day. More if you can manage it. You are to collect and freeze your cum. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes Master, I understand."

"Then I'll see you Monday around 10:00 and remember to be nice and filthy for me."

He left me then and I knelt there naked on my lawn, wearing slave attire with piss and cum all over my body. I savored the moment and tried to just let it sink in that the neighbor boy had actually turned me into his sex slave. I existed for his pleasure and I liked the role.

I swallowed his cum greedily when he gave it to me. And he gave it to me often that first summer. Each time we met he would train me and awaken my desires further. I hungered for his cum and I felt fulfilled when he would mark me with his hot piss. I would lap it up in complete humiliation. When I felt the fiery sting of his spankings they carried me away to a secret place where I felt very happy. It was easy to surrender to him. I would give him my total obedience. I fell in love with my young Master and wanted nothing more than to please him.

It has been two years since that fateful summer. Master still enjoys me as his slave. Fall and Winter Master is away at medical school. He does not have as much time for me as he used to but when he does use me it is more intense than before. Now Master is able to apply some of his medical skills to my body. But those practices will have to be in another story.

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