Beginning at Bags End

By Whitney Ross

Published on May 8, 2004


This is fantasy fiction intended for an audience of gay males over the age of 18. It contains detailed description of homosexual activity and if you find this offensive you should not read on.

This story in no way reflects the true sexual preferences of any of the characters or actors who may have portrayed them and should not, in any way be taken as a true representation of any activities that have ever been performed.

Lord of the Rings and some of these characters are trademarks of and copyright of the estate of JRR Tolkien. Lord of the Rings films, its plotlines, characters and ideas are the property of the New Line Cinemas.

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David was silent at first as the full impact of Frodo's words struck him. Just a while ago he had begun to think of this place as home and now he was being told that it was. He still feared that this would all fall apart in time but he decided not to press the issue and to simply enjoy what he could.

The three friends sat and enjoyed the meal, realizing for the first time that a new family had been created right before their eyes.

Over the next several days the new family began to fall into a good and happy routine. Frodo had sent word to Merry and Pip telling them that the plans to meet should be delayed for a few days. During this same time they also got some unhappy news from Rose Gamgee, her grandfather had taken ill and she would have to stay for far longer than originally planned. It would be months rather than weeks before she and the baby came home again.

As the days moved along the three new friends began to explore their new relationship. Sam and Frodo were careful not to move too quickly. As much as they wanted to go as far as possible they knew it was necessary to take time. There was something that David hadn't told them, some part of his story that remained hidden from them yet they could see it in his eyes, in his unspoken fears. They knew they would have to wait until he was ready.

It was just after lunch on the day that Merry and Pip were finally going to make their visit. The three friends were doing the lunch dishes although not a whole lot of work was getting done. They were in a playful mood and splashed each other with suds and water, sharing kisses and tender touches. They joked and laughed with each other as they worked.

Sam moved up behind David and wrapped his arms around his body. He pulled tightly until he could feel the folds of David's firm posterior resting tightly against his own increasingly damp crotch. He wasn't sure how much of the dampness was due to the soap and how much was due to lust, but he didn't care. Every part of his body seemed to be on fire and he had the greatest urge to tear the clothing away and thrust himself deeply into this wonderful person.

His thoughts drifted to his beloved Rose. Whenever he held Rose like this they usually ended up romping in bed for the better part of a day. He recalled that one particular romp had led to the birth of his beloved child. He laughed inwardly as a ridiculous thought crossed his mind. He saw himself releasing his seed deep inside David, making him pregnant with child. He knew it was not possible but he couldn't resist the thought.

His thoughts were interrupted as David finally moved forward to place a dish on the counter. He sighed as he realized how much he did miss Rose. From time to time he needed to go back to his own house to sleep and he felt this would be one of those evenings.

Frodo was watching the two embrace and recalled what it was like to have Sam hold him in those strong and secure arms. He always felt protected and safe. He only hoped David would feel the same. He also knew what was going through Sam's mind as he saw that wistful look and he expected Sam would be spending the night at home.

Sam moved into the other room to prepare for Merry and Pip to arrive. Frodo took this moment to move over and speak to David.

"Sam is missing his Rose, so I think we should be kind with him and let him go as he pleases."

"Of course. I would never want to do anything to upset Sam. He's so warm and strong," said David

Frodo smiled as he knew Sam had captured yet another heart.

"Perhaps we can spend some time together," said David .

"I'd like that, I'd like that very much" Frodo smiled. Like Sam he had lusted after David for days and wanted nothing more that to bury himself in this wonderful person. But he needed to be patient and gentle with this very vulnerable friend. But that didn't mean he would remain chaste either.

Frodo moved over to David and rubbed the side of his face. David responded in kind, and the two carefully explored each other. Kisses began gently but soon deepened in both intensity and firmness. Soon they were sharing deep, sensual kisses, exploring every part of their mouths with abandon. If this didn't stop soon then Frodo might find himself flung across the dining table.

They were interrupted by noise from the other room. Merry and Pip had arrived.

As Frodo led David into the room it occurred to him that this was quite an influential group. Ever since their return from the quest they had each obtained a level of influence within both the Shire and especially within their own clans. Between the Tooks, Bradybucks, Baggins and Gamgees they held sway over just about every person in the entire region.

David smiled and extended a hand of greeting to the new arrivals.

"Finally we get to meet" said Pip

"Yeah, now the classy part of the group has arrived," quipped Merry .

The group spent the next hour or so getting to know each other and it seemed like in a matter of minutes the tightly bonded group of four that had been formed and the quest was now a group of five. David seemed to fit into their friendship like he had been there all the time. Eventually the talk turned serious as David agreed to tell them his whole story.

"Well as you all can tell I'm very small for a human and my family and their friends always thought of me as being sort of a freak, a partial person. From what I understand there was a serious idea of just letting me die but they decided that I could do better as a worker. So by the time I was old enough to walk I was cleaning, cooking, washing. When I was very little I got to sleep on the kitchen floor but eventually I was sent to live in the barn with the animals."

"Sounds like they treated you more like an animal, the scum" Pip blurted out.

"Yeah, that or a slave. Lousy buggers" injected Merry

"Quiet you two. Let him speak." Sam glared at the two outraged hobbits.

"It's ok, they didn't treat me right" said David

"Anyway, as I got older they started renting me out to the locals. To do whatever work was needed. During the harvest time I was working all of the time. There were lots of burrows that needed to be cleared out and I was small enough to creep under the thorns and thickets to get the hard to reach berries. Most of the time I was covered in muck, full of cuts and bruises. The only time I got to clean up was when I dove in the river. Some nights I slept there."

The room was silent as David went on.

"Once I was old enough, they sent me away for months at a time. Funny thing was that most of the time those who hired me treated me better than my family. Not that they treated me well, but it was better. That is until I met them..."

David paused and winced slightly.

"It was a family of brothers, five of them. I couldn't figure out why they hired me. They were all big and strong, what could I do. But they were also dirty and sick with diseases. Illnesses that kept women away. So they used me. Over and over every night, they did things to me. I got sick with all of their diseases but they kept using me. Luckily I was able to learn how to treat sickness so I was able to get better. But it lasted for three summers. Until I finally ran away."

Sam gave Frodo a sad look as they realized what David had been through.

"For a while I was ok on my own. I had to take lots of jobs and from time to time I had to sell the only thing I had, my own body. But most of the time I was able to work and take care of things ok. I actually did pretty well for myself. Then came the time when I met him"

David paused again and let out a sob. The friends comforted him and told him to take his time as he related the rest of the story.

Meanwhile the letters dispatched by Frodo had begun to arrive and were being read by their recipients.

Gimli was angry. Well to one degree or another Gimli was almost always angry or upset or in the mood for a fight. It was the nature of dwarves to be that way. But right now he was angry for a reason. Ever since they embarked together on the great quest the members of the fellowship had been family. Frodo and his fellow hobbits were like brothers or sons to him and he was fiercely loyal to them. Any friend of theirs was a friend of his. And this David seemed especially worthy of protection. Who knew what evils had been done to this poor young man.

If he'd had his hearts desire Gimli would have set out to kill anyone who might hurt David or the hobbits. But there were limits to what he could reasonably do. So he called together his fellow dwarves and sent word out for to be on the look for any strange humans. Especially any who seemed to be looking for someone. They would be tracked and investigated. He also instructed the border guards nearest the Shire to be especially careful. He wished he could join in on the hunt himself but the duties of a leader were many and he had much to do.

He instructed that copies of all his orders be dispatched to Frodo so he would know what was going on.

His most Royal Majesty King Aragorn sat at his desk reviewing the message from his little friends in the Shire. Inside he seethed with anger as he read what had happened to one of his subjects. Or at least he assumed David was one of his subjects as most humans did fall under the rule or influence of Gondor. He was also angry because most of these things, slavery, rape, prostitution were already illegal. But making and enforcing laws were two different things. A distant magistrate or sheriff might not be as strict as Aragorn would like. And many who would want to enforce the laws simply didn't have the manpower to control all of the territory in their domain.

But there were things that could be done. Laws were laws but specific decrees from the King himself seemed to have a somewhat greater impact. He called for his royal advisor and began to issue a series of documents. The first restated the laws regarding the illegality of slavery and sexual crimes. It imposed even more serious penalties and also offered bounties for those who caught wrongdoers and punished those who deliberately avoided crimes.

The next three documents related specifically to David. The first declared David to be free from all bondage and control, it also liberated him from the control of his family, making him completely free, regardless of the conditions of his bondage. Even if a contract held him it would be declared free.

The second declared him to be under the official protection of the King. This meant that not only was David completely free but that if anyone harmed him they would be committing an act of treason punishable by death. The third stated that if those who had wronged David were caught that any and all of their possessions would become David's.

Aragorn ordered copies of all the decrees sent to all of his magistrates, as well as to Frodo. He ordered everyone to be on the watch for those who had done wrong. He didn't know for sure who had done these things to David but there were several people known for doing these kinds of things.

He mused that whoever had done these things had made a big mistake. Incurring the wrath of the King was not a wise thing to do.

Legolas stood on the balcony looking out over the spectacular realm of Rivendell below. As he gazed downward his eyes flared and his hair flowed with the breeze. He smiled to himself as he realized he was striking what Sam had taken to calling the 'heroic pose'. At the time he had pretended to be annoyed at the term but the truth was he liked it. He knew that this pose gave him an almost ethereal look and he knew how it could affect people. More specifically he came to recognize how much it turned Sam on and he used that knowledge to his advantage. Frodo was more impacted by tender touches and so Legolas used those as well.

His mind drifted as he remembered the evenings with Sam and Frodo, evenings that would begin with light touches and end in passion with bodies intertwined. He knew his lovemaking had healing properties and he used them to help the injured hobbits, but several times it had simply been a matter of passion and lust as he drove himself into Frodo or commanded Sam to do the same to him. He wasn't sure if David had become involved with Sam or Frodo but he knew it was likely. He considered the idea that the four of them might share some passion and the idea was quite appealing.

His thoughts were interrupted as he returned to the problem of the present. David sounded like the many humans he had seen and wept for. The ability of one being to hurt another never ceased to amaze him. He knew he had to do something but his abilities were limited. He had no influence over the Shire and while the Elves had fought against evil in the quest they were not often willing to fight for a human.

But they would protect him and they would keep evil out of the Shire. He sent orders out to have everyone keep a watch for strangers and for the sense of danger. The Shire was to be protected and evil was to be stopped. As for himself he would head to Hobbiton itself to act as a protector not only of David but also of all the Hobbits.

He sent a message to let Frodo know the measures he had taken but not that he was coming. It was best if nobody knew what was going on.

"His name was Kevin"

Back at Bags End David was finally ready to continue. They had sat in silence for a while as he gathered his strength.

"His name was Kevin and he seemed to be my salvation. He found me on the streets and took me in to protect me. He saw to it that I got medical care and lots of food. For weeks he did nothing but take care of me and he made me stay in bed. It was the first time in ages that being in someone's bed was a good thing. He also encouraged me to read. I loved to read and learn but nobody ever let me"

The four Hobbits sat listening, knowing that this happy tale had a bad ending.

"Eventually he started taking me out on trips. We went to see things and to watch plays and shows. He took me to places I'd only heard of, places like the realm of the Elves and the great valley of Korum. It was amazing."

"He even got me fancy new clothes and had my hair styled and made sure I got to bathe every day. I felt like a new man and I felt loved. He kept telling me that he was preparing me for a new adventure. I'd heard before that sometimes men got married and I was sure that this was what he had in mind," David said wistfully.

"One day we went to a new town and he did everything for me. New hairdo, new clothes, he had me exercising and my body was in great shape. We went to dinners at the local inn and he introduced me to his new friends. They all made such a fuss over me. I felt like a king or something. After a few days of this he told me that it was finally the night so I should really fix myself up. I was sure he was going to ask me to marry him."

Everyone in the room tensed as they knew something bad was going to happen now.

"During dinner he served me what he called a special drink. I thought it was something to celebrate with but it tasted funny and I started to feel weird. Then things went dark and I passed out. When I woke up I was tied to a bed and I felt all sticky. I knew people had been with me. Kevin was gone and when I asked the people just laughed."

"It hurt so much when I understood," David stammered, blinking back tears.

"He. He... He.. Sold me... The man I thought was my love he... he SOLD ME. How could he do that !! All of the work was just to make me into a... a... a... into a high priced whore. Oh he SOLD ME like a hunk of meat..."

David now broke down in complete agony and the four hobbits moved forward to comfort him. For the next several hours they each held him and spoke to him with soft gentle tones. Eventually they began to move out of the room, first Pip, then Merry and finally Sam. Before he left Sam made some necessary preparations for the evening David and Frodo would spend.

Once they were alone Frodo continued to comfort David until he was completely calmed. He still shivered however, overcome by the effort of telling his story. Frodo wiped his face and smiled at him.

"Let's go get you cleaned up" he said.

They walked to the bathing room where Sam had prepared things. The tub was filled with hot water and bubbles, the room was scented and full of steam. On a nearby table there were pajamas and robes. Frodo gently undressed David and led him to the tub. He helped him in and allowed David to soak for a few moments while he stripped down to his underwear, knowing that he was likely to get wet.

He began to carefully bathe David, soaping every part of his body, rubbing and massaging the tired muscles. He particularly enjoyed feeling the power of David's strong chest and upper body. Thanks to a few days of gentle care and some healing herbs, David's body was nearly healed, the welts and scars beginning to disappear.

He tried to steer a careful line between sensuality and loving care. When he reached the crotch area he gently washed each of David's large balls, holding them with a soft touch. He massaged the equally large penis but was careful not to go too far. David should not be made to feel like he was being used again. As he moved up the back and to the shoulders he leaned over David and offered soft and tender kisses which were eagerly received.

As Frodo neared the end he had to lean over the tub to wash David's face and hair. As he did David got an impish look on his face and pulled Frodo into the tub. The two thrashed around the tub, Frodo's nearly naked body pressing down on David's completely naked one. They laughed and Frodo was happy to see that David seemed to be much better.

Frodo climbed out of the tub, removing his now sopping wet underwear. He dried himself quickly and then helped David out of the tub. He then dried David and tried to make things as pleasant as he could for his new friend, rubbing each part of the body in a sensual embrace.

He stood to face David and was surprised when the young man reached forward to cup his face. David then offered a kiss that quickly deepened into one of the most erotic Frodo had ever experienced. Tongues dueled for control of each other's mouth as hands worked all over each other's body. Frodo explored every inch of David's upper body while David drowned himself in Frodo's deep blue eyes. He carded his fingers through Frodo's brunette locks as he gave himself fully to the experience.

Unable to resist any longer, Frodo reached down and began to stroke David's throbbing penis. He was thrilled when David returned the favor, running his hands around the pulsating balls and rod between Frodo's legs. Each of them was rock hard, and it wouldn't take long for them to reach completion. Frodo tried to say something to warn David. As a rule Hobbits experienced orgasms that were larger than the average humans. In Frodo's case he had abstained for some time and so he knew his load would be large.

But before he could say anything he felt the waves of pleasure begin to overtake him as David intently focused on his efforts. He bent over and began to kiss the head of Frodo's penis and that was enough. Frodo grunted and then screamed David's name. He erupted with wave after wave that poured out and struck David directly in the face and shoulders. Frodo counted more than a dozen large spurts and nearly as many smaller ones before he was done.

David's face was coated in warm hobbit seed that flowed onto his shoulders and down his body until it mixed with his own copious pre-cum, coating his own penis in Frodo's essence.

Frodo decided to return the favor and swapped places with David, making him stand while Frodo bent over, engulfing the penis in his mouth. It was odd as he could taste his own sperm coating David's sex. But that wouldn't last long as David quickly tensed under Frodo's frantic sucking motions. He moaned and clutched Frodo's hair as he too reached completion.

Frodo was surprised at what happened next. David experienced what seemed to be an almost endless orgasm. Although he only experienced 6 or 7 spurts, each seemed to last 30 seconds or more, and Frodo could not manage it all. He moved back and felt himself being sprayed with the human's warm essence.

The two stood there for a while, overcome by the moment. They then carefully cleaned themselves off and put on the robes, leaving the pajamas where they lay.

Frodo led David to the large bed that he and Sam often shared. He removed the robe and tucked David in before joining him. He held the young man in his arms, pressing his head to his chest. David drifted off to the warmth of Frodo's body and the comfort of his heartbeat. The two slept late the next morning, content in their own union.

Next: Chapter 5

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