Beginning at Bags End

By Whitney Ross

Published on Jun 27, 2004


This is fantasy fiction intended for an audience of gay males over the age of 18. It contains detailed description of homosexual activity and if you find this offensive you should not read on.

This story in no way reflects the true sexual preferences of any of the characters or actors who may have portrayed them and should not, in any way be taken as a true representation of any activities that have ever been performed.

Lord of the Rings and some of these characters are trademarks of and copyright of the estate of JRR Tolkien. Lord of the Rings films, its plotlines, characters and ideas are the property of the New Line Cinemas.

The two stood there for a while, overcome by the moment. They then carefully cleaned themselves off and put on the robes, leaving the pajamas where they lay.

Frodo led David to the large bed that he and Sam often shared. He removed the robe and tucked David in before joining him. He held the young man in his arms, pressing his head to his chest. David drifted off to the warmth of Frodo's body and the comfort of his heartbeat. The two slept late the next morning, content in their own union.

Frodo was drifting in and out of sleep as he burrowed deeper under the covers of his bed. It was that time when one was not entirely awake or asleep. Often Frodo would take this time to enjoy a few more hours of rest, enjoying that wonderful gift of extra, almost stolen sleep. He rolled over and reached for... for nothing. It took some time for the signals to reach his sleepy brain and even longer to be processed. But eventually Frodo realized that he was alone.

For a moment he wondered where Sam was, until he calmed himself with the fact that Sam was spending the night at his own house. But it did not take long for him to remember why he was doing so. It was so Frodo could spend the evening alone with David... But where was David ??

Frodo awoke with a start, he looked around the room and saw no sign of the wonderful man who had entered his life. David had been through a great deal and frequently told Sam and Frodo that he did not deserve to be with them. Frodo had a moment of terror that the young man had taken up on those threats. He was still drowsy and it took time for him to process the fears that were running through his mind.

Frodo decided that they needed to set up a search party. He would run over to Sam's and they would then go get Merry and Pip. With any luck the four of them would be able to track David down. He was just about to leap out of bed when he heard a noise in the hallway. He sighed in relief, realizing that David was still here, he had simply gotten up a little earlier.

The door opened and Frodo turned to smile at David and his smile broadened as he saw what David was carrying. David held a large tray that was covered with a variety of fruits and breads. Frodo started to get out of bed but David glared at him with an impish look on his face.

"Now just what do you think you are doing good Master. I have prepared you a feast and intend to serve you in bed." said David

"Yes sir." replied Frodo with a laugh. As he looked at David he considered how kind this man was, with all he had been through he still cared for others.

David placed the tray of fruits and breads on a table next to the bed and rushed off to get juices and light ale. It would take a while for the rest of the meal to finish cooking so he headed back to the bedroom. He walked over to the side of the bed where Frodo was serving himself some food. He slapped Frodo's hands with a gentle hand.

"No sir, you shall not weary yourself with manual efforts" he said.

Frodo looked confused for a moment until David took a piece of fruit and broke it into smaller pieces. He placed a bite in Frodo's mouth, rubbing the side of his face as he did so. He continued in this manner, feeding Frodo in a manner that was both caring and deeply sensual. Frodo felt himself becoming aroused by this loving feast and he did his best to repay the effort.

"Wait a moment, your hands are dirtied" said Frodo.

As David sat there Frodo took his hands into his own and moved them to his mouth. He gently kissed them and then took them into his mouth and began to clean them in slow sucking motions. Frodo then moved some food to David's mouth and the young man allowed the hobbit to feed him some fruit and breads.

After a while David excused himself to bring in the remainder of the meal. As Frodo waited he considered how he and Sam might serve David in bed. He and Sam had both been attracted to the young human almost from the very moment they had met. He was pretty sure that David felt the same way, but he also knew that David was very shy.

Because of this he and Sam and agreed to move slowly in their relations with David. But given the events of last night and the sensual nature of the meal this morning he thought that it was time to make a move. He would suggest to Sam that he stay at Bags End tonight and hopefully the three of them could share an evening of romance.

His thoughts were interrupted by a noise at the door and he heard David greeting Sam. He considered the idea of remaining in bed with the hopes that Sam could join their erotic breakfast but decided against it. He dressed himself and headed out into the hall and towards the dining room. When he did he was surprised by what he saw.

Sam and David were in the kitchen and they were cooking, but there wasn't any food involved. Sam had David pressed against the wall and was giving him a very passionate kiss. Frodo couldn't help watching but was careful not to let them know he was here. Sam's hands moved up and down David's body as he moved his mouth along David's throat and face.

David responded in kind and rested his hands onto Sam's chest. Sam reached up and moved David's hands inside his shirt and David responded eagerly. His hands massaged Sam's powerful upper body and gradually removed his shirt. Frodo gasped slightly, always amazed at the strength in his love's body. Sam may have been a little portly during the quest but those days were long gone. Using exercises he had learned from Aragorn and Legolas, Sam had built a very powerful body, firm with muscle.

If either man heard the gasp they didn't let on. Sam opened David's shirt and rubbed in response and reciprocity. Sam pressed forward, his body placed firmly against David's, their skin touched and their kisses deepened.

Sam let out a low growl as David nibbled on his earlobes.

"Oh sir, that is so good." he moaned

As David continued to pleasure Sam the eager young Hobbit began to lose self control.

"Forgive me sir but I have to do this" he grunted.

Sam held David in his arms and moved him over to a nearby table. He firmly pressed the young man down on his back, his legs draping off of the table. Sam began to remove David's pants and for a moment Frodo thought he was going to go too far. Sam dropped his own pants and began to stroke himself. He then bent down and Frodo knew what was coming next.

Sam whispered into David's ears.

"Don't worry sir, I won't hurt you"

For a time Sam lay down on top of David, rubbing their crotches together. He then moved down David's body and took his member into his mouth. If there was one thing Sam did better that anyone else, it was this. Frodo knew that for a fact.

David moaned as Sam seemed to take his entire body into a warm moist mouth. Given what had been going on with Frodo it didn't take long for David to reach his peak and he seemed to howl as he erupted in Sam's mouth. Frodo grinned as he knew David was now in for a bit of a shock. Frodo reached into his pants and pulled his own penis out, ready to enjoy what was to come.

Sam paused for a moment as he brought himself to near completion. Then he took a deep breath and swallowed David again, not only taking in the member but the balls as well. David tensed and relaxed in sync with Sam's efforts. He couldn't believe he was getting firm again. Sam stroked himself in rhythm with his efforts and Frodo did his best to match the efforts.

This time it took a little longer and sweat poured off of David's body. He groaned as he got closer and closer to a second climax. Sam sped up his own efforts and soon he erupted on the floor. A moment later David experienced an orgasm more intense than any he had ever felt. Waves of pleasure poured through him. Frodo was the last to finish and quickly slipped down the hall to clean up.

As David came down from his peak Sam had pulled him into a large chair. Sam was sitting on the chair holding David in his arms. The two sat there for several minutes, David completely content in Sam's strong and comforting embrace. Sam reached over and got a cloth and began to gently clean the two of them

As they kissed and cuddled Sam turned to David

"Should we tell Frodo we saw him"

"No, let's let him have the memory" replied David.

They finished dressing themselves and moved towards the stove. Their romantic interlude had been just long enough for the meal to be completed and they covered the table with a great feast. Frodo moved into the room and joined them. The three enjoyed a meal filled with laughter and happiness as well as a few kisses and hugs.

Frodo turned to his two friends and gave a serious look

"I know we have a lot to do today but I wanted to ask you both something"

David and Sam looked up ready for his question

"What do you think of the idea of the three of us spending tonight together in the master bedroom"

Both Sam and David replied with quick and enthusiastic agreement and the three laughed and smiled for the remainder of the meal.

After lunch they moved to complete the work of the day. Sam and David moved to the gardens to do the daily work while Frodo worked to clean up the kitchen. Frodo also worked to review his accounts, as was his standard practice this time every month. Things were doing very well but he had a special purpose for doing it this day. He had frequently tried to make Sam his heir but the proud Hobbit resisted the efforts. Besides Sam was already very well off financially and had arranged things with Rose and her family.

Frodo now knew what he would be doing with his estate. It was a relief to settle this as he knew that things would not go on forever. Someday accounts would have to be settled for what happened on the quest. He hoped that he would be able to stay for many more years but he never knew for sure.

He thought he would have to write and ask Legolas about that. If someday he did have to leave the Shire he hoped that it would be possible for visits to take place between himself and David.

After finishing his accounts he headed into the town and took some time to meet with the town banker. It did not take long for them to devise a plan that would take care of both Frodo's current needs and David's future ones. He also consulted with the sheriff about what could be done to protect David's safety. A series of documents were prepared and Frodo took them back to Bags End.

As Frodo walked back to Bags End he debated when to show his plans to Sam and David. He decided that he would discuss these things with Sam and David after he had heard back from Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas. That way they would know the complete situation. He smiled as he thought of the evening that he would spend with the two friends.

Although Frodo didn't know it, at that very moment his friends were working hard to respond to his plea for help. Gimli was continuing to lead the efforts to find the men that had done such evil things. So far he had not met with a great deal of success. The searches had uncovered a number of criminals, and had also aided in the discovery of a lost tomb that held the remains of ancient dwarf rulers. There had been some information uncovered regarding a group of men who did engage in kidnapping but it was only information. The information was always a little out of date, the travelers in question had just moved on. He was fairly certain that they had left the lands of his domain.

Aragorn had reached a somewhat similar conclusion, although he had learned a little bit more about these wrongdoers. He was fairly certain that they were divided into two groups. One group consisted of those who actively engaged in the purchase and sale of men for evil deeds. Although the group had gotten away, one of their confidants had been questioned by a royal search party.

When inspired to do so, the soldiers of the realm could be quite.... persuasive. In fact in most cases it was not even necessary to actually do anything, the mere threat was enough. In this case the pigeon had sung quite a tale. The main group had moved on to the North where they would ply their evil trade. Soldiers had been dispatched to capture and take care of these criminals.

The second group was much smaller, one leader and a couple of men to help protect him. This man, named Kevin, was almost certainly one who had harmed the young human that Frodo had taken into his protection. Aragorn was not certain what had been done to this poor soul he was uncomfortably convinced that it was a bad as he feared.

Knowing that Legolas the elf was nearest to the Shire he dispatched a message that would be received in just a day or two.

Legolas was also working on his part of the deal but unknown to Frodo he was doing so as he traveled to the Shire. Everywhere Legolas went he did everything he could to find out about these evil men. Elves were a very stoic people, seldom showing great emotion to others. But that merely served to hide the deep feelings within their hearts. Legolas was a deeply passionate and caring being, especially when it came to those in pain. Although he had never met David he felt a deep caring for him.

His thoughts turned to his friends in the shire. He was close to all of them, and considered each of them to be more than friends, they were like family, or like brothers. But when it came to Sam and Frodo there was something deeper. A love as passionate as any he had ever felt before. Having read between the lines of Frodo's letter he suspected that a love was forming between Sam, Frodo and David. He hoped that it was true as there would be many hard times ahead and another person to offer support would be a good thing.

It was evening at Legolas had stopped at an inn for the evening. He was reading a dispatch he had received from Aragorn. It appeared that the first group of wrongdoers had been taken care of. They were far to the north and would be captured by the soldiers of the King. But there remained the one named Kevin, the person who had most likely done the worst evils. He was still at large and it was possible he was heading for the Shire.

Which was not to say that he knew that David was there. He would head for the Shire because many people traveled through that area and it was not normally patrolled by the forces of the King. He would head there because he could make his way to the sailing ships on the edge of the Shire.

What Legolas did not know was that in that very same inn were the men he was looking for. They were sitting quietly in a corner booth, close to a doorway so they could make a quick escape. They took even less notice of Legolas that he took of them and that was fortunate. Legolas had searched the room when he entered, so he knew what each person looked like, he simply didn't have a description of Kevin.

Sitting in the booth Kevin was an angry man. He was once a fairly good looking and athletic man but time and his rough lifestyle had worn on that appearance. He could still look nice if he tried but today he was in no mood to look nice.

"That dammed whelp. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I should have turned him over to the Orcs. They would have known how to take care of him" hissed Kevin, careful not to speak too loudly.

Kevin's companions winced at the comment. Orcs were well known for their cruelty but when sex came into the picture it was beyond cruel. They would use and abuse a victim until his body simply gave out. Victims often looked as if they were tortured or killed in battle. It was not a pretty picture.

"Well right now we need to get you away from here, to a place of safety" replied one of the henchmen.

Kevin grunted his agreement but made it clear that if he ever saw David again it would be a sad day for the young man.

A few days later Frodo was walking by the water talking with his friend Merry. He discussed the developments between himself, Sam and David. The first night they had spent together was a special one. They had hugged and cuddled, kissed and caressed each other. Each night since had been similarly enjoyable although they had never gone all the way. Merry grinned as he realized the pair had become a trio.

It happened without warning. There were no awkward moments leading up to it or self-doubt and second-guessing. The trio had prepared for bed as usual, Frodo on the left, Sam on the right and David lying comfortably between the two. All three were exhausted from a grueling day of work. The gardens were coming along nicely thanks to Sam and David. Frodo had spent the day cleaning the house and preparing their evening meal. The three had bathed and climbed into bed. As usual they talked for a while about their plans. David was increasingly coming to think of this place as his home too. After a while, Sam leaned over and kissed first David, then Frodo goodnight. He was about to pull away and settle down for a good nights rest, when Frodo prolonged the kiss, resting his hand against the soft face of his friend.

David watched in amazement as the kiss deepened. He instinctively reached up and ran his hands under the nightshirt that Sam was wearing. His skilled hands stroked each nipple, causing the portly hobbit to shudder and groan into the mouth of his friend. Frodo deepened the kiss, dropping his other hand down between David's legs and stroking his cock into erection through his pajamas. David used his other hand to give Frodo's chest the same attention he was giving Sam. The young human arched into the touch of the raven-haired hobbit, sighing wistfully and letting his legs fall open, inviting the touch.

The two hobbits broke the kiss and stared down at their once timid houseguest. His eyes were smoky with passion and both hobbits swallowed hard as they saw the open look of need on their new friend's face. Almost simultaneously they each attacked David's mouth, battling for the right to claim the lips that were fast becoming swollen with kisses. Frodo licked at the left corner of the diminutive human's mouth, while Sam laid sloppy kisses across the center and along the right side of his face.

Frodo realizing he had lost the war over David's mouth slid down and laid claim to the territory his hand had staked out moments ago. He let his hand fall between David's thighs and ran his mouth against the fabric of David's crotch. The young man nearly levitated off the bed as he bent his body to make further contact with the warm delicious mouth that breathed over his cock. Sam used both hands to hold the younger man's head in place as he continued to kiss every inch of David's mouth. Spurred on by the soft whimpers he heard above him, Frodo licked and sucked through the fabric, teasing the wet shaft beneath. Frodo used his right hand to snake up Sam's gown and fondle the full cheeks that lay underneath.

"You'll be the death of me Frodo" he grunted, as he spread his thighs slightly to encourage further exploration.

Frodo giggled against David's crotch, the feel was beyond anything David's senses could describe. David took the opportunity of having his mouth free to plead for more contact. Frodo obliged, undoing the drawstring of the pajama bottoms and sliding them down to pool around David's knees. David was about to protest to have them removed completely, but he found his mouth full of Sam's tongue and was quickly distracted from his earlier thoughts.

David slid his hand between himself and the blond hobbit and stroked the erection that nudged at his stomach. Frodo busied himself inhaling the hardened moist flesh of David into his mouth and probing the familiar opening of his life long friend Sam. Sam yelped with pleasure and pushed down, welcoming the slender probing fingers and riding them for all it was worth.

He rose up on his knees, spreading himself further and allowing Frodo unfettered access. He felt the small hand of their human friend tugging on his leaking cock and let out a hissing sound as he forsook David's mouth and simply whimpered against his neck. His ass hung in the air, an inviting feast that Frodo fought hard to resist. The delicious salty taste of David's eight inches was not something he wanted to abandon at the moment, especially when it elicited the cutest little sounds out of their young friend.

For the first time in a long time, David was actually enjoying sex. Sure he knew how to give pleasure to others. It was ingrained in him during his ordeal with other treacherous humans. But it had been rare to receive pleasure in return, and even when he was on the receiving end, it was mostly unwanted. At those times, David would play a game with himself. He'd let his thoughts carry him away to some exotic adventure as cruel hands plundered his body.

But tonight, as David lay with his cock engulfed in the warm wet cavern of Frodo's mouth and his own hand wrapped around the thick cock of Samwise Gamgee, he tried to concentrate on every sensation he was feeling. His brain was on overload, trying to process the myriad emotions these two loving hobbits were instilling in him. While his mind worked, his body had it's own ideas. It gyrated and writhed of it's own freewill, making as much contact with the two gentle spirits that were bent on pleasuring him for pleasure's sake.

Sam looked up at David.

"Are you okay?" He questioned. "Do you want to stop?"

David stared at the curly haired blonde in disbelief. He felt Frodo still. He'd never been asked that question before. He thrashed his head wildly in the negative and Sam burst out laughing at the enthusiastic answer he received. The two hobbits continued to assault David's senses, bringing him to the brink of completion only to slow their efforts. David pounded his fist on the bed and let out a groan of frustration.

"Sam," Frodo said after releasing the hard wet shaft from his mouth, "perhaps we should not be so cruel."

"I suppose you are right my love. There is no greater satisfaction than finishing a job properly," he said, smiling at Frodo.

David found the conversation more maddening than the teasing of his body.

"Shall we ask our young friend what he thinks?" Frodo asked Sam, barely able to keep a straight face.

"Pleeeeease," David cried out.

Sam and Frodo both laughed at their successful torturing of their new partner.

"I think," Sam began, trying to sound as serious as possible, "that was a yes."

Before David could register a formal complaint, Frodo was kneeling between David's thighs, his legs spread and place over each of Frodo's shoulders. Sam reached for the nightstand and retrieved a flask filled with slick oil. David stared at the curious glass container.

"It's to help with penetration," Sam explained to David. "The elves taught us how to use it."

David nodded watching intently as Sam uncorked the flask and spilled some of the substance into his palm. He then did the same to Frodo's outstretched hand. Both knew that David was probably used to being entered without preparation, but they wanted this experience to be different for the man they had come to love. David felt Frodo's slick fingers probe his opening and instinctively his muscles contracted.

"There there now David. We are not going to hurt you," Sam said soothingly, resting his unslicked palm flat against the small man's chest.

Frodo waited a bit before continuing. He pushed his index finger forward, slicking David until he felt him relax against the intrusion. David's breathing became labored and Sam leaned down to kiss his face and whisper assurances in his ear. Slowly David opened up more and more to Frodo. Sam stroked David's cock with his slicked hand as Frodo placed his cock against David's quivering hole.

Frodo entered David in one fluid motion, stilled and then pushed forward again. David let out a soft cry feeling Frodo's rigid flesh inside of him. The hobbit used gentle motions to slide deeper into David. Sam straddled David's chest, his back to his face and leaning down captured David's cock in his mouth. His position left Sam's rear open and exposed to an ecstatic David.

Raising his head, he saw Sam's pink pucker wink at him between his firm pale cheeks. David stretched his hand out and reached for the discarded flask. Gathering the oily liquid on his fingertips, he probed the tight warm orifice sending a shockwave of pleasure through Sam's body. The portly hobbit moaned in pleasure around the thick hard shaft of the young man. David's whole body tingled. He thrust up into Sam's mouth desperate to be devoured by his new lover.

Frodo clutched the curly blonde locks of Sam's head, impaling him further on David's cock. He thrust deeper and deeper into David, panting with each stroke. The feel of David engulfing his organ was exquisite. Frodo tried his best to make it last as long as possible, but the feel of David clutching around his cock in response to Sam's ministrations on David's made it virtually impossible. David sought out Sam's pleasure spot and honed in on it with pinpoint precision. The hobbit bucked wildly, swallowing David and sucking along the thick vein. David was balls deep in Sam's mouth. He used his free hand to toy with the balls that hung heavy before him. He stroked them and fondled them until he felt them constrict. Warm liquid spewed over his chest and stomach as the appreciative hobbit came, drawing David's cock even further down his throat until he joined him in orgasm.

David clenched against Frodo, holding his cock in a vice grip. Frodo let out a small cry, which sounded like a strange combination of both his lover's names. David felt the warm sticky liquid fill his body. He stroked Sam's back and ran his hands over his buttocks sated by both his lovers. After several minutes, the three untangled themselves from each other. Sam still kneeling over David pulled Frodo up for a loving kiss. He left the bed and grabbed some linens to clean themselves with.

The three scrambled under the covers with David tucked securely between the two. They continued to touch and kiss and caress until one by one the drifted off to sleep. Sam was the last to let sleep take over. He lay there watching over his new family, determined that nothing would come between them. He loved Rose and his family with her, but this family here was just as special to him

Meanwhile Legolas had reached the edge of the shire.

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