Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 16, 2001


"The Beginning of Something Wonderful."

It starts out when the BSB are forming up with Kevin and Brian. This is going to be a pairing of either Brian and Nick or Kevin and Nick. The readers will have a major say in how the story works out. So I will definitely need input. Due to the fact that in this story Nick is only 13 there will not be any sex for a long time. Sorry folks. If you want sex go somewhere else. There will however be a lot heartache and heartbreak and humor in this story. So hang on to your heartstrings.

Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys. I do not know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys. If you are under the age of 18 please leave. This is an adult story for adults. Please honor my request and save us a lot of trouble and leave now. Come back when you are legal.

e-mail me at

Chapter 6

"Ok now be careful with that arm Nick," Dr. Smith said as Nick got up and put on his jacket. "And remember no dancing until the cast comes off." Nick didn't look happy about the idea that he couldn't dance. It was one of the reasons he joined the group. He got to do three things he loved most, sing, dance and every once in a while he got to play the drums. Now he couldn't play the drums or dance. Brian put his arm around Nick's shoulder to offer him support.

"We'll make sure he is careful doc," Brian said as he helped Nick drape the jacket over his shoulder. "Come on Nick, let's get back to the hotel."

"Where is Kevin?" Nick asked looking around. "I was hoping that he would be here to pick me up."

"Kevin has an old friend coming into town. He had to meet him at the airport," Brian said hoping that Nick would let the matter drop. "Hey Nick?" Brian asked with a naughty look in his eye.

"Yea?" Nick asked back.

"You want to go to McDonalds?" Brian asked grinning.

"Kevin is going to get mad," Nick said. "You know how he is with junk food."

"Kevin doesn't have to know," Brian said looking over his shoulder to see if Kevin was following. "Come on! It will be fun."

"Ummm Ok," Nick said grinning too. So the two friends headed off to the nearest Golden Arches.

At the hotel

"God Ryan," Kevin said as he leaned in for a kiss. "It is so good to see you." His lips pressed up against Ryan's and Ryan moaned softly in to Kevin's mouth. "I want you now!"

"Umm shouldn't we wait until the kid gets here?" Ryan asked.

"Yea we will, but I'm horny as hell," Kevin grinned as he made a grab for Ryan's belt.

"Well come and get me Kevin," Ryan said as he pulled off his shirt revealing a very cut and hard chest. Kevin grinned wickedly and pulled his shirt off too. "Wow!" Ryan said licking his lips. "You've grown up Kevy." Ryan reached for Kevin's belt and eagerly pulled it off. "Now let's get these pants off of you." Ryan worked very quickly at undressing Kevin. When Kevin was naked Ryan pulled off his pants too and tossed aside. He lay down on top of Kevin grinding his crotch into Kevin's and pressing his lips to Kevin's "Ohhh God!" Ryan moaned. "It's been so long Kev," he groaned out. He looked down a Kevin's tool and took hold of it.

"UUUUHHHHH God Ryan," Kevin groaned as he tossed his head back. "Please Ryan."

"Please what?" asked Ryan licking his lips as he scooted down and kissed the head of Kevin's pulsating cock. "You want me to suck you?" Kevin moaned and whimpered. "Is that a yes?" Ryan giggled as he licked the tip of it.

"Ohhh fuck!" Kevin gasped looking down at Ryan's brown head as Ryan continued to kiss and lick the head. "Don't tease me like that." Ryan finally took pity on Kevin and looked up at him.

"Fuck me Kevin," he demanded. "Fuck me in the face." Than he lowered his head on to Kevin's cock engulfing the entire thing.

"OOOHHH GOD!" Kevin screamed as he started to thrust in and out of Ryan's mouth.

"Oh yea Kevin," Ryan though to him self. "Fuck my face. Shove that dick down my throat. You know your cock belongs down my throat!" He looked up Kevin's rock hard abs and chest and almost came himself when he saw the look of pure ecstasy in Kevin's eyes.

"Oooohh baby," moaned Kevin as he continued to pound Ryan's face. He knew that Ryan loved to have his face fucked hard. "OOOHHH FUCK!" Kevin shouted as his orgasm over took him. Ryan sucked down the huge torrent of seed that spewed from Kevin's cock. The salty bitter taste assaulted Ryan's taste buds as he quickly tried to swallow the load. After calming down for a few minutes he looked up at Kevin. Kevin had a naughty gleam in his eyes.

"Fuck me Ryan," he pleaded as he handed him tube of lube and condom.

"With pleasure Kevin," Ryan said as he took the lube and condom from his best friend. "You want it rough?"

"Don't I always?" Kevin asked as he lay on his back. "Come on hurry, Nick is due back any time."

"You sure this is going to work?" Ryan asked. "I don't like the idea of hurting the little guy's feelings like this.

"He's gotta know that nothing can happen with him, and me" Kevin said. "Now shove that piece of meat in me!"

Out in the hall.

"Man I'm stuffed!" Nick complained as he rolled his eyes.

"Well I wasn't the one who said you should eat that double quarter pounder," Brian giggled. "Man how can you eat so much for such a little guy?"

"Hey," Nick giggled back. "I'm a growin boy!"

"Yea you're growin all right," Brian said laughing. "You grown outwards."

"I am not!" Nick hurled back at him pretending to pout. "You take that back!" Nick demanded as he paused by Kevin's door. "Listen I gotta get some stuff from Kevin's room and than I'll meet you in our room and we can pig out on ice cream and watch TV." Nick slid the key in the door and turned the handle.

"Wait Nick!" Brian shouted loudly. But it was too late. Nick opened the door and stepped in and looked over at the bed. Ryan was in middle of blasting his load into Kevin. Kevin looked up and saw the 13-year-old teen standing there in the door with a crushed look on his face. Kevin's heart broke into a million pieces when he saw the hurt on Nick's face. He wanted to crawl into a whole and die. But he couldn't, he had to make the show look good.

"Jesus Christ Nick!" he shouted at Nick. "Don't you ever knock? Now get out!"

"Ohhh uuum I umm sorry," Nick stammered as he saw Kevin and Ryan having sex on the bed. He quickly pulled the door shut and turned and ran down the hall.

"Nick wait!" Brian shouted after him. He chased Nick down the hall. He could hear Nick sobbing as he slammed into the fire escape door and flung it open and ran up the stairs. Brian sighed and started to sprint up the stairs after the heart broken teen. "And I thought it was going to be a good day."

Back in the room.

Ryan was putting on his clothes. Kevin was sitting on the edge of the bed staring off into space. "Tell me again what the purpose was to this?" Ryan asked as he shook head trying to get the hurt look on Nick's face out of his mind.

"He's gotta know that nothing can happen between him and me," Kevin said as he picked up his boxers and slipped them on. "Jesus Ryan, there is over 8 years between us. He is 13 and I'm 21 and where I come from that is as illegal as hell. No, I did the right thing. It had to be done!" Ryan came up behind him and put his arms around Kevin pulling him close.

"You trying to convince me or yourself?" He whispered into Kevin's ear as he kissed his bare shoulder.

"Come on Ryan!" Kevin shouted at him shrugging him off. "You know as well as I do. It would never work!"

"You love him don't you?" Ryan asked. Kevin shook his head no. "Well do you?"

"I gotta go for a walk," Kevin said shaking his head. "You gonna stay?"

"For as long as you need me baby," Ryan said as he placed his hand along side of Kevin's face. Kevin leaned in and kissed Ryan lightly on the lips and headed out the door. He saw the fire escape door open decided to head up to the roof.

Up on the roof.

"I hate him!" Nick yelled up in the air. He plopped down on the edge of the building looking out over the city. "Why did he have to do that?" The tears had stopped flowing. Now all that was left was anger. He heard the door swing open behind him. "Go away!" he shouted at wind. He could hear the footsteps as whoever it was got closer. He smelled the scent of gravity as the person sat nest to him. He looked up and saw that it was Kevin.

"Should you be sitting this close to the edge?" Kevin asked looking down.

"Why do you care?" Nick hurled at him. "Why aren't you down stairs with your boyfriend?" he sassed Kevin. "And where is Brian? I thought he was following me.

"I'm not down stairs with Ryan because my friend needs me right now, and Brian is up here but he is waiting in the stairway. He is afraid of heights," Kevin answered Nick. "You want to talk about what you saw?" Nick shook his head no. "Than what do you want to talk about?"

"Nothin!" Nick hurled at Kevin. "Why?" Nick asked him in a soft voice. Kevin his eyebrows at Nick's sudden change of heart. "Why did you have sex with him?"

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it?" Kevin said trying not to smile. Nick glared at him for a few seconds before staring back at the view of the city. "Ryan and I go back a long way. We dated off and on for last few years. We've decided to date again."

"But what about---?" Nick started but stopped. "Ohhh never mind!" Kevin put his arm around Nick and tried to pull him close. "Don't touch me," Nick mumbled softly. Kevin could feel his shoulders shake. He knew that Nick was crying.

"Please Nick don't cry," Kevin said softly. "I'm way to old for you buddy."

"I know," Nick sniffled. "But I can't help it. I feel things for you that I never felt before."

"Nick," Kevin said softly. "I deserve to be happy." Nick nodded and kept staring off at the city. "I'm sorry you got hurt Nick."

"I'll live Kevin," Nick said softly. After a few minutes of silence, "So was it good?" he asked.

"Was umm what ummm good?" Kevin stammered. Nick busted up laughing as he wiped off the remaining tears. "Ohhh the sex." Kevin blushed and looked around roof. "umm Yea it was good."

"Do you love him?" Nick asked looking up at Kevin.

"Umm yea I guess I do," Kevin stammered again. Kevin noticed that Nick was shivering. "Let's get you down stairs where it is warmer." Nick nodded and stood up and started to walk back to the door. "That is a cool cast you are wearing. But umm can I ask why you had them put on a lime green cast?"

"Oh, AJ hates lime green," Nick said smirking. "So I got it to drive him nuts. Hey, it's his fault that I have the stupid cast on anyway." Kevin couldn't help but laugh at Nick's reasoning. "Umm Kevin?" Nick asked.

"Yea Nicky?" Kevin answered.

"Umm why are you walking funny?" Nick asked giggling. Kevin rolled his eyes as he held the door open for Nick. "Hey Brian," Nick said with a grin.

"You all right Nick?" Brian asked with concern lacing his voice. "I'm sorry I didn't go out there with you."

"I'm ok now," Nick said. Brian could tell that Nick was still upset about Kevin.

"You sure?" Brian asked putting his arm around Nick's shoulders. Nick nodded as he swallowed some tears. "Good, now let's go do something fun."

"Umm sorry you two," Kevin said shaking his head. "But we have a meeting to attend before our plane leaves for Europe." He looked at the disappointed look on Nick's face and relented. "Tell you what. You two can miss the meeting. I'll feel you in later."

"Thanks Kevin," Nick said as he hugged him quickly and grabbed Brian's arm and started pulling on him to get him going. "Come on Brian." Kevin shook his head at the two retreating teens.

Later that night at dinner.

"Nick?" asked AJ in a small voice. Brian glared at him daring him to say something mean. "Umm I'm really sorry about breaking your arm and umm--."

"Don't talk to him!" Brian hurled at him. "You never have anything nice to say about him or to him. So why don't you just leave him alone?"

"Listen," AJ pushed forward. "We're going to be together for a long time. I'm trying really hard to apologies for what I said in the past and for what I did." Nick looked up at AJ to see if he could see any deceit in his eyes but he didn't see any. "I know I can't make up for what I did. But I would like to try really hard to be friends. Can we?" he asked.

"Can we what?" Nick asked.

"Can we try and be friends?" AJ asked again.

"Yea sure AJ," Nick smiled. AJ breathed a sigh of relief and got up and walked around the table and pulled Nick in hug. He also noted that Brian was glaring at him.

"I'm sorry Brian," AJ said. "I come from a Christian family. And I've heard that you did too. Isn't forgiveness taught in your faith too?" Brian chewed on his lower lip for a few seconds before nodding. "So can we all move on as friends?"

"Yea I guess we can," Brian said nodding. "But don't ever think of hurting him again. If you do you will have me to deal with."

"And me too," Kevin spoke up. "Nick is the youngest member of the group and he doesn't need to treated that way."

"I won't hurt him ever again," AJ said as he sat back down. "I really want all five of us to be friends."

"Good," Kevin said. "Than enough said. I've got some news I need to tell you all and I'm not sure you are going to like it." Brian saw a man walk up to the table and looked up and frowned. "Umm guys this is Ryan, umm he and I are dating and he is coming on the tour with us." The sound of a chair crashing to the floor startled every one. Brian looked over and saw that Nick had left the table.

"Well that could've went better Kevin," Ryan said as he sat down.

"I'm going to see if he is all right," Kevin said as he got up. Ryan held him down.

"Nicky will be just fine, spend some time with me," Ryan said in tone of voice that said he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I'll go see if he all right," Brian said glaring at Ryan as he tossed down his napkin and got up from the table.

"Well Kevin," AJ said looking over his glass. "Doesn't seem that I have to worry about hurting him. That task seems to have fallen on your shoulders now."

"Fuck you AJ," Kevin hurled at him.


Tell me what did you think? I need input!!!!!

Next: Chapter 5: Beginning of Something Wonderful 7 8

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