Being a Rentboy

By walter naised

Published on Feb 2, 2020


Now remember boys, porn isn't real so don't expect your sex life to be anything like it.

This is a gay sex/love story set in a world that blends elements of magic and heavy scifi. always practice safe sex in the real world. please email me with comments/questions at

Nifty could use some support with donations. please help if you can @


I walked into the back lounge area carrying a six-pack of beer and my jacket slung over my shoulder. Since the early days of the week are pretty slow it's kind of become an unofficial regular hang out get together with the boys. Daddy noticed and allowed us to basically take over a seldom-used back room, one of the many we have for entertaining clients. We scrapped the bed and brought in some salvaged secondhand couches and some beanbags. Over the past few months we've all slowly turned it into a real hangout den with people putting up posters and magazine clippings and such. I'd walk in one day and see stuff like an oversized novelty lava-lamp and a stack of comic books I hadn't seen there before, but stuff like that was such a regular occurrence I didn't even question it anymore.

Chuck was laying backwards on one of the Beanbags playing with his handheld gaming device next to montagne and Jasper on the center couch. We had all pooled our cash together to splurge on a giant flatscreen TV, a few different gaming systems and more games than I cared to count, the two of them were playing some fighting game animatedly, shoving each other and cursing each other out when one of them died. I plunked down the beer and threw my jacket in a corner and nodded at castor who was lounging on a recliner knitting something I guessed was a sock.

"Nice you brought the beer" montagne said pausing the game as he and jasper jumped up to grab a bottle. "not like there wasn't already plenty of stuff here" I laughed. Indeed we had our small fridge constantly full of soda and ice as well as however many dozen bottles of random liquor all stacked up in the corner. "The night is young, my friend" Jasper said popping off the cap "no need to hit the hard stuff just yet"

the night dissolved into our usually drunken shenanigans almost immediately, playing card-based drinking games and nonstop laughing at stupid shit.

"dude you gotta tell the jalapeno story!" I yelled at montagne

"oh god" he groaned leaning back in his chair, covering his face with his hand while we continued to tease and catcall him. "I had forgotten about that"

"....what's the jalapeno story?" chuck asked sipping lightly on his drink. We had tried to get him to drink beer but he found it gross so after teasing him a bit and some experimenting we got him a drink he liked, some girly fruity pineapple vodka drink. Jasper insisted on pouring it since according to him I apparently am a little heavy handed while pouring drinks.

"ok so, when I started here I wasn't taking too many clients so I was working the kitchen at the café for extra cash and so I was prepping ingredients for paninis and was slicing jalapenos all afternoon when I get an alert on my phone that my next client was already here and I had forgotten. So I was like 'oh shit' and threw off my apron and ran to the room without washing my hands."

"oh gods, I can tell where this is going" said castor sniggering

" you haven't heard this?!" I laughed

"no haha"

"anyway" montagne continued "I get to the room and am like, 'oh hey, sorry im a few minutes late' and the guy goes 'oh no it's cool bro'. So we get naked, start making out, yada yada and then I go and start fingering his ass when he suddenly starts fuckin' SCREAMING and it took me a split second to realize and them I'm like 'oh shit!' "

chuck was covering his mouth in silent wide-eyed horror while the rest of the boys and I were howling with laugher. I even spilled a bit of my drink on myself.

"....and I fuckin' BOLT out the room, almost taking the door off the hinges and back towards the café where everyone's just staring at me as I run to the back kitchen butt-ass naked, my cock on full mast display and into the fridge and just throwing shit aside and grabbing a gallon of heavy cream before sprinting back without a word and dumping a massive amount on this guy's ass to help neutralize the pain. And so he just starts shoveling cream into his hole right? And I'm like 'oh fuck, I'm so fired for losing a client like this'. I start apologizing over and over an' he's crying as I'm sitting there massaging cream in his ass with my fingers (cuz it needs to be soaked in the cream to nullify the oils or some shit) and after a while I realized he's fucking getting into it. This dude's dick is at like full mast and instead of crying he's goddamn MOANING and he fucking CUMS all over himself."

the whole room was crying, howling with laughter. Even chuck couldn't help but be beside himself with fits of giggles. After a minute or so Montagne stopped and looked chuck dead in the eyes and said "and the guy still kept coming back to see me every week for like 2 months"


I woke up still in the boyz lounge room.

"oh god" I groaned and I clutched my head. I knew what a hangover was but until last night I had never really drank alcohol and thus had never experienced one firsthand. I thrashed around trying not to imagine how much it felt like my head was being crushed in a giant vice. I was laying upside down on the giant bean bag where someone had thrown a blanket over me. Jasper was passed out in his underwear on the couch, his glasses laying on the ground on an ashtray amongst many bottles. I groaned again and covered my face with my hands and then looked down and saw that someone had taken a permanent marker and wrote things like "I am a huge dork" along with dozens of dicks drawn all over my arms and body.

"assholes" I said letting my head flop back onto the beanbag

I apparently passed out again as I came to again a while later. Jasper was still there, and seemed to be the only one remaining from last night. He was at least awake now and playing on his phone while absentmindedly scratching his hairy belly.

I checked my watch and realized I had slept most of the day away as it was already after 5pm. The boys had been smart at making sure to have me experience my first party when I didn't have a shift at the café the next day. Other than a text from montagne asking how the hungover barista boy was doing along with a picture of me passed out on the floor with my hand still inside a bag of chips and one from adler saying he was doing something for daddy with castor and that we'll have to have our game rematch later I didn't have any other notifications. I stretched and figured If I had the day off I might as well have fun and play some more videogames.

I kicked off the heavy knitted afghan and started rummaging around the room; Pushing aside various snack bags and game controllers.

"whatcha lookin' for?" jasper asked, looking up from his phone.

"my bag" I answered. It was the last place I remembered having my handheld with my new game on it.

"over there on the fridge" he said pointing and sure enough my bag was was in the corner on top of the minifridge with my handheld sitting on it. I turned it on and the red flashing light indicating it's low battery came on. I grunted in disappointment and rummaged around in my bag looking for the charger. As I grabbed it I felt my hand brush up against my book and the glass ball I had swiped from the library. I had pretty much forgotten about it since we got home.

I smiled and pulled out the glass ball and absentmindedly tossed it up in the air and caught it on the back of my fingers, letting it roll down my arm before flicking it back up again and catching it.

Plugged my handheld in to charge and flopped facedown on the floor and pulled out my old picture book. I hadnt really gotten a chance to go through it since we retrieved it from the library since I've been so busy with work and clients. I flipped open the cover and found a large sticky note attached to the inside cover, apparently from one of the examiners at the library artifact room.

Item # 46726

Acquisition date: approx. XXXXX

Faen text, with no known contemporary translation. Illustrations and symbols indicate botanical and zoological field notes/ research for medicinal purposes and/or spells corresponding to included star charts. Book has been screened and appears to contain no live curses or enchantments placed upon it.


tome is approx. 300-400 years old in Moderate condition, containing large stain (possibly blood or wine) on cover + several pages. Leather binding and parchment appear to be of a bovine species but does not match any known extant species. Samples have been taken to the university of Kadlavier for lab testing.

It felt so strange reading my book being described in such cold clinical description, I had only ever really thought of it as my book of silly pictures.

I began flipping through the familiar pages of my weird old book fondly. Marveling at all the hand drawn pictures of these strange flowers and plants. My favorite being a tree which seemed to bear large lumpy pear shaped purple and yellow fruits.

There were also a fair amount of animals and insects depicted though few of which matched anything I had seen anywhere else. Throughout the book was the spiraling loopy language that covered nearly every inch of the pages, even crossing over the illustrations. It all seemed so familiar yet I knew I had no idea what any of it meant, it didn't even resemble any other language I could think of yet I found it comforting just the same.


I found myself flipping through the picture book fondly while absentmindedly playing with the glass ball, idly rolling it back and forth with a finger. I turned to the section containing some of my favorite drawings I had all but forgotten about. It was a few pages with depictions of odd colored mushrooms that grew in either irregular spiraling or overlapping circular patterns creating oddly satisfying geometric shapes. I flicked the ball across the page as I admired the weird loopy writing.

Then I noticed something odd. The writing on the page appeared distorted through the glass ball in a way that looked... almost familiar? I couldn't think of why. I repositioned the ball at the top of the page and rolled it across the first line of text

"....eldiya deuilia enayia..." I read aloud slowly

The next thing I knew Jasper was shaking my shoulder. "you okay, bro?" he asked looking concerned

"wait what?" I said confused looking around and back at my book

"you were saying a whole bunch of weird words for a bit and then you were staring at that book without moving for like 5 minutes."

I blinked

"okay mabye like 30 seconds but It was weird and felt like a long five minutes haha" he said

"sorry, just got lost in thought" I said in attempt to brush it off

Jasper laughed "it's all good, dude" and flopped back onto the couch and turned on the TV

I looked down at the page I had apparently been staring at. I squinted as now not only did the writing start to feel more familiar I could tell that I had seen these types of mushrooms before. Somewhere real, the colors were pretty distinctive in their almost metallic blue and green. I had seen them recently...

I stood up suddenly, stuffing the glass ball and book back in my bag and striding out towards the door.

"you alright man?" jasper said pausing his game

"yeah I just got to check something" I muttered

He smirked and went back to playing his game. He must have assumed I had a client or daddy called me into his office.

I strode into the back courtyard which contains the baths that all the boys use but behind that is a small grove of trees with both an outdoor garden and small greenhouse that daddy uses mostly to grow plants and herbs for certain magical purposes as well as a few rare tea and coffee plants for more high-price drinks at the cafe. The greenhouse was off limits but we were free to wander around the garden if we chose which I did often like to on occasion, I usually would see Castor sitting against one of the trees with his knitting or Adler with a book. After walking for less than a minute I saw a small blue metallic mushroom, exactly like the ones in my book.

"I knew it!" I said to myself

Though now that I found one I had no idea what to do with it. I didn't even like eating regular mushrooms much less random wild ones that I didn't even know would poison me or not. I did find it weird that unlike in the picture book this one was just a lone mushroom rather than a part of some spiraling ring.

I scanned around the garden, turning amongst the vegetation and then eventually saw a cluster of three growing from the base of a tree trunk next to the greenhouse.

I moved closer and spotted more underneath the enormous Hydrangea bush. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the flowers on this bush that were normally all a uniform soft pink all had the same metallic blue tint around the edges of their petals.

I heard the faintest of whispers in the hydrangea bush. I hesitated, yet peered deeper inside where I could see the thicket of mushrooms that were smaller but more numerous continuing within the hydrangeas, some even growing out of the hydrangea plant.

The whispers were more frequent now and more numerous. Several different yet unintelligibly faint voices seemingly from this one hydrangea shrub.

I stood there frozen with my curiosity pushing me to investigate and the ominous worry urging me to run away.

A six legged rat ran over my foot and into the hydrangea bush. It stood and turned back towards me before briefly cleaning his face and disappearing fully into the foliage.

The rat was not one of my local friends that I recognized but I understood it's beckoning and pushed aside the thick foliage, avoiding damaging the flowers as best I could eventually coming across a small clearing in the bush where a tight circle of blue mushrooms grew. The grass and weeds within the mushroom circle was much thicker and taller than outside the circle.

I don't know what compelled me but I stepped into the circle and felt my body go rigid, I tried to move yet my muscles would not obey. Then the scenery around me began to distort and ....melt. The foliage from the hydrangea plant, the stone walls, even the dirt began to twist and melt as if it were made of wax in a hot fire. Within a minute the colors of everything had distorted into psychedelic incoherence and everything went black.


The man stumbled through the dim alleyway, trying his best to stick to the shadows. His walk almost seemed drunken, though he used a short cane to help him walk along.

Every fifty feet or so he'd whip his head around searching for anyone who may have noticed him. though he could not perceive anyone, he couldn't help but feel something slinking about in the shadows.

The man walked seemingly aimlessly until he suddenly darted a sharp right turn down the space between two buildings almost completely devoid of light, the area almost completely hidden by the overgrowth of kudzu that had grown it's twisting vines over the buildings and old rusty gates, died dried out and grown again twisting over it's own old dead vines.

I smiled and thought about lighting up a cigarette.

"well that could be quite the fire hazard" I muttered

The man, while seemingly at least slightly crippled in his legs managed to twist himself under and around the tangled kudzu and remnants of old construction debris with purpose and clear knowledge of his destination.

"we sure this is him?" I asked castor

"this fits his description and last known address. Also this is where the rats also said he lived now according to chuck" he said

"hmn well lets hope our furry friends are right" I said "otherwise this could be awkward"

The man had suddenly stopped. Breathing heavily he shoved aside a tangle of vines and leaves to reveal a small camouflaged door made of heavy wood

"Albert!" I barked out into the darkness and as his head whipped around in surprise. His legs were swept out behind him and will a yell he was dragged backwards into the darkness.

After a few seconds he got a better grip on his composure and struck the ground with his cane gasping "niichi!" breaking my telekinetic hold on him and he scrambled up to his feet. He grabbed his cane with both hands and twisted it pulling the sheath off the hidden sword it contained, the bright blade shone bright in the darkness. Shining with no major light source I instantly recognized as an obvious sign of magic. "with a snarl he began firing off spells in random directions.

My telekinetic abilities have no effect on pure magic or phantasmal conjurations so I actually had to but a bit of effort into dodging some of the blasts even though he couldn't see me as I blanketed myself in the dark around me.

After a minute or so he got frustrated and drew his sword back over his shoulder and with several quick precise slashes he created a crude rune into the concrete and he yelled as he thrust his sword down into it as he yelled something I couldn't make out as suddenly everything, the overgrown kudzu vines, the leftover construction debris, even the dumpsters all lurched suddenly as a powerful gale of wind rushed down the alleyway. My body slammed into the dumpster I had been crouching beside.

"ow fucker" I grunted out

His head snapped around to my direction and slashed his cane-sword in my direction, his spell hit the dumpster next to me and there was a loud squealing crunch of metal as the center of the dumpster twisted and within a few seconds it was no more than a ball of wound up metal and plastic twisted together.

I warped up into the windowsill of one of the buildings and grabbed onto some kudzu vines for support and whipped out one of my guns and fired. The ground by his feet cracked as he screamed an embarrassing scream and jumped back, but I wasn't trying to hit him just break the rune and disrupt his wind spell.

Once he was off his concentration and connection to the spell and before he could scramble himself up castor descended from the fire escape and flicked his hand and steel wires twisted themselves up around the railings and bars of the windows and snaked themselves around the man's ankles and wrists and pulled them tight. He managed to pull his limbs in towards himself trying to wrench himself free by sheer brute force

but soon more wires wrapped themselves around his legs and arms and soon he was lifted off the ground his entire body spread out bound by the criss crossing wires looped between the buildings rendering him immobile.

"showoff" I muttered.

We stepped out of the shadows finally and walked towards the man who was giving short ragged breathing, his teeth clenched. He began thrashing against the wires that bound him, swinging his sword, attempting to sever the wires.

"DROP THE SWORD!" I barked at him

Seemingly deaf to us he continued to struggle and slash at us with the sword. I pulled my riding crop from my belt.

"I. SAID. DROP. IT." I shouted striking him across the face with each word until finally he screamed and the sword clattered to the ground. It's runic glow fading. His body going limp in in the midair suspension.

"we've got some questions for you Albert" I smiling up at him.

"how did you get past my bounded field?!" he snarled "I had it spread over the entire block!"

We were in Daddy's dungeon. Normally used for sex scenes but this time the dim light from the candles and it's raw dank smell served a different sort of ambiance.

"oh that?" Daddy said coming up behind us, his broad tattooed torso highlighted in the shallow light against the dark backdrop of the dungeon "I was able to unravel that in a few minutes. May have kept out some of your fellow junkies but it's nothing a proper wizard couldn't break. Only took a few minutes to disrupt the field and disable those outdated cctv cameras"

"that poisoned needle trap on your door nearly got me though" I said holding up my hand to show the deep blackened scratch I had obtained when attempting to break into his apartment. I decided to leave out the viscous scolding I got from daddy for it.

"I told you I'm goin' solo now I don't deal anymore!" he shouted

"oh we're not malik's goons" Daddy said softly "we've got our own reasons to chat with you"

The man's breathing was short and rapid through his clench teeth as his eyes darted rapidly around the room.

Next: Chapter 5

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