Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Oct 25, 2015


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Being Dylan OBriens Assistant

Chapter 5

The production meeting went well. Dylan introduced me as his friend and new assistant. I could see it in Tyler Posey's face that he was a little jealous. He was the star of the show and didn't have an assistant. I smiled to myself, thinking, 'He'd never be able to afford me and his attitude wouldn't allow me to work with him for long.' I had only met Tyler a couple of times. We had never been introduced, but he had been at a few events that I had been at also, while working with past clients. He was arrogant and kind of full of himself. His Filmography wasn't very impressive and I was a little put off by his attitude. Dylan had a much healthier career and he has a better, more humble head on his shoulders. It was refreshing.

With the meeting over we headed back to the car. Tyler caught up with us and pulled Dylan back a little. I slowed down as well, but kept out of earshot. They were having a pretty heated conversation and then I heard Dylan raise his voice slightly and say, "I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you, Tyler. You'll have to accept it. But if you want to throw our friendship away over it, then that's your choice, not mine. If you'll excuse me." And he stormed off in my direction once again. "Let's go. Now." He said to me in a strained voice as he put his sunglasses on and pulled his hood up.

I turned towards the door again and opened it for him. He walked a little faster than me towards the car. I kept an eye out for any potential danger and unlocked the car as he got close to it. I quickly locked it after he had opened the door. As I approached my car, I walked around it to make sure there was nothing out of place. I got to the driver's side door and got in.

I buckled up, started it and backed out of the spot. Dylan had kept his hood up the entire time. I could tell that he was deep in thought and I didn't think it was appropriate for me to break into that thought process yet. I hadn't known him long enough to be sure what the proper procedure was for him. I was going to try my hardest to stay quiet and let him show me the signs it was ok to approach him again.

It was just about lunch time, so I figured he might be hungry, so I turned towards one of my favorite lunch spots. Once there, I parked. He looked up and around and asked "What are we doing here?"

"I thought you might be hungry, so I'm taking you to lunch. Here."

"Oh, okay," was his slightly distant reply. We got out of the car and headed inside. I headed towards my favorite booth and sat down. He followed me without saying anything. His head was down slightly and he had his hands deep in his pockets.

I pulled a menu from the holder and placed it in front of him. The place we were in had a diner type vibe and was fairly low key. The waitress brought over ice cold water and placed a glass in front of each of us. I thanked her and she asked if we wanted anything else to drink. I asked for a large Pepsi. She looked at Dylan expectantly. "Dylan, would you like anything to drink besides water?" I asked him.

He glanced up quickly and apologized. "No, water is fine. Thank you." He looked back down at his hands which were in his lap.

I smiled at the waitress and said "Thank you."

She nodded, smiled and walked away to get my drink.

I looked at the menu briefly, already knowing what I wanted. I found what I thought Dylan might like and made note of it. I put the menu down and looked up to watch Dylan. The waitress brought me my Pepsi. I opened the straw and took a sip. Still watching Dylan I finally asked him, "Penny for your thoughts, Buddy."

He looked up at me with a confused look on his face, "What?"

"I'll give you a penny for your thoughts." I replied with a smile.

He smiled very faintly and looked down again. "I don't know. You probably saw how Tyler was at the end of that meeting. He said some pretty hurtful things when we were leaving and I'm not sure what to make of it. Just thinking about it all." He looked up at me again and moved his hands from his lap to the tabletop. "I just don't know how to feel yet. I'm sorry I'm being a downer, but I just need time to think about it."

Tentatively I reached across the table and placed my hand on top of his. His smile grew slightly. He then blushed and the smile faded. "I understand how you're feeling. I won't pry and will wait in case you want to talk about it. I'm here for you, no matter what." I said.

"Thanks, Jason. I greatly appreciate it." I felt the hand I was covering move slightly and I took it as a sign that he was uncomfortable with the contact and I pulled away while watching his face. I saw a spark in his eye for just an instant and then his frown deepened again. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but let it go.

"You better get a look at the menu before the waitress gets back." I said as I made an exaggerated look at the menu under his hands. He smiled and pulled it up to look at it.

"I have no clue. I've never been here before. What do you recommend?" He asked.

"Well, I'm having the special. I'd the #14 for you." I replied with a smile.

"Oh, that does look good. I think I will take that." He said as the waitress came back.

"Have you boys had enough time to look over the menu and make a decision?"

"Yes, Ma'am. We're ready. I'll take the special and my friend here with have the #14."

"Both good choices, I'll get those started right away." She replied taking our menus and walking away.

Dylan and I chatted about his upcoming shooting schedule and I made notes in his newly created calendar. I also took his phone from him and synced some things that would make being his assistant a little easier. I explained those things to him and we worked out a few details for some of the more pressing events he had coming up. The food arrived and we dug in, both enjoying a quiet meal together. I paid and we were off again.

We headed back to the apartment and I decided I was going to head to the pool to get in some laps. I offered the opportunity to Dylan, but he declined. I headed to my room to get ready, then headed down to the pool.

About an hour later I had rinsed off in the pool shower, dried and headed back to the apartment. When I entered, Dylan was asleep on the couch with the TV on. I grabbed a throw blanket and threw it over him while taking the remote from him. I then headed to my room to properly shower and change. After cleaning up I headed to the office and started to do some work.

I had been working away for about two hours when I heard a knock on the office door. "Yeah, it's open." I called out.

Dylan opened the door and came in, "Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to apologize for falling asleep and being so distant today. Do you have a little bit to talk?"

"Of course! There's no reason for you to be sorry, Dylan. Everyone deals with things in their own way. Do you want to have a seat in here or would you rather be in the living room?"

"The living room, please. I can't get over that couch."

"I know what you mean. It's a great couch. You head in there, I'll grab some snacks and a bottle of wine."

I put some crackers and cheese on a plate and got out one of my better bottles of red and uncorked it. Grabbing two glasses and the plate I headed to the living room. I placed everything down on the coffee table and took a seat. "So, what's up?" I asked.

The next two hours were spent with Dylan talking about Tyler's attitude about Dylan now having an assistant and Dylan's career taking off. Tyler was upset that Dylan was getting big roles in movies when he had been passed up for some bigger roles. I gave him what little advice I could. With my experience with celebrities it was pretty good stuff. We had finished off the snacks and the bottle of red and were getting pretty tired. I suggested we head to bed and get some rest.

I stood from the couch and turned to start grabbing our stuff from the coffee table when I felt Dylan grab me into a hug from behind. "Thank you, Jason. For everything. It's been a very long time since I've had a friend I could confide in, that gave genuine advice and told me to just continue being myself."

I turned around in his hug and hugged him back. It was a very intimate moment and I just let myself get lost in it. Being slightly taller than Dylan I rested my cheek on the top of his head and he turned and kind of nuzzled my neck. I then turned my head a little and had my nose in his thick hair. I inhaled deeply and enjoyed the scent of my crush. I was getting too carried away. My hands were open and rubbing his back slightly and we swayed lightly back and forth as the embrace continued. I had a fleeting thought to turn on the stereo and start a slow dance with Dylan but thought better of it.

As I started to pull back I heard Dylan sniffle lightly. When I looked at his face I could see that tears were staining his face. I instantly panicked. I knew I had taken it too far but I didn't mean to upset him. As I reached up to wipe the tears from his face I realized what I was about to do and started to drop my hand. He saw this and the look on his face turned from confusion to disappointment. "Dylan, what's wrong? What did I do?" I asked, panic clearly evident in my shaky voice.

"You didn't do anything, Jason. It's all me." He wiped the tears from his face and turned towards the hallway. "Thanks again. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

I watched his retreating form and sighed. A whispered "Goodnight." escaping my lips.

To say I was confused is an understatement. I picked up in the living room, took the stuff to the kitchen and started the dishwasher. I then headed to my room and started my nightly routine.

I crawled into my bed and quickly fell asleep. I don't know how long I had been asleep but I woke due to movement on my bed. I heard Dylan mumble "Can't be alone..." and the next thing I knew he was asleep with his back pressed up against my side. He hadn't gotten under the covers so I was unsure of what I was supposed to do. So I grabbed a blanket from the foot of the bed and tried to spread it out over him without waking him. It was clear that he wasn't awake when he came into my room. So I was just going to let it pass and deal with it in the morning. I fell asleep again pretty quickly and slept soundly.

When I woke next I realized Dylan had turned over in his sleep and his arm was now across my chest and his face was nuzzled in my neck. I could feel his shallow breaths moving the hairs on my neck and it was causing my morning wood to pulse slightly. I had to get away from this situation. I slowly started to maneuver myself out from under Dylan. I was trying to be careful so I didn't wake him, but apparently I wasn't successful. Dylan woke with a start. "Wha...where am I? Jason? Why am I in your bed?" He quickly pulled away and looked at me expectantly.

"It's alright Dylan. Sometime during the night you came in here and laid down. I heard you mumble something about not being alone and then you were asleep on top of the covers. You were turned away from me when I fell asleep again, but I woke up this morning and you were cuddled up with me. Nothing happened. I literally just woke up and was trying to get out of bed without waking you up so I could go and take a leak. I'm sorry for waking you." By the end of my explanation, I was out of bed and moving towards the bathroom. Trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh...Ok. I remember having a very vivid dream last night about being alone. And I have been known to sleepwalk. I'm just surprised I made it in here. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"There's no reason for you to apologize. You were asleep. I totally understand. It was fine. Like I said, nothing happened and you were on top of the covers, so no worries." I said as I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

By that time Dylan was up and had raked his hands through his bed head hair. "Well anyway, I'm sorry for it and that's that. I'm going to grab a shower. See ya in a few."

With that, Dylan left the room with me standing there staring after him. I didn't know what to make of the tone of voice he had, but I wasn't going to dwell on it. I needed my own shower and then some gym time.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 6

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