Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on May 16, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at I can also be reached at Boreus on Recon if you prefer that. I want to hear from you!

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I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to all the readers who have reached out to me. It is incredibly humbling as a first time author to receive such amazing responses. Keep 'em coming. Thank you all!

NOTE: This chapter focuses a lot on Dane's inner process of coming to terms with being owned, so not a whole lot of sex in this one. Feedback (positive or negative) is encouraged and appreciated, as always :)

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging- CHAPTER 10

I returned home in record time, anxious to see what Mike had squirreled away in my backpack. My mind was so preoccupied I fumbled my keys several times trying to open my door. Once inside my modest one bedroom apartment, I locked the door and practically ran to my room to unpack. I upended the backpack over my bed, quickly locating what he had left for me in the mess. The first object to catch my eye was a medium sized butt plug, the shiny black rubber reflecting the dim light from my overhead light. My eyes were then drawn to two small, hollow, plastic tubes with white knobs on one end. I picked them up and realized they were suction cups for my nipples. Mike wanted me to pump them in order to increase their sensitivity. The final gift he left was a folded piece of paper with a small plastic bag stapled to it, keeping it closed. The bag contained a small metal key and the plastic chastity lock Ron had given him at the sex shop. I quickly tore the bag from the paper and opened it. Inside was a list of instructions in Mike's handwriting and a small note.

"Hey faggot. I must say I am surprised how much fun this past week turned out to be. Here's the deal. I have attached a key to the cage around your dick, along with the plastic one time lock I got at the shop and a couple other goodies. If you really want this to continue, here's what you do:

  1. You will use both the plug and suction cups I gave you every day that you are away. Wear the plug whenever you are home and pump your nips for however long you can stand it. Your cage is to remain on as well.

  2. If you decide to do those, send me pics every day. Get creative. You being the artsy type I'm sure you can come up with something to keep me interested and entertained.

  3. On your next day off, whenever that is, lock the cage with the plastic lock and come back to my place. If we are not home, you know where the spare key is. Come in the back, crawl into your cage, and wait.

If you want to back out, that is fine. I wasn't kidding when I said our friendship is over, though. You can bring the things I have given you back, place them in the garage, and walk out of my life. Dad and I won't say anything to anyone, including Shane. This is your last chance to change your mind. If you come back, we will take ownership of you and act accordingly. Take the time to think this over. This is your life. The ball is in your court, puppy."

I stared at the paper in my hand. He was giving me an out. His instructions were clear enough, but the last bit about my life attracted most of my attention. My life. Is this really what I wanted? Doubt gripped me as I tried to envision what being owned by these two men would look like. What would I tell people? My best friend Shane would surely find out. How would he react? My mind was a jumble of emotions and scenarios of what our life together would look like, with them being decidedly straight. They could become bored with me. What happens if Mike meets a girl and they start dating? The logical part of my brain was telling me to walk, that there is no favorable outcome. I stood there running circles in my head for what seemed like hours without making any progress. Growling in my stomach broke through the fog, and I realized that I needed to eat and get to bed. Dinner consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, as it was all my occupied brain could realistically create. I absentmindedly munched and continued weighing my options, still getting nowhere. Exhausted and confused, I decided to call it quits and spend the day tomorrow working it all out.

The blaring of my phone alarm broke my slumber, which was fitful at best to begin with. I grumbled and got out of bed, heading for the shower and stripping off my clothes along the way. My thoughts were still wracked with uncertainty about my current situation as I started the water. Thoughts and fears replayed from the night before. I didn't want to enter the arrangement of my dreams only to have it taken from me, yet I couldn't shake the need I also felt. Mike and Howard had shown me what it would look like to be theirs, and I wanted more. That thought sent blood rushing to my groin, causing my dick to strain against the cage. I looked down in time to see a bead of precum make its way out of the tip and begin to slowly drip. I collected it on my finger and brought it to my mouth, savoring my own flavor.

While I showered, I studied the words Howard had scrawled on my body. Faggot. Whore. Urinal. Slut. Clitty. Each one sent another pulse to my dick, causing more leaks. Remaining distracted, I robotically completed the rest of my morning routine before heading to work at a local bakery. I was currently on the afternoon/evening shift, which left me with little time to pursue any extracurricular activities since I didn't return home until after eight. The prep list left to me by the morning shift was simple, which left my mind nothing to focus on but Mike and Howard. Usually I am an active participant in the kitchen, joining in with the banter and camaraderie. Today I was distracted most of the day, which did not go unnoticed by my kitchen supervisor Melvin. I combined ingredients for cookie doughs, baked off pies for dinner special, and kept my head down and to myself. All the while I was going round and round in my head about what I wanted to do about Mike's note. Did I really want to give myself to him completely and let him take over my life?

When I clocked out at eight, Melvin stopped me on my way out and asked if he could talk to me. I followed him out the back to a little nook behind the building that most of the employees used to smoke on their breaks. He offered me a cigarette, which I refused, lit up and took a long drag. I found myself staring at his full lips as he inhaled. I had never really noticed how handsome he was before. Melvin was a stereotypical kitchen guy. Late thirties, blue eyes, symmetrical features, cropped hair and beard (both of which were sporting some early salt and pepper), average height and a spiderweb tattoo on one of his elbows. His work attire always consisted of jeans, band shirts, and doc martens. On my first day he showed me around and introduced me to people. We fell into an easy friendship, with him listening to my complaints about the baking department while he unloaded his general prep woes on me. Even his voice was average, not entirely deep but not shrill or annoying either. My eyes were traveling up and down his body when he cleared his throat. I looked up guiltily and saw him looking at me quizzically.

"You okay Dane? You've been kinda quiet all day," he said, exhaling his smoke.

An image of me on my knees in front of Howard entered my brain.

"I'm good. Have a lot on my mind," I deflected.

"Are you sure dude? You seem down," he said, taking another puff.

"Yeah, yeah. I just have a lot of stuff I've been thinking about. Life stuff, you know how it is," I said, trying to put a smile on my face for him.

"Okay buddy, you know I'm here for you. If you change your mind let me know. You can come hang at my place and we'll talk over beers," he offered lightheartedly.

"Thanks man. I'm gonna take off. You working tomorrow?" I asked, turning to head towards my car.

"You know it. Take it easy buddy!"

I left him and walked towards the entrance to the car lot, finding my car and making the drive home. Even after dwelling on it all day, I was still undecided on how to proceed. Once I made it into my apartment, I went to my room and removed my work clothes. Howard's markings came back into view, seemingly taunting me about my inability to commit to the labels. Sighing, I walked over to my dresser and opened the drawer where I placed Mike's toys. I stared at them for a full minute before finally picking them up and moving to my bed. They felt heavy in my hands, taking on the weight of the decision I still had ahead of me. I placed the plug next to me and examined the suction cups. Curious, I licked my finger and wet my nipple before bringing the toy to rest against it. I turned the crank once it was in place and was met with a strong pulling sensation that was not entirely unpleasant. After testing that the seal was true and would remain in place I repeated the process with the other tube.

My nipples had been pulled up about a quarter of an inch into the tubes and were slightly throbbing. I cranked each one again and the throbbing changed to a dull ache. They were now obscenely pulled out from my body and into the cups. I moved to lay back on my bed in order to settle in and see how long I could stand the pain. The action caused the cups to jiggle with the movement, sending electricity straight to my caged dick. The blood being pulled into my nipples created sensations I had never felt before due to the extra sensitivity. I gently gave each tube a flick and was rewarded with another jolt, causing my dick to leak. Wanting more, I kept up the assault, manipulating the tubes in different ways to see what felt the best. On one particularly rough movement, the seal on my right nipple broke, causing the tube to fall away. My fingers immediately went to my exposed nipple and tweaked it. The area was fleshy and incredibly sensitive, involuntary moans escaping my throat as I humped my caged dick into the air uselessly. My dick kept up a steady stream of precum as my nipple returned to its normal state after a few minutes. Soon after the left tube came off and I began to tweak and roll my other nipple.

As I was moaning and writhing on my bed, my leg brushed up against the plug, having been all but forgotten. I reached down with one hand and grasped it, bringing it into my vision to examine it. The rubber was cool to the touch, with a squishy yet dense feeling to it. Thinking about what it would look like inside me, I realized that I hadn't cleaned out and that I didn't have any lube. Cursing to myself, I put the plug down and stared up at my ceiling. I decided I would stop and purchase something to help me clean and lube, so that I could at least experience the plug Mike had given me. I brought my fingers back up to each of my nipples and tested them. The increased sensitivity had subsided, forcing a defeated sigh from my lungs. I stood up, grabbing the toys, and placed them back in my dresser. All of the stimulation had caused my dick to drip all over my thighs, and the affected spots felt cool to the open air as I walked to my bathroom to shower away my day at work.

While I was rinsing off the last of the soap, I heard my phone ring in my bedroom. I quickly shut off the water and grabbed my towel, drying myself as I padded toward the noise. It was Melvin. Looking at the clock I thought it was incredibly odd for him to be calling me this time of night, since we rarely spoke outside of work and I was going to see him tomorrow. I slid my thumb across the green circle to answer.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" I said, beginning to dry my hair with the phone held to my ear.

"Dane! I was jus' checkin' up on you again, man. I wanna help. Come over buddy. We can talk and 'ave some beers!" he said, slightly slurring.

"Sounds to me like you have a headstart there Mel," I said laughing. "We will see each other tomorrow, can't it wait until then?" I asked, laughing at his drunkenness.

"Nah man, come over tonight. We don't have to work until the afternoon. Pleeease? what else you got goin' on besides sittin' at home. I'm worried about you man," his voice taking on a slight whine.

I sighed into the phone, plopping down on my bed and trying to work out some excuse to get me out of this without offending him. Melvin was a genuinely nice guy and one of the few people at work I gave a damn about. I didn't want to upset him.

"Look, Mel, I'm just in the mood to be alone tonight. Really, I'm okay. We can talk about it at work tomorrow," I offered hopefully.

"Nuh uh, not good enough man. Come on, I'm beggin' ya. Just come talk to me. Pleeease?" he whined again.

"It's like ten o'clock at night Melvin. What am I gonna do, spend the night?" I tried reasoning.

"Sure, sounds good to me. I have a pull out sofa. Just bring your work stuff and we can drive together. We can be hangover buddies!" he said, falling into a fit of giggles.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. In my mind I knew that if I insisted he would back off, but something about his demeanor was infectious and I suddenly found myself wanting company to distract from my thoughts of Mike and Howard. I sighed at him again, and I heard him chuckle. He knew he had me.

"Fine. Fine. I'll come over. I need your address. You're lucky I like you," I said, trying my best to sound severe.

"Yea, yea. I'm over at the Sycamore complex, building 4 apartment C. Hurry up, dude! You got some catchin' up to do!" he laughed into my ear.

I hung up and packed my work clothes for the next day. I briefly considered taking the cage off but decided against it because I felt like I would be disappointing Mike if I did. Once I got everything together I dressed and hopped in my car. Melvin's complex was only a few minutes away, which I spent trying to figure out what I would say when he struck up a conversation. It took me some time to locate his building, but soon I was walking up to his door and knocking. I heard some cans fall and a curse ring out before the door swung wide open. Melvin stood before me in grey sweatpants and a plain white tee, arms outstretched as he welcomed me in.

"Dane! I'm happy you made it. Get your ass in here," he said jovially as he all but yanked me inside. "Beer's in the fridge over there and there is some pizza on the way if you're hungry. Take a load off, buddy!" he said, leading me to the living room and throwing himself on the couch.

His apartment was similar to mine, a modest one bedroom with a small kitchen that was exposed to the living room. It was decidedly bare in comparison, with only functional furniture and little else. As I grabbed a beer from the fridge he sprawled out across the couch, resting his hand on his stomach and surfing television channels. I cracked my beer and claimed a spot on the far end of the couch opposite him. I stole quick glances at him from my seat, hoping I was being discreet enough for him not to notice. He was casual and relaxed, moving his hand from his stomach to sling it back behind his head. Tufts of hair poked out from the sleeve of his shirt under his arm, immediately drawing my attention to it.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Melvin bounced up, grabbed his wallet and sauntered over to pay for the pizza. The grey sweats accentuated his ass, which had a nice shape even though he wasn't a gym rat or an athlete. I scolded myself for checking him out, not wanting to create any type of tension at work if he were to catch me. He strode back in with pizza boxes in his hands, asking me if I wanted any on his way to the kitchen. He returned with two paper plates loaded up with food and sat one down in front of me before returning to his spot. He settled on reruns of 'The Office' before tucking in, with me following suit shortly after. I hadn't realized how hungry I was, having not eaten after getting home from work earlier. Eventually, between bites of his pizza, he spoke up.

"So dude, what's got you so distracted at work. You really weren't present at all today, and that can get you hurt in a kitchen. C'mon man, you can tell me," he prodded.

"Boy trouble," I scoffed.

"Oh, is that all? What's the trouble," he asked, seeming genuinely interested.

"I just have to decide if he is what I want. I can't make up my mind. I don't wanna start something and then have it come crashing down around us, ya know?" I opined.

"I get that. How long have you known him?" he asked.

"Pretty much my whole life. We didn't get together until recently. It complicates things. He's already said that we can't go back to being friends if it doesn't work out," I said sadly.

"Well, I may be drunk, but it seems to me that there is a hundred percent chance that nothing will ever happen if you just say no. Do you want it to happen?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"I do, but what if-"

"Nope, no what ifs. The only way it will happen is if you let it," he said matter of factly.

I stared at him, not sure where to go from here. I knew he didn't have all the information. He didn't understand that it was all or nothing. He thinks its just two gay guys hooking up. But even with all of that, I also knew that he was somehow right. I had been waiting for something like this to come along most of my adult life, but I was always too scared to search for it. Mike was giving me an opportunity. It might crash and burn. It might end with me never speaking to him again. However, those things were going to happen for sure if I walked away now. As I finished the last of my pizza I realized I had made my decision, and I felt a small pulse in my cage as I thought about what was in store for me.

Next: Chapter 11: Belonging 11

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