Ben and Archer

By Sean Kushaney

Published on Aug 15, 2015


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Ben and Archer – Chapter Two

Archer moved around the table to set his bag down and sit in the chair opposite me. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked like a model that seriously didn't fit in to his college surroundings. He's a hair shorter than me; I'd say 5' 10". Speaking of hair, his was as black as onyx which fit well with his facial structure. He had high cheekbones and a sharp jaw line that was accented by the black stubble he had forgotten, or neglected rather, to shave off that morning. But the most striking feature about him was his eyes. He had dark features but light, honey brown eyes underneath a set of thick, but maintained, black eyebrows. There was something almost golden about them. But yeah, for a man he was definitely beautiful... no homo...

As he was fishing out his notebook I finally looked away to enjoy some more coffee and get my red pen that I use for corrections.

"Do you go by Benjamin or Ben?" he asked. "Call me Ben. It's easier" I replied as he handed his essay over. I smiled as I looked at the first few lines realizing that it was the personal narrative essay freshmen had to write in their first English course. To be honest, I was surprised this was the essay he needed help with as it's usually the easiest and least formal of the papers he will be expected to write this year.

"Shit. I don't like the look of that smile... is it that bad?" he asked looking anxious.

"No, it's not that. I just remember having to do an essay like this when I first got here. So you're a freshman?

"Yeah, it's my second semester here. I'm a music performance major. I play the cello." he replied with a strange cockiness in his voice. I couldn't understand why the cockiness was there but I'd find out later that he's a nationally recognized cellist who came here for our school's famous music program.

"That's cool. How are you like it so far?" I asked as I continued going over his essay. From it, I gathered that he's from Connecticut and is in a serious relationship with his high school girlfriend. They were sweethearts but she chose to study at NYU rather than come to Texas with him as she got a pretty good scholarship to study art history.

"I like it well enough. I fucking hate this heat, man. Maybe you saw it in the paper, but I'm from Connecticut and we don't have anything like this. And people keep talking about how it's not bad because it's "dry heat". Like, what the fuck is that?" he said laughing. Clearly his parents could afford braces because his teeth were perfect and pearly white. They stood out nicely against the pseudo-beard thing he had going on. I laughed with him but looking at them made me lick my own teeth. Even though they were straight now, old insecurities always made me react the same when I saw someone with perfect teeth.

"It just means we have low humidity so while it's still hot as hell, you're not drowning or completely drenched in sweat the second you step outside."

I kept reading and, if I'm honest, I'm glad he came to the Center. Despite it being a more informal essay, he needed help with his grammar and writing style. Within minutes I had put down many notes, corrections, and suggestions. And even though I hate doing it because you lose paper length, I suggested losing an entire paragraph that was pointless and poorly constructed. By the end of the hour, he was looking very tense and uncomfortable by how much needed to be done or changed.

After giving the paper back to him, we hung out and got to know each other a little. Well, him more so me as I had learned a lot about him from his essay. I told him about how I'm originally from Austin but wanted to go to a smaller school and UNT is perfect for that. We talked about the girls on campus and my girlfriend last semester and he went in more detail about his long-distance girlfriend back home. He's a pretty cool guy but there was definitely something I wanted to ask him but didn't know how. So finally, I just burst out:

"So I have to ask. I saw your last name on the paper..."

He just smiled and ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah, Vanderbilt. Don't get excited, we're from Connecticut and we have the name but my branch of the family doesn't have the money that goes with it. We're Vanderbilts through my dad's side and, while we're not poor, we do still have a little money. His dad and grandpa were splurgers, though, and were cut off so once the bulk of the money was gone, that was it! We had enough for a nice life and my cello but I'm on financial aid and scholarships while I'm here and living in the dorms."

While I'm not super interested in history, you have to admit it's kind of cool that I'm sitting in front of a real Vanderbilt; middle class or not. I played it cool, though.

Breaking the dead air, he said "I appreciate you helping me with my paper, even though you made a shit ton of corrections and made even more work for me."

"No sweat, that's what they're paying me to do" I said laughing. "So how's dorm life treating you?"

"Can't complain. My roommate is okay, a fellow music major so that's cool that we have that in common. I think he's gay but hasn't said anything yet and I'm not about to approach that subject!" he finished laughing.

Thinking of the gay guy at Chipotle, I said "Really? I'm not gay but think they're pretty cool and funny. There's a gay guy who works at the Chipotle off Hickory Street that likes to flirt with me. When I flirt back I get free things!"

He was laughing again and said "Good to know! I have no problem with gay guys, obviously, being in the fine arts. There's another cellist in my studio that is gay and he's actually pretty big competition. I thought coming here I'd easily be the best. Anyways, yeah I'll be sure to go there and turn on the charm to get free guacamole!" Then he winked and I could tell that if he wanted, he could probably get away with a free mean as handsome as he is.

"Well, I haven't been able to score free guac, just chips and a drink."

"Aww well don't be jealous when he gives it to me and not you bro!" he said with another wink.

I'm not sure why but I felt a tinge of jealousy. I mean, he's my gay guy! "Leave him alone!" I thought to myself smiling with a snort of laughter. Thankfully it played off as me laughing at his joke.

"So what are you up to for the rest of the day?"

"I'm going to head over to one of the practice rooms and rehearse for a while. I need to stay on top of everything. I don't think I explained earlier, but I've been playing cello for years and I'm really good if I do say so myself. I've won awards and competitions nationally and want to keep learning. Maybe join the New York Symphony or something to be close to my girl. Finding time to rehearse, work out, talk to Emily, and keep up with school has been such a pain in the ass." As he was talking I could see him looking more worn out. I know a music major and know their class loads are very heavy so I definitely felt for him.

We hung out talking for another 5 minutes before he excused himself. Before he left he asked for my email so he could send me his updated paper for final corrections since it's due tomorrow and I don't work here for another 3 days.

Heading back home at this time of day was pretty easy since it's too early for rush hour. I decided to stop at Buffalo Wild Wing to get a 20 piece for dinner and then lunch tomorrow, although, the leftovers will most likely be a midnight snack knowing me.

The wings were good and I was feeling nice and full. Despite the 2 cups of coffee, I was definitely feeling the need for a nap. I went into my room and decided to lay down for a bit, but the second my head hit the pillow I felt my dick start to twitch and swell. Being a guy is so frustrating sometimes! I mean, I shot a huge load this morning but I guess that wasn't enough.

I stretched out on the bed arching my back and groaning loudly in preparation for another jerk secession. Once I was lying flat, I moved my hand under the elastic of my boxers where I was met by my throbbing piece. I grabbed it and instinctively it jumped and throbbed. I was too tired to get my laptop from the living room for porn so I just closed my eyes and thought back to the two girls at the pool this morning.

In no time, my hand and cock was completely drenched in pre-cum which made for the perfect lube. Remembering how they looked lying there glistening in water I pumped harder and harder. My left hand made its way to my right nipple and I started teasing and pulling it. The sensation sent tingles all down my body straight to my cock causing a huge glob of pre-cum to work it's way out.

It's weird what you'll do when you're out of your mind with horniness. Without thinking, I scooped up the glob of pre-cum and sucked it off my right thumb. It was sweet and glided around my tongue with ease. This only made me squeeze harder on my nipple. I am straight but in that moment I loved the sweet taste and didn't analyze it further than that.

After a second or two of savoring the taste, I went back to working on my dick. My left hand made its way from my nipple to grabbing my entire pec. I don't have a large chest but I do have a small muscle there and I loved feeling the muscle tighten and work with the movement of my right arm. The hand made its way down from my pec to my stomach where I felt my tight abs once again stretching and contracting with the movement of my deep, gasping breaths and the bucking of my hips as I slowly fucked my right hand.

Finally, my left hand made it to my balls, which were almost non-existent with how tight they were pressed against my cock just about ready to blow. It took a second, but I was able to dig them both out and stretched them back to where they usually hang and held on. I knew holding and tugging on my balls would make me last longer and keep me from cumming. I was enjoying this so much I wanted to prolong it.

While still jerking I let my balls go and felt them immediately start retracting back against the base of my cock. I started lightly tickling my sac and the hairs on my balls made for a whole new sensitive sensation which made my cock tingle more if that's even possible at this point. Still not wanting to cum, I pulled on my balls again to delay the inevitable.

With my balls securely in my left hand, I stopped jerking with my right and used my fingers and the pre-cum to rub that sensitive spot underneath the head on the back of my cock. I did that for about 15 seconds before I felt that familiar heat building up in my taint and knew I was fast approaching the point of no return.

I let my balls go and went back to work on my cock that was throbbing so much it actually hurt a little. Then in a fit of pulsations, I was launching thick ropes of cum all over my chin and chest. My hips were bucking hard into my right hand and I was actually moaning out loud in ecstasy with my head turned sideways into the pillow. As my intense orgasm continued, the cum that was hitting my face slowly started making a mess on my abs and then finally just dribbling into my sunken belly button making a lake of sweet, warm cum before finally subsiding; leaving me lying there in a state of pure vulnerability.

I was breathing so hard and my heart felt like it was going to rip out of my chest. I was dizzy and my head was spinning. I silently thanked the girls from the pool for the amazing wank material. I finally opened my eyes to look at the mess I made and started laughing out loud.

Despite cumming this morning, I was drenched! I must have still been in the moment because I lifted my right hand and licked the warm cum off my hand and wiped the cum off my face and fed that to myself well. Finally coming to my senses, I got up and cleaned myself off with a towel and looked at the clock. I had been jerking off for 45 minutes! Edging has many pros like more intense orgasms but the time it takes is definitely a negative aspect.

Once clean, I made my way back into the living room throwing the cum soiled towel into the corner of my room. As a college student living in a one-bedroom apartment, I can't afford much more than the essentials so I chose to go SUPER cheap on the furniture. I don't have a couch, but rather 2 cheap reclining chairs and a small coffee table. Not great for napping on but they work well for watching movies and playing games.

My dining room is just a folding table with 3 folding chairs. I couldn't even afford a forth chair to fill the remaining side of the table. It may all be cheap but it's all mine and I don't have to be in the dorms anymore.

I dug my laptop out of my bag and put it down on the table and grabbed my charger. I opened it and logged in then set it aside to charge for a second while I went into the kitchen to make a quick bowl of Ramen. When I came back I noticed that I had a couple of emails so I mindlessly began checking them while eating and getting Netflix set up on the TV in the living room. Then I noticed one of them was from Archer Vanderbilt.

"Hey Ben,

I don't have your phone number but I was wondering if I could come hang out for a bit. My roommate asked for the room for a few hours and I thought it'd be cool to hang out and maybe I could work on my paper. I think he's on a date lol if not, no big deal I'll just go to the gym after practicing. He should be done by then. Anyways, here's my number...


I looked at the time stamp and saw he sent this almost an hour ago. I figured what the hell and sent him a text.

"Hey it's Ben. Yeah that's cool. I live in Lewisville though. Still wanna come over?"

I put my phone down and started watching Breaking Bad for a bit. He didn't text back so I figured he got a better offer or his roommate was done. Whatever. Then about 10 minutes later my phone vibrated; it was from Archer.

"Yeah I ended up going to the gym. Gonna shower and head over when I'm done"

He showed up about an hour later in a wife beater and cargo shorts. He must workout a lot because he has a broad, muscular chest with strong arms and shoulders. I guess I didn't notice before but he's definitely in better shape than I am. Also a lot tanner... maybe I should try and get some color this summer. Definitely works on him.

He smiled as I opened the door and thanked me for letting a stranger come crash while his roommate was getting some ass. "No problem!" I said laughing, "We've all been there. He better give you the room when you need it, though. If not, what a douche." We both laughed and I showed him in.

I felt small and self-conscious as he looked my place over. I know he said he doesn't have money but he's a fucking Vanderbilt and this is definitely nothing but a little hovel to him. Especially since I can clearly make out the words "Range Rover" on the keys in his hand. "No money" my ass...

"I like your place, man!" he said with a grin. I couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not but whatever. I may not have money but I'm proud of what I've got. I'm not going to let this douche make me feel inferior.

"Thanks! I decorated it myself" I said sarcastically laughing, "Well, make yourself at home, man. Want some water?"

"Yeah, thanks. I didn't drink any after leaving the gym. Hey, where's your bathroom? I gotta take a leak first."

I pointed him in the direction of my room where the bathroom was and went to the kitchen to pour him some water.

"Dude, I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" he said looking guilty and concerned. I had no idea what he was talking about so I told him no.

"Okay just making sure. Your room smells like sex." He said laughing. He thought it was funny but my heart had to have skipped like 5 beats. He could smell the remains of my amazing jerk secession. Thankfully, he didn't press the issue and neither did I.

We hung out for about an hour watching TV before he went back to his car to get his laptop so he could work on his paper (a MacBook Pro I might add... "no money"). It was about 8pm when he finished and let me look it back over. Better but not perfect. I helped him change a few things around and until we were both happy with the results.

Sitting back in his chair, he gave a big stretch and the bottom of his shirt lifted up exposing a set of well-defined abs. I had to ask, "With your work load, how the hell do you find so much time to workout?" He laughed and lifted up his shirt showing me even more of his chiseled body as well as a peek of his chest and then lowered it.

"I have to workout while I'm out after class or practice before I head back to the dorm. Once I'm back in the dorm and in bed, there's no chance in hell I'm getting out to the gym." he said with a laugh. He's a very lighthearted person I've noticed.

I lifted up my shirt to show him the lean definition I had and he said it wasn't bad, I just needed to get into a routine and I could easily bulk up if I wanted to. We hung out for another hour until his phone went off from a text message and he wasn't happy at all.

"What's wrong?"

"Roommate just asked if I could find another place to stay tonight. He's going to be there all night with his date. I'll text some people but this is such a pain in the ass. I better head back to campus and figure this out" he finished looking irritated.

I thought real hard for a minute and figured what the hell. "I mean, you're welcome to stay here if you want to sleep on one of the recliners. I don't think it'll be comfortable but it's just one night."

A wave of relief swept over him and he thanked me and gave me a fist bump then a straight guy hug. You know, the one where you pat them on the back twice as if to say "not gay". Still, though, I felt good for helping him out. I fetched him an extra pillow and blanket and made sure he had everything he needed before heading to my room to lie down. He's a nice enough guy, but I definitely locked my bedroom door just to be sure. Vanderbilt or not, I'd still only met him that same day...

Next: Chapter 3

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