Beneath My Protector

By Chr Est

Published on Jan 16, 2021


The following story is fiction and fantasy. This story is a reimagination and new approach of a story I came across many years ago, that I couldn't seem to find anywhere. Though recognizable aspects may not be towards the later half and future parts, if you are familiar with a similar story, I would be so incredibly grateful if you could share it.

Having had the pleasure to serve Alphas and their feet, in the past and hoping to one day serve them again. Though it would be an honor to serve a local Alpha, it would be an honor to hear from Superior Alphas to know their thoughts or to be talked down to and reminded further of my place (fellow fags also welcome to message), just hope to be of use and given purpose by doing their chores, menial task like homework or just being underfoot. Always open to chatting!

Please email me at

Thank you for taking the time to read this story!

Disclaimer: The following is an original story of fiction that contains a variety of consensual activities between adults. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or is illegal to access in your area, please do not proceed. If this offends you, please move on.

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Finding My Place

Chapter One -- The Introduction:

Finding Shelter

Looking back, I was never an athletic person, unfortunately this meant I felt left out whenever the guys were out playing and made me feel like an outcast. When puberty came around the guys around started growing, towering above me, yet I remained short at 5'2.

In high school, I mostly kept to myself and did what was expected while trying to stay out of the way. But try as I may, was never that lucky. Some days, it would be the occasional name calling, noogies, wet willies, the usual stuff I guess. One memory that stuck in my head was, our school's quarterback was walking with his girlfriend through the hallway, I was at my locker and when I turned around, there came his back. As he leaned back on me, he pulled his cheerleader girl and they started making out, while I was pressed against the metal lockers. I don't know if he had practice or gym, but his sweat rubbing against me and smelling nothing but his musk distracting me from the discomfort of the hard metal behind me. With the sheer size difference, I doubted anyone could see me, aside from the extra set of legs. He bent his leg, resting his foot on my thigh. They kept at it, till the halls cleared. Not a word was said, but before he left, he pressed harder onto my leg and elbowed me. As if all the strength was sucked out of me, I melted onto the floor to gather my stuff, my papers with shoe prints on them along with the shoe print on my pants, thinking how thankful that graduation is just 2 months away.

The week after is when everything changed, school just ended, one of the jocks of the school walked right into me, making me lose my balance, dropping my books. His best bud was in front of me but facing the other way, the moment I kneeled down to pick up my stuff he stepped back and his butt pressed right against my face. In complete shock I couldn't bring myself to move away, maybe because I didn't move, he ripped one right into my nose and left me coughing gasping for air. The two jocks were laughing hysterically. They were about to walk away when one of them noticed the small bulge laughing and pointing, "look how small that thing is, bet he liked what he smelled''. But the guy I had just been smelling, went from laughs to rage. "You little bitch, did I give you permission to enjoy that? What makes you think you can fag out?!" I tried to grab my stuff, but his boat shoe landed right on top of my book, "kiss it and maybe I'll let go." As my head came closer to it, the musk that was oozing out, made me feel strangely weak, the moment my lips pressed against it, his other foot stepped down on my head preventing me from getting away. The other jock came around and stood on my back, laughing. "We own you, you little bitch, you should've told us a long time ago and we could've given you this treatment while you serve us like you should." I tried to squirm away, but the other just stayed standing on me making it impossible to get up. "But don't you worry, for college we'll be staying in town and if you stay, that will become your new reality, even if you do, anytime you come home, you will be shown your home at our feet." After they got off, they walked away, leaving me like helpless dirt on the ground.

I walked home as quickly as I could to just lock myself in my room. I walked in and there was my step-father, at 6 foot and extremely well built, he looked me up and down, seeing my hair messed up caked with dirt. I tried walking past him to my room.

Before I could, "Daniel! What the fuck happened?! You come home with dirt on your hair and footprints on your back, and it's not even the first time you've come home with footprints on you. But to top it off, it looks like you're bulging, if you could even call it that." I bowed my head not sure what to say, in disbelief that I didn't think of any of this before heading home. "Well? Aren't you going to say anything?" I continued to stare down at the ground as he walked up to me. "Well if you're just going to stare at the ground, you might as well be acquainted with being exactly that."

He grabbed my hair, pulling my head down, as his bare foot came up towards my face. "You like that?" his other hand grabbing my crotch, "what the fuck, you do?! Well we know what your place is in this household, not like your mother will care, besides she hasn't gotten around to telling you, she's pregnant." He dragged me to the couch, laying me on the ground, pressing his foot to my face, laughing, "not to worry being under my feet and maybe my son's when I teach him his rightful place, but that will be your new position! Aside from being the maid." As he continued laughing at my expense.

His size 11 feet were so rough, sweaty, and ripe. The scent of them brings tears to my eyes, thinking, `why is this all happening, I don't fit in at school, at home, but after graduation I''ll be able to get out and just rebuild and recreate a life.'

I felt some paper dropping onto my skin, "Your school application letters came, looks like you didn't get into anywhere, pretty pathetic if you ask me, but with this newfound skill of yours looks like school isn't needed, you just need to be under a man's feet, an object. Used to further your superiors."

Before I could say anything, he pressed his foot against my mouth, " not to worry boy, I will make sure you have a purpose, especially since you're figuring out, my feet get ripe and sweaty especially after hitting the gym like I did, you will learn to crave it, need it, and want to breathe in nothing but that. What do you say?"

He lifted his foot, tears rolling down my face "I don't like it, I don't want th.." his foot came slapping against my face. His other slamming against my stomach, "you ungrateful little brat, I give you what you clearly want, I give you a direction now that school has been taken away, and you have the gall to tell me you don't?!"

In the slight moment that his foot came off as he went to grab his beer from the side table, I rolled away and ran right out the door. "DANIEL! GET BACK IN HERE!" I kept running and running, I found my way to the shopping area, slumping against the glass window of some business, seated on the concrete, thinking, `is this going to be my life? Am I going to be serving both the jocks and this step father who never ever showed any signs of caring aside from his so called punishments that were to somehow help me?! But if I didn't get into a school, what can I do? A job? Who would hire me with no skills, experience?' My tears fell harder not noticing the looks from people walking by.

A breeze of air brushes against my skin as the door opens.

A slight smell that is becoming increasingly familiar to me accompanies the breeze.

A deep voice shaking my core, "Hey little buddy, you okay?"

His shoe nudging me gently on my side, `I don't recognize the voice, who is he,' I thought.

In the corner of my eye, I see a hand coming towards me. Out of instinct, I pull up my knees to my chest in a seated fetal position.

His hand gently grabs my shoulder, as he kneels down towards me, "Hey, my name's Duncan, I'm not going to hurt you, but I saw you from inside and you don't look okay, how about you come inside?"

My head nestled into my knees further wanting to melt away, "listen, I just wanna help, come have a drink of water, clean yourself up, if you want, and if you'd like we can talk. If you're worried about other people, you can relax in my office till you catch your breath." His hand grabbing mine, pulling me up. He stood behind me, holding my shoulders guiding me through the door into some business. My head still bowed. Feeling the coolish air around me, cooling my teary face.

I took a breath, the smell similar to a locker room, even the smell of step father's feet.

His big hand grabbing mine, pulling me, "boy, come on."

Hearing `boy' maybe because of the day's events made my head jerk up and saw a large open space, with mats on the floor, mirrors against the wall, and tons of guys in their taekwondo uniforms, some casually looking at me then away. It was then I saw the man who brought me in, like a tanned greek god, in his late 20s or early 30s, chiseled physique but not to buff, his gi slightly open in the chest without an undershirt, rippling pecs and abs, perfectly coiffed hair, his green eyes piercing into me, though he looked like he pitied me he still flashed me a smile that made me weak, "listen, if you don't come with me, I will have to carry you."

As tempting as that sounded, not that I ever thought I would be attracted to a man, or anyone for that matter, since who would be interested in me, here I was melting into the attention this guy was giving me. I followed along with him pulling me, dragging me to his office, seating me on the couch then left right back out the door.

For the first time today, all thoughts left my mind, and I have stopped crying. Staring at things in his office, trophies, pictures of him with gold metals and his black belt. It was like time stood still, a different sweet musk, from the training halls scent, was slightly filling the air and with every breath, my lungs. I continued looking around trying to figure out where that smell was coming from, and from the corner behind his desk, what appeared to be an open gym bag and shoes.

The door opened again, in came Duncan, carrying 2 towels and a bottle of water. Sitting down, "so, do you want to talk about it?"

Sheepishly, "about what?"

"About why you were crying outside?" while he was saying that he used the water to wet a corner of the towel, pressing it gently on my face. Holding my chin, "or maybe you would like to talk about the dirt in your hair, the side of your face, why you smell like some cheesy feet or maybe even the footprints on your back?

I tried to look away.

He kept at it cleaning my face.

I could feel his gentle touch, his gaze, his breath.

Smelling the musk that would come from the inside of his gi.

Embarrassingly began to notice the tent growing in my pants.

But most of all, noticed, the snake hidden in his uniform.

"So does that mean no, you don't want to talk about it? If you don't, that's fine I'll keep going."

`Clearly,' I thought.

"Like I said outside, my name is Duncan, what's your name, boy?

"Daniel," I said quietly.

"Nice to meet you Dan. So this is my place, I'm a black belt, and have been training in Taekwondo since I was 5. Naturally no one ever dared lay a hand on me, but I could always defend myself. After going through school and seeing people get bullied, I decided that I wanted to help out and be able to train people to better defend themselves along with some other skills. Some need that help, some like the control, some love the power and some I think have their own special blend of concerns."

"Special blend?"

"Yeah, like some of those things I have mentioned, along with being able to work out or maybe something personal."

I stared at him, trying to figure it out. So I looked down. Noticing his now big bare feet, the slight tufts of hair on the toes. I don't know if it was my imagination, but it was like I could smell his feet.

"I'm sorry, that sounded confusing huh, don't worry about it, just know this is a safe place. All these guys are going on their own personal journey, and so are you. So when I saw you walking along then how you kinda just fell over and just sitting there slumped, I wanted to see how I can help you out."

His toes flexed and I looked at my own shoes.

"You okay? Oh, yea, normally I don't let the guys have their shoes on after the entrance and locker rooms, we normally are in slippers, socks, or bare. Now that you've calmed a bit, you mind taking them off?" As he grabbed and removed them, placing them by the door.

"Um, thanks"

"Don't worry about it. So what's a cute little boy like you doing flooding the streets with your tears?"


"Haha, yea, the fact that you don't know that you are makes you cuter, but you have me wondering."

"What do you mean?"

"Here you are, you were crying, you look like you have been thoroughly messed with, but your crotch seems to be reacting to something. So let's talk, talk to me, don't worry, like I said I'm here to help," as he leaned back on to the couch, raising his foot and resting his ankle on his knee. His sole brushing against my thigh. He raised an arm, to the side of the couch where my head was. Another scent overtaking me, his pits. "Whoof, pretty rank huh, sorry about that bud, long day, just need to stretch out a bit," a subtle smirk on his face.

Maybe it was because of his scents, the way he looks, the gaze, these slight subtle touches, or maybe because for the first time someone is taking a seemingly sincere interest in me. I told him my experiences in high school, the teasing, the physical stuff, then everything that happened today.

"Wow, that was a lot."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, you probably didn't need to know all of that, sorry for rambling on and..."

"No boy, you don't have to apologize, I asked, I just meant that I see why you were crying and I'm pretty sure I can guide you. But anyways, that sucks to have your safety net pulled out and for you to have the rug pulled out from under you then be treated like one." Again the smirk appeared.


"Tell you what, sounds like you could use some help. Let me help train you to better defend yourself so you don't have to experience that again, if you don't want to."

"Sure, but I don't have any money."

"Haha don't worry, I don't need that, just need you to be willing to learn to help yourself. But If you are that concerned, maybe you can help clean around the place. After all, I don't think you're wanting to head home, you are more than free to stay here for the night."

"That's okay, I wouldn't want to be a bother or cause you trouble."

"Nonsense, it sounds like your stepfather could still be pissed, I can't in good conscience let you go back there, and besides I said I want to help, so this is happening. Don't worry, I live right upstairs, we'll head up later, but for the moment I have a class in a bit, if you'd like you can come watch, but let me get you something to wear," with that he didn't wait to hear a response, he got up, his sole brushing against my leg firmly and left the room.

I began thinking to myself, `geez, that guy, Duncan I think his name was, I guess a night away could be good.' The air felt different without him right there, I almost felt lonely, the strong scent was no longer there.

Maybe out of instinct or admiration for my apparent savior, my wandering gaze locked onto the gym bag. "I never thought I would do anything like this, but out of curiosity.." I got up and walked over to it, kneeling down before it, face diving into the bag and the shoes. "Whew...that is ripe" My eyes teared up, but still felt hardening, as intense as this scent was, it was like I could feel his touch on my shoulders again, the warmth and care he has shown me. I couldn't help but take a few more deeper breaths.

creak-creak-creak The door began to open and here I was like a deer caught in headlights.

P.S. Still rather new to writing, feel free to send any feedback, good, bad, neutral. Though thanks for reading this and as always please keep in mind your donations help keep this site running :)

Next: Chapter 2

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