Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jan 29, 2021


Ben's Adventures 1 - Forest Hike

It was a hot summer day and Ben headed off to the local woods for a hike. Ben was dressed in shorts, tee and trainers and had a small rucksack on his back with water, towel and house keys in.

He decided to go off-trail and explore the remoter edges of the woods. A few minutes off the track he nearly stumbled over a naked man who was spread out on a rug on his back half asleep.

Ben, checks out the man liking what he sees, and thinks to himself, I can have a bit of fun here.

Ben walks quietly towards the man and picks up all of his clothes and hides them in the bushes, then comes back to check the man is still asleep. As he gets nearer, he steps on a small branch that snaps and rouses the man from his slumber.

Ben freezes, Erm, sorry mate, I didn't mean to disturb your sunbathing. You looked half-asleep.

The man looked up at Ben, Uh, hello, erm guess I did drop off.

Ben's eyes slowly scanned the man's naked body, Great place to sunbathe eh? And a great day for it too"

The man looked Ben up and down, Yeah thought it was secluded though.

Ben smiled, It is. You're the first person I've seen all day. You mind if I rest here for a while?

The man waved his hands over his naked body, Fine by me as long as you don't mind me like this.

Ben grinned, lol no, not as though you can cover up, is it? Where have you left your kit mate?

At this the man sits up and looks around, WTF where's my kit?

Ben shrugged his shoulders, I don't know. I guessed they were in your car, that you naked-hiked to here.

The man's voice rose, someone's gone and fucking nicked them!

Ben replied with a grin on his face, Oh fuck, really? I ain't seen anyone else this morning.

The man stared at Ben, What you grinning at? Have you fucking hidden them?

Ben shook his near empty rucsac, No mate I ain't. Why would I do that? I ain't got them. Search me.

The man stands up, cock half-hard, looking round for his clothes while Ben checks him out, Ben's cock growing in his rugby shorts. Ben is commando and the shorts tent obviously as Ben pervs over the naked body smiling to himself.

Ben's reverie is interrupted, Least you can do is help me look for my clothes.

Ben as he gets up and leaves his rucsac on the grass, Sure thing yeah.

Ben pretends to look for clothes but spends more time perving over the man's naked body becoming more and more aroused.

A few minutes later, the man opens Ben's rucksack, Fuck, here's my jock in your rucksack.

Ben goes bright red, WTF you doing in my bag?

Caught. Frightened. Ben is excited too at the thought of what might happen next.

The man standing in front of Ben now, I'm waiting, what's my jock doing in your rucksac?

Ben, thinking on his feet, but not being very convincing, Erm, what, I dunno. Its' a common make mate. It's mine. I took it off when I got into the woods. Prefer to walk round commando, you know.

The man smirked, Well if you like commando, you can get your kit off. Now. All of it.

Ben looked over at the naked man unbelievingly, What? Get my kit off? What do you mean?

The man smiled, menacingly, Strip, then you can help me look for the rest of my clothes.

Ben stammered, his cock now straining his shorts, Erm, ok, but why do I have to be naked?".

The man hissed through his teeth, So you don't disappear.

Ben, wide-eyed and excited, Fuck man, I promise I won't.

The man takes a step closer to Ben, Let's be sure of that. Just do it. Strip. Now.

Ben, fearing that he is going to be hit, takes his tee off and hands it to the man who puts it into Ben's rucksac.

The man points at Ben's shorts, And your shorts.

Ben takes off his trainers and hands them over and then finally the shorts too. Ben is now totally naked and rock hard in front of the man as the man puts all of Ben's kit into the rucksac.

The man checks out Ben slowly, Now we're even.

Ben gulps nervously, Yeah, I guess we are.

The man puts Ben's rucsac over his back, looking at Ben, his uncut cock sticking horizonal, Oh look at you.

Ben steps away towards some bushes, Erm, where should we look first?

The man checks out Ben's pert ass, Well you know where they are.

Ben, beginning to realise how vulnerable he is right now with all his kit in the man's possession, the power reversed, I don't know. Honest mate.

Ben gulps as the man walks up him and their cocks touch. Ben wondering what he is going to do. And afraid the man will suddenly run off leaving Ben naked miles from home.

The man looks Ben in the eye, I see you like being nude too now.

Ben can feel the breathe of the man on his face, Erm, yeah.

The man grabs hold of Ben's cock, I can feel that from the hardness of your cock.

They are both standing naked in the clearing in the woods. The man strokes Ben's throbbing cock is throbbing in the man's hand, Oh what's this?

Precum. Guess I'm just a bit excited lol.

The man squeezes Ben's shaft, Me too. Look. Feel.

Ben takes hold of the man's meat and strokes him, feeling precum cover his hand and fingers.

The man takes hold of Ben's balls and gives then a firm squeeze, "Mmmm, that feels good. Let's have some fun eh?

In response, Ben grins and drops to his knees taking the stranger's cock into his mouth tasting the precum as he starts to suck.

The man rests his hands on Ben's head, Oh you've done that before haven't you?

Ben grins, looks up at the man and smiles, nods and then goes back to taking the man's cock deep down into his throat.

The man groans in appreciation, Proper little gayboy aren't you?

Ben nods yeah, loving the feeling of the hard cock in his throat.

The man grabs Ben's hair, forcing him to his feet, Kiss me.

Their lips join, tongues intertwine, Ben sharing the man's precum with him. Their wet cocks sliding together between the naked bodies. The man grabs Ben's ass cheeks, spanking them lightly, Nice firm bum, lad.

Ben nods, For you to use mate.

The man stares into Ben's eyes, to fuck?

Ben nods, If you want.

The man breaks into a smile, Oh yes, I do want.

Ben grins, looking round and spies a fallen tree, Fuck me over that tree you mean?

The man smacks Ben's ass hard, Only way you'll get your clothes back.

Ben walks over to the fallen tree in response, Deal mate.

The man watches as Ben bends over the fallen tree showing him his smooth butt, He then runs his finger down Ben's crack, Mmm, is that shaved? It's a beauty.

The man pushes his finger into Ben's mouth, Ben licking it, wanting to show the stranger how much he wanted it.

Ben feels the man's wet cockhead against his pucker, Oh fuck yeah, fuck me hard mate, so want it.

The man slaps Ben's ass hard, Push it out gayboy.

Ben pushes his ass out onto the man's raw cockhead, taking it into his hole, Mmmm that feels good, sir.

The man makes a mental note of the change from mate to sir, and pushes deeper into Ben, his hard cock raw up Ben's smooth hole. He reaches round and wanks Ben.

Ben can feel the man's thick bush against his hole, buried fully into Ben, Oh yeah, fuck me deep sir.

Ben turns his head and the two kiss as the man starts to fuck Ben faster and harder. The man fucking Ben hard, his balls tight and ready to shoot.

The man thrusts deeply, You want me to cum inside you?

Ben nods his head, feeling the cock swell inside him, wanting to be seeded by the older man. The man fucking Ben deeper and harder, his sweat dripping onto Ben's back, Ben's cock wet with premium in his hand.

The man rams his cock deep into Ben, Now?

Ben pushes back, Yes please sir.

The man thrusts deep as his jizz explodes inside Ben and Ben shoots his cumload into the man's hand.

The man offers Ben his hand, making Ben eat his own cum, Tasty?

Ben licks his lips, Mmmm yeah. Fuck, that was hot sir, I needed that.

The man slips out of Ben and walks away with Ben's rucksac.

Ben turns round, Hey, where are you going?

The man laughs, See you.

Ben tries to get up, his legs asleep from being fucked hard against the tree stump, WTF Nooo.

Ben stumbles and falls. lying on the grass with a useless dead leg, Ben watches as the man heads off.

The man shouts back, My t shirt is still around it might cover your bum but i doubt it.

Ben gets up, What? please sir, leave me my car keys at least.

The man stops, smiles and turns to look at Ben, I can give you your keys and you can drive home naked, or I can give you your rucsac back, clothes and all as long as you promise to come be a nude butler at a party I'm holding tomorrow night. Choice is yours kiddo.

Ben clutches his cock, unsure what he should do. He lives in a busy street so would definitely be seen getting out of his car naked, but to agree to being a nude butler to a guy he doesn't even know the name of?

Can you help Ben out? What should he do? Should he drive home naked or should he give the nude butler thing a go?

Let me know at and I can write the next installment.

Next: Chapter 2

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