Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Nov 15, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 14 - The Secure House


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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We re-join Ben after his sentencing and he arrives at the secure house that will be his home for the next six months - as long as he does everything the corrupt police officer Trevor Strange tells him to do.

Thank you for your replies, and apologies for another long gap between Ben's adventures. Now read on to find out what happened...


Thirty minutes later, PC Strange opens the front door to the house that is to be home for Ben for the next six months.

Ben walks in, looking around, curious. PC Strange directs Ben down the hall into the kitchen where there is a ginger haired lad, not much older looking than Ben standing naked at the kitchen sink washing dishes.

Scott, shouts PC Strange, come over here and say hello to Ben. This is the lad I've been telling you about, who you will look after and show the ropes.

Scott turns round and smiles, waving wet soapy hands, saying Hi to Ben.

The two naked lads take each other in. Scott, taller than Ben by six inches. They are both slim, naked, and shaved smooth from the neck down. Both uncut, Scott's cock longer soft, sitting on his balls. Ben's nub end pointing out. They catch each other checking each other out and blush.

PC Strange looks on at the two of them, Oh, aint that sweet, the two of you getting to know each other. I hope you both like what you see in each other cos you're together now for the next six months. I've got work to get to so, Ben, I will leave you here with Scott for him to settle you in and tell you all the rules of the house. I will call by after my shift, ok?

Ben nods a yes and watches as PC Strange shuts the front door.

Hi. I'm Scott. And I'm in charge of you when Himself - Scott nodding his head to the front door that PC Strange had just walked out of - isn't here. When He is here, He is in charge of both of us. Now get your hands in that washing up bowl and finish the job off for me. No point having a dog and barking yourself, now is there?

Ben grins, Is that what I am? A dog?

You know what I mean, smart ass. Just get those dishes done. So, I know you are Ben and that you are here for six months and I'm lumbered with making sure you do everything by the rule. So first thing, you do what I tell you, when I tell you, and you don't answer back. You only open the front door when I or Himself gives you permission. You are not permitted to leave the house unless you are with me or Himself. You will be naked at all times in the house. In fact there are no clothes in the house so you needn't go looking for any. You are allowed out in the back garden which is fully enclosed. And you will be doing general household chores, cleaning, cooking, washing up and the like. Any questions so far?

What did you do to be here? And how come you're in charge of me?

Cheeky bugger, aint you? Guess you've never done time eh? First rule - is never ask what someone is in for. Got that? And I'm in charge cos I've been here nearly a month already and I've earned Himself's trust.

Why do you call him Himself?

I'm Scott, you're Ben, he's Himself. Walls have ears dont you know and he dont want his name mentioned. And since Himself is the boss, what he says goes. OK?

I guess so, yeah. But what do you mean, walls have ears?

You'll find out soon enough, but a word of advice, keep your thoughts and crazy ideas to yourself and dont go spreading them around, understand? Dont want any trouble, do we?

I guess not, no, but there's only you and me here.

And Himself.

And Himself, some of the time. Who is there to talk to?

Oh, we do get visitors. But all in good time. I've got orders to settle you down and understanding the house rules before we have any visitors. Have you finished those dishes yet?

Nearly, last one.

Good, dry your hands and I can show you the place.

It doesn't take Scott long to show Ben round the house. There's an open plan kitchen / dining area that opens out onto the small back garden that is mainly grassed. There's a front lounge with a large TV and three sofas.

Scott takes Ben upstairs. There is a large wet room with shower, basins and toilet. Scott opens the door to one of the bedrooms, this is where Himself or guests stay. One of your jobs is to always make sure this room is spotless and the sheets changed after every use. You are going to be bunking up with me in here. The contrast between the two rooms couldn't be greater. Whereas the previous room was the height of luxury, the room where Ben was to sleep with Scott was very spartan, floorboards, mattress on the floor, and nothing else. The room was void of any personal possessions.

Scott looks over at Ben, Yep, that's right, you're sleeping with me in here. Height of luxury right? Got a problem with it?

Erm, no, no... its jus that it is very different from the rest of the house - and it really highlights that I'm here like this - naked - and with no possessions to put in the bedroom.

Yeah, kid, get used to it. It can take a while to sink in, but you will be well fed, well looked after, you wont go for anything like that while you're here.

What's in that room? Asks Ben, pointing to a final door on the landing.

I dunno. It's always locked. Himself sometimes goes in there but I've never been in. I asked once and he nearly bit my head off. Told me never to go in there when he is in. Said that would be good enough reason for me to be sent off to the young offenders and thats good enough reason for me not to poke my nose in there. This is a cushy number compared to the stories I've heard of what goes down at the young offenders.

Ben nods in agreement - he doesn't want to land there either.

So, what happens now?

Well, why dont I find out how good you are with your tongue?

You mean?

Thats right. Thats exactly what I mean. I know you've been waiting for the chance to get down on your knees and take me into your mouth. Aint you Ben? Admit it!

I... I... erm, lol, fuck, but you look so hot, I mean, you're been chubbing up since I got here. Yeah I'd like it.

Ben drops to his knees and takes Scott's cock into his mouth, feeling the foreskin under his tongue, tasting the few drops of piss, Scott getting harder and bigger.

Yeah Ben, suck my dick. You're gonna get to suck me a lot over the next few months. Get to like the taste and the feel of me, Ben.

Scott takes Ben's head into his hands, guiding Ben deeper onto his cock, pulling Ben closer to him, Mmmm yeah get me nice and hard Ben. That's it, yeah. Damn, you're one expert cocksucker, ain't you boy? Yeah.

Scott lifts Ben's head so that he is looking up at Scott, cock still in his mouth, Now, one rule I haven't explained yet is that we are not allowed to cum if its just the two of us playing. You understand? So, suck my cock Ben but don't get carried away and make me cum. Just get me hard and leaking then you can stare at my rock hard cock all you want. Got that?

Ben grins at Scott, cock down his throat, and nods.

Oh, one more thing, Ben. You are never allowed to touch your own cock. If you get hard, that's ok. But, no touching, no cumming. Got that?

Ben nods again, already rock hard himself, thinking, Fuck, I'm gonna be horned all the time.

As if Scott could read Ben's mind, Yeah, you will be horned all the time, Ben. Welcome to your new home.


A few hours later, after Ben has sucked Scott to near cumming several times, they hear a key in the door and PC Strange walks in, How you boys doing? Has Ben behaved himself? asking Scott.

Yea, he seems to be settling in nicely and paying attention to details.

Well, I can see from your hard leaking cock, Scott, that you have been focusing down on your own gratification.

Scott blushes, well yeah, right.

Hey, I got no problem with that, Scott. Glad you are keeping Ben's jaws in good practice. Don't want him to lose that magical touch, now do we Ben?

Ben looks over and shakes his head, No.

It looks like you're a bit excited too. Did you remember what I said before we came here? That we might need to take temptation from your reach? Well I got just the thing for you here, so why don't you open the box and have a look?

Ben takes the box from PC Strange and opens it. And pulls out a big heavy chrome chastity device, What? I gotta wear this?

Yes. Keep you horny and hands-off. How about we put that on you right now?

Scott takes the device from Ben and drops to his knees in front of Ben. He places the heavy metal hinged ring around Ben's smooth balls and closes it over the shaft of the base of his cock. The metal feels heavy and cold to Ben, and he shudders. Scott then takes the heavy chrome tubing and gently pushes Ben's cock down the tube so that he is fully in and then fixes the top of the tube into the loop of the hinged ring.

PC Strange hands Scott the padlock and very soon Ben is all locked away.

Go have a look at yourself in the mirror Ben.

Ben does just that, feeling the weight of the cock cage round his junk as he walks - the bulk of it making Ben change the way he walks too. He can feel the weight tugging on his balls, and his cock growing inside the tube, pressing against it and towards the end of the tube, where his cockhead is starting to push against the sieved end.

Damn, how long am I wearing this for?

For as long as I say, thats how long. Scott will have a key in the house for emergencies and to release you for your daily wash. But you might as well get used to this certainly for the next few weeks or more. What do you say Ben?

Erm, ok, I guess.

No. That's not what I meant. What do you say, when I bring you a present?

Ah. Thank you.

Thats better, but not quite right, is it now?

Erm, thank you, Sir.

Yes, that's much better, Ben. Now why dont you show me just how grateful you are by coming over here and getting down on your knees and opening your mouth?

Ben looks round at Scott, hesitant.

Don't worry about him. Scott is happy to watch. To see you in your true role and to see an expert working - even though you aren't working on his cock right now. Now, unzip me and get my dick in your mouth before I put you over my knee and spank that perfectly pert ass of yours.

Ben does as PC Strange tells him to, not that it is much of a problem for Ben to suck dick. Ben drops to his knees and takes out the thick cut cock he had sucked just a few hours ago. This time, Ben is less urgent as is PC Strange. Ben has the cut cock deep down his throat, looking up at the policeman, when he feels Scott's hands on his hips, pulling Ben up to standing.

Ben manages this manoeuvre without letting the cock out of his mouth and then is surprised to feel Scott's cockhead against his ass, and pressing against him. It isn't long before Scott is buried deep inside Ben, fucking Ben long and hard, while Ben is deep-throating Himself. Ben instinctively moves his hand to his own cock only to be reminded by the hard touch of chrome that his own cock is now out of bounds, that his pleasure is not what it is all about, that he is serving both Scott and Himself, pleasuring the two of them, and that this would be his life for the next six months.

Scott and Himself are in no hurry to unload into Ben and swap ends several times, working Ben's mouth and ass, getting him used to their cocks, marking Ben as their property, to do with as they please. After a good thirty minutes roasting Ben, Himself gives Scott a brief nod, permission to cum, and Scott shoots his load down Ben's throat quickly followed by Himself unloading into Ben's ass. Ben's cock leaking precum out of the end of his cock tube, but unable to satisfy himself. Still horny.

Damn Ben, you are one hot sub to fuck. You were born for this, thats for sure. You enjoy that? You OK?

Ben nods his approval, licking his lips.

Good lad. Well I got stuff to do, places to go. I reckon Scott has done well with you today, so as a reward I will let you have a pizza takeaway? How does that sound?

I'd like that very much, Sir.

Hmmm. That's good. Calling me Sir seems to come natural to you, doesn't it. Yes, you can call me Sir from now on. Got that?

Yes Sir.

OK, Scott, you order the pizza when you're ready and I will see you guys tomorrow.

A minute later Himself was out of the front door.

Ben grins, Fuck, that was hot. Is that going to happen every day?

If you are lucky - and I reckon you are a lucky guy, so yeah, sure. But, hey, that is some piece of metal on your junk. Are you comfortable with that on?

It's kinda heavy. Drags on me a bit, pulling down on my cock and balls. But I reckon I can get used to it. Guess I just dont need to run anywhere or it might cause me some serious damage.

Scott laughs, haha, dont tempt me or I will get you running round the back yard and doing star jumps. I'll get your balls down to your knees in no time.

Fuck, you wouldn't, would you? What the fuck would that look like when I get to take the cage off?

Well, you just behave yourself and do as I tell you and you wont have to find out, will you?

I guess I'm learning my place here.

Good boy. I always thought you would be a good obedient slut.

How do you mean always knew?

Oh c'mon, I watched you as part of the "social experiment" at your uni. I've seen what you have got up to.

Fuck really? You've seen.... Oh shit.

Hey its no problem. In fact, it's great, cos we know you're totally up for some hard cock action. No pun intended. I loved the way you didn't even blink when Himself told you that you had to wear that cage.

I didn't think I had an option, the way he was saying it. I'm remembering that if I dont do what he says then I'm off to a youth offenders for a full year and I dont want that.

What, so you'll put up with a whole load of stuff here to avoid youth offenders? Even having your cock and balls locked away?

Ben nods, Well, if you know about the "social experiment" then I guess you know about me being in court with the cockring and the buttplug up my ass.

Fuck man, yeah. I guess that must have been kinda awkward? Especially when you shot your load over that perspex screen? And then fucking licking it all off? Dude, that was something else!

Ben blushes at the memory of it and in the fact that his court appearance seems to be known to more and more people.

Erm, can we change the subject? To pizza perhaps?

Ah yeah sure. Anyway all that sexercise has made me hungry. You got any food preferences when it comes to the pizza?

Nah. Pretty easy. I eat most things.

Well, yeah, we already seen that. But back to the pizza. OK let me place the order while you walk round and get used to that weight on your balls.


So Ben is naked in a secure house with his cock locked in a cage and his balls weighed down and got used to servicing Scott and Himself. What will the pizza delivery boy think of Ben when Ben opens the door to him? And what will Ben give him as a tip? And what else might happen while Ben is serving his sentence?

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 15

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