Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 30, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 23 - Massage Threesome


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben has had a very rough time from Craig and a very sensual time with Will. Poor boy is confused and non the wiser to what Himself and Scott are up to.

Now read on to find out what happened next...


"Damn that was hot. We got even more viewers watching Ben get sweet fucked by Will. And a whole batch of new subscribers to the channel", Himself tells Scott by text. "Yeah? What about numbers watching me?", asks Scott. "Pretty much even numbers. You better watch out though", replies Himself. "Lol. I'm the pro here", replies Scott. "Yeah but Ben has the whole smooth innocent twink appeal that our viewers seem to not be able to get enough of." "Not complaining. I make the money either way." "True, true yeah. Oh and def on for that 3way massage with Will. Already confirmed it with Will for tomorrow afternoon, 3pm til late. So spin it out into the evening k?" "K", grins Scott, "Looking forward to it."

By the time Scott finished texting with Himself and got his ass upstairs, Ben is flat out in bed asleep. Scott uncovers Ben for the cameras. Scott looks at the smoothness of the boi, goes and kisses his soft cock then heads down to the lounge for some more cam fun with whoever was watching and paying.

Ben sleeps through the night and wakes up late. "Oh the boi is awake. About time too", says Scott, looking over at Ben. "Why what time is it?" "10:30" "WTF? I slept all that time?" "Yeah, like a log and you snore". "No I don't" "Yes you do - but just a gentle snore - it was sweet" "Fuck off", grins Ben "You know what?" "What?" "Will is coming this afternoon for that massage lesson. I take it that meets with your approval? "Fuck. Yeah, sure does. I still feel blissed out" "Well we will be able to share that blissed out feeling. But in the meantime, I need some coffee in me and you are gonna make it" "K", says Ben, getting out of bed and heading downstairs.

At 3pm on the dot, the door bell goes. Ben opens the door, grinning on seeing Will. "Well, my return call is sooner than I expected. You ready for this?" "Sure am", replies Ben, as Scott comes out of the lounge to meet them. "Bedroom again?", asks Will. They head up stairs, Will putting on a clean sheet and Scott lying on his front, "Ok Ben, I Will do Scott's left side and you copy my every move on his right side." Ben nods. They work silently together, Ben seeing and copying on Scott, the massage that Will had given him just yesterday, working down Scott's shoulders, arms, back and to his ass, Will and Ben parting Scott's ass cheeks alternately, grazing his hole repeatedly to Scott's moaning and dry humping the sheet under him. They work their way down Scott's legs and then get him to flip over, Scott's cock rock hard and leaking.

Scott grinning, "Amazing work so far. Keep it up". Will directs Ben to straddle Scott, like he had done Ben yesterday and motions to Ben what to do. Ben is into it now, having watched Will yesterday, Will making slight corrections, and suggestions, as Ben massages Scott's face chest arms, plays with Scott's nips, and pushes himself down slowly onto Scott's hard cock. "Is this part of a regular massage?", asks Scott to Will, grinning away. "Yes. All part of the service", laughs Will. "Damn, I'd have been to more massages if I'd known" "Shhhh. Don't speak", says Will, as he gets Ben to dismount from Scott and pulls Scott's legs up, nodding at Ben as if to say you know what to do next. Ben does, and gets his face down into Scott's crease and starts to tongue him, pushing his tongue in further, opening and relaxing his rosebud more as Will lightly strokes Scott's cock. "Ok, move over Ben", says Will, after a few minutes. Will takes position and enters Scott. Directing Ben to straddle Scott and suck him, Ben presenting his ass to Scott, who doesn't need any instructions. Scott's tongue is in Ben's ass without any hesitation. Will gently fucking Scott, Ben sucking on Scott and Scott eating Ben out. The viewers are creaming themselves, no doubt, at the sight of them. Will directing the action, "Don't cum boys. We gotta four-hands Ben yet". Will comes out of Scott, and pulls a reluctant Ben off Scott. "You ok to get up and get to work Scott?", asks Will. Scott grins, "Sure".

Ben lies facedown on the bed, his hard leaking cock under him, as Will and Scott go to work on his body, four hands on him, sensation overload, and they don't spend a lot of time on the shoulders but make their way down to Ben's ass and give him a lot of attention there, Ben wriggling under them and moaning and leaking. Scott and Will manhandle Ben over onto his back, Will at Ben's feet, Scott at his head, Scott's cock slapping against Ben's face, Scott leaning over Ben, his cock and balls in Ben's face. Ben can't help himself but start to kiss and lick Scott's balls, taking one into his mouth, then the other, as Scott tweaks Ben's nips. At the same time, Will is massaging Ben's thighs, spreading Ben's legs apart and caressing that sweet spot between the back of Ben's balls and his coin slot. Ben rockhard and moaning, writhing under the touch. Will leans in and bites Ben's ballsac gently, Ben copies Will's actions on Scott.

"This all ok for you Ben?", asks Will. "Mmmm", Ben nods, his mouth full of Scott's balls. "Want my cock inside you?", asks Will. Ben answers by spreading his legs wider. Will plays Ben's slot with his cockhead, teasing him, massaging Ben's slot opening with his cockhead. "Just put it in him", laughs Scott, looking on, his own cock leaking onto Ben's chest. "Could say the same to you, Scott", says Will. "You want my cock down your throat Ben?", asks Scott. "Gently yes. Both of you. Gently."

Will enters Ben gently as Scott plays his cock round Ben's lips, dripping precum into Ben's mouth, Ben's tongue licking Scott's cockhead, tasting him, Scott pushing in further teasing Ben. Ben being gently fucked in his ass by Will and face by Scott. Them doing long sensual strokes penetrating Ben's ass and throat, Will and Scott looking at each other, smiling, grinning, leaning in and kissing each other, with Ben underneath them. Will takes hold of Ben's cock and strokes it gently, his fingers alternating around Ben's cockhead, massaging it gently, small circles, Ben moaning under him. As they both gently fuck Ben. Ben leaking precum under Will's gentle cockhead massage. Scott pulls his cock out of Ben's mouth and slaps Ben's face with it, then pushes back in. "Damn this is hot. So horny, feel ready to shoot", says Scott. "That right?, asks Will, "You ready to shoot Ben?" Ben nods. Will grins. Will then Scott go down on Ben together, both of them licking the precum streaming out of Ben's cock, licking it up, slurping, begging Ben for more. taking it in turns to put Ben's cockhead into their mouths, swirling their tongues round Ben's cockhead, faster and faster, stronger and stonger, then Ben erupts into Scott's mouth. Will greedily pushing Scott's mouth aside with his own to receive the next wad of Ben's cum, Will and Scott tussling their mouths over Ben's erupting cock until the last of the jizz is greedily eaten. Will and Scott grin and kiss, swapping Bens cum between them, pushing it into each others mouths. Ben watching on, flat on his back, grinning, relaxed, watching these two horny guys who had just swallowed his cum make out. Ben coughs and gets rewarded with them both turning to him, cum covered lips on both of them. They follow Ben's gaze, down to their swollen cocks and both make their way up either side of Ben until their cocks are at Ben's mouth, Ben kissing both cockheads, tasting their precum drizzling down his throat. Will and Scott take it in turns to push their cockheads into Ben's mouth, take it in turns to feel Ben's tongue on them, and to drizzle their precum down Ben's throat, taking it in turns to gently facefuck Ben. Looking down, seeing Ben in his element, greedily eating their precum, taking them in turns, Scott and Will kissing, while Ben sucks on them both. Scott judders first, and Ben guzzles his cum down, cleans his cock, then Will takes over Ben's mouth, thrusting gently but deep down Ben's throat, Scott looking on, tweaking Will's nips. Will moaning loud until he stops and shoots down Ben's throat, wad after wad. Ben cleans Will's cock with his tongue. Will and Scott collapse onto the bed. Ben in the middle, them hugging him, squashing him gently, holding him between their hot, oily bodies.

"You good Ben?", asks Will. "Good, yeah. Very good", replies Ben. "That's what I wanted to hear. You got yourself a fantastic body Ben". "And a great tongue", adds Scott. "And an awesome coin slot boi pussy on you", adds Will. "So smooth. So very smooth", adds Scott stroking Ben's ass. "Yeah", adds Will, "So very smooth. Only one thing missing though". "What's that?", asks Scott. "A tattoo. A mark on the boi. Make it so we can see exactly who he is". "Or what he is", adds Scott. "Yeah", adds Will, "Like he is a great fuck". "And a great cocksucker", adds Scott, "A great naked houseboi too". "Lol", laughs Will, "All of those and more". "That adds up to a lot of tattoos". "Hey guys", pipes up Ben, "Do I get a say in this? I'm not sure I want to be covered in ink." "We didn't say covered, Ben", says Will. "No. And you didn't say the safe word, so I guess you are up for one, at least", laughs Scott. "WTF! Erm, I dunno guys". "Well one way to find out is to get the pens out, draw some designs on Ben and see which ones he likes", replies Will. "Or the people who see him on cam. Do they get a say too?", asks Scott. "Great idea", says Will, "We could have a poll. Draw the designs on Ben. Get Ben to show them off and see who votes for what. The highest vote is the tattoo Ben gets." "Woah. Wait. Hang on. I've not agreed to any of this", Ben near shouts. "Lol no but your cock is betraying you, look, you're totally boned up again. Admit it, part of you is horned by the thought of you being marked, isn't that right? asks Scott, grinning. "Uh?", Ben looks down at his throbbing cock, "I dunno. I guess so. But marked permanently? Fuck!" "Just a small one", adds Will. "Yeah small, something that would be covered by clothes", adds Scott, "If you were to wear them". They all laugh. "Like where then?", asks Ben. "Never mind that. Let's get you washed down and do some designs on you. Then the guys can vote and we can decide later on where", adds Will. "Or ask the guys where, as you call them", adds Scott. "Fuck. ok. I agree to the designs on me. Not the tattoo. Ok?" Will and Scott look at each other, Will says, "You got a deal kid".

They shower, Will and Scott drying Ben off, then they go to the lounge with the sharpies. Ben standing in the middle of the room. Benboi' written on one ass cheek. Red lips and tongue on the other. A big arrow pointing down his spine to between his ass cheeks, and the words cum inside'. Suck me' written over Bens cock. House boi' written on Bens right shoulder blade. "That's enough guys", says Ben. Will takes out his phone and takes pics, showing them to Scott and Ben. Bens shocked face at the `cum inside', "WTF guys I can't have that on me - permanently or even temporarily." Will laughs, Ok, so I got the pics. I can post these to the guys who have seen you Ben, yeah? And we can take it from there. You can go shower and get Scott to wash these off you now. I gotta head off." Ben starts to pick up the sharpies that are scattered all over the floor, "WTF guys, these say permanent! These sharpies are fucking permanent!" "WTF really?", acts a surprised Will, "Well, fuck me". Scott laughs, "I would but I already just came". "Haha guys. What am I supposed to do now?" asks Ben. "Well", says Will, "They say permanent but thats probably one or two weeks only, cos its only on your top skin layers. So a bit of exfoliation and they'll be gone. Not like a real tattoo which goes under the skin. That definitely is permanent". "Unless you remove it later", adds Scott. "You can remove them later?", asks the innocent Ben. "Yeah, it's done all the time", says Scott. "Ah that don't sound so bad then", replies Ben. "So a little tattoo would be ok?", asks Will. "Guess so yeah, if it can be removed like you say", replies Ben. "Cool", replies Will, pulling on his clothes, "You guys have fun. Hope to see you again real soon." Ben shows Will to the door. "Fuck that was hot", he says to Scott when he returns to the lounge. "It was. And damn you look hot with those designs on you boi. You sure you only want one of them on you?" "Yes. Only one. For sure", replies Ben, not fully realising he has now agreed to have one tattoo.


Ben sure seemed to enjoy his threeway massage with Will and Scott but, seriously, is he really that innocent about tattoos. But he didn't use his safe word, so it must be ok. Right?

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Next: Chapter 24

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