Bens Exposure

By Suitman Five

Published on Jun 23, 2005


Tom ran past Ben into the locker room, hot and sweaty, leaving an exciting aroma of strength and power. Luke trotted up heaving that great chest of his. Ben was excited by the prospect of getting into the showers with this group of football players, knowing the horse play that was likely to occur. He could already start to feel a stirring in his shorts.

His went into the room with the guys in the team that he had recently been accepted to. He had watched the team plying as a Junior and now he had made the Senior team even though he was just 18. The action of their muscles and their hugs when they scored sent him wild. He wanted to be out there hugging these muscle hunks and being hugged by them. Now it was happening.

Ben tried to get his cock to soften as he pulled his towel out of the locker. Jake had his head in the locker next to Ben's and his arse looked so round and hard. It wasn't making it any easier. "Going well today, Ben!" he said with a stunning smile. Ben's legs went weak and he quickly sat down to remove his boots. That meant he was facing into the room where other guys were losing shorts and jock straps, Pulling shirts over their heads revealing muscled chests and abs.

Ben took it all in, lusting after his teammates. "C'mon Ben." called Jake from the doorway of the shower, "Don't sit sit there perving all night." Ben blushed immediately. He knew Jake was just joking, or at least he hoped he was. He knew the boys grabbed balls and flicked each other with towels in the shower room and he wanted to be a part of that. If he could just get Tom to grab his balls that would be heaven. He knew he should not get an erection. A bit of swelling was overlooked but a full-scale boner was going to cause a reaction.

Ben stood up and slipped off his shirt and then pulled his shorts off. He eased of the jock strap hoping not to stimulate it any more. When he crept into the shower hall he was at about quarter mast. He tried to get one of the showers at the far end where he was not going to be noticed as much, but that meant running the gauntlet of the team to get there. There was already a bit of high jinks going on and he felt the snap of a towel on his buttocks.

Jake whooped, "Got ya!" Ben jumped in surprise because he had been trying to watch Tom's gigantic cock swinging as he washed his back. He was too focused on what he saw. Luke grabbed his balls and gave them a tug.

"He's already getting excited," yelled Harry, "Don't tug too much or you'll get creamed!"

Well this did it. He could not control it any longer and his dick leapt to attention. Ben tried to scurry to the end shower followed by a chorus of catcalls.

"I told you he's been perving on us" shouted Jake.

Then Tom leant over to Luke and whispered something into Luke's ear. Luke passed it on to Harry and the message soon went around the room. The horseplay settle down but hey kept looking at each other and giggling. Ben didn't really like it there was something ominous in the air. He tried to face the wall and not let them see his boner, which was still at about three quarters.

When they were finished showering the guys toweled themselves and drifted off into the change room to get dressed. Ben let them go and waited a bit before turning off the shower and toweling dry. He was hoping that they would have forgotten him by the time he sneaked in to get dressed.

No such luck! As soon as he entered the change room he was grabbed by the arms by Tom and Luke.

"Put it on him" Tom said to Harry. Harry was a trainee electrician and he held a bundle of cable ties. He took one and wrapped it around Ben's scrotum, between the cock and balls. He inserted the tip into the other end and pulled it tight. Not tight enough to stop the blood flowing, but tight enough so that it would be impossible to force one of Ben's balls through. He produced some cable snips and snipped off the end.

"You will find out what it is like to be perved on now," said Luke and they began to take him outside. Behind the change room building was a road separated from the grounds by a chain link fence. Tom and Luke laughed as they dragged Ben to the fence and pushed him up against it. Tom kicked his feet apart and he felt Harry reach through and grab his balls. By now he had a raging boner. Harry poked the boner through a gap in the chin link and forced his ball through after. Then he threaded another cable tie through the first and looped it through a link in the wire below the one under Ben's balls. This one he pulled fairly tight and clipped the end off.

When Tom and Luke let him go, Ben realized he had been on tiptoes. As he dropped to flat feet on the ground, the cable pulled on his balls and the fence wire underneath pushed up on the base of his cock. The pressure forced his cock to harden to the point where the skin on the knob was stretched and shiny. They boys laughed at each other.

Tom gave him a smack on the buttocks and said, "We'll make sure you are not too lonely. There are a few girls that might like to come and see you."

He could not see them easily because he was up against the fence. He tried to reach the cable ties but the fence was in the way. He soon heard their cars starting up and moving away. As it got quiet he hoped there would not be any one going down the road. It led out into some countryside and few people went that way except couples going parking at night. It was a bit early for that and anyway it was a Thursday night. Not a lot was likely.

He waited for a while, mostly standing on tip toes to take the pressure off his balls. It would start to go down after a while but before too long his feet and calf muscles would get tired and he had to drop to the ground and up would come his boner. His balls began to ache after a while. Then back on tip toes again.

He had just collapsed down one time and he heard the sound of a car. As it came around the bend in the road he recognized Karen's Escort. Karen was Tom's girlfriend. The car stopped in front of Ben and out jumped 4 girls, Karen and her friends. Shrieking with delight they spotted Ben's boner.

"This is going to make a cool photo!", Anna cried and pulled a digital camera out of he bag. They took several photos, some full size showing his face, and some close-up shots of his boner. Ben was horrified but there was nothing he could do. The funny thing was that even though he stood up on his aching toes, his boner refused to go down. He started to realize he was enjoying being on display.

They soon left, keen to get the camera to a printer. This was not going to finish straight away.

Not long after the sound of their car died away into the distance, another car arrived. It was Jake. He jumped out of the car carrying Ben's bag with his clothes in it. He carried a pair of cable cutters. He soon cut through the cable ties and freed Ben.

"I was embarrassed that it was me who brought their attention to your boner", he explained. "Come down to the gate and I'll give you some pants."

Ben was so thankful to be released he wanted to hug Jake but getting pants on was more important. Jake gave Ben a ride home in his car and Ben wondered how he was going to face the town with the pictures in circulation.

Next: Chapter 2

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