
By Stacy Black

Published on Mar 30, 2020



A little fantasy, based on some incidents in the recent past. A bit slow, more erotica than porn I guess.

If you are under the age of majority wherever you are, please leave.

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The local television channel was running the ad non-stop. I'm sure you've seen the type: the hard-working owner, dressed in a cheap suit earnestly pitching his small-but-plucky business, where service counts above everything. A few shots of the showroom and technicians, then a cut-away to a badly-lit picture of their featured product. With a flashing "Rock-Bottom" price.

Berry and I had endured the spot at least 50 times as we sweated our way through waxing the lobby of the little real estate office. I had to finally scream to no one in particular how sick I was of hearing it, and if I had to listen to one more word about hot tubs I would puke.

Berry just looked over at me with his big-kid grin and said "Steve, I like hot tubs."

"Not the point, smartass," I replied, after I finished making several retching sounds.

"And that guy does really good work," he continued, ignoring me. "My uncle has one of his tubs at the cottage, and it's awesome. Good prices too."

I gave up. "Where's your uncle's cottage?"

"Way out past that old dairy farm on the highway to Jonesville. He owns about 10 acres there, has a nice little brook running by it and everything. Electricity, all the comforts of home."

"And a hot tub." I added, making more retching noises.

"And a hot tub." Berry agreed, without the retching.

"Do you go there a lot?"

"Used to when I was younger. My cousins and I would go with our parents. Now that they're away at school, I usually only go over on spring break when they come home, or once or twice in the summer. We spend the night, have a few drinks, few smokes. Hot tub in the snow is really fun."

Berry is about 21, so I knew that he and his cousins were the perfect age for that sort of thing. That isn't his real name, by the way. It's William. But because he has the most vibrant auburn hair, when he was younger his friends started calling him "Strawberry"; it got shortened, and it stuck. I only know his real name because I fill out his pay sheet when he works for me. Berry is a clean-cut, stand-up young man. Serious, good-looking, fit, and un-fucking-believably shy. He blushes at the first sign of standing out from the crowd.

Once, a year ago or so, he started growing a moustache, and the result was not the mature, Tom Selleck look, that I think he was hoping for. Instead, with his peaches and cream skin, he looked like a teenager barely into puberty who hadn't shaved yet for the first time. Of course, I never said any of that to him. What I did was comment one day when we were alone that I thought his moustache was filling in nicely. I thought his head was going to catch fire! He stuttered and stammered so much, I ended up having to go work somewhere else before he had a cardiac arrest!

After the day at the real estate office the subject of hot tubs didn't come up again for a few months. Then one day when I had him with me on a small job, he mentioned that his cousins had been home for spring break a couple of weeks before. That reminded me of the cottage, so I asked him if he had gone out.

Turns out they had all gotten together for the weekend. Had a blast. It had been really cold for the first week of March, so the wood fire had been burning at the cottage, and the hot tub was steaming.

"It's always so cool to be outside in the hot water when it's 10 degrees below freezing" he said. "Kirk had brought some oils that smelled really nice, like balsam fir, and he poured it in the water. The smell was perfect, and the oil made my skin feel really good. It gets so dry from the cold all winter."

I could relate to that. In the winter I usually filled the bathtub every weekend and soaked in some oil. Otherwise I itched like hell.

After finding out that it was just the three of them at the cottage all weekend, I began asking how much they'd had to drink and smoke, and it turns out they had been pretty well-behaved for three young men on their own. "Did you at least go skinny-dipping in the tub?" I teased.

As expected, he lit up like Rudolph's nose. "No! I probably should have because all I had was my underwear, and after they got wet, I had to go commando the rest of the time!"

"Ooooh" I said. "Chafe city."

"You're not kidding. I still have red marks between my legs." He blushed again at realizing that he had revealed a bit too much anatomical detail. I think he'd forgotten how personal the conversation had become. At that point I zoned out for a second while I constructed a surprisingly detailed fantasy of being asked to apply lotion high on his inner thighs.....

After that we got to talking about hot tubs and how much fun they are, how much work they are, and I kept feeling around to see if he had any sexual experiences around them. But every time I raised anything close to sexual, he would blush and clam up or change the subject.

More weeks passed and then, toward the end of summer, an opportunity came up that gave me a good opening to move the game along a bit. A friend of mine named Lindsey had asked me to help him repair part of his deck. I spent most of my weekend with him as we removed some damaged sections, rebuilt it, and even added a few features which improved the privacy of the deck and provided a new access to the lawn. On Sunday afternoon as we were having a beer while we put everything away, Lindsey said that I should come over some evening for a barbeque and a soak in the hot tub, as thanks for the helping hand. I told him that sounded great, and that I would take him up on it before the weather got too cold.

Now, Lindsey is gay. He isn't flamboyant and he has no partner. But gay he is, and anyone who wants to know, knows. He and I have had a romp or two over the years, and I consider him a good friend. Sometimes we drift apart for months, sometimes we hang out a lot. I was married, fairly happily, until my wife's death 4 years ago. But ever since I was a teenager, I sometimes liked a little spice. Salty, slurpy, creamy spice, if you follow.

So I knew that Lindsey's invitation would mean an interesting evening. That week, Berry and I were working a job, complaining about how unseasonably warm it was. Berry mentioned about that he was going to have a dip in the community pool after work, and it popped into my mind that he would make an absolutely perfect addition to the evening at Lindsey's place.

"It's hot today, but you know it's going to get cold soon. I suppose you'll be looking at hot-tubbing again?"

"Not this year." He replied with a bit of a disappointed sigh. My uncle's cottage was hit by lightning in August, knocked out the power, fried a whole bunch of stuff, including the hot tub heater.

"With all the repair costs, he said he wasn't going to open the hot tub this year at all. He's going to leave it drained and covered for at least a year until he gets things organized again."

"Wow" I said, "That really sucks." Rod back, and here goes the cast, and out goes the hook.

"You know, the other day I got invited to a place that has a hot tub. You could come along when I go. It won't be for at least a month, so the temp in the evening should be perfect."

He had a bit of a deer caught in the headlights look. "That sounds alright." Then after a few seconds, "Where is it? I mean, is it in town or in the woods, and would it be like a party or something?"

I caught on to his question pretty quick. He wasn't keen on getting almost naked with a bunch of strangers in a public spot, so I started my selling job to set his mind at ease.

"Nah, no party." Then I told him about helping Lindsey with his deck. "It'll be just the three of us, same as you and your cousins."

"I've been promised a nice steak barbeque, some booze, maybe a little weed. And trust me, his tub is really private. He has no neighbor on that side, and it's almost totally enclosed anyway." He seemed okay with my explanation.

"When are you going do you think?" And there's the bite.

"Well, I think Lindsey's away until the first of October and then I'm away for a week. So somewhere just before the middle of next month."

"I can do that," he said. "It'll be before I start getting my hibernation fat on, so I should be OK!" He used to complain all the time about putting on 10 pounds every winter, called it his hibernation fat.

"Hey, I told you before, nobody but you even notices that. Everyone thinks you've got a great body, summer and winter!" At least those were my thoughts. Berry was pretty hot. He was slightly below average height, but a nice muscular build. The wavy auburn hair was perfect and his legs had hair the same color, and quite a bit of it. He had a really compact ass and from what I had seen of his bulge, there was nothing down there to be shy about. I had never seen him shirtless, but I knew from seeing him in tight tee-shirts that he had great pecs.

`Yeah, yeah, I know. You're nice to keep telling me that."

"And I'm pretty sure Lindsey will think that too,'s gay." I looked right in his eyes to try to gauge his reaction. "Are you ok with getting into a hot tub with him? I guarantee you that he'll be drooling over your body." I hoped this didn't give away too many of my feelings, but I thought there was no harm in letting Berry know that I thought he was attractive.

Full marks to him, because other than an increase in his blush, he didn't freak out.

"Are you okay with it? He's your friend."

"I'm okay with it. He's already seen me completely naked." That statement led to some questions and explanations about the where's and how's, but I kept it pretty simple. I figured we'd all end up naked together, but I knew Berry needed time to adjust. Sort of wet his toe first, then his dick!

"And another thing. He'll probably go in naked. He's not really what I would call shy." I again looked in his eyes. "Are you ready for that?"

He didn't say anything for a few minutes, but he didn't appear to be having a negative reaction. Just like he was considering what to do.

"I've been in a hot tub with naked guys before." This kind of shocked me. My straight (and straight-laced) friend had a side he was hiding. And his face was also in shock apparently, because he was glowing like molten lava.

"Really?" There was only one likely possibility. "With your cousins, right?"

I thought maybe his lips had welded shut from the heat, but eventually he nodded. "A couple of times. Too much weed and too many stars, I guess. It's really a great spot up there. And Kirk and David were pretty used to getting in the tub naked. So, they convinced me to go too.

"I wasn't scared of getting caught -- there's nobody around for miles. And they were pretty cool -- didn't make a big deal of embarrassing me or anything." He saw me kind of frown a bit. "Not that I have anything to be embarrassed about!!"

I laughed out loud and winked at him. "Well, I was just wondering!"

"I just meant that they didn't try to embarrass me because I was shy. And they're not. Definitely not! They get naked lots of times out there. They just stand up and piss right over the side of the tub. I don't mind them doing all that stuff, I just feel"

"Shy?" I added helpfully.

"Frig off. I just never got used to being naked in front of people. But way out in the woods, it was fine. And I was pretty much stoned!"

"Ah marijuana, the great cure for inhibitions! Well, I promise we won't tease you if you don't want to get naked, and I hope you won't feel too awkward if I go bare-assed. I'm pretty open-minded myself." I was hoping he'd pick up on my coded message. "Just come and enjoy yourself."

"I've never seen one of my bosses naked before. I may suffer PTSD!"

"Go fuck yourself -- my ass isn't that fat yet!"

The next few weeks went by slowly; work was busy and I had Berry helping me quite a bit. Then at the first of October it died off and I didn't need him for a while. Lindsey and I had agreed on the 14th for the hot tub night, and so I messaged Berry that it was all set. We arranged that I would pick him up at his place (he lived by himself in a bachelor apartment), and drive the half hour or so to Lindsey's. I picked him up about 5 o'clock, just as the sun was setting. It had been a pretty nice day, not too cold, but it was shaping up to be a crisp evening. Perfect hot tub weather.

He looked great. He had shaved and his hair was perfectly messy. He was wearing stylish sweatpants and a hoodie, which completely hid every detail of his body, and he had on slip-on sandals and white gym socks -- not my favorite style combination. He knew that and before he even closed the door he was apologizing, telling me that the only reason he did it was for convenience -- he didn't want to be barefoot, but didn't want the bother of putting on shoes when his feet were wet. I just grunted and called him a Neanderthal.

Berry's only duty for the evening had been to get some weed. As we were driving, he showed me what he'd bought - six nice joints - proud as a little kid. Guaranteed, he said, to be prime California bud. We'd see.

When we arrived at Lindsey's it was nearly dark. It was a great place, very lush-looking and private, nicely lit on the road side and discreetly shaded on the back. We could see the lights of his neighbor's house, but it was quite a distance away, almost half a mile, across a field of harvested wheat. His garden still looked good, even though everything was in decline for the season. The patio was softly lit with lights mounted low, and the grill was warm, with the smell of baking potatoes wafting out. He also had a nice fire going in the outdoor pit, which was super inviting. Lindsey grabbed 3 beers and we all settled in front of the fire for introductions.

Turn's out Berry knew Lindsey slightly from a pool in town where both of them did some swimming from time to time. I'm sure that for Lindsey it was more exercise for his eyes than his body, as he took in all the male flesh on display. Berry did point out that the reason he remembered Lindsey was because of the bright orange speedo that he wore sometimes. The only guy for a hundred miles who would wear something that flashy. Lindsey took the kidding with good humor, and simply said "If you've got it, why hide it?" Then he turned right to Berry and asked "Didn't my junk look good in that suit?" Berry's answer was an immediate dialing up of his blush from candy-apple to emergency beacon scarlet!

"Come on Lindsey," I intervened, "You're just fishing for compliments."

"And why shouldn't I? It's long enough to use for fishing!" And he grabbed his crotch. We all burst out laughing, even Berry recovering some of his composure.

Lindsey served us more beer as we started helping with dinner. It was going to be gourmet but basic -- excellent filet mignon, onions, mushrooms, and potatoes. I helped get things ready in the kitchen with Lindsey, while Berry kept an eye on the grill and put wood on the fire.

"So, is he going to be terrified later or what?" Lindsey asked me quietly, looking through the window toward Berry. "You know there's only one way that I go into my tub, and that's `*sans vetements'!" *Lindsey was a snob most of the time.

"He's fine with it. He may be a bit shocked when I go in naked too, but I think he'll handle it alright."

"And what about him? Think he'll want to join the sausage party?"

"Probably not," I admitted. "But who knows? It's a beautiful night, a beautiful deck, some beautiful weed. Time will tell."

We went back out with the steaks and put them on the grill. If anything, it was even nicer outside now; it was completely still, Berry had the fire blazing, and the smell now coming from the grill was incredible. I suggested to Berry that it was a good time for a joint, and he rushed to dig out three. We got them lit off the fire. It was indeed very prime weed, and we all enjoyed it.

The steaks finished just before the joints, and Lindsey took them off the grill while we took a few last puffs. The glow in the western sky had nothing on the glow on our faces by then!

The meal was the best. We ate inside, looking out at the fire. Afterwards, instead of dessert, Lindsey brought out a bottle of 21-year-old scotch, three crystal tumblers from Ireland, and a small china pitcher with some water. Berry had never had good whisky before, and he needed a few pointers. But he was a quick learner, and seemed to acquire the taste much faster than I did when I was his age. As we sipped our second glass, we moved outside and got the fire built up again. There was a noticeable chill settling in now, so we pulled the chairs closer. Lindsey also flicked on a gas heater above our heads, and any chill was gone in an instant.

We shot the shit for a while, talked about people we knew, a little sports, a little trash, a little sex. At one point, Berry lifted up his shirt a bit and rubbed his stomach, giving Lindsey and I a glimpse of the light dusting of reddish hair that rose up from his waistline. He had a nice firm stomach, and the glow from the fire showed an attractive bulge in his sweats, that had bunched up tight to his crotch.

"Are we ready?" Lindsey asked, apparently not able to wait any longer to get Berry's clothes off. At the same time, he got up and turned on the jets in the hot tub and it made a soft hissing sound as the bubbles came to the surface

"I sure am," I replied. "Dying to get in. I had a hard week."

"Alright," Lindsey said. "Let me pour in some oil and we can go get changed." He went over to a cabinet by the grill and took out a bottle of green-colored liquid, and poured some of it into a reservoir on the tub wall, and turned on a little heater. "Let's go."

He took Berry and I into a bedroom in the back part of the house, gave us each a brown robe and then he went down the hall. I turned my back and started undressing. I slipped my jeans and underwear down together, so it wouldn't be obvious that I was going to be nude. I put on the robe and went straight out to the kitchen again, never looking back towards Berry.

Lindsey was already there, in his robe and some slip-ons. I didn't have anything for my feet, so I was barefoot. Berry came out in a minute, wrapped in his robe and wearing his sandals, but the socks were gone. Thank God.

There was a cozy nook next to the hot tub that was surrounded by a vine-covered trellis. The vine was pretty much toast this late in the fall, but it was still a nice sheltered spot, and there was another gas heater there, as well. There was a u-shaped bench under the trellis. Lindsey took off his robe and hung it inside the alcove. He was naked underneath.

Lindsey and I were about the same age -- he was 39 and I was 41. He looked really good for his age, still with slim hips and a firm butt, long, hairy legs (he was about 6-2), and a nice tattoo on his left thigh. It was a beautifully done and intricate infinity loop, I thought it looked very sexy. He had sparse chest hair, and he kept it closely trimmed.

When he turned around, I could tell that Berry was looking, waiting to see how intimidating Lindsey's penis would be. I already knew what it looked like, and my only surprise was that there was absolutely no hair around it except for a little tapered landing strip leading from the base upwards, and slowly petering out (see what I did there??) into a faint treasure trail.

His dick was looking good, circumcised, no unsightly blemishes, it hung nicely over some good-sized testicles. I knew he wasn't quite as long as me when he was erect, but close. His belly was still pretty flat, and he could pass for someone closer to 30 rather than 40.

I wanted to embarrass Berry a bit, so I said to Lindsey very casually "Nice shave job there, Lin. You do that yourself?" Now Berry had to look directly at Lindsey's junk, and Lindsey looked down too, and began scratching his little thatch of hair.

"Yeah, I like the look. Makes it look bigger, don't you think Berry? Itchy like a son-of-a-bitch though!"

He grabbed another beer and walked over to the tub, as his dick wagged back and forth. He climbed over the side and eased himself down. "Now that you guys have seen the show, are you coming in?"

Berry was clearly blushing at being called out, and now he was in a big rush to get in. He tore off his robe, threw it on the bench in the little alcove and grabbed his beer. He was wearing boxer briefs that were tight and short, in a light pattern with fluorescent blue piping. They were from a brand that is often associated with stylish young guys -- and that you'd definitely see in lots of gay porn. I'd seen his pants sagging many times as we worked, and he was always wearing plain department store underwear. Hmmm, this must be a special occasion.

The area by the tub was pretty dark, and there were no lights close by. Lindsey had told me he had arranged the lighting to make the tub area as romantic and relaxing as possible. When Berry was mostly out of the light, he slid off his underwear and then held them in front of his crotch until he threw them aside at the last minute just as his dick went under water. He was in the tub so fast that all that was visible was a bit of fuzz on his beautiful, firm butt. Lindsey got a quick peek of the goods, but I got no glimpse of anything else before he was chest deep in the water with a big grin on his face like he'd just won the Olympic gold medal for the 100-meter dash.

After hanging up my robe and picking up my beer, I turned around to start towards the tub. Lindsey let out a wolf-whistle, and said "Be careful with that thing, you're going to bruise your leg!" Not original, but funny enough, and of course it drew Berry's attention to my crotch. He looked at it intently for a second, and then glanced up at me, and when he saw me notice him looking, he turned away.

I am not the best-hung guy in the world. I am a bit above average probably, maxing out at about 7" on a very good day, and not super thick. But I am definitely a show-er and not a grow-er. So what Berry was seeing for the very first time was my swinging 6" of floppy dick, a largish circumcised head, and a closely trimmed bush. I also shave my shaft and testicles, and had done them yesterday especially for the occasion, which definitely helps make my dick look its longest.

Lindsey said to Berry "You work with him all the time; did you know he was packing something that big?" Berry obviously couldn't come up with an answer to that, and he just said "It's, uh, pretty big. Wow." Turning back to Lindsey he said "I may have noticed this old pair of jeans he wears that seem almost worn out on one side of the crotch. Now I know why!"

Then he looked back at my penis again, and said "Is there some rule that you have to shave your pubes to keep from clogging the filters here?!" at which Lindsey and I both laughed. Lindsey said "No way! If your pubes are as sexy as the hair on your head, they'll be awesome!"

I calmly and slowly stepped over the side of the tub, not hurrying, giving Berry all the time in the world to get a good look while he pretended to drink his beer and look everywhere but at my penis. Finally I settled in beside him. It was a 6-person tub, 3 to a side. The aromatic oil that Lindsey had added earlier was giving off a nice balsam smell that blended perfectly with the crisp night air. As soon as I sat down, Lindsey reached over the side and brought out a joint of his own -- a huge fat thing. He lit it up and inhaled deeply, releasing the smoke in a cloud. He grinned a Cheshire cat grin and handed the joint to Berry.

"This is the life. Good steak, good scotch, good weed, and a tubful of naked guys!" Berry laughed, and that got him choking on the smoke. Lindsey reached over and slapped him on the back, letting his hand linger just a wee bit on his shoulder. "You all right there, stud? Take it easy on the first inhale. Unless you really want me to give you mouth to mouth."

Berry blushed (again), and passed me the joint. Taking a gulp of beer, he shrugged off the cough and putting his hands behind his head, he leaned back on the side of the tub. Lindsey and I took in the erotic sight of this young man, his damp pit hair darkly red in the dim glow from the fire, firm biceps bulging just enough, and a hint of hair on the top of each breast. We just looked at each other and sighed. Oh, to be young again.

I took my turn on the toke and passed it on. Time rushed past and our buzz settled in. Lindsey's hands were usually below the surface of the water, so I had a pretty good idea that he was fondling himself as he soaked. Occasionally I could feel a foot moving and once he and I played a bit of footsie.

After a bit Lindsey lifted his feet out of the water and he slid down and stretched out so that they were resting on the top between Berry and me. I sat up straighter and wrapped my right arm around one of his legs and sort of started massaging it, playing with the hairs on his shin, now slick from the water. After a bit I turned some more and ran my hand down to his foot.

"You've got really hairy feet Lindsey." He had nice feet too. He looked after them you could tell. His toes were long and straight. I started playfully pulling at the hairs on his big toe. "Even on your toes. Way more than I have." Berry was watching me.

"Yeah, I used to trim them, but now I kind of think they look sexy."

"For sure," I said, "Who doesn't get turned on by gorilla feet???" And I started tickling his soles until he splashed Berry and I and pulled his feet back under the water.

"What about you Berry? You got hairy feet? We know you have a hairy dick." Lindsey was reaching under the water and trying to bring Berry's feet up for inspection as he was talking. Berry was kicking and thrashing, but after Lindsey threatened to dunk him, Berry relented and brought his feet up. They were quite hairy actually, his leg hair continuing well down onto the tops of his arches. He had attractive feet too, and Lindsey wasn't wasting the opportunity to massage them, but after hitting a ticklish spot, Berry pulled them back and submerged them again.

I was ready to suggest we get out for a bit when I felt something moving high against my right leg. I jolted for a second, then saw that Lindsey was staring right at me. Apparently, he was starting to feel frisky! I relaxed as he brought his foot higher until he had his toes under my balls. Because the tub was narrow, and his legs were pretty long, his knee was breaking the surface of the bubbles as he did this, and Berry noticed for sure. After Lindsey tickled my nuts for a few minutes with his long toes, he brought his whole foot up against my stiffening dick, and he was able to straighten his leg and his knee was hidden. As he slowly massaged me, he started talking about video games with Berry. This was pretty erotic, and I could see Berry's eyes looking down toward my crotch every now and then, but everything was taking place under the bubbles at this point.

After five minutes of this, Lindsey told us he was getting out for a bit. Now he was just being a prick, because he knew he had me rock-hard under the water. He stood up and then carefully reached around to gather his empty beer and his glasses, giving both Berry and I an eyeful of his semi-erect penis. Berry stood up too, I'm sure mostly just to get his eyes away from Lindsey's cock. I got a glimpse of his junk, before he covered everything with his hands again. Everything was hanging from the heat, and I could see that he wasn't cut, and that he had nice balls, and that he indeed did not appear to trim his red pubes.

With both of them standing up, I figured that was my best chance to avoid embarrassment, so I stood up too, turning away from Berry. But Lindsey was having none of it, and he deliberately backed into me and then let out a scream. "What the fuck Steve??? You're poking me with your boner! Oh My God!! Rape!!!"

So much for Berry not noticing. At that point I just decided to tough it out, and I jumped out of the tub and stomped over to the alcove. I didn't even bother with my robe, I just plunked myself down on top of it. "Where's the fucking beer??" I asked.

Lindsey was pissing himself laughing, Berry was laughing too, and I could see that any awkwardness was now long behind us!

As they both walked toward me, I noticed that Berry was still covering his dick with his hands.

"Nuh-uh ginger-boy!" Lindsey shouted, as he shoved him a step backwards. "You've seen all of me, and way more of Stevie-boy there, there's no way you get to be all shy. Hands off and show it like a man!"

I seconded Lindsey and started a chant of "Free Willy! Free Willy!!"

Lindsey kept at it, "I know all redheads are hung like horses, so just let us see it and be jealous!" Berry resisted a few seconds longer, but with Lindsey and I both now sitting there naked and hogging all of the bench, he finally gave in.

And honest to God, Lindsey and I both whistled. Berry wasn't hung like a horse, contrary to Lindsey's assertion. But he was nicely hung. Thick and floppy, droopy balls from the heat of the hot tub, and a full foreskin nozzle that made his dick look really impressive.

"You guys done?" He had a grin so we knew he was sort of enjoying the attention, despite the glow in his face.

"Yeah I'm done," I said. "You put on a nice show big guy, you should take up stripping. `Course, you'd go broke with that little thing!!" Lindsey let out a big whoop, "Bazinga!"

"Hey!" Berry was feigning hurt feelings. "I'm not even hard! Besides, who could compete with that ugly donkey-dick you've got?" and he pointed at my crotch.

I was finally starting to go soft, and so I just flopped it around a bit when Berry pointed to me. "Jealousy will get you nowhere, my friend!" Lindsey moved over and Berry sat down with us, under the umbrella of heat that was coming from the heater.

We laughed some more, Lindsey tormenting Berry and trying to get him to get an erection so we could see who was biggest. Berry was quieter and quieter as he ran out of ways to say no. We drank a beer each and passed around another joint.

Berry seemed to be getting comfortable with the nudity, and we talked a little about his past experiences with the hot tub at his uncle's cottage. Lindsey knew both of his cousins and had seen them naked in the pool locker room and told us he thought they were pretty hot. He said he was surprised that Berry was uncut because the cousins were cut. This much detail about his genitals was definitely way too personal for Berry, and I had to change the course of the conversation before his head exploded.

"Lindsey, I have to piss out all this beer. Do you mind if I go inside? I'm mostly dry."

"Just go over to where the step is and water the flowers", he said, so I headed over towards where he had motioned. There really wasn't anywhere I could see where he'd want me to piss, so I asked where he meant. He got up and came over.

"Right here where the eavestrough empties, I do it all the time if I'm out here alone." I aimed my dick and started peeing in the direction he had pointed.

"No, not there, dickhead!" as I pissed on what was apparently his favorite shrub! He quickly grabbed my dick and aimed it away from the plant, and continued to hold it until I had tapered off. I don't think Berry could actually see Lindsey holding my dick, but given our movements and conversation, I'm pretty sure he knew what was happening.

Lindsey had also started pissing, so he had a cock in each hand, and I was starting to grow again by the time I finished.

I flexed a couple of times to squirt out the last few drops, and Lindsey responded by gently squeezing his hand, then releasing me. I was shaking it dry when I heard Berry coming over. He went over and stood right next to Lindsey, who had finished pissing and was just shaking his off.

"Where was the target again?" Berry asked, quietly. He had retracted his foreskin, and his dick was noticeably on its way to erection.

"Right there" Lindsey said, motioning with his hand. "Here?" Berry asked, as his piss started flowing.

"Let me?" Lindsey asked, and Berry just removed his own hand. Lindsey gently wrapped his thumb and forefinger around Berry's cock and aimed it. Berry's foreskin had started to cover his head when he let go, but Lindsey deftly rolled it back again. Berry's stream had stopped when Lindsey first touched him, but he started again, and in a few seconds he was going full blast. "There you go," Lindsey said, and he took his hand away.

If anyone had bet me a half hour before that Berry would let a gay guy hold his penis while he pissed, I would have taken a million dollars of that action. Uh-huh, no way. What I just witnessed with my own eyes was not only scaldingly hot, it was beyond the realm of the imaginable! It had all happened in just a few seconds, but it was a seismic shift in my world.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from this show, watching Berry's dick, and wanting to kill Lindsey and switch places with him! I was fondling my own dick, making it more and more erect. Then I slipped my left hand around Lindsey's right butt cheek, shoved my fingers through and tickled him behind his balls. He nudged me with his elbow to make me stop. I guess he was too busy with his new boy!

Berry continued his never-ending pee. "Most uncut guys make a mess when they pee," Lindsey said. "But you got a nice straight line going there." I was also admiring how thick and strong his stream was, making a loud splash when it hit the ground.

"If I didn't have my skin rolled back, I'd be splashing everywhere, even on my feet. I'm glad I can peel it all the way back. My underwear and shoes would be filthy all the time."

Lindsey and I were still staring as he finished his piss, shook his penis a few times and released his foreskin, which slowly rolled back up. Because of his growing erection it didn't go as far as before, but still covered most of his glans.

"Foreskins are so cool," I said as we turned back to the bench. Lindsey agreed, "Makes your package look way bigger, lots more skin to play with too, right Berry?"

A mumbled "I guess," was all we got from a red-faced Berry.

Lindsey was showing the obvious signs of how much he had enjoyed the last few minutes, and I was half-hard too as we headed back to the tub. We were much more comfortable in our nudity now, no jokes or self-conscious banter.

Berry, of course, was the star of the show. Incredible young body, great ass and legs, and so sexy as he stepped up over the side of the tub, testicles swaying before they disappeared under water.

We didn't bother with beer this time. Lindsey lit another of his fat joints and we passed it around. The seating arrangements were still the same -- Lindsey on one side, Berry and I on the other. This time though Berry and I were a little closer and we were all of us closer to the end.

As the joint made its way around for the second time, I felt a familiar sensation on my leg as Lindsey slid his foot up until it came to rest again on my junk. His knee had protruded above the surface briefly, but because he went faster this time, it wasn't visible for as long.

I put my head back and looked up at the stars in the chilly night sky. It was so warm in the tub and the weed had me feeling so good and Lindsey's foot was doing its magic on my penis that I was simply in bliss. Berry tapped me on the chest bringing me back to the moment, and passed me the joint again. I took a deep drag and finished it off, stabbing the butt into an ashtray.

Lindsey continued his massaging of my dick and balls. He was getting bolder now and every now and then his toes were visible in the bubbles. I didn't worry about Berry noticing because his head was laid back on the side of the tub and he was also watching the stars with a sort of vacant stare. His mind seemed miles away.

I thought this would be a good chance to play a bit, and to thank Lindsey for the attention he was giving my genitals, so I slowly lifted my right foot, bringing it towards Lindsey's crotch. But before I got there, my toes hit something else. As I rubbed it a bit, I realized that it was a hairy leg belonging to Berry! He had his foot in Lindsey's crotch!

Lindsey was watching me with a grin on his face while all this was happening. Then he gave a short nod towards Berry, and when I looked that way, he brought his foot out of the water just above Berry's dick. He was giving foot jobs to both of us! After he was sure I knew what was going on, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Berry must have been a little more out of it than I was because it took him a few minutes to realize that it was me that was rubbing his calf. Finally, his eyes focused and he raised his head towards us. I felt him start to pull his leg back, but I held it in place with my foot. I looked at him and shook my head the tiniest bit. He relaxed his leg, and I forced it back into Lindsey's crotch again. Very quickly we were both working on Lindsey's cock, Berry on one side, me on the other. And we played footsie with each other at the same time.

This 3-way foot massage went on for at least another 10 minutes. I was so horny that it was all I could do to keep from cumming in the water. When the timer shut off and the bubbles subsided, it was awkwardly silent. Lindsey said "Let's go over to the bench."

This time I stood up first, and stepped up out of the tub, followed by Berry, then Lindsey. Lindsey definitely had the best view.

We settled down on the bench, sitting on the robes, letting the warmth from the heater pour over us. I looked over for my first good view of Berry's beautiful erection. Not quite as long as me and Lindsey, but thicker, glans almost fully exposed with most of his foreskin pulled back behind his corona. Big piss slit. He had quite a bit of hair, and it ran into that treasure trail I had seen earlier when he was scratching his stomach. His erection was pretty straight, and it was pointing right to the sky. His scrotum, soft and relaxed from the heat of the tub, allowed his balls to spread out and rest on the robe he was sitting on.

"Lindsey would trim that pubic forest you've got there," I said, nodding towards his dick, "Wouldn't you Lindsey?" Both of them looked at Berry's pubes, and Berry ran his fingers through it a bit.

"I guess I do look a bit `overgrown' compared to you two. Does everyone else but me shave? I saw that Kirk and David didn't have much hair, I just assumed that was natural for them. Maybe I was wrong?"

"No, they definitely trim." Lindsey said, reminding Berry that he'd checked them out at the pool showers. "It's normal for guys now, especially younger guys. But you look gorgeous as is, trimming would just tidy it up a bit and let everyone get a better look at your sexy meat!" And of course, that didn't make Berry blush at all!

We were all carefully stimulating ourselves, trying not to be too obvious. Lindsey continued to admire what Berry had on display and after a minute he leaned his head back and started massaging his dick.

"We're all horny, and we're all buzzed, and we're all hard," he was almost whispering, as if afraid to break the spell. "And we have all seen every inch of each other. Anybody shy about jerking off?"

Berry surprised the shit out of me by bending his cock down with his thumb, then letting it snap back against his belly. "I'm ready." Looking at me he said very quietly, "Like you said, weed cures shyness every time!"

I didn't answer, just started slowly stroking. I was determined to take my time, because Berry was right across from me and I wanted this vision of him masturbating to last as long as possible.

Lindsey and I were sitting next to each other, close enough so our thighs were touching as we stretched out and really started getting into it. When Berry saw that, he stretched out too, and so all of our feet were intertwined, and we started pushing against each other to brace ourselves as our orgasms built.

Berry wasn't shy at all at this stage. He was really pushing into me, and he didn't have his eyes closed. He was watching Lindsey and I stroking, and he and I looked at each other every few seconds. I realized then that he was enjoying attention for probably the first time in his life, instead of being embarrassed by it. His dick was rock hard, his piss-vein standing out, and his glans fully exposed. It was a deep purple color, glistening with pre-cum, and it played peek-a-boo as his foreskin flashed up and down.

Soon, Lindsey began sliding his leg up against mine urgently, and then he shot with a quiet "Fuuuuuuuck!" I looked over to see him shoot his cum in two spurts onto his belly, filling his bellybutton, the rest oozing out of his penis as he continued slowly stroking himself, making a foamy mess on his shaft.

Berry had stopped stroking and was slowly milking his shaft, bringing lots of pre-cum out of his slit. Then he took his other hand and smeared his head with the pre-cum, and made a long string as he pulled it away. He locked eyes with me, licked his lips, and started stroking again, slowly. I really thought he was going to bring his finger to his mouth, but he didn't.

That was it for me though and I passed the point of no return. I kept my eyes locked on Berry, beating like a maniac, breathing hard. After a few seconds I held my breath as long as I could and shot one long rope of cum over onto Lindsey's thigh, then several short spurts onto myself. I could hardly breathe as my pulse pounded, still watching Berry's dick. Lindsey reached down and slid a finger along his pubic area, collecting a bunch of my cum. Then he transferred it to his shaft and started stroking it up and down, adding to the noisy slurping sounds he was making. Berry watched this with eyes like saucers.

Berry was making little short gasps, as he stiffened his legs totally and pushed against my feet. We were toe-to-toe so to speak -- his entire body from toes to cock was rigid. Then he started blasting. He had the advantage of youth over Lindsey and I, and he clearly was getting lots of fluids. He made a nice mess of one nipple, and put lots of cum all over his belly and pubic region. His red pubes looked fantastic covered in his cum.

A few more seconds and I felt his feet relax, and he bent his legs and sat back a bit on the bench, still running his hand up and down his penis, the foreskin still opening and closing around the head. His chest was heaving, but his eyes were open, staring at the two cocks across from him. Lindsey was still slowly masturbating too, and I was fondling my balls and rubbing the area underneath them, something I loved to do after cumming, feeling the strength and size of the root of my cock.

We rested for a few minutes, then Lindsey reached up and pulled down a big beach towel from a hook. He cleaned himself up slowly and thoroughly, as Berry and I watched. Berry moved to get up when his cum started dripping onto the bench, but Lindsey told him to chill for a bit.

After he was done cleaning himself, Lindsey got up and went down on his knees in front of Berry, staying off to one side so that I had a good view. Using the same towel, he gently mopped up all of the cum from Berry's chest and stomach, then took his cock in one hand and went all around it to dry it with the towel. Berry's glans was about half-covered by his foreskin by this time, and Lindsey asked if he could roll it back. After Berry said yes, he gently slid it back, and cleaned the glans softy. Then, he made Berry raise his legs and he cleaned up the bit of cum that had run down alongside his nuts. I could see Berry's balls and ass clearly, and Lindsey gave them all the attention he could until they were clean and dry.

After he lowered Berry's legs, he turned around to me. The towel was damp now, and cold in places, but I felt tingles as he used it to dry my cum. I had a lot less on me than Berry did, but he took his time, moving my penis and testicles this way and that as he gently dried me everywhere, and I could feel the blood start to pump back into my penis.

Then, after I was all dried, and with Berry watching, Lindsey lowered his head and took my cock into his mouth. He swallowed me fully, right down to the root, and then slowly backed off, using gentle suction and his tongue to clean me even better. When my head popped out of his mouth, he swallowed and gave a contented sigh. "Thanks for helping me fix my deck." Berry's eyes were bugging out of his head when I looked over at him. He was massaging his dick and staring right at Lindsey, who was now licking his lips a bit. He saw me watching and took his hand away, giving a quick smile, suddenly shy again.

We sat there for a few more minutes in the afterglow, then I realized I really had to piss again. All three of us walked over and stood side by side, hip to hip. Berry started first, his mostly-hard dick arcing his urine way up in the air. He was well beyond hitting Lindsey's favorite shrub, and in fact managed to hit the walkway beyond. Lindsey too was still pretty hard as he and I aimed for the landing spot at the bottom of the eavestrough. We all stayed there way longer than we had too, milking the last few drops out, and enjoying the touch of our bodies.

Berry and I helped Lindsey tidy up, none of us bothering to dress. After we had everything cleaned up outside, we turned off the heaters and the chill was immediate. We hustled into the house. Lindsey offered Berry and I the chance to shower, but it was after 1am by that time, and we passed.

Berry and I got dressed together, in the room where we had undressed only a couple of hours ago. There was none of the tension there had been before.

Berry gave Lindsey a hug as we said our good-byes. Not a bro-hug either. A real, honest-to-God hug. Lindsey would have loved to kiss him I'm sure, but didn't. I gave Lindsey a hug too. "Thanks for a fantastic evening. You're the best host."

"Thanks for coming over and bringing a great guest too. I had a blast....well, I guess we all did!" Teenage boy cum humor. Just the best!

"Seriously though, I hope we can get together again." I looked at Berry. He was smiling, and said "Sounds good."

Berry and I headed to my car. After we got it warmed up and we were back on the highway, I put some music on. Berry hadn't said anything since we got in the car. I looked over at him. "You okay? You're not in a state of shock, are you?"

He looked over quickly. "No!"

"Just trying to remember how everything happened. I knew that I would probably end up naked in the tub, but, wow, I never thought I'd do the things I did."

"Did you have fun?"

"Well duh! It was really awesome. You guys are great to hang out with, and I guess we let everything hang out, didn't we?" His eyes twinkled when he made the little joke, and his laugh was so much like a little kid's that I knew he had had a good time.

"You know, I wasn't shy at all after the first time in the tub. I didn't care that you were going to see me naked. But I couldn't get used to seeing your dick, and Lindsey's. It was like they were neon lights and I kept having to look at them and compare them, and compare them to mine. I didn't know how you'd react to me being uncircumcised. You guys just are so cool about showing off your dicks, it freaked me out.

"But after a bit more weed, I started not to care about that either. I felt really comfortable with you both."

"That's good to hear," I said. "Sometimes Lindsey's a bit over the top, and I'm glad you liked him."

"Nah, it was great. A little weird, maybe, but great."

"Weird how?" I asked. "Other than public nudity!"

"Well, I've never had a foot job before! And I played with Lindsey's dick with my foot! And for sure I never jerked off in front of two guys ever!!"

"But I guess you liked the foot job -- your dick got as long as Lindsey's foot!"

"As if! I wish I was anywhere close to as long as you." Which was a lie, because he was almost as long as me when he was hard.

"So, weird or not," I asked, "Would you do it again if you knew how the night was going to turn out?"

"Oh, for sure. I would just be a lot calmer going in, not worrying that I would be embarrassed or feel out of place. Don't get me wrong, I was scared shitless at first. I figured it would be an interesting night, but I kept wondering what I'd gotten myself into."

I cared about Berry a lot, which of course is no surprise if you've been paying attention, and it gave me a nice feeling inside knowing that he was happy after our evening. But some of his words gave me the sense that he was still struggling with his feelings. He had stopped talking and was looking out his window, watching the darkness.

"So, I'm guessing you guys have done this before?" he asked after a couple of miles.

I decided to play dumb. "You mean hot-tubbing?"

"You know what I mean. The other stuff." I didn't have to be able to see in the dark to know his face was glowing. "I mean, Lindsey had you in his mouth."

How to explain? "Lindsey and I are friends. Sometimes we have more fun together than most friends do, but mostly just friends. If we were 20 years younger, things might be different, but when we were younger, life was different.

"The accepted path then was still pretty well-defined for young men. And if you wanted to be successful, you followed it. I may have wandered from that path a bit when I was a teenager, and Lindsey sometimes wandered with me.

"But in the end, I went back to the safe path. It led to a great family that I love. But I won't lie to you, there were some lonely times along the way.

"Lindsey did things differently. He never had a partner as such, but he was very close to a guy when he was in his twenties. That guy ended up with a woman and got married, and Lindsey never got close to anyone after that. His job is pretty solitary, and I guess that didn't help. It's been just in the last few years that he's developed some friendships, and I think he's actually pretty close to an older guy right now.

"When Kathy died, I was very much alone. Lindsey helped me through that, and our friendship became stronger. But it's only a friendship, nonetheless."

Berry had been watching the road the whole time I spoke, but when I stopped talking, he turned to me. "So, how would you describe your sexuality? Are you bi?"

Berry was still young, and he was making a mistake a lot of young men make. I didn't answer him for a long time. In fact, neither of us spoke again until I pulled into his parking lot. I put the car in park, and turned off the headlights.

Berry had a look of concern in his eyes and started to apologize for asking me that question. I shushed him gently.

"Look Berry, if there's one thing I've learned through all the mistakes I've made in my life, it's that there are practically no blacks and no whites in our world. And trying to define everything with a label causes hurt and frustration as we try to force 7 billion people into a few small slots.

"You know a helluva lot more about me than you did this time yesterday. But even now, you barely scratch the surface of who I am and what makes me tick. Why not just label the whole thing as `great-hot-tub-evening-with-friends-where-everyone-had-a-hot-time-and-some-bodily-fluids-were-expelled'? And then move on to the next new experience."

Berry was hanging his head by this time, and I didn't want him feeling bad for starting this conversation -- it took a lot of balls for him to open up and be this vulnerable. I knew he wasn't trying to label me, and that his question about my sexuality was all about him trying hard to understand his own.

I reached over and lifted his chin and turned him toward me.

"William. We are who we are. To be happy, truly happy, we need to be able to look in the mirror and really see ourselves honestly. I'm still struggling with that challenge. You can have a much earlier start than I did.

"We also need friends who accept us, and don't expect us to change. You found two friends like that tonight, if you want them. No labels, no judgements, no expectations. Just friends."

His eyes were glistening in the dim parking lot light, and I thought he might break down. I put my hand on his shoulder, and then massaged his neck a little. I was still a little high and horny, and I really found Berry attractive. I'm not proud to admit that my touching him was only partly about comforting him. I wanted the contact too. And I wasn't totally surprised that he sighed and relaxed his shoulders. He lowered his head and leaned back a bit, inviting me to move my hand into his beautiful hair. It was silky in my fingers as I massaged his scalp, just as I had imagined it a hundred times.

Then he straightened up and looked at me. "You shouldn't drive anymore tonight. Why don't you come up and sleep here? I think I need to do a lot more talking to sort out the stuff spinning in my head. What happened to me tonight was so wild. I never imagined that I could feel so free with other people. It was never like that with Kirk and David, there was always so much tension, I was always on edge. But you guys, you just were so chill. I'm still floating.

"Will you come in?"

"Sure," I said, bringing my hand around to his forehead and brushing some hair out of his eyes. Again, he dipped his head and moved it around so that my fingers went through his hair, longer in front, and still so silky.

I shut off the car. "Lead the way."

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