Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Jun 9, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 7

Christian took a deep breath before speaking. "Come in and have a seat." He said. As the General came in the office and sat down, Christian started the conversation. "I'm guessing this visit is about my friend's project." The General confirmed that it was. "Let me assure you General. The rumors are false and this project will be done with dignity and respect."

"I can see this project will be a great one, but we need to squash these rumors or the project will be terminated before it's initiated, and there'll be nothing we can do about it."

"I agree." Christian replied. "I have a plan to clear up these rumors, but I'll need your help..." Christian went on to tell of his plan to secure the project and how the General can help to secure that project.

Once he finished explaining, the General had no problem with the plan. "I think you need to involve your friend in this." He suggested. "From what I heard about him, he surely can handle anyone or anything that's trying to ruin any part of his business or reputation."

Christian said he would talk to Tyler. If there's anything that needs to be added or remove from the plan, Tyler would know what it is. Once they concluded the conversation, Christian finally was able to finish his work with no more interruptions in order to pick Tyler up on time.

After Mike left, Tyler finished some work before his appointment with Cindy Campbell. Nicholas Johnson arrived in enough time for Tyler to fill him in on the plan. By the time Cindy arrived, everything for stage two was arranged.

"Hello Cindy. It's nice to see you again." Tyler greeted her. Adapting to his professional business like matter to cover up his anger toward the woman. He'll like nothing better than to throw this woman to the sharks!

"It's nice to see you too. I'm sorry I had to go this way but I have to give the public what they want. And they don't want queers around." Cindy said as her greeting, with pure lies coming through her teeth.

"I know what the public wants and I'm giving it to them. That's what makes Jackson Agency so successful. We give the public what they need and want. I'd like for you to meet my top agent, Nicholas Johnson." Tyler said with an evil smile that went unnoticed by Cindy.

After Nicholas and Cindy exchanged greetings, they discussed business. Now it's time for Tyler to put his plan into effect and take care of his problem that is threatening to destroy his business. By the time Cindy Campbell leaves Tyler's office, not only will she not have a contract with Jackson Agency, she would find it very difficult to find another agency that will even consider giving her a contract.

"I hope you got rid of all the fags because I won't work for or with queers." Cindy commented firmly, checking with Tyler to see if her orders had been carried out.

"You don't have to worry about that Cindy." Tyler stated truthfully. "You won't be around any homosexuals in my agency and Nicholas can confirm that for you."

"All you have to do is sign the contract and you'll be all set. Although, I'd like to know what it is that you have against homosexuals?" Nicholas asked Cindy calmly.

"Are you kidding me, that shit isn't right!" Cindy answered spitefully. "No one should be having sex with someone of the same sex! All the fags should be rotting in hell! Anyone who has sex with someone of the same sex has no morals."

"You went on television and spread lies about Tyler. You said he sexual harassed you and wouldn't give you a contract because you wouldn't sleep with him. Is that your idea of morals or ethics?" Nicholas was playing his part in the plan well.

"It had nothing to do with ethics or morals."Cindy omitted the true. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. I got rid of the fags and getting my contract. I killed two birds with one stone. I'll do anything to get what I want. Especially if that means bending the truth about everything as long as it makes me look good." The smile on Cindy's face was of pure smug evil. Cindy thinks she's getting everything she wanted. Soon she'll find out how wrong she is.

"Well Cindy, all you have to do is sign the last page and I'll get the ball rolling." Tyler said with a smirk. All the while thinking, this bitch is more dense and stupid than I thought. Her cocky attitude is playing right into my hands.

Cindy sign and spoke with a smile of satisfaction. "I'll be waiting for your call of my first photo shoot." She handed the documents that she thought was her contract back to Tyler.

Tyler took the contract. "I'll definitely be calling." The devious smirk on Tyler's face still went unnoticed by Cindy. She really has no clue at all! Should be fun playing her for a fool. Tyler thought to himself, satisfied the plan was going well.

After they all said their goodbyes, and Cindy Campbell left, Nicholas and Tyler smiled at each other and locked the evidence safely away after Nicholas checked to make sure everything was properly sign and in order.

"Like I told Chris, it's so simple she won't even know what hit her." Tyler said laughing. "She thinks she's going to be a big model but her dreams are going to be blown to pieces. And it's going to be done by the person who she tried to destroy."

"You're the dirtiest player in the book. I love it!" Nicholas said laughing himself. "I wish I could be there when the bomb goes off and her dreams are blown to pieces!"

"Yeah, and she deserves everything that's coming to her." Tyler replied. "She thinks she just out foxed the dirtiest player in the book. Wait until that fox comes back to bite her on the ass. Let's see what she uses as a bandage to cover up that bite."

"She sure does." Nicholas laughter was calming now. "Well, let me get home before Bri (Brian) has a fit. I want a relax evening tonight with me snuggled in his arms."

"I'm sure your find a way to calm him down." Tyler teased with a smirk of humor. "Try using those handcuffs he got you last Christmas." He suggested with a wink.

"I'll find a few ways to do just that." Nicholas giggled. He already has a couple of things of his own in mind to calm his boyfriend down. "Although his spankings are pretty good too." He added at the end.

Tyler nodded with a smile. "That's because you're both freaks!" Nicholas laughed wildly as he gathered his things. As he was leaving, Christian entered the office. "Hey there Christian." He greeted him. Luckily his fit of laughter stopped before he opened the door.

"Hey there Nicholas." Christian greeted back. "Are you on your way out?" He asked and Nicholas nodded yes. "Have a good night." Nicholas told him and Tyler to do the same.

After Nicholas left, Christian locked the door behind him. He came over, picks Tyler up, and sat him on his lap and kissed him on the cheek. "How did it go?"

"It was like taking candy from a baby." Tyler said with a smile while finishing typing a report on the computer before he leaves the office for the day.

"When is the next stage of your plan?" Christian asked.

"It will be in two days or so. I want her to believe everything is going well before I blow her plans up in her face. And believe me, it'll be the talk of the whole town."

"You will go easy on her, won't you?" Christian asked pensively. He doesn't want Tyler to get deeper in the scandals then he already is. There's always a chance for something to go wrong and it usually does when you're over confident.

"No chance! She tried to ruin my business and now I'm going to ruin her reputation." Tyler replied with an evil grin. He just wants this woman out of his life so his evil smile can return to a happy smile again.

As Tyler finished his reports, he heard Christian say. "Let's clear off the desk. I'm aching for you to be inside me baby. I got a fire that needs your hose to spray and put it out."

"Let's wait until we get to my house. It's been a long day and I need to relax." Tyler countered. He really could make love to Christian right there but the day really has been hectic and all he wants to do now is to get home

"Fine, but I'm going to be all over you as soon as we get there!" Christian responded with a wicked grin that always makes Tyler laugh. This time was no exception.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Tyler remarked, still laughing. He knows Christian would make good on his promise, and Tyler will enjoy every minute of it to the fullest.

After finishing his report, Tyler close down his office and grabbed his things. He activated the alarm on the wall outside of his office. On the way to the front parking lot, Tyler stop at the security office to make sure the building was lock and the alarm was activated there also. After getting confirmation from Christian that everything was locked and the security cameras and alarm was in working order, they headed out to Christian car out front, locking the door along the way.

When they got to Tyler's house, Christian did make good on his promise. They stepped through the door and locked it, plus set the security alarm. After getting something to eat, Christian was all over Tyler. The love making went on for two hours. When the love making was over and they had showered, Tyler curled up in Christian's arms. Christian pulled the covers over them and they watched a movie before drifting off to sleep.

Tuesday went smoothly for everyone at the office; everyone seemed to be problem free. Christian dropped Tyler off before heading to the base. While on base, Christian was able to complete the list of models for the project, in addition to keeping an eye on Travis and Troy.

Travis on the other hand, couldn't keep his mind off Kevin. He would love to be with Kevin but doesn't know if he could break off his relationship. Travis loves his partner but now is starting to wonder if he could have more with Kevin.

Mean while, back at the office, Tyler went through the day as normal. He signed four more clients and held his model search at the Hilton Hotel where he had a fabulous lunch of roast beef, mash potato, and another side order of their choice with Carlos and Mark in his private penthouse suite. Tyler needed to be away from the office for a while. Cindy Campbell had been calling his office all morning about her first modeling job. She was getting on Tyler's nerves. Tyler was ready to tell Cindy she has no contract and to fuck off, but that would ruin his plans so Tyler told Janet to takes messages for him because he would be busy all day.

When the end of the work day came, everyone was happy. They were all exhausted and wanted to relax. After stopping for dinner, Christian and Travis drove to Tyler's house. Christian wanted to spend the night with his man and Travis wanted to get to know Kevin a little better.

When they arrived at Tyler's, Christian informed security of his identity. Security immediately picked up the landline to gain access for Christian. "Let him through, and he has all access until further notice." Tyler informed his security.

When Christian pulled up, Tyler was waiting for him at the door. The first thing Christian did was kiss Tyler hello. "Hi Sexy. Are you feeling happier today?" Christian asked.

"Much happier now that you're here." Tyler replied joyously. He then turned to Travis. "Hi Travis. I guess you're here to see Kevin, right?" He asked with a knowing smile

"Hi Tyler." Travis greeted with a smile of his own. "Yes I'm here to see Kevin. Is he here by any chance?" Tyler said he was and went to the phone to call Kevin to the front of the house.

When Kevin arrived and saw Travis, he got a goofy grin on his face. "Hi guys." He greeted both men before turning to Travis. "What are you doing here? I haven't expected to see you so soon."

Travis smiled back at Kevin. "I know." He said, and then suddenly he got a little nervous. "I was hoping we could have dinner together and talk a little more to get to know each other a little better."

Kevin was okay with that and told Travis to follow him to the back of the house. He wanted privacy with Travis, and Tyler and Christian wanted them to have privacy as well. The interaction between the two didn't go unnoticed by either guy.

During dinner, Christian told Tyler about Troy. Tyler asked why Troy is trying to ruin his project when no one should know about it yet. "I think he's trying to use you to get to me." Christian explained. "I don't know why he's doing it, but he wants to get to me. And through you is the best way to do it."

That pissed Tyler off. "If he even comes close to ruining my project, or anything that will harm you, he'll have to answer to me!" The venom in his voice was unmistakable to Christian.

"Calm down baby. I have a plan to keep that from happening." Christian said. He than went on to tell Tyler of his plan. At the end Tyler only had one amendment to the plan. When Christian heard what the change was, he agreed to it. "Now for him harming me, that will never happen. I'll kick his ass in a heartbeat if he tries!"

"You just make sure you do." Tyler demanded. "Because if you don't, then I will! And I'm much more dangerous then you are." Christian reassured Tyler he can handle Troy and they finished their dinner.

When dinner was over, they cleared up before going upstairs. Once upstairs, they stripped and headed for the showers. After their shower, they climbed into bed. Once their heads hit the pillow, they were out like a light with Christian spooned against Tyler's back as usual.

On the other side of the house, Kevin and Travis were having dinner of their own. During dinner they found out they have the same taste in music, movies, and sports. The more they talked, the more comfortable they became. The more comfortable they became, the easier it was to talk.

"Would you like to stay the night?" Kevin asked during dinner. Travis said he would if Kevin didn't mind. "No problem. In fact, I would love the company." Kevin told him. After they finished dinner and cleared up, they headed upstairs to Kevin's room.

Once in Kevin's room, they stripped down to their boxers before heading to the showers. Travis showered first, and then Kevin went in after him. After showering, they both climbed into bed still in their boxers.

Kevin rolled over onto his left side because it was his prefer position to sleep in. Although he wished Travis would hold him all night, he wasn't going to pushed Travis either way. Kevin just wanted somebody to want him for him.

Unknown to Kevin, Travis was thinking the same thing. He really wanted to hold Kevin but was conflicted with his emotions. A part of him wants to hold Kevin for as long as he can. Another part wanted to stay faithful to his relationship even though his partner can't commit to that relationship.

Finally he just said the hell with it and cuddled up behind Kevin. When Travis did that, Kevin got the biggest smile on his face and snuggled back into Travis. They both let out a sigh of contempt and drifted off to sleep with the smile still on their faces.

When they woke the next morning, they were still snuggled together. This time they showered together because the shower can easily fit four to six people and Travis was almost running late. Kevin said he would drive Travis to work because Travis's car was still on base and Christian was driving Tyler to work.

Everyone met out front where Travis put his over night bag in Christian's trunk before getting in the car with Kevin. Tyler got in Christian's car with him and Christian drove him to work while Carlos and Mark followed behind them.

"It's time for stage two. Cindy has been calling me for the past two days." Tyler said as he and Christian walked into Tyler's office Wednesday morning. Cindy has been calling Tyler's office sounding very excited and anxious to begin modeling. Now its time to blow her dreams apart.

"Oh. Who are you going to get for that stage?" Christian asked. He was hoping Tyler's plan would go off without a hitch but expected there would be a foul up somewhere.

"All of them." Tyler replied smiling deviously. "I want to completely destroy her reputation. I want it to follow her everywhere she goes." He said with the same evil smile that seems to be getting bigger with each word he spoke.

That evil smile on Tyler's face was starting to worry Christian. He hesitated a second before he asked. "What about the reporter? What are you going to do about him?" As he asked, Christian pulled Tyler onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him.

Tyler giggled and said. "Just seeing him look stupid on television will be good enough. I won't need to do much with him. He's done it all himself."

Christian felt a little better hearing that. He could see Tyler wasn't going overboard, although Tyler's smile was still worrying him. "It's today at 11:30 am isn't it? I want to be here on time." Christian asked. He wouldn't miss this for the world! Plus he wants to support his man.

"Yes. And I need you standing next to me through it all, babe." Tyler requested. "I need your smile to help me through this. I don't like what I'm about to do, but it needs to be done." He then let out a deep sigh.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Christian laughed humorously. "Try not to go over board okay? I don't want this to back fire on you." He said more seriously.

"It won't." Tyler assured him "The best thing is; she'll be suffering for five days, including today, while I'm on vacation." He said grinning from ear to ear. Tyler was feeling very confident. Cindy Campbell is trying to destroy his business and reputation, now her reputation and dreams are about to be blown up in smoke. After this is over no agency will sign her to a contract.

"Yeah." Christian agreed smiling. "Well, get off me. I have to get to the shop before I go on base and get back here on time for this conference."

Tyler smiled and the two rose from the chair. "I'll see you in a couple of hours sexy." He said before giving Christian a kiss. He will miss Christian during the time they're apart. He always does but he knows they both have jobs to do.

"Okay gorgeous. I'm looking forward to it." Christian gave Tyler another kiss and smack on the ass when he hugged him. "I think I'll give that a nice workout tonight." Tyler just smiled at that offer.

When Christian left Tyler's office, he went to his new store in the mall to start cleaning. After rearranging the shelves, he polished them before vacuuming the floor. He had just completed that task when the new registers arrived.

Christian took the time to code and lock the registers before moving to the back to set up the manager's office. When the office was set, Christian made up fliers to advertise the store. Once the printer finished printing, Christian headed out to the base. On his way out, he set out a box of applications on the counter for employees. He'll go to the bank tomorrow for cash to fill the registers.

When Christian arrived on base, he headed straight toward his office. He was running a little late and he needed to complete his work on base before heading back to Tyler's office for the conference. Before he left base, Christian informed Travis to keep an eye on Troy. "I don't trust him. What ever he has in mind, I need to know ahead of time so I can prepare Ty." Travis said he would let Christian know if he hears anything. Christian thanked him and left for Tyler's conference.

After Christian left, Tyler set up more modeling jobs for a couple of clients. When everyone had gathered in his office before the conference, Tyler confirmed the plan with Nicholas, Mike, Christian, and Tye (Tyesheonna) Houston, Tyler's top attorney before heading for the conference room. Christian couldn't believe how beautiful Tyesheonna look when he saw her with her brown eyes, light caramel complexion, and honey blonde braids. Tyesheonna deafeningly kept in shape.

"Well, who is this beautiful young lady standing next to you baby?" Christian asked after giving Tyler a kiss hello on the lips.

"Speaking of the devil." Tyler grinned. "The devil?" Christian question with a raised eyebrow. "Well, in some ways you are babe!" Christian smiled at that. "But anyway, this intelligent gorgeous lady is my baby sister Attorney Tyesheonna Houston. Tye, I like you to meet Chris." Tyler said, introducing Christian and Tyesheonna to each other.

"It's nice to finally meet you Christian." Tyesheonna greeted him and extended her hand with a friendly smile. "I'd heard so much about you from Ty."

Christian smiled back and shook her hand. "The pleasure is all mine Tyesheonna. I heard so much about you also. Ty talks about you a lot."

"All of it good I hope." Tyesheonna giggled. "I know how much of a liar my big brother can be. You can't believe a word he says." She said in a joking manner.

"Yeah, I proved it when I told him how beautiful, smart, and successful you are." Tyler joked back while laughing his heart out. Tyler loves his sister so much. That's why he had to get custody of her when he left the orphanage. Tyler couldn't leave her behind. Tyesheonna was the only family Tyler had left. If he was living well; then he wanted his family to live as well as him. After his laughter subsided, he said. "Anyway, we need to get to the conference room." Everyone could hear the seriousness in his voice. "I need to repair the damage and destroy the threat to my business and reputation."

Tyler could feel Christian and Tyesheonna looking at him with a worry look but said nothing. Everyone was hoping Tyler would keep a clear head and not make things worse. They need not to worry, he was thinking calmly and clearly. Tyler knew what his goal was and he intended to accomplish that goal. When they walked into the conference room, Tyler stepped up to the mike and got everyone's attention.

"May I have your attention please?" He asked. Everyone quickly fell silence. "There have been some terrible accusations against me going around. I'm here to settle all accusations. I never made any advantages towards Cindy Campbell. In fact, the only reason she didn't get a contract with Jackson Agency is because she didn't want to work where there's homosexuals. Cindy Campbell is a homophobic bigot who's trying to run my business and I will let no one run my business but me! She ruined her opportunity for a modeling contract and now trying to ruin my reputation to protect her own."

"Is what you're telling us true? Or are you just trying to cover your ass?" A TB reporter from channel thirteen bluntly asked. Anyone could see he was trying to catch Tyler off guard and make Tyler look like the sexual predator Cindy Campbell was accusing him of being. "That interview would really put a major damage on your agency."

"Well, let's watch this." Tyler held up a video cassette he'd taken from his office safe before everyone arrived in his office. "After watching, you can decide for yourself if I'm telling the truth or not." He replied smugly. Tyler expected some of the reporters to try and turn the tables on him and make him look like the villain.

Tyler handed the video cassette to Nicholas whom put the video in the VCR and pushed play. Everyone was surprised at what they saw. There on the video was Cindy Campbell confessing to everything. After the video finish playing, Tyler turned back to the audience.

"Here are the documents Cindy Campbell signed stating that everything she said was lies and there was no advantages made by me toward her. She made the whole thing up. These documents and video can prove that."

"How do we know those documents and video are legitimate?" Asked a television reporter whom station Tyler didn't catch. "For all we know, you could have falsified those documents."

"I'm glad you asked that!" Tyler smiled as he responded. He figured this question would probably come up also. "I'll let my attorney Tyesheonna Houston answer that question for you. She knows the law very well, and is very successful at it."

Tyler stepped aside to let Tyesheonna step up to the mike. "What makes the documents lagidament and legal is that Cindy Campbell was not forced into signing it. She had every opportunity to read the documents and refuse to sign. She also stated in the video that she tried to kill two birds with one stone. She tried to eliminate the homosexuals and get a modeling contract. That alone states what she said was lies and she doesn't feels any remorse for it."

"Why didn't the reporter check the story out before showing the interview? He had to known the truth would come out sooner or later and he'd end up looking like an idiot." A reporter from the California Post asked.

"I don't know why but I'm glad that he did end up looking like an idiot." Tyler answered. "Now that reporter and Cindy Campbell will think twice before trying to ruin my reputation. People can play dirty but I'm the dirtiest player around."

"What are you going to do next?" The same reporter asked.

"Nothing, Cindy Campbell and the reporter will have to rectify their reputation but that's their problem, not mine. They can try to switch everything around but you can see there's nothing that can be done, she was caught on tape. I will continue doing business as normal. Fortunately or unfortunately that leaves Cindy Campbell with no modeling contract."

"What if she takes this to court?" Someone else asked. "I'm sure you know she's not going to take all of this lying down and retaliate against you."

"She can try, but with the documents and video as proof she will have no case." Tyesheonna replied. "In fact, any judge she gets in front of will think she's wasting their time and throw her out of the courtroom. There were no threats or pressure place on her to sign the documents. In fact, she'll be lucky we don't sue her for definition of character or discrimination." Tyesheonna finished.

Tyler then returned to the mike. "Now I will take any questions at a later time but there's nothing more that needs to be said at this point. My secretary will take calls while I'm out and all calls will be return when I'm back in the office."

Tyler then ended the press conference. "Thank you all for coming and drive safely." Knowing they weren't going to get any more information from them, the reporters started to leave the conference room. When the press conference was over, Tyler, Christian, and Tyesheonna headed back to his office for them to talk in private. Nicholas went to his own office to do some work and Mike went back to the studio.

When they returned to Tyler's office Tyesheonna asked. "You pretty much destroyed her reputation and honesty Ty. Can you live with yourself over that?"

"I didn't want to do it but she deserves it. She tried to destroy one of my businesses and reputation. Let her suffer with the consequences." Tyler replied angrily. No one will destroy something Tyler work so hard to establish. "You know I don't like hurting anyone, in any way, but I won't let anyone destroy something that I work so long and hard to build."

"Calm down Ty. I just don't want you to have any regrets over this." Tyesheonna stated generously before adding. "I need to get home and make sure my house is still standing."

Tyler took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I'll try." He said. "Hopefully she'll think twice about going up against me, but I seriously doubt it. I think she's used to getting what she wants. Anyway, have the rug rats give me a call later today." He gave his sister a kiss and hug goodbye.

"I will." Tyesheonna said before turning to Christian to shake his hand goodbye. "It was nice meeting you Christian. I hope to see you again real soon."

"It was nice meeting you to Tyesheonna. I hope you all will visit soon." Christian replied with a smile as he shook her hand. "I'd love to meet your husband and children."

"We will. Try to keep him out of trouble, will you?" Tyesheonna said laughing.

"I'll try!" Christian assured her. "I may have to sit on him in order to do that though. He can be a real handful sometimes." Tyesheonna grinned at that double entendre.

"Fat chance!" Tyler rebutted laughing. "Although I'm down with the sitting on me part. I have a place where you can sit to keep me under control."

"You're so nasty!" Tyesheonna said with a playful discussing grin. She loves seeing her brother so happy again.

Back at the base, Travis was working at his desk when there was a knock at his door. When Travis looked up from his desk, he was stunned. "We need to talk. Are you busy?" The man asked. Travis was too stunned to say anything. "Travis, are you busy, or can we talk?" he asked again when he didn't get an answer.

The second time the man asked, Travis snapped out of his momentary stage of shock. "Sure, come in and close the door." He then waited until the man had closed the door and sat down before asking. "What can I do for you?"

The man took a minute to gather his thoughts before speaking. "I want to talk to you about our relationship." He started. Hoping Travis will believe the bull shit he's about to hear. "I know you've been waiting for me to commit to this relationship, but I need more time before I can make that commitment Travis. I really want us to be together, but there's so much going on right now that I'm being pulled in different direction and I'm trying to find my way through it. Once everything had settled down, we can take some time off and discuss everything that's had been going on."

Travis knows that everything he's hearing is just bull shit! But he didn't let on that he knew. "I know there's something going on that you can't or won't talk to me about. I'm not discussing that with you because it'll be like running into a brick wall. When you're ready to talk, I'll be there to listen. But, I'm not going to be sitting around waiting for that day. I'd been doing that for too long." As Travis said this, he looked the man straight in the eye to show he was serious.

"I'm not asking you to do that Travis." The man responded. "I don't mind you hanging out with your friends. In fact, I insist you do so. I'm not sure how much time I'll need to take care of everything and you need some fun too."

"That's not what I meant!" Travis rebutted sternly but sweetly before clarifying. "I mean I'm not waiting for you to call when you have some free time. I'm going to start meeting other people and see what's out there for me."

This isn't the way the man hoped the conversation would go. "All I'm asking for is a little more time Travis. I know I need to make a decision one way or another. But I just need more time to deal with some things I need to deal with."

"I'm giving you the time you need." Travis replied softly but firmly. "But I'm not going to put my life on hold while you're making that decision. I need to live my life; and I haven't been doing that for a long time now."

Realization settled on the man's face. He could tell Travis was totally serious and wouldn't be waiting for him to make a decision any longer. Travis had already put his life on hold for too long and wants to live his life again. "I guess that's fair enough." He said. "I can't expect you to keep waiting more than you had already. Can you just do me a favor?" He asked and Travis nodded. "Don't forget what we share together, okay?"

"That's something I can't forget." Travis answered. "It will play a major part in which direction I take from this point on in my life. But I can't wait for you to make a decision any longer. I need to start living my life again."

The man just smiled and nodded at Travis as he got up to leave. "I'll always love you Travis." He said with a sad smile. Deep down inside he knows that his and Travis's relationship may be over and that made him feel bad. But what can he do? That was something he couldn't figure out.

Travis smiled back warmly. "I'll always love you too." Just then a lump caught in his throat, but he continued with what he needed to do. "You take care of yourself and call me if you need to talk to anyone. I'm always here for you whenever you need a friend to talk to."

"Thank you." The man said before leaving Travis's office. He didn't want Travis to see him cry. He shut the door behind him and leaned against it, trying to keep his tears at bay. Travis on the other hand let a few tears fall from his eyes. Not from the relationship that may or may not be over, but for the relationship that may be in the near future.

After Tyesheonna left, Christian turned to Tyler and said with anticipation. "I need one of your special kisses baby! Are you up for it?"

"Oh yeah?" Tyler teased but Christian could see the lust in his eyes. Christian reached out and grabbed Tyler's cock and started stroking it. Tyler instantly went hard and let out a moan. "Well what are you waiting for?" Tyler was definitely in a good mood now.

Christian smiled and grabbed Tyler's hand and they walked over to the leather couch. He pulled down his pans and boxers and sat down to enjoy the treat he was about to receive from his man.

After locking the door, Tyler got on his knees and started to give Christian a blow job. First he kissed the head, and then he licked around it, licking up and savoring the precum that started to drip. Tyler then slid Christian thick ten inch dick into his mouth and down his throat in one quick movement.

"Ah! Not to fast baby. I want to make it last." Christian gasped. Tyler slid up his dick slowly, sliding his tongue along the underside, twirled his tongue around the head, and slid down just as slow on each stroke. "That's it baby... nice and slow... oh god... keep doing that!" Tyler sucked Christian's dick a couple more minutes, then went down and gave his balls a good tongue bath.

He put one in his mouth, squeezed tightly while licking all around it, adding some sucking pressure. He then let that one slide out of his mouth before sliding the other one in and repeating the process. "Oh god. Oh god!" Christian squeaked. Five minutes later, Christian shouted. "I'm going to come! I'm going to come!"

"Not yet you aren't." Tyler teased Christian. He blew on Christian's dick lightly. The action was sending shivers through Christian's whole body. "Oh god, oh baby! You're driving me crazy." Christian gasped between each breath. Tyler started sucking his dick again slowly and getting faster with every movement. He put his middle finger in his mouth without removing Christian's dick, getting it wet with his saliva.

Tyler started playing with Christian's whole and pushed his finger in. Christian slid down on the couch to give him better access. Tyler played with Christian's prostate while he sucked harder.

Tyler played with Christian prostate a little before slipping another finger in. "Oh baby. Oh yes." Christian moaned again. When Christian opened his legs wider, it gave Tyler better access to finger him deeper. He continued to play with Christian's prostate while deep throating his dick. He alternated with slow and fast suction bringing Christian to an explosive orgasm. A few minutes later, Christian screamed. "I'm going to come, I'm going to come!" Christian grabbed Tyler's head and levitated off the couch as volleys and volleys of hot cum shot off in Tyler's mouth and down his throat. Tyler hungrily swallowed, being careful not to lose a drop.

After Tyler sucked the last drop of cum out and gave Christian's dick one last kiss, Christian pulled him up onto his lap and into a kiss. Christian could taste his cum in Tyler's mouth as they kiss.

The kiss lingered for a few minutes before they broke it. "That was fantastic! I always enjoy your special kisses baby." Christian said after catching his breath.

"You'll have to give me one of your special kisses later tonight." Tyler replied with a smile. He loves giving Christian a blow job. It the most intimate pleasure you can give your partner. The only pleasure the giver is getting, is giving his partner pleasure.

"Yeah, I can't wait." Christian said grinning. He loves giving Tyler a blow job for the same reason. That is giving Tyler pleasure and keeping Tyler happy.

Tyler smiled as Christian got dressed, then Christian kissed him deeply. "I'll pick you up at 6 pm sexy." He said once the kiss was broken.

"I'll see you then gorgeous."

As Christian walked out of Tyler's office, he smiled and said to Ms. Green. "Have a nice day Janet." Then with more seriousness, Christian said. "Try to keep him calm. He's still a little upset over the Cindy Campbell scandals."

"It sounds to me like you both were happy." Ms. Green said laughing. "Don't worry, I'll keep him calm. I haven't seen anything Tyler couldn't handle." She said in a more serious tome.

Christian nodded his okay. He knew Janet would take care of Tyler but would call him if he's needed. Knowing everything will be okay, Christian headed for the underground parking lot and his car.

When he reached his car, Christian headed to his new store at the mall. When he arrived at the mall, Christian stopped at the Burger King's in the food course for lunch. After lunch, He headed off to open his store.

As soon as Christian was behind the counter from hanging up the help wanted sign, a young male came in. "I'd like to apply for a job." Christian first applicant of the day said. After filling out the application, Christian interviewed him on the spot. Three hours later all of the interviews of the applicants were over.

After locking up the store, Christian headed to his apartment. Once there, Christian packed his clothes. He packed enough clothes for a week just in case he needed extras. While he was packing, Travis came home from the base. "Packing for your vacation already bro?"

Christian didn't stop packing when he answered. "Yeah, I'm picking up Ty from the office and staying at his place tonight." Then suddenly Christian turned to Travis with an idea forming in his mind. "Why don't you call Kevin and asked if you can stay with him at Ty's I'm sure he'd enjoy the company while Ty's away."

Travis liked that idea but wasn't sure if he should approach that subject yet. "Isn't it a little too soon for that? I mean I just stayed over last night." He asked a little doubtfully.

Christian stared his best friend in the eyes seriously. "Look man. It's obvious you like him and he likes you. Why don't you take this time to be alone with him, and really get to know him." He walked over and put his arm over Travis's shoulders. "I think you already know you can have more with Kevin. If you don't grab this chance, you might not get another."

Travis thought about it and decided he had nothing to lose. "I know you're right but what if he doesn't feel the same?" Christian looked at him as to say, you're kidding right? Travis then sighed heavily. "Alright! Let me go call him before I change my mind. I really have nothing to do this weekend anyway."

Christian let Travis go after giving him a hug and went back to his packing. When he finished, he informed Travis he was leaving. "Hey bro, I'm leaving to pick up Ty. I'll see you on Sunday."

Travis told Kevin to hold on for a moment. "Okay bro. See you then." He said to Christian. Christian nodded and headed out. Travis went back to talking to Kevin on the phone. Little did they know what the weekend will bring for them.

After Christian left, Tyler started planning the next talent search. The last talent search didn't produce any new clients, now they need a new location. He has two locations in mind. One is in New York and the other in Miami. Perhaps he'll pick the one in Miami because that will give him a chance to visit his sister and her family.

Tyler was caught up in his work that when he finished he noticed it was close to 6 pm. Tyler decided to take a quick shower before Christian arrives. He had a full size bathroom, complete with a shower when he remodeled his office. Tyler was too deep in thought on how he and Christian could spend their time off; He didn't hear Christian come in, nor remove his clothes.

Christian startled him when he stepped into the shower. "Hey there sexy. Are you ready for my special kiss now?"

Tyler spun around a little shaken. "Oh yeah!" He said with a sexy smile once he realized it was Christian who stepped into the shower. He loves Christian's blow jobs. Christian would keep Tyler on the edge, then backing off several times before letting Tyler come.

Once Christian was in the shower, he got on his knees. Tyler leaned against the wall as Christian kissed and put Tyler's thick eight and a half inches in his hot mouth. Christian slowly slid up and down Tyler's dick, sliding his tongue along the underside. "Oh baby... oh god...!" Tyler moaned. When Christian reached the base, he swallowed, savoring every drop of precum. The squeezing sensation of his throat muscles contracting around Tyler's dick was driving Tyler wild. "Oh my god Chris... keep doing that... oh shit!"

Christian began teasing Tyler with his oral manipulations. He would get faster, and then slow down while contracting his throat muscles. In only five minutes, he had Tyler screaming! "I'm going to come. I'm going to come!"

Christian pulled off Tyler's dick and squeezed the tip to stop Tyler from Cumming. "Not yet you aren't!" Christian said with a seductive tone. He slowly went down and gave Tyler's balls a good tongue bath.

He stuffed them in his mouth and sucked lightly. Then he rolled it around while licking all around. "Oh baby." Tyler moaned. "That feels so good." Christian starting sucking again, adding more suction with a little smacking. A few minutes later, Tyler cried out again. "Oh god Chris... I'm going to come. I'm going to come!"

Christian let Tyler's balls fall out of his mouth, again preventing him from orgasming. "Not yet." He said again grinning. Once Tyler had calm down, Christian started licking between Tyler's legs toward his asshole. Tyler spread his legs to give Christian better access to his hole. Christian reached behind Tyler and pulled his cheeks apart as his tongue started jetting in and out. "Oh god! Oh god!" Tyler shouted. As Christian savagely munched away, Tyler could hear his moans. "Mmmm!" Christian moans caused Tyler to shiver uncontrollably from the vibration shooting through his body, but he managed to stay on his feet. Tyler's balls were aching, and his dick was hard as a rock. as Christian continued to hit his pleasure button with his tongue. "Oh god Chris! I'm going to come. I'm going to come!" Tyler shouted this time. The pleasure was getting him really hot.

For the third time, Christian pulled his mouth away from Tyler's ass, again preventing Tyler from an orgasm. "Not yet baby." He said teasingly. Christian licked up and down Tyler's shaft and dick head, licking up all the precum that had accumulated. For thirty minutes the sadistic monster brought Tyler close to the edge with no relief. But Tyler wasn't complaining though!

Finally, Christian shoved two fingers up Tyler's ass and bobbed up and down. Bringing Tyler to an orgasmic height he never had been before. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Tyler shouted at the top of his lungs. Tyler held onto Christian' head as ropes and ropes of cum shot off in Christian's mouth.

Christian sucked harder, trying to catch every drop. Tyler was shaking uncontrollably; Christian had to hold Tyler up with his free hand to keep him from sliding down the shower wall as he sucked and swallowed every drop of cum from Tyler's cock. Once Christian drank every drop of cum, he kissed the head of Tyler's dick, and held Tyler as Tyler collapsed in Christian's arms.

"Did you like that?" Christian asked with a breathless grin while still holding Tyler in his arms.

"Oh god. That was the best!" Tyler replied as he fought to catch his breath and his heart rate slowed down to a normal rate.

When their breathing and heart rate returned to normal, they showered and dressed, and went to Tyler's house for a long fun weekend.

When they got to Tyler's house, they changed their clothes before ordering a pizza and some hot wings with a couple of large bottles of diet cokes for dinner and watch a movie.

Thirty minutes later, the intercom on the phone rang. It was security informing Tyler of a delivery from Pizza Hut being at the gates. Tyler told security they were excepting them and to let them through. When the order arrived, Christian went to get it while Tyler put the first movie on.

Christian wanted to see Baby Boy and Friday because he never seen them before. Tyler was kind of surprise to hear that because these movies have been out for several years. When the movie started, Christian turned off the lights and they settled on the couch to kick start their vacation.

Half way through the first movie Baby Boy, they finished eating. Tyler lied down on the couch and Christian laid snuggled up behind Tyler, wrapping his left arm over him. They remained in that position for the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over, Christian put the second one on called Friday, and reassumed his position behind Tyler. Tyler loves this movie. It always cracks him up when Smokey says "I was just bull shittin! And you know this, mann!" It makes Tyler laugh every time.

Tyler could tell Christian like the movie too. They both couldn't stop laughing through it. When it was over, Christian Cleaned up while Tyler locked up the house before they headed upstairs for bed.

In the back of the house, Carlos and Mark were lying in bed when they heard Kevin and Travis walking to Kevin's room laughing like teenage boys. "I can remember when we were like that all the time." Mark said to his boyfriend with dreamy eyes. Remembering the first time he met Carlos.

Carlos smiled lovingly at his boyfriend. "Yeah. The first time I saw you at CSI, (Chang Security Institute.) I knew you were the one for me. I knew I had to make you mine and only mine."

Mark smiled back just as lovingly. "I'm glad you came up to me." He said. "I never would've had the courage to do that. I didn't think a stud like you would be interested in me." He said unsure of himself.

Carlos could see the worthlessness in Mark's eyes. He pulled Mark closer to him. "Let it go baby." Carlos said compassionately. "Don't let the hurtful words bring you down. You have so much going on for you now. You have a great job, a great place to live, great friends, and a boyfriend who thinks the world of you."

"Why?" Mark asked sadly as tears began to fall from his eyes. "Why couldn't they love me? All I ever wanted was to be happy. Is that too much to ask for?" Mark was beginning to cry his heart out now. The pain was still there underneath that security blanket of love that Carlos covers him with all the time.

"No baby. It's not too much to ask for." Carlos said gently. Carlos can see that he's going to have to cover Mark with a thicker blanket of love. Mark's not fully healed yet. "I'm here for you. I'm always here for you."

Carlos held Mark and let him cry himself to sleep. He knew he had to do something to fully heal Mark. But what, he didn't know. Maybe Tyler would have a suggestion. Carlos decided to ask Tyler when he could. He waited until he heard Mark slow steady breathing before falling asleep himself. He refused to go to sleep until he knew Mark was okay. Only then, did he allow himself to fall asleep.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter.

We started out where we left off in the last chapter. How many of you seen that coming? We knew Troy was spreading rumors around the base about Tyler's project. Now the rumors are getting to the top people. What do you think Christian's plan is?

In this chapter we found out what stage one and two of Tyler's plans for Cindy Campbell were. Stage one was to record her revealing the truth about the scandals. Stage two was to have a conference with the media. What do you think stage three is? You'll have to read the next chapter to find out.

After work Christian and Travis went to Tyler's for the night. During that time Travis and Kevin found out more things they have in common. I think there's a relationship building here but I can be evil and go many different ways. What do you think?

Christian told Tyler of his problem and the solution he came up with to take care of that problem. Tyler only made one change to the solution. What do you think the problem and solution is? Even I don't know as of yet.

Poor Mark. It looks like he'll break down if he didn't have Carlos there to love him. I wonder what went on in his life to give him such a low self esteem. I haven't even figure out that yet. Give me some ideas and suggestions and I'll see if I can write it in the story.

So much is starting to happen, and not enough time to write it all out! Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} Thanks.

Next: Chapter 8

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