Best Summer Ever

Published on Jun 17, 2006



Contacting someone on the internet is always a gamble. You ask questions, answer them, see photos and still things could end up totally different then what you fantasized about.

Benny knew that to be a fact. He had met some guys and been disappointed. Sure there had been sex now and then, but he usually went home a bit dissapointed.

Despite his youthful photo, he was 18 and told that to some men he met. Many however thought he was a cop and lying about his age.

His photo was certainly young looking. He had boyish face, dirty blonde hair to his shoulder and a smooth body.

Weeks of exchanging emails with some men promised some hot summer fun. And during spring break he met on.

"Come in boy" the man said. He was tall, bearded, bearish..just like his photo and description promised. Benny was excited to be there and even more aroused when he saw the man was what he hoped.

"Strip and kneel on the towels there kid" the man said strongly, not with anger but there was no doubt he was used to being in charge.

Benny felt nervous. That was too good to be true. He obeyed and knelt.

"Tonight you'll be my property and I need to mark my property so open your mouth so I don't get any on the floor" The man said.

Benny dared to look up just in time to see the man open his fly and hold his penis aiming it at him.

The stream was strong and landed on Benny's boyish chest, moved down to his stomach and then crotch and back up to his face.

Benny closed his eyes. One of his fantasies was being fulfilled being dominated and marked by a man, a real man. The piss splasched on his face and then on his tongue. Benny tasted the salty water. It tasted different then his own or that he remembered form some guys he played with long ago.

"There, you are now mine. Get in the shower and get clean"

Benny wasn't used to being watched while he showered at least not deliberatly. He had seen guys watching him in the school showers but then he had looked at them too. This was different.

"First wash your crack" Benny obeyed "Now your armpits" Benny obeyed each order showing he would obey the orders his Internet date gave as he knew that was what was going on he was tested and would be tested.

"Get me ice" the man handed him a bucket after Benny had obediently dried himself.

He remained naked. The man was testing him again. Benny wondered if the man who called himself his new Master would stop him bnefore he left the motel room.

"It's down the hall on the right" the man said and stood there.

Benny's hard cock leaked his excitement. He opened the door and stepped into the empty hallway.

He retreived the ice and returned kneeling and holding up the bucket.

"Good boy, I think we're gonna have fun tonight"

It was fun. His jaws were tired servicing the man's hairy crotch, his asscheeks bright red from the Master's hand and leather paddle.

Benny's butthole too was opened up and played with most of the night occasionally taking the Master's cock until he was satisfied.

Benny remained in the Master's bed, naked and tied forthe night. His nipples were being stretched by clothes pins and his ass continually available for play and sex.

By the morning Benny was so excited he wanted to beg his Master to let him jack off.

He swallowed the Master and knelt in the shower stall washing him as he was ordered.

"Nice" the Master said pulling him to his feet and holding him tight as he jacked Benny again and again but not letting him orgasm.

Bent over, Benny received the butt plug. His cock and balls were encased in a plastic device with padlock on it. His erection was in pain being squeezed in the device. The cleoths pins were replaced by two metal clamps which seemed to dig into his flesh.

"Kneel boy, you deserve this"

Benny knelt and felt the leather collar locked in place around his neck.

And the Benny put on his tshirt and jeans to accompany his Master to breakfast.

He was in pain and yet pleasured by the things his new MASTER had put on him and in him. He tried to see if anyone noticed the leather collar around his neck and the littel padlock that dangled from it.

"So tell me more about you boy" The Master and Benny talked at breakfast about Benny's life, his repeating school grades and his desire to belong to somebody.

The pain and feeling of his Master's training devices on him and in him made Benny fidget but the Master didn't seem to notice. When Benny moved he felt the butt plug inside him and that aroused him further.

"So you're a junior huh?"" The man asked. "Yes Sir I repeated 6th grade and started school late so that's why I'm 18 and in 11th grade. Should I show you my license SIR?"

"It's not necessary, I can see you don't lie to the man who has marked you" the man said sticking an unlit cigar in his mouth.

Benny walked behind his Master as he went outside and sat on a bench lighting his cigar.

"Sit out there boy" The man said, "I'd tie you to that tree but someone might object so imagine your collar on and it tied to that tree"

Benny went on to the grass area and sat by the tree indeed imaging his collared neck tied to the tree.

His erection strained at the confining aparatus and the butt plug moved as he fidigeted. Benny wishe he were naked and like that under the scrutinizing eyes of his owner his new Master.

"Back" the man ordered and he stood adn began to walk away. Benny quickly moved behind him following him to the motel room.

"Strip" the man said as they entered the motel room and Benny of course obeyed. The man pulled the clamps off him and the butt plug out making Benny wince. The constraining device was removed from his cock.

"So when do you finish 11th grade classes slave?" the Man asked.

"SIR in early June".

"And what will you do this summer?"

"Uh look for a job I guess SIR"

"on the bed!" The man ordered and Benny moved to the bed. His body ached, his once pinched flesh was still sore and his penis now free stuck out straight.

The Master got on the bed "Nurse your Master"

Benny quickly moved to lick, suck his Master's nipples then his cock when the man pushed his head down.

"Tell you what, you can work for me this summer, you'll be a full time slave, do chores, service me and whoever I tell you too, I'll expand your limits and get you to build up that boy body of yours"

Benny sucked as he listened to one of his own fantasies being described.

"You'll be taken care of and at the end of the summer, I'll give you your pay. If you can't take it and quit before the end of the summer, I'll pay you 1/2 of your wages if you work hard, think about it"

Benny was thrown on this face and he felt his Master on top of him entering him and fucking him hard. At one point he was turned on his side and the Master reached around ahd grabbed his cock.

The sex was fast and hard and Benny totally in control of the hairy man he now called Master. When he ejaculated Benny's body felt as if he lost every ounce of fluid.

The weeks that followed were like reality thrust back at him. He jacked off reading emails from men on the internet. Once in awhile he met them and had sex but it wasn't like that weekend in the motel.

When the MASTER emailed him he grew hard and gladly jacked off afterwards his body recalling the plesure and pain he had felt.

Exams were over and the final three weeks of classes were boring.

"So boy" the man's voice was deep. It was midnight when he called Benny.

"Yes SIR"

"What are you wearing?"

"SIR boxers"

There was silence and Benny knew why. He quickly took his shorts off since he knew he was not allowed to talk to the MASTER unless he was naked.

"SIR i am naked"

"Good you remembered. Will you be working for me this summer?"

It was Benny's turn now for silence. He didn't know what to say. He hadn't said anythign to his father about this summer job. But he knew what he wanted and needed.

"SIR yes SIR"

The orders were simple. He was to wear only his collar and bib overalls..nothing else except shoes. He was to hitchike up the coast to Gilroy where the MASTER lived. He had a week to get there.

Benny could hardly sleep that night. He jacked off three tmes before his body would relax.

His father took the news and nodded. "Why Gilroy?"

"Uh it's where the job is, and I guess some farm work, that kind of thing"

"Kind of a houseboy job then huh?" The man looked and smiled as if he knew something Benny wasn't tellhing him.

The MAS er man said you can call him if you want. Benny handed the paper with a phone number and address to his father.

"Hell kid you're 18 you can do what you want. But I want you back here to finish high school, understand?" the man said.

"yes Sir" Benny said feeling the rush of his body's excitement.

It was Sunday morning, 5 am. Benny put his clothes away and retrieved the bib overalls that his MASTER had ordered him to buy. He put them on and felt his expanded cock rub against the denim.

Stuffing the collar in his pocket, Benny left the house with only his id in his pocket.

"Bring nothing, all will be provided boy" the MASTER said.

He got on the bus and didn't acknowledge of the passengers eyes on his shirtless body, his boyish face, long hair and somewhat expanded crotch.

Getting off the bus, Benny walked to the coast highway. It ws there the change would begin. He put the collar around his neck and snapped the lock. Only the MASTER had the key.

Benny walked backwards and stuck out his thumb.

The first SUV that pulled over had two young guys and they gave him a ride up the coast.

"So we gave you a ride what are you going to do for us ?" the driver said

"Uh well, I have no money man, can't do much"

"With that collar we know what you can do"

And as the driver pulled the SUV off the road into the trees, Benny knew why the MASTER ordered him to travel this way. The cocks that would soon be in his mouth and butt retreived payment for the ride.

Another ride further up the coast had a older man and a teenage boy. Benny accepted the ride the talk and did as the man told him, sucking the boy's cock in the passenger seat while watched and drove.

"Uh I don't have money for dinner but if you can buy me a berger..."Benny hesitated.

"Tell you what boy, dinner and a place to stay tonight if you keep us happy"

Benny closed his eyes later that night as the man held his ankles and told him to call him daddy. The fucking was awkward but over quickly.

"Now the boy" Benny knew the kid was fucking him for the first time.

He left the room early before they woke up and continued his hithiking. Already Benny knew the way to survive.

He sucked a retired cop's cock for breakfast and a ride, mid afternoon he posed naked for a guy with a camera and jacked off with him, and that night found himself in the back of the cab of a trucker's cab.

Each day was different and things became automatic for him.

He showered with two grown men washing them as he had washed the MASTER and serviced each of them feeling their post orgasm piss all over him afterwards.

He slept on the floor in one man's motel room servicing him in the morning to thank him for the place to stay.

And the final ride found him in the back of a truck where three collage age guys used him again adn again.

Stained by their sperm and piss he jumped off the truck and walked towards the address.

"Strip" the MASTER said.

Benny stood outside the house and now naked in the spray of the man's garden hose.


And then he felt the warm piss of his MASTER once again marking him, front and back, and into his mouth.

"Good boy, you remembered how to serve"

The collar was removed and a metal one put in it's place as Benny was led to the back yard and into a cage there.


Benny slept on the bottom of the cage. It was shaded so he didn't worry about being burned in the afternoon sun. The metal collar was uncomfortable but he knew comfort was not his business.

The MASTER and friends would occasionally come over and look at him and talk about him like some unhearing pet.

"Tomorrow boy, you will begin the day by swimming ten laps and each and every day you will swim laps, then you will being your job"

He ate from the dog dish put between the bars while the MASTER played with his dangling balls sac and his puckered butthole.

Benny pissed out the side of the cage as the MASTER ordered and was amazed his usually pee shyness seemed to have disappeared as he obeyed the man...feeling the man was taking total control of every part of his body functions.

Then after the sun set as Benny lay there. The silhouette of the MASTER apporached and Benny was bathed in the man's before bed piss.

The odor filled his nostrils and expanded his cock with it's meaning.

He was going to have the best summer ever...and maybe just maybe he could finish high school there too...if the MASTER let him that is.

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