Beth and Shannon


Published on Apr 11, 2000


(Written by MJ. This epic begins as a fervid love story, eventually leading into the beautiful world of domination. I welcome your comments as long as they are supportive, and curious. My e-mail is I sincerely hope you enjoy this as much as I did authoring it. Love and Peace.)

Beth and Shannon PART I

Having just moved into a spacious, three-bedroom home, Beth and her boyfriend Brian, along with Shannon (a mutual friend for some time), settled into their new life. Beth and Brian had been dating for over a year, and to the common person, they seemed deeply in love. Shannon on the other hand, suffered from a series of failed relationships with young men her age. They were all in their early to mid 20's, with Beth being the oldest at 24.

It was perfect. All three worked and enjoyed staying up late to watch movies, or to discuss life's many mysteries. There were no odd feelings of distrust or worry between them whatsoever. Brian worked at a local pizza parlor as Beth was employed at a video store. Most of them kept odd hours, yet always seemed to find time to visit and catch up on day to day life. On some days, Brian would catch Shannon walking from her room half-dressed, but usually didn't think anything about it. Nudity, or odd situations just didn't seem to affect the three.

They were all relatively normal as far as social standards were concerned. No one ever did drugs, or walk a dangerous line in any facet of their life. It was becoming a safe harbor for peace and happiness... At least until the day that Brian suddenly was gone. Apparently, Brian had become unsure about his affair with Beth. Their long term commitment was beginning to unravel at the seam, and no one seemed to know this except for Brian himself. This all seemed so unlike Brian to just suddenly leave like this... Shannon couldn't understand what he was thinking to leave a woman like Beth. Not that sexuality had everything to do with a relationship, but Shannon thought Beth was the perfect mate for anyone lucky enough to capture this woman. Beth was blessed with a shapely shrine of flesh. Alluring and intoxicating to anyone who had the opportunity to gaze into her profound blue eyes, her body was of robust, yet toned proportion. Full, abounding breasts... curves and features that simply made her irresistible. Her elongated, golden blonde hair fell past her lower back, and was kept that way since her teenage years. Her bronzed skin was unblemished by time, or age in every way. She appeared as a silky Angel of innocence in the winter, and in the summer, she was a golden temple of sensuality and seduction-- thrilling to the eye and mind in every way possible. Not the lean and bony woman most see in GQ, Beth's body was filled with luscious curves adorning her thighs and stomach, as well as her voluptuous hindquarters. Her round, fleshy ass was shaped perfectly... her lower back dipping into her spine, her ass gently spanning outward and formed two of the most delicious ass cheeks a woman could have. And yes, Shannon was envious of this creature.

Shannon was amazed at how little Beth reacted to Brian's abandonment. Not the usual torrent of tears and cries, Beth remained calm and collected during the next few days. Shannon didn't want to say anything for fear it would open a door that should remain closed. At night, Beth softly closed the door, and remained inside until the next day when she had to work. It was as if Shannon was watching her friend shift from a fun-loving young woman, to a reserved, bitter woman.

Shannon spent the next few days worrying about her friend. And, it was no fault when her mind began envisioning various erotic scenarios with her luscious roommate. Was this so wrong in aspiring to be with such an enticing matron? "Am I becoming a lesbian?" she asked herself as images of the voluptuous vixen and her swarmed throughout the young woman's mind. She had never considered herself attracted to other women before, except for a chance rendezvous with her Mother when she was 18. It was actually a mistake how she ended up sharing a shower with her that night before her senior prom. Shannon's body glowed with fondness as she recalled how her Mother took extra time to lather her Daughter's backside. Careful, gentle hands graced the young lady's flesh as the two came together in a most taboo encounter. Never fully sealing that brief encounter, Shannon always felt robbed of what could have been a night of beauty and complete euphoria. It was then Shannon realized the resemblance that Beth and her Mother shared... enticing bodies, full, spherical breasts that cried out for affection... healthy, savory abdomens that cried out for impregnation. It was all too much for her mind, and her senses begged for release. And at the height of her peak, Shannon gently whispered the name that was ringing true in her ears... Beth.

The next day, Shannon woke up early to find Brian moving out all of his belongings. Respecting the two's privacy, Shannon remained out of their way for the rest of the day, until she had to go to work. And then, she didn't make any effort whatsoever to bid her (now only one) roommate farewell, despite her deepest desire to do so. That night at work, all she could reflect upon was Beth. What was she doing-- thinking, wearing? How was she handling Brian's recent departure? Was this a perfect opportunity for her to seduce the object of her many desires, or to leave her alone for the wounds to heal. On her break that night; Shannon took an extra few minutes to call Beth at home, just to make sure how she was. The answering machine picked up... She held her breath, realizing that the words she would utter would (now) be from a concerned lover who only wanted to cradle her wounded beauty. Her voice trembled with anxiety...

"Beth, this is Shannon. I just... wanted to see how you were." She again sighed heavily, feeling the love swell beyond the limits of her soul. "I was thinking about you, and..." Suddenly, there was the sound of a phone picking up.

"Shannon?" uttered a feeble sounding Beth.

"Beth?" replied a surprised, yet relieved Shannon.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Okay. I was asleep." Beth replied. "Are you at work?"

"Yea. I'm on break, and was thinking about you. I hope you're okay." Shannon was becoming confident in her speech. She heard Beth coo in appreciation for her thoughtfulness.

"That means so much, Shannon. Thanks... I'll be alright." said a much more relaxed Beth.

"You didn't deserve what he did to you, Beth. What an asshole."

"He had his reasons, I'm sure." replied Beth. Always the kind and forgiving woman, Shannon leaned back against the wall, rolling her eyes back in her head... totally smitten with this girl.

"You're so forgiving. I wish it didn't have to happen to good people like you." Shannon said. If Beth only knew just how much Shannon was falling for her. "Do you want me to bring home anything when I get off work?" she asked, a little more energetically.

"Yea." said a flirtatious Beth. "Bring us home a gallon of your favorite ice cream, and I'll help you destroy it!" A thin smile came across Shannon's face, hearing the hope emerging from Beth's voice. Biting on her pinky nail, Shannon was soon fidgeting around like a teenager prepared for her first date.

"Yea?" asked Shannon. "Maybe a movie, too. What do you wanna see? You name it."

"Hmmm. I don't know. You decide." said a happy Beth.

"Okay." said Shannon, realizing she had to get back to work. "I gotta go now. I'll see you after 11, okay? Movie, ice cream, and all." Shannon said.

"It's a date, sweetie!" replied Beth, laughing to herself.

"Did you take your silly pill today?" asked a coy Shannon.

"Of course! I'd rather be laughing than crying, sweetheart! Wouldn't you?" she asked.

Shannon leaned her head against the wall, twirling the phone cord around her thumb-- hopelessly daydreaming of potential romance.

"Yea." Whispered Shannon as the tone of her voice oozed pure devotion.

"I'm glad you called." replied Beth, in a more serious tone.

"I wanted to." Replied Shannon.

"Really?" asked Beth.

"Really." Urgency crept out from under Shannon's voice. Beth was caught slightly off guard, but kept the conversation up beat.

"Okay, I'll see you after work. Be ready to get fat, babe!" she said as both shared a much needed laugh.

"Okay. Bye." said Shannon as she hung up. Leaning her forehead against the wall, she felt as if she was floating in mid-air.

The last few hours of work seemed to drag along at a snail's pace, but when she clocked out, she knew that it was all over, at least for a few days. Stopping by the 24 hour grocery store, Shannon picked out a 5-gallon bucket of Cookies and Cream because she knew that was Beth's favorite. After her purchase, Shannon made her way to the video store to get their movie.

While there, nothing seemed to catch her eye. All the new releases were already rented, and she didn't want to watch something that she had already seen. "Romance? No way. At least not yet." thought Shannon. In a last minute search, she noticed the Adult section of the store. Curious, and somewhat afraid, she ventured into the section. Amazed by all the selections, she didn't know where to start. What she liked was that all the categories were broken down... Gay, Lesbian, Anal, Amateur. Hesitating, she inched her way to the Lesbian section to gaze at the drop-dead gorgeous porn stars gracing each box. Having never explored Adult video before, a certain title caught her eye. "Precious Moments", an all girl feature showing the best scenes from the history of porn. She read the back, and the description seized her interests.

"This video combines all the tender moments... the sensuous kisses that ended up on the cutting room floor, the whispers of love that the Directors never wanted you to see. This video celebrates the beauty and magic that only two women can truly create. Enjoy!" That was the only convincing Shannon needed before grabbing that title, and heading toward the counter. The stage was set for the perfect seduction.

The drive home was agonizing. What would she say or do? Should she even approach Beth on the subject? She took a deep breath, and let the calming sensation of her love for Beth rule her thoughts. This, by far, was nothing to be worried about. Making her way to the door with her bag of "goodies", Shannon opened the door to find Beth on the couch, curled under a blanket, watching TV.

"Hey!" said Beth saw Shannon walk inside.

"You didn't start the party without me, did you?" asked Shannon with a wry smile on her face. She took a brief moment to let the image of Beth's smile permanately ingrain itself into her mind. Getting out from her blanket, Beth made her way over to where Shannon stood. She noticed what she was wearing... Thin, pink boxer shorts that barely concealed her annular ass cheeks. And an extra large sweatshirt that did a good job at hiding the treasures beneath... but it was her hair that set all else aside. Attenuated, flowing strands of blonde hair that embroidered the top half of her flesh. All she wanted to do was run her impressionable fingers through each invaluable sliver of hair... using those tresses to ease back her face for their very first kiss.

"Set these down." she said as the bags softly settled onto the floor. Shannon's heart skipped a beat... "What is she doing?" she thought as Beth initiated a tender embrace. Perplexed, Shannon returned the hug... She was so incredibly warm.

"Thanks for calling me tonight. You were the only one who thought to do that. It really meant a lot." whispered Beth into Shannon's already trembling ear. For a fleeting moment of uncertainty, Shannon didn't know what to do, or say. All she could do was hold her... to grasp that priceless woman whom she'd fallen deeply in love with over the last few months.

"Now, let's see what you got me!" said an ecstatic Beth, almost as if she were a little girl on Christmas morning. Shannon had kept the video tucked away in her purse for safekeeping, so she knew the situation wouldn't present itself at an odd moment. A radiating smile graced across Beth's gorgeous face as she lifted the ice cream out of the bag, holding it as a game show hostess would an expensive prize. Shannon giggled, seeing Beth mock some famous celebrity. After opening the treat, the two settled back for a night of movies, and fattening foods. It was their night to let their hair down...

It was well into the night when Beth fell asleep on the couch. Shannon, who sat on the floor, was fighting to keep her eyes open. Some half-witted show was on the TV, and Shannon could have cared less. It was then the thoughts began racing through her mind... She sat up, and reached for the video tape in her purse nearby. Glancing over at Beth, who was laying on her stomach, Shannon felt that now was as good as a time as any. How would Beth react? What would she say? There was only one way to find out... As the VCR loaded the tape, Shannon nervously pressed the play button, and left the room. She wanted the sounds to fill the room first... Perhaps a way to subconsciously plant the thought into the young woman's mind.

In the bathroom, the smitten young Shannon nervously fixed her hair. Gazing into the mirror, she doubted herself time and time again. "What if I'm not good enough for her?" As she shed her garments, she slid on her pink nightgown. She knew pink was Beth's favorite color, and felt that it would be a nice added gesture.

Walking back into the den, Shannon saw the television still blaring. Much to her surprise, there sat Beth... gazing at the images on the screen with a look of utter astonishment. Shannon stopped mid-pace, seeing the paralyzed object of her desire.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left that on." said Shannon as she quickly shut the TV off-not wanting to be obvious about her intent. Beth gazed upward, noticing Shannon's revealing wardrobe.

"It's okay. I heard these moans and gasps, and looked up to see these women kissing." she laughed. "I've never been woken up to that before." she said as she stood up to stretch. "

It looked interesting at the video store, so I thought I'd check it out. I wasn't trying to make you feel uncomfortable" trembled Shannon.

"It's okay. Put it back in." replied Beth as she sat back down, ready to watch all four hours of the tape.

"Really?" asked Shannon.

"Why not? I've always wanted to see what it looked like." Said Beth as she fluffed up her pillow, settling in. As Shannon turned around, a warm smile graced her face as she happily placed the video back inside the machine. Heading back to the couch, Beth noticed her roommate sitting on the couch opposite her.

"You can sit over here. I don't bite." Said Beth, waving her over. Her heart skipping a beat, Shannon did so, sitting next to the woman who held her heart captive. Their attention went to the images displayed in front of them...

The first scene was of two voluptuous, tanned brunettes bathing in what looked like an old Roman bath. Their movements were slow and careful, taking extra time to wash each inch of their bodies. A flurry of kisses soon followed, each one more aggressive than the last. The scene then dissolved into a dining area, where all they could see was a pair of oiled buttocks raised from beneath the table. Adorning the fleshy globes were an assortment of fruits and leafy vegetables, making the flesh appear to be the main course of a very special dinner. The other brunette was led in, completely blindfolded, by two other exquisite female servants. Securing her hands behind her back, the two slaves sat her in a chair, and placed her beside the table where her feast awaited. Unraveling the blindfold, the slaves departed the room in respect for their Master's meal. Attentive to the sight, the Master leaned over, and took one of the grapes between her teeth. Applying gentle pressure, the grape's juices burst forth, marinating the bronzed spheres below. As the juice deluged the skin, she watched as it gradually settled between the heightened knolls of subdued flesh. Parting her lips, the Master then delicately grazed the surface of the cheeks-warming the skin with her anxious breath. Her movements were painstakingly slow, but certainly appreciative. Turning her face, she rested her cheek against the plumpness of her slave's rear. With eyes closed, she nuzzled the moistened globe with her face, slowly turning to plant a bountiful kiss upon the beloved nourishment. It was then Beth and Shannon lost sight of the Master's lips, as it fell between the elevated cleavage.

A gasp of astonishment came from Beth...

"Total surrender. She totally gave herself to that her." remarked Beth. Shannon looked at her friend with a hushed gaze of agreement as she turned the television off. Silence crept into the room as Beth still gazed at the blank screen. An unsettled stillness saturated the room. The moment presented itself better than Shannon had thought. If she was going to surrender herself to Beth, now was that chance.

"I know what she must have felt like... giving herself to her like that." uttered a poised Shannon. She was indeed sure of herself-the thoughts, and her love. Beth's gaze slowly shifted to the woman sitting next to her... Sharing a gaze that spoke a thousand words, Beth felt there was more that should be said.

"How do you know that?" asked Beth. With that, Shannon gathered her convictions, and raised up before her, standing in front of her object of wanton desire. A shared look of lust was cast as Beth watched Shannon's hands reach up to grasp the thin straps that held her nightgown on. Beth then took notice of Shannon's well-defined body, concealed beneath the thin material. She had looked at her roommate's features before, but never in such a manner. Beth's heart skipped several beats as she struggled to catch her breath... For once in her life, Shannon knew exactly what she was doing, and this by all means was the moment that would define her entire existence.

"Because... I would totally surrender myself to you. I love you, Beth. I always have." As the last word escaped Shannon's lips, Beth watched as the soft, pink nightgown drop to the floor. Disrobed completely, Beth's expression fell void... Never before had a woman done this for her... Directly in front of her was a woman, young and so in love with her. So taken that she would sacrifice all that she had ever known for just this one chance... a wager on what she felt was right.

Not one stitch of clothing hung from Shannon's flesh...

"Oh my God." Beth uttered helplessly as she could not help to gawk at Shannon's healthy breasts. She slowly crept forward, as Beth was still motionless. What would Beth do? She had never been in a situation like this before, especially with someone who adored her as much as Shannon did. Before long, Beth's face was directly in front of Shannon's ripe cleavage. Her stare was affixed on the incredible sight as an erect nipple softly brushed across her face. A defenseless moan of astonishment came from Beth as she felt Shannon's hands clutch the sides of her face, motioning her to look up.

"I'll stop if you want." whispered Shannon as her eyes still held it's command on Beth. She could stop this, right now if she wanted to. Turn her back on this moment-- this delicate, shapely woman. Lifting both her hands, Beth took hold of her fingers, threading them between her own, and with a sigh of assurance and grace, she confidently uttered...

"No. I want this. I want... you." A smile washed across Shannon's face as her hands tightened their hold. Beth felt both of Shannon's soft breasts nuzzle closer, almost enshrining her head between her incredible breasts. Unhurried, Shannon leaned over, raising Beth's youthful face... Not a sound could be heard, or a doubt felt as Shannon parted her lips.

"Oh My God." Yielded Beth as her eyelids fluttered closed. She took a deep breath and held it as if she were dipping beneath the water for a swim. Tepid warmth gradually enshrouded her motionless mouth. No force, no urgent pressure... just warmth, just love. It was in this glowing radiance that Beth realized she was sharing her very first kiss with a female. So many thoughts raced through her mind as she felt Shannon's lips fondle hers. For some reason, Beth let go of the breath she held in her lungs. Blending it with a moan of total and unconditional abandonment, Beth knew she was going to be with this woman for a very long time.

Their lips completely pressed together, Beth allowed herself to be swallowed whole by this female. Never before had any man blessed her with such a kiss. This was far more distinct. Minutes flowed past, yet both were not keeping count. Eyes fastened shut, and mouths secure, Shannon eased her tongue outward, falling into Beth's awaiting, and most willing mouth. Again, Beth moaned, realizing that another woman was savoring her saliva. Another woman... The thought sent an uncontrollable shudder throughout her subdued body. Shannon inched her mouth away briefly.

"I love you so much." Whispered an undoubted Shannon. "I always have. Ever since I met you." With that, Beth briskly kissed her again, this time with unbridled pungency. Shannon digested her fervor, and met her kiss with equal eagerness. Their lips parted as Beth burrowed her face between Shannon's shapely cleavage. Feeling each tender breast on the sides of her face, Beth cooed her delight.

"This is so right." Her arms wrapped themselves around Shannon's back, bringing her face deeper into the fold. How could any woman resist such passion-- such intensity? Why did Shannon wait so long to induct Beth into her world of indulgence? Wherever Shannon was taking her, Beth willingly allowed her to be her chieftain. Beth's gaze looked upward to catch Shannon's stare... There, tucked safely between her nourishing breasts was Beth's glowing face. Just as she had dreamt for so many months.

"You're so beautiful." echoed Shannon. Her maternal instincts briefly took hold, and wanted Beth to feed from her life-giving breasts. Beth's hands extended up to clutch each precious mound... her fingernails dug themselves into the soft flesh, pressing the masses together as her tongue extended out to savor Shannon's flesh. Shannon, crippled in total awe, leaned over, and rested her head atop Beth's. Her lengthy strands of hair fell about, engulfing Beth's face totally. She could hear faint, muffled moans of ecstasy rustling from the depths of her buxom cleavage. This was simply too much as Shannon curled her arms around Beth to ensure she would never leave her.

The two stood up; their gaze still affixed on one another. Shannon took Beth by her hands, and motioned for her to follow her. No words needed to be spoken, for both knew what was about to happen. They were to consummate this loving union. Shannon sauntered backwards, still clutching Beth's soft, motherly hands. Their gaze not broken as the two made their way down the hallway. The two were walking into foreign territory, yet together, as their entwined hands perfectly symbolized, they would discover things together, with each other... as one.

The door to Beth's bedroom crept open, as Shannon was the first to enter. She wanted to be in her bedroom since this was where her angel rested her wings at night. This was her shrine, her temple of beauty and splendor. Shannon was still unclothed as Beth's gaze fell down to admire her hour glass figure. That smooth, fleshy stomach... her broad, yet modest shoulders. Ample hips that could easily bear a child... Both were now in her room, still quiet. Beth then reached under her sweatshirt, and began to lift off the constraining material.

"Can I take off your clothes?" asked a somewhat bashful Shannon.

With a warm smile, Beth extended her hands outward, happily granting her request. As she wove herself into her arms, Shannon coquettishly admitted;

"I've always wanted to do that. You just don't know how long I've wanted this."

With her admission, Beth blushed with a telling smile.

"I never knew you cared for me like this. Why didn't you ever say anything?" asked the blonde. Their lips delicately brushed against each other's as Shannon answered.

"I thought you would have turned me away. I was so scared." whispered a fragile Shannon. A quick, reassuring kiss soothed the doubt away...

"No. I never would do that." assured Beth. Her words were spoken softly, almost hushed in a way. "But I'm glad you finally told Me." cooed Beth as she followed with a devoted kiss.

"Really?" asked Shannon as she leaned her head back, exposing her bare neck for Beth's delight.

Her lips anchored themselves upon her luscious flesh, moaning an intangible response of "Yes". Beth's hands reached up to hold Shannon's shoulders in place as she eased her back. Shannon stretched her neck back, letting her curled, elongated locks dangle freely behind her. She was in total rapture... The woman she had so long desired and secretly loved was now sowing bountiful wet kisses upon her neck. She just couldn't believe that Beth had accepted this. How fortunate could one be?

Beth poised herself back, standing straight as Shannon's hands tumbled down Beth's side, still enveloped in a vigorous kiss. Her fingertips clinched the bottom of Beth's sweatshirt as Shannon unwillingly broke her kiss to watch Beth become completely unveiled. She so wanted to see this shrine of complete beauty, total magnificence in every way imaginable. Her abdomen was the first to feel the brisk air as the heavy material lifted up.

Shannon whimpered as she saw the body being totally unsheathed. Beth willfully lifted her arms above her head as Shannon inched the sweater along, now revealing the fullness of her deserving breasts.

"Oh, Beth." Shannon whispered faintly as her senses were flooded with the view.

As Beth's lengthy golden hair lifted along with the shirt, Shannon quickly glanced to take in the full vista of her womanly outline. The way the curves flowed upward into her stomach, bending into her top half that retained her breasts. Her breasts were so full, quite a generous serving for whomever was fortunate enough to claim Beth as their lover. Her skin was flawless... no sign of any imperfections whatsoever. Shannon thought Beth had larger breasts than she did, but now she was convinced they both had equal mass. And her areolas... they were perfectly placed on the top of her mounds, as if it were like a Chocolate Kiss. As the shirt made its way past her wrists, Shannon felt a sudden whisk of cool air sweep across her face, coming from Beth's blonde locks settling across her now bare shoulders. The fragrance of her hair filled Shannon's nostrils as she shivered in ecstasy. Quickly letting go of the shirt, Shannon's face suddenly was void of all expression as the two suddenly fell into a profound stare. Taking hold of each other's hands, Beth watched as Shannon slowly knelt in front of her. For a fleeting moment, Beth thought she was to ask her hand in marriage. At least that's what most do, and if Shannon had asked that, Beth would have joyful said yes-- although she wouldn't confess that secret as of yet. All Beth could do was watch Shannon as she inched closer to her body. There, directly in front of her was Beth's creamy abdomen. Every inch of Beth was susceptible to Shannon's deep appreciation, yet her stomach held its command on her. She watched with reverence as Beth took in each breath... Raising her palm, she rested the flat of her hand upon Beth's tone skin. Closing her eyes, she brought her lips closer, gently kissing Beth's supple skin. Gingerly, she then pressed her cheek against her stomach, gasping as she did. For Shannon, nothing would give her greater satisfaction than to crawl inside her womb, becoming reborn in Beth's shining wake. She loved her that much. And it was her womb that Shannon felt most comfortable next to. It glowed with fertile opportunity in so many ways.

Her hands fluttered up along Beth's freshly shaven legs to her waist, gripping the elastic band that held the pink boxer shorts. With a sensitive nudge, she motioned Beth to turn around for her, so she could attest that the riddance of the flimsy cloth would reveal two of the most mouth-watering ass cheeks she had ever seen. At certain times, Shannon would sneak a quick glance at Beth showering, and it never ceased to amaze her that her eyes would always saturate themselves with Beth's splendid backside. There was no longer the walls of secrecy and concealment of her hunger. Now, as she gently slipped the elastic band past the summit of Beth's globes, she sighed, finally at ease with herself, and her powerful feelings for Beth. Shannon noticed how the snug material seemed to press into the fleshy skin. With each hand on Beth's side, she delicately lowered the shorts passed the width of her hips. Releasing her fingers, she felt the fabric fall around Beth's ankles. Now, directly in front of her was Beth's ass... unblemished, and immaculate.

"You're so beautiful, Beth" remarked Shannon as her grateful fingertips grazed each supple cheek.

"Your ass... it's so wonderful."

"Yea?" inquired Beth as she looked behind her right shoulder to see the spectacle.

"Oh God yes." answered Shannon in defining awe.

Her lips quickly divided themselves as she drove her face into the thickness of Beth's right cheek, sealing a moist kiss upon the sacred skin.

"Oooh." replied Beth as she felt Shannon's tongue upon her flesh. "No one's ever kissed my ass like that before."

"No one's ever loved you like I love you before."

Shannon quickly placed another kiss upon a different portion of her ass. Warm, thick saliva coated the area where her initial kiss was, and it was all Shannon could do from not going completely mad, devouring her entire ass. Beth leaned forward, arching her back slightly so that Shannon could easily relish more of her derriere. Beth's eyes clamped shut as she felt Shannon's torrid breath cascade over her well rounded spheres.

"Uhmmmmm" was all Beth heard as she knew Shannon would appreciate seeing her hunched over.

Shannon couldn't say a thing since her mouth was absorbing itself amid the savory cleavage of her ass. Suddenly, Beth felt her back off. Looking around, she saw Shannon on her knees, trying to collect her senses.

"Oh my." she sighed. "I can't have too much of a good thing." Said Shannon as she stood up.

Beth turned to meet her in an irrefutable kiss. Beth held Shannon's head in her hands as she purred with affection.

"Make love to me, Shannon..." uttered Beth as she planted several wet kisses across her face, and forehead. "Make me your woman. I want to be yours."

Tears nearly seized Shannon as she heard Beth express her unconditional oath. With urgency, Shannon's arms grasped Beth's frame, thrusting the both of them backward onto Beth's mattress. Beth's hair flattened out upon the comforter as yet another kiss beguiled the young woman. Shannon was atop her as her arms still held its grasp. Beth was taken by her frenzy, but was reassured as Shannon's moans of bliss echoed throughout her ears.

Their kiss was unmistakable. Their bond was flourishing with each passing moment. The slurps of their wet kisses filled the room as tongues intermeshed, lips quivered in wonder... A tear inched out of Shannon's eye as phrases and expressions of love were exchanged. There were no hurried or rapid movements on this night. Every ounce of Shannon's existence was poured upon Beth. Arms were stretched, muscles were massaged, and knolls of flesh worshipped in various ways... The two women left no stone upturned. Beth had never thought much about being involved with a woman until this night. Never before had she believed that another woman could carry such relevance with another. Admittedly, she assumed the role as the submissive one during the early hours of the night. But as the night handed over its authority to the early morning, Beth was transformed into a woman of boldness, a woman of unbridled seduction... she had become the enslaved vixen of Shannon's heart and soul. And before the two collapsed from exhaustion at 4pm the next day, she was fully convinced that she had fallen deeply in love with her roommate. As Shannon drifted off into sleep, lying upon Beth's left breast (she found that she fancied listening to her heartbeat), Beth gently woke her to express her feelings. Her drowsiness quickly faded away as the two sealed their union with a kiss, along with several tears of joy and serenity.

The days and weeks that soon followed were wonderful. Shannon had moved out of her old bedroom, and moved into Beth's, leaving it as their guestroom. Beth soon ordained that her bed was now "our" bed, and even her language changed. Her expressions now consisted of "us", or "we". Pictures of the two soon decorated their home as the romance blossomed into a passionate, life-long love affair. Everything they did, they did together as a couple. They didn't care what others thought as they openly showed their affection in public. Shannon loved to buy Beth anything that had the color pink in it. They were always exchanging love cards, notes, anything to remind the other of the love in their hearts. When Shannon had to be at work before Beth, she would always leave love notes on the mirror in the bathroom, or in her car. And on the days when Shannon woke up earlier, she would sit beside their bed, and gaze at the well-defined muscles in Beth's back. She loved running the tip of her ring finger along her spine. And, on occasions, Shannon would wake Beth by engulfing her moist tongue in the furrow her upturned ass. It was irrefutable. Their souls were forever fused together by an undeniable love.

The couple's thirst for experimentation also flourished. Beth had recently purchased a work out station for them, and began to enjoy thorough, exhaustive workout sessions with her mate. In less than a month, the two began noticing significant muscle tone development in each of their bodies. Shannon worked rigorously on developing the muscles in her buttocks as Beth focused on her abdomen muscles. On late nights, after a sweaty two hour work-out, the two would end up locked together in an intense sixty-nine on the bench press. Shannon always preferred Beth on top since she loved the sight of her tanned, and now, well toned ass. Nothing pleased her more than to feel Beth's scalding tongue forged deep inside her as she gazed up to admire her perspiring buttocks. Shannon was beginning to take notice of Beth's growing strength and fortitude during their lovemaking. The two never assumed any kind of dominant/submissive roles, but were considering exploring that avenue soon. Shannon felt that this likelihood was soon upon them after Beth had ravaged her in bed the previous night. The two owned a strap-on, but rarely used it as they thought using it would invoke feelings for a man. Yet, this particular night, Beth fastened the attachment on, and (what she called) "mated" with Shannon for well over an hour. If the truth had to be confessed, Shannon loved being controlled and used by her lover. Beth took the ritual to the next step as she pounded herself against Shannon. The sounds of their sweaty bodies slapping together echoed throughout her mind...

"You like that? You want to be fucked, don't you?"

What really made Shannon think was when Beth exclaimed that she wished she could impregnate Shannon.

"I... I want to make you pregnant." she would gasp between the thrusts of her body.

She couldn't remember much since it was such an intense moment for the two, but she clearly remembered Beth expressing her desire to make Shannon the mother of her child. The two had talked about adoption before, or even a donor, but this was something far more different. She knew it was biologically impossible, but yet, there was something very alluring about Beth making her pregnant. Shannon wanted to explore this...

The next night, Beth's soft and modest side seemed prevalent as the two shared a cozy night in front of the TV, watching a movie. When the two went to bed, Shannon stood in front of their bed, and slowly untied the robe that she wore. As it fell to the floor, a telling gaze was shared as Shannon gradually ran her palms across her stomach, and pelvic muscles. Since they began dating, the two made it a point to rid their bedroom of all modern devices. No lights, phones, or clocks could be found in their special temple. Several candles were lit, accentuating Shannon's athletic body.

"Look at my stomach, Beth. Look how tight I'm getting. Do you see that?" she asked in an appetizing voice.

Beth was beneath the covers, all ready for bed. Now, she was sitting straight up as the drama began to unfold. Shannon had struck a sensitive nerve within her mate. Beth crawled out from under the sheets, and respectfully knelt on the edge of their bed. Shannon's hands pulsated up her stomach to lift her teeming breasts.

"My body is so ripe, Beth. So healthy." purred Shannon.

Shannon inched forward to Beth as she lifted her hand, and placed it upon Shannon's robust abdomen. Her sights transfixed, staring at the segment of Shannon's body.

"You made me this way, Beth. You."

"I did?'

"Yes. And you can make me into something else... anything you want."

A long pause followed as Beth placed both hands on each of Shannon's bronzed hips. Shannon poised her head, slowly stroking Beth's lips with hers ever so gently. Beth wanted to say something, but was unsure how to express herself. Shannon noticed her lover's dilemma.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

Beth looked down, almost ashamed in a way. Gathering her conviction, she took a breath, but paused. Shannon assured her by placing her hands upon her face gently.

"Baby, look at me."

Beth's eyes met with Shannon's.

"You can tell me anything. Remember? No more secrets, or hiding our feelings. Tell me what you are thinking about." questioned Shannon in her most soothing, caring voice.

"I just... I'm just so in love with you." uttered a helpless, somewhat fearful Beth.

"Oh, Baby." cooed Shannon as she grasped her hands with hers tightly. The expression of love melted her heart.

"Our love is so powerful, isn't it?" asked Beth.

With bursting emotion, Shannon nodded yes.

"I... I just want to see what would happen if we take it to a different level."

Shannon could sense a different tone in Beth's voice.

"What kind of level, sweetheart?"

"Do you remember that tape you rented the first night we got together? The one with the slaves, and their master?" asked Beth.

Shannon nodded yes.

"Well, ever since I saw that, I..." Beth's voice broke off in fear.

Shannon took her chin with her forefinger, motioning for her to look at her.

"Its okay. What, sweetie? Tell me." Assured Shannon.

Beth clutched her hands tightly, summoning her courage and strength.

"I want to try that with you. I... I want to be your master." Responded Beth.

Shannon looked off briefly, not knowing the full scope of her request. Beth knew she had stumped her.

"It's just the idea of it. Remember how I said that woman surrendered to her totally? And you said you knew what it felt like because you wanted to surrender to me?"


"Well, that's what I mean." Explained Beth.

Images of leather clad women filled Shannon's unsure mind. Her impression of domination was something far more different than Beth's.

"Isn't that where you hurt people?" Asked Shannon.

"Well, in some cases, but not this. I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. See, this is where I want to add my own twist to it. It's just such a powerful thing to me. How a person could abandon their own wishes for the sake of their partner. That's what I admire about it. How they loose their identity to become a servant, totally and unconditionally." Explained Beth.

Shannon eased her fingertips up along Beth's arms, resting them on her shoulders.

"Like what you did to me the other night?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Beth.

"When you used your strap-on on me. How you wanted to make me pregnant?"

A still, hushed pause fell between the two.

"Yes." Replied Beth.

"I liked that. I liked how you controlled me."

Beth sighed, relieved that Shannon was interested in this unique desire.

"I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's why I was showing you my stomach a few minutes ago. I wanted to let you know that... that I was willing to be the mother of your child. I mean, I know it can't physically happen, but it's nice to like-pretend. Like it really could happen." Explained Shannon.

"Well, they say the most erogenous part of a person is their mind." Beth said.

Shannon nodded in agreement.

"I like the thought of it." Said Shannon, as she looked off, immersed by the possibility. "I've always wanted to have a baby. It's like the ultimate bond between two people, you know?

"An eternal bond." Whispered Beth.

Shannon's eyes drifted back to Beth's, locking together in a telling gaze of complete understanding. As if Beth knew the most intimate desires of her heart.

"Yes." Said Shannon under her breath. Their embrace solidified as Shannon was melted by Beth's keen perception. "I want to... I want to be your slave, Beth. No matter what, I'll do it. I don't care what the consequences are. I know its right."

Beth was enamoured by hearing her lover speak those words.

"This changes everything from now on, Shannon. Once you agree, your entire life will change. The only thing that will remain the same is my love for you. That's it." Explained Beth.

"That's all that matters." retorted Shannon.

Beth swallowed, knowing that they both stood before a massive threshold. This submission would be forever. Was she even sure about this? Was this erotic desire she had strong enough to alter her profound love affair with Shannon?

"Then we'll begin tonight." Said Beth.


Next: Chapter 2

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