Beth and Shannon


Published on Apr 11, 2000



Shannon was lead, completely naked, into the bathroom where she was instructed to sit in the tub. Beth turned on the water, and found a comfortable temperature. With a large bucket she had beneath the sink, she filled it to capacity, and brought it above Shannon's head.

"You're going to be cleansed. Think of this as the old person you were being washed away. Let the water symbolize your inner will." Clarified Beth.

The first downpour drenched Shannon's mane, bringing the spiraling locks down flat upon her neck. Her eyes closed, Shannon was baptized in the soothing warm water. Her mouth opened in refreshing delight. Beth watched as the water cascaded down the body she so adored. As the bucket ran dry, Beth instructed Shannon to remain still as she left the bathroom to retrieve a few items. A few minutes later, Beth returned with a pair of scissors, and a lengthy strand of rope.

"Give me your wrists." Commanded Beth.

She did so as Beth proceeded to tie her wrists together. Her actions weren't brutal, or forceful in any way, and Shannon took comfort in this. Shannon felt Beth crawl into the tub with her, kneeling behind her as she brought her hands around her to cup her moist breasts. Shannon felt Beth's breath flow into her ear. She had always loved hearing her panting like that. Shannon cringed.

"Now, you're going to be shaved." Beth explained, whispering into her ear. "Every strand of hair you have represents the old Shannon, and it must be removed. This is part of the your cleansing. After your head and eyebrows are shaved, I will scrub every inch of your body. At that time, the Shannon we both know will cease to exist. I will give you a new name when I feel that you have rightfully earned it. Until then, you will be known as "the woman", and nothing more. And from now on, you will refer to me as "master", and not Beth. Do you understand?" Beth said in a most serious tone, massaging Shannon's breasts.

Shannon gasped, closing her eyes. "Yes."

After that, Beth began sheering the stands of hair. Shannon felt terrible about having her hair stripped away, but was reminded of her promise she made earlier that night. Total and unconditional. She was a woman of her word, and she was going to stick to it. She heard several slices that shed the tresses away. Closing her eyes, she kept envisioning what she would look like afterwards. What would she tell people at work? Soon, Beth had the mane shorn completely off as she got out of the tub to get her electric sheers. With a deafening hum, Beth wiped away the short bristles that remained of her once elegant and sumptuous mane of hair. All that remained was a barren void of whiskers and white skin. Now began the shaving.

Lathering the soapy liquid in her hands, Beth massaged her slave's head tenderly, making sure she caressed the pours of her scalp. Shannon (now the Woman) was reminded of her days as a child when her loving Mother washed her hair in the tub, much like this. How shocked she would be to know that her little girl grew up to become enslaved by another female. She felt the plastic razor start at her forehead, easing it's way back along the crown of her head. Her Master's strokes were slow, and careful, and the Woman appreciated such tender finesse. Beth scrutinized her work; carefully inspecting her slave's skull to make sure not a hair remained. Then, she ordered the Woman to turn around so she could strip her of her eyebrows. Slowly and carefully, Shannon was transformed, shed from the normal embellishing elements that made her who she once was. A harsh, rugged scouring soon followed as her Master used brushes to cleanse her flesh. Every crevice and furrow was cleansed. Soon, the Woman was abruptly blindfolded and ordered to kneel in the tub. The Woman knew her backside was going to be used in some way or another. As she heard her Master fumble through her bathroom drawers, her mind began to wonder what on Earth she was going to do to her. Feeling her Master climb back into the tub, the Woman sighed in comfort knowing she wasn't alone. Without warning, she felt an object being eased into her ass. It wasn't a finger, or a tongue as she plainly could distinguish... this was something different. As the length of the object settled in her bowels, a torrent of amazing warmth saturated her intestines as slight convulsions rocked the Woman's backside.

"Oooooh Be-I mean, Master." Cried the Woman.

"Good. Very good." Cooed her Master. "You're learning."

"What are you doing to my ass?" she asked.

A hard slap fell on her left ass globe. The Woman jumped from the sting.

"You never ask questions, Woman. Never. Do you understand?" said her Captor.

"Yes" moaned the Woman as the pain subsided.

"I don't want to hurt you, but this is how you have to learn. But since you didn't know, I'll answer your question. I'm giving you an enema. Like I said, you are going to be cleansed-inside and out. Now, I'm going to slip this out, but I want you to tighten your ass muscles and hold the liquid in." Her Master did so as the Woman complied.

"Stand up. And continue holding the water inside you." Commanded the Master.

The pain was unbearable. Her Master saw the anguish all over the Woman's face. She took the Woman by the hands, and guided her to the toilet where she was told to sit. There, she was allowed to expunge herself.

"You didn't think I was going to let you do that in the tub now, do you?" said a more whimsical Master.

The Woman was then lifted up, and led back to the tub. With her blindfold still on, her Master turned on the shower, and finished the bath. This unimaginable behavior sent shivers throughout the Woman's body. Her bathing was almost ceremonial in many ways, and terribly erotic in knowing her Master was molding her into someone new. Total and unconditional.

After the bath, the Woman was ordered to stand completely still in the hallway until she was dried by the still air. Still bound at the wrists and blindfolded, the Woman's shivers were soon swept away as her Master closely inspected her body to make sure she was dry... about an hour later. During the agonizing wait, the Woman heard her Master around the house, watching television and fixing herself dinner. The aroma of the scrumptious meal filled her nostrils as she longed for just a crumb of food.

Then, she felt a massive collar being strapped around her neck.

"When you agreed to this, you lost all privileges of a human being. And starting right now, you will have to earn your right to be treated as such."

Said her Master.

Feeling a weighty chain being fastened to her collar, the Woman was lead through the house, and out the back door. The crisp air of the summer night brought goose bumps on her flesh, as well as erect nipples. The Woman was becoming frightened now, and she gasped in utter fright. Hearing her moans, her Master stuffed an object into her mouth, and felt straps being locked around her baldhead. What was happening to her? Was this what she got for loving the woman she so adored? What did Beth want from her?

The Master led her to the back yard where the shed was. It was a flimsy structure that contained their lawn mower as well as other outdoor devices. Flinging open the metal door, Beth guided her slave to where a crude metal hook was embedded in the soil in the back corner. She presumed that the previous owners had a dog tied there at one time, and since her slave no longer had the rights of a human, she concluded that this was appropriate enough. At least she was giving the Woman shelter. Threading the chain through the hook, she secured her into place with two Master padlocks. Glancing around, Beth found an area of dirt where she could lay for the night.

"There's a spot of dirt to your left that will be your bed." Said her Master. "You have to build yourself back up, Woman. You have been stripped of all that you know. And tomorrow when I wake you up, your reparation will start. Good night."

Wrapping a rope around her slave's waist, Beth tied the wrist constraints to the rope so that she couldn't lift her arms passed her chest. Then, Beth placed ear protectors inside her Woman's ears. The soft, spongy material expanded, cutting off all sound. Muffled moans of dejection and abandonment were heard as Beth then walked out of the dark shed, and shut the metal door behind her. With another padlock, she locked the door behind her, and made her way to the confines of the cozy house. There she stood, chained like an animal. Blind, deaf, gagged, bound, and completely nude, the fumes of the gasoline and charcoal from the grill repulsed her. As she stumbled across the yard rakes and oily rags, she found the area of dirt her Master informed her of. It was much smaller than she had thought as she laid on her side, curling into a fetal position. She couldn't stretch out, or lay differently due to the harsh wooden crates surrounding her. Broken, the Woman began to weep as the chilly summer night caused her to tremble. Forsaken, alone, and cold.

The next morning arrived at 5am when the Woman felt cold water splashing her frigid body. Jumping up in total shock, she hit her head against one of the wooden crates accidentally. Disoriented from the haziness of sleep and the sharp pain in her head, she felt herself being whisked upon her feet by the chain that was attached to her collar. The Woman thought last night was a nightmare, and sincerely believed she would wake up in the comfort of her bed, nuzzled against Beth. This would remain a fading dream as she stumbled out of the metal shed, and into the yard. She vaguely remembered when she moved in that a tall; privacy fence concealed the back yard. She rarely ventured out since most of her time was spent with either Beth, or at her job. Her job! She had to be at work today! What was she going to do about that?

She felt her master remove the gag that stifled her mouth as she gasped for a unconfined breath of fresh air.

"Beth, I have to be at work today. I'll be fired..." the Woman helplessly expressed as a hand fell hard across her face.

"You worthless bitch!" screamed the Woman as several more strikes landed across her face.

"I told you that anything and everything of the old you no longer mattered."

Said her Master in a scathing voice. "Did you not hear me when I told you that?" Another fierce punch struck her face again and again. "And you never, NEVER call me by that name again!"

The Woman was knocked about as she then felt the gag being stuffed back in her mouth. This time, there was no gentle finesse in the Master's actions. She was barbaric, and certainly not happy with her slave.

"I was going to feed you this morning, but since you obviously still think you have the ability to speak, you'll have to continue wearing this. It's up to you." Said her Master. "You have to realize that you determine the outcome of your transformation. All that you once knew, everything that made you who you were is now gone. You are no longer living for your own selfish needs. Pride and vanity have no place in surrendering yourself to someone. Do you understand?"

The Woman tediously nodded her head yes, realizing her Master had a point. She probably was selfish in their relationship, putting her own needs and wants above Beth's. If she did truly love her, then setting aside those egotistical traits made perfect sense. After all, she did love Beth very much, and if this is what it took to be with her forever, then she would live through the suffering... the rebuilding of her own self. The Woman began to somewhat grasp her Master's methods.

Afterwards, her arms were lifted above her head as she was tied to the wall of the house. The coarse bricks scraped against her sensitive backside as she was given a harsh bath from the water hose outside. No soap, or silky lathering- just water, and nothing else. From there, she was lead across the yard, and anchored to the clothesline pole. Her arms stretched out to each side, going along with the "T" shape of the metal beam. Rope then affixed her arms to each pole as her Master began to unfasten the blindfold that had been covering her eyes since last night. The blazing sunshine blinded the Woman as she tried to gain her senses back. The last thing she saw was the tub in the bathroom. And now, standing before her, was her Master. The lengthy blonde hair that she had so treasured was pulled straight back, and meshed into a bun. No make up, or even a hint of eyeliner was found. She then noticed she was wearing cut-off jeans, and her work out top that accentuated her plump breasts. The early morning cool air was soon giving way to the sweltering heat as a thin sheet of perspiration coated her Master. In a rugged, ambiguous way, she looked remarkable. Perhaps Beth was also metamorphosing along with her vassal.

Heading back inside the house, the Woman began looking around her, trying to see if anyone could see her bound to the metal object. Dejected, she saw no signs of a home, or anything that towered above the tall wooden fence. She was safely obscured from the entire world. The Master soon came back out, carrying a bundle of gray flannel sheets, a fabric measuring spool, and a stapler. Dropping the sheets, she started to measure the Woman's hips, bust, and waist.

"I'll weigh you later..." Her master said as she wrote her measurements on a pad of paper she had in her back pocket. "... just in case I want to auction you off."

She then took the bundle of sheets, and began shredding them into wide layers. The Woman noticed that several dark stains blotted the material. "I saved these rags to clean around the house since I don't sleep on them anymore. I think my Brother used them to change the oil in his car a few times. They're pretty useless now, just like you." She said as she wrapped the fabric around her groin, and her bust. Grabbing the stapler, she then stapled the ends of the fabric together so that they wouldn't fall off her body. Shannon looked down to see her new, jagged outfit. The unraveled threads of the material dangled about as the loose fabric barely concealed her cleavage and groin. A large oil stain covered her left breast as her Master stepped back to gaze at the sight.

"We'll use your rags to clean the bathroom later today." Said her Master. "Get used to them because they are the only thing you own now."

Unfastened from the pole, Beth lead the Woman to a spot in the yard where she was instructed to kneel. Stepping away for a few moments, the Woman quickly looked up to see that she could make a quick dash for freedom. The thought of escaping this inhuman treatment appealed to her, but then, where would she go? What would she do? Go to her parents looking like an untamed beast? Hairless and looking like a freak of nature? Who else would take her in like this except for her Master? At least she was giving her this invaluable time. She sighed deeply, and regressed back into her subdued state of mind. Yet, in this state, she was somehow beginning to enjoy this treatment. Perhaps that was why she didn't escape?

Coming back, the Master tossed down a large shovel in front of the Woman. Looking up, she wore a confused look on her face.

"The main water line needs to be replaced." Said the Master as she began to point out where the line started, and ended. "You'll dig it up, and put in the new one. You need the sunshine and exercise anyway. Get to work." Commanded the towering female.

This command, for some reason, had no doubts, or sighs of displeasure from the Woman. Snatching the shovel, the Woman started to dig into the ground beneath her. The day was now moving into the late morning hours as the humidity began to rise. The heat from the sun also began to take its toll on the young slave. She had never performed manual labor in her life, perhaps now was the time she learned. She was told that the pipe was under eight feet of soil, and that it would probably be a four-day job. Beth was surprised to see that the Woman wasn't willfully objecting to the orders. Taken by this, Beth pulled up her lawn chair, and sat next to where her slave was laboriously struggling to dig the trench. The sight of her sweat-covered body, enshrined in those shorn rags aroused Beth. Struggling with each pile of dirt, Beth became overwhelmed with an unquenchable eagerness to fuck her slave. Going back inside the house, Beth found her strap-on, and shed her garments as she fastened the protruding stalk upon her waist. Back outside, she approached the Woman with a fierce will to pound herself into the sweaty woman. Ordering her to stop, Beth twisted her slave to the ground, and onto her stomach. Mounting the perspiring being of flesh, Beth vigorously tucked the plastic cock inside her slave's womb. With her arm, she took hold of the Woman's neck into the fold in her arm, locking her into place so that she couldn't move. What followed was the most intense sex both had ever experienced. Beth towered in awe as her groin slapped against the moistened flesh of the enslaved woman. Moans of slight pain and soaring pleasure washed across the Woman's exhausted body as she gazed behind her shoulder to see her Master's breasts swaying with each forceful thrust. Her fingers dug themselves into the soil as her whimpers were quickly converted to screams of unconstrained euphoria. Beth gazed down to see her slave's skin shining beneath the perspiration. Her bald head, still swaddled with the leather straps that held the gag in place... Beth could do anything she wanted to this woman... anything.

Dismounting the Woman, Beth quickly shed the strap-on, and released the gag from her slave's mouth. Gasping in sheer ecstasy, the Master and her slave shared a scalding kiss. Hunger overtook the Woman as she swallowed Beth's tongue, savoring it as best she could. Beth broke off the kiss, positioning herself on top in a sixty-nine.

"Oooooh." Mumbled the Woman as she beheld the magnificent sight of Beth's ass cheeks draped above her face. With each set of fingers, she widened her luscious crevice, and smothered her mouth between the folds of her dripping wet vagina. The two were arrested by the moment, like two animals liberated from years of captivity. Beth's mouth surrounded her slave's fertile pussy, relishing the succulent juices that flowed from her essence. Garbled moans swelled from both women as the initial waves of orgasm began to apprehend Beth. Beth now became her slave, and as she crumbled atop her, every muscle and every thought within Beth converged together as she lifted her head... eyes gazing upward, staring into the abyss of pure rapture as the Woman's tongue lay flat against her delicate clit. Beth gripped the Woman's thighs tightly as she couldn't believe the strength this particular orgasm. Amazement and complete wonder doused her mind as she felt a tongue ease deep inside.

"You're tongue fucking me..." gasped Beth. She pressed her face against her slave's sweaty left thigh as she closed her eyes. Her mouth fell open. "So deep. You're so deep. You're inside me." Declared Beth between breaths. Never before had Shannon been so bold... Then, a torrent of orgasm surged from within Beth. The Woman felt this, and gently grasped each moistened cheek of Beth's ass. Then, a surge of pungent liquid filled the slave's mouth. Startled, the Woman could only squeeze Beth's cheeks tighter, securing her mouth around the fountain that now sprang forth a nourishing substance. Beth's back twisted in several directions as her entire body united in a splintering culmination of unquestionable ecstasy.

The Woman savored Beth's nectar, swallowing it several times as the warmth filled her empty stomach. The Woman shivered, knowing that Beth's most intimate juices were being absorbed into her own body. Beth was now a part of the Woman, and with each gulp of orgasm she ingested, it only furthered their eternal relationship. She would never leave Beth now. How could she? Beth's living essence was now coursing throughout her veins. This carnal act intimately epitomized lifetime slavery.

Catching her breath, the Master descended from her slave's structure, and rewarded her with a promising kiss. Allowing her sensitive traits to surface, the Master clutched the sides of the Woman's head as a silent pause followed.

"Who are you?" Asked the Master.

"I am no one." Replied the Woman.

"What's your name?"

With a void, yet confident gaze, she replied; "Woman. Nothing more."


After days of backbreaking labor, the water line was replaced. The blistering heat shed more than fifteen pounds from the Woman as Beth kept a concise record of her daily measurements. Two inches came off her hips in two weeks time as the Master began a rigorous training schedule of weight lifting, and muscle development. Her diet now consisted of muscle building foods and liquids. The Woman's began daily instruction began at 5am where Beth would focus on each set of muscles, strengthening them to their maximum potential. Bench pressing, squatting, chin-ups, push-ups, and several other exercises were practiced. At times, Beth even sat herself on the Woman's backside to make her push-ups even more arduous. Purchasing a new treadmill, Beth quickly put it to use, making the Woman run miles at a time.

Before long, the Woman was running up to ten miles a day. Beth was determined to mold her slave into a shrine of muscle bound strength. The Woman's white, bald head now retained a deep tan as with the rest of her body due to the countless hours spent laboring in the yard. In fact, the Woman had begun to fancy her baldness, and had begged to be shaved every three days from head to toe. After all the yard work Beth had ordered was finished, the Woman was moved indoors during the day time to completely remodel the home. Beth witnessed in awe how easily her slave performed such rigorous tasks, such as lifting heavy furniture, and stripping the floors. The personal items of the Woman's previous life were gathered, and taken to the local Good-Will store. Favorite dresses, undergarments, stereos, pictures, brushes, and make-up kits were thrown into huge plastic bags, and given away to someone who could put them to use. The only sole possession the Woman had to worry about were the rags that carelessly clung to her now robust body.

Making friends with some of the local Sub/Dom females, Beth had invited over a tattoo artist over for dinner one evening. After treating her to a wonderful meal, Beth introduced her to the Woman, and asked to tattoo her new name on her left shoulder, and groin. Agreeing, the artist politely asked what her name was. She was hoping that it wouldn't be a long, difficult name that had to be written in calligraphy. She was happily surprised to hear that only ten letters had to be engraved. Soon, the process began as Beth chained the Woman to several wall-anchored rivets that were placed in the Woman's old bedroom. Beth smiled, knowing that the name she had chosen for her slave was permanently being forged into flesh. These tattoos would forever embody Shannon's subjugation for the rest of her life.

The letters soon took form as the word "WOMAN" were imprinted on the bronzed, athletic shoulder.

At night before bedtime, Beth made the Woman stand on a special wooden riser that she had built. With four, flame burning insect repelling torches placed at each corner of the wooden riser, Beth adorned her slave in thick, heavy chains. Beth loved the way her deeply tanned flesh glowed beneath the silvery mass of constraints. The Woman was ordered to look straight ahead, not to acknowledge anything at all. She was nothing more than sculpted meat, property owned by her loving Master. The Master would then saunter around the platform, closely inspecting her esteemed helot. What was once a soft, petite body of womanly desire was now becoming a physique all unto it's very own.

As the inspection continued, Beth would ask; "What have you learned today?" But, it wasn't long before she would ask the obvious question; "Who are you?" The answer was now engrained in the Woman's soul. She thought it, lived it, and breathed it... "I am no one. My name is Woman."

Four months after the Woman's submission, the Master decided that she should appoint her slave to "sub-human" status. This decree would allow the Woman to be moved from her primitive quarters in the shed, to her new shelter beneath the house. The gag, blindfold, and earmuffs would still have to be in place, and it was often that the Woman would place the constraints upon herself. But Beth now had a different idea of how her slave should sleep at night. She wanted the conditions to be more dingy so the Woman have a better understanding of her body. Being beneath her at night with the pipes and other sewage devices fascinated Beth. Knocking out a wide hole at the bottom side of the house, Beth made the Woman construct a wooden skid big enough to restrain her to. With rollers on the bottom, this would enable Beth to simply chain her slave to the skid, and roll her into the darkened dugout of the home. The idea of the Woman being immobile for several hours intrigued her, and soon, the resting quarters was in operation.

Winter was soon upon them as all the training now took place inside. The Woman's flesh now burst with ripened muscles. Her abdomen-- rugged as a washboard. Broad shoulders that exuded pure strength... The soft, feminine features that Beth first made love to was now a distant memory. Her weight was now a healthy 118 pounds, her body fat was practically non-existent. Beth knew that if she compared her slave to any man, her Woman would put him to complete shame. Beth glowed with pride for her slave. She had stripped Shannon of all that she once was, chiseling her into a healthy, strapping young woman. She was void of all identity, numb to every taboo whim. It was distastefully erotic what she had done to her.

As the harsh winter months set in, Beth had the Woman construct her a wooden cage for her to use inside. The nights when the temperature dropped below zero degrees was simply too much. And yet, Beth had never heard a moan, or whimper of displeasure from the Woman. Making sure the dimensions were big enough for her slave to kneel in, she had her place the cage inside her room. It had been well over half a year since the Woman set foot in her once lavish room. Beth knew seeing the room would trigger some kind of response, but none came. In a way, Beth had hoped to see her blush, and joyfully run into her arms for a kiss. But that never happened. In the months since she enslaved Shannon, Beth was beginning to miss sharing her bed with a warm body. Waking up the next morning, Beth disregarded the Woman in the cage all together, leaving her locked inside the crude apparatus all day long.

The next day, Beth called one of her new Dom friends over for lunch. She had met this Mistress through the local sex paper, and wanted to get her opinion of her Woman. As the Woman served them lunch, Beth was asked a flurry of questions about who her slave once was, and how she stripped her of her identity. The Mistress suggested several ideas and tips to further her enslavement such as pain, and torture. Beth respectfully rejected the notion as she then showed the Mistress photographs of who the Woman once was.

"You have to be kidding? This can't be her!" remarked the overwhelmed Mistress. "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! And you did that to her?"

"She willfully gave herself to me. I'm sure you know what that is like, Mistress."

"Yes, but only for a few days, even weeks perhaps, but this..." She sighed. "... she's been in captivity for almost a year?"

"Yes." Glowed Beth as she glanced over at the Woman, giving her a soft smile.

"I've heard about a few like this, but this is lifetime slavery, isn't it?"

Nodding her head, Beth stood proudly as she approached her kneeling slave. Instructing her to stand, she stood on her side, pulling on her choker tightly. "Who are you?" whispered Beth into her ear.

"I am no one. My name is Woman." Said the void and barren Woman.

The Mistress shook her head in complete awe, noticing the shorn, oily rags the slave still wore.

"This is incredible." She said as she stood to marvel at the brawny, robust woman. The Woman gazed forward, not acknowledging anyone next to her whatsoever. Beth had always instructed her to do that if no commands were given.

"She's so beautiful. You conceived her in the most perfect form, didn't you?" asked the Mistress. Beth nodded in agreement.

"What I like is when I tell her to make love to me. She'll pick me up, and carry me into my bedroom, and pound me into oblivion." Beth explained.

"Oh, so you let her do that?" asked the curious Mistress.

"Absolutely. She's worked very hard to earn that right." Said Beth as she ran her right hand across the Woman's oily, muscular chest. "If you want, I'll show you more of what she can do." Replied an aroused Beth. Intrigued, the Mistress sauntered away with both Captor, and slave into the workout room.

Ordered to begin bench pressing, the Woman easily pressed 350 pounds. Grunts of exertion were heard as the Mistress gazed in complete awe, standing in front of the spectacle with Beth. "See the form as it lifts? Look at how the muscles boil with pure energy." illustrated Beth. Sent over to the treadmill, Beth set a steep incline to the machine, and threw the slave onto the runway. Starting the pace slow, Beth pointed out how the muscles in the legs were ripened. They could hear pants of heaving breathing as Beth increased the speed gradually. The Mistress marveled at how such sheer perfection could be created.

The Mistress was very impressed how Beth had converted her slave into such a wonderfully developed body-- Herculean in several respects. Gone were Shannon's soft abounding breasts, wide childbearing hips, and the thick, fleshy thighs. Now, draped in barbaric fabric that barely clung together by crude metal staples, Shannon was a mortal symbol of strength and fortitude. With not a sliver of hair to be found on her ripe, golden body, she epitomized the very core of vitality. The Mistress asked Beth if she would ever consider enslaving other women, claiming that her method would shatter drug addictions, weight problems, and any other dilemma that impeded a woman's life. Intrigued, Beth agreed to consider it.

"I always reward her for obedient performance." said Beth as the Mistress watched the Woman kneel in front of the bench press, and arch her sweat drenched back. Beth knelt behind her, resting each palm on the well-defined mounds of her ass. An obvious craving fell over Beth as she meticulously skimmed the surface of her slave's ass with her tongue. The Mistress sighed; knowing how fantastic Beth must have felt since she herself had performed this method of compensation many times before. Beth's fingers pacified each muscular cheek as a thin sheet of saliva coated the Woman's right ass globe. With her mouth open, Beth whimpered, delighted in deluging her slave's buttocks. Without warning, the Mistress saw the Woman's body stiffen as Beth's mouth disappeared between the heightened cleavage. Pressing each cheek together against her face, Beth's eyelids fell shut as her mouth French kissed the Woman's sensitive asshole. It was a display of the most titillating desire the Mistress had ever seen. Seeing the two women together-- one of soft, subtle features, and the other with such muscular definition, made for a refined erotic contrast. She knew that beneath the enslavement, beneath all the scrupulous calisthenics, an obvious union was being nourished. And as the Mistress watched the Woman carry her spouse into their bedroom, she knew that the two were in fact slaves to each other, no matter whom dictated the orders. And as Beth's delicate hands cradled Shannon's bald head between her Motherly, life-giving breasts, the Mistress heard a faint whisper...

"I love you, Shannon." The Woman had finally become a person once more.


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