Better Than You

By Alexander Van Alen

Published on Jan 12, 2011


This story is the copyright of me! Please ask if you wanna post it somewhere and I am sure that it will be cool. Just don't do it without asking! Oh and if you are underage, well what can I do about it? Shooo! :)

My name is Alexander Nicolai Phillip Forbes. My father isn't in the picture since he and my mom had one night of passion when she met him and then found out he was married. He is a lawyer or something and we never talk and I don't think he even knows about me.

I am 16 years old, and I am described as a china doll. I have a porcelain complexion and medium raven black hair that is more pronounced by blue eyes that darken almost to black when angry, with bluish purple marks underneath my eyes, a button nose and I have high cheekbones that shows off my pedigree.

We lived in a beautiful Georgian style mansion and the whole house was tastefully decorated in understated elegance. My mother was a Forbes and came from old money. So when she died I inherited everything, but it went into a trust and a monthly allowance is to be paid to me and the rest kept and managed by a group of trustees untill I turn 21.

On the day of my mothers funeral I met with the lawyer after and discussed everything and was told that my father was contacted and that they had confirmed that I was his son by my medical records and that I was to fly out and live with them.

I don't think I even registered what he was saying to me. I was heavily medicated by the doctor to help me thru the funeral. I have never been a person to cry in front of others. I'm a Forbes for God's sake. I have class and dignity.

"What is his name?" I asked feeling a little dizzy.

"Keith Sutherland. He has been married for 22 years to his wife, Stella, and you have two older brothers. Kyle is 21 and just finished college and Patrick is 18 and a senior in high school. You'll be very happy with them."

"But I'm an only child and I have never even met my father. How is this possible. I mean I don't want to live with them. My mother wouldn't do this to me."

"Allegra thought that it would be best to have a guardian named. She never thought she would die in a fatal hospital shooting. You have to remember that she loved you and you having a place to go to was very important to her." The lawyer who had been one of my mothers closest friends said to me somewhat sympathetically.

"Do I at least get my car shipped there and some of my things?" I asked defeatedly.

"Of course all your clothes will be sent and your Lexus and it should be there before you are, because it will be leaving right now and you will be flying out tomorrow afternoon."

"Just to be clear, they can't touch my inheritance can they?" I asked somewhat worriedly.

"Of course not. Your mother was a very smart woman and that money will never go to any of them."

"Well I guess thats that."

The next morning everything from my room was gone and all of my mothers things were to be stored and the house rented out untill I could move back in when I was 21.

I dressed in a pair of Levi jeans, navy blue All Star sneakers and a nautical striped T-shirt with a blue Levi hoody over it. Grabbing my iPhone and iPod and a black and white picture and frame that was taken a week ago of my mother and I at our riding stable. I headed downstairs and out the door into the waiting town car. As the car made the drive down the driveway I turned around and caught my last look at the only place that had ever given me a sense of security.

I was flying first class and as a result I was off of the plane much too soon and headed towards the waiting room. Upon entering I saw a sign held up by a man about 51 saying: Alexander Forbes.

I walked up to him and said: "Hallo." As coolly as possible.

"Hey Alexander. We're glad to have you here. I'm Keith, this is my wife Stella." he said pointing to a woman who was about 48 and had a too heavy suntan who nodded to me and gave me a forced smile.

"And these are your brothers Patrick," he said pointing to a tall gangly tanned boy who glared at me, "and this is Kyle." He said pointing to a very attractive 21 year old with an amazing tan and gorgeous blonde locks and brown eyes that made the smile on his face seem genuine.

My oldest brother was HOT!

"Hey Alex." Kyle said grabbing my overnightbag and smiling down at me. "It's great to meet you." With that we started walking outside to the car park.

We got into my fathers S65 AMG Mercedez and drove off. I was stuck in the middle of my two "brothers".

It was obvious that this was very uncomfortable for everyone except Kyle who was smiling at me and upon noticing the picture in my hand grabbed it and said: "Holy crap, your mom looks exactly like you!"

"Kyle!" Stella gasped looking around at him. She looked at me and whipped her head back to the front.

The ride got uncomfortably silent and I could feel Kyle looking at me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and handed the frame back to me.

Turning towards him I said coldly: "I know she's dead and I can handle it, ok?" I turned back to the front and put on my Prada subglasses.

When we pulled up to their house I was suprised that it wasn't that modern. It was beautiful and definately more modern than our house, but not all glass and chrome which was a style I hated. It was a beach front property which explained their tans.

Getting out of the car I saw my baby! My cherry red Lexus SC parked there. Seeing it brought a smile to my face. My mom had been so excited when she bought me that car when I turned 16 a few weeks back.

Stella told me to follow her and she showed me to my new room where I found my 16 pieces of Loius Vuitton luggage and a few boxes of things that I wanted to come with me.

"I'll let you settle in." Stella said turning around and leaving my room. It was really beautiful. It had an ocean view and an en suite bathroom and it was beautifully decorated in grey and blue.

I sat down in my window seat which looked out over the pool area and sighed loudly.

"It's not gonna be that bad here." Kyle said causing me to almost fall as I turned around to look at him.

"Ha!" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, my mom died, I have a father I never even knew about, I'm used to being an only child, nobody wants me here AND BONUS I hate the sun. I am living in a place where their is sun literally ALL YEAR round!"

"Yeah, things are looking pretty badly right now, but at least I'm back from college and I am looking for a job so that means that I am here to show you a good time and I'm ecstatic to have such a cutie in the house." He said sitting down next to me smiling.

"Funny bunny." I said getting up and starting to unpack.

"Seriously I am gonna introduce you to everyone as my adorable baby brother." He said doing that grin that made me feel better about things.

"Yeah, hey I'm Kyle's bastard little brother. Nice to meet you." I said coming out of my walk in closet.

"Don't be that way. Come on tell me what are your hobbies? Or what are you good at?" He asked politely changing the topic.

"Fine. I love fencing, archery, horse riding and shooting, I play the piano and I speak English, French, Spanish and Italian." I said dragging another bag into the closet. Getting on my knees and unzipping the bag I saw Kyle leaning against the doorframe.

"Well we just happen to love shooting and fencing." He said sitting down next to me. "We already have a lot in common."

"I doubt it. Your the popular football player and I'm the reserved and lonely smart weird kid." I said squeezing past him with the empty bag to get another.

"Ouch!" He said rubbing his head as I hit him with the new bag coming in.

"Sorry." I said.

"Such remorse," he said grinning, "Ok, meet me in the gameroom in one hour. I'll prove that I can fence." He said getting up.

"Your on." I said giving him a lifted eyebrow.

On his way out I heard him say: "By the way I love the British accent."

"It's not British, I had a South African nanny!" I yelled after him.

I thought I heard him chuckle.

An hour later dressed in my fencing outfit, that I brought with the hope of finding a fencing club, I was trying to find the gamesroom.

I saw Kyle running down the stairs in the white fencing suit holding his mask under one arm.

You could see that he was well muscled, but not much else in the suit.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" He asked as he stopped next to me andput his arm around my shoulder.

"We'll see." I said smiling. He just doesn't know how good I am. I have been partaking in competitions since I was eight.

"Guess so baby brother." He said messing up my hair and taking the lead. Following him we entered a gamesroom that had stairs leading down into a fencing arena that was sound proof.

"Well pick your poison." He said showing me to the different types of swords.

I picked one and we headed to our respective places and said: "En guarde."

25 minutes later I was in the lead 2-1 and I could see Kyle trying to salvage the situation. It was going to be the best out of five.

Doing a very complex move that had taken me months to master I ended up beating him again as the sword touched him and the score board showed 3-1.

"Fuck!" Kyle said loudly as he grabbed off his mask. "Your good. Really good." He said frowning.

"Why thank you." I said giving him a cheeky smile and winked. Turning around I walked back to my room.

As I left the room I heard Kyle burst into laughter and couldn't help the smile that touched my face.

"Baby, it's time for dinner." Kyle said bursting into my bathroom as I was putting on D&G perfume.

"Kyle!" I screamed grabbing a towel as I was only standing there in my underwear.

"Sorry," He said getting a grin on his face and looking around then at my body, "I was worried when you didn't answer when I knocked." He said as he smiled again getting that cheeky grin.

"Don't look!" I said as I walked past him to get the clothes on my bed and quickly put them on.

"Sorry." He said again as I said he could look.

"Let's just go." I said as I walked out of my room.

"So I hope you like pizza, cause we kind of have it a lot." Kyle said as he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the stairs.

"Do you know how fattening pizza is?" I'd have to be on the treadmill for 1 hour to work of two slices."

"Come on, you could use some fattening up. Your much to thin and I just saw you naked." He said doing that throaty chuckle that made me mad.

"I wasn't naked jackass. Next time you tell the story I would probably have had an orgy in there." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Sounds like fun." He said raising both his eyebrows a couple of times.

"Jerk." I said as I elbowed him.

"You like it." He said smiling.

"Weirdo." I said smiling too.

We walked into the kitchen and found everyone at the counter eating pizza already. I sat down next to Kyle and found him trying to sneak pizza onto my plate. I mostly talked to him while Patrick kept on being praised by his parents.

Keith asked me how I liked everything.

"It's ok, but I'm kinda nervous about the sun." I laughed. "I grew up with the snow and I have to admit that I miss it already."

"We can see that." Patrick said. "You look like an albino."

"Well that's preferable to looking like a cheese doodle and getting skin cancer." I said.

Kyle burts out laughing and said: "Way to go Alex!"

Patrick looked shocked as did HIS parents. The battle lines were drawn and a Forbes never lost. Ever.

Hey everybody!

I am super excited to show you my first story!

I do not have an author and I quickly wrote this last night so forgive the mistakes.

I know that the pace at which the story moves is seriously super fast, but hey that is me! LOL!

Please let me know what you think at

Cool Banana's!!! :D


Next: Chapter 2

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