Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 29, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark. for all his hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.


Part 9

Sean pulled me to him and held me, my mind pulling up old memories bringing all that pain back to the front of my mind to join the pain that had already taken up residence there. I had to push it back, I couldn't let them move back into my daily thoughts. I have already handled these problems they did not deserve to come back and haunt me.

" I'm sorry Jerry, I didn't mean to upset you. "


Part 10

" It wasn't you Sean, those that caused me issues, are in the past. I'll not allow them to come back and do that to me again. "

We rode the rest of the way home in silence as Sean lovingly held me, making me feel even worse for having him with the upcoming pain in his future, to have to comfort me about things in the past. As we pulled up in front of the house I saw Mom and Dad in the yard playing with Jack. I smiled remembering those days when it was me my parents were chasing and throwing balls towards. Ah, the fun and carefree life of an innocent young child. When we got out of the car, we walked over to where Mom and Dad where playing with Jack, " What are you three up to out here being silly? ", I called out with a grin.

" Just having some fun in the sun before we had to get back inside and get ready for baths. I think Jack needed some time outside to clear his mind and get some fresh air. " Mom replied.

" It looks like you are having a great time Mom and Dad, I bet you're missing the grand kids. "

" I always do Jerry, but I miss my children also. " She walked over and hugged me. " What's wrong Jerry, there is something bothering you. "

Damn, her maternal instincts were still good. "Nothing, Mom, just been a busy day and lots on my mind. Michael and Dr. Chase will be here later and I'm trying to keep track of all the things I need to discuss with them. "

Mom didn't look at me like that answer was the whole truth, she gave me that "look" I knew all too well. It was the one she used when she knew I was thinking about more than what I was saying. I called it the "Mom look # 2". You didn't ever want to see "Mom look # 3".

Sean walked over and played with Jack as I stood there watching, envious of the relationship that they had. More like a father and son than an uncle and nephew. This stirred more emotions in me, the desire to have children of my own but knowing that was never going to happen. The need inside one's self to leave a piece of themselves behind when their time was done. I walked towards the house and went into the den and poured myself a rum and coke and sat down and tried holding those thoughts at bay. Dad came in and poured himself a drink and sat in the chair next to me, " It's not easy seeing that, is it son? "

" Seeing what Dad?"

" Sean and Jack playing out there in the yard. Just like a father and son. "

I sat there looking out the window watching them, knowing what Dad was saying was true. All the years with Brad and not once had a family of my own ever entered a thought in my head. But seeing Sean and Jack together, it opened a floodgate of emotion I had dammed up, unknowingly and buried deep inside. " Yes, Dad it is, but am I wrong for wanting that in my life? Is it wrong for me to want to children who call me Dad? " I looked over at my father.

" No son, it's not wrong, it's more difficult for you but it's never wrong to want to have that in your life. "

" I'm 30 years old, Dad and have never even thought of the idea of having a family like that. Why now? Why does the sight of Sean and Jack make me want to change the direction of my entire life? "

Dad sat there looking out the window, " Because you have buried the idea that you could have a family, son. You've occupied your life with work and staying out of the public eye and are so private, that you have removed yourself from seeing people in that situation. "

I looked down at the floor, I knew Dad was right. I have set myself apart from the real world and maybe it was just so I didn't have to see people happy with a life I couldn't have. " Sean asked me about my childhood on the way home, I think maybe the thought of a family had wandered out with the memories. "

" Please Jerry, don't open that box up on Sean. I don't think he can handle that right now. "

" I told him as much. Dad, I couldn't burden him with those details. On the other hand I told him earlier today that I would never hold anything back from him again after the foolish mistake I made about you and Mom. "

" What mistake was that son? "

" I didn't tell him that you were coming here to watch Jack. I know it was wrong and I have apologized to him and Mary, I can only hope that he believes I only did it because of Jack. "

" That isn't like you son, are you sure there isn't another reason you didn't tell him you asked us to come down? "

" I don't know Dad, but if I would think it through it might be that I wanted you here to meet Sean and in case things went bad you would be here to support me. "

" I think that might just be it, Jerry. I have known you since the day you were born and I have never known you to not think through the details of a plan like calling me and your Mom. "

" After this week with Brad and Mark I think I am starting to think about things differently. I don't want to become a man who has to make plans within plans to try and keep my life together. "

" Son, the best advice I can give you is to be yourself. You know how to handle these situations, love is the most difficult emotion to understand and to come to terms with. You know that better than any of us, just don't let the details cloud your judgment. "

" I know Dad, but I can honestly tell you for the first time in my life I am scared. Scared of the future, the one thing I was never afraid to look at has become my own worst enemy. "

" Just remember that the future, in itself, is not bad, it just is... However, it may be different, different from what you have planned, or built up in your mind. "

" I have built my whole life on the future Dad, now that future is gone. I have to start over again, and now there will be a child in that future. How can I make plans when a child is never the same one day to the next. "

" It's called practice Jerry, do you think your mother and I knew all the answers when Bill was born? We learned as we went along. Sam was no different, we learned with him also and we learned, he was not Bill, and you were also different, Jerry. It's learning to see the differences in each of your children and to nurture those differences to help them become their own self. "

" Down deep I know you're right Dad, but the newness of this all has me scared and uncertain. The worst part is that there are now other people involved, just not me and that is what worries me. I am going up to take a shower and change before Michael and Dr. Chase show up. Maybe the hot water will help relax me. "

I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, Dad's words running through my head over and over. I laid out my clothes and went into the bathroom, adjusting the shower temperature and took off my clothes, deep in thought. I was careful not to get my shoulder wet, and it took me a little longer than usual to get showered. I finally finished and was standing at the sink getting ready to shave when I looked at myself in the mirror. Could that man looking back at me be a father? Could he live up to the responsibilities of caring for a child? I didn't even notice that Sean had entered the bathroom and he stood behind me watching me look at myself in the mirror. Finally noticing him in the mirror, I jumped and turned around, " When did you come in? "

" A few minutes ago. You looked like you were deep in thought so I didn't want to disturb you. "

" I'm sorry Sean, I was talking to Dad in the den and was just going over it again in my head. "

Sean stepped forward and kissed the back of my neck, I leaned back into him. " I think I was just enjoying the view more than anything, Jerry. " You are absolutely the most perfect man I have ever laid eyes on."

I smiled at Sean in the mirror, " Well, I believe the view has gotten much better now that your face is in that mirror too. But it would even be better if we had the time to get you in the shower and then spend the rest of the night trying to get dressed. "

Sean blushed at that thought, the red rising up his handsome face. " I like that idea Jerry. "

" It's a very good idea Sean, but I have to finish getting ready before the guests arrive. We might not make it if I let my mind linger on the idea. But how about this, you get a rain check on a romantic evening soon."

"It's a deal, Jerry! Would you like some help, I don't want you to over do it and hurt yourself."

" I would really appreciate your help Sean, how are you with the shaving cream? " I smiled at Sean, wanting his touch on my body.

" Well, I know it goes on your face. " Sean laughed and grabbed the can.

Sean lathered up my face and we laughed as he got a dab on my nose. He watched as I shaved, and I realized why he was watching me so closely. His father was never there to show him how to shave, with a razor, the first time. I finished shaving and Sean washed my face clear of all the shaving cream, we walked into the bedroom and he helped me to get dressed. He took his time and was very careful when he was around my shoulder. When he was finished he said, " You look wonderful Jerry, even though you do have clothes on. " Sean laughed as we headed out the door and downstairs. " I still can't believe I found you and that you love me. It's like a dream come true or me winning the lottery."

I had decided to turn the den into a bedroom for Mary. I met Kyle at the bottom of the stairs and asked him to handle moving things out of there tomorrow so we could set it up. Kyle headed into the den to see what needed moved as Sean and I headed into the kitchen. I could feel Sean tense up and I stopped and turned back, " What's wrong Sean? "

" I think I'm nervous to go in there now, being here and knowing that your parents are in there. "

" It will be fine Sean, they're not here to judge you. They're my parents and respect me enough to allow me to make my own choices, even if they do not always agree with them. As you can tell by the Brad situation, I don't think they ever liked him. "

" I know Jerry, but I've not had parents in so long, I forgot how to act around them. " Sean squeezed my hand.

I kissed Sean, " They are just people like anyone else Sean, they'll love you as much as I do. "

Sean smiled and we headed into the kitchen, " What are you three into now? " I asked as we walked in.

" Just making some fresh cookies for Jack. I'm having trouble keeping up though, between him and your father, it's like filling the Grand Canyon. "

" Well, maybe Sean and I can help them with their mission to keep you busy Mom. " I pulled Sean over to the table and grabbed a cookie and placed it in Sean's mouth.

" Mmmm, I don't think that Mrs. Martin will be able to keep up. These cookies are delicious! Warm chocolate chip, right out of the oven are my favorite. " Sean spoke as he was trying to finish the cookie, crumbs on his lips.

" Thanks Sean, but if you fellows don't slow down, I'll be up all night trying to get ahead. "

I grabbed us two cookies each off the plate and handed it back to Mom, " I can stay up all night with you if you want Mom. " I laughed as she took the empty plate and turned back towards the oven.

" I'd send you to bed without dinner before I had you up all night in the kitchen with me Jerry."

Mom cherished her time in the kitchen baking, she would not allow anyone in there with her when she was doing her serious baking. " I already had dinner Mom, so I guess I'll be on kitchen duty with you. " I laughed knowing she would never let me stay in the kitchen while she worked.

" Well then, I guess it's an early night to bed for you young man. " Mom shot back at me.

" Dad, tell Mom I'm old enough to stay up all night. " I looked at Dad with sad eyes playing along with Mom's joke.

" Dear, let the boy stay up with you tonight, it might be the only night I get some sleep." Dad said, entering into the joke.

" Richard, you just stay out of this or you'll be staying up with me all night in this kitchen. "

" That'll be the day pigs fly Jane, I can barely find the coffee pot. I'm sure not staying up all night helping you bake. As if you would ever let me."

I was sitting there just laughing like a fool, I looked over at Sean and he was sitting there watching us being silly. " You better watch out Sean, she might have you in here helping tonight. "

" I would love to, I have always enjoyed being in the kitchen even when I was younger and Mom was.... " Sean faded off and looked down at the table.

This put everyone on edge, but Mom knew how to keep things lighthearted. " I would be more than willing to let Sean stay, at least he is the only one of you boys that sounded honest about spending time in the kitchen with me. " Mom said as she shot a look at me and Dad.

" You've done it now Sean, Mom is on your side and Dad and I are screwed. You have just made two bad ass enemies. " I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

" Bad ass? " Dad asked. " You must be speaking of Kyle because I am as far from bad ass as you can get son. "

" Well, thanks for playing along Dad, you sure know how to throw me in front of the bus. "

Sean was sitting there smiling, " I guess I better start gathering supplies and preparing for battle with the two bad boys sitting at the table. "

" I think I know how to settle this, Mom, I will trade you Jack for Sean. I am sure Jack will have no trouble keeping you baking all night. "

" How's that going to help me Jerry? I want to get extra made, not stay behind all night. He eats more than you do."

" It's the best trade I could come up with, hmmm, except for Kyle. How about if I throw Kyle in with that trade too, Mom? "

" That might work Jerry. Kyle is really good at getting things done. Unlike a couple men I see sitting at the table. "

" I can tell when I'm not loved, I'll be heading out back to the doghouse for the night. Dad, you will have to find your own. "

" I have not slept in a doghouse in 64 years, I'm not starting now. "

" Excuse me Richard? I do believe you have spent a night or two in that particular house. " Mom said giving Dad a stern look.

" Well, if it has only been a night or two in 64 years, I think I'm doing well. Speaking of which some more of those cookies sound good too. "

" You're getting close to another night in that house dear. " Mom started laughing.

" I think we had better leave mom alone before she is chasing us out the back door. I'm headed to the den to await the arrival of Michael and Dr. Chase. Would you like to join me or stay and help Mom with the cookies, Sean? "

" If you don't mind, I think I would like to stay and help your Mom. "

" Mom, be good to him and please no stories. ", I begged.

" I'll be an angel Jerry, unless your father starts to tell them wrong, that is. " Mom was giggling.

" I have heard that before Mom. Dad, you behave yourself too or you'll be in the doghouse for more than a day or two. "

" Son, I have never told a story wrong in my life, but I'll behave. " Dad looked at me and I sighed dramatically, as I knew he wasn't going to behave.

I walked into the den and Kyle was looking things over that needed to be moved out of the room. " Kyle, I just tried trading you off to Mom. "

" I hope there was something good on the table for you to trade me, Jerry. "

" I would not put you up for trade unless it was something very valuable. It was Mom's cookies. " I laughed.

" Well, if it was your Mom's cookies I would have traded me too. "

" Will you have any trouble getting things moved out of here tomorrow? "

" I don't think so Jerry. I believe we can have it all done quick and be ready for anything you need to bring in here. "

" Great, I think I'll need you to do one more thing for me Kyle. "

" I'll do anything you need Jerry. ", he responded.

" I was thinking about hiring a housekeeper that can also help out with the cooking. "

" That would be a good idea Jerry, I think you're going to need the extra help. I'll get on that first thing in the morning. "

" Jerry, I just got word that Michael is on his way in. "

I headed out to the front door as Michael pulled up in front of the house. " Hello Michael, thanks for coming out this evening. "

" It's no problem Jerry. How are you feeling? "

" I'm good thanks, but we have a lot of business to discuss this evening to prepare for the next couple of weeks. "

" I think I'm prepared to handle the workload Jerry. "

We headed into the house and went straight to the den. " Would you like a drink Michael? "

" Yes please,Jerry. "

I walked over to pour Michael a drink and asked Kyle to head to the kitchen and tell everyone that I would be unavailable until I was finished with my meeting.

" Michael, I'm going to ask you to stay here in Columbus and handle the office for the next two or three weeks. I have some personal issues that will require all my attention and I don't want things being overlooked in the office. "

" I can arrange to be here for as long as you need me, Jerry. "

" Thanks Michael, I also have a new manager coming in to work in less than 2 weeks. I may ask you to stay over and you can help me show him all that needs to be handled in the office. "

" I guess you'll be showing both of us Jerry. I know you handle all the offices through the Columbus branch. I will need to be briefed on all the reports that you want pulled and brought to your attention. "

" There aren't that many more than what you are used to doing in New York, Michael. You'll just need to pull them from all the offices so I can see them in one report and if I need anymore information from there, I can pull it up on my computer here at the house. "

" I'll do all I can for you Jerry. Who is the new guy you are bringing in? "

" His name is George Richards, I met him in Vegas and he appears to be well organized and should be able to adapt to the office quickly. "

" I think maybe after all the work you will be putting in the next few weeks Michael, we need to discuss where you would like to be posted next. "

" You need to get through these next few weeks then when your schedule has cleared and things are back to normal, we can discuss that Jerry. "

" That's a deal Michael, but you start thinking about where you would like to go to next and we will make it happen. "

" Thanks Jerry, I think it is time to get out of New York for awhile. "

Michael and I discussed all the business plans I had been planning on for the next few weeks and how I wanted them implemented. Michael took notes on everything and added some details that would help make the transition smoother. We even handled business for my job at the investment firm downtown so I could take some more time off from there and not be missed. When we were finished I asked Michael to join me in the kitchen so I could introduce him to Sean and my parents.

" Has the baking queen abducted anyone else for the night shift? " I asked as we walked into the kitchen.

" She has been an angel Jerry. " Sean said as he was helping mom man the ovens.

" I would like you all to meet my office manager from the New York office. Michael, this is Richard and Jane, my mom and dad. The young man with the flour all over his face is Sean Austin. This little man here at the table is Jack Austin. Everyone, this is Michael Justice. "

" It's a pleasure to meet all of you. "

" Like wise Michael, would you like a cookie? " Mom offered as she walked over with a plate of warm cookies.

" Mom, I thought you said for us to stay out of the cookies so you were not up all night baking. "

" Well dear, Sean has been so helpful I think I am beginning to make some progress. "

I looked at Sean, " Now see what you've done Sean. "

" It's not my fault Jerry, your mother is very persuasive. "

" Besides, she was armed with a rolling pin. " Dad added to the conversation.

We all started laughing, " I almost had to take her down Jerry, she was getting way too aggressive with that rolling pin. " Kyle grinned.

" I see it is pick on Mom day. I think I'll just box up all these cookies and give them to the local food pantry. "

We all jumped up and shouted, " No Mom. "

" Then I better not hear anymore about me being the villain. "

" Dr. Chase is at the door, Jerry. " Kyle told me as he stood there listening to his ear piece.

" Sean, can you take a break and come with me to talk with Dr. Chase. "

Sean cleaned himself up and we walked together to the front door. I took Sean's hand, " You will be fine babe, stay strong and I will be right there with you. "

I opened the door and invited Dr. Chase inside. " How are you this evening Dr. Chase? "

" I'm good, thanks Jerry. How is the shoulder feeling? "

" Feeling good but sore a bit still, Doc. Come on in the den and we can discuss the plans I have. "

We all went into the den and I offered a drink to Sean and Dr. Chase.

" I have asked you here to let you know that I'll be having Mary Austin moved here to the house tomorrow. She is in the final weeks of life and I want her to be away from the hospital and near her family. I would like you to be here and assist us during the next couple of weeks, Dr. Chase. "

" I received her files from the hospital earlier and have looked over all the reports and labs. I can be here and help as much as you need me Jerry. "

" Dr. Chase, this is Sean Austin, Mary's brother and her 3 year old son is in the kitchen with my Mom and Dad. It was for them that I wanted to bring Mary here so she could spend more time with them and not have to be in the hospital. "

" It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Austin. I want you to know how sorry I am that your sister is in the condition she is, I will help her to the best of my abilities. "

" Thank you Dr. Chase, it will put all our minds at ease knowing you're here for us. "

" Can I ask you to get a list of things together that you believe we might need, so I can have Kyle arrange for them to be delivered. "

" I can do that Jerry, there will not be a lot but I think there are a few things that will make things easier on the three of you. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase, if you can work with the hospital to make arrangements for Mary to be transported here tomorrow late afternoon, I would appreciate it. "

" I'll handle everything Jerry, if you have any questions or concerns just give me a call. "

" I think I have a few, Dr. Chase. " Sean spoke up.

Sean and Dr. Chase went and sat down and I sat at the desk listening to the questions Sean had for Dr. Chase. He asked lots of questions and Dr. Chase answered them all and made sure that Sean understood all of them. Sean asked questions about what Mary would be going through and all the details to keep an eye out for. I watched Sean as he took in all the information, seeming to sort out what he needed and putting what he did not need to the back of his mind. They sat there talking for about 30 minutes and when Sean was finished with all his questions Dr. Chase stood up and walked over to my desk. " I'll see you tomorrow Jerry and we will get everything handled for a smooth transition. "

" Thank you Dr. Chase. " I walked him back to his car and watched as he drove off.

I walked back in and Sean was still sitting in the den. I went over and wrapped my arms around him, " I love you Sean, I know this is going to be difficult but I'll be here to help you. "

" Oh God Jerry, I don't know if I can get through this. I didn't handle mom and dad very well. " Sean held onto me tightly as he started to cry.

" Sean, we will all be here for you and Mary and Jack. Everything that you need us to do will be done. "

Sean just held on to me as I let my hand slowly glide down his head and back. Kyle came to the door and saw me holding Sean, I shook my head and he turned around and headed back out. I let Sean finish crying and pulling himself back together.

" Thank you Jerry, I just needed to be held a minute. "

I lifted Sean's head by his chin and leaned down and kissed him, " I'll hold you when and as long as you want, Sean. I love you so much."

I pulled Sean out of his seat and wiped the tears from his face. " You are just so damn sexy, Sean. "

" But not as sexy as you Jerry. " Sean lifted me up and started kissing me, our tongues twisting, exploring each other's mouth.

" I think we should head back in the kitchen before we just head upstairs. We could always sit in the living room and watch a movie. "

" Maybe a good movie will do the trick, what kind of movies do you have? "

" We can go look and you can pick one out. "

I led Sean into the living room and opened the movie cabinet. I had 1,000's of DVD's and Sean stood there looking like a kid in the candy store. He kept picking a movie then changing his mind, I thought we were going to be there all night before he finally made his choice. After a few minutes Sean picked a movie and I put it in the DVD player and asked if he would like something from the kitchen.

" How about some popcorn? " Sean asked.

" I'll be right back, would you like me to ask Jack if he wants to watch the movie with us? " Did you pick one that he could watch too?

" I'm sure he would love to Jerry, ask him if he wants to join us. I chose a Harry Potter movie, as I missed those when they came out."

I walked into the kitchen and made some popcorn and asked Jack if he would like to watch a movie with Uncle Sean and me.

" I think your father and I will be heading to bed, Jerry. " Mom said and walked over and gave me a kiss goodnight.

" Night Mom and Dad, see you in the morning. Kyle will be in the back bedroom tonight, so he will be here for breakfast. "

" Alright Jerry, see you in the morning. "

I walked back to the living room with Jack in tow. " What are we watching Jerry? "

" Uncle Sean picked it out, you'll have to ask him, Jack. "

Jack and I walked back in the living room and I handed Sean the popcorn, Jack was asking him question after question.

" If you want to watch this, Jack you need to sit still and quiet down, little man. "

" Sorry Uncle Sean, I'llbe quiet. "

I sat there, impressed at how patient Sean was with Jack and how Jack would do anything Sean asked of him. Sean sat on the floor in front of the couch holding Jack in his lap. I was laying on the couch and rubbing Sean's shoulders so Jack could not see. I had to back off a time or two as Sean started leaning back and moaning a little too much. I moved down on the couch and started kissing the back of Sean's neck, every minute or two he would push back with his head to get me to stop. I would stop and lay my head on his shoulder and a few minutes later I would start again. This was driving Sean mad, and I was totally enjoying myself. I decided to back off a little and just laid my hand on Sean's shoulder gently rubbing my thumb below his ear. We stayed like that for about an hour and Sean leaded back, " I think the little man is asleep. "

" You and Jack can have my room and I will take the other back bedroom tonight. "

" How about I put Jack back there and you and I share your room tonight? "

" That's fine with me, I just did not want him getting scared in the middle of the night and have to go looking for you. "

" Can you take him from me till I get up? "

I stood up in front of Sean and took Jack so he could get off the floor.

" You just carry him so we don't wake him up. What way is the bedroom? "

" Head towards the kitchen, then off to your right. It's the bedroom on the left. "

I carried Jack as I followed Sean back to the bedroom. I nodded at the bedroom door and Sean opened it, we went in and Sean pulled the covers back on the bed and I laid Jack down. Sean pulled the blankets up and kissed Jack on the cheek, I left the night light on so he could find his way during the night. We walked out and Sean pulled the door almost closed, leaving it open a crack.

Sean and I stopped in the kitchen for a glass of water and to wait and make sure that Jack did not wake up and come looking for Sean.

" We will have to be up early Sean, you know he is going to come looking for you. "

" I know Jerry, but I had to have some time alone with you. It might be awhile before that happens again. "

" Have I told you lately how much I love you? "

" Yes you have, but I don't mind hearing it again and again and again, forever. "

" That's good, I think you are going to be hearing it a lot. "

Sean stepped up and pulled me into a hug and started kissing me working his way down to my neck. I tilted my head and allowed him access to that sensitive spot and started moaning.

" Oh yes, that's the spot. " I moaned at Sean as he was kissing my neck.

Sean slid his tongue to my throat and worked his way to the other side of my neck, I tilted my head the other way to keep him working on me.

" I think we better take this upstairs before we wake everyone up. "

I left small lights on through the house as we headed upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as we were in the bedroom I grabbed Sean and pushed the door shut. I took off Sean's shirt and rubbed my hands up and down his massive chest, the smooth skin soft and tender, begging to be caressed. I ran my fingers down between his pecs and drifted over and began circling his brown nipples, making them hard and stand up. I started nibbling on one of Sean's nipples while pulling on the other with my fingers. Sean started moaning, grabbing the back of my head and keeping me pushed on his nipple. I took his hand off the back of my head and lifted it up and buried my nose in his armpit, breathing in deep, inhaling the scent that made him Sean. I let my tongue savor the tastes and moved my way down his sides and around to his amazing abs. The tightness, like a drum covered in the softest skin. I found his belly button and played in it letting my tongue swirl around, letting

my hand move down and begin to unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper. I jumped down to the end of the bed and pulled his pants off, I started rubbing his legs from the knee down. I crawled up between his legs, feeling the soft hair as I went up till I was kneeling in front of Sean's cock, stiff and throbbing, awaiting my attention. I grabbed him and started pulling his skin up and over the head on his cock and running my tongue around the inside circling his head. I pulled back on the skin and slid the head between my lips, sucking on the head and taking in all the precum I could find. The taste was so sweet, I kept up the suction trying to make him leak more into my hungry mouth. I started moving up and down his cock bringing him just to the top of my throat and pulling back off. I wanted this to last to make the prolonged erotic feelings to be kept in his memory forever. I pulled off his cock and licked my way down to his balls and pulled them down as I licked his nut sack, cleaning them of the day's sweat. I let each ball slip into my mouth and pulled on it to bring him a little pain to heighten his arousal, I lifted his legs giving me better access to his firm muscled ass. I licked roughly over his perineum causing Sean to yell my name, I just had to spend a few more minutes bringing him more pleasure. I reached his tight pink hole and started licking, lapping the wonderful taste of Sean into my mouth. Sean yelled, " God yes Jerry, lick that ass. " I had to

listen to him, I kept licking his ass and gently let my tongue start to enter his tight hole and bring on more moans and screams from Sean. " Damn Jerry that feels so good! " I put more pressure on his hole with my tongue and made more progress of entering him. I started darting my tongue in and out of his hole, listening to Sean breath deeper and moan louder as his body writhed on the bed. I let my finger roll in the saliva forming around his hole and got it wet and started to let it take over for my tongue, pushing farther and farther in until I reached his prostate. As soon as I pushed on it, Sean lifted his ass off the bed and pushed down on my finger, " Oh fuck, that feels wonderful Jerry. " I did not stay inside Sean too long, I did not want him to climax too soon. I wanted him to make love to me and in my own bed. I licked my way back up to the bottom of his balls and licked my way up to the top of his cock, I deep throated him held him in my throat. Sean grabbed my head with both of his big hands and pushed and rubbed the back of my head, " Yes Jerry take

that cock. " I pulled off of Sean's cock and looked up at him, " I want you in me now! ", I panted. I pointed at the nightstand and Sean leaned over and pulled out a condom and the lube. I took the package from him and tore it open and rolled the condom down on Sean's cock and got on my hands and knees at the bottom of the bed and watched as Sean walked around to the bottom. He rubbed lube all over his condom covered cock, then slid his fingers wet with lube all over my hole. I leaned down and put my shoulders on the bed and raised my ass for Sean to have an easier time mounting me. Sean moved in behind me, squeezing the cheeks of my ass then running his hands over them. I pushed back and waited for him to start entering me. Sean put the head of his cock on my hole and started slowly entering me. When he was halfway in he stopped, " Are you alright Jerry? "

" God yes Sean, keep going! Fuck me! " I shouted back at him.

Sean pushed harder, making his way deep inside me, I moaned and pushed back meeting the warmth of his balls as they met up with mine. Sean held there for a minute allowing me to adjust to his cock. When I was ready I pulled forward to let Sean know to start, he pulled back until just his head was inside me then pushed all the way back in till he was once again buried deep. Sean kept the slow motion going for a few minutes then started going faster, pushing in harder and harder each time he bottomed.

" Oh fuck yes Sean, fuck me hard! "

" Anything for you Jerry. " Sean was fucking me fast and hard causing me to scream his name, I was pushing back to meet him on the down strokes, causing his red cockhead to hit my prostate with every stroke. It was like a live wire going off every time. Sean leaned over my back and started kissing my neck.

" You feel so hot Jerry, I want to stay inside you for days on end. "

" Ohhh, damn, Sean you feel so amazing there I want you to stay there for days. "

Sean pushed back up and pulled out of me, " I want to see your face as we fuck, Jerry. Please, babe. "

I rolled over and Sean pulled my legs up and pushed back inside me. I loved looking up at the hard chiseled chest as Sean began moving back inside of me.

" You look so amazing there Sean, I could watch you forever. "

Sean started full strokes, again rubbing across my prostate with each thrust. I started flexing my ass on this up stroke making more friction as he pulled out.

" Oh damn Jerry, I love how tight you get. "

I concentrated and continued tightening up on him as he started fucking me faster and faster. Sean leaned down and kissed me, forcing his tongue in and exploring my tonsils. I moaned deep and felt the vibration pour through Sean, he started long stroking me. Rubbing all the way along my joy button causing me to throw my head side to side and scream out is ecstasy. I grabbed his head and began pushing my tongue back into his mouth, the feeling was sending me into overload. I lifted my ass a little more off the bed causing more pressure on my favorite place, I pushed Sean back up,

" Come on Sean, FUCK ME! "

Sean needed no more encouragement and started fucking me hard. I squeezed with all I could to increase the pressure as he pulled out on each stroke. I was not going to last much longer; I was on the edge and Sean was pushing all the right places to make me go over.

" Fuck yes Sean, that feels so damn good! "

" You're so hot Jerry. " Sean groaned, as sweat beaded on his chest. Sean started some long slow strokes in between the fast fucks.

" Ohh damn, Sean here I cum, fuckkkkk you are making me cum!!" I screamed out as my orgasm took over my body and I released a load all over Sean's chest and my abs, covering his sweaty chest in an ocean of white lava.

Sean was going like mad now and was ready to explode himself.

" Jesus Jerry, ohhh God that feels so fucking good. " Sean buried himself as deep as he could get, his cock spewing his hot load deep inside me, making me his own and declaring to me that I was his. His steel shaft throbbed against my love nut, causing me to moan again.

Sean collapsed down on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheeks. " That was great Sean! I've never felt anything like that before. "

" Oh my God Jerry, I think you are just amazing. I could stay with you in bed until we starved to death. "

I laid there holding Sean, rubbing my hands up and down his back feeling the muscles release their tension as Sean lay there exhausted, trying to regain his strength.

" How about a shower hot stuff? "

" Sounds good to me, can you carry me in there? I don't think I have the energy yet to make it there. "

" That would be one hell of a report, man crushed carrying his tall muscular boyfriend to the shower after having hot sex. "

Sean propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at me, " Do you really mean that Jerry? "

" I do Sean, you are one sexy muscular man. "

" No, about the boyfriend part? "

" I do Sean, if you would like to be my boyfriend. " I looked Sean in the eyes, worried that he might say no. I was holding my breath.

" I think I would like that Jerry, I don't know of another person that I want to share my life with. "

I lay there with Sean on top of me and placed my hands on his face and pulled him down and gave him a sensual kiss. " I feel the same way, Sean. "

I wrapped my arms back around Sean; I wanted this moment to last a lifetime. I never have felt this way before, not even with Brad. I never wanted Sean to leave me and turn on me like Brad had done. A tear started to form in my eye.

Sean pulled up and looked down at me, " What's wrong, babe? "

" Nothing Sean, you ready to hit that shower yet? "

Sean got out of the bed and reached down, I thought he was going to help me out of the bed, but he picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. I put my arm around his neck and whispered in his ear, " I love you. "

Sean set me down in front of the shower and I reached in and turned the water on to warm it up. Sean was standing behind me leaning on the sink watching me as I got the water adjusted. I walked over to pull out two clean towels and as I turned around to set them on the sink Sean grabbed me and hugged me, " Please don't ever leave me Jerry, everyone I have ever loved has left me and I could not live through you leaving me. "

" Sean, I know you have had terrible things happen to you in your life and those that have left you did not do it by choice, they loved you and would be here with you if they could. I have no plans of leaving you now or in the future, I love you too much to ever leave and lose that love. "

I grabbed Sean's hand and led him into the shower. I turned him so he could stand under the hot water as I took a washcloth and got it wet and started to lather it up with soap. I started to wash Sean. I really enjoyed running my hands over his well sculpted body. I turned him to face the shower and started washing his back, reaching up to clean his neck. I worked my way down his back admiring each muscle as I went, when I reached his ass I squeezed his cheeks in my hands. I pulled one cheek to the side and used the washcloth to clean him, Sean stood up and leaned back into me.

" That feels so good. " he sighed.

" It should, that is one fine ass you have there. "

I leaned Sean back towards the shower head and bent down to wash his legs, they are so strong and that light hair was so soft. I could spend days just playing with them. I picked up his feet one at a time and cleaned them, playing with his long toes and rubbed the top of each foot loving the size a perfect size 15. I stood up and turned Sean back around to face me, to wash the soap off his back.

I stretched up and kissed him, letting my lips just linger on his soft lips. Feeling the love and strength coming from Sean made me feel safe, even in my own home. Sean took the washcloth from me and picked me up and turned around to put me under the shower head.

" I love washing your body Jerry, it is the most perfect body I have ever seen. "

I blushed, " Your body is no laughing matter Sean, you are one hot stud. "

Sean started blushing then too but lathered up the washcloth and started to wash me. He paid close attention to chest and abs as he worked his way down to my cock. He took the washcloth and wrapped it around my cock and stroked me with it a few times. He gently washed my balls and moved on down my legs, when he reached my feet he dropped the washcloth. He leaned down and took one of my feet and brought it to his face, he placed my big toe at his lips and sucked it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and moved on to the next toe, he worked his way down all my toes and then flexed my foot up and licked the sole. I leaned my head back and moaned, and Sean continued giving me the best foot worship I have ever had. Sean placed my foot back down and I shifted my weight and he picked up my other foot and gave it a wonderful bath too. When he finished he set my foot down and turned me around and while still bent over he grabbed my ass and pulled it apart and dove in with his tongue and started reaming me out sucking all of his cum out of my ass. I was leaned against the shower wall sticking my ass back so he could eat me out all night long. His tongue burrowed deep inside me, cleaning out his load. Sean stood up and grabbed the washcloth and lathered it back up and finished washing my back and ass.

" If you were hoping for round 2, we need to finish it in here, I am too tired for another shower tonight. "

" I think we can wait till morning, Jerry. "

I turned off the water and opened the shower door and grabbed a towel, I turned and started drying Sean, making sure to get in all the ridges between the muscles. I wrapped the towel around his shoulders and pulled it down to his waist and pulled it tight and tucked it so it would stay wrapped. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the other towel as I offered my hand to Sean to help him out. I stood and dried myself and turned toward the towel cabinet and opened the top door, I pulled out a toothbrush for Sean and handed it to him.

" In case you lost yours between here and Vegas. "

" Thanks, I haven't even gone through my luggage to find all my personal stuff yet. "

" I have extra of anything you might need in the cabinets here in the bathroom, just help yourself. "

I pulled off my towel and hung it on the towel rack to dry and headed back into the bedroom, I set the alarm clock and laid down in the bed. Sean came out of the bathroom, " Sleeping commando are we? " he grinned.

" What better way to get comfortable and unrestrained all night? "

" Well, I'm glad you sleep that way, I wouldn't sleep any other way. "

Sean climbed into bed and moved over toward me, I put my arm around him and he laid his head on my chest and laid his arm across my stomach and pulled in tight against me. I leaned down and smelled the top of his head and kissed him.

" Good Night Sean. "

" Night Jerry. "


Jerry has a surprise coming up soon, be prepared everyone. If you have any comments or suggestions please drop me a line.

Next: Chapter 11

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