Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jan 2, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me to help make the story more enjoyable for everyone to read.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

Part 14

" We need to stop at the store on the way back, do you need anything? "

" No, I am all set son, but make sure that Jack has some nice cars and trucks to play in the yard with. "

" I will Dad, we'll be back soon. "

I headed into the house with Jack in tow and Kyle right behind us. I took Jack to the bathroom so he did not yell he had to go while we were riding to the house. We then went into the den to get Sean and tell Mary goodbye. After Jack talked to Mary about our trip to the house, I grabbed Sean and we headed out the door.


Part 15

" Kyle, can we remember to pick up a seat for Jack when we are at the store. I don't think we need a ticket if we get stopped. " I laughed.

" We have one at the house Jerry, I don't think we will be needing it there. We can put it in here until we get a new one. " Sean added.

" That is great Sean. What are you wanting to pick up while we are at your house, Jack? "

" My trucks and cars. Mr. Martin said he would play with me in the yard with them. "

" Be careful Jack, he likes to take all the good ones. "

" He isn't getting my good ones. Unless he really wants them, Mom said I have to share. "

" That's true Jack, it is polite to share with your friends. "

" Can you be my friend Jerry? " Jack looked at me nervously with that question.

" Oh course we can bud, I would like it very much if we were friends. "

" That is so cool, are you gonna share that motor bike with me? "

" I think I was just railroaded into that one. Uncle Sean or I can ride you around on it when you want Jack, but I think you are too small to ride it alone. In a few years you'll be ready to ride it on your own. "

" I can't wait Jerry, that thing is sooo much fun!"

" It is fun to ride around the backwoods on it Jack. You need to be careful though, Uncle Sean likes the 4 wheeler too. " I winked at Jack.

" Do you like that Uncle Sean? "

" I do like riding it little man, the wind in your face is pretty cool. "

" It is Uncle Sean. Can we go for a ride when we get back to Jerry's? "

Sean looked over at me, " You need to ask Jerry about that bud. "

" Can we, can we Jerry? " Jack was shouting out excited.

" I think we can find a little time to go for a ride, Jack. That will give your Mom and Uncle Sean some time when they talk with Mr. Williams. "

" That would be a good idea little man. " Sean told Jack and rustled the top of his head.

Sean leaned over and whispered in my ear, " You know you have created a monster now, don't you? "

" I think I may have created two. " I whispered back in Sean's ear and kissed him on the cheek.

Sean blushed and looked at me, " I think I know someone that needs a timeout. "

" Like you would not believe Sean, one long timeout. "

" Kyle, did you schedule that meeting with Chief Jacobs? " I changed the subject on Sean.

" Yes I did Jerry, she will be there at the time you requested. "

" Who are you meeting with now Jerry? " Sean looked at me concerned.

" Someone I thought I would never have to see again, but I need to see them and make them understand that this is the last time. "

Sean saw the change in my mood and put his arm around me. " If I can help just let me know. "

" I want you nowhere near this person Sean. "

We finished the ride to Sean's house in silence, Sean knew I did not want to discuss the meeting any further. When we arrived at his house he got out of the car and looked around the neighborhood. There were a few neighbors who came over and asked how he and Mary were doing and Sean told them that Mary was spending her last days out of the city. He was very discreet with any information that would link back to me. I was proud of him for his restraint from bragging about me and where they were staying. We walked into the house and were met with a complete and total disaster, the place had been ransacked and there were messages painted on all the walls. ' Where is my son?'

I pulled Kyle outside, " I want those two teams at the house now, I want a team around the house and 3 members in the house. Call my father and let him know what has happened. I will call Chief Jacobs and get a team of detectives here to process the house. "

I ran into the house and pulled Sean aside, " Sean I have called Chief Jacobs and the police will be here soon. I need you to gather the papers that Mary said were here and I need you to do it quickly. I want us back at the house as soon as possible. "

" Jerry, who the hell could have done this? "

" I don't know Sean, but I need you to listen to me. Please get the things Mary asked for and I want you and Jack back in the car as soon as possible. We will let the police investigate this for now and we will find out who is behind it. "

" But for Christ sake Jerry, this is my home. It isn't much but it's mine and.... " I cut Sean off.

" Sean look at me. " Sean looked down in my eyes. " I want you and Jack safe, I can not do that here without too much attention. I need you to find the papers that Mary needs and we have to get you and Jack out of here. Now get a move on it before Kyle drags us both out of here. "

Sean started to object but turned and started through the house trying to find everything Mary said was there. I grabbed Jack, " Can you show me your room, bud? "

" Sure Jerry, it's upstairs, follow me. " Jack took off running up the stairs and I followed closely. When we entered the room it was a shambles, the mattress was cut to shreds, his clothes were thrown all over the place and his toys were smashed to pieces.

Jack stood there staring at his belongings a tear in his eye, " Who would do this Jerry? "

" I am sorry bud, I was hoping that we could grab your toys and get out of here. They have left nothing, let's get out of here and make sure you are safe. We can stop at the store and get you some new toys on the way home. "

Jack saw something under his bed and started to climb under after it, " What are you doing Jack? "

" It's my favorite car Jerry, I see it under the bed. " He crawled under and came back out with a small car and held it tight in his hand. " This is my all time favorite one Jerry, I just had to have it. "

" That's fine bud, but we need to get out of here and back downstairs with Uncle Sean and Kyle before the police show up. "

I picked Jack up and rushed back downstairs and out the door and put him in the car. " I do not want you to take your eye off him, Kyle. "

" Yes sir. " Kyle was curt and I knew he was in pure business mode.

I went back inside and found Sean, " How are you doing Sean? "

Sean looked up at me, " It's all gone Jerry. Everything we had, the deed, the birth certificates, the social security cards all gone. They even got the check from the casino. Now what the hell am I gonna do Jerry? How the fuck am I suppose to handle all of this and not a damn dime to my name? "

I went over to Sean and hugged him, " We will do it Sean, there is no need to worry about any of that right now. The most important thing is you three are safe. The rest we can replace. "

" Jerry, you don't understand, it's all gone. Mary and I have nothing now, and I have to figure out how to plan.... " Sean choked up and tried to pull away from me.

" Sean Austin, I said there is no need to worry about that right now. We have enough to handle anything that needs to be done. We can replace all the papers and identification that are gone. Do you hear what I am saying? Do not worry about that it is not important! You three are. "

" OK Jerry. " Sean gave in knowing I was not going to listen to what he was saying. He leaned his head down on my shoulder and started crying, I pulled his head up and kissed him.

" We will get through this Sean, I promise you. We'll find out who did this and they will be handled. Now we need to get you out of here and into the car for your safety. "

" But Jerry, it is not safe for you here either. "

" They do not know me Sean, they are looking for Jack and the only ones they are worried about being in their way are you and Mary. I want you safe and in the car, Kyle has a second team coming to the house now to stand guard in and around the house till we get this handled "

Sean hugged me, " Thank You Jerry. "

" No need Sean, I love you and would do anything to make sure you are safe. "

I walked Sean outside and into the car as Chief Jacobs pulled up followed by another car with two detectives inside.

I walked over to the car, " Hello Kim, I am sorry to get you involved again. There seems to be another suspect in the father issue with Miss Austin. "

" Hello Jerry, we will get this handled. I can't have a madman running around this city. All the resources I have will be put into this case until we find out who did this. "

" I have to tell you this upfront Kim, Mary only has a 4 or 5 days left with us. The attack last week has caused her cancer to spread faster than expected. "

" We will need to come speak with her Jerry, she is the only one who can fill in the crucial blanks in this case. "

" I know Kim, I have her meeting with Stanley tonight at 5 to settle the papers on her estate before she passes. Can you and your detectives come out about 7 and talk with her? "

" We will be there Jerry, if I need anything else I will contact you. "

" Whoever went through the house, stole a check from a Vegas casino worth $100,000 made out to Mary and Sean. I will contact the casino and have them forward the details to you and have them on the look out for when it clears. That can lead you to who cashed it. "

" Thanks Jerry, you would have made a great detective. "

" I think not Kim, too much paperwork for my tastes. " I chuckled.

" I'm going to get Sean and Jack back to the house. If you need anything before you come out to the house just call me Kim. "

" That's fine Jerry. We will get this handled here and we will see you at 7. "

" Thanks Kim, and I thank you for tomorrow. It will be the last time I will need to see Mr. Harrison again. "

" It is you I need to thank Jerry, with all that evidence we can put him away with no problem and no bargains. I really do appreciate all the help. "

I went to the car and Kyle was still standing at the door, he opened the door and I got inside. Sean was holding Jack as the little man cried into his chest. I sat down next to Sean and Kyle got in the seat facing us. The driver took off and headed towards home, " Kyle, we need to stop at the store before we get to the house, can you arrange a team to meet us there? "

" They'll be there sir. " Kyle was on his phone and handled the call in less than a minute.

" Sean, when we stop at the store we need to make quick work of getting what we need and get back out and to the house. Is there anything that you and Jack really need today? "

Sean leaned over and whispered in my ear, " We have to find him some cars to play with Jerry, he is so upset that all his were broken. "

" We will Sean, I can't have my little bud here without them. " I reached over and rubbed the top of Jack's head.

We made quick time getting out of the city and back towards the north end of the county, we made the exit and were soon sitting in front of the store. I made a quick trip in the grocery store first and went straight to the butcher counter and had as many steaks as they had in the case wrapped and was at the check out. I sent the steaks to the car and we headed into the department store next door, I grabbed a sales clerk as soon as we entered the store.

" I need 5 outfits for a 3 year old and all the accessories, underclothes, sock, pajamas, shoes. I do not care about the costs, have it ready in 10 minutes we will be back and pick it up then. "

After giving the orders to the sales clerk she started grabbing things and getting them ready. Sean and I headed back to the toys. " Now Sean, please do not worry about the cost of this right now, Jack is going to need these things and I do not want him worried about what was lost at your house. "

" I know Jerry, it just pisses me off that just when I thought I could do this on my own, I'm right back where I started from. I can't rely on you for everything. "

" Sean, you don't have to rely on me for anything. I want you to be able to say to me, I want something and we go get it without worrying about where the money is coming from. "

Sean stopped and grabbed my arm, " But Jerry it's your money, I did not earn it or help you make it. I have no right to it. "

" Sean, I understand how you feel I really do, there was a time when I did not have all that I have now and I remember those days well. If I did not love you, I wouldn't do what I am doing. I want you to forget about what is mine and what is yours. "

" Alright Jerry, but I won't forget this. I owe you more than I could ever repay you in 10 lifetimes. "

" Well we need to make it through this one and we will worry about the other 9 later. " I pulled Sean's hand and headed back to the toys.

I was the kid in the toy store today, every car and truck I saw I just had to get for Jack. I knew it was too much, but my new little friend deserved it and more. I knew I would have to send most of this home with the security team and I was sure Kyle was going to be all over my case about it. I pushed that thought out of my mind and continued shopping.

Sean finally grabbed me, " Enough Jerry, if you keep this up we will not see Jack again until he graduates high school. "

" You are right Sean, I always have Christmas. " I smiled at Sean.

" Oh shit, don't even kid about that, I don't want Jack buried under a pile on Christmas morning Jerry. "

I frowned and stuck out my bottom lip. " OK Sean. "

We headed back to the front of the store and stopped and grabbed the clothes the sales clerk had put together for us, I thanked her and handed her a $300 tip and we headed to the checkout. I stood watching Sean as the sale was rung up, I could see his eyes getting bigger and bigger.

I pulled Sean closer to me, " Don't worry about it Sean. This is the easy part, just don't watch, and we will be out of here in a minute. "

The cashier finished and I paid and we were out the door, I asked Kyle, " Can we get all this in the trunk of the car or will we have to send it with the team? "

" I did not know we were buying the store sir, but I think we can get it in the trunk. " Kyle laughed.

We loaded everything in the trunk of the car, just barely and headed on our way home. Jack was full of questions as we rode. I tried my best to avoid letting anything slip about what we bought. Kids are difficult that way though, you want to see that happiness on their faces just as soon as they want to show it.

" Little man, I think you need to give Jerry a break before you talk his ear off. " Sean pulled Jack up on his lap.

" I'm sorry Jerry, I didn't mean to talk so much. "

" That is okay buddy, my ears have been talked off more in some of my meetings. " I nudged Jack with my elbow in his rib.

" Stop, that tickles Jerry. " Jack said pushing my elbow away from his side.

We were just about 5 minutes from the house and I looked at Jack, " Hey little bud, there are going to be some more guards around the house when we get home, I don't want you to worry about them. They are there to make sure no one can come in who does not belong. "

" OK, Jerry. Can they play cars in the backyard with me. "

I almost fell on the floor with that question, the innocence of youth. " I do not think that is a good idea Jack, they are there to do a job and if they are playing cars with you they wouldn't be working. "

" I'll stay out of their way if they are working Jerry. "

" Thanks Jack, you sure are a good little bud. "

I looked at Sean and smiled at him and lipped ' I love you. '

Sean smiled at me and said louder, " I love you too, Jerry Martin. "

It was my turn to blush, I did not expect him to be so loud and forward in front of Jack and Kyle. " You always amaze me Sean Austin. "

We arrived back at the house and you could immediately see the presence of the extra guards. Sean seemed to be counting them as we pulled up to the front of the house.

" Lets get Jack inside then we will get the car unloaded, Sean. "

We walked in the house and went to the den and told Mary what had happened to the house. " Jack, can you go with Kyle and find my Dad, he can help us bring in the things from the car. "

Jack and Kyle left the room and Jack began screaming for my Dad. " Mary I need to talk to you, is it alright in front of Sean? Dr. Chase, we are going to need a minute please. "

" Sean, can you go out and help Jerry's Dad and Jack with the unloading? "

Sean looked at Mary with a look of hurt, " If that is what you want Mary. "

Sean headed out and closed the door, I pulled a chair over and sat next to the bed to talk with Mary. " Mary, I need to know who Jack's father could be, after what we had just seen at your house, it's not Clyde. "

" Jerry, what I am going to tell you must never get back to Sean and especially Jack. Can you promise me that? "

" Yes Mary, I need to know the truth to protect Jack. Tell the police whatever you want, but I need to know the truth or I can not guard them. "

Mary took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, " It was not someone from the street Jerry, the man I met there was not just some trick. He was a state senator and I have been afraid of him since the last time we met. If he could not get a hold of me he would send a highway patrolman or a Columbus policeman. He figured out that Jack was his son and I am afraid he is going to try and take him, and he is a mean vicious person, Jerry. I don't want him to get custody of Jack. I figured if I said I got pregnant by some john that he would not think anything about it and not go after Jack. Now I am scared for Jack and Sean, he will hurt Sean to get to him, Jerry. "

" Is there anything else Mary and I mean anything. If I am going to stop him I need to know all there is to know. "

" I have something he is looking for Jerry, I thought it would keep us safe if he tried anything. I have a file and it has pictures of him with several girls, a couple guys and some state contracts that look wrong. "

" I want to know where that file is Mary, but do not say it out loud. I want you to write it out and I will have it brought to the house and it will be safe and then we can deal with the senator. "

" I hate dealing with politicians Mary, they are a very slippery group. It is not as easy to make them see reason as it is most other people in the world and the politicians here in the U.S. can be the worst. I'll tell you now, we will get this handled Mary. Jack is not going anywhere. "

Mary wrote down where I could get the file she had hidden. " Please do not tell anyone about this Mary, for right now keeping this a secret works better for us. "

" I'll not say anything to anyone Jerry. Please make sure the boys are safe for me. "

" I will do everything I can Mary. "

I opened the door and Dr. Chase went back in the room, I went to find Kyle. Kyle and Dad were sitting at the table having a cup of coffee.

" Kyle, we need to speak. Dad, can you excuse us for a moment. We'll be right back. " We headed into the office, it was secure and we could speak without worry.

" What's the problem Jerry? " Kyle asked me with concern.

" We have a major dilemma Kyle. Mary just told me that Jack's father is a senator and she thinks he is behind this. "

" That is really going to complicate things Jerry, I hope it is not the senator I am thinking. "

" It is Kyle and we have to be creative and firm in a response, or we are going to have our asses handed to us. "

" I need Mitchell and Josh here now to do a special run for me and I need them to make sure they are not followed there or back. If they are able to retrieve this package, this battle will be short and sweet. "

Kyle and I worked out the plan and he headed out to find Mitchell and Josh. I sat there trying to work out all the outcomes of this situation, the variables were great and the chances for mistakes unimaginable.

Dad walked in the office, " Son, is everything alright? "

" No Dad it's not. I have a very tough choice to make and until I let things unfold, I don't know how it is going to turn out. "

" Can I be of any help son? "

" Just be here and keep Jack occupied while I get this worked out. I don't ever want Jack to know about what is going to happen. "

" I will stay close to him son, I don't want him hurt in any of this, Jerry. " Dad went back out to the kitchen.

Neither do I Dad, I sat there thinking to myself. Kyle came back in with Mitchell and Josh. " Hello you two. "

" Good day sir. " Mitchell and Josh replied in unison.

" I have a very special mission for you two today and we can't fail. If we do not get what we are after, this whole plan is over with before we even get started. "

Mitchell and Josh looked at each other. " We won't fail Mr. Martin. "

" Thanks guys, but it is Jerry, please. "

Kyle and I sat down and went over the plan with Mitchell and Josh, we went over all the details they needed to do and what they needed to retrieve when they got there. I sent a team to be closer to the pick up point in case they ran into any trouble. I wanted all bases covered in case the senator had people in the field already looking for what we were going after.

" We will be back as quickly as possible Jerry, and with our package. " Mitchell said and turned and left with Josh.

" God, I hope so guys. " I said as I laid my head down on the desk. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Could I go through with this, and how far was I willing to go to keep my promise to Mary? I was deep in thought when a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and started rubbing them.

" Are you okay, Jerry? " It was Sean and this was another meeting I was not looking forward to having.

" I'm fine Sean, even better with you here. " I stood up from the desk and turned to grab him and just held onto him tight. Trying to keep myself safe and the bad away from Sean.

" Bullshit Jerry, I may have only known you for a couple weeks but I know when you are hiding something from me. "

" It is only because I love you Sean. When I get this handled I'll tell you the whole story. Can you just be here for me and keep me on the right path? "

" I will help you in anyway you want Jerry, I owe you so much I'd do anything for you. "

" I think we need to get dinner started before we forget about it all together tonight. We will have company before long and I don't want a hungry lawyer walking around the house. " I laughed.

" Would there be a shark joke in there somewhere Jerry? " Sean about doubled over laughing.

" There is somewhere Sean, but if I think about it too much than it might just bite me. "

" You mean like this? " Sean ran over to me and bit me on the neck playfully.

" Ouch, you little shit!" I yelled at him grabbing my neck and acting like he really took a chunk. " That's another reason I need to cook, if you don't get a steak soon I might be on the menu. " I winked at Sean.

" I would order that everyday, Jerry. "

We went into the kitchen and I started pulling all the dishes I had prepared earlier out of the fridge and putting them in the oven. When I had finished I got some of the steaks out and I seasoned them and set them aside for the grill.

" Would you like to help me make the salad Sean? "

" Sure Jerry, let me get everything we need out of the fridge while you get us a bowl. "

We finished the salad in quick time and started to set up the table. Getting out everything we needed for the meal, Sean got the plates and glasses set out and the table looked great.

" You should go sit with Mary for awhile before dinner. I think the rest of the night is going to be very busy. "

" Thanks Jerry, if you need me just yell and I'll come running. " Sean headed off to the den.

I stood there watching out the window at Dad and Jack playing in the back yard. Jack has opened up all the cars we had gotten at the store and was having fun with Dad. I knew that this is what I wanted, the family, the kids, all the things I have been avoiding in my life. I would have to speak with Stanley tonight before he left and have him make up some options for me.

" Jerry, can you come back to the office with me? " Kyle asked bringing me out of my trance.

" Sure Kyle, let me wash my hands. " I finished washing my hands and walked back to the office.

" They have the package and are on their way back here. They should be here in about 20 minutes. "

" Great, now lets hope that there is enough in there to finish this. Stanley should be here soon, while he speaks with Mary and Sean, we can go over the file and make our plans for our next move. "

I decided to call Michael to see how he was doing downtown. " Hello Michael. Are you bored out of your mind yet? "

" Hey Jerry, I'm doing great, thanks. There is a lot to do downtown. "

" I don't get down there much and it is usually during the day to the office. I need you to do me a favor, Michael. "

" That sounds bad Jerry, what do you need? "

" I need you to call all the offices and lock them all down for the next two weeks. I want all accounts frozen until I contact them when I finish some business next week. "

" I can get that done Jerry. Is there anything to worry about? "

" No Michael, I just want to make sure that there is no access to anything until I finish up some things this next week. I have a difficult situation to handle and I do not want any leverage in anyone's hands right now. "

" I'll have everything taken care of and I will call you later to let you know it is done. "

" Thanks Michael, I'll be downtown tomorrow; how about we meet for drinks when I am done. "

" Sounds fine Jerry, I'll see you then. "

Locking everything down was going to cost a fortune for the next couple weeks but it was safer than leaving them open and accessible right now. I didn't have the time or the patience to worry about that with Mary's condition getting worse. If I could take this one thing off my list of worries, I did not care what the cost was.

As I was sitting in the office savoring a little piece of quiet, Mitchell and Josh came rushing in the door. I could see by the looks on their faces that something was wrong, and I was nowhere near ready for how wrong they were.

Mitchell handed me the files that they had retrieved from the place Mary had sent them, " I think you had better remain seated as you read these, Mr. Martin. "

I was about to reprimand Mitchell for calling me Mr. Martin as I opened the file and began reading. I could not believe that page after page was nothing but scandal for a certain senator. The prostitution, male and female, bribery with names and amounts, project skimming, even murders that were carried out by some high ranking patrolman.

" Have you gone through all of these? " I asked of Mitchell and Josh as they stood there waiting for me to look up from the files.

" Yes sir we did, I wanted to make sure we were bringing back what you wanted and not a file full of blank pages. " Mitchell answered for them both.

" I want you to forget you ever saw them, I do not want a word of what you have seen ever spoken by you again. "

" Yes sir. " I received from both Mitchell and Josh.

" I need you both to prepare your teams for a tough couple of weeks, this could get horribly complicated. Please excuse me and Kyle, we must get to work. "

" Kyle, please run all these accounts and I want them traced back to the owners and if they are not the senator, I want their names run for a connection. I would also like you to pull information on every name in that file. "

" That's going to take a while Jerry, it may be tomorrow before I have it completed. "

" That is fine Kyle, as long as it's ready before I need to be downtown. "

I headed out of the office to the backyard. I needed a break to make sure I stayed on point for the plans that I hoped would work out and not cause any more pain for Mary. I had to formulate a plan to tell Sean, something believable and simple, until Mary passed and I could tell him the truth. I think he deserved that with what Mary has gotten Jack and him into.

I walked over and sat down with Dad, " Has he worn you out yet Dad? " I asked pointing towards Jack.

" Just about son, but I'm really enjoying it. "

I could see the love Dad had for Jack; I think me not having children was getting to Dad as much as it did to Mom. " You better get in shape Dad, if there are more grand kids coming you need to build up that stamina. " I laughed.

" I lived through five so far son, I think I can make it through a few more. "

" This day is just about as perfect as it could get, the weather is wonderful and the sun is shining. "

" Nice save son. " Dad sat there laughing.

I got up and went out to where Jack was playing, " How ya doing there little bud? "

" Did you see all the cars and trucks Uncle Sean got me? I'm having so much fun now. "

" Those are some really neat cars and trucks Jack. I bet Uncle Sean is going to have a great time playing trucks with you. "

" He better, I have enough for everyone. "

" I'll be back in a little bit Jack, I'm going to take a walk. " I told Jack as he was busy enjoying all his new toys.

I walked towards the east side of the property, it was the farthest from any neighbors. I really loved the quiet here in the country, just the sounds of the wind in the trees and birds in the sky. This was the best way to relax in my book, just being close to nature. I loved the conveniences of modern life, but a getaway like this really helped to energize the soul. I walked for about 30 minutes, the plans coming together in my mind, that all depended on the information that Kyle could find on all those involved. I needed to dig deeper, I had to know the bottom line to all this. I was still not sure if Mary was being completely honest with me, but what would she gain by lying to me now? I had walked to the farthest side of the property, which was the highest point of the properties to the east. I looked out over the fields and the patches of wooded areas that could be seen from my vantage point. I stood there lost in the serenity. Suddenly from the

distance I could hear someone calling my name. If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn it was Brad, but I knew that he would not get past the front guards, let alone Kyle. I turned to listen to where the voice was coming from, it was getting closer. I finally yelled out, " I am over here. " Just after I called out I seen someone come into view, I still was not sure who it was but they did know where to find me. I watched them get closer and realized it was Sean.

" Sean, what are doing back here? "

" I came looking for you, no one had seen you in awhile and everyone was getting worried. "

" I had to get away for a bit and clear my mind and let my plans work themselves through to each ending. This is the best place to relax in peace and quiet and it has this spectacular view. " I said as I turned and pointed to the out over the landscape.

" That is one great view Jerry, even better with you standing there adding to it. "

"I think it just got better with you here Sean, you add to the tree line. " I snickered.

We stood there enjoying the view as I had been doing when Sean asked, " Why didn't you build back here? The view is awesome. "

" Well, the truth of the matter is I was gone so often, it did not make much sense to have a view like this and not be able to enjoy it. I am starting to regret that decision. "

" I guess that makes some sense, but if I were you, I would have loved coming home and seeing this. "

" I was so busy setting up offices that I never really gave it the thought it deserved. I believe we better head back to the house, Mr. Williams will be here soon and I have to get dinner finished. "

" If you insist, but I think it would be better to just stay here."

Sean and I started walking back towards the house, as we walked I took Sean's hand in mine and we held hands on the rest of the way back. Once back at the house I noticed it was getting close to 5 and I knew that Stanley would be there soon, I never knew of him to be late for anything. As if on cue, Kyle came walking out of the office, " Mr. Williams is on his way up to the house Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle, I'll go meet him on the porch. " I headed for the front door and waited for Stanley to pull up to the front of the house. I stood on the porch and watched Stanley drive up and park.

" Good evening Stanley, how have you been? " I ask as he walked up to the porch.

" I'm doing well thanks Jerry, busy as always. What have you been up to? "

" I've been up to too much as usual and I am sorry but I have more work for you than I originally planned. "

" I thought this was going to be a simple will and guardianship? "

" It was Stanley, but the Austin's home was broken into and all the paperwork they had is now gone. "

" Well, that is going to be a little more work then Jerry, but I don't see that much of a problem. We can have everything written up, signed and completed, once we have all the documents replaced. "

" That's great, I think it will help Mary be more at ease. Come on in and I will introduce you to her and her brother Sean, you can meet her son Jack while we have dinner. " Stanley followed me inside and we walked into the den, " Hello Mary, I have someone for you to meet. "

" Come on in Jerry. " Mary said, looking really tired. I could see the pain in her face and worry on her brow.

I walked over to her bedside and leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, " How ya feeling Mary? "

" Not so good this evening Jerry, but better seeing you here. "

" Mary, this is Stanley Williams, he is an attorney and he will be helping you and Sean get all of the affairs settled. "

Stanley walked over to the side of the bed next to me. " It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Austin. " Stanley said as he patted her hand.

" I want to thank you for helping us Mr. Williams. I don't think I would have known what to do if Jerry had not set this up for us. "

" It is no problem Miss Austin, I have known Jerry for many years and if he needs something done, I am more than happy to help. "

" Would you two like to speak now and I'll head to the kitchen and get dinner started? "

" I think that would be a good idea Jerry, that way I can decide all that needs done while we are eating. " Stanley announced.

" Dr. Chase, would you mind giving them a moment while the have a short meeting? " I walked out the door with Dr. Chase following behind me. " Thanks Dr. Chase, I don't think Stanley will be long, and I wanted to check on how Mary was doing. "

" Well Jerry. " Dr. Chase sighed, " I don't think it will be but a day or two, her vitals are dropping steadily and her blood work is off the charts. "

" Fuck. " I growled. " I know you told me to expect this Dr. Chase, but it still makes it no easier. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, I know it does not help. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase, would you like to stay for dinner? "

" I'd love to Jerry, I will call Emily and let her know I'll be late tonight. "

I stood at the window and watched Sean playing with Jack knowing that these were going to be the last of their happy days for a long time. The sorrow washed over me, I could see the pain that was being laid before them. The pain of a life event that no one can stop and few are ever prepared to handle, the loss of a loved one. I splashed some water on my face and headed outside, I needed to get ready to finish dinner but would rather spend some time with Dad, Sean and Jack. I walked over and sat down on the bench with Dad, " You about ready to eat Dad? "

" I think I could do with a meal Jerry. " Dad said looking over at me. " What is it son? "

" Mary. " Was all I could get out.

Dad just put his arm over my shoulder, " It's going to be rough on those two son. "

" I know Dad, and that was has me worried. "

" Worried about what son? "

" What experience do I have to help them deal with this that they do not already have? I still have you and Mom and my brothers, Sean has lost his parents and is losing his sister. Nothing I have even gone through can compare to that pain. "

" Well son, it is not about comparing pain, but knowing they are in pain. Be there to comfort them and hold them when they need it. "

" When did you get so smart Dad? "

" I've always been smart Jerry, but I hide it to make you kids work harder. " Dad chuckles.

" I should have guessed Dad, sliding on the job again. I guess I had better grab Sean and get dinner started, if we want to eat tonight. " I walked over to where Sean and Jack were playing, " You two having fun? " I asked as I sat down with them.

" Yessssss. " Jack beams with a smile on his face. " Uncle Sean keeps trying to take my cars though. " Jack looked at Sean.

" I am not Jack. " Sean smiles.

" Well, I think that Uncle Sean needs a timeout then Jack. I am going to put him to work for trying to take your cars. " I rub the top of Jack's head " Want to give me a hand finishing up dinner? " I look at Sean.

" But I haven't had enough time to get all the cars I wanted. " Sean frowns.

" You take anymore cars from Jack and I think he will have you in jail for grand theft auto. " I laughed at the two of them.

" Can't have that now, I better return these. " Sean takes a handful of cars out of his pockets.

" I knew you had them Uncle Sean. " Jack sits there shaking his head.

Sean and I got up and headed into the house to finish off dinner, " Would you like to grill the steak outside or finish up in here? " I asked Sean.

" I think I would like to work the grill, if you don't mind Jerry. "

" That's fine with me Sean, saves me from all the leg work of running in and out of the house. " I smiled at him.

" Ohh so that's how it is, get me to pick the hard work. "

" I had a 50/50 chance with you picking, Sean, so don't blame me. "

" I still think I was tricked, can I have a do over? " Sean started laughing.

" Only if you do it over the same way Sean. "

Sean started preparing the steaks, seasoning and placing them on a tray to carry outside. " How many do we need tonight? " he asked.

" Make eight of them, that way I know we will have enough. ", I answered him. I started putting things in the oven and grabbing everything out of the fridge that we would need. I finished up the salad and got the bread ready to go into the oven when the steaks were put on the grill. " You can go ahead and get the grill heated up Sean, I'll have this all finished and ready by the time it is heated and you are ready to grill. "

Sean headed outside and fired up the grill, then went and played some more with Jack. I could not decide if it was the little kid in him or the need to help Jack that made him want to play. I know he was thinking about Mary, I could see the concern on his face from here in the kitchen. The worry he was feeling for Jack, how was he going to handle this when Mary passes? I closed my eyes and lowered my head, I knew this was going to be a difficult week. As I was standing there deep in thought I heard someone calling my name. " Jerry, are you in here? "

" I'm in the kitchen, Stanley. " I called back.

Stanley came walking in the kitchen looking as if he just came out of the courtroom and lost a case. " This may be a little more difficult than I imagined Jerry. "

" Well, I am sure you can handle it Stanley, I have not known you to not have a way out of anything yet. "

" That might be Jerry, but it may take some time. At least until we get original copies of all the documents that have been stolen. "

" Then I suggest that tomorrow is spent gathering them all together Stanley, I am sure if you have Mary sign a power of attorney you can get most of what you need quickly. "

" I have already done that Jerry and have called the office and started some paralegals working. "

" Then I would say we are off to a good start. I'll introduce you to Sean and Jack in a few minutes, they are outside. " I pointed out the window and Stanley came over to the window to look. They were back to playing cars again and I noticed Sean 'stealing' them again. I laughed.

" What are you laughing about Jerry? " Stanley asked.

" I was out there a bit ago and Jack told me Sean was stealing his cars, he just stuck another on in his pocket. "

" It seems that Sean really cares for him. I guess I better come up with the best way to settle this matter quickly. "

I turned and looked at Stanley, " I would deeply appreciate that Stanley. Now let's go out and meet Sean and Jack. " I grabbed the steaks and headed out the door.

" Stanley, you remember my father. " I nodded my head in Dad's direction. Stanley went over and shook Dad's hand and talked to him a minute while I got Sean's attention and when he came over I handed him the tray of steaks. " It's your turn to cook now. " I smiled at him.

" One disaster coming up. " Sean laughed as he took the tray from me.

Stanley came walking over to us, " Stanley, this is Sean Austin, Sean this is Stanley Williams. " I made the introductions.

" It is nice to meet you Mr. Williams. " Sean said as he was busy putting the steaks on the grill.

" I am honored to meet you Mr. Austin. " Stanley replied.

Jack came running over to see what Sean was doing I grabbed him and picked him up. " And this little rascal is Jack Austin, Jack this is my friend Mr. Williams. "

" Hello there Jack, how are you young man? " Stanley asked offering his hand.

Jack stopped squirming in my arms and pulled up close to me trying to get as far away from Stanley as he could. " It's fine Jack, Mr. Williams is a friend and he is here to help us. " Jack looked up at me and I smiled at him.

" Hi Mr. Williams. " Jack whispered out and sunk his head onto my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around Jack's shoulder and rocked him, " No need to worry Jack, if Uncle Sean does his job we will be eating soon. "

" Hey, you can't rush a good cook. " Sean turned and poked Jack in the stomach. " Nope, too skinny to cook. "

Jack started giggling and squirming and I set him down, " I'm not holding that bundle of energy, takes too many arms. I will be inside when you are finished, I need to get everything out of the oven. " I headed inside and left Sean to finish the steaks. I busied myself getting everything out of the oven and putting it on the table, I placed all the condiments and dressings out and headed for the den.

I walked in and Dr. Chase saw me and placed a finger to his lips. He then ushered me back out into the foyer.

" She just went to sleep, I am hoping that she will be able to finish her meeting with Mr. Williams after dinner. " Dr. Chase told me looking concerned.

" I hope so Dr. Chase, dinner will be ready in a few minutes. " I told him as I turned and headed back towards the kitchen.

I went back in the kitchen as everyone was coming in the back door, " My job is done. " Sean beamed with smile of accomplishment.

" Set them on the table and everyone have a seat, everything else is ready. " I began making sure everyone was seated as I took my place at the table.

I sat and watched Sean get a plate ready for Jack, he took his time to make sure everything was cut small and easy for him to eat. I smiled to myself seeing the care and love Sean put into taking care of Jack. My thoughts dragged me to the darkness of Mary, all that pain. I suddenly lost my appetite and just started moving the food around on my plate, not wanting to ruin dinner for anyone. The conversation kept a good pace as Dad, Dr. Chase and Stanley kept changing the subject to each ones specialty. Sean was quiet during most of the conversations, keeping his attention on Jack. I wondered was he being quiet because he was worried of showing his lack of experience or was he trying to avoid showing his stance on the many topics. I excused myself and headed into the den to sit with Mary while everyone finished their meals.

I sat down next to Mary and placed my hand on top of hers, I sighed and whispered, " I am truly sorry Mary. " A tear rolled down my face. How did I fall so hard for these three in such a short time? I could not now see my life without them, even with all the difficult emotional times we have been through and will go through. The idea of family began to form in my head, the meaning, the bonds, the love all started to gather, trying to make sense of them all. I felt Mary's hand move and I looked down at her and saw her staring up at me.

" Hi Jerry, what are you thinking about? You look rather lost there for a minute. "

" I was thinking about family Mary, I feel bad to say this but I think you are the luckiest person I know. " I said with a lump in my throat.

" That is a funny thing to say Jerry, considering what is going to happen soon. "

" I know Mary, but I was watching Sean and Jack earlier and for such a short life you have everything that is important. I have begun to feel a little jealous of you my dear. " I turned towards Mary and kissed her hand.

" Jerry that is totally crazy, you have everything a person could want in their life. The money, the power, the time to travel. How could you ever be jealous of me? "

I sat there looking at my life from her point of view and she was right, but like most people in this world I wanted what I could not have. " Those things are what you do not have Mary, like most people you want what you do not have. Just as I want what I do not have. "

" But you have family Jerry, your mother and father seem like wonderful parents. I can see what an important job they did in raising you and I'm sure they still are a major part of your life now. "

I looked down at the floor, not wanting to tell Mary about Mom and my brothers. " They are wonderful parents Mary, but a child grows and moves away from the love a parent gives them and looks to develop his own family to share a new chapter of love and their life with. I have realized this week that that part of my life may never come to be. "

" If anyone can do it Jerry, I am sure that it will be you. Since I have known you I have not seen a problem yet that you didn't find an answer for. "

Mary was right, if there was an answer to this problem I could find it. I needed to find it. " You are right Mary, but I think it will have to wait for now. I think there are a few other things that need my immediate attention. " I smiled at her.

" Not to bring this to an end Jerry, but where are Jack and Sean? "

" I left the kitchen table and they were still eating, I am sure they are done now. I will go and send them in. " I walked out of the den and headed for the kitchen.

Sean and Dad were at the sink cleaning up from dinner, they were just talking up a storm. Dr. Chase, Stanley and Jack were still at the table. I walked over to Sean and Dad, " Mary wants to see you and Jack. " I told Sean as he dried his hands and walked over to get Jack and head in to see her.

I stepped up to the sink to take over what Sean was doing. I stood watching out the window, my favorite thing to do while in the kitchen,

" You are deep in thought son, are you getting anywhere? "

" What, oh sorry Dad, I was just thinking. What was that? "

" I said it looked like you were deep in thought and wondered if you were getting anywhere. "

" Well Dad, you know how that goes, too many choices and outcomes. I will be thinking it through all night. " I smiled at Dad. " Stanley, I think you might want to head into the den and start with Mary and Sean. Just send Jack back in here while you have your meeting with them. "

" No problem Jerry, I'll try and make it quick and get to the bottom line so I do not tire her out. "

I made a pot of coffee and got the cake out and set it on the table. I smiled because Sean is probably thinking there was no dessert tonight. I sat at the table with Dr. Chase when Jack came running in, " Can I go back out and play with my cars Jerry? "

" You sure can Jack, I think I will even come join you. " I picked Jack up and headed out the door.

Back in the den......


I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year, May 2014 be blessed for you and all your loved ones. I'm sorry this chapter took a while to get out to you, the holidays have taken a lot out of me. I should be back to a more normal schedule to send out new chapters.

Next: Chapter 16

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