Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jan 13, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me. They work hard to help me bring a better story to the readers.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I'm sorry for the long delay on this chapter, the holidays have taken their toll on me and I hope to be back to writing more often. I hope everyone had fun during the holidays and are ready for a New Year filled with hope.

Part 16

***** Sean ******

" Alright Mary, I need to ask you some questions about what you want and then I can figure out the best way to accomplish everything. Mr Williams was getting things started.

" That's fine Mr. Williams. "

" First off, do you know who Jack's father is? "

Mary got a shocked look on her face. " I believe it was Clyde Nicolson, and if you heard last week he is dead. "

" Did you ever have any DNA tests done to confirm that he was Jack's father? "

" No we didn't. "

" You want custody of Jack to pass to your brother upon your death then, is this correct? "

" Yes Mr. Williams, he is the only family I have left to care for Jack. "

" Both of your parents are deceased? "

" Yes they are, and we have no aunts or uncles and I have no other siblings. " Mary was trying to finish this line of questions.

" That is fine, as for the house is there a mortgage on it or is it owned free and clear? "

" It was paid off after my father's accident. " Mary reached her hand out to me, feeling the emotions overtaking her.

" Sean, what do you do for a living? "

Sean froze, realizing he was now unemployed since he had not contacted his job since they got back from Vegas, " Well,I was working in the mail room at a law firm downtown till last week, with all that has happened I have not called them. " Sean dropped his head.

" I suggest you contact them and let them know what has happened and see if you still have a job. It will make things easier with the courts if you do. " Mr. Williams stopped writing and looked at Sean.

" I will do that first thing in the morning Mr. Williams. " Just what I needed now, dealing with those asses.

" Are there any life insurance policies, bank accounts or investments that need to be handled? " Mr. Williams continued.

" There are none of those, when the house was broken into they stole the check I had from the winnings in Vegas. "

Mr. Williams looked up at Mary, " How much was that? "

" It was a check for $100,000. Jerry said he contacted the casino and they are going to try and track it back if it gets cashed to see if they can find out who it was. "

" If Jerry is working on it, I'm sure he will find out who has done this and make sure they are brought to justice. "

" I hope so Mr. Williams, I was counting on that to leave behind to care for Jack. " Mary had a tear rolling down her cheek.

" I'll talk with Mr. Martin and see if we can not find a way to set up a trust fund in that amount to use for the care of Jack until the funds can be retrieved."

Mary smiled up at Mr. Williams, " That would be wonderful. "

I stood there remembering the money I won and had forgotten about after we returned to Columbus. I had the check upstairs in my luggage. I thought I would keep quiet and use it for Mary's funeral, I dropped my head down as I could not bring himself to think about it. Mr. Williams kept asking Mary questions as I tuned them out and began thinking about how I was going to care for Jack without Mary being there. How was I going to figure out what was right and wrong and figure out all that needs to be done? Could I really ask Jerry to help me with this? How could I expect him to accept not just me in his life but Jack also? I am going to have to talk with him tonight, I can't just expect him to take all this on and not even ask him about any of it.

" I think that is all I will need for now Mary and Sean, if I have any more questions I will contact you here. " Mr. Williams started putting all his things back in his briefcase. " I will have a word with Jerry then I must get back to the office and get started on all of this. "

" I will be right back Mary, I'll send Dr. Chase back in since we are done. " I kissed Mary on the forehead and walked to the kitchen with Mr. Williams. As we walked in I saw Dr. Chase sitting at the table drinking coffee and oh shit, there was cake, to my delight. " We are done in there Dr. Chase, I told Mary I would send you back in. "

" Thank you Mr. Austin, I'll head in there now. " Dr. Chase went off towards the den.

I turned to Jerry's Dad, " Where are Jerry and Jack, Mr. Martin? "

" Outside playing cars again. " Mr. Martin pointed towards the window.

I stepped over and looked out the window and watched Jerry playing cars with Jack and they looked so happy. I was surprised that Jerry was actually down there playing in the dirt and grass with Jack. I never pictured him that way after seeing him in suits all the time. " I'll send him right in Mr. Williams. " I said as I headed out the door.

" What are you two munchkins into out here? " I laughed as I walked up to Jerry and Jack.

" Well, it seems a little man over here is learning bad things from a certain uncle. " Jerry said and pointed to a pile of cars in front of him.

" What kind of bad things? " I asked.

" I started with a lot more cars than this and they keep disappearing. " Jerry laughed and nodded towards Jack.

I grabbed Jack and threw him up in the air, " Have you been stealing cars from Jerry, little man? "

" No, I just keep giving him the wrong ones and I take the ones back I like. " Jack was laughing as I kept throwing him the air.

" Mr. Williams would like to speak with you Jerry, he is in the kitchen. " I smiled and threw Jack up one more time.

Jerry went into the house and I sat down where he had been and started playing with Jack.

***** Jerry *****

" Finished already Stanley? " I asked as I walked in the door.

" Well, there was not much to go over since they do not have much of an estate, but I do need to speak with you about the winnings from the casino in Vegas. "

" Sure Stanley, we can go into the office. " I extended my hand and led him to the back office.

" First off Jerry, were these actual winnings or were they a gift from you? " Stanley asked right off the bat.

" Just right to the point there Stanley. " I laughed. " Well, actually they were winnings but I let Mary and Sean claim them because you know I do not like the publicity. "

" Depending on how long and if that check ever shows back up at the casino, this is going to keep the case open, we will not be able to close the estate until the disposition of the funds. Unless you can loan them the funds so that the estate can be closed and the estate will pay you back when that case is settled or the casino issues a new check.

" I have no problem with that Stanley. " I opened the ledger for the house account and wrote a check out to Mary and Sean for the amount of their winnings and handed it to Stanley. " That should make things easier for you Stanley. "

" I will get this processed and set up a trust fund for Jack in Sean's name so he can have funds available for his needs. "

" Thanks Stanley, and before you go can I ask a favor of you? "

" Sure Jerry. " Stanley put everything away and stood there waiting on me to continue.

" Have you ever handled or know a good attorney to handle a surrogacy situation? "

" Hmmm, I have never done one Jerry. I have a friend who is more into family law and I can speak with him and maybe you can meet with him about what you want to talk about. "

" That would be great Stanley, it is not a rush now. I believe we will have other matters to worry about around here the next few weeks. I also need you to do me another favor, I need a couple restraining orders. "

Stanley looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, " Who are we talking about here, Jerry? "

" My mother and Sam, my brother. I don't want to get into details at the moment, but can you get them prepared and I will get with you next week about filing them. "

" That is no problem Jerry, I hope this isn't going to cause any problems. "

" The problem has already been created, I am just trying to put an end to it. "

" I'll get on that right away, if there is nothing else, I will get headed back to the office and get all of this started. "

" Thanks Stanley, I knew I could count on you. " I shook his hand and walked him to the front door.

I sat down on the front porch and relaxed for a few minutes after Stanley left. I watched as the sun was lowering itself behind the horizon, the sounds of the day coming to a close as the evening music of nature began. I got up and headed inside before I sat there the whole night, I knew one little boy that needed a bath and to get ready for bed. I walked towards the kitchen and the back door, as I entered the kitchen there sat Sean, Jack and Dad eating cake like it was the last on they would ever see.

" Who said you three bandits could eat that? " I asked with a mock tone to my voice.

" Your Dad said we could. " Sean pointed at my Dad and smiled, but went back to eating.

I looked at Dad, " So you're the trouble maker tonight? "

" I certainly am not, there was a note on the table that said Eat Me. So we did. " Dad started laughing.

" I want handwriting analysis on that note. " I walked over to the counter and poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with the three bandits. " I know a little man who needs a good soaking in the tub to get all the dirt off. "

" I was thinking the car wash would be easier, but I am all out of quarters. " Sean poked Jack's side.

" You can't give me a bath at the car wash Uncle Sean. " Jack shook his head at Sean.

" I could if I had some quarters little man, but since I don't, I guess it's the tub for you. " Sean picked Jack up and headed towards the bathroom.

I heard the water running and Jack squealing and Sean laughing. "I hope they don't get the floor waterlogged for one bath", I started laughing.

" What is so funny son? " Dad asked.

" I was picturing the bathroom waterlogged from the bath going on in there. " I said pointing towards the back.

" It would not be the first bathroom that it has happened to son, I remember quite a few baths back in the day that ended up a mess. "

" Now Dad, you know us kids were angels when we were little, especially me. " I smiled at Dad knowing that would get him going.

" Oh sure you were son, three perfect little angels. With the biggest pairs of devil horns on your heads. " Dad shot back at me.

While Sean was busy with Jack in the bathroom I decided to head outside and call Kyle. It is not like him to go this long without contacting me. " Excuse me Dad, I need to make some phone calls before it gets any later. " I turned and walked outside and dialed Kyle's numbers. " Hello Kyle, I was worried, you have not called me in a while, has the world come to an end yet? " I laughed.

" I was just watching over the offices and making sure that they had followed through with your orders and we have one to go and everything will be locked down and I will have a report ready for you. "

" That was not necessary Kyle, you could have done that tomorrow morning. I also wanted to check on our schedule for tomorrow. We have that second interview with Miss Nance, and of course the meeting tomorrow evening downtown. Is there anything else? "

" I believe that is all I have on the schedule for tomorrow. I have all of Miss Nance's files and background checks done and ready for you Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle, I'll see you in the morning. Oh, before I go, give the men at the front a heads up that I may be up late tonight and outside so please do not panic. "

" Is everything alright Jerry? " Kyle asked. I could hear the concern in his voice.

" Everything is fine Kyle, it is just a feeling I have and you know how those go. "

" I will pass the word when the next team comes on tonight. "

I hung up and sat at the desk, I laid a vision of my plans on the desk and was going over them again and again. Could I get this all to work out? The plans looked like I had covered everything, but I knew that meant little in this world. I cleared my mind of the plans I had ready and started to prepare for my meetings tomorrow. Both important but one that was making me weary, did I really want to have to face Mark again? Could he really take the chance to have anymore plans to hatch? I guess I was going to have to do something that I never wanted to be forced into, but this man has left me little choice. Continue to be a threat to me or bring it to a permanent close, I guess it will depend on Mark and his answers. I remembered to pull his personnel file out and put it in my briefcase for tomorrow, I might just need this to remind him of a few things. I stood up and got a little light headed, I guess I should not have skipped dinner. I walked into the

kitchen and asked Dad, " You want to sit in the living room tonight? "

" I think that is a great idea Jerry, it might not take me so long to give up fighting sleep tonight. "

Dad and I headed into the living room and I turned on the television and turned it down so we could still talk without having to yell. " I think tomorrow will be the last of my meetings that are driving me insane Dad, maybe I will have some more time to spend with you then. I feel bad I have been rushing around the last few days and not had the time to really sit and talk with you. "

" Jerry, I am more than capable of taking care of myself. I know you have a million things to do right now and I do not want you feeling the least bit guilty about me. When you have the time we will be there for each other. "

I nodded at Dad, I knew he was right. That did not mean that I was not going to stress over the fact that most of these things that I had to deal with right now were due to Mom and cutting into the time I could spend with him. Dad has always been the one person in my life who could challenge me when most others would give up and never push. I believe most times the man would take the opposing side in any argument just to get me to debate with him, making me see more things from a different point of view.

Sean came walking in the living room looking like he had battled Poseidon. " Looks like you lost the fight there Sean. " I laughed.

" I think I won, Jack is clean but it was a battle of epic proportions. " Sean plopped down on the couch and let out a tired breath of air.

" If you want, I can make sure he makes it to bed if you want to go upstairs and shower and get ready for bed. "

" I think I will take you up on that offer Jerry, I am going to tell Mary goodnight, then I am heading upstairs. "

" It's no problem Sean, I'll be up to check on you after I get Jack settled in for the night. " Sean stopped and told Jack to behave and listen to me and he would see him in the morning. Sean then headed to the den to see Mary.

" Would you like to watch a movie Jack? " " Yes, can I pick one out? " He asked with a smile on his face.

" I think you can do that Jack, let me open the cabinet for you to pick from. " I walked over and opened the cabinet that had the family movies in it and called Jack over. He stood there looking at all the movies and he was having a hard time picking one out. " How about this one Jack? I think you will enjoy it. "

Jack grabbed it out of my hands and looked at it, " Yes, I wanna watch this one. " I put the movie in the DVD player and and sat Jack down on the couch with me. Once the movie started he gave the screen all of his attention. I sat there watching him more than the movie, his expression was more interesting than the movie itself. The ooo's and ahh's made me laugh while his eyes took in all the action. The longer the movie played the more Jack's eyes began to drop, sleep trying to overtake him. He was still fighting it with all his might, but I could see him losing the battle. It was only another 10 minutes and he was laying flat and his eyes closed, I left him lay there for another 10 minutes to make sure he was asleep before taking him to his bedroom. I carried Jack to the bedroom and he never once showed signs of waking up, he laid in my arms like a rag doll. I placed him in the bed and pulled the cover up over him and whispered, " Goodnight little buddy. "

I walked back out to the living room, with my chest puffed out that I managed to get Jack to bed and not wake him up.

" It's not as hard as you thought now was it son? " Dad asked snapping me out of my glory.

" Not as hard as I thought it would be Dad, but I am sure that was one of the easier tasks. " " Well it is Jerry, but one step at a time. You need to learn to walk before you can run. "

" I guess that is true Dad, but no need to spoil my moment right now. " I chuckled at Dad.

We sat there for another hour and Dad finally headed off to his bedroom. I thought I would go up and check on Sean, I was sure he was sleeping already but I wanted to make sure. I walked upstairs and slowly opened the bedroom door, there laying on the bed sound asleep was Sean. He looked so peaceful, I walked over and pulled the blanket up over him and stroked the top of his head. He just smiled and pushed his head into the pillow. I turned off the light and headed back downstairs, I had to try and get everything in place for tomorrow. I decided to head to the office so I would have access to everything I might need. I settled in my seat and pulled out some files and turned on the computer to boot up. I looked over the files from the Columbus office and Mark's personnel file. I needed to find all the connections between him and my family that I could and anything that might lead me to anything else he was planning. I pulled up the financial statements

from the office, I checked them against the bank and the investment group. There were some irregularities and I needed to track them all down and see exactly what Mark was doing. I opened my spreadsheets and started going through every day's transactions that Mark had handled. I found exactly what he was up to and he had been at it longer than I had thought. He pulled my mother into this just to cover up his stealing, but how did he manage to talk her into this? I guess I was going to have to confront her again. This is becoming a vicious circle, maybe I should drag her downtown with me and put them both in the same room.

I pulled all the financial reports together and copied them then left a copy for Kyle, I knew he would need to trace them all and find out who was helping Brad on the other end. I knew that Kyle was going to be upset when he saw these reports, he hated seeing anyone get ahead of me when it comes to the business. I was finishing up the reports and prep work for tomorrow's interview when I heard some noise in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and Sean was sitting at the table eating a piece of the cake. I stood there and watched him, there was something bothering Sean but I was not sure what it was. Most likely the fact he woke up alone in bed, but I did not get the chance to tell him before he went to sleep. I really needed to finish the work before tomorrow or I would never be ready for what the day held.

" Someone not get enough dessert tonight? " I asked quietly.

Sean spun around in his seat, " Is there such a thing as enough dessert Jerry? "

I walked over and sat down at the table next to Sean, " Anything else on your mind? "

" Well yes, I woke up and wondered where the hell you were. Did I do something to upset you? "

" Oh shit Sean, I am sorry. I had so much work to get ready for tomorrow and when I went up to check on you after I put Jack to bed, you were already sleeping. I did not want to wake you up so I came down to get started and was hoping I could finish before you woke up. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, I forget that you have so much to do. I did not mean to offend you, I was just worried you were not there. "

" I'm not offended Sean, I know it is easy to see me here in the house as not working but if you are not tired you can come in the office with me while I finish up what I was working on. "

" I would like that Jerry. " Sean got up and put his plate in the sink and followed me back to the office.

" You can sit anywhere you feel comfortable Sean, I only have a few more things to get done and we can head upstairs. "

Sean sat down at Kyle's desk opposite mine and watched me as I continued working on the computer. I finished up plans for reopening the offices once I had Mark's trail of treachery mapped out and shut down. I sat there for a minute with my eyes closed looking up at the ceiling, trying to figure out all the ways Mark was trying to hide his tracks. I decided that maybe looking into Mark's personal habits might help me help me understand where his mind was headed. I started a program to search through all of Mark's business files and then would start looking for any tracks on the internet. I knew it would take it a while to search so I moved on to my next project. I worked up a file for Mr. Smythe, I was hoping he would have contacted me by now but I would have to wait. This way everything was ready and could be sent in a minute and I would not have to be worried. I looked over at Sean and he was still sitting there staring at me, " How bored are you? "

I smiled at him.

" I am fine, just watching you working. You really get into work when you are in here, don't you? "

" I kind of have to, I really never liked heading downtown to do the things I could do right here at home. When I was younger I used to do all the distracting things while I was working, but the older I get, the more the mind wants to wander when there are distractions. "

" Well, I think you look handsome sitting there deep in thought about what you are doing. "

" Now I am never going to finish, my mind will keep that statement at the front of my mind no matter what I am doing. " I blushed looking over at Sean.

" I'm sorry Jerry, I didn't mean to disturb your work. "

"You didn't disturb me Sean, I think I am done anyways. There will be enough to go over in the morning when I have the rest of the information I need to complete these plans. We shall just head upstairs to a good night's sleep. "

" I don't want to rush you out of here Jerry. "

" You're not Sean, I will have to wait on Kyle to look these over and do his part of the investigation before I can finish them. "

" Then let's head upstairs. " Sean smiled and stood up and walked over to me and held his hand out.

I closed my computer and put the files in my drawer and headed upstairs with Sean. I just loved walking behind him and watching the tight muscles of his ass move while he walked and climbing the stairs just gave me a shudder. When we made it in the bedroom I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, took off my suit and hung it up. I walked over to the bed, climbed in and Jerry pushed himself down and back towards me, I knew he wanted to be held and I wrapped my arms around him.

" Thank you for rescuing me from the office. " I kissed the back of his neck. I felt him shake like a chill went down his spine.

" No need to thank me, I wanted that cake, you were a bonus. " Sean started laughing.

" Well I see where I rate when put up against my own cake. But I still wanted to thank you. " I tightened my grip on Sean.

Sean lay there quiet, I could tell he was thinking about something but I did not want to interrupt his thoughts.

" Jerry can I ask you a question? "

" Sure Sean, I have nothing to hide from you. " I was a little nervous about Sean being up front with a question.

" What would you think of me going to school? "

I breathed easier, a little thankful for an easy question. " Sean, if you want to go to school I think you should go. It might take awhile to learn how to juggle all you have to deal with, but I know you could do it. "

" I have thought about it so much and with everything happening with Mary so fast, I am more worried about protecting a future for Jack. " Sean pulled tight on my arm.

" If you are worried about a future for Jack, I think an education is an excellent way of showing him the way. Once he starts school and understands why he is there, he will know what you are doing is for him. "

" I think after these next couple of weeks you should really think about what you want to go to school for and where. "

" I think I already know the where but I am still not sure about the what. "

I let my hand drift up and down his chest slowly as we were talking, Sean had settled back against me and I heard his breathing settle into a gentle rhythm and I knew he had fallen asleep. I just held him and watched him sleep. I knew I was going to tell him about Mary tonight, but I could not bring myself to bring the subject up. Whether I told him or not the outcome was going to be the same. I at least owed him a good nights sleep tonight. It was probably another hour later before I let myself slip behind the curtain of sleep.

I awoke a couple hours later not having really slept well, Sean was still in the same place he was when I went to sleep. I uncurled my arms from around him and walked into the bathroom, did my business and slipped my robe on and went downstairs. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went out back to sit and listen to the night. I listened to the sounds of the night, they soothed my body, but the mind was still working on something but I was too tired to concentrate on what it was saying. I tried to get my mind to stop working on the problem of Mom and Mark but it was going full tilt trying to figure out the connection between the two. I leaned my head back and sorted through some details and then it suddenly came to me where to find a lead. I did not want to presume anything so I left it at that till I could confirm my suspicion.

I heard footsteps coming around the side of the house and I sat there waiting to see who was out this time of night. One of the guards walked into the back yard and noticed me sitting on the bench.

" Excuse me Mr. Martin, I did not mean to intrude on you. "

" It is no problem, that is why I had Kyle call earlier so none of you would be surprised if you found me sitting outside tonight. "

" I will be on my way then if there is nothing you need. "

" I'm fine thanks. "

The guard headed off to continue his patrol while I sat there listening to the night time getting ready to surrender to the coming day. The sky was starting to show signs of lightening from black to gray, as if the night was saying it's goodbye for the day. A light came on in the kitchen and I turned to see who was up besides me. Kyle was turning on the coffeepot and he turned to head into the office. I think that man needs a vacation more than I do, he spends more time here than at his own house. I sat there waiting for the coffee to finish and when I figured it was done I headed in and poured two cups and walked back into the office.

" Good morning Kyle. " I said as I walked in and handed him a cup.

" Good morning Jerry, what are you doing up this early? "

" I woke up a little while ago thinking. "

" Say no more, I know how you are when you start thinking. " Kyle laughed

" I want you to look into a couple things for me this morning. I want you to get into Brad, Mark and Mom's cell records and I want to know if there have been any calls between them. "

" What are you looking for between them? I know your mother has talked to Brad before. "

" I want to find the starting point between the three of them and this damn plan, and if you want you might just add Sam into that also. I want every piece of information we can find before we go downtown today. Also I need you to look through the files I left on your desk last night, I think you need to look into those accounts and if there is any one helping Mark. "

Kyle opened the file and was reading through it and looked up at me, " Did you sleep at all last night? "

" Yes I did, a couple hours anyways. This ends today Kyle, even if I have to hand this over to you it will be finished. " I looked at Kyle and he knew what I meant.

" If you are sure about that Jerry, I will get the teams on standby. "

" I have never been more sure Kyle, I want it finished before Mr. Richards starts next week. I do not need him walking into the middle of this mess. "

" That is for the best Jerry. I'll make sure everything is in place and ready to go as soon as you give the word. "

" When you are finished, I want all of those files scanned onto my personal server and all hard copies destroyed. "

Kyle sat there looking over the files and occasionally shook his head. " Did Mark think this would actually work? "

" I don't know Kyle, but keep up to date on everything to make sure it is not a ploy to distract us from something else. Please call Chief Jacobs this morning and remind her we have a meeting this evening at 5. "

" I have that on my schedule already for today. You will most likely have a meeting with Mr. Williams this evening also, if I know him he will have everything finished and want them signed. "

" Call him later and check please, I am meeting Michael after we are done with Mark and I would like to be here before Mary or Sean sign anything. "

Kyle started writing on his schedule and I turned and walked out to the kitchen. I was thinking maybe waffles for breakfast. I found the waffle iron and got out all the ingredients I would need and then poured a cup of coffee and headed upstairs. I thought it would be a good idea to bring it with me to wake Sean up. I walked in the bedroom and there he was, sleeping and still looking so handsome. It amazes me that he can look so good even after sleeping all night, hair as neat as if he just fixed it and a smile that seemed to always make its home on his lips. I walked over and set his coffee on the nightstand and sat down on the edge of the bed and began stroking the top of his head. Sean mumbled and sunk his head back in the pillow, I just smiled and I ran my hand down along his face. I leaned down and kissed him, those soft lips were like warm velvet just wanting to welcome you in. I pulled back and looked down at him and he was smiling.

" It is time to wake up, prince charming. "

Without even opening his eyes he whispers out, " Awww, 5 more minutes. "

" Only if I get to sit here and watch you for those five minutes. "

" Deal. " Was the only response I received. So I sat there studying his face, the curves, the lines, all the details. I laid my hand on his shoulder and let it slide down his arm, the muscle groups in his arm just resting and soft, yet firm to the touch. I let my fingers run over his fingers, admiring their length. I waited a few minutes and leaned back down and kissed him again, " Time to get up prince charming, your coffee is getting cold. "

" Ugh...5 more minutes please. "

" Sorry, that is not an option, you have already used your one snooze this morning. "

" If there are no other options then I guess I better get up. Are there any other options? " Sean asked hoping that he could stay in bed.

" There is one, but it is worse than just getting up and starting the day. "

" Well what is it? 5 more minutes sleep is worth a lot ya know. "

" You have to give me a kiss that will make me leave you alone for those five minutes. "

Sean lifted up off the bed and placed his hand behind my head and pulled me in close to his face. He pushed in the rest of the way and gently placed his lips on mine and slowly ran his tongue across my lips. I pushed down and pushed my tongue deep in his mouth as I pulled back up, " You have five more minutes, then you better be up and in the shower. "

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower to warm up the water, I went and picked out a suit for the day and hung it up on front of the door. I headed back into the shower, the water was hot and fell over my body and let me relax and pulled my mind back into a peaceful place. While wrestling all my thoughts into submission I finished my shower and stepped out and in front of the mirror to shave. I made quick work with the razor and brushed my teeth and stepped back in the bedroom. Before I started dressing I walked over to the bed and leaned down to Sean, " You have had 10 minutes, you owe me big time now. " I kissed his forehead and walked back over to grab my suit and started getting dressed. Sean rolled and placed his legs out and feet on the floor and took a drink of his coffee, " I think I'm going to owe you more than big time Jerry, coffee and 15 minutes to snooze. "

" I believe you deserved it this morning, but do not get used to it. I am not always this nice this early in the morning. " I laughed.

Sean stood up out of bed and walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest, " I haven't ever seen you not be nice Jerry. " He kissed my neck and then headed into the bathroom.

I started thinking "God, if you only knew Sean. " I was going to have to make sure that he never had any idea of just what I was capable of when pushed. I stared into the closet and closed my eyes, pulling my thoughts back under control. I did not need them running loose this morning, they were going to be working overtime later tonight. I finished getting dressed and walked into the bathroom, " How about waffles for breakfast this morning? "

" That sounds great, if you want to wait on me I can help you in the kitchen. "

" I will lay out some clothes for you for when you are finished in here and then we can head downstairs. "

I walked out and looked for his clothes, I had never even noticed that he still had all his things in his luggage. I felt like a total ass for not realizing that sooner. I moved out some of my suits and cleaned out a dresser and started putting his things away. I was busy working when I noticed the shower had stopped and I looked up and Sean was watching me from the doorway.

" I'm sorry Sean. Why didn't you tell me you still had your things in your luggage? "

" I never thought about it Jerry, we have been so busy, I have been getting dressed in a hurry and hadn't given it another thought. "

" Well, I moved your things in the closet and this dresser, if you need more room just speak up. I can move things around to allow you more space to put things. "

" It's not a big deal Jerry. What you are looking at is about all I have anyways. Clothes were never really a high priority around the house. We needed to keep the lights on and food on the table first. "

I stood there in silence for a moment, not really knowing what to say. Sean looked at me as he was getting dressed, " Don't worry about it Jerry, it isn't a big deal. "

" I am sorry Sean, but we will have to remedy that next week. " I smiled at him.

" What for? I have plenty of clothes to wear. They might not be the best but they do cover my ass. " Sean laughed.

" Then I guess we have to burn them all. " I winked at Sean.

Sean shook his head as he laughed, " Someone is in a good mood this morning. "

" I am trying to start this day off as good as I can, I know it is going to end in hell. "

Sean walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, " It will be a good day Jerry and if it isn't, I will be here when you get home. "

" Thanks Sean. " A tear started in the corner of my eye, in all the years I was with Brad he never once was supportive of me and my day. Thinking back on our years together I can not believe how little interest he had shown, it was always me asking him about his days and solving his problems. How did I not see that after all this time? I guess the thoughts of love one has for another can cloud their judgment.

" I guess if we want to eat this morning we had better get downstairs before the lunch bell rings. "

" You are right Jerry, let's get this day started. "

" Before we go Sean, can you do me a favor today? "

" Sure Jerry, what do you need? "

" I want you to spend as much time as you can with Mary today, I know that Jack will not want to be inside all day, he really enjoys his time outside. I can have Dad look after him when he is outside, but I think you need to spend the day with Mary. "

Sean gave me a look, not understanding what I had just said, " Why today Jerry, what are you not telling me? "

" I just think you need to spend the day with her Sean, something is telling me it is important for you to spend as much time with her as you can. "

" That is no problem Jerry, I have always loved spending time with Mary. "

" Great, now lets get cooking, I'm hungry. " I grabbed Sean's arm and led us down the stairs.

We walked in the kitchen and Dad was sitting at the table talking with Jack, I was surprised he was up this early. " What are you two up to this morning? " I asked as I walked over to the coffee pot.

" Well, it seems little Jack was ready to start his day early and get outside to his trucks. " Dad stated before Jack started.

" Yes Jerry, I want to go play with my trucks! " Jack shouted.

" You need to eat breakfast first little man. " Sean said as he grabbed Jack out of his chair and started tossing him in the air.

" No Uncle Sean, I wanna go now. " Jack squealed from the air.

" Breakfast first then we have to see your Mom before you go outside Jack. " Sean said firmly.

" OK " Jack said as a frown came across his face.

Sean and I made quick work at getting breakfast ready and on the table for everyone, Jack was the most excited. It seems anything with sticky syrup in the mornings was his favorite meal. We ate in relative silence this morning, that is except Sean and Jack with Jack leading the conversation to cars and trucks as often as he could. When we were all done eating I pulled Dad aside for a quick word.

" Dad, can you keep an eye on Jack today? I told Sean that he needed to spend as much time with Mary as he could today. " I asked with a look on my face that I knew Dad would understand.

" Of course I can son, you know I enjoy spending time with little Jack. "

" Thanks Dad, I just know that Sean needs to be there with Mary today. "

Dad poured another cup of coffee and headed out the backdoor with Jack. Sean had the kitchen almost completely cleaned and up, I went up behind him and hugged him, " You sure are quick at the clean up. "

" When Jack is screaming to play there isn't much time to spend cleaning up, so you learn the quickest way to finish everything. "

" I hope not everything. " I hugged Sean a little tighter.

Sean smiled down at me. " Not everything Jerry. " He kissed my forehead.

" I will finish in here Jerry, I may not have known you long, but I can tell when you have something now you're not saying. "

" Sean, " I took a deep breath, " It is not that I am trying to keep things from you, it is that I do not want to say them. Can you understand that? "

" I can Jerry, but if it is something I need to know I would like to be told. Even if it is hard to say. "

" You are right Sean, and I am sorry. " I hugged him tight. " Dr. Chase told me that Mary did not have many days left and I just thought that you would like to spend as much time with here as you could today. "

Sean stiffened as I was standing there holding onto him. " Sean I am really sorry, I told you I would tell you everything but I just could not find the words to tell you. "

Sean did not even look down at me, he stared out the window watching Jack. I was worried that Sean would not forgive me for holding this back, but there was nothing I could do even if I had met them months ago, my resources would have been useless.

I reached up and placed my hands on each side of Sean's face and pulled his stare down to me, " I did not mean to hurt you Sean nor did I ever mean to deceive you. " I looked into his eyes for a response.

Sean did not say a word, he turned and walked towards the front of the house. I just stood there, what the hell have I done? I have totally screwed this whole thing up and now I doubt I will ever be able to repair it. I walked back to the office and sat at my desk and just stared off into nowhere. The only thought running through my mind was a vision of Sean walking out the front door and never coming back. This was totally unlike me to not be able to give bad news, I have done it over and over again. Why was I having such a hard time with Sean? As I sat there worried about Sean I did not even notice Kyle had walked into the room and was sitting at his desk watching me.

" What is wrong Jerry? You are really deep in thought there. "

" What? Oh good morning Kyle, sorry I did not see you come in. "

" So what is wrong this morning Jerry? "

" I am not sure Kyle, but I have probably fucked things up pretty bad. "

Kyle got a look of shock on his face, I have never really spoke like that in front of him before. " I have not seen anything today that would be work related so what happened Jerry? "

I sat there not wanting to say anything, I knew Kyle was concerned but I did not want him involved in this. I have seen what he is capable of when he gets mad and loses his temper.

" Lets just say that even I can break my own rules from time to time and now I think I am going to pay for it. " My voice lowered as I ended the comment and Kyle just sat there looking at me.

" Jerry, I have never seen you break one of your own rules, I can not imagine you would do that lightly without thinking it through. "

I stood up and walked out of the room and headed upstairs, I had to clear my head before Miss Nance arrived. I was going to have to sit down with Sean and talk this out and hope he could see my point of view. I walked in the bedroom and sat on the settee and closed my eyes and tried to find a way out, out of this mess I had made. The only picture in my mind was the look on Sean's face just before he walked out of the kitchen, and the more I tried to erase it from my head the more it stayed. I kept yelling at myself over and over, ' do not ever break your own rules.' There was knock at the door, " Come in. " I called out.

Kyle walked in the door and said, " Dr. Chase needs to speak with you for a moment Mr. Martin. "

That damn Mr. Martin again, but I knew Kyle was being safe with my actions in the office earlier and Dr. Chase being outside the door. " Send him in please Kyle. "

Dr. Chase walked in the room and I stood and greeted him, " Good morning Dr. Chase, how are you today? "

" I am good thanks Jerry, I will not ask how you are. I'm sure I already know. "

" I would imagine you do Dr. Chase. What can I do for you this morning? "

" I am not sure how to say this Jerry, I have known you for years and think of you as a close friend more than a patient. " Dr. Chase paused and looked down.

" Whatever it is Dr. Chase just say it, there is nothing you can say that will make this day any worse than I have already made it. "

" I have been asked to not discuss Mary's condition with you. I know you are paying the bill Jerry, but I must respect the patients wishes. "

I fell back onto the settee, " I understand Dr. Chase and I take no offense. I just did not think that they would...." I went silent and stared down at the floor.

" I will be downstairs if you need anything Jerry, and again I am sorry. " Dr. Chase turned and went back out the door and down the stairs.

I had to get out of the house, I could not stand being there after what I had done. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. I went into the garage and got in my car and took off down the driveway. I knew I had to be at the house for the interview, but I could not stand myself at the moment and could not take the chance of saying or doing something rash. I got to the end of the driveway and turned onto the road and I saw several guards running to try and stop me. I knew if I did not get some distance between me and the house they would catch up to me in no time. My phone started ringing and I knew it would be Kyle, I pulled it out of my pocket and turned it off. I made it to the highway and headed north, I did not want to go anywhere near the city right now. I drove about for about an hour and saw a sign for a state park, I pulled off the interstate and headed towards the park. I thought maybe some time with nature might help me focus on my life

again. I got out of the car and looked around at the trails and headed off on one, not knowing where it was going to lead to I just had to walk and think and figured the quiet of the woods would be a perfect place. I walked for almost an hour when I found myself in an amazing wooded cove, a small waterfall making just enough noise that it was not silent. It was amazing, I stood watching the water and ran the mornings events through my mind. I knew I had to apologize to Sean but I would have to let him cool down and think about the situation before we talked. I was thinking about Mary when I heard footsteps coming up behind me, I turned to see who was approaching and I noticed it was a park ranger.

" Hello there sir. " He spoke.

" Hello ranger, how are you today? " I must have looked really out of place. I forgot I left the house in a suit and was standing in the middle of the woods.

" I am good thanks, you wouldn't happen to be Mr. Martin would you? " He asked standing there looking me up and down.

" Well that depends on why you are looking for this Mr. Martin. " I answered knowing that Kyle was behind this.

" I had an APB message come over the park's computer and radio, I figured a man in a suit out in the woods kind of made you stand out. "

" Well I think you should keep looking ranger, but I am sure he is alright. " I turned and started walking back to the head of the trail.

" Just to let you know I will have to report this when I get back to the ranger's station. "

" I think you can tell them to pass a message onto Kyle that Mr. Martin is fine and he will return when and if he damn well pleases. "

The ranger nodded his head in my direction and headed on up the trail while I headed the other way. I was pissed that Kyle would go this far looking for me, but I knew he was worried. I tried to calm myself as I walked back to my car but the closer I got the more upset I was getting. I realized I was not mad at Kyle I was mad at myself and pushing that anger in Kyle's direction. When I walked out of the woods and into the parking area I saw several state troopers and the limousine parked around my car. I walked over to my car and opened the door, just then the door to the limousine opened and Kyle came running over to my car.

" What the hell are you doing leaving the house like that Jerry? "

I tried to hold back my anger so I did not take it out on Kyle but I was not successful, " Just what the hell makes you think I can not leave the house whenever I like Kyle? "

" I am sorry Jerry, I did not mean that the way it came out but I was worried you did not at least let me know. "

" I know Kyle and I am sorry about that but I had to leave and try to clear my head. I did not want to face anyone until I got myself under control. "

" I understand Jerry, but I would not be doing my job if I did not try and track you down. "

" Did you have to go that far Kyle? I mean an APB, I think you can talk to the highway patrol and have them cancel it and send them on their way. "

" I am sorry Jerry, I will send them on their way now. "

Kyle walked off to talk with the highway patrol as I stood there keeping my emotions in check. I had to bring all this to an end, I could not go on with all this ripping my life apart. I was pushing myself to the idea I would be alone for the rest of my life.

" Would you like to ride home and I will drive the car back Jerry? " Kyle asked as I jumped from the break in the silence.

" I think I will drive back to the house, and when we get there I want you to grab everything I had ready for this evening and bring it out and we can leave. Please contact Miss Nance and ask her to come tomorrow for her second interview, since I screwed up today. "

" That is not a problem Jerry. " Kyle headed towards the limousine.

I got back in my car and headed back to the house. As I drove I figured that tonight was going to be hard on everyone, and I was to blame. I started pushing all the thoughts I had this morning to the back of my mind, I needed to focus on dealing with Mark before we arrived downtown. I had to close this breach of trust I had with Mark and Brad and my mother and brother, or brothers. I was still not certain if Bill was involved, and I could only pray that he was not. Before I realized it we were back at the house, I pulled my car in the garage and walked over to get in the limousine as Kyle walked inside to grab my briefcase. Kyle came out of the house and jumped in the back and handed me my briefcase.

" Thank you Kyle. " I said as I opened the briefcase and started looking through the files to make sure everything was there I needed. Once I was sure all the files were there I told the driver to head out.

We started the drive into town and I sat there watching things pass by the window. I had to pull on a hard face for my meeting with Mark. I really hated to do this, but I knew there was no way to be sure about all the details other than a face to face meeting with him again. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I played out all the questions and answers I had to get from Mark. I was hoping that finishing this off with Mark and Brad I could concentrate on Sean and set things right with him. We pulled into the parking lot at the jail and I exited the back of the limousine and grabbed my briefcase, it was time to bring this to an end.

Next: Chapter 17

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