Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jul 9, 2015


I want to first apologize for the time it has taken me to get this part of the story finished. Life has been a mess and still is making itself noticed everyday. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I am trying my best to get the next chapter out sooner than it took to post this part.

Thanks for all your emails, encouraging me to continue, I appreciate all of them.

This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered. wilson81abc@yahoo.comI want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 30:

I closed the door and turned to face Kyle. " Kyle, I am sorry for today and all the others I have made your job even more difficult than it already is. If I had to guess and since I was away from the office this afternoon this is a guess. I imagine you either put out feelers for a new job or have been searching all afternoon for one. I don't blame you if you have and I won't stand in your way if that is your decision. If I can be of any help, just let me know and I will talk with anyone you want, but I would appreciate if we could still be friends. " I held out my hand to Kyle.

Kyle stood there staring me down, he slapped my hand down and grabbed me in a hug. " If you don't start listening to me, Mr. Martin, I am going to do more than find a new job. I am going to kick your ass all around downtown Columbus. "

" Alright, Kyle. I promise I will listen to your suggestions and ideas, but please give me a little time to get used to that idea. " I laughed as I turned and opened the car door.

" Not bloody likely. " I heard Kyle growl in a low voice. I just shook my head and finished getting into the back seat.


Part 31

Kyle shut the door after I was settled in the back seat, he entered the front seat and put the window up between the front and back seat. I sat there just staring ahead, knowing he was really mad at me.

"You have gone and pissed him off, Jerry. If I were you, I would be thinking about a very sincere way to apologize to him." Sean sat there shaking his head.

"Oh, shit, Sean. The man knows better than most how I am when I get an idea in my head. He is just pissed because I opened my mouth today and let him know that I knew about his teams that followed me. Now he will be working on a new way to keep an extra eye on me that I won't know about."

Sean sat there running it through his head, "It's because he cares for you, Jerry." Then turned and looked out the other window. I could hear the jealousy in Sean's voice; it made me smile a little, the thought that he loved me that much to be jealous."I know what you're thinking, Sean and there is nothing to worry about. Kyle and I have had a discussion and he has accepted the fact that those feelings for me are not reciprocated." I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it, "I only have those feelings for you babe, you will have to trust me on that." I had to put a little levity into this and added, "I do have some pretty good references if you need to see them."

I felt Sean's shoulders move, I knew he was laughing. "I don't think that will be necessary, Jerry. But," he paused and just about started me worrying "it might take me awhile to get used to the idea, say about 80 years." Sean turned and smiled at me.I placed my hands on his face and gently pulled him toward me, and kissed him. Our tongues dancing an intimate tango and eliciting a deep moan from Sean."Well, if that's all I can get I will gladly take it." I grabbed Sean's hand and stared into his eyes. "Just remember, Sean, no matter what you think, I have made, can make and will make mistakes. I want you to remind me of that and point them out, most people are afraid to do that for me, but I know you can do it."

Sean sat thinking, when a smile drew across his lips. "Then let's start with today, where did you take off to that upset Kyle so much?"

I looked over at Sean, amazed at his sudden turn of confidence. "Right to the heart of the matter I see." I took a deep breath and felt Sean grab my hand. "I will tell you everything about today, but let's enjoy a nice dinner and I will fill you in on the way home." I gave a pleading look to Sean, that I did not want to go into this right now.

"Deal." was all Sean said, then slid over closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

I sat there enjoying the warmth of Sean's arm wrapped around my shoulder and before I wanted it to end, we arrived at the restaurant. Kyle came around and opened the car door as Sean and I exited.

Sean put his hand on Kyle's shoulder,"I think the runner is sorry for what he has done today." He smiled as he pointed at me.

"I know, Sean. He is just forgetting, more often I might add, the fact that there are people that worry about him." Kyle closed the door and turned us and walked us into the restaurant.

I walked up to the maître d' "I have a reservation for Martin."

The man looked down at his book and smiled as he looked back up. "This way, sir. Your table is ready." He led us through the dining room toward the back to a very nice table off by itself, giving us some privacy.

Kyle walked back to the front of the restaurant with the maître d', leaving us to enjoy a quiet meal . The waitress came over with our menus and introduced herself and explained the specials of the night.

"May I get you something to drink before you order?" She asked as Sean sat there staring at the menu. While Sean was busy, I ordered a nice bottle of wine and waved the waitress away. I knew Sean was feeling a little out of place and I wanted to help him without the eyes and ears of the waitress.

"I can make some recommendations, if you like, Sean."

"I think that would be better than me asking the waitress a hundred questions, Jerry. I trust you enough to order something I would like." Sean smiled at me and my heart swelled, knowing that he trusted me.

I was hoping that Sean would say just that so I waved to the waitress. When she approached the table I pulled a note out of my jacket pocket and handed it to her." Please give this to the chef." She started to open the note and I gave her a look that it was meant for the chef. She refolded the paper and walked away towards the kitchen.

" Why do I have the feeling that someone has something all planned out?" Sean asked while giving me a questioning look.

I laughed and grabbed Sean's hand. "Guilty, I called earlier and had a nice talk with the chef. I wanted to make sure that there was something on the menu for a very special friend of mine."

Sean's face darkened a shade, "Damn, Jerry, you are always full of surprises. But I think I like that."

"I didn't plan it as a surprise, I just wanted to make sure there was something that you would enjoy on the menu. It makes me joyous to know you are happy." I think I blushed a little in my reply to Sean. I decided to cool things off a little and steer the conversation in a safer direction. "I know it is a little early, Sean, but have you thought about what you would like to do in the future?"

Sean leaned back a little as he began thinking. "Not really, Jerry. I know I have to start, but I'm not sure about a lot of things with Jack to worry about now." I could see the concern in his eyes, as he was beginning to realize that he was responsible for all of Jack's needs.

"I think I can help you with that, Sean. That is if you will allow me." "I'm not going to like this, am I, Jerry?"

"I hope you do, Sean. If you decide to go to school or find a job, I want to help take one burden off your shoulders. I would like to make sure that there is someone there to care for Jack and to arrange for his schooling in a couple years when he is ready."

I could see the panic wash across Sean's face, I don't think he was even aware of it as he looked at me. "Calm down, Sean. I'm not trying to take over anything from you, Jack is now and always will be your responsibility. What I'm suggesting is to make sure that anything you need is in place should you decide to go back to school or find yourself a job. I just don't want to see you make a choice on what you want to do, because you think you can't do it because of worrying about Jack. Any decision on what you need is yours to make and any choice you make for Jack I will stand behind your decision."

I noticed Sean relax a bit as I talked, "I'm not sure if I can accept all that, Jerry. You have already done way too much for us, I don't want to begin to feel like we are taking advantage of you. There is no way in hell I would ever do that, but what will everyone think?" Sean started to panic, so I grabbed his hand.

"Sean, don't worry about what anyone thinks, this is your life and your choice. If you spend all your energy worrying about others, you lose that time that you can focus on your family. Right now, Jack deserves all that focus and all the love you can give. I will always be your number one supporter, but when it comes to Jack, you are the last word when it comes to a decision. If you ask, I will give you my thoughts on anything you ask."

"I know, Jerry. It just scares the hell out of me when I think about being Jack's only family. How am I to know what is right and wrong? How can I be expected to make all the right choices for him? I don't even know what choices are right for myself."

"Sean, noone is expecting you to make the right choice in every decision. I can't even do that, not for myself, the business or anyone else. You just have to be informed and make the best decision based on all the facts. If you are wrong, you make a new plan and move on, and not relive that decision over and over again. Talk to dad, or Kyle, or any of your friends. Everyone of us has made a bad decision at least once in our lives, we learned and moved on. You know I make mistakes, Sean, you walked into my life in the middle of one. Lord knows my mother has shown you how crazy choices can be," I hung my head a little "and the damage they can do. But, your heart leads you, just learn to listen to it. It makes for a hard road sometimes, but the rest of the time it makes life so much more worth living. Don't forget," I paused and Sean looked at me, waiting for me to finish "I will always be there beside you to lean on." I smiled and pulled his hand up and kiss it.

"Let's look at this a different way, keeping in mind what I have told you. What do you want to do? Do you want to go to school? Is there a field of study that really has your interest? I think it would be a good thing for Jack to see his most favorite uncle going to school. It will probably make him jealous and he will want to go with you." I laughed, as I watch for a reaction from Sean.Sean sat there thinking, his thoughts reflected inward searching for an answer. "I'm not real sure, Jerry. I have never given a thought about going on to school, it was never an option for me."

"What were you most interested in back in high school? Math, sciences, the arts? If we can find what you were most interested in we can start looking at classes that you could take until you figure out what you want to get a degree in."

"Math, I guess, numbers always seem to come easy to me. I liked some of the mechanical drawings we did in art classes, but I don't see a way to make a living with that." Sean's eyes drifted down, as if he was not worthy of thinking about a college education.

"I have an idea, have you ever thought about being an architect or even mechanical engineering? There are lots of careers in both fields."

Sean looked at me with a big of surprise. "You wouldn't mind if I wanted to go that route?"

"Why would I mind? If that's what you want to do then I am more than happy to support you, Sean."

Sean looked down at the table, as if not wanting to answer me. "Sean, tell me what is wrong, there is nothing that worries me more than you being scared to talk to me."

"I was worried you would be upset, when you mentioned engineering. I know that Brad was an engineer and I didn't want to bring back any bad memories."

I looked at Sean in disbelief, I could not believe that he remembered that detail about Brad. "We both have horrible things in our past, Sean, but that does not mean we can't move past them. If this is something you want to do, I want you to pursue it. You are nothing like Brad, and you don't have to worry about doing anything that will remind me of him. After all you have been through in your life, you still don't have the desire to be mean or hurtful. All I want, Sean, is for you to be yourself."

"I still can't believe how caring your are, Jerry. I think I would like to see if I could find a way to get into studying some type of engineering or architecture. I just don't know how to go about it." "I have a friend that has an architecture firm in Columbus. I can call him and see if he can allow you to shadow a couple employees and see which parts interest you. Then you can decide which career to follow."

"I would like that, but what about Jack?"

"When we get back from Florida, we can interview for a nanny and then you will be able to visit the firm and if the work peaks your interest, you can decide on a school."

"I really do love you, Jerry. I just hope that someday......" Sean was rudely interrupted as the waitress dropped our plates on the table in front of us. Sean's plate landing at an bad angle and part of his food sliding off the plate and onto the table.

" Excuse me, Miss." I growled at the waitress, who had turned and already started to leave. She did not even stop or turn around when I spoke to her. I raised my voice a bit louder. "Excuse me, Miss! You just dropped food all over the table." She stood where she stopped and didn't even turn around, just shook her head and walked off.

Sean sat there staring at me, not believing the waitress just walking away without stopping and helping or explaining her actions. I called the maître d' over to the table, "Can you please have the waitress step back out here and explain why she dropped our plates on the table, spilling food and then walking away after I called for her."

The maître d' stood there with his mouth open, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Martin. I will have this cleaned up right away." He retreated in a hurry towards the kitchen, the back of his neck already red from his anger. My blood pressure was also rising and I'm sure my face was turning red also. I grabbed my glass and finished my drink as a waiter walked up to the table.

"I'm very sorry for this, please let me clean this up and I will have new meals prepared for you as quickly as the kitchen can." The waiter said, standing there looking very ashamed of his fellow waitress. I sat there just staring at him, trying to gather a thought so I did not make him the receiver of my anger.

"Thank you very much, we are in no hurry." Sean spoke, reassuring the waiter with a friendly face and his charming smile.

I smiled at Sean, he was getting good at being the calm one. "Thanks, Sean, I was trying to keep myself calm before he became the target of my anger." "I know, Jerry. I could see the vein standing up on your forehead. It's not a problem, let's just finish dinner and then head back home."

"You're right, Sean. I have enough to handle at the moment, I don't need to get drawn into this mess. See, you are damn smart, don't ever forget that." I smiled at Sean.

"Not really, Jerry, just a lesson from my childhood, pick your battles wisely. I just didn't think that this battle was really worth the fight."

"It really isn't worth the fight, Sean. I just tend to get a bit too loud when it comes to someone using their job to throw around their hatred. I guess you can figure out where I get that from." I laughed, just as the waiter brought out new dishes and placed them in front of us.

"Again, I am very sorry, gentlemen. I hope your meals are to your liking."

"Thank you, I'm sorry, what is your name?"

"Allen, I'm sorry I did not introduce myself earlier. I was shocked at how Marie treated you, she is not usually so open with her hostility."

"Thanks, Allen and it was nothing for you to apologize for, if she is not grown up enough to talk to me about her problem then it is her problem. I do have a personal question for you, Allen."

"I will answer, if I can." Allen answered, as he blushed slightly.

"Will you have to share the tip from our check with Marie?"

"I'm not sure, Mr. Martin. I have never taken over a table from a coworker. I can only guess that she will want the tip, since her name will be on the ticket."

"Can you do me a favor, Allen? A non-waiter type favor?"

"If I can, Mr. Martin, it would be my pleasure."

"Would you be so kind and go out to the lobby and ask Mr. Watson to join me here at the table?" I held my hand out to shake Allen's hand and slipped his 'tip' into his hand.

"I will see to it right away, Mr. Martin." Allen stepped away and walked towards the lobby.

"You think you are just slick, don't you Mr. Martin?" Sean said as he started laughing.

"Hush up, Mr. Austin, I'm trying to do the right thing. Without having to go back in the kitchen and throw that waitress out a window." I started laughing too, Sean was infectious when he laughed.

Kyle walked up to the table, not looking very happy. "What have you gone and done now?"

"I have not done a damn thing, I just needed Allen to bring you back here so he could be paid for doing a little work for me. Besides, when do I ever go and get myself into trouble?" I looked over at Sean, he was sitting there shaking his head.

"Every day of the week, usually Jerry." Sean smiled at me.

"I have to agree with him." Kyle added pointing at Sean.

"I believe you two are confusing opportunities with trouble. I often find hidden opportunities, but trouble is always the last thing I'm looking to find. If I was always finding trouble," I looked at the both of them, "I guess that makes you both trouble." I gave them my best serious look, but couldn't hold it and started laughing like a fool.Sean and Kyle looked at each other, "I guess he has a point, Kyle. I still think trouble has him on its radar all the time."

"You mean overtime." Kyle snorted and walked off back to the lobby.

"Not to change the subject, but I'm going to, you need to go out shopping with Jack tomorrow. Finish up getting things for Wednesday and the trip. Since it is starting to warm up around here you can use the old excuse of it being time for summer clothes. Remember a few bathing suits and lots of outfits, I would imagine he will be changing several times everyday. I have arranged for a couple suits and dress clothes to be in the room when we arrive Wednesday evening."

"I think I would like to go back to the subject where you were in the hot seat, Jerry. I know nothing about shopping for clothes, I wouldn't know where to start."

"How about I give Dr. Chase's wife, Emily a call and see if she can go with you. She knows all there is about shopping and would be thrilled to help you out. Of course, you will also be asked a million questions during the day, but she is very gentle when she is interrogating someone." I let out a chuckle, I had been on the receiving end of her questions many a times.

"I think I would like that, Jerry. She has been very nice to me and I think I could learn a lot from her on how to take care of Jack."

"I will give Dr. Chase a call on the way back to the airport. I will ask if she can come to the house and then you three can take a car from there."

"And a team, I suppose." Sean seemed a little upset about the fact I wanted a security team with him.

I knew Sean hated having a team with him when he left the house. I think it reminded him of the money side of things too often. "Please, Sean, just for a little while longer. Then we can talk about cutting back to a one man team or two if you have Jack with you. You know it keeps my mind at ease when I know you have a full team with you, I would prefer two or three teams, but what ya gonna do?" I started laughing.

"I don't think that is going to happen, Mr. Martin. But, I will go along with one team I guess, I will be able to listen to Mrs. Chase and not worry so much about Jack."

"See, you can find the good in any situation, Sean." I noticed Allen standing at his station and motioned him over.

"Can I get anything else for you gentlemen, this evening?" Allen asked as he stepped up to the table.

"Just the check, Allen. I think we are done for this evening." I smiled and looked over at Sean, just to see a frown pull his face down. Allen walked away to retrieve our check.

"Don't worry, babe. Everything will be great, dessert is waiting for us on the plane." I chuckled, Sean's face changing back to a smile at sonic speed.

"Did you plan all this, Jerry, or just a happy coincidence that you have dessert on the plane?" Sean blushed, his cheeks turning a bright red.

"I did plan this evening, not what happened with the arrogant waitress, but I had something special delivered to the plane while we were eating unless it was late on it's departure. Then I guess we will have to fly on down to Florida for a nice Key-Lime pie." I started laughing, as a shocked look appeared on Sean's face.

"I believe you just might do that, Jer. If it was closer to the weekend, I'm sure you would."

Thank the Lord that Allen walked up to the table with the check. Sean calling me Jer about brought a tear to my ear, I have never allowed anyone, except my brother Bill to call me that. I have gotten into many fights over the years with friends and my brother Sam over that fact.

"I will take this whenever you are ready, Mr. Martin." Allen announced as he laid the bill on the table.

I pulled my wallet out and handed the check back to Allen with one of my cards." I guess now is as good a time as any, Allen."

"I will return in a moment with your receipt."

I nodded at Allen before he turned and walked away. I sat there thinking about my brothers when Sean broke me from my thoughts.

"Everything alright, Jerry?" Sean asked with a bit of hesitation in his voice.

"Just fine, Sean, will tell you about it on the way to the airport." I smiled at Sean.

Allen came up to the table and placed the check holder on the table, "I thank you for joining us this evening gentlemen, I wish to apologize again for the trouble earlier and I hope you come back again." Allen spoke with sincerity as he was about to walk away."One minute, Allen." I opened the check holder and signed the bill and added the tip and took my receipt. "Please make sure that Marie gets her share of the tip, and remember that this tip in no way reflects the excellence of your service." I handed him the check holder.

"Let's get going, Sean. We have dessert waiting and some things to talk about before we get home." I put my hand out to Sean to help him up from his seat.

Sean pulled himself out of his seat with my hand and we walked towards the front door. "I'm taking it that you sent a 'message' in the tip you left?" Sean asked with one hell of a smile on his face.

"Just giving the young lady a piece of my mind, and reminding her of what I thought of her service."

Sean just shook his head and chuckled as we made our way to the front door. As Sean opened the front door I felt something hit me in the back and I turned to see what it was. Marie was standing there, eyes filled with hate, directed at me, but I was not the cause."I don't know what kind of joke you are trying to pull with this sorry excuse for a tip, Mr. Martin, but you can take it and your abomination of a lifestyle and get the hell out of here."

"Please lower your voice, Marie. If you want to discuss why I left you that tip I would be more than happy, but I will not put up with you yelling at me like this in public."

"There is nothing to talk about, you are a disgrace and are no longer welcome on this property, so I suggest you leave now before I have you arrested for trespassing."

"That is fine with me, Marie. I will have this discussion with your father, I'm sure he will be ashamed of how you treated one of his customers."

"You can talk to that old fool till you're blue in the face as far as I'm concerned. Now, I think you should leave, this is the last time that I will ask."

I shook my head and turned around and whispered to Sean. "Problems with her dad, remind me to call him tomorrow."

Sean shook his head, "Why not call him tonight, on the way back to the airport?"

I sighed a little and I think Sean noticed. "I have enough on my plate tonight, Sean. I promise I will call him in the morning on the way to the office." I left it at that as we got in the car.

"I know you have a lot to worry about, Jerry, but I think it might be wise to let her father know how she is treating his guests." Sean let out a heavy sigh.

I shook my head, "You are right, Sean." I pulled my phone out and dialed Glenn's number. As I sat there listening to the phone ringing, I thought about how concerned Sean was about someone else. How even in the turmoil of his own life, he was still worried about helping others.

"Hello Jerry. How are you doing my friend?"

The voice grabbed my attention, with a bit of surprise. "I'm well, Glenn. How have you been keeping?"

"I have been busy lately, but doing good. What do I owe hearing from you this evening?"

"Well, Glenn, I'm not sure how to go about this." I started to tell him of the problem when he interrupted me.

"Oh hell, you were at the restaurant tonight. Please tell me that Marie did not embarrass me."

I could hear the anger in his voice, and knew this was an ongoing problem with Marie. "She did not embarrass you my friend, I knew you would never condone the way she was acting, but it made me wonder what was going on. If you need anything from me to help, you know I'm just a phone call away."

I heard Glenn take a deep breath. "I want to apologize for her, Jerry. She has really changed lately. I have talked about this many times with Linda lately, we both believe the change in Marie is coming from her new boyfriend. He is very religious and his family has a long history with the church, and I think Marie is spouting off what she hears from him. I just don't know what we are going to do with her, Jerry."

"I have heard you talk about her for many years, Glenn, I just could not believe that anything she said she could have picked up from home. I don't want you to worry about this tonight, you know I'm your friend and do not hold this against you. Give me her boyfriends name and let me do some looking, then I will get back with you. I will be out of town and busy the first of next week. Let me check my schedule and see if we can't meet up sometime next weekend."

"I really appreciate that, Jerry. I hope that Marie did not ruin your evening and I want to tell you I'm truly sorry for anything inappropriate that she may have said. By the way, the boy's name is Mason Jackson. I believe his family comes from Tennessee, at least that is what he has told Marie."

"She did not ruin our evening, Glenn. I was more shocked than anything and I just wanted to give you a heads up on the problem. I did not want to show up at your house and blindside you with this."

"I thank you, Jerry and please tell Brad I'm sorry for Marie's attitude tonight."

"You're very welcome my friend, but it was not Brad that took the brunt of Marie's anger this evening. I will pass your apology on to my friend, Sean."

"Please do, Jerry and I will be waiting to hear from you soon."

"Night, Glenn. I will have something for you be next week."

Sean put his hand over mine and squeezed. "Thanks, Jer. I know if Jack was being an ass like that to people, I would want someone to tell me as soon as possible."

"You're right, Sean. Thank you for reminding me. That's what I love about you, you can keep my head where it belongs."

"Where has that head of yours been lately, Jer? I know you always have a lot going on, but today has been more than that."

I drew in a deep breath, "I promise you, Sean, I will bring you up to date on everything I have been doing today." Though the idea of having to tell him was making me nervous, I knew I could not hold onto this information and keep Sean's trust. The trip to the airport was quiet and relaxing as I sat there and held Sean's hand. Rubbing the top of his hand with my thumb, I had started humming without even realizing I was doing it.

"You have got to tell me the name of that song, Jerry. Oh, shit! You only hum that when you are stressed, what the hell is going on today, Jerry?"

"Let me make my call to Emily, then we should be at the airport and we can talk on the plane." I reached in my jacket pocket for my phone, trying to not look at Sean. I knew he would be looking at me with those damn inquisitive eyes. As I listened to the phone ringing, I could feel Sean staring at me. I knew he wanted answers and I was trying my best to put it off as long as I could. Sean cleared his throat just as Emily answered the phone.

"Hello, Jerry. I hope this is not a professional call, requiring my husband's attention." Emily let out a small laugh and I could see her smiling with the tone in her voice.

"I want nothing to do with that husband of yours, Emily. He has a terrible bedside manner. I was calling to speak with you."

"Well, he is sure not as charming as you are, Jerry. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"I was wondering if you might be free tomorrow and available to help Sean out with a little shopping." I sighed, knowing that Emily would love nothing more than to accompany Sean and question him all day long.

"I would be honored to help him. What kind of shopping are we talking?"

"Just a few things for this weekend, Emily. We are taking Jack on a surprise trip to Disney and they both need a some new clothes. Now this is not a complete wardrobe makeover, Emily. We will handle that later." I was hoping to control her, but leave her with a little hope.

"I think I know just where to take him, and we could have a nice lunch while we are out."

I knew she would push for more, she never knows where to draw the line. "I would really appreciate it, Emily. Sean was a little concerned and I knew you were the perfect person to ask to give him a little help."

"I will come over in the morning, about 10. That will give us time to do a little shopping, then have a little bite to eat."

"I will let Sean know, Emily. There will be a car ready and waiting for you three in the morning. I really do appreciate your help Emily."

"Oh it is no trouble at all, Jerry. I will talk with you soon."

Emily hung up and I can only imagine was running her mouth on her gossip line as fast as she could pull up the numbers on her contact list.

"She will be at the house in the morning at 10. I suggest you get a good night's sleep, she will be asking you about a 1,000 questions a minute. She will also be telling you all the gossip she knows, listen , but don't ask for details. She will never let you go if she thinks you are interested in anything she has to say about someone." I turned so I could look at Sean. "Answer, or don't answer her questions, Sean. That is entirely up to you, if you feel uncomfortable about a question, just tell her that and she will move on. If you want to answer any questions about us, that us up to you. If she asks anything about me, just politely tell her you have no idea. I can never get that lady to quit with the third degree about me. If Dr. Chase wasn't such a good doctor I would have found someone else, but I hate to lose him because his wife has a mouth control problem." I chuckled as I watched Sean's face just go blank.

Sean sat there, thinking about this planned outing with Emily. "She really isn't that bad, is she, Jerry?"

"Let's just say this will be a perfect time to learn and practice the think before you speak mantra, Sean."

Sean leaned back and was deep in thought, I could see the worry on his face. I grabbed his hand, "Don't worry, Sean. She is not as bad as I make her out to be, I just want you to have a good time with her and learn just a little. She does have some wisdom in her head, it just takes some time to find it." I started laughing and Sean's worry lifted as he started laughing too.

Before I knew it, we arrived at the airport and boarded the plane. I stopped in the cockpit and talked with Captain Winslow for a moment. "Good evening, Captain. How are you and the crew doing?"

"Doing great, Jerry. We should be ready for take-off in just a few minutes."

"Uhmmmm, can we delay take off for about ten minutes, Captain? Just enough time for Sean to devour dessert so we have a little more time to talk once we are in the air."

"Sure, Jerry, not a problem. We can arrange that without a problem."

"Thanks, Captain, if he doesn't get dessert he gets more cranky than I do."

"I will take your word for that, Jerry, because I just can't imagine anyone getting that damn cranky." Captain Winslow starting laughing as the rest of the crew joined in.

"Have you all been listening to Kyle? I swear he is trying to get everyone to gang up on me." I started to turn and leave when I ran into Kyle.

"You put them up to that, didn't you, Kyle?" I smiled and started to walk past Kyle when he held up a file for me. I took the file, "Thanks, Kyle, once we are in the air, give us some space please." Then I headed back to the main cabin.

As I entered the cabin, I noticed Sean sitting at the table at the far end of the cabin with the desserts laid out on the table. He had his plate full and was eating like he had not seen a dessert in years. I smiled and headed back to join him at the table. I had reached the age that desserts were not enjoyment, they were feeding the spare tire."I thought you filled up at the restaurant, Sean?" I laughed, because Sean had stopped eating and looked at me like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I'm sorry, Jerry, I just started looking at what was in the boxes and I couldn't help myself." He turned a little red with embarrassment and laid his fork down and looked down at the table.

I walked around behind him, "You never have to be sorry to me for enjoying dessert, Sean. I know how much it means to you and if I'm right on time or hours late, you never have to wait on me to enjoy the sweets. I love you Babe and I only want you to be happy, and if desserts make you happy we can have them anytime of the day or night." I hugged him hard as I laid my chin on his shoulder.

Sean turned his head and kissed my cheek, "Thanks, Jer. I love you so much, you put up with so much from us and you still just give of yourself."

"I don't put up with anything, Babe. You and Jack are just perfect and I love you both just the way you are. You have a few more minutes, then we need to get buckled in. You finish up and I will get the rest stowed away so we can take them home for the later." I started boxing up all the desserts and storing them in the fridge in the back office, preparing the cabin for takeoff. I heard the engines starting up and knew we would be moving in a couple of minutes. Sean had finished up and was leaning back in his seat rubbing his stomach. "A little like Thanksgiving?" I asked laughing at Sean and his misery.

"This is your fault, Mr. Martin, you are enabling me to stuff myself like that." Sean moaned and tried to sit up.

"I may enable, Mr. Austin, but I never forced that fork into your mouth one time." I patted Sean on the shoulder. "Let's go, we need to get buckled in. We're about to take off."

After I got Sean settled, I got buckled in and sat there with the folder on my lap drumming my fingers on it. My thoughts running through all the different ways to approach this subject with Sean and cause the least amount of pain for him. My mind kept coming back with a picture of Sean on Thanksgiving Day, stuffed to gills and moaning in discomfort from overeating. I started to laugh, I couldn't help myself and I was, for once, glad I had buckled myself in or I would have rolled out of my seat.

"Can I ask what the heck you think is so funny, Mr. Martin?"

"I just had a picture of you in my head after Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't a pretty picture, but it was funny as hell." I sat there trying to hold my laughs in and not having much success.

"Keep that picture in your head and your laughter to yourself, Mr. Martin."

I sat there watching Sean as the plane started its slow roll out onto the tarmac and into line for take-off. A few minutes later we were in the air and at our cruising altitude, which wasn't too high, Columbus was not that far of a flight.

I placed my hand on Sean's arm, "Let's go sit in the back and have a little talk." Sean sat up in his seat and unbuckled his belt and followed me to the table in the back. We sat down and I placed the folder on the table.

"What has happened today, I only found out today. I was going to wait until we got back from Florida before I dropped this on you, Sean, but I told you I would not hold anything back from you." I opened the folder and pulled out a picture of John Derrick and placed it in front of Sean.

"Do you know who this is?" I asked, as Sean looked at the picture.

"I'm not sure, he looks familiar."

"I'm not surprised, he is the officer that handcuffed me and Kyle Sunday at your house. He is also what started today's troubles; he followed me from the house to the office this morning. I wish there was an easy way to tell you this, Babe, but from what I found out later this afternoon, you have an uncle and two cousins."

Sean sat there, a look of horror crossed his face. "What? How? When? Who?" Sean stumbled with his words, unable to string them together.

"I had a meeting at noon with Kim and your cousin, and it did not go well. I had to have Kim arrest him and keep him there until I could get to the bottom of all of this. That is why I did what I did today that pissed Kyle off to no end. I took of on my own to find your uncle and talk to him. He promised me to help change his son's mind and stop him from confronting you in a public place, but since you know all this now, he has lost the element of surprise."

"But who in the hell are they, my mom and dad didn't have any brothers or sisters. They can't be related to me, Jerry." Sean asked with a look on his face that was tearing me apart.

"Your dad had a brother, I don't think he even knew about. All we have been able to pull together so far is he changed his name a couple times after he left your grandparents home. He was married twice and has two sons, the oldest being John," I pointed at the picture. "John has a younger brother and I believe when he saw you Sunday, he knew exactly who you were. If I had not seen his brother myself I would have thought you and he were twins. I hope to hear from Jason Derrick, your uncle, tomorrow. He is suppose to be in Columbus in the morning to talk with John and see if he can change his mind on what he is doing."

Sean sat there speechless, I could only imagine the thoughts going through his head. "What was he trying to do, Jerry?"

"When he saw you at your house Sunday and saw the resemblance to his brother, he knew who you were. He had planned on catching you alone, or with Jack, and dropping this on you and talking you into helping him change his father's mind. His father, your uncle, has refused to let your father or you know he even existed. Jack was going to do whatever he could to change his father's mind, even if he had to drag you into the mess."

"How the hell did he think someone would react to news like that? I would have probably decked him and walked away."

"I told your Uncle Jason, that it was up to you if you wanted to meet with them. I did tell him that if you decided to meet, the only place that it would happen would be at our home. I would not risk a meeting anywhere else until you make a final decision on what you want to do, Sean."

Sean sat there staring down at the table, making me a bit nervous. As I started to get up and move closer to him I notice a tear fall and hit the table. I moved up and wrapped his head in my arms and whispered in his ear "Don't think about this too much, Sean, this is not a life and death decision. Take your time, think about all the pros and cons and then come to a decision. Whatever it is, I will be beside you the whole time."

Sean started shaking his head, "Right now I don't care about them, Jerry. It was you." Then he stopped and I could feel him shaking in my arms.

"Me?" I pulled back, "Whatever I did, I'm sorry, Sean. I was only trying to help and stop John from causing you any grief and pull you into his fight with his father." I tried pulling back, but Sean had grab me around the waist and was holding me tight.

"Because now matter how much shit my life keeps throwing at you, you never give up on me, Jerry. You deal with it and move on and never make a big deal out of it, and you, with your big heart still call it 'our' home. You have given me back what I thought I would never have, a family." Sean held on a little tighter and then whispered "Thanks, Jerry."

"Well, the family kind of found me, Sean. I just wanted to make sure they didn't do more harm than good."

"Not them you knuckle head, it's you, Jerry. You have made this all feel like being part of a family for me and for Jack. You give your help without question or judgment, you give of yourself without asking for anything in return. You have given me a family, you and your family have taken us in, and they have never asked why, and I love them and you for all you have done."

I hugged Sean's head a little firmer and leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "I would do anything to make sure you and Jack are happy and safe, Sean. I will always be on the look out for your best interest, even where family is concerned. I just didn't want them to cause you any more pain than you have already been through. Even if they are family, it is not worth it, to be dragged into that fight your cousin wanted to start."

"I want you to know that I truly appreciate everything, Jerry." Sean pulled from my arms and stood up and planted a kiss on me that seemed to last for days and made me forget to breath.

As I pulled back from Sean I asked, "I take it this means you are not mad at me like Kyle?"

"I wouldn't say that, but I'm not about to give you any lip about it, for now anyways."

Sean started laughing and Kyle yelled from the from of the plane. "He might not give you any, but I sure as the hell plan on it for the next month."

"Alright Kyle, quit picking on Jerry. He was only trying to protect me, I know he pissed you off, but damn, he is cute." Sean yelled back at Kyle.

Kyle sighed so heavy we could hear him, "You're right, Sean. I will only give him hell for two weeks, and that's my final offer." Kyle turned and went into the cockpit.

"You are in serious trouble with him, Jerry. It's gonna really cost ya to get back in his good graces." Sean stated as he rubbed my shoulders.

"I know, Sean. I have been trying to figure something out already. Before summer is over I will have something for him. I'm thinking a nice vacation, some time away from me. I guess that couldn't be a bad thing."

Sean suddenly made a statement that caught me by surprise, "When you talk to my uncle tomorrow, tell him that I am glad to know I do have some relatives alive but for right now I need some time to think about a face to face meeting."

"I will tell him, I'm sure he will be a little hurt, but he is the one that has been hiding for so long. It is not fair to ask you to accept him so quickly."

"I know, Jerry. I just can't get past the fact that he could have been there to help us when my Dad was killed and when Mom slipped into her depression. I just can't get past the feeling that they left us drifting in the wind, and now that it's convenient for them, they want me to just accept the fact." I turned and grabbed Sean and pulled him over to the couch and sat down next to him. "I know how you're feeling, Sean and I can't blame you one bit for that. I just wished I knew what caused your grandparents to push your uncle out the door. As if he did not even exist, and from what you have said, I doubt your father even knew him or they told him that his brother was dead. If you don't mind, I would like to have a talk with them tomorrow when they are in Columbus to visit your cousin. I would like to get the whole story and see what happened all those years ago."

"I don't care if you talk with them, Jerry. Just tell them I know about them and I have a lot to think about and when I decide to meet them I will send word. Till then, make sure they understand that I need time and space, and I don't need to be pressured to make up my mind."

"Don't worry, Babe, I will make sure that they understand and I don't think you will have a problem with your uncle. I'm more worried about your cousin John; he worries me the most."

"I can only imagine that Kyle has sent his picture and info to everyone and they will be on the look out for him when we are away from the house. So, for right now, I'm not worried. I imagine Kyle will be worried enough for both of us."

I kissed Sean on the side of his head, "He sure will be, Sean. He sure will be."

Sean pushed me over on the couch so he could lean over and rest his head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around him and just held on to him. We sat quietly there for a few minutes before Kyle came out of the cockpit and informed us that we were about to start our approach into Columbus and we needed to get buckled in. I realized that Sean had drifted off to sleep "Tell them to go ahead, Kyle, we will be fine." Kyle started to say something then just turned and walked back into the cockpit. I knew he wanted to argue with me decision, but he was starting to pick his battles. That put a big smile on my face as I tried to fight off a round of the giggles.

The plane started its descent into the Columbus airport and I held onto Sean a little tighter so the landing did not wake him. Once we had landed and taxied over to the terminal I gave Sean a gentle shake and whispered near his ear "We have landed Babe, time to get up and get home."

Sean sat upright almost pulling me with him, "Oh shit, I'm sorry, Jerry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." "It's fine, Sean. I'm not offended at the chance to sit here and hold a very handsome man. You have been through the ringer this week and have more on your mind than you deserve, you can take a nap anytime you desire." I smiled at him and could see him blush a little at my reference to holding a handsome man.

"Damn you, Jerry. You always seem to know how to make me blush." Sean smiled at me like it was Christmas morning.

"Well, it's easy when I'm near you, Sean." I looked down at the floor. "It's been a long time since I have been able to be this relaxed around anyone. Since that day...." I was unable to continue with that thought.

Sean put his arm around my shoulder and ushered us toward the door, to make our way down the stairs. Kyle was ahead of us and had the door to the limo opened before we even got close. My phone beeped, letting me know that I had a message on my server. There were only a few ways for there to be a message left in this way, and all of them usually meant something was wrong. "Go ahead and get in, Sean, I have to take this message." Sean looked at me and then slipped into the back seat of the car.

Kyle walked over next to me as I was looking at the message. "Not a big surprise, is it, Jerry?"

"No, but I figured he would have looked into it sooner than this." I replied. The message was from a program I had Scott place on any file that was held on public data bases. It informed me when anyone looked at my information and gave me the person's name and where they logged in from. The Sheriff was looking into my file from my attack in '98, it pissed me off a little, but I knew he was making sure I was telling him the truth about what happened.

Kyle had noticed me staring at the phone a little too long. "Don't think too hard on it, Jerry. He took your word, but I'm sure he is covering his ass in case he is ever asked."

"I know, Kyle, it's just that it keeps the whole thing right up front in my mind. Next week we need to set up a time and place to meet with those four and come to an equitable agreement. I turned and walked away from the car, I needed to clear my head before we started our trip to the house. Kyle started to walk with me, but I held up my hand. "Go ahead and get in, Kyle. I will be just a minute." I placed my hands behind my back and closed my eyes, I took in a deep breath and slowly released it. I turned and walked back to the car and entered into the backseat with Sean.

"You alright, Jerry?" Sean asked as he placed his hand over the top of mine.

"I'm fine, Sean, just old regrets trying to catch up to me again. About time to get them settled and put behind me for good."

In no time we were heading north out of the city when my phone rang. "Hello Dr. Chase. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"Pleasure? Do I need to come over and examine you, Jerry?" Dr. Chase let out a small laugh. "I was just calling to let you know that a friend of mine will be visiting your mother tomorrow. He called and set up a time with the sheriff's office and had them fax him everything they had on her. He did ask if it might be possible to speak with you, I told him I would ask, but I doubted you would be willing."

"Send me his number and if I have a chance I'll give him a call in the morning. I must stress though, if he decides to have me committed because of our conversation, you are responsible for getting me out."

"Hmmmm, I would have to wait and see what his diagnosis is before I could do that, Jerry. I'm sure it would be the one I have always diagnosed you with, permanent stubbornitis." Dr. Chase started laughing.

"I think you are amongst good company with that diagnosis, Doc, of course, the comedy routine still needs work. I do thank you for finding someone to help and I will remind your good Misses of that in the morning, before she goes out shopping with Sean." Now it was my turn to laugh, I knew how much Emily loved to shop.

"I would have you out in seconds, Jerry. Just tell Sean to slow Emily's spending."

"Like he will be able to get a word in edgewise, Dr. Chase, but I will pass on the suggestion. Talk to you soon and thanks." I hung up the phone and smiled as I thought about Emily and her heavy spending.

"Now what have you got me involved in?" Sean asked, with a bit of nervousness in his voice."Just a request from Dr. Chase, he wants you to try and slow Emily down tomorrow. Stop her from melting his credit cards." I had to laugh at the idea that anyone could accomplish that feat.

"The only thing that stopped Mary when we went shopping was the lack of money, I don't know if I could stop someone that has it to spend."

"Nothing to worry about, Sean. Emily knows when to stop, even if it's not as soon as Dr. Chase would like. Besides, she will be too busy spending yours to worry about shopping for herself."

Sean sat there for a moment, thinking about what I had said. "You mean yours, not mine."

I shook my head, I knew it was going to lead to this sooner or later. "How about we call it 'ours', besides, it comes out of the house account. It is set up to cover whatever the house needs, since you and Jack are now a part of the house, it WILL cover you also." I gave the `will' the added emphasis I thought it needed to stop this right here and now.

Sean was deep in thought, I knew this was a true battle with him. "I think that will work alright, Jerry, but damn if I don't feel wrong about it. I just don't want to fight with you over it."

I took a minute to raise the privacy glass between the front and back of the limo, then turned to Sean. "Sean, I have told you that the money does not mean as much to me as you and Jack. Now, I'm not saying this to brag, but you could spend all day long and not put a dent in the balances. I just don't want you to have to worry about it, like you and Mary have had to do all these years." I grabbed his hand. "You mean more to me than anything, I find it easier to talk to you than most people I have ever met in my life. In the short time we have known each other, you have kept me from going astray and keep me focused on what's important. I now and always will love you, Sean."

Sean shook his head, "Damn you, Jerry." Sean wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him and placed his lips across mine ever so gently, "I love you too, Jerry." We sat back and I leaned my head on Sean's shoulder as we continued on to the house. I noticed a sheriff's car sitting across the street as we pulled up to the gate, I wondered what Sheriff Jenkins was up to now. I could only hope it was a little bit of personal protection, at least while my mother was sitting in his jail."Don't think about it too much, Jerry. I doubt he is up to anything." Sean said as he squeezed my hand.

"Well, if he knows what is good for him it is just a little bit of extra security. Though he knows damn well I don't need anymore." I just sat and stared out the side window, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

As we pulled up to the house I noticed that Miss Nance's car was still at the house. She was waiting at the door when we got out of the car. "Miss Nance, what are you doing here this late?"

"I wanted to speak with you before I went home tonight. I hope you don't mind me staying this late, your father has been keeping me company till you got home." She smiled at me, with a smile that made me a little bit nervous.

"No problem at all, please join me in the study and we can talk in there." I led Miss Nance toward the office as I nodded at Sean as he headed for the kitchen. I stood next to one of the chairs in front of my desk. "Please, have a seat Miss Nance." She sat down and I sat next to her, I wanted to avoid sitting behind my desk and looking more like a confrontation. "What did you need to talk about this evening, Miss Nance?"

She sat there twisting her hands and softly spoke without looking up at me. "I don't think I can continue working here, Mr. Martin."

"Why not Miss Nance, and please call me Jerry. Mr. Martin is my father. I thought you would enjoy this job." I asked as I reach over and grabbed her hands.

"I really do enjoy working here, Mr. uh Jerry. It's just that there is not that much to do here and you are paying me far too much to continue here 5 days a week."

"Miss Nance, I pay my employees more than just for the job that they do, I pay to have your trust and confidence. I don't care if you sit here 7 hours of the day, as long as the work is done it does not and will not bother me. Now next week when we return from our little get away there will be lots more work for you around here. Summer is upon us and my family will be in to visit. I don't want you to worry about this, if you ask Kyle or any of the guards around, they will tell you I have always paid any of my employees rather well."

"I'm not sure, Jerry. I read through the contract over the weekend and between the salary and the retirement benefits, it seems a little too much."

"It is just the right amount, Miss Nance. I do not believe in paying my employees a penny less than what I think they are worth. If I did not think that the position was worth what I am paying you, I would never have started you at those levels. All I ask is that you give it a chance. Once you are settled and we are home more, you will be doing much more around here. If you would like, make lunch for those working the grounds during the day. That will be a feat in itself." I laughed as I imagined what those guys could eat.

"I guess I could give it a couple weeks, Jerry, but it still seems an awful lot to pay someone when there is not that much to do here."

"We could talk to Sean and see what he thinks about you tending to Jack when he has to do any running. That will take up a lot of time during the day, and Jack is a wonderful child."

"I think I would love helping with Master Jack, that is if Mr. Austin would allow me."

"I believe he would do just that, Miss Nance. I will mention it to him tonight and you two can discuss it in the morning before he has to go out."

"I appreciate your forwardness, Miss Nance. I just need you to know that I take my family and home life more serious than my business. I'm kind of old school with that, I think it is more important to make sure your employees are paid well and able to have a decent life. It makes a person want to come to work and do a better job, if they are not worried about the small details of how are they going to pay the bills every month."

"I understand, Jerry, I'm just not used to having an employer thinking that way. I truly do enjoy working in your home and I think everything will work out fine."

I walked Miss Nance to the door and helped her to her car and then went back in the house and headed for the kitchen. Dad was just getting up from the table and Sean was sitting there eating, yet again, oh to have the metabolism he has.

"Good evening, Dad, how was your day?" I asked as Dad stopped and turned back towards me."I had a great day, Son, how much trouble did you get into?" Dad smiled, I knew that he had heard about my day.

"I did not get into the least bit of trouble today, Dad. Well none that I'm going to take responsibility for and that's my story."

"And on that note, I'm heading to bed. Good night Son, good night, Sean. I will see you in the morning."

Dad headed for his room as I walked over behind Sean and started rubbing his shoulders. "We almost lost Miss Nance; it shocked the hell out of me."

I felt Sean tense up, "Why in the world did she want to quit already? If she would have been here over the weekend I could see why she would leave, but after just today?" Sean started laughing.

"She thought the job was not difficult enough for what I was paying her; she did not think she could keep on working and accepting that kind of pay. I think I set her straight and told her that maybe she could talk with you about watching Jack, when you needed to go out during the day."

"What do you think, Jerry, I only talked with her for awhile today."

"Well, she seems like a very nice woman, there is nothing showing in her background, she has never been in trouble and no police record. I guess we could wait and see how she handles herself around Jack the next couple of weeks. Then maybe go out for a day and I can leave Josh or Mitchell in the office working on paperwork to keep an ear and eye on her."

"I think that could work, Jerry. I'm just a little nervous about leaving him on his own right now."

"I know, Sean. I'm not talking about being gone all day, but maybe just a quick trip to the store and back, give him some time to get used to that. Besides, pre-school will be on the horizon soon."

"I guess it would be a start, you know I am so damn worried about making a mistake I'm just not sure about anything."

I wrapped my arms around Sean's chest. "I know, Babe and I will help you look at everything and make the best decision you can." I kissed his cheek. "Let's get to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow." I pulled Sean up from his seat and started turning off lights as we headed upstairs.

Since I took a little longer to get to the bedroom, Sean was in the bathroom finishing up his nighttime rituals. I pulled out some supplies from the night stand and then walked into the bathroom and stood behind Sean. I wrapped my arms around Sean and ran my hands up his tight defined abs. I slid my hands up to his smooth chest and circled both of his nipples. Sean tilted his head back and let out a growl in his throat. I pulled my hands away and back behind Sean as I wet both of my fingers and returned them to continue with their nipple play. Sean leaned back into me, causing me to have to lean into him to stop him from pushing us both backwards onto the floor. After a couple minutes, and Sean starting to moan louder, I turned him around and kissed him gently. "Let's go to bed."

Sean grabbed me and picked me up and walked into the bedroom and lay me gently on the bed. We spent the next hour and a half exploring and pleasing each other to a blinding end of Sean filling me with himself. After we both regained our senses and calmed down to a relaxing level, Sean wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. He lay there stroking my hair as I slid into a peaceful sleep, feeling the love that we shared. I felt the serene feeling of love being broken down as my dreams turned dark, the faces and the voices in my mind dragging me down into the darkness. I tried to wake myself to stop the descent into madness, I pulled and pulled against the restraints, then I heard my name.

"Jerry, wake up. Jerry!" Sean was calling out to me. It seemed as if I was trying to find the voice in the darkness, following it's sweet sound, but the more I tired the more lost I became.

"Wake-up, Jerry. Come on Babe, wake up for me." I heard the words, even if they were like a scent on a sweet spring day. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Sean; I just stared for what seemed like years. I finally nodded as I noticed a look of relief come over Sean's face. I lay my head back upon his chest as Sean stroked my hair, I took a deep breath as I felt the tears in my eyes. I had wrapped my arms around Sean and was holding on tight and could not seem to let go to stop the tears from falling onto his chest. I tensed as I realized they were falling, but still unable to find the strength to loosen my grip on Sean.

"Shhhh, Jerry, you're safe." Sean whispered.

I started to relax as Sean kept stroking my head and holding me close. I began to feel the grips of sleep pulling back into their warm caress, the last thing I heard before sleep overtook me was Sean. "What the hell did they do to you, Jerry?" The whisper lingered with me as I drifted off, I knew that soon I would have to relive that again and tell Sean everything.

I awoke the next morning, still wrapped in Sean's arms and it felt amazing. I debated on whether I was ever going to get up, the thought of staying home today almost had me convinced to go back to sleep. I tilted my head up and kissed Sean on the cheek and whispered "Thanks." I slowly pulled Sean's arm away from my shoulder and gently slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. After all the morning rituals I headed to the closet and pulled out a nice gray suit and dressed and headed for the door. I stopped at the door and just watched Sean as he slept, he looked so peaceful and happy, I just hoped that he would remain that way.

I quietly made my way down to the kitchen and started the coffee, while it was brewing I grabbed a bagel and toasted it, then poured a cup of coffee and walked into the office. I sat down and started eating as I waited for my laptop to finish loading when I heard a low whimper. If it had not been so early in the morning and there was more noise outside I probably would have never hear the sound. I stepped to the office door and listened to figure out where the sound had come from, when I heard it again. It was coming from Jack's room, I stepped over and opened the door. Jack was laying there in his bed curled up into a tight ball as he cried to himself. I stepped over to the bed and gently sat down, I picked Jack up into my arms and hugged him close. "Shhh, I'm here, Little Man."

Jack threw his arms around my neck and squeezed me so tight I thought I was being hugged by a snake. I held onto him tight, letting him cry out his pain. After a few minutes his crying eased and he whispered, "I miss mommy."

I kissed the top of Jack's head, "I know, buddy, we all miss her and you will always hold a special place in your heart for her. With your Uncle Sean's love and time your pain will lessen, but you will always miss her. We will all help you, Little Man, if you ever want to talk about what is bothering you, just come talk with any of us. We all love you and want to help you as much as we can." I hugged him tighter as I kissed the top of his head again.

Jack soon became quite and his breathing was smooth and regular; he had fallen back to sleep. I sat there holding him for awhile, humming to him as I stroked the side of his face. I gently laid him back in bed and pulled the covers up and leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. I stood watching him, making sure he was sleeping before turning to leave his room.

"He has gotten to you, son." Dad said in a low voice, scaring the hell out of me.

We moved out of Jack's room and I pulled the door shut, "Yes, Dad. Am I crazy?"

"That depends, Son."

"On what, Dad?"

"Can you love the both of them and accept them into your life? Are you willing to change your life to help make theirs better?"

"Of course I love them both, Dad. I would do anything to make sure they are both safe and happy."

"Then make sure they know that and show them everyday, Son."

"He does, Mr. Martin, everyday he has to deal with the shit my family has tried to bury and keeps coming back to haunt me. Jerry puts himself in front of it and helps me deal with it. I bet if you ask him what he is thinking about right now, it is dealing with another of my families problems." Sean turned and looked at me.

Dad looked at me, as I stared at Sean. "What's going on now?"

I broke eye contact with Sean and turned towards the coffee pot. It did not think it was my place to tell Dad what I found out yesterday.

"Jerry found out that my father had a brother and his son was stalking Jerry yesterday. All these years I was lead to believe that my mother and father were only children, it was a lie. I will also bet that he has been thinking about how to deal with it since he woke up this morning."

"Is this true, Jerry? Where the hell has he been all these years when his family needed him? Why show up now?""It's true, Dad, as for the rest, I have no Idea. I did not think it was appropriate to ask him when I met him yesterday and Kyle has not finished his investigation." I answered as I turned to face Dad and Sean.

Dad stood there deep in thought as I walked over to Sean. "Just be careful, Jerry and Sean, there has to be a reason behind their sudden appearance." Dad added then headed back towards his room.

Sean walked over with me and I poured him a cup of coffee, then sat it down on the counter. I grabbed him and gave him a huge hug, "Thank you for last night, Sean." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Sean looked down at me, "You're welcome, Jerry, but are you truly doing alright this morning?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you." Just then a ring came from my office. "Miss Nance is here, I better meet here at the door."

"Jerry, be careful of my uncle. Your dad is right, and their timing is all wrong for this to be just a 'get the family back together' motive. They may be biological family, but something is telling me they are going to cause trouble."

"I know, Sean, but with family I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If they do intend to cause problems, then just like my mother, they are no longer family."

Sean nodded his head as I went to the door to welcome Miss Nance. Her car came slowly up the hill to the house and pulled in front of the garage, I walked over to open her door. "Good morning, Miss Nance. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, Jerry. How are you doing today?" She smiled at me as we walked towards the front door.

"I'm good this morning, thanks. I will be heading out soon, but I'm sure the rest of the eating machine is waiting in anticipation of your wonderful breakfast."

We entered the kitchen and Sean was standing in my favorite spot and staring out the window into the backyard. I could see he was worried about his uncle, especially since I could not give him any answers.

As I stepped up behind him I placed a hand on his shoulder and he leaned back. "Are you sure I have to go with Emily today?" Sean asked with a grin in his voice.

"Well you don't have to go, but you have to call her to cancel, because that is one call even I would be afraid to make."

Sean shook his head and chuckled, "I guess I'm going shopping today."

"Mitchell will be with you today, maybe you can talk him into taping her mouth shut and throwing her in the trunk."

Sean started shaking, trying to suppress his laugh. "That's a good idea, Jerry."

"Just make sure you listen to him today, Sean. Please! I worry enough about you when you are out of the house and I can't convince Kyle to go with you."

"Go where, with who?" Kyle asked as he came out of the office.

"I refuse to say in mixed company, Kyle." Sean started laughing harder at my statement and turned around to see a surprised look on Kyle's face. I noticed the files in Kyle's hand and headed towards the office. "Anything that needs immediate attention in those this morning?"

"I would say they require your attention yesterday, but since we had no idea they existed then I guess today is as good as any." Kyle handed me the files and I could tell by the look on his face that things were going to be bad.

I read through the files, my face twisting in questioning poses as I pondered the possibilities of all the information I was seeing. It seems that maybe Sean's uncle had a more colored past than he led me to believe and his youngest had a present that was even a little more colorful, but I'm sure it was unknown to his father. I finished reading and put those files in my briefcase and grab the financial reports that Kyle gathered and was reading.

Sean, Dad and Jack were sitting at the table eating as I walked back in the kitchen. I knelt down next to Sean, "I'm going to ask Michael and George back here for dinner tonight. Stop by the butcher shop after you and Emily are done today and pick up a dozen steaks, your choice. Just put the receipt in the house file when you get back."

"Sounds good. Do I get the job of manning the grill?" Sean asked with a smile on his face.

"If I'm in the kitchen, I guess you get to do the grilling. Besides, you look terrible in an apron." I turned towards Jack, "Have a great day, Little Man, I will see you tonight." I ruffled his hair as he giggle, not stopping once from stuffing his face.

The car was waiting as we exited the house and Kyle opened the door for me, as I slid into the backseat I looked back at the house with dread at the thought of having to leave for work. I could see I would have to try and accelerate my plans and bring my dreams to an end. As we made our way onto the highway I decided a call was in need of being made. I dialed the number and waited for an answer, hoping they had not left yet this morning." Good Morning, Mr. Derrick, this is Jerry Martin, I hope I did not call too early this morning."

"Good morning, Jerry. It is fine, I was just having a cup of coffee and waiting on Max to finish getting ready so we could head out."

"I just wanted to let you know that I talked to Sean last night and I told him about you and your sons. He took it rather well, but he said he would like some time to come to terms with the idea before a face to face meeting. I was hoping that you could impress this idea upon John and he could accept the fact that all parties know what is going on. If he can give Sean the time and not pressure him into a meeting I'm sure that everything will work out fine."

"I'm sure I can make him see it that way, Jerry. It would be easier if my nephew wanted to meet without being pressed to do so."

"My thoughts exactly, if John can be persuaded please give me a call and I will see to it that all charges are dropped. If it is not too much of an imposition I would like to invite the three of you to lunch at my apartment downtown after John is released."

"I think that would be a good idea, Jerry. It would give us a chance to work through this problem and keep the lines of communication open."

"I will have lunch ready to be served around noon, John knows which building my apartment is in, top floor. I will see you this afternoon."

"Alright, Jerry, we will see you then."

After I disconnected the call, Kyle looked over at me. "Is this a good idea, Jerry?"

"Of course it isn't, but when has that ever stopped me? I want you on the road as soon as we get to the office, I want you to find and talk to her and call me with the details before noon." "I will have a team at the apartment and one at the office in case you need them. I really wish you would reconsider this and let me send someone else to talk to this woman."

"I want you on this, Kyle. I will be fine until you get back and then this should be done. Well let's just hope it is done."

I called a caterer and ordered a nice lunch to be brought and served at the apartment. I took into consideration that Max was a little young and would probably like a more traditional meal than the rest of us. Being they were actually Austins I made sure there was a dessert to finish off the meal with. I reviewed the financial statements that Kyle pulled together this morning and started to formulate a plan to move things along to finish my ultimate plan and made several notes. I would have to use Michael to help me with several of these plans, but I knew that he was up to the challenge. As we pulled up in front of the building I planned to talk with Michael this evening at the house. I would get Sean and Kyle to keep George distracted long enough to speak with Michael.We made it to the office and I rushed Kyle to his office to gather everything he needed, while I went to make coffee for the morning. I knew Kyle was taking his time, to make sure there was a security team in place before he left. The constant worrier that he is, I'm sure he would have several teams in place upstairs so they were on hand for my lunch meeting.

I made coffee and started booting up the computers while I waited for it to finish. Once it was done I made myself a cup and was sitting at my desk when Michael and George walked in.

"Good morning, boss, how are you this today?" Michael asked, with a bit of hesitance in his voice. I suppose it was from my sudden departure yesterday and I didn't give him any details.

"Good Morning, Michael and George. I'm good thanks, I hope you two are ready for a fun filled day of learning. There is a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchenette and the computers are up and ready to go." I laughed, knowing Michael didn't need to learn a damn thing.

"You are on the ball this morning, Jerry. What are you up to now?" Michael lifted one eyebrow, giving me a questioning look.

"Just ready to get a full day in, grab some coffee and when you get back we can talk." I watched as they walked to get their coffee and I walked into Kyle's office.

"I want you to find her and get all the information she has on Jason, that man is hiding something and I don't want blind sided at lunch."

"I will find out everything she knows Jerry, I also have two teams on the floor upstairs. Only one person will be visible at the door before your guests arrive. The rest will only move in closer once they are inside. I want you to make sure you have your panic button handy during lunch and call me as soon as they leave."

"I will Kyle and thanks, I'm sure you have done your usual top rate job." I pointed to a flag on the file I had placed in there at home. "Find out about this first, I think this is where his weakness will be."

Kyle nodded in agreement and pulled everything together and placed it in a briefcase and headed out of the office. I headed back into my office to get the day started, Michael and George were sitting there talking as I entered.

"Before we get started, I have a forced request, Gentlemen."

"Oh no, not one of those." Michael smiled and shook his head.

I smiled over at Michael, I knew he was playing it up for George. "Pay him no mind this morning, George, he is just being a wise ass. I would consider it a pleasure if you two would join us for dinner tonight at the house. At lunch time I would like you to go back over to the apartment and grab some casual clothes so you can change once we get to the house. I think it is time that George gets out of the city and I can think of no better time for you to meet Jack and my father. Of course, the former is a lot more fun than the later." I laughed, making Michael smile and George stood there shaking his head.

"I'm in, how about you George?"

"I would be honored to have dinner with you and your family, Jerry." "It's just dinner, George. Nothing fancy and no formalities. Sean is working the grill and I am manning the kitchen. Now let's get busy, we have a lot to get in this morning before we have to break for lunch."

We worked well for a couple of hours, going over everything I do each morning in great detail. Just before 10AM my phone rang, I sent Michael and George to grab us a coffee while I took my call.

"Hello, Jason, I hope you have had a good morning."

"I have, Jerry. I believe I have gotten through to my son and he has agreed to leave things as they are, and give Sean time to come to terms about us."

"That is great Jason, I will give Chief Jacobs a call and have John released. That will give you time to get him to his house so he can clean up before we meet for lunch."

"Thanks, Jerry, we will be there at noon."

"Everything is all set and I will see you then." I hung up the phone and turned and looked out the window as I called Kim and had her work her magic with her officers at the jail. Once I was done I turned back around to find Michael standing just inside my office.

"You sure everything is alright, Jerry?"

"I think it is, Michael. It all seems to be on course so far today, as long as these people keep a level head and an open mind, then all should work out fine."

Michael stepped forward and handed me a cup of coffee, "If you need anything, just ask, Jerry. I kind of feel like a fifth wheel around here today." Michael laughed and took a seat in front of my desk.

"Well I hope to talk with you about that this evening, Michael. I have adjusted some plans and I want to speak to you about being more involved in my plan."

"I'm ready whenever you are, Jerry. I suspect you have a plan in mind for tonight to have some time to talk."

"I do, Michael and it shouldn't take us that long. I just hope I'm not rushing things by pushing this forward now, but I want to be more available at home." "I would bet that any plan you have in mind would work out no matter how quickly you put it in motion, Jerry."

"I hope so, Michael. I sure hope so."

George came in and we were soon busy sorting through the daily reports and I was going through each office and what to expect and how to consolidate all the information. Before I knew it, we had been at it for over three hours and it was getting close to 11:30am. "I think this is as good a place as any to stop for lunch. I have a couple calls to make before my meeting. I will see you both back here at 1 o'clock, I will be upstairs in my apartment if you need anything before you get back."

George and Michael both gathered up their personal items and headed out of the office. I pulled out my phone to give Sean a call and see how his day was going before I headed upstairs. "Hello, Sean. Are you surviving your day?" I let out a small laugh as I asked.

"Hi, Jerry. Yes, we are having a good time, Emily is a very nice lady and has been helpful making sure we will have everything we need."

"I told you that it would be fine, I'm glad she is being good to you. I just wanted to call and check on you before I headed to my lunch meeting. Also, just to remind you, Michael and George will be having dinner with us tonight, don't forget to stop at the butcher shop."

"Emily already has it worked into the plans for the day, Jerry. She is amazing at organizing things, and keeping us on schedule."

"Well, I just had to hear your voice and I wanted to check and make sure you were enjoying yourself. I have to get headed upstairs for my lunch meeting, I will see you this evening at home. I love you Mr. Austin." I smiled, knowing he would have a tough decision to make, saying it back to me in front of Emily.

"I love you too, Mr. Martin." Sean answered without a thought to Emily being next to him.

I hung up the phone and grabbed a couple files and headed upstairs to my meeting with the Derricks, I was still holding out hope that it was all going to be fine. Exiting the elevator, I noticed David, the building team leader, at the door. "Good day, Mr. Martin. Your guests are about 10 minutes out."

I stopped and looked at David, wondering how the hell he knew exactly where there were at. "I don't think I even want to know how you know that, David." I smiled as he opened the door. "Please make sure they find their way up here as soon as they arrive." "Will do, Sir." David snickered.

"Oh, one more thing, drop the damn sir when we are alone." I shook my head and walked into the apartment.

The caterers were in the kitchen as I entered to tell them that we would be ready to eat in about 15 minutes. They told me that they would be ready to serve as soon as my guests had arrived.

"You can go as soon as you serve lunch, just leave the desserts on the counter and I will serve them when we are ready."

"No problem, Mr. Martin. We will have them plated and ready for you."

I stopped at the wet bar and poured myself a drink as I went over all the information I had on the Derricks in my head. I was hoping that Kyle had called before they arrived with any new information he discovered. I had just finished my drink when there was a knock on the door and David opened the door and let the Derricks enter.

I walked over towards the door, "Welcome, Jason, John, Max." I said as I shook their hands. David stepped back out in the hallway and closed the door. "Please come in, lunch is just about ready. Have a seat and I will let the caterer know we are all ready." I walked in the kitchen and informed the caterer that my guests had arrived and then headed to the wet bar. "Would anyone care for a drink?"

"Can you make me a whiskey on the rocks?" John asked.

"Nothing for me." Jason replied.

Max sat there debating, then finally asked for a coke. I prepared their drinks and refreshed mine, then joined them at the table. After I had sat down and those of us that had drinks, had taken a swallow. "John, I would like to start off anew and forget about our first meetings. I would prefer if you forgot about anything you have learned about me by searching through records and just ask me any questions that you have on your mind. It would be a much better way to actually know who I am."

"I think that is a good idea, Jerry, and to be truthful, I didn't find much out about you. There isn't much to be found."

"I'm afraid that is my fault, I try my best to stay as private as I can. I believe once a person is home, they should not have to deal with still being in the public eye."

"I can understand that, Jerry, but what is it that you do that requires all this security?" John asked, expecting to find out more than I was willing to give at this time.

"I'm just a businessman, I work hard trying to find companies on the verge of collapse and I pull them back from the edge. In this day, it is more than prudent to have a well trained and informed security team."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Max asked, I think just wanting to be part of the conversation.

"I have two brothers, Max, both older. My oldest brother, Bill, has three children and my other brother, Sam, has two children. I love them all and I often spoil them, which I take as an Uncle's privilege."

Max nodded his head as if in agreement, but I noticed that by the look on John and Jason's face that they did not.

"How about your parents, are you close with them?" Jason asked, I think hoping that there was a chink in my armor.

"My father is at the house now, he has been there for awhile now and has been very helpful dealing with Jack. He has kind of taken him under his wing as a grandson and has been there for Jack any time he has had any troubles with everything that has happened."

I don't think this was the answer that Jason was looking for, but it was the one he was getting, since it was the truth. The decisions that he had made to not be involved in Mary and Sean's life was of his own doing. I saw no need to relieve him of his guilt for that choice. We finished up lunch, making very little small talk, then I went in the kitchen and brought in the desserts that the caterers had left. As Max was digging into his dessert, another trait he shared with Sean, Jason sat up as if he was taking charge of the table. He cleared his throat and looked me straight in the eye. "What are your intentions with my nephew?"

Well I knew that the shit was going to hit the fan, but Jason was sure going at it in a straightforward manner.......

End of Part 31


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