Between Twilight and New Moon

By moc.loa@4181namra

Published on May 21, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of the Twilight saga belong to Stepahnie Meyers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

Firstly I would like to thank you all who e-mailed me back with your feedback, good or bad it was much appreciated. Would also like to let you know there is now an interracial story of part 1. Okay I'll start of from the last lines of part 2.

Then the next thing I felt was sharp teeth going into my jugular vein, and blood began to spurt out. There was blood everywhere on the sheets, on the wall, on the dresser. And that's the day I died. That's the day my heart stopped, that's the day I took my own last breath. That's the day I saw Edward's tears for me. Lights were flashing all around me, I had an Oxygen mask on my face. The BP machine could be heard. The scene was of major chaos. I could see bright lights and white everywhere. I was being moved fast into an operating theatre. Carlisle was talking to his follow doctor, the doctor who has the best in the state for cardiac surgery. A young handsome Doctor from New York had been in. He was known as Dr.Heartthrob or Dr. Matt Buchanan. The citrus smell was everywhere, as it was in the Cullen's house. Everyone had a look of worry about them. "If we don't get some blood now for him, we are gonna loose him, and we need all fresh blood at least 4 litres," said Dr.Buchanan. Matt was feeling helpless, he had never experienced this. My blood results had come back from the lab I was AB negative one of the most rare types of blood. Both Edward and Jacob were waiting by the operating theatre door. Jacob wearing his white shirt and black jeans, and Edward in his white t-shirt and grey jeans. Both Doctors came out to speak to Edward. "Edward what exactly happened?" asked Dr.Buchanan. "Matt it was Le Stat he took the shape of Carlisle, slept with Kris, and tried to kill him. He didn't feed of him, but was trying to kill him." "Should we inform the Volutori?" said Dr.Buchanan. "Maybe they would know why Kris is so special, and why Le Stat has such a fondness of him." "You guys are sick, worrying about your rules and regulations when someone is dying right in front of you," hissed Jacob. "Mr.Black your blood group is AB negative isn't it," asked Matt in a stern voice. "How would I know, I'm just a young dumb boy," sarcasticly spoke Jacob. He rolled his eyes. "Yes I am that blood group, but how do you know Dr.Matt?" "I can smell these things, its my job," snarled Matt. "You mean you're another Dr.Fang,urrr yuck" retaliated Jacob in an aggressive tone. "This is not the place or the time," interrupted Edward. "Yes I agree," said Carlisle trying to passify the situation. "Jacob can we use your blood please." "I guess if it helps him," said Jacob in a defeated tone as he looked to the floor noticing the white soft tiling with light brown freckles across it. "Edward would you like a drink," laughed Jacob. "Of my blood that is, maybe it will help you become normal again." "Or grow a tail," said Edward with his eyes glowing, and moving into an attack position on Jacob. "Nurse," called Carlisle in a stern confident way. He did this swiftly before a fight a fight broke out. "Yes Doctor," said a small stumpy woman, with her black hair tied up, and the nurses hat on. Her pale white skin and green eyes complimented her white uniform well. Her plastic white laced size 4 shoes left something to be desired though. "Please would you do an emergency HIV test, and get 4 pints of Blood from Mr.Black here, thank you. The nurse looked at Jacob in a slightly perturbed way. She was slightly scared by his large frame, and big biceps. Jacob followed her in the teenage way, which spoke I own this space get out of my way. A minute after Jacob left, in the operating theatre, the blood pressure machine began to make critical sounds, as if the heart was failing. Edward and Carlisle ran into the operating theatre. Dr.Buchanan closely followed them before. "Father what's happening?" spoke Edward in a melancholy way. As I opened my eyes, I saw Edward to my right. "We are loosing him Carlisle, his heart is failing, even the charge won't do anything," said Matt in a hurried tone, moving around the bed and seeing the BP monitor, and putting more saline in the drips. "God dam it surely you can do something," said Edward in impatient tone. All around me there was manic, and commotion. In front of me life seem to be fading, it was as if I had to make my peace with the world, but where was my mother. How could I die without saying a goodbye, and I needed Jacob's warm arms around me hugging me, making my departure of this world easier. I closed my eyes and thought if a dying man his one wish, then let Edward be free from all his misfortunes and be normal whatever was troubling him. I opened my eyes again, and in front of me, stroking my hair, I saw Edward crying. I saw his tears, I held his face and told him not to cry but to be happy with Bella. His smooth porcelain skin looked so good, dermatologists everywhere would be wondering what his secret was, as was I. "Edward move now," said Matt in an impatient tone. I began to close my eyes. Then next thing I heard was with the electric charge of a difibultaor machine, and after that it was quiet. "Ok charge, everyone stand back, 3, 2, 1,"said Carlisle. Carlisle then put the pads on my chest. My body jerked and a little heartbeat began to register on the machine. Carlisle turned to Edward in his white Doctor's coat, and blue tie. "Okay we got him back but just for a few minutes." Oh no he is going again, panicked Carlisle. At that moment in time the nurse walked in with 4 pints I.V drip of AB negative blood. Mat quickly covered his nose, as his eyes were beginning to turn slightly crimson. "Matt, go you can't handle it today," pleaded Carlisle. Carlisle began to administer Jacob's blood into my veins. But he was still till panicky. "Edward I'm sorry the blood loss is too much there is nothing that can be done," said Carlisle melancholy. "Yes there is," said Edward in tone of pure determination. Edward came back in less than a minute, with a white steel mini briefcase. There was a red cross sign on it. "Son you said that is for your child, if you ever had one and they needed it." Carlisle looked at Edward in a very serious. Edward was crying, and I could see the tears run down his face. He was going to say something to reply to his father. But then the monitor showed a flat line and made the noise that showed my heart stopped pumping blood, and this is the day 28th May 2009 14:17 I died. I had taken my own last breath, and life for me was finished. Six hours passed and I woke up in my hospital bed. I couldn't hear anything but could see just blurry images. Outside my room Carlisle and Edward were talking. "When will he wake father?", asked Edward frantically. "Son calm down the main thing is you saved him, your heart which you had stored and preserved for so many years saved him." said Carlisle. Edward was becoming impatient, he was tapping his black lace shoe at a very quick tone. "Well it was the only human thing I had, and I'm glad you saved it Father before I fully became a Vampire, it was your good idea father. Well I'm glad he has my human heart in me, cos I have no need it, and it's not like me and Bella could ever have children, so they could use it, and I know one day Bella will become a vampire too, so it would be no good for her." "It's a strange world, Kris who Le Stat has an obsession with, has wolf blood in him, and an ex-vampire heart. In a way you and Jacob are his fathers. You both gave him life. He owes you both a lot. You both keep saving him again and again." Wondered Carlisle. "Yuck, me and that wolf co-existing in the same body, and me a father of Kris, this is too weird, I need therapy, I'm gonna check on him father." said Edward in a disgusted tone. As Edward walked to my room and opened the door, he put one step forward, and then froze. There just by the door was a King Cobra hissing, with his hood up and in his attacking pose. Edward closed the door quickly before the snake could attack him. Edward was scared, as any Vampire would be. Only cobra venom could kill a Vampire effectively and instantaneously, no other snake could do this. Edward looked through the small circular window of the door into my room. The cobra moved up my bed, and sat at the end of my bed against my feet. I could not make out it was a Cobra at the end of my bed, I just thought it was a wire or something connected to a device. The Cobra was sitting and acting like a guard. Edward's eyes were fixed on the Cobra, and he couldn't move. Edward's eyes were turning blue. Blue eye's for a Vampire meant the vampire was under threat, and scared. Edward then moved back, slowly at first, all the time looking into the cobra's eyes. In the Cobra's eye he saw me. Edward saw me spitting venom like a snake, but that's all he could see. Edward then ran as fast as he could down the corridor to Carlisle. Carlisle, Carlisle, Edward yelled as loud as he could. He fell into Carlisle's arms and squashed his nose into Carlisle's shoulder. Carlisle gently stroked Edward's hair. "What's wrong son?" Edward was huffing, and trying to speak but no words were coming out of his mouth. He finally blurted the words, "Cobra Kris's room." Carlisle pushed Edward back and ran to my room , and as he reached he swayed by the glass window of my room's door. There he also saw the cobra curled up at my feet. The cobra sensed Carlisle at my door . Again the Cobra rose his head ready to attack the vampires. Carlisle yelled at the nurse get a wooden brush, break the wood of the brush and to light the wood. As Carlisle turned back to my room to see through the circular glass window, the cobra had gone. The nurse brought the lit wood, he told her to call the local zoo and find out if any snake was missing, also to get the security, and the authorities who would remove the snake if needed be. Edward was now by Carlisle's side, "Father I sense it is safe, and the snake is gone, but still keep the fire torch with you, and Kris is up now all senses back to normal." Carlisle slowly turned the gold metal knob of the door to my room, and entered it slowly. He moved slowly but as also made the odd quick move to check for the snake just in case it was anywhere. He then blew out the torch after a good 10 minutes of looking for the snake. He had checked everywhere, in my bed, under the bed, on the top ceiling corners, in the side table draws, in the plates which were covered by their metal casing. But nowhere, it could be found. Edward after a good ten minutes entered my room. He came next to his father, I can't smell it. Edward then came up to me. "Before you say anything, Carlisle didn't attack or rape you. Le stat had sprayed an aerosol, with an illegal Alpha-adrenergic agonist. This leads to hallucinations. Plus he had Carlisle's underwear shred, and mixed it into the aerosol can. So who do you see? Yes that's right Carlisle making love to you. But it wasn't Carlisle. Plus he was working here at the hospital on a 12 hour shift, and at least 50 people can vouch for him being here." "Well that sorts that out then, no more questions need to be asked," I exclaimed in an unsatisfied tone. I looked at Carlisle and gave him a sweet short smile. "Dr.Cullen, when can I leave the hospital and is my health all okay?" Carlisle smiled reassuringly and said, " Just a few more small routine checks and you should be good to go. Not longer than 10 minutes is there anyone we should call?" "Just a cab would be great thank you." Carlisle smiled and nodded is head slightly, "But of course." After he did a few more quick tests of checking my reflexes, and pulse, and eye examination he left and as he did he said, "All is well take care of yourself." All the time Carlisle was carrying out his tests, Edward just stood in a corner of the room, and examining the whole room, and bit his nails. He was very anxious. After Carlisle left Edward came to me, and moved my hair back from my eyes, to see my red rosy cheeks, and deep blue eyes. I stared deep into him, "So you looking for my pet snake?" Edward was aghast, he had a look of anger and fear all rolled in one. "I'm kidding," I laughed. I got up and went to the window, and drew back the plain brown cotton curtains. There was the moon in it's full glory. "Neya Charnth." I looked at Edward. "You said New Moon in Hindi didn't you?" asked Edward. "Yes, and Edward the snake left through this window, the one place you forgot to check". I then looked up into the sky. "There is something in the air tonight, the stars are too bright and shining with smug faces. This night is not good for me, I have to leave forks now, before Merle Stat comes for me again." "I won't let him touch you, Kris trust me." I replied to him, "Starlight shivers everywhere, there's a certain something in the air. Kind of like electricity. Can you feel it Edward?" "Yes I can," replied Edward. "But you can't go Kris." "Why," I barked. "Because I'm the one and want you to love me and love me and love me all over." Before I had time to speak he locked the door, and closed the blinds. He came to me in a swift motion and pushed my head down, and violently purched his lips onto mine. This time I did not stop him, I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer into me. He kissed me like I was his prey. The kiss was sending the electricity in the air into my body, and instantly I was hard. My heart was beating faster, my hands were moving in his hair, I never wanted this moment to end. There was no air to breathe. What a way to die, in a passionate kiss. Then he started feeling my leg and he put his hand on my groin. Of course he felt I was hard. He took my hand and put it on his hard cock. I thought my heart will jump out of my body. I became even more aroused when he took his hard cock out of his trousers. It was a very big one, he put my hand on it. It felt very warm and silky. I liked the feeling and I wanted to hold it. It seems that he liked it too, we pulled our trousers down. In almost no time, he was naked in front of me and he started to help me to take my scrappy clothes off except my jeans. Than he took me in his arms and I felt the whole time his hard cock and he was touching my cock and balls. I felt his lips on my neck and it was incredible. I was looking at the magazines on the side table but I didn't see anything more. I was concentrated on his hot groin and his smooth chest, which was so good against my chest. He then suggested me to turn around and to take his hot rod in my hands. It was really very big since I wasn't able to put my fingers all around it. In this moment I felt his lips on my neck and then his long tongue trying to invade my mouth. While kissing me, he started to breathe very heavily and he was squeezing me more and more and tried to make even more contact between his cock and my ass with the denim material in between. The denim teased his cock, and this angered him, he then in less then a second unbuttoned my light blue jeans, and threw them off like he had thrown a Frisbee. There he saw my cute tight smooth ass winking at him in my jock strap. He smiled as he looked at his prize, and then pulled my head back by grabbing my hair back so his chest was directly on my back, and there was no space for air to be between his chest and my beck. He then gave me a love bite on my neck which he really liked, as he made some wild wolf sounds as he did it. "Someone will come, and what about Bella?" I murmured. He turned me around so he lay on top of me, and I loved the feel of his body against mine. I spread my legs so he could lay between them, and he grinded his crotch into mine. He pressed his lips against mine, and thrust his tongue into my mouth, invading my insides, a precursor to what would follow. Then again he turned my body so I was face down into the pillow.

"Stop fighting me," he whispered into my ear as he pinned my face into pillow. He than ran the palm of his hands up my arms, until his hands were intertwined in my hands and they locked firmly. As he did this my ass wiggled and tickled his cock. I moaned heavy breaths. I then felt his hands move on my buttocks and at this moment he put his tongue as deep as possible in my mouth and he started to grumble quite loudly. His kiss was becoming violent now, and he turned me on my back, and looked deep into my eyes as he was crouched above me and me lying flat on my back. His hungry stare was devouring each centimetre of my body. "If you try leaving me now Kris, I'll fucking squash you like a bug. Okay? He dominated in seductive voice. We now changed positions and he lay on the bed, and his back slightly up against the headboard. Again he pulled me into his arms, and again he savaged my mouth. This felt so good, again my pulse began to rise, every nerve in my body was on fire with passion for this beautiful man in front of me. His hands running up and down my back, and I jerked his cock as he did this. He didn't need to tell me what to do next. It was a natural action. I began to lick and suck his nipples, and as I did this he moaned with excitement, and ran his hands through my hair. Then I saw my goal and slowly licked down his perfect chest and abs. But Jakes' were equally as good if not slightly better. His monster cock knew it wanted my mouth, and I wasted no time. I licked the outside of his shaft, and then moved to his balls. I sucked his balls one at a time and then both together. They were so big and juicy, and I was in heaven. He tried to push me off knowing that it was too good, and if I carried on he would explode that every second. He then in a swift move, pulled me up and began to kiss me for at least 5 seconds, then he was forceful and dominant and pushed my face onto his cock. I took his lush cock in my mouth. I began to deep throat him, and he moaned in pleasure, as he moaned he pushed his head back closed his eyes, and moaned, "Oh yes so good, oh so good Kris suck me o suck me please." This charged me and I began to go faster and faster on his cock with my tongue twirling around his cock. "This is even better than Emmet." He moaned in pleasure. I was shocked to hear this and was expecting him to say Bella. "Yeah, suck my cock you whore, Edward moaned. Take it all and worship my meat.

My head was placed in Edwards's hands and I was bobbing up and down on his cock like a hungry cock starved little whore. "Mmmmmm, that's perfect Kris, really perfect, it feels soooo fucking great, soooo, ahhhhh...aoooooo, ooooo yea, ooooogggggs, cum on boy, ahhhhhhhhhh yesa, you like sucking this monster don't ya?' I shook my head in approval. His dirty talk made me suck him faster and faster. The sweat and heat from the both of us, caused the windows to get steamy. As I sucked him my eyes were closed and occasionally I stopped sucking him and then went back to sucking him again. Again and again I sucked his long thick cock and played with his foreskin, showing the veins he had in his cock. The slurping sounds were getting more frequent and louder, and I also managed to kiss and kick the outside of his cock. To give my Edward the total pleasure he wanted. His balls slapped against my face reassuring me that he approved of what I was doing. "Oooh that's good Kris please suck it more." I was sucking his cock like a kid with a lollipop.

"Mmmmpphh, mpppphhhhh, muppppphhhhh," my mouth was truly enjoying the taste and size of the cock in it, "mmmmmm, mmppppppppppp." Up and down my head bobbed, up and down I sucked his cock to the best of my abilities. Cocksucking is what I was becoming good at and I wanted to give this man the benefit of all my skills. Time went by quickly and I was in heaven. This is definitely what I needed this afternoon and this was definitely the man to give it to me. I continued to suck his cock and was so focused on the task at hand I didn't even notice he had started to play with my ass. While my attention was on his cock he was refocusing his attention to my bubble butt, in particular my twice fucked tight hole.

He would lick a finger, beginning with his index, and slowly fuck it. After fucking it he would rub the whole thing with his fingers or palm. He was trying to loosen it up, and I knew it.

"That is one tight pussy on you boy. That cherry is still pretty bright and red, from Le Stat.

He ran his hands over my ass, and then pushed his now hard cock against me. His fingers ran up the crack of my ass, probing gently. He sighed, and pushed me forwards towards the foot of the bed. Edward was pressing his hardness against my ass, then he got down on his knees and I felt his tongue lick the cheek of my ass. I shuddered with pleasure at the sensation. This looks sooo good Kris. He worked his way to the crack of my ass, and then inside until his face was buried there. One of his hands was pressing at the small of my back in order to encourage me to turn around and bend over, which I did until I had to support my body with my elbows on the soft mattress. He groaned softly in lust and pleasure as he knelt there behind me. I stood up straight, and Edward, who continued to lick my ass while moaning softly made no effort to stop me. He had taken a finger and put it up against my asshole, and now as I stood there, he applied full pressure to it, and pushed it firmly into my ass. He thrusted forward, his cock pushing itself half way into my ass. I screamed. The pain was intolerable and a started to shake. His reassuring hands touched my back, and started to rub my back. I started to calm down, yet the pain was still there. After a few minutes he started to push in again, but gentler this time. The pain rekindled and a let out a low groan of pain. That didn't stop him. He kept pushing and pushing until I felt his wiry pubes tickling my ass. There were tears in my eyes and my breath was ragged, but I felt a sense of accomplishment, taking that giant into my ass and surviving!

He withdrew until only the head was in my love tunnel and then he slowly laid it back into me. I groaned again, the pain racking my body. He repeated this five or six times before the pain started to dissipate. By the tenth time he was pushing in, the pain was gone, yet I knew it would come back when he started to go faster.

His thick cucumber rod split me in half, My body was on fire, my guts were being ripped inside out. Soon again I felt the warm tip of his bare cock sliding up and down my crack, mixing his own precum with the saliva of his mouth. I felt the head of that nice juicy cock making its way into my hole. Finally again he was inside me, sliding in deeper and deeper, when I felt his hot body pressing against my ass cheeks, I knew he was fully inside me. Slowly he began to fuck me in amore sensual way. As he moved in and out, I tried to match his rhythm. He would pull his cock almost all the way out, and then quickly back in, sometimes pulling out completely, making my hole twitch as it waited to be filled again.

He now placed me on all fours of the hospital bed, my ass high in the air as he continued to use me. I was moaning and gasping in pleasure as I felt the raw skin and heat of his cock as it made its way in and out my pussy, my cock was leaking precum, he played with my dick and balls with his free hand, letting me lick my own juices off his fingers as he brought them to my lips. His pace began to quicken, and I knew what was about to cum.

My moans were getting louder and louder. Till he kissed me to stop the moans. Then he tried something which I never would expect. He lifted me off the bed, and took me in his arms, and then turned me upside down, and balanced me against the wall and began to fuck me and he sucked my toes and wanked my cock all at the same time. He was beginning to sweat excessively now, as was I. I was like a little toy in his hands. Next he placed me back on the floor, he lifted me up so his cock was in my arse and he was fucking me from behind except my feet were around his thighs and he had pulled my arms back. Our bodies together looked like a motorbike. As he did this again he placed his tongue in my mouth. Now he really pumped me like his bitch. They were deep again, and his balls slapped my arse, like they were spanking me. Even though I couldn't touch my cock it was rock hard, and my balls were about to bust any moment now. I moaned like a prom girl getting fucked for the first time. I had to admit Jacob, le Stat, should take lessons from my cucumber man. His fucking was so hard that I began to bleed. He then pushed me off him, and told me instantly to wipe the blood of me, and come back to him. I wiped it quick, I didn't want to ruin this moment. Then as he entered me his cock began to twitch, and that also real hard, as he came the force of his cock and come threw me off his cock and high onto the ceiling where I banged my head, as I fell back down he caught me in his arms. He then threw me on my back on the bed, and violently sucked me off. I begged him to stop, but he didn't listen. I then tensed, my eyed closed, and my face began to wrinkle, as I shrieked, "You fucking handsome twat!"

Edward then drank my cum like it was Pepsi, on a very hot day, and couldn't get it down quick enough.

He then fell on top of me and we kissed. As we kissed I felt the cum run down my thigh.

Then the door opened, and she was crying, "Edward how could you do this to me!"

To be continued...

Okay hope you liked it please e-mail any comments to

Thanks Armi xxx

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