Bewitched Bothered and Between

By william michael

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Bewitched, Bothered and Between. Part 2

It was the worst day that Tom could imagine. In less than fifteen minutes his future had utterly collapsed as he saw it. The doctor was very matter of fact. While the muscles in his damaged leg were regaining strength and the bones had knitted themselves with the help of numerous pieces of metal. Even the web of damaged ligaments had healed. But the lack of sufficient cartilage meant that bone on bone contact would limit him to normal walking paces and little more. The rigors of training and competition on the soccer pitch was out of the question. It was likely that at some time in the future he would be looking at a joint replacement.

He sat in stunned silence as the trajectory of his life took a steep nose dive. He had often said he didn't expect to make the pros, but there had been those secret dreams. What he was counting on was the scholarship and enough of a college career that he might be able to work his way into a coaching career. Now, that looked like an impossibility.

There were a lot of hugs from his mom and dad but the ride home was very quiet. He limped his way to his room and stretched out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He was startled out of his stupor by an insistent tapping at his window. When he looked up he was amazed to see Alisande looking back at him. Having gotten his attention, she started pushing up the window. He had long since stopped securing the latch to this window, since it didn't seem to impede her.

In the clear light of day, he still couldn't figure out how she was able to smoothly get through the window. It provided a few moments of diversion before the depression settled back in and he laid back on the bed. She removed the cape and then gracefully settled down on the edge of the bed. Her large, luminous eyes often gave him clues to how she was feeling but at the moment they seemed to merely hold his, asking a question.

"It's over. The knee is only gonna be good enough for walking on. So, no training, no playing and no scholarship."

By the time he was done with the statement of fact, he was staring back at the ceiling again. Alisande couldn't remember a time when he seemed so lifeless, as if an internal light had been switched off. And she had never felt so lost. When he didn't get a response he looked back at her and was surprised to see her eyes welling with tears and her lips trembling. Then he had his arms full of a very upset young woman.

Her face was buried in the pillow close to his head and her arms were trying to hold him as best she could. His arms went around her back and held her gently but firmly. He assumed trying to get her to stop was a waste of time so he just let his hands slide around on her back and he pressed the side of his face to her head and just held on.

Eventually the crying subsided and he was able to pull his head aside and look over at her, but he could only see the back of her head. He was glad that she hadn't been wailing and attracting his parents attention. But he could here her say,

"Damn, damn, damn."

"Well, I think that's a first," he said quietly.

"What's that?" she replied with a sniff.

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you curse."

"I feel like saying a lot more," she replied, shifting around so she was lying on the bed, facing him. "I feel so useless."

"Excuse me?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

"What good is it to have all this ability and not be able to help the ones closest to you."

"What are you talking about? You've helped me a lot."

"Sweetheart, helping relieve your pain was a small part of what you needed. I couldn't do anything about the worst part of your injury or help you realize your dreams. What good is this," she said, holding up her hand where a small ball of light danced from fingertip to fingertip, "compared to what you need."

"Are witches supposed to be able to do things regular doctors can't?" he asked.

"As far as the body is concerned, not more or less, just differently."

"Then you have no reason to be upset because I was told no doctor could get me back on a soccer field, so why should you be expected to do it?"

"You're being awfully calm about this, you know," she said, those amazing eyes fixed on his.

"Well, you weren't and one of us had to be."

She gave him a blubbery sort of laugh then leaned in and kissed him briefly. Then she rolled back to lay ono her back and joined him in staring at the ceiling.

"So what now, my love?"

He took a deep breath and said,

"I haven't given it much thought. I guess I'll keep working on the knee, maybe the doctor's wrong. I guess I also have to look at a different college. No one's going to give me a scholarship with this," he said gesturing to his knee.

"Will you be going away to school then?" she asked, a little something in her voice.

"I don't know. There's a good school not far from here, my dad went there. You know he grew up in this house."

He watched as she took in a deep breath and marveled at the way her blouse moved. She took hold of his hand again and said,

"So, it's possible you might be staying here while you go to school?"

"Yes, it's possible."

"I think I'd like that, I'd like that very much. I was a little concerned about how I was going to be able to follow you when you went off to school."

"You were going to follow me?"

"I believe I told you I would seek you out, didn't I?"

He turned his head to look at her and then he gestured her closer. She snuggled up to him and he got his arms around her. God, he loved how she felt like this. He kissed the top of her head a couple of times and then settled down.

"How about we lay like this for a while? I think I'd feel better after that."

"I like that idea. I wonder about something, though."

"What's that?"

"Patty. I imagine she'll be going away to school. How will she feel about it if you wind up staying here?"

"She'll be here this afternoon after school. She insisted I text her as soon as I knew something and she said she was going to be here. So I'll talk to her then. We always knew we were going to be going to different schools. Even if they have a soccer team, I doubt I could make grades anywhere she winds up," he said with a laugh.

"If that is the case, I think she and I will need to have our own talk, but you leave that to us. And I think we'll need to work on my coming out of the shadows. But not now."

With that she let her hand slide from his chest and run down across the bulge at the front of his pants. She let it dwell there, long slender fingers squeezing and caressing. He looked across at her and in her eyes he saw a deep need, a need to improve their moods and a need to make him forget his disappointment, if only for a while. And he intended to make her forget how badly she was feeling on his behalf.

He let his hand drift down to cup one of her firm ass cheeks which got him a bright smile before she leaned in and began kissing him with great fervor. Fingers began to work at his shirt and pants and in quick order he was naked and she was standing at the end of the bed putting on a bit of a show. When she was naked she stood there, her full figure on display. She let the fingers of one hand glide over the hard nipple of one breast while her other hand slid down between her thighs to brush lightly over her pussy.

As he watched her the last of the softness left his cock and it was hard and throbbing and pointing up along his stomach. As he watched, her eyes fixed on his and he could swear they glowed. Inspired by her erotic display, he took hold of his fat hard cock and with it pointing to the ceiling he began to stroke. Her smile widened and her grip on her firm tit tightened as she began to rub her pussy lips with more vigor.

Then she made her move. In two quick steps she was onto the bed being careful to not to disturb his knee. Her tits were pressed into his chest and her pussy was rubbing against his good leg. She also brushed his hand away and took a firm hold on his cock and began to stroke it with firm slow motions. She held her face above his and the glow was evident in her eyes.

"They really do glow. God, you look so hot," he said.

"Only when I'm really excited. And you're the only one who can make that happen. And you wonder why I planned to seek you out when you left for college?"

He didn't even bother trying to think of an answer. He just put a hand behind her head and brought those hungry lips to his and began a kiss he never wanted to end. If fact, for the first time there was no oral sex involved. They let their hips do the talking, first, rubbing her bare pussy against his thigh. Next, she swung her leg over and started rubbing against his hard cock.

The kiss didn't end, it settled into a slow, grinding affair with a lot of tongue sucking, a few excursions down throats and necks. Finally, Alisande had had enough and she maneuvered her pussy to the tip of his cock and began pressing back. She was so wet that her lips began to spread and the fat cock that she had come to crave so desperately started sliding up inside her.

When he was fully embedded in her pussy, she began to grinding and thrust with her hips while he responded with strong up thrusts from a pair of glutes that were hard as rock and still stronger than most. She was grunting into his mouth mingled with a few squeals and murmurs. One long squeal rolled around in his mouth when she went rigid and came all over his cock.

When she relaxed on his body, he took hold of her ass cheeks and began to thrust his cock in and out of her drenched pussy. She lifted her face, her tongue dancing over his lips, flicking on his tongue, her eyes locking on his while he slammed his fat dick into her, while his hands gripped her firm ass with a fingertip probing her tight ring. He saw the look in her eyes and without hesitation he pushed his finger in up to his first knuckle and she squealed and her eyes lit up again.

As he dick fucked her pussy, he finger fucked her ass and she was going out of her mind with lust. Her hips were flailing and she pulled up off his mouth and said,

"Do it. Shoot your load inside me, sweetheart. Please, don't worry, just do it."

He had gone past the point of no return and with one more hard thrust he began fire off cumshot after cumshot deep insider her. He was practically growling as his back arched and lifted her up with him. When his balls were finally empty he slid back down and she settled on top of him, her mouth once more taking possession of his. After a time she backed off, pushing back to make sure his cock stayed firmly inside her.

She pulled her mouth off of his and stared down at him. He looked back up at her and said,

"Um, I know what you said about getting pregnant but are you sure what we just did was a smart thing?"

"My darling charming boy, I said that because it's true. Until I decide the time is right, no matter how much of your lovely self you shoot inside me, I won't get pregnant. I know I said I wanted to swallow all you could give me, and that's still true, but this time I just wanted to feel that last bit of you. Smart? I don't know, but it sure was fun, wasn't it?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yes, it was, I've never felt anything like that before. I had to have been the luckiest seven year old in the history of the world."

She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss the tip of his chin. She also wiggled a bit on his cock.

"Oh, that feels so lovely. I feel so selfish."


"Because despite my anguish over your situation, there is a part of me that is so joyous at the prospect of you staying close. If that isn't selfish, I can't imagine what is," she said.

Tom stared up into her golden green eyes. He flexed his hips a bit getting a little murmur from her and he said,

"Maybe it is, maybe it's just that part of being human that looks for some bit of sun on the rainiest day. The thought of having you here is one of the few things that will make this bearable."

"What's another?"

"My mother's cooking. There's nothing better."

"Good, I'm a lousy cook. I'll just have to find other ways to keep your interest."

Tom got the strangest expression and Alisande pulled her head back and said,


"Alisande, I know that we've been so close for all these years, but what we've been doing lately, I mean you're not doing this because you think you have to, are you?"

"Tom, I was just teasing you. If there is anything I do because I want to it's what we're doing right now. Spending time together, regardless of what we're doing. Sitting together under a tree or sitting on top of you with your delicious cock deep inside me, as long as it's the two of us together. Okay?"

"Okay," he replied, giving her a bit of a hip thrust to emphasize his point.

She leaned her head down and brought her lips close to his and said,

"Keep doing that."

So he did, slowly, deeply and with his hands back on her ass. She in turn pressed back against him, grinding her hips down, pleased as she could be as she felt his hardening cock filling her back up, sending all manner of sensations through her. She began to respond by licking his lips with the tip of her tongue and then pressing her lips to his and grinding slowly. After several minutes she pushed herself upright and sat down, resting her ass lightly on his upper thighs.

His hands ran up from her ass to cup both of her large firm tits and began to fondle them. Her head dropped back, her long hair tickling his legs, her hips grinding back and forth. It was an incredible image. Her glorious face atop that magnificent body all wrapped around the most amazing person he could imagine.

And the most astounding thing of all is that she considered him the most important thing in her life. Maybe the future was going to be so bleak after all. So he continued to move his hips up and down as she moved fore and aft. When his thumbs began to work on her hard nipples she went rigid and then bucked through a very nice orgasm. A few more thrusts and he gave her warning, at which point she rose up and off his cock, did a quick turn on her knee and dropped her mouth over his cock just in time to capture several smaller but still satisfying spurts of cum.

When she was sure she had it all she sat back on her heels and let her hand run over the scarred right thigh. When the hand came to rest on his knee he was sure he felt warmth and a tingle and the stiffness eased.

"That feels nice."

"Hmm, but not nearly enough. Not nearly enough."

He took hold of her arm and pulled her down next to him. It appeared he was the one comforting her and it was likely true. She started playing with his chest again and putting little kisses on his neck.

"I guess if what you did only helps for a little while, we'll have to spend as much time as possible together so you can do it when I need it," he said.

"I know you're just trying to make me feel better, but I was thinking exactly the same thing. But for now, let's rest a bit and then I'll have to be leaving. I'm sure your parents will be checking up on you before long."

"They said to take as much time as I needed but they want to make sure I talk to them before making any major life decisions," he replied.


"And? Oh, well, I guess I'll be going to school locally, trying to figure out something useful to do, and also, how do I keep two equally extraordinary but very different women happy."

The next half hour was very quiet as he lay with one of those extraordinary women pressed up against his side, whispering in his ear all of the things that they all would do to keep each other happy. Then she was up, getting dressed, which he did find very enjoyable and then with a kiss on his nose, she was slipping out the window and on her way home, or so he assumed.

He in turn got himself dressed and went to find his parents and discuss the future. What it came down to was starting school at his father's Alma Mater and see how things worked out both academically and financially. If he was still interested in coaching, his father knew the head of the local soccer club that sponsored the youth programs and he could get a start there.

He was sitting in the backyard pondering these ideas when he heard his name shouted from the side of the house and he called back. As he watched Patty came flying around the corner of the house and straight toward him. He was afraid there'd be a collision but she pulled up short and then dropped to her knees at his side and wrapped her arms around him, kissing the side of his face. Then she pulled back and said,

"Just how bad is it?"

"About as bad as it can be. I can walk but running will be have to be tightly controlled. A lot of the cartilage is gone, so.."

"Any talk of a replacement?"

"Yeah, probably at some point," he replied.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I had hoped and hoped. I thought maybe with Alisande," she said, wiggling her fingers.

"No, we were talking about that earlier. She was really upset that she couldn't do any more than she had. So it looks like I'll be going to school around here and staying put for a while."

"This all really sucks, you know? I hope your parents sue the pants off that moron," she said, pulling a chair up against his. "Is there anything I can do for you, sweetie?"

"What you're doing right now is pretty nice," he said with a smile.

Her hand felt warm in his and she had started wearing a very entrancing fragrance recently. In the months since the accident she had shown more signs of maturity. Her red hair was longer, now down to the shoulder and she was filling out her figure a bit more. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly.

"Hey, who's making who feel better here," she said, then imitating his gesture, before leaning in to kiss him a bit more urgently on the lips.

This lasted for a few moments and then she leaned back.

"I'd have to think that Alisande is going to like having you around all the time," she offered nonchalantly.

"I guess that's true, and I'll be glad she'll be here to keep me company, and we'll both miss you a great deal when you're at school. How are you going to feel about it?"

She liked the way he answered her and wondering about her feelings. It was something she had been thinking about for a while.

"Well, sweetie, we knew we were going to be separated by school, even before Alisande came into the picture. To tell the truth I was worried that some college hottie was going to turn your head without me around. The way things worked out, I can trust Alisande to keep you committed to our little triangle," the last being said with a little poutty smile.

He wondered where she learned that. It looked very sexy. He gave a little tug on the hand he held and he got her settled sitting on his good leg, his arms wrapped around her, her head down on his shoulder.

"And what is going to keep you on the straight and narrow when your hundreds of miles away and all those college hunks are trailing after you?" he asked.

She laughed into the side of his neck and said,

"Oh, please, Thomas. With all those older college girls running around, who's going to pay attention to a underage Brainiac?"

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately, kiddo? They're going to want you to help them with their homework first and then get you out of your clothes afterwards. You're the hottest thing coming out of the senior class."

"Oh, sweetie, you know that isn't true, what about that cheerleader with the big tits?"

"She dyes her hair and stuffs her bra."

"What? How do you know that?"

"My dear young lady," he said, mockingly, "the sports community is a tight knit one. Very few secrets."

Her eyes went very wide.

"You mean, you and me?"

"I've been asked a lot of questions, never gave any information, other than to say there was no one like you and I was lucky you were interested in me."

"Interested? How about happily, hopelessly in love? And you are such a gentleman, not to talk about me like that. You know, I've been asked questions about you, especially after the accident. I would just smile politely and walk away, let them guess."

"So I guess the three of us need to have a little chat."

"Yes, but we have time. Since I'm sitting here," she said, and she tipped his head back a bit and planted a long, lingering kiss on his lips, not caring who might be looking out the window.

The kiss went on for a time and when she pulled back she said,

"That will keep me on the straight and narrow, my dear man, that and visits back home where you and Alisande will lavish your attention on me. Besides, sweetheart, with the program I'm going to be in, I'll be up to my eyeballs in work, so I won't find time to dally with anyone."

"What a shame. You're going to leave a trail of hard cocks all over campus."

He was quite amused by the bright red color that covered her face.

"Very funny, remember I'm supposed to be making you feel better you know," she said.

"You're doing a very good job of it. I like how you feel sitting on my lap. I'm having fun teasing you a bit about your ever increasing hotness and I'm very glad that you'll be looking forward to your trips home and back into our triangle of love."

Again the next few minutes passed with their lips grinding and tongues dancing. When she pulled back from his lips, she rested her head back on his shoulder. Despite the bad knee he was still strong and she loved how it felt to be wrapped up in his arms. She adored this boy, how sexy he made her feel, but at times like this she loved the feeling of safety, how it felt that he was shielding him from the worst the world had to offer.

Her thoughts drifted back to the time at the beginning of sixth grade and how he had come into her life. While the difference between a senior and sophomore, at least as far as age was concerned, between sixth and fourth was a huge gap. She was experiencing that gap when some of the boys and girls in her new class were giving her some grief during recess and an errant soccer ball bounced among them.

Tom walked over to pick it up and he looked at Patty, then at the others and back to her and said,

"Hey, aren't you that new girl? The one who skipped fifth grade?"

"That's right."

"That is so cool, I hated fifth grade. You play?" he asked, flicking the ball with his foot so that he could catch it.

"Um, not really, I'm not much of an athlete."

"That's okay, I'm not much of a student. We can help each other out."

And he tossed the ball to her, which she managed to catch and then they were moving off, tossing the ball back and forth and by the time the call came to come back into class, she was completely enthralled by the handsome boy with the gleaming smile and a heart that had room for the strange girl from outerspace, as the other's had been calling her.

Back from her daydream, she slid her arms around his shoulders and hugged him fiercely.

"What's that about?"

"Because you're you, and that's all you need to know."

It was another half hour of the two of them just sitting wrapped in each other's arms, chatting quietly, when Tom's mother called them in for some light snacks and something to drink. Patty had long since been accepted as their son's girlfriend, a choice they heartily approved of, so it was natural that the conversation of Tom's options picked up with Patty's inputs and what her plans were as well. Her hope was that she would be on a trajectory to her PhD in six years. Tom saw no reason to doubt her.

As he sat and listened he began to wonder. Here was a girl who was likely to have her doctorate at the same time he was hoping to graduate with some worthwhile bachelor's degree. And on the other side of the hedge was a girl who was so extraordinary she was literally the stuff of myth and legend. And what was he, a gimp legged has been with a questionable future ahead of him. His brooding silence finally got someone's attention and he looked up to see Patty regarding him with a faint smile. He tried to smile back but it was more of a grimace. She must have decided he had suffered enough because she said,

"Well, I'd better get moving. My folks will be expecting me soon. Tom, will you walk me out to my bike?"

"Sure, I can make it that far."

She said nothing, just took hold of her hand and walked with her out to the front yard. She turned him around and from a distance of less than a foot pointed a finger at his chin and said,

"I saw that look on your face in there. We aren't going to have this conversation again, are we?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me see. You were thinking Patty's going to be getting her PhD and Alisande is a witch with amazing powers and what are they doing with me?"

He didn't answer, just stared at some point past her ear. He found his chin grabbed by small but very determined hand and said,

"I'm not going to argue with you, not when your like this, but your in for an earful tomorrow, so get yourself ready."

Then his chin was free and she was on her bicycle and heading for home. He watched until she was out of sight and then he went back into the house. He had to admit he was surprised that Patty had learned to read minds, but what the heck, he was also in love with a real witch.

He spent the night in his room, music playing low, staring up at the ceiling, hoping for some tapping at the window, but it never came. When he woke up the next morning his mood hadn't improved and he had the specter of Patty waiting for him. He was considering not going into the library as he walked off the bus but he didn't get the chance to make a decision. She was standing there waiting for him, her hands held in front of her, and no expression he could read.

"Good morning, Thomas, how are you feeling this morning?"

"Not bad, not great, but not bad," he replied.

"Better than yesterday?"

"A little."

"Good, I'll meet you at my bus this afternoon. I think you need a change of scenery. Your knee is okay for that?"

"As long as you don't want me running wind sprints," he said with a crooked smile.

She smiled back and went on her way leaving Tom to try and figure out what she was planning. The day was rather uneventful, although he did have brief conversations with both the soccer coach and the athletic director, both of whom did their best to bolster his spirits but neither doing much to help. Then he was standing waiting for the buses, Patty standing quietly at his side, making just a bit of contact with her shoulder. The driver didn't even seem to notice the extra student boarding her bus. Nor did she comment when he got off with Patty and some others.

Free of supervision, Patty took hold of his arm and walked along, not saying much of anything. When they were approaching her house he asked,

"Are your folks home?"

"No, Sandy has a recital this afternoon so they're not going to be home until after six."

Tom started to have some suspicions at this point but he wasn't going to say anything, just in case he was misreading things. She led him into the house and straight to her room. He had been in here a few times before but always with someone else in the house, the door open and books in clear view. Now the house was empty, her bedroom door was closed and no books were out or likely to be. She put her bag on her desk and turned to face him.

"You owe me something and its time to collect," she said, standing with one hip cocked.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, it is, now get your clothes off."

He raised his eyebrows and she returned a look that wasn't taking no for an answer. He was pretty sure he knew where she was going but he was curious to see how she was going to get there so he began by pulling his shirt, revealing his well defined torso. This got a smile from the girl, who didn't seem to be in any hurry to do likewise. Then he kicked off his cross trainers and pushed his shorts down, revealing a pair of boxer briefs that bulged nicely and hugged his muscular thighs.

He stood there a moment and she nodded in the direction of that selfsame garment. With a bit of a shrug he pushed them down his legs and kicked them aside. Now, not only were all his still well defined muscles in view but so was his semi rigid dick and smooth skinned low hanging balls. Now Patty was smiling openly as she took a few steps to stand half an arm length away.

"You seem to be of the opinion that this," she began, lightly touching his scarred knee, "somehow diminishes your worth or value or whatever. Especially where Alisande and I are concerned. You're wrong. And it's a bit insulting, quite frankly. You're suggesting that we base our deep feelings for you, at least in part, on your ability to run up and down grass field and kick a ball into a net."

She shuffled a touch closer and let her hand wander over his chest and touch one of his biceps.

"I'll be the first to admit that I really like looking at you like this, seeing your muscles topped off by that very handsome face. Just like you like looking at Alisande and I with our clothes off. But as for the rest? I couldn't give a damn about your soccer playing other than the joy it gave you to play. What I care about is what's in here and here," she said, putting her hand over his heart and then tapping his forehead. "And if I'm being completely honest, here as well."

The last was said with her hand resting on top of his still semi hard cock. She liked the way it felt as it bounced a bit and she could feel it growing.

"Understand this my dear Thomas, you are loved, very, very, much, because of who you are. Not because you can play some game. Do you think you'll ever come to understand that?"

He looked over the top of her head, seeing the book shelf that climbed up her one wall. He was always amazed at the scope of the subjects contained in those books, almost as much as by the fact that she had read them all. And here she was trying to explain to him why she thought he was such a worthwhile person. He wasn't entirely convinced but he knew what she wanted and he wasn't about to disappoint.

He looked down into those blue eyes and gave a brief nod, then brought his arms up and around her shoulders and pulled her against his bare body. She let out a sigh and snuggled into his chest. She even gave her hips a wiggle to add some more life to his cock. Then she stepped back and began to work her shorts down over her hips. Next was her blouse, one button at a time which slid off her shoulders when she was done.

She was looking more grown up all the time, and her choice of undergarments was one of the latest indicators. Black, lace with narrow bits here and a few little bows, and a nice push up for effect. It was hard to believe she was still a month shy of her sixteenth birthday. Her hands drifted up behind her back and in a moment her bra was on the floor and her firm, full breasts were in full view.

Her face was set in an adorable little pout and her fingers were brushing over her now, very hard nipples. Her eyes were fixed on his now completely erect cock, with a bit of precum glistening on the tip. Without taking her eyes away she hooked her thumbs in the thin side straps of her panties and pushed them down, letting them drop to her feet. What she revealed was a completely smooth pussy and the crowning glory of a very compact, incredibly sexy body.

With two steps she closed the distance between them and had her arms around his back, pressing her tits against his torso and her pussy against his good thigh. Her head was tilted up and his came down to cover her mouth with his. His hard cock was pressed firmly against her abdomen and it was sending tingles right to her pussy which was already getting moist.

She broke off the kiss and began working her tongue and lips across his smooth skinned pecs, pausing at the hard nubs of his nipples. His hands were making themselves busy across her back and firm ass cheeks. When she had finished her transit of his torso and found her lips and tongue grazing on his cock, he let his hands come to rest on the back of her head. Then it was in her mouth and his balls in her hand.

It was the wettest, sloppiest blowjob he had yet to receive and he was pretty sure he knew why, but this was her affair and he was going to play along. After a few moments she brought her mouth up off his cock and looked him in the eye and said,

"All right you big beautiful boy, you're ready, I'm ready. Now get me on that bed and you get that gorgeous cock inside me and don't stop until I can't move."

Those blue eyes locked on his and so he smiled and with a hand under each arm he lifted her up and lightly dropped her onto her bed, where she spread her legs and held her arms up to him. He didn't think she was interested in any preliminaries so he climbed onto the bed and got between her legs and lowered himself down into her embrace. Her arms slid up over his shoulders and she said,

"Please, sweetheart, I've waited too long for this. Give me everything."

He didn't have much experience from this position but he knew what was supposed to happen so with a little bit of hip work he got the head of his cock rubbing along the wet lips of her pussy. Her hands ran down his back and took hold of his hard ass cheeks and gave a tug. Taking the hint he moved down to make sure the head was at the entrance to her pussy and he pushed in. There was resistance but apparently Patty was extremely excited and she had gotten his cock well lubed because he lips parted and the head began to slide in.

She continued to tug on his ass as her lips sought his in the first long grinding kiss. He pulled back a bit and then pushed forward, feeling the shaft begin to slide past her pussy lips. She began to moan around his tongue as it danced with hers. The tugging and humping continued until he was fully inside her. Then he let his hips take up a rhythm and her hands came up off his ass to wrap once more around his broad shoulders so she could pull him tightly against her.

To compensate for the lack of her hands, her slim legs came up to wrap around his hips with her ankles crossed over his ass. She was becoming more and more excited and she pulled her mouth of his and put her lips against his ear and began to urge him on.

"Oh, god, Thomas, sweetheart, this is so much better than I could have thought. Your cock is filling me up completely. Oh, damn, this is so good. Don't ever stop fucking me, dammnnn. Jesus, Ali was so right."

He wondered what that meant, but he didn't care at this point. He let his hips settle into a firm rhythm adding a circular grind every few strokes that had her clutching at his shoulders and groaning into his neck. Her first orgasm hit her after about ten minutes, but truth be told she had been on edge all day and it had been all she could do to keep from jumping on his lap during the bus ride home. Her hips were pushing up in unison with his but since he weighed somewhat more there was little additional movement but the pressure on her clit and pussy kept her in an almost constant state of orgasm.

It finally got to be too much for him and he gurgled something about coming and he was able to push back against her clamped legs and get his dick out of her in time to start shooting his thick streams of cum up between their stomachs. This had the underside of his cock shaft rubbing her clit and she let go with a scream into his neck as her body went rigid beneath him. Then she just sort of flopped on the mattress, her arms and legs limp and her head lolling to one side.

Thomas slowly knelt backwards and came to rest with his ass on his heels, looking down seeing her laying there like a limp dishrag. The only movement was her heaving chest, moving those perfect tits up and down. He moved to the side and lowered himself down to lie at her side and leaned in to gently kiss her cheek and then lick along her parted lips. She looked so spent so he was very surprised when her arms flew up and wrapped around him, her mouth kissing him hard and deep. Then her head fell back onto the pillow, her smile wide.

"Oh, my god, Thomas. That was the singular most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I thought your lips and tongue were so incredible but what you can do with that gorgeous cock..." she left the rest unspoken.

"I'm glad you liked it. And may I say, Miss Patty, that you are a sexual dynamo without comparison," he replied in mock seriousness.

"You goof," she said fondly.

"Um, if you don't mind, what did you mean about `Ali'."

"Oh, that. Guess I lost control there for a moment. Of course, I was referring to Alisande. She's come to visit me a few times to, well, you know."

He simply nodded.

"Well, one time, after we had had a really nice time together, she said that no matter how good it felt, it was nothing compared to what it was like having you inside. She might have been overstating it a little, since it's so fantastic with her, but this is just the best," she finished, her hand taking hold of his softening cock. "I can't imagine what it's going to be like the next time we all get together."

Then she was back to kissing him, and they rolled together, ignoring the mess they had made. In short order he was hard as a rock again, but this time she got him over on his back and in apparent imitation of Alisande, got his hard cock up inside her. Unlike the larger girl, she took the idea of a cowgirl to its logical conclusion and she began to bounce on his dick like a pogo stick.

He watched in fascination as her tits bounced and her now longish red hair looked like she was facing into a hurricane. He couldn't resist and his hands came to rest on those bouncing boobs, squeezing them and let the hard nipples press into his palms.

"Oh, Thomas, yes, your hands feel so good, so strong. I do so love your body and how strong you are. Pound that hard cock into me, please, fuck me hard."

His leg was feeling pretty good so he slid his hands down to her hip and began pulling down as his hips thrust up and their bodies met with resounding smacks. She now had her hands on her tits, squeezing and pulling at her hard nipples as she bounced happily along, that big hard cock tickled her insides and she felt an explosive orgasm building. She brought her eyes down to meet his and she grabbed his wrists to brace herself as her pussy exploded and she squealed and groaned and moaned and thrashed.

And once again, when her orgasm was done, she folded down and collapsed on his chest. He knew he wasn't going to last and he lifted on her hips and let his cock slide out and again she surprised him by slipping off to one side. She grabbed his slippery dick and got her mouth on the head and with just a few firm strokes she had him firing a second, smaller load into her mouth. She gulped nosily and then licked the head and shaft clean. Then she sort of slumped sideways to wind up next to him, his arm around her shoulder.

"Hmm, that was just so lovely," she murmured, ". I don't think I've ever felt more contented. I feel so sorry for you."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because this summer, I'm going to fuck your brains out in preparation for my leaving for school and then when I come home for the holidays you'll get it twice as hard. I'm tingling just thinking about it."

"Well, we still have half our senior year to go. I just hope I can keep up with the two of you."

"Sweetheart, despite your injury you're the most fit boy I've ever seen. I think you'll do just fine. Oh, and one last thing. Just forget about why Alisande and I feel the way we do about you. It's not important whether or not you know why. It's only important that we know."

That being said, they spent the next half hour hugging and kissing with some serious fondling thrown in for good measure. Then it was time to get back into their clothes, again Tom finding it just as exciting to see the clothes go on as he did seeing them come off. Then there was some more hugging and kissing. Finally it was time to get home and he had to admit he wasn't sure how that was going to happen.

Patty took out her phone and arranged for an Uber to pick Tom up. He looked at her and said,

"What? Am I a kept man or something?"

"Not at all, sweetheart. I just know that with you being laid up for so long, you haven't had a chance to earn anything. And you'd be surprised at how much a girl genius can put aside with all the tutoring and term papers. And, baby, this whole business was my idea to get you over here, so it should be up to me to get you home. So come on."

She took him by the hand and walked him out to the sidewalk. When the car arrived she paid the driver and then with a final kiss stepped back to watch him get in. The driver made one glance into the mirror and that was all. He had the man drop him at the end of the block and walked the rest of the way home.

He was feeling very tired by this point and when he got to his room he dropped onto the bed and laid there, once again staring at the ceiling. Patty had gotten her wish. Her first real sex with him had been as she wanted it and they had a time they would both remember forever. He was sound asleep when his mother came home and she had to give him a good shake to get him awake for dinner.

After dinner he was back to bed and didn't wake up until the next morning. It was back to school and he was curious to see if Patty would be at her usual place and sure enough, as he walked into the library there she was, looking up at him, her face lit with a bright smile, her eyes dancing. She crooked a finger at him and he sat next to her.

"Hello there, darling. Did you sleep well last night?" she asked.

"Yes, I did, in fact, I started before dinner. I was pretty worn out. How about you?""

She smiled and blushed and laughed and grabbed hold of his arm.

"I slept like a log. And I had the most heavenly dreams. Do you know what the best part is?"

"I can't imagine," he said, playing along.

"When I come to school, wouldn't you know, my dream is real," she finished with a great big grin.

"You wanna know something?" he asked.

"What's that?"

"You are the dream."

He wasn't sure but he thought it was the first time he ever saw her cry in public. But she got herself under control and spent the rest of the day walking on a cloud. The rest of the week went by smoothly, or perhaps quietly would be a better word. He and Patty kept things to just hugs and kisses and he was spending his alone time trying to chart a new course for his life, or at least the next few years.

On Friday night he finally heard that familiar tapping on the glass. But the window didn't slide up. He found that strange so he got off the bed and went to the window. He pulled up the sash as quietly as he could and the face that looked back at him was dirty and drawn. Two equally dirty hands reached through and he took hold and by main strength and a little maneuvering got Alisande into his room and had to hold her upright.

She had managed to get her arms around his shoulders and her head was leaning against his.

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked.

"Approximately that yes, love. Please, can you get me on to the bed?"

Tom practically carried her to the bed and without much effort, lifted her up and placed her gently in the middle.

"Hmm, you're so strong and this bed is so soft. I don't ever want to leave here again," she said, holding out her hand so that he sat on the edge of the bed and took hold.

"Were you off doing what you can't talk about?" he asked.

"My love, I was off doing what I don't even what to ever think about again. Would you please get me some water?"

"Of course."

When he came back he had a large water bottle plus a small bowl that had more water and a cloth. While she laid there sipping from the bottle he used the cloth to clean her up as best he could. She was asleep before he could finish. Somewhat at a loss he took a close look at her and he could see that she was breathing steadily. So he did what he could to get her comfortable, taking off her shoes, sliding her skirt down her long legs. The usual cape was gone but there was a short jacket and that came off with some effort.

He used the wet cloth to give her a bit of a sponge bath and then pulled a light blanket over her. He decided to sit in the padded chair next to the bed and just watch her. He had already gotten the window closed and locked, and he checked the other window which was never opened but no sense taking chances.

So he sat and watched and wondered just what it was that this amazing girl got up to. At some point he drifted off to sleep. He knew this because he jerked upright in the chair at the sound of his name being called in a low but urgent voice.

"Tom, Tom, are you there?"

"Yes, I am. Are you okay? Do you need something?"

"Yes, I need you here next to me. Please," she said in a voice he couldn't refuse, were he so inclined.

He quickly kicked off his shoes and shorts and climbed onto the bed and gathered her into his arms and before he settled back he noticed she was shivering. He hoped to god that it wasn't some sort of fever, or worse. How do you check a witch into urgent care. So he pulled up the heavier blanket and settled down into the pillows.

It wasn't long before her shivering eased and she settled back into a deep sleep. He followed along a little while later. Unlike on previous sleep overs, when he woke up the next morning, she was still there, pressed up against him, holding tightly to the arms he had wrapped around her from behind. He had no idea when she was going to wake up but he didn't want to be the one to do it.

"It's okay, Tom, I'm awake. I just didn't want to move, it feels so very nice. Is this going to cause you trouble?"

"Not yet, they're both already out of the house. If you want, you can take a shower across the hall while I make us some breakfast."

She pushed back against him and turned her head so they made a bit of eye contact.

"Whatever turn of fate chose you as the love of my life, it could not have chosen better."

He managed to get his arms out from around her without much difficulty. When he was standing by the bed looking down at her he said,

"Leave your clothes here and we can run them through the laundry. Fish around in my closet for something and come to the kitchen, unless you'd rather eat here."

"No, sweetheart, I'll come to the kitchen, I'm feeling much better."

"Beautiful and tough."

Then he was gone. She sat up with some effort and looked around the room. She slowly peeled off the rest of her clothes and piled them on the bed and walked naked across to the bathroom. Tom wouldn't have liked what he saw, as it was obvious she had taken some abuse. When she made her way into the kitchen she had bypassed the cliché of a men's dress shirt, since being about the same height as Tom it would have been too risqué. She settled for a pair of gym shorts and the largest tee shirt she could find.

The outfit did great things for her legs and her large, braless boobs did wonders for the tees shirt. He was standing at the stove working several pans at once when he turned his head and smiled.

"I must say that you do wonders for my workout clothes. You look better, but still pretty tired."

She slid up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, her tits pressed against his back. She was nuzzling at his neck and it was not helping his concentration.

"Um, Alisande, you're going to make me burn breakfast."

She laughed a bit and then with a final kiss she let him go and asked,

"What can I do to help?"

"Um, how about something to drink?" he said, gesturing with his head to the refrigerator.

She opened the fridge and after looking in for a bit, took out a milk jug and a carafe with orange juice. She put them on the table where plates and glasses were already in place. Tom followed with a frying pan full of scrambled eggs, which he split between the two plates. Next came some bacon and sausage from a second pan and slices of French toast.

"Sit, eat," he said as he put the pans in the sink.

She smiled but did so happily as she was starving. She tucked in and did some major damage to the food before she looked up at him, who was proceeding at a more measured pace

"Oh, Tom, this is fantastic. When did you learn to cook?"

"This is all pretty basic. My mom showed me for the times she and dad would head out early for golf and stuff. The trick is to pay attention and don't let anything get burnt."

She smiled at him and brought her bare foot up to rub his leg.

"It feels like you're doing better."

"Being clean and fed does wonders for one's outlook," she said, before wolfing down half a slice of toast.

"Can I ask a question?" he posed between bites of eggs.

"You can ask."

"Why did you come to me instead of your house. Wouldn't you have had stuff at your house that could have helped?"

"You mean like magic potions and amulets and things?"

"Well, yeah, you are a witch, right?"

"Yes, love, I am. But any of those things, plus just getting to the house would have taken more than I had to give. I want you to understand something, you quite literally saved my life last night. Look down at your plate."

He did as she said and he saw that his plate was clean. Without realizing it he had eaten four eggs, half a package of bacon, three breakfast sausages and two slices of French toast. She had done about the same but she hadn't eaten in two days and she told him so.

"Why do you think you were so hungry this morning?"

"Um, that is more than I would have thought."

"When I called to you last night, I felt I was fading. With you holding on to me I was able to draw from you to keep myself going. Now you're recharging. Had I gone home, there wouldn't have been anyone to save me."

"Jesus, Alisande. Are you sure you should be doing this stuff?"

"I really didn't have much choice, love. There are very few people that can do what I do."

"Well, I'm not happy about that, but I'm glad I was here to help you."

She pushed her chair back and came around to kneel next to his chair. Her arms were around his shoulders and her head was pressed up against his.

"I'm more than happy you were here for me, again. Hopefully, I won't have to do anything like that again for a very long time, if ever."

She gave him a slow soft kiss, all about love, not about passion. And then sat down in the chair next to him, her hands on his arm.

"You know, I must say these clothes are really very comfortable. I could get to like them," she said then stretching her arms above her head.

Tom thought he already liked them and they never looked this good on him.

"Let's get your clothes in the washing machine and then you can poke around my closet and see if there's anything you'd like to have.

"Really? That's so generous of you."

"I won't be needing them as much anymore."

She squeezed his arm again and said,

"Unlike me who will be needing you more and more. In fact, in a few weeks, I'll very much need you. It's almost harvesting time again."

"Let me know. For now, you might want to think about a nap."

She smiled at him again and said,

"I do love you so."

She helped him clean up the dishes, nodding approvingly at the dishwasher. Then they went to his bedroom and while she stretched out, he got her things together and put them in the washing machine. He hoped her old style clothes wouldn't come apart in there. They he went back to his room and found her sound asleep. He pulled the blanket over her and she murmured something that he didn't understand.

Around ten he heard knocking on the back door. Patty. So he went and let her in, gesturing for her to be quiet. He brought her to the bedroom door and showed her the sleeping Alisande. Then he led her to the family room where they could talk.

"What the heck were you two up to? She's wiped out," she said with a smirk.

He shook his head and started explaining what had transpired. Her eyes went wide when she heard about how she got to him. When he talked about waking up to her calling him she shook her head. When he told her about the conversation they had over breakfast her eyes were even bigger.

"My god, Thomas. This is so spooky. I mean I know she said she was a witch but I've wondered. Now," her shoulders shrugged.

He stood up and walked around the room. Patty was upset by what she had heard but not enough that she didn't appreciate the way his body moved as he walked. When he turned her eyes were still at the level of his butt. She gave a brief smile and refocused her gaze.

"This may sound kind of stupid, but is it possible that this happened to me so that I'd be around to help her?"

"A year ago I would have said yes, that's stupid. But now, with the things we've learned about our friend in there, I don't know. You're going to make me jealous talking like that."

When she saw his expression she stood up and pulled him into a tight hug. Looking up at him she said,

"I'm teasing you sweetheart. We all have things to do and roles to play in this thing we have going. Jealousy is not a part of that, okay."

He leaned down to kiss her forehead and then her lips and that went on for some time. Then she pushed him back so he was sitting on the couch and she climbed onto his lap and proceeded to try and swallow his face. Her hips were grinding down on his lap and despite the taxing of his system earlier he also hadn't had any sex since early in the week so it wasn't long before his cock had stiffened in his shorts.

His hands found her ass and he squeezed and fondled the cheeks as he pulled her closer in. When she was done mashing her lips on his she pulled back, sat up straight and pulled his face into her chest. Her hands were behind his head, her fingers locked in his hair. He was doing his best to get his mouth on one of her nipples through the cloth. Liking that idea she pulled his head back, got her hands on her shirt and she pulled it up and over her head.

She then pulled the cups down, exposing her nipples to his mouth, which he used to cover the hard nub of one, then the other, then back again. When she had had enough of his oral attention she pulled his head back and looking into his eyes said,

"I want you right here, right now. Get those shorts off."

She swung her leg off his lap and while he pushed his down to the floor, she quickly shed her cargo shorts and panties. Then she was back on him, her wet pussy pushing down on his hard shaft. She raised up on her knees and took hold of his cock and got the head where she needed it and then pressed down. As the big head and thick shaft began pushing in she threw her head back and moaned. He took the opportunity to start kissing and sucking on her nipples.

When her ass hit his thighs she came back up again and began a steady fucking. She was really getting to like this cowgirl thing. She clasped her hands behind his neck and leaned back so she could hammer herself down on his dick.

"Oh, baby, god, your cock feels so good. I love this, I love you, don't stop."

"You're the one bouncing, kiddo, do it all you want," he replied from her cleavage.

She managed a laugh and then she was moaning as the fire started growing inside her. That's when she stopped bouncing and began grinding her hips back and forth, her clit grinding on his shaft. A few minutes of this and she went rigid as her orgasm tore through her. When she settled back down on his legs he surprised her by putting his hands under her arms and lifted her up to get her pussy at his mouth.

Then he wrapped his arms around her ass and began to lick her pussy with vigor. She had her hands on his head and through the haze of lust she thought it was really great to be a small girl with a big strong boyfriend. She was leaning back when the next orgasm hit and she squealed and bucked within the ring of his arms.

It was then that he realized a pair of warm, wet lips were sliding down his cock and with only two transits his hips were bucking and heavy streams of cum were shooting into her mouth and running down her throat. He maintained his hold on the mostly limp form of Patty until his cock was free. He let Patty slide down to the couch on his right side and he could then see Alisande kneeling between his muscular thighs, a Cheshire grin on that amazing face.

"Did we wake you up?"

"No, darling, but when I woke up I did hear the most intriguing sounds so I followed my ears. It was a lovely show. Patty looked so enthusiastic riding your lap and then you picking her up to treat her to that talented tongue of yours. So, I just couldn't resist. Breakfast was wonderful but extra protein is always a help."

"Always willing to help out," he replied with a grin.

By this time Patty was coming back to herself, sitting up and seeing Alisande there, she exclaimed and lurched forward to catch the older girl up in a hug.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Thomas told me what happened."

"Yes, sweetheart," Alisande replied as her arms encircled the naked girl, "it was a near thing but Tom was here to get me through it. I don't know how much he told you but were it not for him I'd likely not be here talking to you."

"He said something about you needing him nearby but not the details," she said, looking back over her shoulder at her lover.

Alisande provided an abbreviated version that was still enough to have Patty amazed. She offered her girlfriend a few soft kisses in consolation and was then caught up in a long one as Alisande sought to console her younger playmate. Their lips separated and Patty went to work on Alisande's neck. The older girl looked over at Tom and something passed between them and then he picked the smaller girl up and placed her in his lap astride his legs. Alisande leaned in and began nursing on those hard pink nipples before sliding down to begin an enthusiastic tonguing of Patty's smooth, damp pussy, lips.

Patty groaned and let her head drop back onto Tom's shoulder, who brought his hands up to cup her firm tits to commence a steady fondling with occasional pinches and tugs on her nipples. She in turn was grinding her ass down against his thighs, but he was showing no signs of stress. Uncharacteristically, Patty wasn't saying anything coherent, just murmurs and mumblings, and on two occasions loud groans as her bod went rigid in orgasm. After the second, she melted back into Tom's arms and then slid off his lap to wind up on her side on the couch next to him.

Alisande leaned in and kissed her way up his chest, to his lips and then to the side to whisper in his ear, to which he nodded in agreement. Then they were both giving Patty rubs on her bare legs and hips until she roused herself and got back into a sitting position.

"You two are more wonderful than any one girl deserves. What you did for me was quite lovely."

"And what did we do, my cute bundle of love," Tom asked whimsically.

"I figure Alisande will be staying again tonight so you focused all your attention on me and gave me so many terrific orgasms to dream about tonight."

"Smart girl," the young witch said.

"I've always thought so. It's always been a toss-up. Is she sexy because of the hot body, or because she has all those smarts and knows what to do with that hot body," Tom mused.

The only answer he got was a pair of warm wet lips planted firmly on his, a compact naked body pressed against his arm. After another fifteen minutes or so of kisses, fondles and hugs, Patty got dressed and bid them farewell. He got his shorts and tee shirt back on and Alisande was still dressed in his. They checked on her laundry, moving her clothes to the drier and then retired to his bedroom.

She stretched out on the bed, which caused all kinds of interesting movements under the tee shirt she wore. He sat in the chair and looked at her. Then he got up and said,

"I'll be right back."

She watched him as he left the room, enjoying the view as much as Patty did. When he returned she couldn't help but smile. He carried a bowl with fresh fruit, a plate with some bread and cheese and a bottle of water tucked under his arm.

"I thought this might help. To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea what you eat."

"This will do very nicely, darling. I eat much as anyone else does, although not so much of the modern pre-made, pre-packaged type. Only when I have to."

"Anything besides water?"

"I'm quite fond of tea, love, but no need for that now."

"Are you going to stay tonight?"

"It was my hope. I'm feeling so much better and I need to feel what you can do to me, love. Is that all right?"

"On a scale of one to ten, I'd say about a fifteen."

He sat on the bed as she propped herself up against the pillows, taking some bread and cheese and eating it in neat, precise bites. If you didn't know the true story, she looked like a college girl having a snack in a reasonably neat dorm room. Until you saw her eyes. He helped himself to an apple and for a while it seemed like they were a normal teen couple taking advantage of a house minus parents.

When she was done with her make shift lunch she snuggled down into the cushions and focused those eyes on him and said,

"So what do you suggest? Should I go home and come back later tonight?"

"Do you need to do that, is there something you have to do?"


"Okay, you can stay here. Get some more sleep. My folks will be home before dinner time, but I'll get your clothes and put them in here. I see you picked out a few things for yourself. I have an older duffel bag you can put everything in to take home with you. I'll make something up for you for dinner and bring it in. You should get as much rest as you can."

She smiled brightly and her eyes took on a slight shine. Then they fixed on his and for some reason he couldn't look away, or perhaps he didn't want to look away. It was like she was reading him like a book. Flicking here and there to study this or that detail. When she was done she leaned forward and held her arms out to him. He was happy to oblige and felt himself pulled into a tight, warm embrace. Her hand cupped the back of his head and she pressed her lips to his neck, cheek and even his ear, but nothing was said. Then she pulled back and said,

"I think I'd like to sleep some more."

So he got up, moved the bowl and plate to his desk and then pulled the blanket up over her before moving to the chair and settling in. He knew it seemed stupid but he just felt like she shouldn't be left on her own. He heard the car pull in when his parents came home, so he was in the family room when they came into the house.

Everything went smoothly, aided by his parents decision to bring home Chinese for dinner. He wondered if Alisande would appreciate General Tso's Chicken. When he made his way to his room he found Alisande awake and lounging on his bed, looking amazingly sexy in just his tee shirt.

"Hello, lover. Everything alright with your parents."

"Yes, they both had good days on the golf course so I imagine they'll be upstairs behind closed doors rather soon."

"Oh, really?" she smiled.

"Yup, gonna be a busy Saturday night around here."

"Then we might as well get started," she said as she rolled closer to him and grabbed the legs of his shorts and yanked them down.

She was rewarded with the stunning sight of his two muscular legs separated by his semi hard cock and smooth ball sack. Her hand came up to rub his scarred thigh and then over to fondle his balls, before taking hold of his cock shaft, stroking it gently. He took the initiative to get his shirt off and then she was pulling him onto the bed to be wrapped in her arms and smothered by her lips.

When she had him on his back she knelt upright and pulled her tee shirt off in a quick move. She smiled down at him and said,

"I'm really getting to like these things," and she tossed it to the floor.

Her gorgeous tits bounced and then settled. Then she slowly settled down to lay atop his body, those big boobs pressing into this hard chest. His hands slid up around her back and gripped tightly. She held her face above his so she could look down into his eyes. She knew from the first day they met what those eyes meant, how it thrilled her and scared her at the same time. At the moment, only the thrill was here and she expressed it by grinding her bare pussy down against his fully hard cock.

"Tom, darling. Please, take me. Put me on my back and don't stop until you've filled me. I need you so badly right now."

Looking back into her eyes he saw a few things, but what he really saw was need, deep, overwhelming need. So he unceremoniously pushed her over onto her back, pushed her legs wide and began to maneuver himself into position. He had a sudden irreverent thought that questioned why both the women in his life could be so impatient, but that was for another time.

As the head of his cock made contact with her pussy lips her long legs snaked up behind him and her hands took hold of his shoulders and pulled him down. He shifted his hips enough to get his cock where he wanted and then he began pushing down and in. She tightened her grip with her legs and let her arms work around his broad shoulders and as he worked his cock deeper inside her she got her mouth on his and began to grind lips and wrestle with tongues.

When he felt he was balls deep his hips reversed, pulling out until just the head was in and he then pushed in hard. She grunted into his mouth, but only tightened her grip with arms and legs and he knew what she wanted and needed. So he pulled back and then rammed hard, and she responded with upward thrusts of her hips to match his. After a time, her mouth slid off his and her lips wound up by his ear and the words he heard through the haze were love', 'don't stop', need you' and forever'.

He didn't bother with replies, just letting his hips make whatever statement she needed. When he started grinding his hips against hers on the downstrokes, her arms locked in a death grip and the rest of her body went rigid. As best he could he kept up the hard, steady fucking and she was into her second orgasm almost as soon as the first had stopped. When he felt his balls pulling tight he did whisper in her ear and the response was a fervent `yes'. So with a final thrust he began to pump his load deep insider her, which got a third, much smaller convulsion, the ending of which left him with a limp, unresponsive body beneath him.

When he was finished he just laid there, his cock still inside her, supporting his weight on his elbows, lightly kissing her neck and the side of her face. It took a few minutes but she began to stir, her hips twitching and rolling as her hands ran over his upper back and the back of his head. She whispered in his ear again and with a nod he rolled to the side with her still holding tightly with her arms.

With a few inches separating their faces, he saw that her eyes were much softer, with that almost glow to them, so he felt he had rightly judged her need. She smiled just as softly and used a hand to brushed the side of his face.

"You are such a rare jewel," she said quietly.

He laughed a bit and replied,

"I don't know about that, at most a diamond in the rough."

"Oh, no, you don't. Don't try and talk yourself down with me. I can see past all that and know exactly who you are. I knew it the day I met you. In fact, I knew it before we met."

"What, you can see into the future?"

"Me? No, but my great grandmother could. Hey, don't look at me like that. She left a message for my grandmother, mother and me. Who knows, maybe one will show up when I have a daughter. She told me that I would find my life's companion early and I would know right away. There would be many difficulties, but we would take the journey together, right to the end."

Tom had to admit he was a bit taken aback by having his life laid out before him like this and then a thought occurred.

"You sure she wasn't talking about Patty?"

"No, darling. Quite sure, because she said that we two would be joined later by a third who would bring her own type of love and life."

"Wow. Well I can't say I'm disappointed at the thought that we're in this for the long run. The difficulties part sounds ominous but I guess most people have difficulties in life."

She nodded and leaned in to kiss his nose, and pressed her body more tightly to his.

"That's why I wasn't so troubled by what I had to do about your memory, because I knew we'd get past that going forward. But there is something I need to tell you."

"What's that?"

"It's about what I had to do that had me in such bad shape when I came to you."

He just nodded.

"It was mother."

"What, you had to do something to help your mother?"

"No, I had to do something to stop my mother."

He was confused and looked it.

"The people that took mother in hand were not quite up to the task. She had a bad turn and it created a lot of trouble. People were hurt. I had to deal with it. You saw the result."

"Your mom?"

"She's no longer a threat. What I had to do destroyed her ability to hurt anyone. It will most likely shorten her life, but it's not much of a life left to live."

For a moment her eyes clouded over, looking more like the night he had to lift her through the window. Then they cleared and she smiled a bit. Then her head was next to his and the embrace was fierce. When her head was back on the pillow she said,

"You are all I have left now, my love. You and Patty, but mostly you. It's a great burden to place on your shoulders, but they are such broad, strong shoulders."

Her eyes were wide, shiny and hopeful. He leaned toward her and their lips met in a long, slow, soft kiss. He rolled onto his back and pulled her to him so that his arms had her cradled to his chest and he pulled her leg up over his. One hand was stroking her hair and the other rubbed over her back. He stared at the ceiling and thought about what he had heard. Then he had a thought and said,

"Alisande, Patty told me something the other day and I'd like to hear what you think about it."

"Certainly, sweetheart."

"She said it wasn't important if I didn't understand why the two of you felt the way you did about me. It was only important that you two understood. Don't you think that's right?"

He felt her hand tracing over his chest and her head grinding lightly on his shoulder.

"I would say that it's mostly correct. What's missing is the idea that you know that we feel that way. Knowing may not be understanding but it is necessary. And I think you do know, yes?"

"Oh yes, no way that I could deny that."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that," she said while her hand moved around over his abdomen.

"You now, if what your Great grandmother said is true, how will I ever know if something happens to you and you can't get back here?"

"We'll deal with that but not right now. Right now, something else needs to happen," she said, as her hand closed around the shaft of his reawakened cock and her lips began to travel around his face.

Then she began her journey down his chest to his abdomen, pausing at his navel before moving down so she could give some oral attention to his balls and the underside of his cock shaft. He in turn let his hands run all over her bare back and ass cheeks. She pushed her ass back against his hands and as the head of his cock slipped into her mouth, he pulled her hips over his chest so that her smooth pussy was hovering above his mouth.

He pulled down and she groaned as his tongue began to caress her puffy wet lips. She pressed down with her hips as her mouth slid further down the shaft until her lips were at the base and his tongue was pushed up inside her. It would be unfair to suggest that this was a contest. But it was apparent that both were intent on giving the other as much pleasure as they could. He knew there was something else he could do so his hands began massaging her ass cheeks. This helped him pull her tighter to his mouth which got some very nice responses in the vicinity of his cock.

She played with his balls and let her hands run down over his thighs. She was coating his cock with a lot of saliva, some of which was dripping down onto his balls. In the meantime, he was pulling her ass cheeks apart and let his fingertips brush over her ass hole. This got her hips twitching and her mouth moving on his cock. He worked his finger on her tight ring some more and then began pushing in.

Her head came up and she looked around at him and her face was lit up and she growled,

"Oh, yes, baby, do it, don't stop, just do it."

Never one to disappoint a lady, he dipped his finger into her pussy and then slid it back into her ass. She was stroking his cock and playing with his balls, making a happy mess. With what was going on behind her she was inspired to try something. She pushed his legs apart and managed to get her arms between them, so she pushed with her elbows and got his legs up and back a bit more. She couldn't help notice how hard and tight his ass cheeks were and so each one got a wet kiss. The she let out a started yelp when she felt a wet, insistent tongue begin to work its way past her tight ring.

Turnabout is fair play so she dived back down and began to run her tongue over his asshole. Both their bodies where bouncing and vibrating as they treated each other to this new sensation. His cock was resting against her shoulder and neck and it was dripping precum like a faucet. She was leaking heavily, dripping over his chin and down his neck. Another lovely mess they were making.

He was flooded when she had her first orgasm and switched to pushing his tongue into her pussy and a long finger all the way into her ass. She thought this was a lovely idea so she got her mouth back on his cock and pushed one of her slender fingers into his ass. This wasn't going to last long so he didn't even try to hold back. With her mouth in place he did what she wanted and began pumping a heavy load of cum into her mouth and down her throat. This tipped her over the edge and she began her second orgasm, cumming heavily over his face. When they were done, they both slumped, with her laying on top of him and his arms cradling her in place.

She was resting her head on his thigh, her firm tits pressed into his abdomen. He was still looking at her pussy and thighs. He tipped his head and lightly kissed the inside of one thigh.

"Hmm, that feels nice. Do you ever stop trying to make a girl feel good?"

"Not, if she's always trying to do the same for me."

She laughed a little but made no move to change positions. She did put a few kisses on his scarred thighs and rubbed her face where she kissed him.

"Would you like to know something, my darling?"

"Anything you want to tell me."

"What we just did made me feeling delightfully, hmm, decadent?"

"I think you mean dirty, nasty, maybe even horny."

"I think you're right. I tend to be a little old fashion in how I talk sometimes."

"I love the way you talk. I love your voice."

She took the opportunity to slide off his body but she kept her head resting on his thigh so she could look up at him.

"Do you really?

"Oh, yeah, the way it sounds, the way you talk," he said as he propped his head up with a pillow, "there isn't anything about you that isn't special somehow."

The he looked over and took hold of one of her ankles and looked at her feet. She looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Nope, even your toes are perfect."

She began laughing and then put her hand over her mouth. Then she ran her hand over his abdomen and chest.

"Tom, I'm going to ask you something. It may be uncomfortable for you but please answer me as honestly as you can."


"You think that Patty and I are both rather special, don't you."

"Of course I do."

"What about yourself?"

She looked at him but she saw he wasn't likely to answer. She lifted herself up on her elbow and looked at him.

"Tom, will you answer me?"

"I was, but not anymore," he said quietly.

"Oh, Tom, my darling boy, you couldn't be more wrong. Being able to run up and down a playing field kicking a ball never made you special. There are so many people who can do that. What makes you special, such a rare jewel, is something you do better than anyone I've ever encountered."

"And what's that?"

"It's how you care for people, for me, and Patty. She's told me all about how you met and how you've been such a good friend all this time for her. Very few people are as good at that as you are. Far too few. And this," she said, putting her free hand on his damaged knee. "takes none of that away."

With that said, she pulled herself around and up so that she was lying at his side, again propped on her elbow, looking down into his face, seeing the blank expression.

"You don't believe me, my lovely boy?" she asked.

"It's hard to know what to believe. Am I supposed to accept that somehow it was decided all I worked for doesn't mean anything so I get this," he gestured at his leg. "Or is it just a cruel coincidence that I'd be around to help?"

Her hand began to caress his chest.

"I don't know, love. I only know what Great grandmother had to say about you. And that you were there when I needed you the first time, and every time since. And what I see for myself."

"What do you see?" he asked, turning his head to meet her eyes. "I sometimes think I know what you're feeling when I see your eyes. Can you see the same with me?"

"Yes, and more, love. You are so open and honest, one with ability can see just about everything. And I have that ability. Sometimes it can be a little embarrassing."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because, sometimes you look at me with such worshipful adoration, it makes me feel unworthy."

"You wouldn't think that if you could see yourself through my eyes."

"Or perhaps you through mine. Sit up, my darling, please."

With an inner shrug he did as she asked. She did likewise and positioned herself so they were hip to hip facing each other.

"Look at my eyes, love. See yourself as I have always seen you."

So he did as she asked. It wasn't a difficult thing since she had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. As he looked it seemed as if a curtain dropped and all manner of thoughts, images, something, jumped out at him. He `saw' unquestioning friendship, deep love, admiration, pride and unbridled desire. He saw reflections of a boy giving of himself whenever she needed him. An anchor in a turbulent life and now the center of it. He wasn't sure but he had a feeling he was blushing rather intensely.

"Do you see?" she asked softly.

He nodded slowly.

"Come, lie back."

When he did, she settled down at his side, her arm and leg across him, her head next to his on the pillow.

"Perhaps now you'll understand a little better. But if not, there's no harm in it. I'll just keep finding ways to prove it to you. Imagine how much fun that will be."

He couldn't help but smile and after a short nap she showed him just how much fun. The next time he woke the sun was coming up and she was gone. She had taken the duffel with her new old clothes and left behind a brief note on a sheet of paper torn from one of his notebooks. It simply had the words `I love you' and the imprint of her lips, although he didn't remember her using lipstick. He tucked it into a box he had used since childhood to hold his favorite keepsakes.

He felt a twinge in his knee, too much stress the last couple of days, so he slipped on the tight sleeve he was now able to use around the house. He'd probably have to wear the heavier one to school tomorrow. Which he did, but any inconvenience was worth it. It was also a tip off when he got down from the bus and found Patty waiting.

He had to stop and admire his girlfriend. Instead of the usual cargo shorts, or slacks, and the three button pullover, she was wearing a tightly fitted skirt that was probably only a half inch longer than the minimum allowed. She was also wearing a tailored blouse that hugged her waist and accented her firm tits without revealing any cleavage. She also had on pumps with two inch heels, so the top of her head actually cleared her boyfriend's shoulder.

Patty regarded Tom with a hand on her cocked hip and said,

"So, what do you think, lover boy?"

"You're telling the world what I already knew. Brains and beauty."

"You sweet talker, you," she replied, tugging on his arm so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.

"What? What are they going to do? Expel me," she said after letting him go. "I see you have the heavier armor on today. Busy weekend?"

They started walking toward the library, arm or shoulder brushing the other.

"Like you didn't know?" he asked with a grin.

"It was a fantastic day. I went out yesterday and bought these. And some others. No more dressing like a little girl."

"I dunno, you made those shorts look pretty hot, but I get it. And I like it. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the pool."

She managed to blush and smile at the same time and gave him a hip bump. As quietly as they could they headed to the back and a study room. Once inside, she pulled him to a far corner and threw her arms around his shoulders and kissed him hard and deep.

"That's for Saturday. You two were so good to me. I'll thank Alisande the next time I see her. But I did want to talk to you about something."

"What's that?"

"The prom. You seemed to do pretty well at the Homecoming dance. And you've done a lot of healing since then. Do you still want to go?"

"Of course, I thought we already had that planned."

"Well, sweetie, I was a little concerned that maybe you wouldn't want to after that the doctor told you."

"And disappoint you? Never. And just think, no clunky brace to mess up my tux."

Her smile lasted just long enough to get her lips on his. And the kiss ended just in time for them to vacate the room before the librarian's assistant came by. Tom suspected that Patty picked the study rooms for their little meetings because she liked taking the risk. His little thrill seeker. They agreed that after such an energetic weekend, they should wait a couple of days for any follow up.

He was a little surprised that night after finishing up his homework when he heard that familiar tapping. By the time he got to the window, she was already in and standing there. She was wearing a pair of his old running pants and a tee shirt and her short jacket. Her arms were around his shoulders and her body pressed to his before he could frame a question. She placed a couple of kisses on his cheeks and then pulled back.

"Hello, darling. I'm afraid I've been missing you. Is this okay?"

"Of course. How are you doing?"

"Better, now that your holding me. Off all the potions and tonics I can make, nothing compares to your arms," she said with a sign, resting her head on his shoulders.

He responded by tightening his embrace a bit and she snuggled in tighter. After a few minutes of this, she loosened her grip and stepped back. She removed her jacket and sat down in the comfy chair.

"How was school today? I see you have the heavier brace on."

"It was okay. Busy weekend on the knee though."

"Hmm, yes, I think I was being a bit selfish. But it felt so wonderful. You were so wonderful," she said, reaching out to cover his knee with her hand.

He felt warmth flowing into the sore joint, and then the easing of the tightness. He sat on the bed across from her and he took hold of her hand and kissed it.

"How about you, are you doing better?" he asked.

"Yes, love, I'm doing much better. I slept for most of yesterday and made sure I ate well today. Would you mind if we had a nice quiet night tonight? I could use some more rest."

"Probably a good idea. My knee could use some more rest as well. You'd get me so wound up I'm sure I'd just hurt myself again."

This was all said with a straight face which got a very amused smile which sent some very contrarian signals to his spine. That and the way his old tee shirt clung to her tits. He couldn't help but flash on the image of her in a little bikini. His shorts were starting to get tight.

"My lovely boy, you aren't fooling me. You're agreeing with your mouth but your eyes say something completely different."

"Sorry. What you're saying makes total sense, what I see makes me want you so much."

"Don't you think the same happens to me. But we both need some healing time. But..." she said, standing to move over to his side on the bed.

With an arm around his back and one hand on his scarred thigh she brought her lips to his, her boobs pressing into his arm. He had on arm around her shoulder and his hand pulled her nearest leg up over his. The kiss was deep and passionate but not frenzied. It went on for some time. When they were finished they had settled back onto the bed, their legs hanging over the side, heads turned to look at each other.



"What were you thinking just then, while you were looking at me?"

"Oh, I was thinking how amazing you'd look in a little, two piece bathing suit."

"Why would you be thinking about that? You've seen me naked any number of times. What does a few bits of cloth do?"

"To the male mind, a great deal. Hiding those last few details under a few bits of cloth as you put it sends all kinds of signals right down the spine. It's sounds silly and childish, I know, but there you are. It's the same thing with lingerie."

She gave him a quizzical glance. He looked at her and thought there wasn't an expression she could make that didn't affect him somehow. Then he remembered something and sat up and reached under the bed and found a box. He pulled out a well known lingerie catalog that had shown up in the mail some five years ago that he managed to get to first. He gestured for her to sit up as well. With the catalog in his hands resting on his lap, she took the opportunity to rest her chin on his shoulder so she could see it as well.

"This is what I'm talking about," he said.

He began to slowly turn pages letting her get an eyeful. She was gently moving her chin on his shoulder, letting him get more than a nose full of her fragrant hair. It was a good thing the magazine was covering his lap. He was about half way through when she spoke.

"So men really enjoy this sort of thing?"

"For the most part, yes. And a lot of women do too. Some because of the men, others for their own sake."

"How about you?"

"I like it just fine. This catalog was one of my favorite things for a few years. If you're asking me if I want to see you dressed up like this? One part of me thinks you would look better than any of these girls. But I don't think it's really you, if you know what I mean? But if you're interested you should probably talk to Patty about it, she'd know better than I would."

She turned her multi colored eyes to him and she said,

"Do it."


"What you're thinking, just do it."

"I thought you said we needed to rest tonight."

Her eyes blazed in a way he hadn't seen before and she ground out,

"Stop wasting time, I need this as much as you, so just do it."

He had noticed that the shirt she had taken from his closet the other day was old and a bit flimsy from all the use and washings so he used both hands on the collar and ripped it completely down the front, exposing her large tits and flat stomach. Her face was unreadable but her arms around his shoulders spoke volumes as she fell back and pulled him down on top of her.

Her mouth found his and began a savage attack on his lips and tongues. Something about the situation had lit her fuze and now her passion was exploding all over the young man she loved so completely. With the shirt torn open he was doing his best to get his hands on her pants while she was attempting to pull his shirt over his head. It took a few moments but they were finally naked, although to the outside observer it might have appeared that solid objects had passed through each other.

He had his mouth fastened to one of her nipples and was sucking and licking while his fingers were giving her damp pussy some attention. The more he tickled and probed, the more aroused she was becoming, if that was possible, her back arching, her hands grabbing the back of his head. Then she was pushing his head down and he let her. He wound up with a face full of smooth, damp pussy and he immediately began an assault with his tongue.

Her hands slid off his head to grab hands full of the bed cover. Her ass was rising and falling so he brought his arms up under her legs and his hands pressing on her flat abs. She was leaking heavily and his mouth and chin were coated. He was also hornier than he could remember. He wasn't sure what had gotten her so enflamed but he wanted to figure it out. But not right now. At the moment he had his tongue up inside her pussy and he had let one hand slide down her stomach so he could massage her clit with his thumb.

Her hips were bucking against his mouth as she experienced a major orgasm. She had the presence of mind, or perhaps female instinct, to grab a pillow and cover her mouth so her scream went unheard outside the room. She managed to dislodge his mouth and his tongue wound up on her asshole and he just kept working it and her hip movement redoubled. While he massaged her clit his tongue pushed past the tight ring and the tangy taste sent chills down his spine.

Whether it was part of the same orgasm or a second one, he didn't know, but her arching back and legs would have done a wrestler proud, actually lifting his torso off the bed. Then, without a word, she collapsed, pulling her pussy and ass away from his mouth to lay sprawled on the bed. Her big tits were slightly pancaked as they heaved. Nothing else moved with the exception of faint fluttering of her eyelids.

He shifted to the side and crawled up until he was looking down into her face. The only description he could give to her expression was slack. She had gone completely limp. So he rested on his elbow and continued to look down into what was now a truly angelic face. After a few more minutes, her eyes flickered open and with a couple of blinks, she managed to focus on his softly smiling face.

"Hey, there, beautiful."

She smiled in return and said,

"You may call me that anytime you wish. It sounds so wonderful coming from you."

He leaned down and kissed her lightly, while her hand moved slowly over the side of his face. She pulled on his head so she could kiss him harder and it brought his cock in contact with her hip. Apparently it reminded her of something so her hand went to his chest pushing him up right. She took hold of his hard dripping dick and leaned forward to lick and kiss it. Then she rolled up so she was kneeling next to him, kissing her way up his torso until she reached his lips for one more kiss and then she said,

"Will you do something for me?"

"Anything as long as it doesn't involve killing someone," he said with a grin.

She gave him a little pout and then pushed on his upper back so that he wound up on all fours. She took hold of his hard ass cheeks and pulled them apart so that his pale pink pucker was clearly visible. She dived down and began to lick his asshole every bit as hard as he had done for her. In return, he was groaning into the mattress. She shifted around on her knees so that she was kneeling between his legs and her mouth was between his cheeks.

While she licked away with abandon, she reached through and began to stroke his hard dick. He was grinding his hips and pushing back, the feel of her tongue was messing with his head and he was reminded of a time at soccer camp when he was thirteen. But then his cock was pulled back so that she could lick the underside of the shaft, then the back of his ball sack and to his ass hole. Back and forth, back and forth.

Then it stopped and she was climbing under him and tugging on his shoulders. He knew what she wanted and he pressed his body down on top of her and brought his cock to her pussy and shoved forward. Her hips pushed up and half his dick disappeared inside her. Another thrust of his hips and he was buried balls deep and she was wrapping her legs around his hips. Each of his downward thrusts was met with an upward thrust of hers, ending with a slap of skin on skin. Again and again he fucked his fat cock into her wet clamping pussy. There was no question how this was going to end so he just kept fucking her and she him until she went rigid beneath him and he gave one more push and his cock began to fire off stream after stream of thick cum.

She was grunting into his neck and holding on while he emptied his balls directly into her. When he had drained his load and her orgasm had run its course, they settled back into the mattress, with her grip easing but not releasing him and he laying atop her heaving chest. Her lips were by his ear and she said,

"If you ever try to leave me, I'll come after you and follow you to the ends of the earth."

"If you have to come after me you'll have to get there before the men with the strait jackets, because I'd have to be insane to leave you."

He heard her laugh a bit and then sigh deeply, gripping him a little more tightly. Neither was sure how long it took but they finally eased up and slipped away from each other enough to lay next to each other and look at each other a few inches apart. She smiled a bit and said,

"I have to say I'm just a little embarrassed. I've never felt the need for you more than just then. Why was that?"

"I'm not sure, although I'm extremely flattered. I suppose you've never seen pictures like that before."

"True, but I've enjoyed seeing Patty in various degrees of undress. But I didn't feel like that."

"Afraid I'm not much of an expert on such things," he said, running a fingertip along her jaw.

She thought back to what lead up to her sexual outburst, recalling what was said. Then she blinked at him and said,

"You said that you thought I was more beautiful than any of those women, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did and I meant it. And so would anyone else who's seen you like I have."

"Tom, my love. I have a feeling that no one sees me the way you do. But it might explain things. When we are close like this, I can easily feel what you are feeling. You radiate your desire for me like a desert sun. I suppose I was returning the favor," she said, her cheeks getting a bit rosy.

"Could be, beautiful, all I know was that it looked like your eyes were going to burst into flames there. It was the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

She smiled at his some more and then her face got more serious.

"Love, do you think we are being fair to Patty? I know she has you at school and some afternoons and our Saturdays but it feels what we have is growing more intense with every encounter."

"Patty and I have talked about this a few times. She really is fascinated by you, and I don't mean just the sex," he said with a grin. "She's asked me a lot about what I can remember now. She feels really bad about how you had to live next door, so to speak, knowing I was here and that most of the time, I couldn't remember you or our times together."

He took the opportunity to run his fingers over her cheekbones. She pressed her cheek against his hand.

"And she acknowledges that she and I had each other for the last six years, in one way or another, and now is your turn to play catch up. Plus, she thinks you and she have different needs right now and for the near future. She's going to be very busy with her schooling and as she put it `be there for me when I'm home and for each other when I'm not'."

Alisande nodded and said,

"She's going to get a lot of attention before she goes off to school."

"Just like she's hoping for. And I don't think we'll mind so much," he replied.

"And you, how are you doing?"

"I'm starting to understand and I just want to be there for both of you. Not like it's a hardship for me, now is it?" he asked.

She replied by leaning in and kissing him slow and long. Then she pushed and prodded a bit and got them to where he was on his back, she was tucked up against his side and a blanket was covering there naked bodies. Before drifting off to sleep she muttered,

"You owe me a shirt, you know."

"Pick out anything you like that will fit you. It'll look far better on you than it ever did on me."

"Hmm, the things you say."

Next: Chapter 3

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