Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Oct 17, 2009


Author's Note: For the sake of the continuance of Big Apple Love I am fast forwarding the story to the beginning of Senior Year. I know it sucks but I feel like I've written myself into a trap and what will work best is a fresh start for me and all the characters. And I really want to apologize for my absence: school, work, and my personal life have disabled me from petting my focus into my writing. I hope I can be forgiven and I hope you ladies and gentleman enjoy...

My summer was like the rest of my life, crazy. I convinced my mother to let me visit my aunt in California and of course she agreed it got me away from Chase and gave her and Dave time alone. Yeah she's still with him. For life. They eloped in Vegas when I was away. "Kevin I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it was a spur of the moment thing. I really love Dave." She told me at the airport. We ended up moving in with Dave on the other side of town. Of course I complained but it's not like I can change her mind. You would think I got the short end of the stick but Dave convinced my mom to get me a car since we were so far from Manhattan Prep. Chase and I broke up over the summer we decided it would be best if we were just friends. But do exes ever stay friends. Mariah moved to live with her dad in Pennsylvania, something happened with her mom and she really didn't have a choice.

So it was just lonely old me. In this crazy school by myself. Victor and Leo were still together which ate me up on the inside but what is a boy to do. I just have to survive senior year and I'll be off to a great performance school away from this madness.

I sat in my car watching everyone return to the place we all equally hated and hug the friends they really didn't miss and thought how hard it was going to be to live through the next ten months. Taking a deep breath I got out the car and walked past the people who were insignificant to my life: the little freshman lost and afraid, the sophomores glad they weren't the new kids anymore, the juniors glad they'll be on top next year and the seniors knowing it's all over and time for real life. My mind drifted off to my first day and that's when I really missed Mariah. And that's when I saw him, the only person who stood out to me. "Umm... do you know where?" he couldn't even finish his sentence when the bell rang and everyone was off to class, he stood lost in the bustle. "I can help you." I said walking over to him. I hadn't noticed how tall he was until he was staring down at me with his golden eyes, which was a shade or two lighter than his honey golden skin and his jet black hair hanging inches above his eyebrows. "Thanks, do you know where Mr. Foner's class is?" he asked in his deep sultry voice which usually turns me on but there was something different about him he was attractive but I didn't find him attractive. The voice matched his body the rippling biceps and pecs showing through his fitted navy blue v-neck. "Yeah AP Lit. I'm on my way there." I said leading the way. "Thanks a lot I'm Kyle by the way." He said flashing his smile at me. "Kevin." I said as we walked to class.

"Thanks for joining us, have a seat." He said motioning to the two seats in the back. I sat there thinking about how cute Kyle was maybe it was because of how much he reminded me of Leo. I tried to shake the thought; I can't handle having a boyfriend now. And could I emotionally handle anther heartbreak. Listen to me; I don't even know if the guy is gay here I am planning out our future. I glanced up and there he was staring at me with those topaz eyes. I couldn't help but smile as our eyes met he made me feel all warm inside the way Leo used to make me feel. I could feel his eyes burrowing deep into my soul erasing the pain and heartache. "What!?" I asked. "Nothing you just have really nice eyes." Was he seriously flirting with me? "Thanks so do you." "Would you like to add to the conversation Mr. Smith?" Mr. Foner said stopping our little flirting session. All eyes were on me as they waited for my response. "No." I said flatly.

He continued on in his monotone voice. "Sorry." Kyle mouthed. "It's okay." I took out a piece of paper and wrote my number on it and handed it to Kyle, "Text me."

I spent most of the day trying to avoid Leo and Victor though deep down I was hoping I ran into Leo at least once.

My wish came true when I was on my way to gym. I turned the corner and there he was, it was like hitting a brick wall. I felt every indentation of every muscle on his chest as I was trying to catch my balance. "Sorry... oh hey Kevin." Damn it. "Hi Leo." I said fixing myself. "How are you?" Like he cared but he had that smile that I missed so much. "Fine, just fine, Look I'm late for class I got to go." The smile quickly faded and it hurt to see it go. But he's the one that hurt me. "Okay well see you around." He said more like a question, "Yeah sure." I said walking away as quickly as possible.

Why did he still have this effect on my heart? Why can't I just let him go? I was mentally absent for the rest of the day thinking about him. It's not fair, I just want to move on but something is holding me back. Am I still in love with him?

I wondered around aimlessly after school with nothing to really do, not really thinking. Only about the mess my life has become since I moved to NY and met Leo. What if I would have never walked into that pizzeria that day? My life would be so different. I would have never been raped, never tried to kill myself. I would have been the me from California. The fun-loving, naïve kid I used to be. But I would have never known true love. I would have that warm fuzzy feeling that you only hear about in books.

Finally looking up I realized I had ended up where it all began, The Boys Locker Room. I felt nervous for some reason, just like the day I met Leo here. It had the same smell it had that day. Just being here brought back so many memories. I could feel his arms around my waist holding me close against his body. His adorable laugh still rang in my ears. The taste of his lips against mine, those perfect lips. I sat there thinking about that day and that's when I realized I was crying. The warm silver droplets running down my face. And for the first time I felt alone, I had no one, Mariah was gone, Leo was done with me and my mother was to busy with her new husband . I was there sobbing and thinking how could I be so dumb? Why did I have to fall for him? I just wanted to disappear and never feel again. I truly felt empty and alone. "Kevin?" I heard as I continued to cry. "Oh Kyle hey" I said wiping my eyes. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I got to go." I said dashing for the door. "Kevin wait!"

End Note: Once Again I just want to apologize for the wait, but I promise I will post more often... Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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