Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Jan 3, 2009


Author's Note: I just want to say I'm really glad that you guys/gals are enjoying my writing. Oh Yeah and BTW this was the most emotional chapter I have every written I almost started crying while writing it and for those who think this is based off my life I wasn't raped so it's okay. But I really did have an out of body experience while writing this and I sort of became Kevin during this. Oh And Happy New Year to all!!!

Big Apple Love By: Josef and Kevin Chapter 9

I walked outside as the tears began to run down my eyes and I just couldn't understand why this was happening now. There was a bench outside and I sat on it and try to stop myself from crying and thought maybe Leo would come out here to redeem him self but time past and he never came. But as I sat out there I thought maybe this is for the best it was fun while it lasted it's not like we were boyfriends anyway. I sat out there alone for awhile when the host walked outside and saw me sitting there alone. "Hey can I join you?" he said as he stood next to the bench. "Yeah sure, I would love company right now." I said as I moved over making room for him and wiping away the tears. "Are you crying?" He said looking at me with care in his eyes. "Yeah, Well I was." I said sniffling a little. "Anything you want to talk about, I'm a good listener." he said smiling at me. He had a fabulous smile, his teeth were straight and white it kind of shined like the stars in the dark sky. "Well okay this trip was some what of a surprise to me and I went along with it but then we were all surprised when my boyfriends ex showed up with his boyfriend and who would have thought they would still have feelings for each other after almost a year. And then my boyfriend, his name is Leo started to flirt with Victor, his ex and I got upset and it's only natural. So I confronted my bf about it and we talked and everything was okay until he called me Victor, knowing I don't like the boy and he's your ex after apologizing to me so I ended obviously they still have feelings for each other so they might as well be together." I said letting it all out and cry in front of this complete stranger. "Hey well you had every right to break up with him that is low real low." he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled and heÿsaid, "Well you know how to get your mind off of him?" he said standing up. "How?" I said kind of happy that he was being so nice to me. "Party,ÿthere's this party tonight not to far from here andÿI wasn't going to go but since you seem like you need it we can if you want." He said and asÿI was about to say no because I thought me and Leo need to talk aboutÿthe whole situation more, he walked out with hisÿarm around Victor laughing it up. "Yeah I would love to go with you." I said as those two made there way towards me. "Ok cool let me just grab my coat." he said walking inside. "Kevin come back inside it's freezing out here." Victor said to me now trying to act all buddy, buddy with me. "Leo, are you serious after all that just happened you actually brought that slut out here." I said rolling my eyes and totally disregarding how he felt about me calling him a slut. "Who are you calling a slut?" he said as he walked up to me and got in my face. "Well let's see I'm not talking about me and I was talking to Leo you must be the slut." I said raising my voice. "Okay come on guys relax." Leo said pulling me away from him. "No Leo don't touch me ever again." I said as Brent, the host, walked outside and I followed him to his car. "Kevin, where are you going?" Leo called and I kept walkingÿcompletely ignoring him.

We got in the car and pulled off and I just felt so liberated and all my problems seemed to blow out the window as me and Brent drove away and the restaurant got smaller and smaller behind us.

"So where is this party?" I asked him as I relaxed back into the seat of his 2008 Chevy Equinox. "It's not that far like 20 minutes away." he said turning the radio on and the perfect song came on, Let it Go by Keyshia Cole and everything just seemed fine and I knew nothing was going to go wrong for the rest of the night. We pulled up onto this street and each house was miles apart driving wise and we pulled up to this one house which seemed completely empty. He parked in the driveway and we got out and walked up to the door rang the door bell and he looked at me and said, "Oh by the way this is a college party." The door flew open and the music just BOOMED and it was kind of surprising how loud it was and that you couldn't here it outside. And I said to myself this was going to be fun. We walked in together and it was so cool ' my first college party' the peopleÿwere just dancing, drinking, and having fun. "Hey wanna dance?" someone asked me from behind. "I turned around and it was this cute guy who had to be about six foot with, brown hair, brown eyes, and he had to be Dominican with his skin color and he was the sexy Dominican I ever did see. "Yeah, sure." I said as he took my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. It was kind of weird because I had never really danced with another guy I usually grinded with girls but it was a new and eye opening experience. We danced to like two songs together and as we danced we talked and I learned that he was a freshman in college and was going to transfer to NYU in March and that he was like in love with Jay Z and Beyonce which kind of made me laugh because he didn't come off as the Beyonce liking guy. As the second song ended he was like, "Let's go somewhere a little more private."

"So how old are you?" I asked him as we sat in the room. "I turned 18ÿtwo months ago. How old are you?" he asked me. "Well I'm 16 going on 17 in two months." I said kind of hoping he wouldn't think I was too young. "That's cool so your a Pisces." he said "Yeah, a junior in High School." I said trying to make myself more comfortable on the bed. "Cool what school do you go to?" he asked me as he leaned against the wall and stretching out his feet. "Oh I go to Manhattan Prep in NY." I said following him and doing the same thing and it was way more comfortable. "So what are you doing all out here are parties aren't that good." he said laughing. "Oh I came with Brent me and my friends came out here for the break but some stuff happened and I just needed space." I said singing along to the music. "Oh whoa you're a good dancer and a singer. What else can you do?" he said surprised by my talents. "Oh nothing really dancing, singing, acting, and modeling those are the things I love doing." I said as a slow song came on and there was an awkward silence as he stared into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me and I wanted to pull away but I didn't because I loved the way his lips felt against mine. I moved in closer and got on top of him and his hands slowly went down and my sides and he grabbed my ass. I gasped a little but not enough to ruin this intense kiss we were sharing. I felt his tongue slowly penetrated my lips and our tongues meet and we began to French kiss. And for the moment Leo was no longer in my mind and I was just fine with it. I began to unbutton his shirt while we were still kissing and he went along with it and as his shirt was opened I began to rub on his chest and felt my self becoming excited down below. He moved his hands to the front and slowly unbuckled my belt and pulled it off and unbuttoned my jeans slowly pulling them down revealing my black boxer briefs and my fully erect cock. He turned overÿand was now on top and pulled his pants off and pulled a condom out of his pocket.ÿAs he was about to open the condomÿI said, "No wait. I can't do this I'm sorry."ÿHe looked at me and said, "Yes you can come on baby, do it for daddy." he continued opening the condom and sliding it onÿhis shaft. I tried getting up but as I did he put his hand around my neck and said, "Don't move." I became filled with fear becauseÿI knew what was about to happen and I couldn't I wasn't ready,ÿnot me this is impossible. And I tried to scream but he covered my mouth and said, "Make another sound and I'll kill you." And that's when I felt him penetrate me and the tears beganÿstreaming from my eyes and I just wantedÿitÿto be over. While he was fucking me, no raping me, he was kissing me on my neck and complete indulged in what he was doing. My body went numb and I tried to escape the pain he was inflicting on me.

He was finally finished and he got off of me and said, "Don't move until I'm out of this room." he got his clothes on walked over to me and kissed me and I just flinched with fear as he came near. Before he walked out the room he said, "Maybe when I'm in New York we can hook up." And I just started crying uncontrollably and I sat thereÿwith no pants on asÿBrent walked in and said, "Oh sorry... Kevin is that you." he came over to me and he knew what had happened he helped me get dressed and said, "We have to call the police."ÿAnd this was the first time I spokeÿsince it happened. "No you can't. Promise me you won't call the police." I yelled at him. "You have to report this." he said reaching for the phone. I grabbed the phone and said, "Please you can't I don't want my mom to know." I said as I began to cry as imagining how my mom would react. "Just take me back to the resort please?" I asked him as I walked towards the door to leave. "Kevin, Okay fine lets go." he said as we made our way to the car. We got in the car and the drive was about an hour and we finally got there I walked inside and everyone was waiting up in the living room for me. Tynisha walked over to me and said, "Where were you? We were worried sick." And I just started crying andÿjust kept apologizing.ÿLeo walked over to me and said, "Kevin I'm sorry for all that happened tonight but you just have to trust me." I looked him in his eyes andÿfellÿinto his arms and the last thing I remember was everyone screaming my name.

I woke up in a bedroom wondering where I was. I looked around and found the clock and it read 9:53. It was dark so it was obviously night. I hear chatter coming from outside the door. I suddenly realized I was back at the resort and I was wearing a big T-shirt of Leo's. I heard his voice outside saying he was going to check on me. He knocked on the door, I didn't answer because I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk to him just yet.

ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Heÿpoked his head through the door and saw that I was awake. He walked over to the bed and said 'Well hello sunshine.' I sat up on the bed and looked at him already I felt my eyes starting to well up. He continued 'Seems like you had a rough night last night. Wanna talk about it?' I just leaned over and hug him as I started to sob. 'Leo, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to be mad at me I just had no choice!'

ÿ'What are you talking about?'

ÿ'I'm not ready to talk about it yet, just stay here with me. I don't wanna be alone.' Leo started hushing me and we sat there, me in his arms. It was a perfect moment where I felt completely safe until....'Leo, what the hell are you doing! C'mon ...oh, sorry.' Victor came rushing through the door; he looked at me and just completely switched moods. I got off Leo and lay back down on the bed and rolled away from them. 'Victor, listen I'll be out in a minute. Just give me a moment.' Whatever!' IT said as IT left the room. Leo came over trying to apologize, 'Listen Leo, if you want to go out to be with you friends just go!' 'But I want to be with you right now, you obviously need me.' I didn't care anymore, but I DID need a shower. I got up and went into the bathroom and took my shower.

End Note: Next Installment of Big Apple Love Will be posted Sometime next week so keep an out for it and trust me Chapter 10 is very interesting

Next: Chapter 10

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