Big Is Better


Published on Feb 24, 2002




This story is a fantasy. All characters in this story are fictional with no resemblance to any real persons implied. Any reader with objections to graphic descriptions of sexual encounters between males, who may not have reached the legal age of consent, or whose local, regional, state or national jurisprudence prohibits such descriptions, should NOT read further. Copyright (c) 2000 XH4M. All rights, implicit or implied, except for distribution by this archive and personal use by the individual downloading the file, are reserved. Inquiries regarding publishing rights for this story should be directed to:


Recall I'd said at the very beginning Sam and I were as different as night and day in about every way you could imagine. To begin with, Sam was raised in an environment nearly opposite from the one in which I was raised. In my world, everything was learning to conform to strict rules and understanding all the things I could not or should not do. Sam was raised without rigid social conventions or really any limitations whatsoever, as far as I can tell. In fact, he seemed to thrive on being different. His family was quite non-conventional, to say the very least. Where I was instantly chastised for going against any proscribed social conventions, Sam was actually very supported and even encouraged to be exactly who he was in the world.

We did have one thing - and only one thing - in common during our childhood and oddly, that centered around 'size.' Samson was always much taller and heavier than other boys his age - exactly the opposite of my situation when I was growing up. I've wondered if Sam's parents had the same perverted sense of humor - or crystal ball perhaps - when they'd chosen his first name I'd imagined from time-to-time my own parents did. His Dad was a well-known heavy-weight professional wrestler, and I suspect Sam got at least some of his fundamental genetics for size right from his old man. Being a very big boy, Sam commonly was mistaken to be at a more advanced grade level than he actually was. No doubt this assumption contributed to his academic problems. Sam was understandably perceived by teachers to always be older than he actually was. The was another obvious contrast between us, too, when we were kids. For the most part I was uncomfortable in my own skin, whereas Sam had always been more than O.K. with exactly who he was.

But he told me once that other kids teased him unmercifully and I could partially relate to that, anyway. From what I've pieced together, His dad was instrumental in helping Sam make the necessary and healthy adjustment and understand from a young age that nothing could ever make him an average-sized kid, - and getting angry wasn't going to change anything. So Sam learned well the concept of acceptance and tolerance early in his life - a lesson many of us could still stand to learn. Moreover he accepted both his physical gifts as well as his definite limitations with an ease and nonchalance - even with a certain grace - which even today is still a marvel to behold.

Sam was exposed to 'the iron game'- and seriously I've gathered - by the time he was 8 years old. His Dad worked out vigorously and regularly - an occupational necessity in his particular line of work. Moreover, Sam's interest in heaving 'heavy metal' was enthusiastically encouraged and supported. They used to lift together - father and son. Sam's physical strength even as a boy was nothing short of astounding and his Dad was unquestioningly proud of him. By the time Sam was 12 years old, his physical development was already 'unusual' to say the least. Where I had always struggled accepting my own particular brand of freakiness, Sam absolutely thrived on being a really big guy.

"I couldn't get smaller so I decided to get bigger!"

Nature positioned him to make the absolute most out of his great physical assets - more than you could even imagine. You see, Sam genuinely believes he had something incredibly special given to him by God. According to him, the real miracle started to happen when he hit puberty. His bones grew at an extraordinary pace, constructing a large skeletal framework perfectly suited to support huge masses of muscle. You see, size has always mattered very much to Sam. Lifting was what he naturally excelled at and was absolutely compelled to do by his spirit, too. And to his real credit, Sam has never wasted the incredible physical gifts he'd received. If you met him today and asked him what he does, I fairly certain he would never answer that he worked as a personal trainer or coached at a college, which he did. He'd probably just answer simply, "I lift weights...."

You'd also immediately notice if you got to know Sam personally that his most significant limitation is his 'brains' or I should honestly say, lack thereof. He just wasn't blessed at all in that department to begin with, and his family's situation growing up probably only compounded the problem. Sam's not retarded, but he is nevertheless somewhat slow. I've since gotten used to describing him as "just a simple guy" - a VERY simple, basic guy - perhaps even the simplest of guys. His family was always moving around due to the demands of having a dad who was in the wrestling game. Sam's schooling suffered accordingly. He never graduated from high school and to this day has never even thought about getting his G.E.D. Frankly, he may not even know what G.E.D. stands for.

The truth is Sam does only three basic things in life: (1) Eating - he eats just enormous quantities of food, enough easily for three grown men. (2) he moves extraordinarily large masses of iron around so effortlessly it takes my breath away literally, and; (3) is having Sex (and that, just about whenever he's not doing either of the other two).

O.K. So Sam will never win the Nobel Prize, I know. But I also know I'll never meet a more honest and straightforward guy in this lifetime. What you see is definitely what you get and he clearly knows who he is and, more importantly, who he is not. He's got a real humility which is just incredibly rare to find in most anyone these days. And it's worth noting as well I've never seen Sam flaunt his unbelievable body either. He never wears muscle shirts, preferring his old beat up flannels or just an XXXXXXL sweatshirt. He simply doesn't have to. Whatever he happens to wear cannot hide or camouflage what's underneath. The particularly bold shapes and sweeping contours of his body are so unlike any 'normal' man's.

Sam's also frankly incapable of lying. He just isn't that complicated a person, or at all devious. I would increasingly come to admire his child-like straightforwardness. Lying and deceit take a certain mental capacity and a desire to manipulate others, as well as the ability to look into the future to plot 'alternatives' and 'scenarios.' Sam lives only for the moment he is in, and he can actually be no other way. He's simply not that deep. To be so would just give him a headache.

He holds no grudges and bears no one any ill will at all. I've only seen him get genuinely mad a few times in fact, and once he's vented it out, he's right back to his old self again and probably even forgot the circumstances entirely by the next day. Lucky for those poor souls who might otherwise have gotten on his bad side. He's very physically formidable - an absolutely gigantic mountain of a man who could certainly be completely intimidating, if that was in his nature. I came to understand many people avoided him simply because of his freaky size and physique. He unintentionally scared most people away. Despite his having a really pleasant personality, he had few real friends except a few close 'lifting buds' at his gym and the college. He never complained about it though, and seemed to take life exactly on its own terms. If he was lifting, he was happy; therefore, Sam was always happy.

I remember him once saying to me, "I really know I'm just dumb, Pete - but I can lift really big weights...."

And so he is - and so he does- and does he EVER. Sam was just born to hoist unimaginable masses of iron skyward. (He does a few other things very well too, by the way, which I'll get to later.)

Even more amazingly, he has absolutely no qualms about his sexuality, and I doubt he ever had for that matter. It's as totally natural a thing to him as is his amazing physique. There has never been anything to even question in Sam's mind. He does as he pleases and knows exactly what he likes. Sam would never think of apologizing for his individual sexual proclivities and interests. If it feels good, that's all that matters to him, and he's always been right up front about what really turns him on - and that is 'size.' Size matters to Sam. There's not a concept for 'too big' in his rulebook. With Sam, bigger is simply and definitely better. So you see, in at least one specific area we are, I guess, in perpetual agreement. We're both powerfully attracted to big guys, actually. We only differ in our personal tastes about where size matters. Even among gays and doctors, very few know "The Secret Method of Computing a Man's Dick Size Mathematically" given only his zip code and social security number, but he'd developed it into a science. Sam is a real aficionado of big meat. He is Ahab, obsessed by his pursuit of Moby Dick. And just between you and me - this Great White Whale never intended to be the one that got away....

Next: Chapter 13

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