Big Red

By Joseph C

Published on Mar 18, 2009



Chapter One Beginning of the `Nell

Tristan stared at the gigantic mass before him. It was a beautiful building with contemporary design and flawless architecture. He entered not knowing what to expect in this wonderful new chapter of his life, but he could not wait to fully enjoy the experience. He immediately saw a bright yellow sign exclaiming `Freshmen to the end of the hallway.' Tristan walked all the way to the end of the hallway greeted by two smiling faces. The first girl was quick to extend a hand.

"Hi, I'm Kristin. Are you a freshman?"

"Yeah, my name is Tristan Bradford."

"Oh, that's wonderful! You're one of my little frosh residents!" exclaimed Kristin.

`She's definitely the stereotypical bubbly blond' thought Tristan.

"Excuse her, Tristan. My name is Danielle. Here are your keys and Cornell card. Do not lose them under any circumstances or else you will have to pay a huge fine." state the dark-haired girl next to Kristin.

"You're in unit three, the best unit by far!" Kristin said with great enthusiasm. Danielle rolled her eyes.

"Okay, thanks! But what room am I in?" asked Tristan.

"Okay, you are in room 6324. That means Low Rise 6, Unit 3, Suite 2, Room #4. Good luck finding it. These low rises are like a maze!" informed Danielle.

"Okay, I'll have fun trying to find it!" Tristan walked away quickly while the two girls watched his fine bubble butt lustily.

"Damn, he was hot! I am so glad he's in my unit." Kristin squealed happily.

Tristan walked through the halls seeing anxious kids moving in with looks of excitement and nervousness. He smiled at everyone who he passed including parents with great looks of concern that their babies were being put out into the real world by themselves. He left the building to his wonderful parents and the van that contained his life inside.

"Okay, we're ready to move in!" Tristan loudly and happily exclaimed. Ninety minutes later, Tristan had moved into his side of the room with everything he had neatly placed where he wanted it. The other side remained barren and empty.

"All right, son! You are your own man now! Be good and study hard," his dad explained giving him a firm handshake and a big hug.

Tristan's mother started tearing up and said, "Remember that we'll always love you and be there for you, son. Always talk to us, especially if you're having any trouble." Tristan gave his mother a long hug and kiss goodbye. Five minutes later, they were gone and Tristan was finally on his own. He jumped on his bed and looked at the ceiling happy to be at Cornell University.

Tristan decided to jump off his bed and get ready for his swim test. He was eager to meet new people and make new friends, as well as scope out the hot guys.

After Tristan passed his first official Cornell test, he enjoyed his first Cornell meal at `Bear Nasties' as everyone called it. He then walked back to the low rise hoping some new people had arrived. When he entered his room, the other half was still empty, but it seemed like some of the rest of his suite was being occupied. He checked the other double at the other end of the hallway and saw that both side of the room were occupied and there was a dark-haired kid sitting at his desk no doubt checking out his new laptop.

"Hey, man! You're my new suitemate. What's up!" Tristan greeted. The boy turned around and stood raising his hand to shake Tristan's.

"What's up! I'm Paul." He was a good looking kid! Dark brown curly hair, no doubt Jewish. His glasses covered his soft brown eyes, but he was one of those handsome kids who could pull off the glasses without looking too much like a nerd.

`Cool, he seems like the cute nerd,' thought Tristan.

"Where's your roommate?" asked Tristan.

"Oh, he went to take the swim test. Mine's not until tomorrow." answered Paul.

"Oh, cool. I passed with flying colors. Haha, I even won my heat," boasted Tristan.

"Good for you. I'm so proud that my suitemate knows how to swim." joked Paul sarcastically. At that moment, a boy appeared behind Tristan and walked into the room without acknowledging Tristan.

"Hi, I'm Tristan!" Tristan greeted. The boy just gave him a nod and went onto his computer. He was really rude and probably antisocial.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. I think I'll check out my computer. An hour later, Tristan decided to explore the campus after his shower. He went to find Paul.

"Hey, you guys want to explore the campus?" Paul looked up and nodded while his roommate did not answer.

"Let's go!" Paul stated clearly happy to get away from his tension-ridden room. The duo set out and checked out the beautiful campus. It was probably around three in the afternoon and it was a sunny, radiant day. They had both arrived really early. Tristan had taken a plane from Kentucky, so he had gotten to the campus really early while Paul had gotten an early start from New Jersey to Ithaca. They really got to know each other while they explored and they realized they would become really great friends at college. Paul was extremely smart, being a premed engineer. Tristan was the exact opposite, as he was in the hotel administration school and on the varsity lacrosse team. He was looking to enjoying the full fun to be had at college. As they say, `opposites attract' although Tristan was positive Paul was straight. He had a girlfriend back home who was a senior in high school. Plus they texted each other every five seconds while Tristan and Paul were visiting the campus. Tristan could tell that they were quite into each other, and also that Paul was undoubtedly whipped.

The girls on campus were obviously checking out the two good-looking boys that were obvious new additions to the Cornell campus. Older girls were also drawn in by the good looks of the two younger men, especially Tristan. Unfortunately, Tristan preferred attention from the gorgeous boys he was eying as he walked around. Paul could tell Tristan's focus was diverted by the people around them, but he assumed he was eying the hot female crop around campus.

When the two got back, Tristan's roommate had moved in, but was nowhere to be found. The two other singles seemed to be occupied as well, but no boys were to be seen. There were some other people around the unit, but Paul and Tristan just went to Tristan's room and started talking and chilling. Some girls who were exploring the unit and explicitly looking for Tristan came around and finally found them.

"Hi!" greeted a good-looking brunette. They all introduced themselves. All the girls were smitten with Tristan's good looks. He always ran his hand through his short blond hair and it seemed to drive the girls wild. They were still chatting and asking questions when Tristan's roommate arrived. He was extremely breathtaking. The girls were all ready to switch dorm assignments into the room with the hot studs.

"Hey, what's up! I'm Kyle." spoke the brown-haired god. Tristan smiled and stood up to greet this beautiful boy.

"Hey, what's up roomie! My name's Tristan." The girls quickly followed with Paul greeting him last. They all had fun talking and they found out Tristan and Kyle were both hotelies on the varsity lacrosse team. This made the girls go wild inside. It was like they hit the jackpot of all dorms.

Later, the girls and Paul went back to their rooms to chill for awhile before dinner. Tristan and Kyle talked for awhile more before dinner. They both changed into different shirts as they had gotten sweaty during the day. Tristan admired Kyle's toned six pack and nice-sized pecs and tits. Kyle also had the most amazing legs with just the right amount of muscle and hair and you could see the athleticism behind them. Tristan could not wait to see what Kyle was packing behind those shorts. However, the most intriguing thing for Tristan was Kyle's eyes which were a light blue, almost grey color that you just seemed to stare into endlessness in. Tristan was smitten with his roommate.

They went to dinner with Paul and the girls from the suite next to them. It was fun and relaxing. The girls were very intent on flirting with the guys. However, Paul had a girlfriend, and they also found out Kyle also had a girlfriend. Poor Tristan was the only one who was single so the girls gave him massive amounts of unwanted attention. Tristan did find it amusing though. He contemplated telling everyone his secret, but he felt that it was still too early to come out just yet. Plus, Kyle was on his team and his roommate so if he reacted badly, it would be an extremely bad situation.

After dinner, they ran into the two guys in the singles. One guy was an extremely nerdy kid named Alex with pale skin, braces, glasses, and tons of acne. The other was an extremely preppy Asian kid named Chase who was going to play on the varsity tennis team. He seemed like the rich, snobby type at first, but eventually settled down and became friendlier. He came from a really rich town in New Jersey, and was extremely conservative. Tristan immediately took a disliking to the kid, but Paul and Kyle did not seem to mind him.

That night, they all got washed up and dressed up for a night out. Tristan, Kyle, Paul, and Chase were ready to experience the night life of Cornell in Collegetown. However, they had to get through a unit meeting with the annoying R.A. first. Kristin annoyed the hell out of most of the girls and definitely all the guys. When they found out she was a sophomore who had skipped a grade and was younger than ninety percent of her residents, she pretty much lost all respect. However, she had the power to get them into big trouble so they had to tread carefully. They didn't want to get JA'd or anything serious. On the bright side, Tristan got to check out the rest of the unit which featured some hot guys in the other suites including two soccer players who lived above Kyle and Tristan. There were also two football players who lived in the final male suite in the unit. There was this stunning kid with dark hair and green eyes who was incredibly cute and caught Tristan's attention immediately. However, it seemed he had already been claimed by multiple flirting girls.

After the meeting, the four boys of suite two set off towards Collegetown for a night of fun. They ended up at an apartment which was the official annex of the supposed lacrosse fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega or ATO as everyone called it. They had lots of fun meeting some more guys on the lacrosse team. Tristan was also ecstatic when he saw the boy with green eyes at the party. He was the recruited star goalie for their team who was expected to start as a freshman easily. Tristan also learned that his name was Adam, all without directly talking to him.

`Oh man. He certainly looks like God's first creation,' thought Tristan. Tristan and Kyle also met their captain, James, who was only a sophomore. Tristan thought he was gorgeous as well with beautiful blond hair and dark hazel eyes. Tristan thought that pretty much all of the team was at least relatively attractive. The hottest guys he saw were definitely James, Kyle, and Adam though. Tristan was ecstatic because he couldn't wait to meet the other half of the team and search for more eye candy.

James was able to explain that ATO pledged about half the lacrosse team along with some other guys around campus that fit in with them. Most of the other half of the lacrosse team either did not pledge or joined another fraternity. Tristan and Kyle paired up for some Beirut and beat everyone. They were quite cocky about that but went back, or stumbled back to the dorms and fell asleep immediately.

The next day, Tristan and Kyle were quite hungover from their first college night, but they had hotelie orientation, so there was lots to do and worst of all, they had to wake up early. They stumbled to the hotel school with huge headaches. Tristan saw Adam near the front of Statler Auditorium. As usual, he was flocked by a bunch of pretty girls. After orientation, Tristan and Kyle decided to grab lunch at Okenshields where Tristan spotted Adam again. Tristan was happy, but annoyed that he had to keep seeing Adam everywhere. It was hard not to stare.

Kyle was really upset that Tristan seemed to have his attention elsewhere. Who was he staring at anyway? `Must be that slut who was all over him yesterday at ATO' thought Kyle. Kyle was pretty annoyed with the girls always giving Tristan attention. Not that he was jealous of Tristan. He strictly told the girls to stay away from him by telling them he had a girlfriend. Otherwise, he had experience that the girls would be all over him as well. Kyle was a hunk, and he knew it.

He admired Tristan's beautiful blond hair and deep blue eyes. Why did he always have to fall for the straight guys? Kyle decided to scope around since Tristan's attention was limited anyway. He immediately spotted a kid on the lacrosse team, Aiden or Aaron, something like that. He was definitely quite a stud, eating with about five girls. He had short black hair and was extremely attractive. Then, he saw Tristan's eyes aimed directly towards the dark-haired hottie, or he must have been checking out one of those girls. `Why doesn't Tristan just go up and talk to the girl he likes? It's not like he's shy or needs to have a lack of confidence,' thought Kyle.

"Yo, do you want to go sit with that lacrosse kid and the girls you're staring at?" laughed Kyle.

"What?" screamed Tristan. People around stared at Tristan. Tristan's cheeks flushed. "Sorry."

"Oh, come on! It's so obvious you're staring at them." said Kyle as he stood up. He was going to walk right on over to join the group, mostly because he wanted a closer look at the lacrosse stud, who was growing increasingly more attractive as he walked closer. Tristan had no choice but to follow as he did not want to look like a loser and eat alone.

Adam looked up and was shocked to see the two hot guys on his lacrosse team walking over towards his table. He had been following them all morning with his eyes. They were just too yummy to look at.

"Hey, what's up! My name's Kyle, I think I saw you at the party at ATO last night, right?" greeted the tall, brown-haired stud.

"Yes, I am. My name's Adam!" said Adam.

"Cool, so I heard you're our new star goalie. This is Tristan, by the way." Kyle was referring to the shy, but adorable blond next to him.

"Hey, what's up!" smiled Tristan. `Wow, his smile lit up the room!' thought Adam.

"You mind if we join you?" Kyle asked addressing the girls mostly. The girls all shook their heads as they were extremely happy to have two more hot guys at their table. Adam wasn't going to object to the extra eye candy either.

"So, I assume both of you play lacrosse?" questioned Adam.

"Yup!" Tristan finally piped in. "I play offense and Kyle plays defense."

"Thanks for introducing us, Adam!" said a blond girl sarcastically giving a knowing smile to Adam.

"I'm Traci, and this is Kina, Clarissa, Diana, Brooke, and Kayla." introduced the blond enthusiastically. Everyone exchanged smiles and hellos.

"That rude loudmouth went to high school with me." exclaimed Adam referring harshly at Traci.

"Oh, that's cool, where are you guys from?" asked Tristan.

"Cali!" answered Traci.

"How about you guys?" Adam asked.

"Kentucky," said Tristan.

"Connecticut," answered Kyle. They all continued getting to know each other. Traci was a really great girl and Kyle and Tristan took to her immediately. The other girls were extremely nice and Kayla was absolutely gorgeous, but Traci definitely had the best personality. The conversation eventually moved to lacrosse and Traci blurted out that Adam was the number one goalie in the California and ranked in the top three throughout the entire U.S. Adam blushed. Tristan's team won state all four years he was in high school. He was all state his final two years and was his team's leading scorer as well as captain for his senior year. Kyle was also the captain his senior year, and was also all state, but his team lost in the state finals. They were all very avid lacrosse players and extremely talented at their sport.

Traci was in heaven. She was so happy she was best friends with Adam. He was hot, so naturally, his friends were also unbelievably attractive. Traci had been devastated in high school when she learned Adam could never return the same feelings she had for him. She learned to understand that being best friends with him was just as great, or maybe even better. Adam's sexy dark hair and intense green eyes, along with his movie star good looks and tight, muscular body made him the dream of any normal, straight teenage girl, or even non-teenage girl. However, when two of the guys on Adam's lacrosse team walked over to talk to them, she was ecstatic. Both were gorgeous. The first one that talked had light brown hair and light blue eyes and seemed to have an extremely sexy body. Traci wished she could get the stud naked. But the guy that caught Traci's attention more was the shy blond behind him. He was absolutely perfect in her mind. He had an innocent, beautiful look about him that made Traci more attracted to him than anyone she had ever met, even Adam. He was absolutely the perfect, gorgeous All-American blond haired, blue eyed hunk. He had the sexy athletic build and his shorts showed off his muscular lacrosse legs. Traci was in heaven as she talked to these three young studs. It was not like she wasn't gorgeous herself. She was the dream of any straight guy with eyes. She had long flowing blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She also had an amazing body from playing soccer and running all the time. She was playing for the Cornell girls' squad as their star forward. She had a gorgeous face and many people had compared her to Blake Lively. She had her eyes set on Tristan. Not exactly a shy girl, Traci took her opportunities and made bold moves to get what she wanted, especially with guys. She had only failed once, and that was Adam, which was mission impossible. She could not wait to party with Tristan and hook up with him. She was reeling him in with her charm and flirting, and his encouraging smiles gave her a feeling that he was definitely interested.

Tristan could not keep the smile off his face. Adam was amazing and so nice to look at. And Traci was really nice too. `She could make a great gay boy's best friend' thought Tristan not knowing that she already was. And Kyle was just great at looking hot and showing off his boyish charm and devilishly handsome good looks. He wasn't sure who he found more attractive, Adam or Kyle, but he definitely would fuck either of them in a heartbeat, if given the opportunity. Little did he know, both of them also felt the same way about Tristan.

Kyle did not like Adam as much as he thought he would. He had a distinct feeling that Adam might be gay and was always flirting with his roommate. What made it worse was that Tristan didn't seem to mind and even seemed to enjoy it. This infuriated Kyle because Tristan was such an innocent, unsuspecting straight guy, and Adam was being a pervertic asshole. He would take care of this. Sure, Kyle was jealous, but he couldn't really blame Adam for crushing on Tristan. Kyle had a huge crush on him as well. Now, Kyle just needed a plan to get rid of Adam, although it would be hard because he was on the lacrosse team with them.

Adam had a huge crush on Kyle. He was so damn hot. Tristan was hot too, but Kyle made him fall in love, or lust. Unfortunately, Kyle was not being as friendly anymore towards him. Was it because he could tell that Adam had a huge man crush on him? Adam started focusing more on Tristan so that he would not seem as obvious. Tristan seemed to thoroughly enjoy the attention. He just seemed like an extremely friendly person naturally though. He was quite a cutie, but nowhere as hot as Kyle.

Tristan was ecstatic. Adam seemed to have a real interest in him as he kept flirting with Tristan. Tristan was definitely into Adam. Kyle was being an asshole to Adam for some reason. Tristan was upset by this. He didn't know if he could be friends, never mind roommates, with such an asshole.

Traci was upset, not because Adam was flirting with her man. She had seen Adam throughout his years of flirting and emotion, so she could easily see right through Adam and figure out that he actually had a huge crush on Kyle and was trying to mask his crush by focusing his attention all on Tristan. What upset Traci was that Tristan seemed to enjoy the attention and flirting from Adam. That really upset her because if she fell for another gay boy, she was going to go crazy. She decided she was going to try to hook up with him tonight and if he wasn't interested tonight, she would find another boy who wasn't gay. She was starting to think that all the best looking guys were gay, and that was extremely upsetting for her.

After they finished with their lunch, they decided to go back to the dorms and relax a little before the night. Traci lived in a different building from them. Whereas the boys loved low rise 6, Traci and her girlfriends all lived in the exact opposite in Court Hall, which was one of the new dorms with air conditioning and new utilities and walls, as opposed to the low rises, which were referred to as the ghetto.

Kyle and Tristan learned that Adam lived in the suite above them in a single, which meant he would probably frequently bother them in their double. Kyle still had a strong dislike for Adam's interest in Tristan, but he realized he did not dislike Adam, and it wasn't like either of them had a chance with Tristan anyway. He decided it was no big deal, and he was being extremely unfair to Adam, when Adam was really nice to him. Besides, he himself had a crush on Tristan as well, so it wasn't like he was a noble knight in shining armor either. He was also starting to think that Adam might just be an overly-friendly person because he seemed to come on to Kyle as well when Kyle started acting friendlier towards him. Maybe he was just being over-cautious and overreacting by being overprotective over Tristan. He was over a lot of things. Plus, he was acting like an annoying, jealous boyfriend, when he wasn't even really Tristan's boyfriend, and he could never be anything but Tristan's jealous...roommate. Tristan was straight as an arrow, a fact he would never be able to change. Maybe he should try to figure out if Adam was overly friendly, or just plain homosexual. He was pretty cute after all...

Alright, that was my first attempt at a story on Nifty. This chapter was finished about three or four years ago, and I finally got around to actually submitting it. Hope you boys liked it. If you have any questions or comments, email me at

Thanks, JC

Next: Chapter 2

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