Big Red

By Joseph C

Published on May 30, 2009


Hey, Thanks for all the good comments and feedback, guys. I'm glad you liked it and I hope you like the new chapter as well. Sorry it took so long, but it's been hectic with school and work. Email me at if you have questions or comments. Enjoy, boys. -JC


Chapter Two Drama: The Way of Life

Paul was seriously going to kill himself. He needed a roommate change quick. He had already expressed his concern to Kristin, but she said he needed to find someone who was willing to exchange rooms. His roommate was just way too weird. He never talked, was always doing neurotic things like locking the door when he walked two feet to the bathroom. Who does that? Furthermore, had his name not been on their door, Paul would never have known his name was Brady. It was getting to be too hectic of an environment for him.

"What up, Paul!" greeted Tristan from behind. "How was orientation for my future doctor-engineer?"

"Boring, how was Statler High? Orientation fun for you young kids who are in Cornell's special education school?" Paul jeered. Hotelies got a lot of shit at Cornell, mostly because they deserved it. To give them credit though, it was the top hotel school in the world.

"Hey, not cool" shot back Kyle from behind Tristan. "Sorry, we're not all nerds like you. You wish you had our looks and charm, and plus, we'll end up making a lot more money that you in the future!"

"True that" agreed Tristan giving Kyle a high five.

`Now, why can't I get a roommate who's cool like them?' thought Paul. "Let's go to your room," said Paul motioning his head towards Brady's annoyed, sneering face.

"Oh, my God, I cannot stand him! He's always making our room extra tension high! I already requested a roommate change, but I can't think of anyone else who would be interested in changing."

"That sucks, man," said Kyle with sympathy.

"If we have anybody who wants to change, we'll let you know," Tristan offered.

"Thanks, guys!" Paul said appreciatively.

"So, you coming to ATO with us tonight again," Tristan asked.

"Umm, I already told Chase I'd go with him to Psi U." answered Paul.

"Hmm, preppy snobs by any chance?" Kyle joked, well half-joked.

"Duh, of course," Tristan answered for Paul.

"You guys are horrible," Paul laughed, "but I'm guessing you're right. We might as well check it out though in case we like it."

"All right, we'll go, but we want to stop at ATO too," Kyle said.

"Deal," Paul agreed.

That night, the boys got ready to go to Psi U and were just about to leave as they saw Adam.

"Yo, Adam! Where you going tonight?" asked Tristan.

"Some fraternity called Sig Phi. Where you guys going?" said Adam.

"Psi Upsilon," answered Chase.

"I heard those guys were rich snobs," said Adam.

"Yeah, we assumed since Chase wanted to go," joked Kyle. Chase gave Kyle a death glare, but it was all meant in fun.

"You going to ATO later?" Tristan asked Adam.

"I don't know. You?" Adam asked.

"Yup!" Kyle answered.

"Okay, then I'll be there." smiled Adam directing it at Kyle and half-jokingly winking at him.

"Ahh, I am where the party is, aren't I?" Kyle said with a jokingly boastful tone.

"Only in your mind," Tristan said popping Kyle's ego. Kyle pretended to look extremely hurt and acted as if he was about to cry. Everyone laughed at the jokester.

"Maybe I'll just go to Psi U with you guys. You're way too funny." said Adam.

"Oh, sorry to be rude. This is Chase and Paul," introduced Tristan. "And this is Adam, who's also on the lacrosse team with us." Everyone exchanged hellos.

"That's so cool that your suite is so tight. I don't really know any of the other guys in mine. They all seem to do their own thing because we're all so different," said Adam. "There's the football jocks in one double, the engineering nerds in the other, and then there's the ROTC and me in the singles. I wish I was in your suite.

"That could totally be arranged," Paul half-joked. But then he thought about it. Adam seemed like a laidback, easygoing guy. "Would you mind a double instead of a single?" asked Paul.

"Eh, I'm okay with whatever. I'm just not feeling my suite. The football guys are annoying with their music, the nerds are awkward, and the ROTC says the weirdest things and always wants to go crazy. It's a nightmare," fumed Adam.

"Tell me about it. My roommate won't say a word to me. It's always a tension-high zone in our room. He disapproves of basically everything I do," Paul replied understandingly.

"You guys should tell Kristin about this tomorrow. As for now, we should start partying!" Tristan exclaimed making some dance moves.

"Haha, he's right! Let's go!" said Kyle. "You coming?" he asked Adam.

"Definitely!" Adam was sold after he saw Kyle's sexy smile.

As they walked down towards West campus, the subject of political affiliation came up. They were at an Ivy League institution after all. They all knew where Chase stood. A conservative Republican and Bush-lover. Tristan and Kyle were relatively liberal. Paul was pretty moderate, and Adam was surprisingly conservative. However, he hated Bush, but thought he had been a much better choice than Kerry in the last election. He was actually more of a libertarian because he was only economically conservative, and when it came to social issues, he leaned towards the liberal side. This was the typical makeup of Cornell, mostly liberal, still too many conservatives, but a lot people in the middle or people who were apathetic.

The foursome, or fivesome since Adam tagged along, arrived at Psi U and became bored out of their minds. Well, everyone became bored except Chase. The guys that talked to them were all very boring, and the fraternity was mad preppy and snobby. Chase loved it and really talked to a lot of guys trying to get a good chance at receiving a bid in the spring. The other four were bored out of their minds. They wanted to leave within fifteen minutes, but Chase wanted to stay so the remaining foursome left without him. They decided to take Adam's advice and check out Sigma Phi where the foursome started having a blast. Sigma Phi had tons of hot guys. Many of the guys were on the varsity swimming and diving team and quite a few of them were gorgeous. There were also a lot of cute soccer players, both varsity and club, and even a couple varsity lacrosse players which surprised Adam, Tristan, and Kyle. Paul was having a great time hanging out with the girls in Sigma Phi Society. The three lacrosse players also found themselves taking a strong liking to the fraternity. It was definitely a very attractive fraternity. Everyone was athletic and intelligent. Their house GPA was always one of the top three every semester, as they learned from the president, who was a gorgeous dark-haired stud with blue eyes named Ryder. The high GPA could be affected by the fact that there were a lot of guys who played varsity sports and had bullshit majors like communications or sociology or easy majors like hotel administration. However, it was still legitimate to the lacrosse players, and they were really interested in the fraternity. The fraternity guys of Sigma Phi were also very interested in the foursome as all four guys were very good looking, and three of them played varsity lacrosse. The fourth was a genius who would give their house some street cred when it came to their GPA. The four guys were having such a good time at Sig Phi that they completely forgot about ATO where Traci had gotten impatient waiting and was fuming about the absence of the boys. She was not sure if she couldn't find them, or if they had not arrived, but she assumed Adam would find her if he had gotten to ATO. Traci had told him earlier about her crush on Tristan, and he thought it was wonderful, and that they would make very gorgeous babies together. Traci happily agreed. But Traci was getting annoyed, and was extremely upset that Tristan had not arrived so she could hit on him.

"Soooo...Kyle, you got a girlfriend?" Adam slurred.

"Nope, single and ready to mingle, buddy," Kyle answered with his own drunken tone, forgetting that he had told the others he did have a girlfriend. Tristan looked up surprised. Paul was talking to some girls, so he didn't even pay attention.

"Want to mingle with me?" Adam flirted jokingly, but not really.

"Sure, come sit on my lap, and I'll mingle you right up!" Kyle shot back.

Adam shot up and ran to Kyle's lap and pretended to make out with him, causing both to go into hysterical giggles. Tristan didn't find it funny at all, but laughed along anyway. He was jealous, but not really sure why. Did he dislike Kyle for flirting with Adam or vice versa? Or was he just jealous that they flirted with each other rather than him? He was confused and had big questions about the sexualities of these hunks as well as his own feelings towards them.

Paul laughed and jokingly said, "Wow, you two are such fags."

"True that!" Adam laughed actually meaning it though.

Kyle laughed along, but Tristan was extremely offended by Paul's lack of character and consideration. He glared at Paul and was extremely hurt. He expected a comment like that from Chase because he was a tool, but Paul was better than that in Tristan's mind. Nobody else noticed Tristan's mood that night though. They were too drunk to really care at that point. Tristan was thoroughly pissed off, both at the fact that Kyle and Adam were paying attention to each other more than him, and at the fact that Paul was a homophobic asshole. Since he was the most sober one out of the four, he was thinking about pushing all three of them off the bridge into the gorge on their way home. The gorge was famous at Cornell because so many people committed suicide by jumping off. That was why Cornell had such a high suicide rate compared to other schools. Tristan thought Adam had been interested in himself, but apparently Tristan had been mistaken. It was so obvious he was openly flirting with Kyle, and Kyle absolutely loved it. They were both somewhat intoxicated, but that was when people's true feelings showed. Tristan was extremely jealous and unhappy.

Kyle, meanwhile, did not know that Adam was coming on to him. He thought they were just hanging out as great buddies starting a budding friendship, and was way too intoxicated to read much further into Adam's advances. Adam, on the other hand, was finding Kyle to be more and more attractive, and loved flirting with the lacrosse stud. He wanted to get as close to him as possible in the shortest amount of time. Tristan watched with unhappy eyes at the exchange between them. He was disgusted with himself for being jealous, but he couldn't help it. The two guys that he first had feelings for obviously liked each other instead.

As the boys continued to enjoy hanging out at Sigma Phi, girls started coming on to them as they were all very attractive. Unfortunately for the girls, the lacrosse studs were not interested. However, even though Paul had a girlfriend, he was still flirting with the girls and touching them in inappropriate areas for someone who was in a relationship. Tristan found this to be despicable and it made him dislike Paul even more. Paul was turning into the stereotypical frat boy who was sleazy with the girls and extremely homophobic. Tristan was immediately regretting this relationship that he had started with this seemingly chill guy at first. Perhaps Paul's roommate had gotten the right first impression of him all along.

Next: Chapter 3

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