Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Mar 7, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, or Viacom. I'm not claiming anyone in this work is gay or etc. this is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under 18 or 21 (Check your local laws) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contain acts of homosexuality.

If you are offended by such subject material, the please leave now.

Logan woke up in the middle of the night finding himself on the far end of the bed. Carlos was laying down on his left side snoring very lightly. Logan shifted himself over and nudged into Carlos very gently. Carlos didn't move so Logan slowly wrapped his arm around Carlos. He dug his nose right into Carlos' back and took a deep breath. Logan loved the smell. It was just the smell of the natural musk and cologne mixed together that made Carlos so irresistible. The intoxicating blend filled Logan's lungs with substance, and lit his heart ablaze with desire.

He remained in complete silence with a smirk on his facing seeing Carlos peacefully asleep in the moon lit room. He couldn't help but admire how cute he looked with the moon light shining upon his face. Carlos didn't know, but Logan was actually awake when he was whispering. Never had he heard words so beautiful and sincere. He loved Carlos, and even more now hearing such lovely words.

Logan leaned forward and kissed Carlos on the cheek. He laid back down and rolled over to his right side, and then Carlos moved over and wrapped his arm around Logan. They both remained in a passionate embrace.

Carlos nudged Logan. "Are you awake?"

"Yes. I just woke up." Logan said in a raspy voice.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" Carlos asked. "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

Logan wiped his face. "No you didn't wake me up babe. Don't worry about it. What's up?"

"I love you." Carlos whispered in Logan's ear.

Logan smiled and chuckled. "Awe I love you too baby."

"No I mean I really love you babe." Carlos changed his tone.

"That means a lot baby. You really make me feel complete." Logan said as he turned around.

"You are the most beautiful person in this world. I love you with all of my heart, mind, body, and soul. I would take a bullet for you. I would fight for you. I will defend you no matter what. That's my promise to you. You make me feel like the most luckiest man alive."

"Oh my God. Baby that is so beautiful. I love you so much." Logan said as he kissed Carlos.

Carlos rubbed his nose against Logan's while looking into his eyes. The two looked at one another in a moment where everything else seemed to fade away. At that moment, they were the only two in the whole world. They spooned again with Carlos in the dominant place. In just a few minutes, both of them fell asleep.

As morning crept in, Kendall headed out to the living room in complete silence. He had his phone and made a phone call. The phone kept ringing and Kendall hung up. He looked at the time and dialed the number again. The phone kept on ringing and Kendall hung up when Logan walked out to the living room.

"Who are you calling?" Logan asked scratching his head.

"Logan I need your help." Kendall said. "Joe is back in town, but I don't know how to tell her I'm with James now. "

"Oh...well that isn't an easy one." Logan said sitting on the couch. "Well you gotta just come out and say it. That's what I did with Camille."

"How did she take it?" Kendall asked.

"Well she guessed it. " Logan answered. "She knew I was different. I mean she came onto me twice, and I never let it turn into anything more than a very close friendship."

Kendall started laughing. "Oh you're intimidated by vag."

"I'm not intimidated by it, just freaks me out." Logan said.

"Well you know I guess it's just not for you." Kendall said. "I just don't know how she'll react when I tell her the news."

"Well I guess we can't always worry about what others think...If she cares about you, she'll be happy for you." Logan said putting his hand on Kendall's shoulder.

Logan walked back to his room to cuddle back up with Carlos. Kendall just sat down with his hands covering his face. It was the last thing he needed on his mind, especially since the boys where leaving for San Francisco in a few hours.

Half an hour passed by when Kendall's phone started ringing. It was Joe. Kendall couldn't answer the call, he was nervous. A few seconds passed by and the voicemail message came up. Kendall put his phone away and sighed.

Another fifteen minutes had passed when Janes finally woke up stumbling to the bathroom. Kendall walked to the front door to catch the newspaper. He picked it up and a magazine fell out. When he grabbed it and put it on top of the paper, he nearly freaked out by what he saw on the front page. It was a picture of all four boys from the night before holding hands. A huge caption was right along the top "BIG TIME GAYS" and Kendall grew upset. He didn't mind admitting he loved another man, but he wasn't gay, and he didn't like the fact that his best friends were put out that way.

Kendall read the article and flung to magazine on the table in disgust. He sat down on the couch an his phone started ringing. He just answered without looking.

"Hello." Kendall said angrily putting the phone to his ear.

"Hey Kendall it's Joe." The voice came in on the other end.

Kendall panicked and could only mutter the words "Sup?"

"I'm ok. I've been better, a lot better. So what have you been up to?" Joe asked. "I've really missed you. Is there any chance we can maybe get together later?"

"I don't know." Kendall said. "We got this show coming up, and we leave later today, I don't know if I will have the time."

"Oh that's cool. Where are you guys playing?" Joe asked.

"Oh um out by the um....San Francisco." Kendall replied smacking his head.

"Oh. Wait isn't the gay parade going on there?" She asked.

"Well yeah. Actually we were asked to play the event." Kendall answered as his heart pounded with worry.

"So you'" Joe asked as an awkward silence came over her.

"What? No! I'm not gay." Kendall said.

"But you like guys right?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but I like girls too." Kendall said. "I'm bisexual, not gay."

"Well you and James look very happy together. I guess he could do things for you I couldn' take that huge monster between your legs." She chuckled. "Hey don't worry. I'm happy for you Kendall. I was calling just to catch up with you. I met this guy, his name is Travis, and I really like him."

"Oh. Well I hope the two of you are happy." Kendall said with a relieved but disappointed tone in his voice.

"Thanks, it means a lot." Joe said. "Well I'll be at your show. I hope you guys rock it."

"Why are you showing up?" Kendall asked.

"Travis has a gay twin brother who will be part of the parade. He invited me along to support him." Joe said . "Well I guess I'll be seeing you around Kendall. Take care."

"Take care Joe. I miss you." Kendall said.

He hung up the phone and sat down on the couch with a huge weight lifted off of him. He turned on the TV and watched some TV when James walked out and sat down next to him. The two cuddled up on the couch. The lounged around for a little until Carlos and Logan walked out fully dressed.

"We wanna grab something for breakfast. You guys wanna come along? They all walked out together in search for an open restaurant. They found a place and headed in. They started talking to each other looking over the menu.

"Oooh bacon." Carlos said with a huge grin on his face.

"Well we better let the staff know the baconator is here." Logan chuckled out.

"Hey it's not my fault bacon tastes so good." Carlos pouted.

"You look so cute when you do that." Logan said.

"Wow this place has a little bit of everything." James said. "A nice healthy section is awesome."

"There is way so much here to choose from." Kendall started laughing.

The waiter can't to the table and took everyone's order. The boys sat around enjoying their morning when they had a silent moment. After several minutes, the food had arrived. Carlos started destroying his plate. Everyone grabbed their bacon and handed it over to Carlos chuckling to each other. Carlos had a huge grin on his face.

"Awe you don't have to guys." Carlos said with a huge smirk.

"Take the bacon. You know you love it." Kendall said laughing away.

Carlos wiggled in his seat. "I love bacon, I love bacon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love bacon."

Logan grabbed Carlos and planted a kiss on his cheek. Carlos started to blush and smiled back. "Well I love that more."

The group broke out in laughter together as they continued to eat. As the time slowly trickled by, the boys knew it would be time to get their final things ready for the show. They would get in one day early, perform the show and stay in San Francisco for one day for a press release and head back home.

When the boys got to the studio, they looked at their tour bus. All four of them prominently displayed. Carlos looked at himself and looked at Logan.

"Babe, does my ass really look that big?" Carlos asked.

"Well not that big." Logan chuckled.

Carlos looked back at Logan and chuckled. As they got into the bus, Gustavo greeted the boys. "Alright. So you dogs be on your best behavior. I'll be meeting up with all of you. Griffin will be at the show, he's expressed a great interest, so let's prove what we can do!"

He nodded his head at the driver and walked off the bus. It was about a six hour drive. Carlos was going to take a nap and rested his head on Logan's shoulder.Logan gently leaned his head towards Carlos' and they both fell asleep. James tapped Kendall's shoulder and they looked at Carlos and Logan. They both looked do cute together. James pulled out his cellphone and took a picture of the two with smirks on their faces. About another hour into the drive, Kendall and James figured they would nap too. They cuddled up and drifted away knowing San Francisco was a few hours away.

Next: Chapter 13

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