
By moc.liamtoh@yugslemmop

Published on Apr 4, 1999


CHAPTER 6 The Meet - Part 2, Saturday Afternoon

I couldn't stand being alone in my room again. Thoughts of Billy and that creep of a coach filled my mind. I was so deeply in love with Billy, but that son- of-a-bitch Todd wanted to sell Billy's body!

I knew how difficult it had been for Billy. How he had left college to train full-time for the 1988 Olympics, only to lose that dream when he broke his ankle. How he had been forced to do some coaching for little girls to pay for his own gym time. How he had become a janitor at night to pay the rent.

Billy had been offered a job as a male "exotic" dancer, but wouldn't do it. He said he'd rather starve than parade before old, horny women. He said he almost replied to an ad in a muscle magazine looking for models, but he had to send in a nude picture of himself, and didn't have anyone to take it. Even if he had, he had told me he didn't feel comfortable with that. This really seemed contradictory to his penchant for tight clothes, but I never mentioned that to him, because I selfishly didn't want him to pose nude for anyone but me!

Now his roommate was getting married and moving out. Billy'd had a hard time buying enough food to meet his body's demands while he was in training. Things were tough. But Todd's plan certainly was no solution! I wondered if Todd had lied to me when he said he hadn't mentioned it to Billy. Billy had told me he and Todd had been arguing, but Billy had never told me the subject of those "discussions".

I got in my car and just drove. I ended up at the campus of The University of Missouri at Kansas City. UMKC was hosting the competition. There were three simultaneous qualifying meets going on today and tomorrow. One at Temple and one at Stanford in addition to the one at UMKC. The meets were in two parts, compulsories on Saturday night and optionals on Sunday afternoon.

The top 40 guys from the combined results of the three regionals would move on to Salt Lake City for the "Nationals", the United States Championships sponsored by the United States Gymnastics Federation, the national governing body for gymnastics. At Nationals the top 12 guys would make up the National Team and would compete at various international meets until the next year when the team would be selected and re-ranked anew.

It was important to be on the Team and get that international experience and recognition if your dream to compete in Barcelona for the 1992 Olympic Games was to come true. That was Billy's dream. My dream was to be with Billy in Spain. Since Billy's broken ankle had kept him from the 1988 Games in Seoul, Barcelona would be his last chance at the Olympics. After all, in 1992 he would be 25 years old. That's pretty old for a male gymnast. All those years of straining joints and muscles take their toll.

I finally drove back to the Motel 6. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed that Todd's old clunker was not there. I guessed that he and Billy were still over at the gym.

I went to Billy's door and knocked. Just as I had feared, there was no reply. I turned to go to my own room. I had walked no more than six feet when Billy stuck his head out the door and called me. I turned to find Billy clutching a towel around his waist. He was otherwise unclothed.

"Richard! Come in before someone sees me!"

I didn't need a second invitation! I hurried in and he closed the door.

"I was just shaving," he told me. "Todd's over at the gym at a coaches' meeting. I got a ride back with one of the other guys and I told Todd you'd give me a ride back to the gym later."

I was so stunned I could barely breathe, much less talk. I was finally alone with my dream man, and here he stood, clad only in a towel! "What took you so long to answer the door?"

He laughed nervously. "I was naked and had to grab a towel."

"How soon do you have to be at the gym?"

"Not for several hours. Todd wanted me to rest."

"Should I leave?"

"No! We're finally alone, without Todd around. I want you to help me out."

"Oh? How's that?"

"I stretched at the gym and did some real easy tricks, but I need someone to rub some soreness out of my back. Would you mind?"

Would I mind? Would I MIND?! "Sure, I'll help. I've never done it before though, are you sure you want an amateur? Who usually does it?"

"My high school coach used to do it for me. When I was competing for Cal the team had a trainer. Since I've been at Gold Cup, no one has done it. I won't let Todd touch me."

"Well, if I can help, I'll do it. You know I'd do anything for you Billy." (Just a little emphasis on the word "anything", but he didn't seem to pick up on it!)

Billy laid on his stomach on his bed, the thin towel still wrapped loosely around his waist. When we had first hugged, I compared the feel of Billy's body with granite. As I looked at him lying before me, I thought he looked more like marble. His breathing was the only thing ruining the image of a statue, carved by some ancient Greek worshipper of Apollo or admirer of Adonis.

Billy lay with his head over a pillow, his hands near his chin and his elbows pointing out. He was slightly hunched, his stomach not quite flat against the bed. His legs were not quite touching; they were ever so slightly spread apart. His beautiful ass was fully covered by the white towel, but it made a lovely mound.

I quickly sat next to Billy. I was even with his ass, our hips touching through the cloth of the towel and my jeans. I bent forward, my hands spread on Billy's shoulders. The touch of his skin on my hands set my body afire.

I slowly started massaging Billy. My hands rubbed his neck. I kneaded his shoulders and back. I glanced at my hands, expecting blood after touching his well defined, "cut", muscles. I rubbed Billy, gently, slowly. Occasionally Billy would sharply draw in a deep breath. I realized his breathing was becoming ragged.

"Am I doing OK Billy? Does it feel all right?"

"You're doing... fine. Are you sure you've never done this before?"

"I'm sure. You're my first."

I slid my hands down a little, moving to his middle and lower back. I still used only light pressure and slow motions. I moved slightly up and out, curling my fingers around those awesome lats.

"I can't believe how big your lats are!"

"That's--That's from all the ring work."

I reached further under his body, feeling his pecs. I slid my hands back toward his spine then back up to his neck. His breathing was becoming very, very ragged. I moved my hands back down his back, enjoying the feeling of his skin and muscles against my palms. I slid my fingertips under the edge of the towel.

"Richard. Would you... would you do my legs?"


I started at his ankles, rubbing his calves. I moved slowly upward, rubbing and kneading his hamstrings. My fingers moved under him, gently massaging the edges of those huge, bulging quads. My hands slid under the towel, going to the very edge of his cheeks. As I touched his cheeks, Billy gasped. I quickly brought my hands back to his knees.

"I'm sorry Billy. I guess I went too far."

"No, no... you didn't. You just surprised me. No one has ever done that before. Go ahead. It felt good. Move the towel though, it's distracting me."

I pulled aside the towel. Now, I've got to admit, I've never been an ass man. I've always preferred squeezing pecs and licking dick. I had never even thought about fucking a guy in the ass - until Billy. That day - was it only YESTERDAY? - when I had glimpsed a sight of that perfect posterior, I knew that would change. I wanted to be inside Billy.

I gazed at what I had uncovered. Billy was in the gym too much to get more than a slight tan. Even so, his bare buttocks were whiter than the rest of his body. They were untouched by sun, or by human hand. I started to take a deep breath to calm myself, but I realized I had been holding it! I let it out in a long sigh as I reached forward and started working on Billy's beautiful backside.

I cupped, squeezed, kneaded, and rubbed. I even did a little pinching. My dick strained against the cloth of my briefs and jeans, wanting to feel what my hands were touching. More than that. It wanted to push up against that hard, hard ass. It wanted to push forward, to penetrate and possess. My own breathing was so loud in my ears, I could no longer hear Billy's gasps. I thought I heard low, quiet moans though.

I pushed Billy's cheeks wide apart, revealing his pinkish hole. I was motionless, staring at that orifice. I discovered I was leaning closer. My tongue had the same desire as my dick. To enter Billy, fill him, titillate him.

"Hey what are you doing? Why'd you stop massaging me?"

I started, as if struck. "I'm sorry. I was... I was..."

"Well whatever you were doing, get back to rubbing!"

"OK. OK!"

I moved back to safer territory, his waist. I moved up his back to his shoulders and neck. By now I was using more pressure.

"Why don't you straddle me? You can do better. That's how my coaches did it."


I moved over him, resting my throbbing crotch against his bare ass. Damn! How I resented the feel of my clothing between me and the object of my desire!

"Ow! Your belt and jeans hurt! Take them off! And aren't you hot? Get rid of that shirt, too."

I don't think I ever stripped faster in my life! Before you could say Dimitri Bilozerchev loves Gregori Misutin, I was sitting back on Billy. But this time the only thing keeping my hard dick from oozing pre-cum into the crack of his ass was the thin cloth of my white cotton briefs! As I returned to rubbing his back, I knew he had to feel my aroused dick pushing against him!

As I massaged Billy's tight muscles, he moaned softly. The feel of his rock-hard body beneath my palms was indescribably wonderful. Long, smooth strokes with steady pressure. The smooth skin passing beneath my spread palms. Occasionally a few kneading movements or some attention to his powerful shoulders and neck broke the otherwise steady rhythm.

"You know Richard, there's a great debate going on among the guys."

"Oh? What are they debating?"

"Some of them say sex before a meet really helps them relax and do well. Some of them say it takes too much energy and leaves them drained."

"What do you say?"

"I don't know. I'm a virgin, so I can't say how it affects me."

"A virgin!?"

"Yeah. I bet that sounds strange. Please don't tell anyone. I've had plenty of chances, you know. I've been propositioned by a lot of girls. When I was a senior in high school and went on a recruiting trip, there was a girl in my hotel room! Even one of the guys on my college team got a little too friendly once. He started coming on to me at his place one day. I don't like pushy guys!"

"So why didn't you give one of those sweet young things what they wanted?"

"I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I think before I can make love, I have to be in love. Like I am with you."

I drew in a sharp breath. Had I heard him right? He just said he LOVED me?!

"I think that's enough, Richard. (OH SHIT! DON"T MAKE ME STOP NOW!, I silently screamed.) For my back anyway. Maybe now you could do my chest? It feels really tight."

"Roll over. Wait a minute. I'll get the towel."

"Oh, I don't need the towel. I don't think it would stay on anyway. I'm embarrassed to tell you, but you made me feel so good, I've got a little bit of an erection." As he said that, his pure white neck reddened in embarrassment. My hands could feel the skin of his neck warming as the blood rushed into his face.

"Don't be embarrassed Billy. I take that as a compliment. I'm glad I made you feel so good."

"Well, you do make me feel good. Not just from the massage either."

"Do you really love me Billy?"

"More than I've ever loved anyone Richard."

Billy slowly turned over on his back. His chiseled chest and awesome body lay spread before me. Finally I saw what I had been trying to glimpse. A "little" erection? Not my Billy! His dick stood proud and tall. It was fully erect and at least 8 inches of the most beautiful meat I had ever seen.

Billy's body was almost hairless. This was true of his balls too. He had a small amount of dark blonde pubic hair, but otherwise there was nothing to hide the incredible beauty of his manhood. The circumcised head was atop a thick shaft that curved slightly back toward his body. His balls were large and hanging low beneath that quivering pole. Billy parted his legs slightly, drawing my attention to his bulging quadriceps that framed his scintillating sack.

"Well? Are you going to just stare at me, or are you going to work on my chest?"

"I'm sorry, Billy. I didn't mean to stare, but you have the most beautiful body I've ever seen!"

"Well climb up here and start rubbing my beautiful body! My chest really needs that same wonderful touch you gave my back!"

He didn't have to ask twice! I straddled him. My straining, aching dick pressed against his crotch. There were slight wet spots from my pre-cum appearing on my briefs. Billy just lay back and closed his eyes. His magnificent chest rose and fell with each deep breath.

I began to give Billy a "pectoral lift". That's a massage technique I had picked up from a library book of all places! You lay your palms flat with fingers extended on his stomach. Then, applying medium pressure, you slide your hands slowly up his torso, keeping your thumbs along the mid-line of his body. When you reach the bottom edge of the pecs, you increase the pressure, pushing them up toward the shoulders. When your hands pass over the nipples and reach the shoulders, you trace your thumbs very gently down the center of his torso, back to the stomach and start again.

Each stroke was accompanied by the sound of Billy's deep breathing. I could feel him draw the air into his lungs. I could feel his heart beating rapidly. He made small, quiet whimpering noises. When my hands reached his pecs and I increased pressure, Billy would arch his back and raise slightly off the bed, responding to the feel of my hands on his chest. Every third or fourth stroke I let my hands glide up his neck, as if to choke him, but with no pressure. Just the lightest of contact. And then just fingertips back down his neck, his chest, his stomach. I'd pause to tease his nipples with my fingertips every few strokes, drawing circles around them.

I adjusted my body slightly. My dick and balls pressed hard against his. I felt heat rising in my body. I trembled. Shit! I was going to cum!

"Billy! I'm going to cum!"

"Richard! Get off me, right now!"

I tumbled off Billy and lay beside him on my back. I no longer felt the need to cum. I started to cry, sure that Billy would be angry. "I'm sorry Billy. Oh please forgive me!"

"I'll never forgive you...if you cum in your briefs! I want to taste it!"


"Richard, make love to me! NOW!"

Billy rolled on top of me. His lips pressed against mine, hot, hard. The feel of his chest against mine burned me. His dick and balls pressed against mine. His legs touched mine, sending fire through my body. As his tongue explored my mouth, he reached down, pulling off my briefs. My dick welcomed release, feeling direct touch with his for the first time.

Billy ground his crotch against mine. My hands stroked his back while his hands explored my body. I slid my hands down his body and grasped his cheeks. Those same cheeks that a few minutes before I had been rubbing and kneading. My finger found his hole and I began my own exploration.

Billy's breaths came in deep gulps as his mouth and tongue found my neck. I was loudly moaning in the sheer ecstasy of having Billy on top of me. My hands moved up to his back, pulling him more tightly against me. My chest pushed up against his. I realized I would have bruises from his hard, hard body pressing against mine, relentlessly, mercilessly.

My hands moved down to Billy's hips. His pelvis started gaining a rhythm - thrusting, retreating, thrusting again. Billy's moans became grunts. How could his lungs hold the vast amounts of air he drug into them? He lifted his head away from my neck, a strange grimace on his face.

All at once his thrusts stopped. He pressed his body hard against mine and he shuddered in unrestrained orgasm. I felt the warm, sticky streams of cum on my chest and stomach. Billy collapsed on top of me.

"Don't stop Billy! Hump me some more!"

He smiled, then laughed out loud, resuming his thrusts against me. His dick was still hard. I closed my eyes and remembered my first sight of his beautiful member, only moments earlier. My fingers sought his hole once again. As I traced the edges of his hole, Billy shuddered and moaned. I inserted the tip of one finger into his hot orifice. I raised my pelvis off the bed, pushing against him. Huge spurts of my cum shot onto his stomach.

I pushed Billy off me and over onto his back. Hungrily my mouth sought his dick. I licked the head and the long shaft. The taste of our cum mingled together was the reward for my quest. I pressed my lips against his long, thick shaft. Up and down, from head to pubes I worked. I gently squeezed his balls, rolling them between my fingers. My hands moved to his inner thighs, stroking, caressing.

I took his head in my mouth and popped it out. Over and over. Billy writhed beneath me. His hands moved to the back of my head, pushing me further down. His hips raised, thrusting his hot, throbbing pole deeper into my mouth. He was so large I almost gagged, but I finally managed to start a rhythm that let me take all of him.

"Oh Richard! Take me! Eat me! Suck me!"

I was amazed he could talk at all! I did as he commanded, sucking with all my strength. I was rewarded this time by gobs of hot, salty cum exploding into my eager mouth. He had just cum minutes ago! How was it possible for him to spew such huge amounts into my mouth? I swallowed, but try as I might I couldn't keep that precious juice from leaking past my lips.

Billy sat up and pushed me over on my back. Slowly, lovingly his hands and tongue resumed their exploration of my body. He kissed my nipples, stroking my chest and stomach lightly with his hands. His lips brushed softly against my pecs, moving to my stomach. His wet kisses played over my body, sending ripples of pleasure through me.

Billy moved lower, his hot mouth scorching my sack and thighs. His tongue took long, luxurious tastes of our mingled cum. My hands ran through his hair, down his neck. By gentle pressure I encouraged him to eat his fill. He used the very tip of his tongue to excite my pulsing dick. Delicately, hesitantly he licked my shaft and then my head. His hand massaged my aching balls. He began to apply more and more pressure, squeezing, squeezing.

Finally, as I felt ready to pass out from the intense pleasure, Billy took me into his mouth. In, out. Up, down. Sucking, ever sucking. I was lost in a womb of love. Nothing existed except my dick, entrapped by Billy's hot, wet, soft mouth. Sucking, ever sucking. In, out. Up, down. The rhythm of waves lapping the sandy shore. Up, down. In, out. Sucking, ever sucking.

The tempest of a hurricane exploded! My balls, drained of every drop of cum, leapt with the joy of release. My dick strained against the roof of Billy's mouth, searching for the tight confines of his throat. Cum flew down that welcoming shaft toward his stomach. My whole body convulsed with the passion of my pleasure.

Billy lay on his side, facing me. His lips had traces of my cum on them. His eyes drank in my body. One hand propped up his head while the other traced circles on my chest and stomach. The gentle touch of his fingertips again sent fire through my body. Even so, my dick lay limp and flaccid, with no more to give. My hot, young stud had drained my body of all its strength.

Amazingly, Billy's dick was still hard. Still tempting! My body was drained, but my thirst for Billy wasn't yet quenched. Billy just gazed at me and stroked me.

"Come on old man!" he laughed. You can't quit now!"

Rather than answer, I rolled over onto my stomach. Billy recognized the invitation for what it was. I felt him lay on top of me. He blew his hot breath against my neck. His hard chest was flat against my back, touching his sweating torso to me. His dick lay against my ass, hard, throbbing, still wet from cum.

The pressure against my ass lessened as Billy pulled slightly back. Then it increased as he pressed against me. Again he pulled back, again pressed forward. Humping, hunching. His dick rubbed back and forth against my crack, but never penetrated my hole. Billy kept on. Up, down. Back and forth. Steady, steady, steady. Push. Push. Push. Pressure, release. Again. Again. Again! Until Billy's sweet cum spilled across my ass. Dripping, running. Hot. Sticky. Delicious.

Billy lay atop me still. He kissed my neck and caressed my sides. He just lay there. I could feel his heart pumping, its beat slowing. His breathing became more easy, more relaxed. He gently kissed my neck again and rolled off me.

I awoke later at the sound of Billy in the shower. I left the bed and walked toward the bathroom. Dried cum on my body and on the sheets assured me I hadn't been dreaming. I really had made love with Billy. He really had shared his beautiful body with me. He really had whispered that he loved me as I drifted off to sleep.

I stood in the bathroom door. I watched in reality what I had imagined months before. That recollection of the first time I called Billy and his roommate told me he was showering came back to me. I watched now as Billy turned his head up and let the water pulse against his chest. Reality was better than the fantasy had been.

I stepped into the shower with Billy. He just smiled, saying nothing. I took the bar of soap from his hand. I started lathering his chest and stomach as he faced me. His arms were next, caressing, lathering. I reached around and started rubbing his back as our chests pressed tightly together. He thrust his hips toward me and our dicks touched. They hardened and strained together.

I dropped to my knees and worshipped his mighty tool. Soap lather ran down his thighs, across my cheeks pressed against him. I cupped his ass cheeks in my hands and buried my face deep in his crotch. The warm shower water rained down. He braced himself with his hands against the sides of the shower stall as I took him in my mouth once again. My hunger for him drove me on.

"Yes Richard! Faster! Deeper!" he called.

I did as he ordered. Faster and faster I bobbed on his succulent meat. More and more of his thick dick went into my mouth. In and out - in and out! Faster! Faster! Faster!

"Richard! Oh, Richard!" my name shot from his lips as his cum shot into my mouth. I slowed my sucking but didn't stop. I wanted every drop from his balls. Drink, drink. Swallow, but keep sucking, sucking, sucking.

At last he had no more to give. He stood gasping for breath, his marble chest heaving. His legs seemed weak and I was afraid he'd fall, but he didn't. He lowered to his knees and began to kiss me. His tongue probed, teased. We kissed as the shower pulsed, rinsing the traces of our lovemaking down the drain with the soap suds.

Billy stood, pulling me up. He picked me up in his arms and carried me back to the bed. Even after experiencing the strength of his body all afternoon, it still surprised me. Billy is four inches shorter than I and I outweigh him by a good thirty pounds, but I was as a feather to him.

He lay me on the bed and turned away. He came back with a towel and began to gently dry me off. I stood up and took the towel from him, and returned the favor. His dick stirred restlessly and began to lengthen again.

"Damn, Billy! Won't you ever be satisfied?"

"We'll have to find out later. Right now I have to get ready for the gym. I think if I can ever be satisfied, only you can do it!"

Billy pulled on his navy briefs, covering the object of my desire from sight once more. He pulled on the royal blue competition top he had chosen to wear for the meet, stretching it up across his pecs and pulling the straps over his shoulders. Then his shorts covered his upper legs and a big, loose t-shirt swallowed his upper body. He added a pair of sweat pants and a light jacket to complete his attire.

I realized I was still naked and hurriedly pulled my clothes back on. And then we were off to the most important meet of Billy's life, and mine. Would dreams come closer to reality? Or not? Would Billy start his trip to Barcelona, or oblivion?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3: Billy 7 8

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