
By moc.liamtoh@yugslemmop

Published on Apr 10, 1999


CHAPTER 7 The Meet - Part 2, Saturday Night

Billy and I went out and got in my Volvo 760 Turbo. Billy loved that car. I opened the sun roof and slammed it into gear and off we went. Billy leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the powerful engine vibrating up through the leather bucket seats. He rested his hands on his knees and sat with his legs spread apart.

Now driving through downtown Kansas City requires plenty of concentration! But, I must confess, my mind wasn't entirely on my driving with Billy sitting there in such an inviting manner. My eyes wandered away from the street and to Billy's bulging crotch.

"What are you thinking about?" I inquired.

"I'm thinking about the feel of your body under mine," was his quiet reply.

Well, I couldn't let that go unanswered! My right hand slipped from the gear shift and over to Billy. I caressed his inner thigh and then started rubbing his dick and balls. Unfortunately there were too many layers of clothing between my hand and the prize it sought!

"Oh Richard!" he moaned. "I love it when you do that! I wish we could go back to the motel so we could be together again!"

That comment upset me. Had I distracted Billy from the competition? By eating his cherry dick, had I ruined his chances at making the National Team? "Now Billy, you've got more important things to do right now.

You've got to get back on the Team."

"Nothing is more important than you, Richard."

"So, do this for me then. Be an Olympian!"

"While you watch me tonight, remember that every routine is just for you!"

He leaned over and kissed me. I needed both hands for driving right then. After turning the corner, I moved my right hand back to his crotch.

"As much as I love what you're doing, you better stop. We're almost to the gym and I don't want to have a hard on when I drop my sweats! It's going to be tough enough not to get a boner just knowing you're watching me." (During the afternoon's lovemaking, I had told him about my endless jack off sessions with my video of his meet! He had confessed to stroking himself frequently during our phone calls, getting off just on the sound of my voice.)

I reluctantly withdrew my hand as we neared the gym.

I parked and we headed for the athlete's entrance. I didn't know if they'd let me in, but no one stopped me or asked any questions. It was still a couple of hours before the meet was supposed to start. I hadn't realized before how early the guys get to the gym to start stretching and warming up.

Billy and I walked down a ramp to the gym floor. As I looked around I suddenly felt like a kid in a candy store. Everywhere were gymnasts wearing only shorts over comp tops. At least 95% of the guys had their tops pushed down to their waists, showing the greatest collection of hard pecs and abs ever revealed to me! Enormous lats and quads confronted me on every side!

Billy whispered to me, "Now, you can look, but don't touch! I'm the only boy toy gymnast you get to tumble with!"

I laughed and nodded my head. Billy didn't have to worry. He was by far the most beautiful guy there. He wasn't the most muscular or even the best defined, but when you looked at the complete man, there was no question in my mind that he was the best looking guy there. And besides that, he was the one I loved.

I took a seat in the chairs reserved for the competitors. So far no one had questioned my presence. I was "up close and personal" to the near naked bodies I had admired for years! I stared as I realized that Lance Ringnald, a 1988 Olympian, was a few feet away from me. Unfortunately Lance was one of the handful of guys who were wearing their comp tops pulled up. I turned and saw John Rothliesburger, the son and brother of Olympians, nearby.

John is big for a gymnast - 5'8" and 150 pounds. His muscles were bulging as I watched him. Not the tight, well defined muscles of Billy. But, still, a joy to look at! Then I saw a guy I didn't recognize. He was almost the exact same size as Rothliesburger, but his definition was better. He had short, dark hair and brown eyes. In contrast to the intense concentration of most of the guys, he was laughing and smiling and seemed to be flirting with a young lady with an official pass dangling around her neck. I learned later that he was Jarrod Hanks from Oklahoma. Jarrod and I were to become great friends, but that's another story!

All of a sudden Todd appeared beside me. "Well, did you let Billy get any rest this afternoon?"

"Of course," I lied.

"Good," he replied as he wandered over to a small group of other coaches who stood watching the gymnasts stretch and warm up on the various pieces of equipment.

I was sitting close to the Pommel Horse. I watched as the guys lined up to take their turn at the horse. Billy wandered over and tossed me his t-shirt. He pushed his comp top down around his waist. I once again drank in the beauty of his body as he stood in line for his turn on the horse. I had to look away. I was afraid I'd cream my jeans if I watched Billy on the apparatus while he was shirtless!

I guess I sat there for an hour just enjoying the show I was being treated to. I don't know how I managed to keep from drooling all over myself! The gymnasts staying at the same motel had realized I was a friend of Billy's, so I guess I didn't want to embarrass him. Finally, Todd came over and told me I'd have to get off the floor and go up into the stands with the audience that had now started trickling in.

I looked around and realized most of the guys had started pulling up their comp tops in preparation for the competition. Billy came over to me to retrieve his t- shirt. He too had pulled up his top.

"Good luck, Billy."

"Thanks, Richard. Remember what I told you in the car. This meet is for you!"

As I went up to take a seat, a girl handed me a folded piece of paper. It turned out to be the program. There were 34 guys competing. They had been divided into three groups which would compete simultaneously. Billy was in group 2, the smallest, and would start on the Pommel Horse. He was the ninth in his group of ten, so the eight guys in front of him would go first. When they moved to the second rotation, the guy who had gone first would move to the end, and Billy would be eighth. Group one was starting on the Floor Exercise and group three was starting on the Still Rings.

A couple of guys in Billy's group fell off the Horse as they did their routines. That's not at all unusual - the Pommel Horse is frequently said to be the most difficult of the men's six events. It's hard to start on the Horse because it requires so much control and doesn't let you expend all the tension energy you have at the beginning of a meet. And it's Billy's poorest event.

Finally it was Billy's turn. He saluted the judge, approached the Horse, and mounted it. He went immediately into his scissors and then his flairs. He started moving up and down the Horse, not touching the pommels. That's extremely difficult because the gymnast has to keep his hips high enough to clear the pommels while keeping his legs together and his toes pointed. Billy moved into his spindle and so far so good! Everything was going well! Billy raised into a handstand and dropped back down to more scissors work. I held my breath as he came out of the handstand, perilously close to crushing his balls against one pommel! A few more circles and then the dismount, which he stuck beautifully!

This first night was the "compulsories." These were routines designed by the FIG, Federation Internationale Gymnastique, the international governing body of the sport. Each gymnast would do exactly the same routine. On Sunday afternoon they could do "optionals", unique routines designed by each gymnast within certain guidelines and requirements.

Finally the judge flashed Billy's score - a 9.7! That's great for a compulsory routine and it was the highest given so far. Billy grinned and turned to find me in the stands. He saw me and pointed to me. I could see him mouth the words, "For you!" I gave him a thumbs up and smiled back.

The last guy in the group, a local gymnast, started his routine, but promptly fell off. He got his body too far forward on a circle and just couldn't pull it back in. After an automatic deduction of .5 for the fall, I knew he wouldn't score as well as Billy. For Billy to lead his group after his worst apparatus was certainly an auspicious beginning!

Billy's group moved to their second rotation, the Still Rings. While the Pommel Horse was Billy's worst apparatus, the rings were arguably his best. When he had been on the National Team the year before, Billy had won a Gold Medal on the Rings in a prestigious European meet, beating out some stiff competition!

As the first seven guys did their routines, I noticed some major form breaks. There were some tricks not held long enough (a full two seconds to get full credit) and there were some big steps as guys failed to "stick" their landings. I think the highest score was around a 9.5. Of course the really big names, Ringnald and Rothliesberger, weren't in Billy's group and I hadn't been watching them. I didn't know how the other groups were doing. And there were competitions going on at two other sites simultaneously. It would be the top forty guys from ALL THREE competitions combined that would qualify for the US Championships and a shot at the National Team.

Billy was acknowledged by the judge and moved up to the Rings. I winced as Todd put his hands on Billy's hips and lifted him up to the Rings. I hated to see Todd touch him. Billy gripped the Rings and pulled up to an "L" to start his routine. Although packed with difficulty, the compulsory routine Billy performed was not as difficult as the optional routine Billy would perform the next day.

Billy did his dislocates and then his Iron Cross. I drank in the beauty of the body I had possessed only a few hours before. Billy did his dismount and landed perfectly. A 9.8! Billy once more found me with his eyes and signaled his "For you!" as he had done before.

Billy's group moved to the Floor Exercise - Billy's favorite.

He was now seventh in his group to compete. After the first six guys had gone, Billy stood at the corner of the 40' x 40' floor area. I closed my eyes and remembered the first time I had seen Billy on TV. He had been standing at the corner of the floor, just as he was now. He had been wearing his white National Team comp top then, not his favorite royal blue he was wearing now. Other than that though, he looked the same.

What had I ever done to deserve the love of this wonderful man? To enjoy the thrill of physical contact between us? To drown in his blue eyes as I heard him say,"I love you"?

Billy leapt, tumbled, twirled, and balanced his way through the compulsory routine. He was perfection! As he left the floor he again sought me out. "For you," his mouth formed. That same mouth that mere hours before had hungrily taken my dick and drained my balls of every drop of cum they contained. Billy returned to the chairs. He then surprised me by pushing his comp top down to his waist, revealing his bare chest. He gently toweled himself dry. As he did so, he sought me out once again. "For you," was the message again. He pulled his top back up and donned his t-shirt again. Fortunately, I don't think anyone seated near me noticed the huge erection I had from glimpsing Billy's bare chest!

Billy's group moved to the parallel bars. Billy threw Diamadov's that brought smiles to the judges' faces. Then came the horizontal bar. Billy's giants were perfect, as was his dismount. After each apparatus, Billy sent the same "For you," message. Finally, Billy hit his vault and stuck his last dismount of the day's competition. The final scores of all the gymnasts were tallied. And the announcement. Of all the guys competing there at UMKC, Billy was third! Only Ringnald and Rothliesberger were ahead! Of course, we didn't know how the other sites were going, and we wouldn't until after the second round tomorrow.

I had been sitting in the stands, watching as the crowd left and the gymnasts gathered their stuff. I was really enjoying this show more than the competition. Many of the guys were stripping down to their briefs before pulling on sweats. Then, there he was. Billy came bounding up the steps and plopped down in the seat next to me. He was breathless, not from exertion, but from excitement. He looked at me and that gorgeous smile shone toward me. He draped an arm around me, threw his head back, and laughed from sheer joy.

"Richard! I'm in third place after compulsories!" he exclaimed. "Tomorrow I'll blow them away!"

"Billy! You're not going to blow anyone but me!"

He laughed and hugged me. All at once, while he still held me, a serious expression came over his face. He just looked at me for what seemed an eternity. Finally, almost inaudibly, "Richard, I love you."

I thought he was going to kiss me, but he stopped, realizing we were in a very public place. He drew back and smiled. He finally released me, letting his hands slide down my arms and drop to his own lap. "For you," he whispered. "My body, my love, my soul. Just for you."

CHAPTER 8 The Meet - Part 3, Later Saturday Night

Before I could respond to Billy's declaration of love, Todd joined us. How I loathed him!

"Come on Billy, let's go", said Todd.

"No. I'm riding with Richard."

"You need to get some rest before tomorrow."

"I will, but I'm leaving with Richard."

"Fine. Do what you please. You always do anyway," Todd said as he stormed away.

The encounter had completely destroyed the mood we had been in. Billy picked up his gym bag and headed for the door. I followed him.

When we reached my Volvo, Billy asked if he could drive. Of course I let him. I began to regret the decision though. Billy was driving as if he saw Todd standing before the car the whole time. I decided to try to recapture the mood we had been in at the arena.

"Billy, I love you. It seems strange that this is the first time we've been together but it's like we've been in love for years."

A shadow of that infectious smile began to show. "Yeah, I feel the same way." He turned and the whole smile was there. "Can I come to your room when we get back?"

"Of course! What's on your mind?"

The smile turned to a poor imitation of a lustful leer as he said only one word, "You."

As he paid attention to his driving, I cursed the bucket seats, wanting to sit closer. My left hand found its way to his neck as I began to play with his hair. After a minute or two of that, my right hand moved to his inner thigh and then I began to give serious attention to rubbing his swelling dick. I slid my hand into his sweat pants, but he was still wearing shorts, his comp top, and his briefs.

"Richard, we're almost there. As soon as we get to your room I want you to undress me and do some more of this."

We pulled into the parking lot and practically ran to my room. Unlike the room Billy and Todd shared, I had a single room. It had one double bed instead of two and a well worn sofa against one wall. We went to the sofa and sat while embracing and kissing. I moved my hand to Billy's crotch and began to rub him the way he liked. He broke our embrace and spread his arms out along the top of the couch, leaning his head back.

I knelt in front of him, between his legs, and started tugging his sweats off. Shoes and socks and shorts followed quickly. His huge cock was pressing against his comp top, straining to reach my mouth.

I reached up, placing my hands against his chest. The material of the comp top felt silky beneath my palms. I started massaging his dick with my mouth. The smell of the sweat soaked comp top and briefs was really turning me on.

I got off the floor and straddled him, placing a knee on either side of him, resting my ass in his lap. With his head back, his neck was well exposed to my licking tongue and kissing lips. I moved my kisses to his upper chest, exposed by the comp top.

I pulled first one strap and then the other of his comp top off. He moved only enough to help me get the top off his shoulders and to pull his arms free. He returned immediately to his spread eagle position.

The tight fitting material of his comp top still clung to his body. I slowly pulled it down to his waist, kissing his skin as it was revealed. Once the top was at his waist, I started working my way back up toward his neck. I kissed and licked each of his huge abs. I moved to the area between his pecs. While I was kissing his chest, I was rubbing and pinching his nipples. I sucked each of those stiff buds in turn before moving back to his neck, and finally, his lips.

After a few kisses, I got up and moved back to the floor. I pulled the comp top down around his legs, stroking them as I removed his clothing. Now all he wore was the matching royal blue briefs. He lifted his hips expectantly and I obliged by sliding the briefs off as well. Then I just stopped and drank in once more the sheer beauty of his body. No longer able to look without tasting, I took his dick into my mouth.

"Richard, I love the way you go down on me. But tonight, I'm so full of energy from the meet, I can't be passive. Will you let me fuck you?"

"I told you before Billy, anything you want." I stood before him. Rather than quickly stripping, I did a strip tease. He laughed and smiled as I did a bump and grind. After I was stripped, I got some Vaseline and handed it to him. He stood and we embraced and kissed, our genitals pressed hard against each other.

I knelt on the couch, facing the wall, my elbows resting on the back, my ass positioned in front of Billy. He pressed his monstrous member against me. He bent over me, kissing my back and shoulders. His hands caressed my sides then moved under my body to rub my chest. I felt the coolness of the jelly as he began to lubricate me.

Billy started inserting one finger and then two into my tight, virgin asshole. My body shivered - first in pain, but also in anticipation.

"Are you ready?"

Although I was somewhat apprehensive at the thought of that huge cock inside me, I answered in a husky voice, "Fuck me Billy."

Billy began to slowly and gently penetrate me. Although he was very easy, it felt as if he was trying to stick a baseball bat up my hole! I bit my lip and tried desperately not to let Billy know the pain I was feeling. As Billy inserted more and more of his dick, the pain increased to an almost unbearable level.

Finally I felt Billy's pubic hairs brushing against my ass and I knew Billy was all the way in. He remained still but again started kissing me and stroking my chest and sides. Eventually I relaxed some.

Once I relaxed, the pain remarkably seemed to be replaced by pleasure! Billy started thrusting, humping me. After a few thrusts, I realized I was truly enjoying this new sensation. Billy was inside me! I thought about the pleasure I was giving Billy and my own dick started to twitch and swell.

Billy was really getting into it now, his thrusting becoming faster and more powerful. His breathing was rapid but irregular. I closed my eyes and envisioned Billy's body as it must look while he fucked me. The muscles in his arms and chest tightened with the building tension. Sweat glistened as it slowly rolled over his stomach. His leg muscles bulged as he thrusted. His tight ass pushed into mine.

Billy gave a mighty thrust then stopped, deep inside me. He bent down with as much contact as possible. He reached around and squeezed my dick tightly as he came into my ass. We stayed like that until Billy softened and he drew his dick out of me. I felt so empty!

He turned me around and I was in the spread eagle position he had been in. He knelt before me and gave my aching dick the relief it needed as he gave me a slow, luxurious blow job. He swallowed all the hot cum I pumped into his mouth.

After a few minutes rest, he began to dress. "I've got to go before Todd comes looking for me." With a last kiss, he lifted me to my bed and quietly left my room. I slept more soundly than I ever had before.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 4: Billy 9 10

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