
By moc.liamtoh@yugslemmop

Published on Apr 15, 1999


CHAPTER 9 The Meet - Part 4, Sunday Morning

I slept the way Billy left me, naked and with his cum drying on my ass. Suddenly, I was startled awake by knocking on the door. I rolled over, conscious of a certain tenderness in my ass. Light was coming in around the drapes and I realized it was morning.

"Richard! Let me in!", I heard Billy call through the door.

I got up and without bothering to grab even my briefs, I opened the door for Billy. I was surprised to see Billy's attire as he came into the room and closed the door behind himself. He was wearing a white dress shirt, gray slacks, and a tie.

Billy gave my nude body long, caressing looks. He smiled and said, "It looks like you're ready for love!" Billy took me in his arms and gave me a good morning kiss, holding me close. I think I could have stayed that way for the rest of my life. I felt... well, protected I guess, as if Billy's strong arms would always comfort me while his hard body shielded me from any harm. At that moment, although I was many years older than Billy, I felt as if I were a child in this man's care.

"Why are you dressed up?"

"I told Todd you were taking me to church. I knew he wouldn't want to go along, so it was a good cover. He's still sleeping."

"Billy, do you and Todd ever, well, you know..."

"Are you serious? I told you I never let him touch me, even for a massage when I really need one! The only time he ever touches me is to 'spot' me with a new trick or lift me up to the rings. Just thinking about him touching me makes me ill! Why Richard? Surely you're not jealous, are you? There's no reason to be."

"I guess not. It's just that you are so good looking and have such a beautiful body, and I'm neither good looking nor built well."

Billy took me in his arms again, looked into my eyes, and said, "Richard, you're the best looking guy I know. And even if you're not built like a gymnast, your body satisfies every need I have."

My mouth was a little too busy to respond since Billy's tongue was deep inside it right then! While Billy kissed me, I started undoing his tie. He pulled his head back and I ran my palms over his shirt. While looking in his beautiful blue eyes, I unbuttoned his shirt. I put my hands inside his shirt and ran my palms over his abs and chest. I slowly slid his shirt off his shoulders and he pulled his arms out, leaving it hanging over the waist of his pants.

I couldn't resist his beautiful pecs and I began to rub them. We sat on the edge of my bed. I gave no resistance as he pulled my face toward his chest, the way he had done yesterday morning. I pressed my cheek against his cool, firm flesh. I turned my head and began to take long, slow tastes of his magnificent chest. While my right hand tickled his left nipple, I used my left hand to pull his shirt away and toss it on the floor.

I gently pushed Billy down to the bed as my tongue broadened its task to include Billy's abs, arms, sides, and neck. I got up and knelt to remove Billy's shoes and socks. Then I stood above Billy and undid his belt.

As I unzipped his pants I caressed his hard cock and then reached lower to rub his sack and balls. He raised his hips and I slid his pants and briefs off. Now we were both naked, Billy with his feet on the floor but lying back on the bed, and me standing between his spread legs, leaning over him.

I went back to licking and kissing his upper body while my hands massaged his pecs. I dropped to my knees, with his hard dick rubbing against my stomach while I continued to give all my attention to his upper torso. I made sure to move my stomach against his burning member.

"Oh shit Richard! I can't stand it anymore! Please do my number!" Billy groaned at me.

As my kissing mouth moved closer to his pubic area, Billy writhed in pleasure. I teased his cock with my tongue tip before I began serious licking. Finally, I took him in my mouth and feasted on his man-meat.

"Richard! Fuck me! I want you to fuck me!"

Billy moved up toward the headboard as I knelt on the bed. He raised his legs and spread them wide, revealing his pinkish, virgin asshole.

I stroked Billy's dick quickly, because I knew he was ready to cum. And cum he did, spewing up onto his stomach and chest.

I got big gobs of his love cream on my hands and rubbed it on my own throbbing dick. Then I rubbed some around his hole. I pushed my dick up against his hole. Billy took a deep breath and whispered, "Fuck me Richard."

Remembering my pain from the night before, I very slowly began to insert my dick into Billy's tight ass. A half inch, then wait. Another half inch then wait. Billy was taking it well, he showed no sign of pain. Finally, I was all the way in and I began to pump him slowly. I bent over and kissed Billy. He was stroking his still hard cock while I fucked him. His rhythm began to speed up and mine did too.

"Faster Richard! Harder! FUCK ME!!"

And fuck him I did. Faster and faster I went. I tried to penetrate him as far as I could. If I had figured out how, I would have just crawled right up inside my lover. After several minutes of hard fucking I knew I was going to cum. With a thrust that I was sure would rip Billy's ass open, I came and then collapsed on top of him, my strength spent. My softening dick was still inside Billy as he continued to thrust his hips up, causing his dick to rub against my stomach.

I realized I had not finished giving Billy the blow job, and even though he had spewed great amounts of cum, his monstrous dick was still hard and ready. I pulled out of Billy and moved down beside him, grabbing his dick and rubbing it against my face. My mouth took over and soon Billy was again writhing in pleasure as I gave him some head action. After Billy shot his wad into my throat, we lay together on my bed.

These minutes of lazy basking in the afterglow of sex are my most precious memories of that weekend with Billy. Whispered endearments that lovers exchange were the sum of our talking. An occasional kiss expressed more love than passion. Gentle caresses, lingering touches served to join us spiritually as earlier we had joined physically.

"Billy, I have to go home to Saint Louis tonight."

"Yeah, I know. I have to return to Albuquerque and the gym. Two weeks to the US Championships."

"At the Championships can we share a room and stick Todd by himself?"

"I've already made the reservation!"

Billy was lying on his back, his hands behind his head. I reached over and grasped his dick. He closed his eyes and smiled. I began sliding my fingers up and down on his rapidly engorging member. I moved closer and started licking his chest and then his right lat. He sighed in contentment.

"I don't know whether your mouth or your hand pleases me more. Your mouth I think."

"Well, in that case, I'll stop talking and give you what you like best!"

I moved again and began to taste Billy's manhood once more. I was glad he enjoyed my blow jobs, because I enjoyed his taste in my mouth, his odor in my nostrils, and the feel of his silky skin as I caressed him. The sheer beauty of his body and the sound of his breathing added to the sensual ecstasy I was in.

I thought I would try something new. After making sure his dick was well lubricated from my head action, I squatted above him. I lined my hole up with his dick and eased down onto it. As I began to slide up and down on his love pole, Billy began rocking his hips. He placed his hands on my hips to steady me while I massaged his chest.

"Oh shit, Richard! You do make me feel good!" Billy started gasping and seriously fucking me. As he moaned and groaned, I savored the feeling of having him deep inside me. While I still preferred taking him in my mouth, I knew he was enjoying fucking me, so that made me very happy.

Billy's hip action was really picking up and with his strong hands he was speeding me up as well. Suddenly Billy went rigid and I could feel him preparing to cum. Then I felt hot spurts of his delicious juices in my ass. He moved me off him and pushed me flat. Billy immediately started going down on my throbbing tool. It didn't take long before he was drinking my cum. We lay side by side, basking in the afterglow of sex and the warmth of our shared love.

Billy stretched and got up. He stood beside the bed as I reluctantly left the bed to stand with him. Without speaking, he held my hand and led me toward the shower. We entered the shower together, enjoying each other's presence without having sex. As we soaped each other, I was wondering how I would survive the two weeks until we would be together again at the US Championships.

After our shower, Billy and I dressed. I stood with him at the door. There were no goodbyes spoken, just long kisses and tight hugs. Billy walked out the door.

CHAPTER 10 The Meet - Part 5, Sunday Afternoon

I left my room, checked out and headed the Volvo toward the gym. Billy and Todd had left an hour or more earlier so Billy could warm up. I was melancholy but tense. Sad the weekend was coming to an end and nervous for Billy. I hoped he would have a great day and was taking another step toward Barcelona.

I went into the gym, sat with other spectators in the stands. Down on the floor the guys were stretching and warming up. On a mat near the floor exercise mats, one gymnast lay on his stomach, bare except for his shorts. His coach knelt above him, massaging his back. Near the pommel horse another gymnast stood as his coach massaged his neck and shoulders. Here and there guys would stand and chat, sweat glistening on their bare torsos.

At last I saw Billy. He was waiting in line to mount the high bar. He had his t-shirt on, loosely tucked into his shorts. He stood with his back to me, watching Lance Ringnald take his turn on the high bar. Lance did a couple of one-arm giants and then dismounted, not trying to stick his landing. As Billy mounted, Lance headed toward the still rings.

Lance approached the rings, pulling his t-shirt off on his way.

I was disappointed to see he had his comp top pulled up. I glanced back over to Billy who was moving over to the parallel bars. I looked back toward the rings and saw Lance pulling into an iron cross. Evidently he had pushed his comp top down before mounting because as I looked at him now he was bare chested. And what a beautiful sight! With his arms spread wide, supporting the weight of his entire body, each muscle from his waist up was tensed. An awesome sight indeed! I glanced over to the floor and saw a young high school guy from Pennsylvania, Kip Simons, rolling out of a planche. He had an awesome upper body, big flat pecs, well defined abs and lats. He was going to be a wonder to behold in a year or two.

I looked around for Billy and found him at the pommel horse. He was just dismounting. He walked toward where I was sitting, his eyes searching the stands for me. He found me and waved. He slowly pulled his t-shirt off, revealing his bare chest. He knew how much I enjoyed seeing that broad expanse of muscled beauty with his small, dark nipples erect and hard.

He smiled, letting me have a long look, then he pulled his comp top back up and put his t-shirt back on.

The gymnasts all left the floor, lining up for the parade into the gym. The guys marched in, lining up with their groups. The Anthem played and two minute touch warm ups began. Billy and his group were starting on the floor exercise.

The floor was Billy's favorite event. It wasn't always his best, that was the still rings, but he loved the tumbling and balance moves that allowed him to exhibit his strength and skill. His turn came and he performed perfectly, attaining the highest score for the rotation.

Next Billy moved to the pommel horse. Although his worst routine, today it was as if Billy was perfection in motion. Loops, flairs, handstands, circles, and spindles all went well. Then the rings, Billy's best. Iron cross, Maltese cross, inverted cross, awesome, unbelievable strength displayed to an appreciative audience. And then the vault.

Billy ran down the runway, touched his hands with unbelievable power to the leather of the sidehorse and pushed. I watched as Billy turned and twisted in the air, holding my breath in anticipation of his landing. Billy landed perfectly. Then a noise like a gunshot echoed through the gym. Pain distorted his face as Billy collapsed to the mat, clutching his left leg in agony. I realized the loud "crack" was Billy's leg breaking. Then I realized I was screaming Billy's name.

Todd and a medical technician raced to Billy's side as I ran down toward the tunnel onto the floor. Billy was screaming in pain. At the mouth of the tunnel a security guard blocked my path. He wouldn't let me pass.

Endless minutes later, Billy was carried toward me on a stretcher. Todd was beside him. As they passed me, I looked into Billy's pain torn face and realized I was crying. Todd said, "They're taking him to County General, come on!"

Todd and I ran to my Volvo and followed the ambulance out onto the street. As I drove, trying to wipe tears away, I asked Todd what had happened.

He told me Billy had broken both bones in his lower, left leg, severing an artery in the process. I think my heart stopped and I shook with fear for Billy.

An interminable time later Todd and I were waiting for a doctor to come out and tell us how Billy was. Billy was sedated and resting. The artery was repaired and the broken bones had been set. He wouldn't lose the leg, or so the doctor opined.

Todd headed for the exit. I ran after him, caught his arm and turned him toward me.

"Where in the hell do you think you're going?"

"I'm out of here."

"Billy needs you!"

"Billy's history. He's through. He's no use to me now."

I looked at this piece of slime. I didn't have a gun to shoot him, I didn't have a knife to cut him, so I punched him. Orderlies pulled me off Todd and he ran out the door. I never saw him again.

The doctor asked me if I was related to Billy. No, I wasn't. Could I call his family? Yes, I could. It was all a dream, a terrible nightmare. Billy's Mom was nearly hysterical, his Father a calm, steady presence on the phone. They would fly in tomorrow. I called my office to tell them I would be late coming back from my vacation. I forgot, it was Sunday, no one was there.

"Doctor? May I see Billy?"

"He's heavily sedated. Just sit quietly, OK?"

I walked into the darkened room. Billy was sleeping, his face no longer distorted by pain. They had cut his comp top off to get to his leg more easily, I guessed. It lay on a chair. Billy lay on his back, his left leg raised and hanging in some contraption above him. A sheet covered him from his toes to his navel. He appeared to be naked underneath the sheet. His bare, uncovered chest was pale in the dim light. I sat in a chair beside his bed, holding his cut comp top in my hands as I gazed at his face.

I sat that way for hours, just watching Billy. Occasionally he would moan, feeling the pain even through his sedation. The steady pulse of the monitor reassured me. The solution in the IV bottle slowly marked time as it dripped into Billy's vein. Every few minutes a nurse would come in to check on Billy and see if I was OK. At some point Billy shivered and small goose bumps appeared on his arms and chest. I gently pulled the sheet higher and spread a blanket over him, not touching his leg.

The meet director stopped by after it was over to see how Billy was. Some of the gymnasts stopped by as well. Their mood was subdued, knowing it could have been any of them in that hospital bed. The ones who had been staying at the Motel Six knew Billy and I were friends and left the hospital knowing I would stay with Billy.

I guess I dozed, I certainly didn't sleep well through that long afternoon, evening and night. Billy was sweating and I pulled the blanket off. I wiped his brow with a wash cloth run through warm water. I pulled the sheet back from his chest and gently wiped him with the cloth. Billy opened his eyes. I didn't think he was really conscious, but then he smiled at me. His lips parted and I knew he was saying my name, even though he made no sound.

I bent down, kissed him, and stroked his cheek. "I'm here Billy. I love you Billy." He smiled again, closing his eyes and drifted back to sleep. A sleep that appeared easier, but was still broken by an occasional moan of pain. I replaced the sheet and then I sat and watched Billyy as I drifted in and out of sleep all that long night.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5: Billy 11 12

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