Billy and Danny

By Mickey S (NJRimzu)

Published on Mar 20, 2003


Billy and Danny, Freshman Year, Chapter 10

This is a story of love between two young men. If you are under age, or live in an area where reading stories that include sex between males sex is illegal, or if you're not into this type of story, please leave. The story begins in 1969. While the characters and their story are completely fictional, it is set at places that are real and is told against a backdrop of some real events. This was a time when all sex was safe. It isn't now, so please respect yourself and others enough to always play safe. Comments are appreciated at

Oct. 20


I just can't believe how good the pictures I took of Billy and Danny turned out. The close-ups are really a work of art, if I do say so myself. I've never seen such images of black and white skin put together like that. I feel like it's the best work I've ever done. But the others, the ones showing more of their bodies and their faces. My God, it's certainly not porn, but they are the most sensual images I have ever seen. They take my breath away. There is magnetism between them, something I've always noticed without understanding that is so clear in these nude photos. And the most telling of all are the close-ups of their faces, when they look into each other's eyes. I never dreamed it was possible to capture an emotion like love in a photograph, but there it is. The way they look at each other, get lost in each other, fall into each other, why have I never picked up on that before? I've sensed it all along, but these pictures make it so clear. And those last shots, the ones of all of their tips touching. It's like there is one person, standing up against a mirror, but the reflection is a negative of him. I guess it's what I was going for, but I never thought of it that way, at least not consciously.

I went through the pictures very carefully before showing some of them to Professor Cameron. Since she had first arranged to get me into Billy's modeling class, I really felt I had to share them with her. She was as much taken with them as me.

"You said the black one is the one who models for Professor Adams' classes at Rutgers? Do you think they would consider doing any modeling over here at Douglass? I know it's different, with the classes all female. And I'll probably catch hell from the administration hiring male models. But my basic anatomy classes have just started with the usual female models and it would be so nice to give them some male models toward the end of the semester."

"Well, I don't think Billy would have a problem, but Danny is really shy. It took a lot for him to pose for me. I don't know that he could do it for a whole room full of girls. But I'll talk to them about it. When would you need them?"

"Maybe a couple of classes a week in December for three or four weeks. Not a lot, but I think it would invaluable for the girls."

"Well, I'll work on them. Billy shouldn't be hard to get, but Danny might not want to."

"I'd really like to get both. I have an idea for a couple of wrestling poses to put them into."

While Professor Cameron is highly respected in art circles, I think she may be as much of a sex fiend as me. If she had only seen the photos I chose not to show her...

Billy and Danny kept pestering me to see the results of their session. I told them I had finished developing and printing the pictures and would bring them over tonight.

"You boys are not only beautiful and sexy but incredibly photogenic. Not all of the shots are keepers, but some are so beautiful. Some are very arty and some are downright erotic though that isn't what we were going for. Okay, guys. Ready for the results of your porn debut?"

"Hey, we're the wise guys. You're supposed to be the serious artist."

"I am, Danny. And most of these are serious art. But many are erotic; some people might call them porn. Because I was working and shooting so fast, I didn't see it in the studio, but you can see in the results something really special. In so many of the poses, though they are not in the least bit sexual, the way you two are looking at each other, there is this underlying sensuality and outright sexuality. Your love and lust for each other comes through loud and clear, even in innocent poses."

Billy and Danny went through the pictures in almost complete silence, just a murmur here and there, totally wrapped up in how I had captured them. Finally, Billy spoke up.

"Damn, we are hot, girl. And what a fantastic photographer you are. You really got us. Makes me wish we could get you to take some of us making love."

"Billy, are you crazy? No way, that's personal, private, off limits."

"I wasn't serious, baby. No way I'd share that with anyone else, not even Lucy. It's just that she's so good and makes us look so good. It makes me wonder what we look like when we are really making love."

"Maybe we should get a big mirror by the bed."

"Excuse me, could we leave out your sexual fantasies and get back to my art, boys?"

"Sorry, babe. It's just that looking at that naked white boy gets me going in that direction. And seeing me naked with him, wow! You can't imagine how it turns me on. But you are good, Luce, better than I knew. I've only seen the candid shots you've taken of us and everyone else around. They're all great, but nothing as professional and artistic as this."

"Yeah, Lucy. I was so afraid to pose for you, to be naked in front of you. But, even with your directions and instructions, you hid behind the camera really well and made me forget we weren't alone. So you were able to capture me and Billy, alone together. You are so good."


Lucy's pictures just blew me away. And I could see they had the same effect on Danny. I mean I know I'm in love with him and that he loves me, but, being able to see that love in her photos was overwhelming. We've had to keep our love hidden behind our dorm room door, totally private. It really brought it all home, made it even more real. I know I was more than a little crude (how unlike me) suggesting she take some shots of Danny and me making love. I'd never share those intimate moments with anyone, not even Lucy, but how I would love to have pictures detailing those moments as beautifully as Lucy's. But as long as I have reality, I don't need mementos.

"So, sexy Mama, you think we're hot?"

"You are much more than hot. You're perfect together. Beautiful, sexy, erotic. Just ask Professor Cameron, she was blown away by the pictures."

"Professor Cameron? You showed these to a professor?"

I thought Danny was going to collapse, and I was pretty pissed myself.

"Girl, we trusted you. You're our best friend, the only person we've ever told about being gay, and the only one we'd ever pose like this for. And you turn around and show these to a professor, a stranger, someone we've never met? We don't ever want to tell anyone else about us, and here you are announcing us to the world, blabbing our secret."

"Oh, God, I'm sorry. I didn't think of it in that way. I was just thinking of what incredibly good pictures they were. Plus, Professor Cameron was the one who got me permission to sit in on the class Billy was modeling for. And she arranged for us to have the studio that afternoon. So I felt I had to show her something of the results. I really thought I was just showing her beautiful photos, not exposing your relationship. Believe me, I've never told anyone and never would."

Oh man, I was so pissed. I mean, I don't care who sees my big black dick. I wave it around in a couple of classes each week. But these pictures showed more than a piece of meat. They showed Danny and me together and made it very clear how we felt about each other. That, I wasn't ready to share with anyone. And Danny was devastated. Not only isn't he ready to share our relationship with anyone, he's so much more modest than me.

"I don't think you have to tell her anything about us. The pictures say it all."

"I'm sorry, guys. I never thought of it that way, it's just such beautiful art. And if it helps, I don't think it bothered Professor Cameron a bit. She was just impressed with the art of it. In fact, she asked me if you guys might be willing to model for some her classes at the end of the semester."

"Yeah, right. Billy may be okay with stripping in public, but no way can I do that. Especially in front of girls."

"I've got no problem posing, and it might be a kick to get up in front of a class of girls who don't know they have no chance with me. But even if Danny was willing to model, we couldn't do it together. It would be like telling the whole class we're in love. Look at those pictures. It's obvious."


I couldn't believe how beautiful Billy and I looked together. I mean, that's always the way I've felt when we were together, but to see it in black and white, wow! Since our emotional epiphany I've never doubted how I felt about Billy or how he felt about me, but these pictures are proof. The camera doesn't lie.

I was floating in a surreal dream world, reveling in our love, when I caught Lucy's comment about showing the pictures to her professor.

"Professor Cameron? You showed these to a professor?'

I was horrified. Someone else knew. No one who knew us, but an adult, an authority figure, someone who could get us in a lot of trouble. I was blown away and scared, and just vaguely aware of Lucy's explanations, her assurance that everything would be okay. And I couldn't believe she was seriously offering us jobs modeling at Douglass. Maybe Billy was okay with that, though I still wasn't comfortable with him modeling. But I couldn't imagine anything that would get me up nude in front of a class of girls.

Nov. 1


So one of the antiwar groups had this cool idea. Their basic proposition is that war equals death. So the opposite of war is life. And they came up with an antiwar protest to reaffirm life. A blood drive. Donating blood to save lives as the war was taking lives. I thought it was a great idea. I've worked two summers as a hospital orderly and know how valuable a pint of blood can be. They contacted the Red Cross and arranged for a massive blood drive at the Student Center. For students under 21, they even arranged for other students to sign their parents' names on permission slips.

"This is so fantastic, Billy. A chance to not only protest the war, but to maybe help save a life at the same time."

"I understand you being excited about it, but they probably only want white blood so what's it to me?"

"Didn't you take biology in high school? There's no such thing as white blood or black blood, fool. Sure, there are different types of blood, but they have nothing to do with race. No matter what some people say, no matter what some laws say, your blood is equal to mine and just as able to save a life; a white life or a black life."

"I don't know. It just seems stupid. I don't get the connection."

"You're not dumb, black boy. You're covering up for something. By any chance are you afraid to give blood? I've never done it, except for little bits for lab tests for physicals, but it's just a little needle, doesn't hurt much."

"I'm not afraid of a little needle, white boy. I just think it's dumb, that's all."

"It's not dumb. I've seen them give transfusions in the hospital and the difference it makes. I'm not gonna tell you to do it, but I think it's really important."

"Okay, I'll do it. For you, not for any other reason. If it's that important for you, I'll do it."

We must have waited on line for two hours in the Student Center. Billy was a nervous wreck. It was obvious he was afraid, but would never admit it. Finally, they put us on tables side by side, tied the rubber tubes around our arms and had us squeezing the little rubber balls in our palms.

Just as they were about to put in the needles, I looked around, saw there was no one we knew around and said, "Hey Billy."

He turned and looked at me. Just as they stuck the needle in his arm, I whispered, "I love you."

His mouth flew open and he suddenly gasped as the needle went in.

"Hurts a little, doesn't it? But it's more like a sting than real pain."

"You tricked me, you little white shit! You said that just to shock me and take my mind off it."

" I didn't trick you, just distracted you. You should never look when they're sticking a needle in you. It hurts a lot more when you see it happen. And I meant what I said."

"Don't think I won't get even with you for this."

My blood seemed to flow faster than his and I was done with my pint first. They sat me up on the side of the table for a minute, and then led me over to a table for orange juice and cookies. A few minutes later, Billy was done and they sat him up on the side of the table, but he didn't look good. He actually looked pale. They quickly laid him back down on the table and raised his feet. I went over to him.

"You look good in that position," I whispered into his ear.

"Shut up, white boy. You don't know how that felt. It was like I was hot and cold all at the same time, then the lights were flashing and I got really dizzy."

"I know exactly how it was. Don't you remember when I fell on top of you the day we met?"

"Oh yeah. That was so nice. Scary, 'cause I didn't know what was happening, but nice."

The male nurse who had taken our blood and helped Billy back onto the table turned to me. "Don't worry, you boyfriend is okay. This happens a lot. Why don't you go get him some orange juice while he rests?"

I must have looked shocked at what he had said.

"I heard what you said to him when I put the needle in his arm. And I noticed the way you look at each other. It's okay, I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Thanks. I'll go get the OJ."

Once Billy could stand without getting dizzy, we got out of there and went across the street to the Commons just in time to get closing scraps. Not much of a meal, but all that was left. We had a dorm party starting at nine, so we went back to our room to get ready.


I couldn't get over my reaction to giving blood. I've hated needles ever since I can remember, but I've been beaten and battered and gone through so much pain in so many fights, it makes no sense. It's just a little prick (no pun intended) and then a bit of stinging. But it reminds me of the junkies I used to see shooting up in back alleys back home. They'd stick the needle in, hands so shaky it's a wonder they hit a vein, press on the plunger and in seconds go from frantic to relaxed. Usually they'd get up, give me a dirty look or threaten me if they saw me and go on about their business. But sometimes, they'd seem to relax, then just pass out, sprawled out on someone's back steps, dead to the world.

But if my wonderful sissy white boy wasn't afraid, how could I be? Damn him, and bless him. He is so genuine in his support for good in the world. Sure, he's naïve, he hasn't seen the evil that I have, but I love looking at the world through his eyes. His world, though it may not be totally realistic, is a beautiful place, full of good, honest decent people. It's a world I've never seen before.

But I can't help but feel a bit pissed off at the way things went today. I did the blood donation because he wanted me to. He sailed through with flying colors. Like it was nothing. And I nearly passed out, needed extra help from that faggy male nurse and Danny. I mean, I'm the tough guy. Danny's the sweet kid. I take care of him. But today, I fell apart and he took over and showed me up, and in front of that nurse, who obviously figured out what was going on between us.

Thank God for the dorm party, a chance to drown my sorrows and forget it all.

We weren't at the party more than five minutes when we were lined up at the keg.

They guy filling the pitchers was warning everyone who had given blood to go easy, that we were a pint low and the beer might affect us more than usual.

"Makes sense, white boy. Let's take it easy."

"I'll let you know after a couple of cups."

After a few beers, Danny was obviously feeling the alcohol, and so was I, but I felt the need to recoup some of the dignity I had lost over at the Student Center.

"I think one more and I'd better go upstairs to bed. I feel like my veins have all booze and no blood."

"Sounds like a good idea, white boy. I'll be up in a little while."

Though I was feeling the beer just as much as he was, I had to outlast him to regain the strength and dominance I had lost this afternoon. So after he finished his beer, he staggered up the stairs and I promised I'd be up in a bit.

I had one more beer, just to prove I could and headed up to the room. I let myself in and, in the faint light coming in through the window, saw Danny lying naked on his belly on his bed. All of my insecurities and doubts and uncertainties of the day exploded in my brain.

"Yo! White boy! What are you doing in my room? Who the fuck do you think you are and what the fuck are you doing? This is my space and if you want to be here, you ask me. And if you don't ask me, you pay the price."

Danny turned his head and looked up at me, kind of groggy and managed, "Wha?"

I went over to the closet and grabbed the two ties we had worn to school that first day. I went to the bed and used them to tie each of his wrists to the bedposts before he was really awake.

"It's time you learned who's in charge here."

I pulled him up onto his knees, his arms tied down, his head on the bed, but his ass in the air. I looked at that amazing little white butt as I brought my right hand down onto it, landing with a loud smack. I realized this could get noisy, so I went over to the stereo and put on one of Danny's Stones albums, kind of loud, but it wasn't really that late yet. I went back to the bed and started smacking the hell out of his ass, spanking first one cheek, then the other.

"Billy, that hurts."

"No, it doesn't. Remember what you said to me this afternoon? 'More like a sting than real pain'? I just want to warm you up a bit before I fuck you senseless."

Danny looked back over his shoulder at me in terror. I gave him a wink, and he relaxed. We both knew what was happening. The time had come and we both knew it. But I didn't let up. With one hand spanking his quickly reddening ass, I used the other to pull and squeeze his balls. I knew he was fond of gentle ballplay, but I took it a bit beyond gentle. Occasionally, I reached up and grabbed a nipple and gave it a pinch and a twist. I wanted to see how rough he could take it, and I also wanted to see how rough I wanted to make it.


I got up to the room and managed to strip before falling face down unconscious on my bed. Next thing I was vaguely aware of was Billy, very drunk, bellowing at me. He quickly tied my wrists to the bed, then attacked my body. He started spanking my butt. Hard. It hurt, stung like hell. Billy was acting belligerent and I didn't know why and was a bit scared. When he threatened to fuck me senseless, I turned my head to look at him. He winked at me. And then, in spite of my high, realized that this was it. This was his fantasy. A little stronger and rougher than I expected. But all a part of a plan. And I trusted him, so I could just relax and take what was coming without fear. His squeezing of my balls didn't exactly hurt but caused a dull throbbing. When he pinched and twisted my nipples, that really did hurt, but it was a strange kind of good pain. I don't know if any or all of this turned me on, but it definitely didn't turn me off. I stayed hard through the entire spanking and rough ball play and nipple abuse.

"Okay white boy, now you're gonna get fucked like you've never been fucked before."

Billy untied my wrists and turned me over, then quickly retied them. Not that I would have tried to escape. He knelt over me, straddling my chest. He began to hit my face with his hard black dick, swinging it back and forth, slapping one cheek, then the other, gently at first, then harder and harder.

"Now open wide, boy, and I'll give you a nice big chocolate treat."

As soon as I'd opened my mouth, he rammed his black monster into it. Over the past few weeks, I'd finally managed to learn how to relax my throat enough to take his whole cock. It usually took of few minutes, but I could eventually do it. But this time he just shoved the whole thing in at once, forcing my throat to open to accept it. Balancing himself by putting his hands on the wall above the head of the bed, he literally began fucking my mouth and throat, hard, with his balls slapping against my chin. At one point, he suddenly stopped; his dick buried completely inside me, and looked down at me and smiled, emphasizing his sneer. As I looked up at him, wondering what was coming next, I suddenly realized I couldn't breathe. His dick was far enough down my throat to completely block my air supply. It has only been a few seconds, but I began to panic, thrashing about the bed. I couldn't move much, with my arms tied and Billy practically pinning my chest to the bed. Finally, after what seemed a lot longer than I'm sure it actually was, he slowly slid out of my throat and mouth, leaving me gasping for breath.

"Just so you know who's in charge here."

As I was catching my breath, he slid down the bed and lifted my legs, folding me double, pushing my knees up to my shoulders. Then he shoved his face into my butt. He began licking and nibbling at my hole, tentatively at first, then more savagely. He began shoving his tongue inside me, trying to open me up with it. It was an amazing feeling, sheer ecstasy. And I was afraid if he kept it up very long, he would bring me to orgasm. After a couple of minutes of his heavenly tongue inside me, he got up and stood next to my head, pointing his thick tool at my mouth.

"Better suck and slobber on it real good 'cause that's all the lube you're gonna get tonight, white boy."

With that in mind, I licked and drooled all over his big dick. He went back down the bed and knelt between my legs and again pushed them up against my chest. He put the head against my hole and started to push. We'd never done this without KY and I wondered if it would work. It did. He just slid into me going further and further, filling me more and more, stretching my hole. I couldn't believe how huge and how good it felt. Once he was all the way in, he started fucking me-HARD. It was the roughest fuck we had ever had. He kept slamming that big cock into me with all his weight behind it. And I loved it. It was the greatest feeling, having that huge rod forced into me so hard and so far.

At one point his cock popped out of my hole, and without even touching it he just fucked it right back into me. It was as if my hole had grabbed it and sucked it back in. I was delirious. He hit my prostate with each pounding stroke. I kept yelling, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" over and over. He was a wild animal and so was I. He just kept slamming that big dick into my hole until he came in me. As I felt his huge cock expand with each spurt, stretching me even more, I began shooting my load. The first shot went over my head; the second hit me in the face, the rest landing all over my chest and stomach.

Billy gently lowered my legs so that his dick stayed inside me and lay down on top of me. He nuzzled my neck, then began sucking on it. Then he licked up the semen that had landed on my face and kissed me, sharing it with me. Finally, he pulled away, his dick slipping out of me, both of us sticky with my semen. He grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and cleaned us up a bit, then lay down beside me and gently stroked my face, staring into my eyes.

"Are you okay, baby boy?"

"Yeah, I think so, but I'm probably going to be a little sore tomorrow and may not be able to sit down."

"I hope I didn't hurt you. I was rougher than I thought I'd be. Some of that was the beer. But part of it was that once we got started, I thought it would be good if we each found our limits. I don't think the next time we play our little game I want it to be quite so rough. I mean, I liked most everything I did, but I think I was a little too hard on you and I want it to be as good for you as it is for me."

"I'll admit that a lot of what you did hurt. Some in a good way, some not. But I can't say I'm not glad to hear that next time will be a little gentler. I trusted that you wouldn't go too far, and obviously I had some fun (was that me screaming, 'Fuck me'?) but a little easier next time would be nice. You know what they say, practice makes perfect."


My God, I didn't mean to go at Danny that savagely. I didn't really have anything in mind at all at the start. I knew when I had talked about trying a little rough sex that it would mean my letting some of the anger out of me. But I really hadn't planned on trying anything for a couple of months, and I had meant to plan out exactly what I wanted to do. But the circumstances of the day and the beer at the party combined to unleash the beast in me. But I can't say it wasn't the most fantastic sex we've had so far. I really got into dominating him, and he seemed to groove on it too. But next time, I'll have to make sure that I am more sensitive to his feelings. As much as I get into controlling him, I really dig that he is, in a lot of ways, uncontrollable. He's shy, he's withdrawn, but he has some kind of inner strength that makes him his own man, one who gives in at times, but can't ever be completely dominated. And I think I get off even more on protecting him than controlling him.

I woke up this morning with my baby boy in my arms. Much as I wanted to just lie there holding him, I really needed to piss. I tried to slip out of bed without waking him, but he stirred as I got up. I looked down at my beautiful love. The first thing I noticed was the huge love bite on his neck. Man, what a hickey. Then I saw the bruises around his wrists where I had tied him. Looked like we had some covering up to do.

"How're you feeling, baby?"

"A little stiff and sore, not bad."

"I left a few marks on you. Apparently, you bruise easily. We'll have to be careful who sees you over the weekend."

"Don't forget Lucy's coming over this morning to go to the Army game with us."

"Yeah, well we don't have to hide anything from her, though I'd prefer she not know just how rough things got last night."

"Don't worry about that. I think last night is something we should keep between us."

"As far as the guys in the section here, let me do the lying. You can't lie for shit."

"Okay. You did the damage, now you control the damage."

Fortunately, the only one to notice was Bob, who passed us in the hall on the way to the showers.

"Looks like you got lucky last night, Danny."

Danny just blushed. Those blushes do come in handy.

"Nah, he just sort of got ambushed. He was heading for the men's room when some girl just latched onto him like a vampire, then disappeared. Sort of a hickey and run."

"Yeah, I don't even remember what she looked like, it happened so quick."

"Well, I wouldn't mind being attacked by some girl in the hall."

"It depends on what she looks like, and I have no memory of her at all."

Next: Chapter 11

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