Billy and Danny

By Mickey S (NJRimzu)

Published on Dec 16, 2003


Billy and Danny 2, Chapter 1

This is a story of love between two young men. If you are under age, or live in an area where reading stories that include sex between males sex is illegal, or if you're not into this type of story, please leave. The story begins in 1969. While the characters and their story are completely fictional, it is set at places that are real and is told against a backdrop of some real events. This was a time when all sex was safe. It isn't now, so please respect yourself and others enough to always play safe.

I would like to thank all of those who have written to me with comments, suggestions and encouragement, especially my fellow writers in the Nifty Six. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at

May 7, 1970


The boys were a little quiet as we left the campus heading for home. All of their stuff easily fit in the trunk and on the seat next to Danny in the back. I was glad I took my stuff home yesterday. I had more than the two of them combined and no way would we have fit all of that in the car.

"Why so glum, guys? It's summer vacation. You should be happy."

"I guess we are, Luce. It's just that the year ended so abruptly. It's taking Danny and me a little time for it to sink in that school is over and adjust to the idea of vacation."

"Yeah, Lucy, this was a big year for us. It was kind of scary when it started with neither of us sure how it was going to go. And it's a little scary now that it's over 'cause again we're heading into something we've never done before."

"What do you mean, Danny? You've been using Aunt Connie's apartment for months and you've been working at The Restaurant for a while. Summer's going to be just like school without the school part."

"That makes no sense, girl."

"You know what I mean, Billy. The only difference between last week and next week is no classes or studying. Everything else is the same."

"Not really, Lucy. I know the apartment's been ours since January but our real home was the dorm. Billy and I just stayed in Morristown for a night or two now and then. But now it's our permanent home. And as much as we were aware of the need for money before, the truth is that all of our big expenses at school this past semester were paid before we split with our parents. Except for pocket money, we pretty much had a free ride the past few months. From now on, it's really up to us."

"Yeah, Luce, we're totally responsible for ourselves now. We have to get a car and insurance, buy our own food and learn how to cook it, save up for school. Plus other stuff, like clothes. Aside from a couple of tee shirts in Ft. Lauderdale we haven't bought any clothes and as you can see we don't have too much. Thank God for our jobs at The Restaurant."

"You'll be just fine, boys. Don't worry so much about everything. You've done great so far and I know everything will work out."

"I'm sure it will, Lucy. But I've said all along that my parents wouldn't take my relationship with Billy seriously as long as I was at school in a semester that they paid for, that only when I didn't come home would they realize how important Billy was to me. And, in a sense, that applies to us as well. This is the part that counts."

"Yeah, we're not a couple of boys at school any more. We're a couple of men supporting ourselves, building a life together. It's time for us to grow up."

"Well, I think you've grown up a hell of a lot since last fall, guys. You're doing great. Just take it one step at a time and remember you're not alone. You have lots of friends."

"Thanks, Luce. We'll lean on ya if we have to. So have you heard from that stud of yours?"

"Yeah, Billy, I talked to Brad last night. He should be home by the end of next week."

"What's he doing for the summer?"

"He works for a local engineering firm every summer. He started out as a gofer in high school but they have him do lots more as he learns more in school."

"Cool, when does he start? Do you think he'll have any time to hang out with us before?"

"I'm not sure, Billy. I think he doesn't start work until after Memorial Day. And I'll only be working part-time until then so we should be able to spend some time together."

"Yeah, I guess photographers get real busy with all the weddings in June."

"You said it, Danny. I've worked for George every June weekend since my junior year of high school. But he's got enough business to keep me going all summer. When do you guys start working more than weekends?"

"Memorial Day. Steve and Jason are spending the summer on Fire Island working at a café that Jim and Ed, two of The Restaurant's owners, have there. That's why we need Mark. Between Danny, me, Mark and Joe we should be able to handle things in the Village all summer."

"It should be good money with only the four of you working."

"We're counting on it, Luce."

May 15


It's so great to be home for the summer. I mean, I love school and Boston is a fantastic city, but ever since I met Billy and Danny I feel like there's a whole new life out there for me that's connected to them. I've started to find gay people in Boston, but I really need to spend more time around the guys. They know so much more about this life than me. I'm hoping by the end of the summer I'll feel less like the new kid in town and have a little more confidence so I can go back to school and start my own life.

And then there's Joe. I'm sure he can teach me a thing or two. I'm counting on it. I'm not so young or naïve that I think there's anything but lust going on there, but hey, I've got to start somewhere. Besides, I'm so horny I may explode.

Mom drove up to Boston yesterday to get me and all of my things. I can tell this may be a tense summer at home. Apparently she and Dad are not too thrilled that I'm working in the city for the summer. Mom had a million questions about the restaurant, from how I found out about it to how much money I was going to make. They don't like that I'm going to be in the city so late several nights a week. It's funny, the whole school year they have no idea what I'm doing or how late I'm out in Boston, but as soon as I come home I'm a little kid and they turn back into nosy parents. I guess that's pretty typical though.

Today we all got together for lunch at Lucy's. Brad got home Wednesday night and spent all of yesterday with Lucy and the guys so he had a head start on me.

"So, little cuz, have you found yourself a boyfriend at Harvard yet? You deserve only the best, you know."

"Give me a chance, Brad. I've only been to three of the meetings. Maybe next year I'll get to know some of the guys."

"Not that I'm an expert on guys, but you're pretty good looking. You shouldn't have any trouble meeting someone."

"Yeah, except I get a little tongue-tied when I'm around all those hot gay guys. The only person I've really met there so far is a lesbian from Radcliffe."

"A lesbian? We don't have any of them at the Homophile League. What's she like?"

"Linda's nice, Danny. She and I went out for coffee after the last meeting. She's kind of intense but you'd never guess she was gay just meeting her. She's got a girlfriend back home on Long Island. I told her I was working in the city this summer so we're going to get together sometime."

"A lesbian couple. Sounds hot."

"Calm down, Brad, before I have to throw a bucket of cold water on you."

"Aww, you know I was just kidding. You're the hottest thing I can imagine, Lucy."

"Just as long as you remember that, Bradley."

"After you get settled into the job at the restaurant, Mark, why don't you suggest to Linda that she and her girlfriend come into the city for dinner and we can all go out together afterwards. Maybe Joe would like to join us."

"Speaking of Joe, Billy, do you think he's still interested in going out with me?"

"He's definitely interested, Mark. You'll see when you start work next Friday."

"I can't wait."

"Don't rush things, Mark. Billy and Danny have to work all weekend and I have two weddings in the next two days. Enjoy your week off. How about we all go down to the Shore one day next week?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun, Lucy. The water's probably freezing, but the weather is finally getting warm enough."

May 21


It's taken a little time adjusting to the slower pace of the summer. I didn't realize just how hectic it had been at school, going to classes, studying, working weekends in the city, the poker game on Thursdays and hanging out with Lucy a couple of times a week. We're still only working weekends, which gives us plenty of money and lots of free time. We decided to keep doing the poker game through the summer. The money pays for our groceries and the guys are fun to be around. We made a deal with Lucy. Until we get a car, she lets us use hers to get to the game. In return, she and Brad have use of our apartment whenever we're at work as long as they change the sheets.

We've mostly just spent a lot of time wandering around town, figuring out where everything is. Lucy's been our guide. We decided to be a little more discreet about our relationship around town than we are on campus. The kids at school may give us funny looks when they see us holding hands, but overall they're pretty tolerant and leave us alone. We can't be too sure about getting that kind of reaction off campus.

I just wish these headaches would go away. The last couple of weeks at school I was so stressed out. I was getting headaches all the time and didn't sleep too good so I was always tired. I thought things would get better once we were home and I had some time to relax, but I don't seem to be able to unwind yet. At least we're getting more sleep now.

The whole gang went to Asbury Park today. The weather was fantastic though the water was too cold to go in swimming. It was kind of like we were back in Ft. Lauderdale only with Mark along. We tossed around a Frisbee until we were about to drop, then just lay down and soaked up some rays. After a while Billy grabbed my hand.

"C'mon, white boy. Let's go for a walk. I'm tired of just laying around."

He jumped up and pulled me up beside him. As soon as I was standing I felt dizzy and fell over, knocking him down and landing on top of him in the sand.

"Whoa, déjà vu. Where have we done this before, white boy?"

I laughed and looked down into Billy's eyes, only inches from mine. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before picking myself up off him.

"Watch it, guys, you're gonna scare the tourists."

"Danny and I are just giving them something to talk about when they get home, Lucy. Are you okay, Dan?"

"Yeah, Billy. I just jumped up too fast. And you do have that effect on me, making me feel light-headed."

"Maybe we'd better get some lunch. It's been hours since breakfast."

"Okay, let's get something on the boardwalk. Anybody else hungry?"

Brad and Lucy looked at each other and Lucy shook her head slightly.

"Nah, Lucy and I will get something a little later."

"I guess I'll come with you guys. I have a choice of which couple I'm the odd man out with and I feel a little hungry, so you're stuck with me."

"No one we'd rather be stuck with, stud."

We must have been an odd sight crossing the beach. The three of us were wearing the matching tiny red swimsuits from the poker game. Billy and I were holding hands. Lots of people stared. Fuck 'em. We may have decided to cool it around Morristown, but on the beach sixty miles away, who cares?

May 26


Mark seems to be a hit a The Restaurant. He only had two tables each shift over the weekend, like Danny and I had at first, but he handled them really well. Of course, he had a month to go over the booklet Eric had prepared for all of us and he did have some previous experience at the diner back home, but everyone thought he did well right from the start on Friday. And the customers liked him, too. Wayne has come up with a summer schedule that gives us all equal time at work. We're closed Mondays. Danny and I work Tuesdays, Joe and Mark Thursdays and all of us on the weekends. And we alternate Wednesdays, one week Joe and Mark, one week Danny and me. After work Joe went with the three of us for a drink at Julius.

"I can tell this is going to be a great summer, guys. The work isn't easy but it's kind of fun and the money is really good. And all of those gay guys. Who knew there were so many of us?"

"This is only the tip of the iceberg, Mark. I'll take you out to Fire Island one day if you want to see a whole gay community."

"I'd like that, Joe. I've heard a little about it but don't even know where it is."

"It's out off the south shore of Long Island. Maybe the four of us could take a day trip out there. You could meet Steve and Jason, our winter co-workers."

"Yeah, I barely got to say hi to them the first time I was in the restaurant. And they were busy working the next night when we all came in for Lucy's birthday."

"You would've had more time to talk to them if you'd taken your eyes off Joe's ass for a minute, Markie."


"It's cool, Mark. I knew you were watching me. And I loved it. I thought you were a real stud the second I saw you."

It's a good thing it was kinda dark in the bar because it was obvious to me that Mark was blushing. He just doesn't realize how good-looking he is and that guys notice him.

"Well, you guys will have lots of time to get to know one another at work, but right now we've got to catch a train back to suburbia."

"I wish my parents would let me drive in so we could stay later but they don't want their car in the city every night."

"Once we get our car we'll drive in, Mark, though you'll still have to take the train the nights Billy and I aren't working."

Although it was after two when we got back to the apartment, I wasn't very tired. Since we've been home we've been sleeping late a lot and getting more rest than we were used to at school. I turned to Danny as we got into bed.

"Hey sexy white boy, I've got a little toy for you to play with."

"Little? If it's the toy I'm thinking about, it's anything but little."

"Well, I'll admit it's getting bigger as we speak."

"You know how crazy I am about that toy, but I'm feeling a little tired right now. Besides, I know it's a cliché, but I have a headache. Maybe in the morning."

"Sure, baby, no problem. I'll get you some aspirin."

I went in the bathroom and got Danny a couple of aspirins. Damn, the bottle was half empty. We just bought it on our first trip to the grocery store when we got back from school and I don't think I've taken any. I took the bottle and a glass of water out to the bed with me.

"Hey Dan, are you okay? It looks like you've been taking a lot of aspirin."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Billy. I really haven't taken that much. There was a lot of cotton in the bottle."

"Are you sure? You've had a few headaches lately and you never used to get them."

"Yeah, don't worry. It was just all that stress at the end of the school year. I'll be okay now that we're home."

"Well, if this keeps up I want you to see a doctor."

"You worry too much. I'm fine. Now go to sleep."

"Okay, if you say so. Good night, baby."

"G'nite, Billy."

I could tell by the rhythm of his breathing that Danny fell asleep in less than a minute. I just lay there a while, listening to him breathe, worrying about my boy. He's just about the healthiest guy I know. He didn't even catch the cold I had last winter. And I never heard him mention any headaches until a few weeks ago. He doesn't seem concerned but I'm going to keep an eye on him. Nuthin's gonna happen to white boy on my watch.


Since we were all starting our summer work schedules this week we decided to have a little Memorial Day cookout yesterday. We all chipped in for the food and Aunt Connie helped prepare the stuff we didn't know how to make. I helped her in the kitchen while the boys were out in the backyard. I wasn't much of help really. I just stood at the open window smiling, watching the guys out back.

Billy took charge of the grill, getting the fire started, making sure the coals were ready for cooking. Brad, Mark and Danny were tossing softball around. Brad kept teasing Danny that he threw like a girl. Not that Mark was much better. He threw the ball to Danny but it went over his head and rolled to the back of the yard. Danny was after it like a shot, bent down, picked it up and swirled around to throw it to Brad.

And fell flat on his face. He just lay there, not moving. Billy was across the yard in a flash, kneeling beside Danny. Aunt Connie and I ran out the door and over to where the guys were crowded around Danny. Danny was trying to sit up. He looked a little groggy.

"Wha happened?"

"You tell me, white boy. You passed out."

"I don't know. I bent down for the ball and my head hurt, then I stood up and I don't remember."

"That's it, Dan. You're going to the doctor tomorrow. I don't like what's been going on with you."

"Doctor? What's been going on, Billy? Are you sick, Danny?"

"I'm okay, Aunt Connie, really I am. I'm just tired."

"We've been getting tons of sleep the past couple of weeks, Danny. You shouldn't be tired. And besides, you don't get headaches and pass out from being tired. You have to see a doctor."

"Billy's right, Danny. If you've been having problems like that you have to have it looked into. I'll get you the phone number of Dr. Stern. He's been taking care of our family for years."

"You'll like him, Danny. He's a nice guy and he and Aunt Connie are old friends."

Aunt Connie turned and went into the house. Billy and Brad got on either side of Danny, picked him up and carried him over to a lounge chair.

"Hey, I'm not an invalid, guys. I just got a little dizzy."

"You're taking it easy the rest of the day, Dan. No arguments."

"I think you should do as Billy says, Danny. We're almost ready to eat, anyway. C'mon, Brad. Let's bring out the food."

Brad and I went into the house. Mark tagged along to help carry everything out.

"Damn, Lucy, what do you think's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, Brad. I had no idea anything was bothering him until just now."

"Yeah, he seemed fine at The Restaurant all weekend."

"Well, Mark, whatever it is, Dr. Stern will find out."

Aunt Connie joined us in the kitchen and started handing out the bowls and plates of food.

"I just talked to Dr. Stern. He said he'd drop by in a while to take a look at Danny. He doesn't live that far away."

"Wow, a house call on a holiday. That's some doctor."

"He doesn't do that for everyone, Mark. Like I said, he and Aunt Connie are old friends."

"Dr. Stern didn't seem to think it was an emergency but wants to make sure. In the meantime, kids, let's have something to eat. Brad, why don't you take over the grill so Billy can stay with Danny? The rest of us will get everything else ready."

Brad took the platter of burgers, ribs and hot dogs out of the refrigerator and went out to the grill. Aunt Connie, Mark and I managed to carry the salads, side dishes and a pitcher of iced tea out in a couple of trips.


I felt so stupid. I mean, I just passed out because I stood up too fast. That could happen to anyone. It happened back on the first day at Rutgers, for God's sake, and no one made a big deal about it then. But all of a sudden everyone was treating me like I was dying, like I was so fragile. Billy and Brad put me in the lounge and wouldn't let me get up. Billy waited on me and got me a plate of food and some iced tea. He practically fed me he was so attentive. It was sweet, but really embarrassing.

At least the chair I was in was right next to the picnic table so I felt a little like I was part of the gang, even if I was down a little lower. We had finished eating when this tall, middle-aged guy carrying a little bag came around the corner of the house. Aunt Connie got up and introduced him as Dr. Stern.

Shit, now I really felt bad. Not only was I lying there like a jerk with all of my friends taking care of me like I was an invalid, but Aunt Connie had made this doctor come over to see me on a holiday, like I was an emergency case or something. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. I was ruining the day for everybody.

Billy helped me up the stairs to the apartment even though I didn't need any help and Dr. Stern followed us. Once inside he began to question me and check me out, taking my pulse and temperature, listening to my heart and lungs with his stethoscope.

"Connie tells me you've been having headaches and dizzy spells. How long has this been going on?"

"The headaches have been around for a few weeks, doctor. I only got dizzy a couple of times more recently. It's really not much. I'm sorry you had to come over."

"You let me decide what's not much. Have you been sick or had any injuries lately?"

"No, nothing around the time the headaches started, just a lot of stress."

"Well, stress can definitely cause headaches, but so can a lot of other things."

He took my head in his left hand and shined a little flashlight in my eyes.

"Feels like quite a scar on your scalp here. How did that happen?"

"Oh, that. I fell down some stairs."

"When did you do that?"

"A long time ago, back in February. All of this stuff didn't start until long after that."

"Did you have a concussion?"

'Yeah, a slight one, they said. I had to spend the night in the hospital."

"Hmm, I think it might be a good idea if you saw a neurologist. I can refer you to a good one here in town."

"Is that really necessary? I mean, I don't feel bad, most of the time."

"Yes, it is necessary. And the sooner you see him, the sooner you won't feel bad any of the time. I want you to call him in the morning. And take it easy until then."

"Okay, if you say so."

Billy was really concerned after that. So was I. I was hoping the doctor would just say I needed sleep and then everyone would relax and leave me alone. But a specialist? I've been trying to convince myself that nothing's wrong, but now I'm getting worried.


Danny slept like a log all night. I wish I could say the same about me. I was worried out of my skull about him and tossed and turned all night. I thought it was bad after his attack when he was in the hospital but this was worse. At least then we knew what we were dealing with and knew that he was getting the treatment he needed. At least we thought we did. Maybe there was more that they missed. Maybe it was a lot more serious than they thought. I was driving myself crazy all night, thinking up all kinds of horrible scenarios. And I thought Danny was the worrier in this relationship.

Since I wasn't sleeping anyway I got up early and read for a while, keeping an eye on Danny as he slept. It was kind of silly, but I just felt like as long as I was watching him he would be okay. When I thought the neurologist's office would be open I called the number Dr. Stern had given us. They had an opening at eleven, so I made an appointment with a Dr. Hansen.

Danny was starting to stir as I hung up the phone.

"Hey, beautiful, sleep okay?"

"Yeah, Billy, really good. How about you?"

"Pretty good," I lied. "How about a shower? I'll wash you from head to toe."

"Mmm, sounds nice. I'll take you up on it as soon as I pee."

I watched him as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He was going slowly, not making any sudden moves. I followed him into the bathroom and turned on the water while he was taking care of business. We both got in the shower and I began to wash Danny, starting with gently shampooing his hair. I've always loved doing this for him, running my hands all over his head, lightly massaging his scalp. As I touched the raised scar above his right temple it was like a knife stabbed me. Was something happening in there? Why wasn't he all better after all this time?

Danny seemed oblivious to my worry. He sighed as I washed his hair and then returned the favor by washing mine. He was just as gentle with me as I had been with him, although he didn't have to be. I soaped up his body working my way down from his shoulders to his feet, paying special attention to the area about halfway in between. I let Danny wash me from my neck to my crotch, but washed my legs myself. I didn't want him bending down to reach them.

I positioned Danny between me and the showerhead.

"Just stand there and let the water run down your back for a minute, white boy."

"Why, what are you going to do?"

"Just stand still, you'll see."

I knelt down in front of Danny with my face a couple of inches away from his half-hard dick and looked up at him and smiled. He smiled down on me. I wrapped my lips around him and slowly sucked him into my mouth. He rapidly hardened as I took him in. When he was completely buried in me and my nose was pressed into his pubes, I wrapped my arms around his hips and hugged him tight. I began to apply suction to his cock without moving up and down on it. It's a good thing he's not a half inch longer or I wouldn't have been able to breathe. I kept him buried in me and sucked him in a kind of pulsing rhythm, sort of like I usually suck on one of his nipples. It just felt so good to have him in me and to hold him so tight. I must have felt good for him too because his breathing was getting heavier. I took my left arm from around him, reached up and took his balls in my hand and gave them a light tug and twist, just the way he liked it. He gasped and I felt his balls pull up away from my hand and his dick started to pulse. I pulled back so that the head was in my mouth instead of my throat as he began to shoot. I greedily gulped down every drop of his sweet juice. When he finally stopped cumming I again swallowed his dick and hugged him tight. Tears ran down my cheeks as I once again realized just how much I loved and needed this boy and how scared I was. After a couple of minutes I got my emotions under control and stood up and faced my beauty.

"That was incredible, Billy. I've got to do that to you next time. You'll love it."

"I loved it this time, Danny."

The water was beginning to get cold so I turned off the shower. I grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around the two of us. We just stood there dripping wet, arms around each other looking into each others eyes for a minute.

"I love you, Danny."

"I love you more, Billy."


Next: Chapter 36: Billy and Danny II 2

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