Billy Destroyed

By Art Gibson

Published on Dec 24, 2020


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Billy Destroyed C - 3

RECAP: Billy and Jimmy spent a summer full of love and closeness. After school starts, they are discovered in a bathroom by two guys. Billy was giving Jimmy a BJ. Jimmy pushes Billy off him and admits to the boys that Billy is a fag.

Devastated by his friend's betrayal, Billy is rescued by Cory and Troy, identical twins. Protected by the twins and their football jocks, Billy feels safe. Then he sees Jimmy sitting alone in the lunchroom, looking wrecked.

Each day that passed, Jimmy looked sicklier. Billy knew Jimmy was losing weight and his eyes were dark and shrunken. When they changed for gym, Billy saw Jimmy's ribs more pronounced than they ever were. One day he saw Jimmy stagger and grab a bleacher bench.

Jimmy never ate lunch and he always arrived after lunch had started. Luke and Tom, Billy had learned their names, would arrive five minutes after Jimmy who always had a wild look about him when he entered. Luke and Tom were now openly licking their lips when they looked at Jimmy. Billy became uneasy. Something was happening and he needed to figure it out.

The coach had made him the towel boy in the locker room and water boy and statistic keeper at practices and games. The team accepted him and looked after him as if he were a mascot. The word was out around school that Billy was under the protection of the team.

"Have you seen how wrecked Jimmy looks," Billy said to the twins one day while they studied at Billy's house.

"Now that you mention it, he does look pretty bad. Do you think he could be sick?" Troy had his laptop open and looked up at Billy.

"No. Well he might be sick, but Luke and Tom are doing something to him."

"You still care for him, don't you," Cory said.

"Yeah. I mean he hurt me, but three weeks have passed. We were best friends since we were four years old. I should at least talk to him."

"When you do, we need to be with you."

"No. I must do this myself. He might not say anything to me if you are around."

"When are you going to do this?"

"Tomorrow is Wednesday. Jimmy and I used to get together every Wednesday. Our parents are gone late on Wednesdays. That will be the best day."

Cory, mister practical, spoke up. "You need to text us every hour with a code word letting us know you are safe."

"What do you mean?"

"A word that you text me every hour letting me know you are safe. Each hour you send the code, or we are coming to save you."

"What word?"

Cory thought. "The code word will be gator. The first hour use agator. The second hour use bgator."

"Why change the first letter?"

"In case the base code is compromised. Spies did this in World War Two. They changed the code on a planned, regular basis."

"That's my brother, Super Spy."

The next day we put the plan into operation. I watched from my window. I had not looked at Jimmy as he walked home in the past weeks. Today I was shocked. He walked as if he had a problem. His feet dragged. His shoulders slumped. Something told me he was sick. I gave him ten minutes after he went in the door. I texted Cory, Entering. I walked over and used my key to quietly open his door. Inside I listened. Noise came from his room, soft and low. I toed off my shoes and crept near. Those were sobs.

I pushed open his door. He lay face down on his bed with his head on his pillow. He was clothed but his shoes were off. I heard words, muffled by the pillow.

"No. No." and "Why. Why." And then in the deepest of his moans I heard him call, "Billy. Billy."

I could take no more. I walked to his bed and sat down.

"Go away, Billy. I don't deserve you. I am ruined."

Even though he had not looked up, he knew it was me. I put both hands on his shoulders and placed my mouth close to his hair.

"Jimmy. It's me. I'm here."

"Go away, Billy. If you knew what I had done, you would never talk to me again. I need to die."

I did not know what to do. I only knew Jimmy needed me. I did the only thing I could think to do. I hugged my best friend. Jimmy's sobs increased. I texted Cory, I'm okay. You need to get over here. The front door is unlocked.

That is how the twins found me, hugging a sobbing Jimmy who kept telling me he was worthless, and I did not deserve him.

Troy brought a glass of water and we sat Jimmy on his bed. I was glued to his side, my arms around his shoulders and my lips brushing his hair. He had calmed a bit.

Cory, mister practical, helped Jimmy get himself under control by asking questions that required a head shake or a yes or no answer. Once he had Jimmy under his spell, Troy used his hypnotic voice to get Jimmy to confide in us. What he revealed shook every one of us.

Every day in that bathroom, Luke and Tom made Jimmy blow them. And, he had to slurp and moan as if he enjoyed doing them. Worse, Luke had a sore on his penis that oozed, and Jimmy still had to suck him. Jimmy said we could not tell anyone because they had pictures of him sucking each of them. If he told, they would post the pictures. He could not eat lunch because they took his lunch money. The last thing was that this coming weekend Jimmy had been ordered to be at Luke's house. Luke had told Jimmy what was planned. Jimmy would be tied and used by Tom, Luke, and four of their friends and not just in the mouth.

"I'll die before that happens. I always wanted Billy to do that with me." And then Jimmy started to cry.

Troy's words calmed Jimmy. "We have you. No one will do any of that. Cory will make some calls. This ends tomorrow. Leave your mom a note. You and Billy are spending the night at our house."

We did. I knew the twins told their parents what was happening. Their dad pulled me aside and let me know he was getting involved.

He drove us to school the next day. We separated so as not to cause suspicion by our targets.

Jimmy acted as usual and entered the bathroom before Luke and Tom. They discovered the lock was not working but shrugged off that detail. Too bad for them. Two minutes after they entered four of the biggest guys on the football team entered. Luke tried to say they could have seconds after Tom and him. They were shocked to find themselves pinned to the wall and their phones dragged from their pockets.

Both phones had their Sim cards removed. The cards were stomped on then flushed down the toilet. The phones were destroyed. Luke and Tom were told that if they ever revealed what Jimmy had done or if they ever tried to hurt him, they would be in a world of hurt.

They were told that they needed to be videoed describing in detail what they forced Jimmy to do to them. They had to say that he did not do it willingly, that they forced him. They had to admit they understood that this was the same as raping him. Finally, they were told copies would be sent to the administration and to the police if they tried in any way to get even. If someone else tried to hurt Jimmy or any of us, Luke and Tom would be blamed, and their confessions released.

The last part was that Luke had to expose his penis so a picture could be taken of the oozing sore. One of the players was heard to say, "Jeez. Gross."

Jimmy was still dragging at lunch, but he was told to sit at the football table. Most of the guys had heard what he was forced to do and were totally upset. They promised to look after Jimmy.

After school, the twin's dad met us. "We are going to the free clinic, downtown," he told us as the four of us piled in his car.

At the clinic, he took Jimmy to the desk to register him. Then we waited. A nurse called Jimmy's name. He took my hand and asked me to come with him.

"We are only drawing blood," the nurse told him.

"Don't care," he looked at her. "My friend comes with me."

She shrugged and led us back.

The results were rapidly returned, and a doctor asked Jimmy to come with him. Then he looked at the three boys sitting close to each other.

"I think all four of you need to hear this, if it is okay with you Jimmy."

"Okay with me. They know everything, anyway."

In the room, we sat or leaned against the wall.

"You have an STD, gonorrhea, Jimmy. We can start treatment today with a shot and you need to return for a follow up and another shot in a week. You can have no sex, until a week after your second shot Have any of you three been exposed sexually to Jimmy since he had relations with," he looked at his chart, "Luke?"

"Good. I know you know about safe sex, or you will tell me you do. The nurse will give you condoms and pamphlets to read and use. Wait here until Jimmy gets the shot. Be careful boys."

Jimmy looked so relieved. "Thanks all of you. I can never repay what you have done."

"Yeah, you can," said Cory. "Treat Billy with love, He forgave you. If you ever hurt him, I have a team that will be looking for you."

Two weeks later, Jimmy had received a clear blood test. Luke's parents were notified he had an STD. Luke had to identify all of his sexual partners. Surprise, Tom was first on a very long list. Luke was not popular at school when all his partners had to reveal their partners. Girls as well as boys made the list and many friendships suffered and all had to be tested.

I let the twins know they were not to text or come over the Saturday following Jimmy's all clear. Jimmy and I spent all Saturday in bed. We weren't sleeping.

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