Billys Training Program

By moc.ellivsiuolyag@nafytfin

Published on May 28, 2006


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Huhhh... My breath is taken away every time I think of Michael and how he made me feel. I cannot believe it when I close my eyes, all I can think about is the feeling of electricity as I came for the first time while I was having sex with a guy. I have been a cock sucker for two years, since I was 22 and it was my last year in college and, believe it or not, I have never once had an orgasm while I was with a guy. I cannot explain it. Well, first of all, I was brought up in a very religious home. I am/was a Mormon and sex was a terrible sin. Masturbation was in some ways, worse than having sex with your lawfully wedded wife. "Spilling the seed of God," that is what it was called. Our Bishop, a pastor to most people, would talk on with no end about the importance of our virtue our gift of virginity and the sins of idle hands.

I was a good Mormon boy. All I ever had were wet dreams; cum in my boxers. I never once beat off until the party to end all parties in my college dorm on April 12, 2004. It was a night that I will never forget. All through college, I was conflicted. I had had fantasies about men before. In my junior and senior years in high school I dreamt about the missionaries that would come from all over the country to our ward /stake center (church). It was from here that missionaries, men 18-20, would pair up by two and spend the next two years in god's service. Whew, as I look back on those two years I kick myself for missing the chance to get to know the missionaries better. Ninety-nine per cent of them were hunks. Beautiful physical specimens. They were all the most appealing, physically fit men ready to charm and dazzle converts.

As I was saying, I was conflicted. All of my most vivid dreams were about the Elders (that is what the missionaries are called). They were never sexual dreams. There were only about me, working side by side with them, cooking together or sitting next to them in church. I pushed any idea of sex out of my mind, it was easy. I had been doing it since I was 13. The more I interacted with my classmates; the more I joined intramural sports--the more I just hung out in study groups to debate, the harder it was for me to concentrate and stay focused on my virtue.

Well, April 12th, I blew it. Virtue, virginity, it all went out the window.

The party was hosted by Bill and Ted. They were roommates and everyone teased them for their names; Bill and Ted, as in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure." Well, anyway. These guys threw one hell of a party and all sorts of people were invited. There was one guy there that kept giving me the eye. It appeared that he came alone. He was never standing with or even near any of the girls and, well, the more I paid attention, he never really was hanging out with any of the guys, it was like he didn't know anybody at the party. He was great looking. Strong broad shoulders, clean cut and well, pretty. He looked like a model. I went to him and introduced myself, really just because he looked so tense and out of place.

"Hi, I'm Josh, you look out of sorts. Don't you know anybody here?" He stammered and stuttered and finally told me that a buddy of his was supposed to meet up with him to come to this party but here he was alone in a room full of strangers.

"Well, you're not in a room full of strangers anymore. What's your name? Do you go to school here? You look familiar but I can't place you." Boy was this guy nervous. He was busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs scanning the room looking for, well; it looked like he was looking for an emergency exit. Without answering me, he suddenly bolted like a jack rabbit covering his mouth with both hands. He made it to the bathroom down the hall and threw his guts up. I followed him because I had seen that green tint on his face more than once and well, I don't know, he was here all alone and I felt sorry for the guy. I wanted to help.

"Hey, buddy, are you all right? I mean can I do something for you," I said. This cute guy, boy really, just slumped to the floor in the back of the dorm bathroom and started to cry. It was the first time I ever saw I guy cry like this. Through his sobs, he told me that I recognized him from church and that he was ashamed to be seen by me because of the reason he came here tonight.

"I came here because tomorrow, I am going to leave on my mission and I decided that I had to make it with a girl, before I left for two years." As he said this I was stunned but I was excited at the same time. I couldn't believe my ears, I was offended at first but something about the way he was crying made him seem so vulnerable to me. I told him that this was surely not the place for him to sew his oats. "Let's get outta here. This is no place for you," I said, as I pulled him to his feet. "We can go to my room and you can get a hold of yourself."

We talked for hours. We seemed to have so much in common. Our childhood experiences were so similar and well, he was easy to talk to and every time he started to cry, I felt a longing to hold him to my chest. I don't know what came over me, but that is exactly what I did. I pulled him to my chest and he shook and trembled and sobbed like a baby. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he did not think he was meant to go on a mission. While I stroked his head and shoulders, I told him that I understood that I did not receive a calling to go on a mission.

"No. You don't understand. All I think about is sex and I can't help it. I spill my seed every night thinking about it. I don't know what I was thinking. When you came up to me and I ran to the bathroom, I was thinking to my self that there was no way I would have the courage to have sex with a girl. I wouldn't even have the nerve to make out with one much less than get even a blow job," he said through his sobs.

Wow. All this time, holding him and stroking his hair; his face buried in my chest. The smell of him-- I couldn't believe it but I was so turned on. I realized that all of this conflict was pulling me to an inevitable destination. After just about thirty seconds, I pulled his face to mine, I stretched my hand over his crotch and I said, "I can help you out with that." And so I did it. Without missing a beat, I pulled his pants down and in the same motion, I swallowed his soft cock. He yelped and offered a strangled plea to stop but it was too late. His cock started to bone and I was thrilled. I was scared but thrilled. As I glided over his cock I thought to myself, "Oh Jesus, what has come over me." I blew this boy and all I heard were tears and wails and moans. I didn't know what came over me. Here I was with 7 inches of boy in my mouth and I was sucking like a calf on his mother's teat. It certainly wasn't my best blow job but it sure was his. He took only three minutes to unload in my mouth and as soon as he did, he flew out of my dorm room like a bat out of hell.

I just laid there. I couldn't think. I was well, conflicted but, I savored the taste of his cum and I have to say, it was like a flood gate opening. I realized that the closeness I felt with him was something that I would never give up.

I tore off my closed and I started to stroke myself. I came in 60 seconds and the sensation was out of this world. I thought I was about to die. I mean, don't start thinking bitchy thoughts about me. Of course I knew what to do, even though this was my first time. I knew how to blow that boy too all because of a sleep over I had when I was 13. Timmy, my friend from school invited me over and late, after we thought everyone was in bed, we heard the TV playing in Timmy's big brother's room. We crept to his door and peaked through the keyhole. Timmy's house was old and they had old fashioned skeleton key holes. We took turns and as soon as I looked through I saw Timmy's brother laying naked on the flow masturbating while watching a porno. The girl in the movie was busy getting fucked and giving head at the same time. I saw this and I scurried off to Timmy's room, shocked and blushing. So, 13 years old, what do you think? I never forgot that moment. I just never let it surface until I took that guy's soft cock in my mouth. I never saw him again. Hell, I just realized that I never even knew his name. It wasn't long after that night that I started hanging out in rest stop bathrooms, sulking in parks with lots of bushes and even finding glory holes in adult bookstores. I was hooked. I could suck a guy dry in 3 minutes sometimes and every time I did it, it was meaningless hook-ups. I loved blowing them but the guys never offered to return the favor or even hung around after I was finished. So, each time, I would take a shower as soon as I got home and I would climax there.

Well, back to the present. I was up all night. Literally, I had insomnia as so many thoughts ran through my head. I climbed out of bed and showered and got to work. I was dragging ass and the newbs deserved more than I could give them after a sleepless night. After the training session was over, Billy came up to the podium and said, "Where's your bag?"

"Oh, Billy, I'm sorry. I am worn out. I didn't sleep at all last night and so I have to beg off. I promise, though, we will do the work out on Monday. Is that OK?"

Billy looked so pitiful. His puppy dog eyes got me and I said, "Tell you what, why don't you come over to my apartment for dinner tomorrow. It's Saturday and you'll be better off than just being a couch potato or worse yet, sit around all night at a bar, drinking beer and hoping to get laid."

"I can't do that, I am only 18," Billy said.

"What, you're 18 and you can't get laid? That's sad, you sure are sheltered," I kidded him. He didn't take it as a joke. He got all red in the face and stammered and said that he couldn't spend his night in a bar. The look on his face was priceless and I learned something new and exciting. Billy is a virgin. Oh, boy oh boy, this is gonna be easier than I thought. "I will show you how to make a good, healthy, well balanced meal. We can sit and talk about your program, shoot the shit; you know, just relax and get to know each other better."

Oh yeah, this is going to be great.

As we were headed out, Dick grabbed my arm and scowled at me, " Where the fuck have you been all day. I have been needing your assistance since I got here. I needed you to help a buddy out. Now there's nothing I can do about it because I am late for dinner with my Dad. You better make sure that you are around on Monday." I decided then, since my new sexual awakening, that Dick might just have to start helping himself out."

On Saturday, Billy called early for directions to my apartment. I gave him the address and told him to pull up the drive and around the back of the garage. I live above a converted carriage house on the property of a Victorian Mansion that is one of our city's finest Bed and Breakfast inns. I told him that I was going to jump in the shower and that I would leave the door open; that he should make himself at home. Before I got into the shower I made sure to leave one of my porn CDs out on the coffee table in my living room. It wasn't anything special; just an ordinary straight porno. I decided that I didn't want to rush into anything. When he arrived, he called out to me from the door. I told him to come on in a take a load off and that I would be out in just a minute. The bathroom door was left open and with two mirrors, positioned just right, I was able to see him wandering around in the living room. When he sat down on the couch and saw the porno CD case, his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. I thought he was about to start panting. That was my que to enter the living room toweling off my wet hair. I pulled the towel away just quick enough to see him throw the CD case back on to the table.

With shock still registering on his face, I said, "Sorry, dude. I hope that I didn't embarrass you. That one is a new one my buddy brought over last night. It's pretty hot. What's the matter Little Buddy, you act like you never saw a porno before." With his mouth still hanging open he wagged his head back and forth.

"Don't even tell me that you have never seen a porno before," I asked as his face started to turn beet red. "What the fuck do you beat off to then?" I asked. With that he bolted up and ran to the bathroom. I just grinned. This was going to be too sweet. I gave him a few minutes before I opened the door. I sat down on the tub across from him where he was seated on the edge of my bathtub. I was still naked; as a matter of fact I even left my towel in the living room. As I took his chin in my hand and raised his face to meet my gaze, I told him, "Don't sweat it Little Buddy I hadn't seen my first porno until I was 22." I tousled his hair and said, "Let's get cookin'. The first meal of the day is the most important." We cooked breakfast and I explained the best well rounded breakfast he could have while he was working out. We pretty much ate in silence and then I told him that I was gonna get dressed and the first place we are going to is the track at the high school around the corner from my apartment. "We gotta get our cardio workout done first."

When we reached the track, we ran/jogged two miles and then ran some bleacher stairs. We were pretty winded and the break was welcome. We talked about work a lot. It's natural, he is a newb. I was tolerant of his questions. We talked about where he was from and what it was like for him, growing up. After a while we walked off the track and headed toward the park about a mile away where we watched two hot guys playing tennis. Later we ate lunch and went to a movie. I cannot believe I didn't try to make a move on him in the dark. I was a good boy though.

After the movie we headed back to my place. We plopped down on the couch, exhausted from all of the walking. I bounced right back up. Got a bottle of Wild Turkey from the freezer and sat back down with a bottle bourbon in one hand and the remote in the other. I took a drink from the bottle and passed it to Billy. He took a long drink and regretted it. It was Wild Turkey 101 proof and it was cold, about 20 degree. He didn't spit it out but he had a hard time swallowing. It was good that he had finished swallowing because when I pushed play on the remote, the gasp he made would have caused him to choke and spit the whiskey right out. I queued the CD to a scene where a woman was getting fucked at both ends. When he saw this his cock nearly tore a whole in his shorts. I played it cool as these two hot guys were making this woman feel like she was in heaven. I kept my eyes peeled to the TV screen and after about 2 minutes, I started to stroke myself through my pants. A minute later, all the while, Billy was stealing glances at me, I pulled my cock out and Billy nearly jumped off the couch.

"Whoa, Little Buddy, chill. Please do not tell me that you have never even jacked off with a cousin or a schoolmate...OMG, no circle jerks at camp; you never have, have you? Nothing, right?" Billy just stood there stock still staring at my cock. I motioned for him to sit as I covered up and started watching the movie again. We sat in silence. Billy's bone never went away either. He just stared straight ahead. After a few minutes, I started to stroke myself again through my pants and after 45 seconds I told Billy not to freak out; that I was going to pull my cock out to get off and I told him to relax; take another drink of Wild Turkey and chill. I was stroking my cock for about 5 minutes when I noticed Billy started to rub his cock through his shorts. His cock is big and its head became visible though the bottom of his shorts.

"Dude, really," I said, "your monster is already sneaking out of the cave. Relax and let him come out to play." With that, Billy shucked his shorts and there his beautiful cock was, lying across his thigh. So, there we were. I finally got his cock out of his pants. It happened a lot sooner than I thought it would. We both kept our eyes on the movie except I had one eye on a mirror that allowed me to see every time he stole a glance in my direction. After about ten minutes a pushed the eject button, stood up shedding my clothes and plucked the CD out of the player before Billy could even react. I walked toward my bedroom and told Billy to grab the whiskey bottle. "We can be more comfortable in here. Go ahead, take your shirt of and lay down." I put the CD in the player and got on the bed with him. We got busy; neither of our cocks had gone soft. I unabashedly stared at Billy while he worked his cock. Every minute or so, Billy would turn to look at me to. Just as Billy was about to cum I told him that this wasn't working. "You gotta switch sides with me. You are on my side of the bed and I ...scoot over to this side." With his cock still in his hand, I crawled over him, I lay across his body as much as possible as I did this and it took his breath away. We were at it again. He worked his cock furiously. The expressions he made, the way he rubbed his body with his free hand--the sweat coming off his face; it was just so hot. I had been pacing myself and when I realized that he was close to coming, I was ready. He shot first and boy did he shoot. It reached his face and was in his hair and on the head board. I couldn't believe it. As I came, he stared at me and I just smiled at him. I shot my load and I wiped some of the load onto my hand and brought it to my lips, closed my eyes and sucked it off my fingers. Billy let out a raspy whistle. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Tell me you've never tasted your own load."

"What does it taste like." he asked.

It's different depending you what you eat, or your stress level, many factors really. It is a little tart today. I just rolled my eyes as he stared at me and then I started to laugh. He asked me what was so funny and I told him that it was him. I said, as I slapped him on the belly, "You make a funny face when you cum." I then put my hand with his cum to my mouth and I licked from the bottom of my palm to the tip of my fingers and said "hummm a little salty. We need to make sure you get more fresh greens in yourdiet."

Look for more of Billy's training program, soon. I am grateful for your emails so far; so please, keep them coming. Write me at

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