Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Jan 7, 2019


Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. This is a work of fiction based. The people described in the story do not exist as described but you can still find personalities like those presented. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART.

All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else. This is another attempt at writing for Nifty (I-lost-big-time, Biology-Final-Bet). Take my lack of experience into consideration while reading. This is the second chapter in what I envision as a multiple part story. I am undertaking this as both a labor of love and in response to the kind words of readers of my earlier efforts. Please support Comments without being cruel can be sent to


Recap From -1: I am Paul. I lost a bet to Jen, my grade rival in high school, which obligated me to eating her pussy and jacking off in front of her friends. My best friend Tom came with me just to make sure things did not get out of hand. When we got back to my house, Tom and I got off with each other for the first time.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the cell phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Moving Forward to Saturday

Tom and I agreed to meet at his house after dinner, around 6:30pm. We told our parents we were going to a pool party at Carol's house. Since Carol lived about two blocks from Tom, we decided to spend the night at Tom's. Our parents knew we would be pushing the midnight curfew to stay at the party as long as possible.

Tom always seems to think something might go wrong or a trick could be involved. Although we are similar in size, with him about an inch shorter at 5'8" and about the same weight, he avoids any chance of a physical altercation because he feels smaller. So, we would take our swimsuits just in case we needed them to avoid being embarrassed. To my surprise, Tom had a couple of condoms just in case we got over the top lucky. We each put one in our pocket as we started the walk to Carol's around 7:00 pm.

Carol and Sue are both on the cheer squad with Jen. Carol is about 5'5" and 120 pounds. Sue is a little shorter, about 5' 3", and roughly 115 pounds. Both girls have great skin, beautiful legs and nice size tits. No horny guy would turn away from our opportunity to swim naked with them.

Carol's house looked almost dark when we arrived. You could see a little light coming from the back of the house. We rang the bell and waited. After a second ring, Carol opened the door with Sue standing back behind her a little. Both girls were fully dressed in shorts and nice tops, which accented their bodies. Carol invited us in with a sweep of her arm.

Since both girls were barefoot, Tom and I took that as a signal and left our shoes just inside the front door. Carol and Sue led the way through the house to a glassed in sunroom at the rear of the house. Tom and I had our towels and swimsuits in our small cinch-sacks, clutched in our hands. Carol already had pop, chips and cookies on a coffee table, which sat in front of an L-shaped couch. As we sat down, Carol sat with me on one section of the couch and Sue sat with Tom. Carol offered us some refreshments, which we gladly accepted. I can only speak for myself and not Tom but, my mouth was as dry as a desert. A bottle of pop also gave me something to do with my hands.

Carol started the talking. "Are you happy with the seating arrangements? We find you both cute and hope we can become even better friends than we are, before the end of the evening."

I said. "The seating is great. Tom and I are looking forward to a great time." I looked over at Tom, who nodded as he put his Coke to his lips. I noticed Sue had her hand on his thigh and she was smiling warmly.

"Would you like to play a game?" Carol suggested as she took a deck of cards from under the sofa. "It should help to break the tension and get us ready for a swim. The game is easy we each get one card face up. Aces count for one, while kings are thirteen. Boys are on one team and girls on the other. The points are added together for each team. High count decides who initiates kissing the person next to them. After the first kiss, I will deal the second hand for a kiss and a feel. The third deal and forward, the low team count removes an article of clothing and the winners initiate the kiss and feel. When one team is naked, we can go for a swim. Sound like fun?"

No one had to be asked that question. We waited while Carol shuffled and dealt the card to each of us. Tom and I won the first deal with a 7 and an 8. The girls had a 10 and 2. Tom and I took hold of Sue and Carol respectively. We went in for the kiss but both were rejected when we tried to push tongue. After a few seconds Carol broke our kiss and dealt the cards again without picking up the first cards or shuffling. Tom and I won the second time and our kisses were received with tongue and our gentle feel of breast got a low moan from the girls. Wow, we are at the starting gate.

After these much longer kisses and great breast feels, Carol let us know. "Okay from now till a team is naked, low score loses clothing." She moved the used cards and dealt the next hand.

Tom and I lost our shirts. However, I sure felt like a winner the way Carol pushed me down flat on the couch, pushed her tongue deep into my mouth for a tongue war and started rubbing my crotch. I glanced at Tom, who was enjoying the same treatment. Finally sitting up, we were off to the races.

The next three hands went back and forth. Each time the necking and groping increased and lasted longer. This was unbelievable. I was thinking to myself about how glad I was that I paid off on the bet to Jen. Tom must have loved getting the rewards of my misfortune yesterday. The girls had an advantage because they had bras, which kept their tits under wraps. Tom and I were down to our briefs. The girls had panties (slightly damp) and bras in tack. Although under our briefs, our erections stood proud as proof of how excited we were to be with the girls.

Carol smiled as she dealt the next hand. It was obvious that Tom and I lost with a 2 and 5. The girls had face cards. Both ladies laughed.

Sue gave a whistle and asked; "Can we help you out of your underwear?"

Tom and I stood facing the girls as they sat on the couch. Tom had a wet spot on his white briefs. Both girls slowly pulled our underwear down to our ankles. Their faces were just a couple of inches from our throbbing manhood. Carol blew her hot breath on my dick, which made it twitch from both the situation and her breath. She laughed as she pulled me down on the couch next to her. Our kiss was passionate. Her warm hands grabbed and jacked my shaft.

When I looked over a Tom, he was on his back on the couch and Sue was on top, rubbing her lower, panty clad body up and down on his pinned dick as she French kissed him with total abandon. Sue's moaning added to the scene. She was really getting hot.

I am not sure how long we were necking. It seemed like forever but it also seemed like an instant. I don't remember taking a breath but I must have. Carol stopped and stood up. She unfastened her bra and pulled off her panties saying; "Let's go for a swim to cool off." Sue followed suit, which left Tom and me lying on the couch.

The two girls ran out the sliding door into the darkness around the pool. My mind was trying to process the quick look at the girl's pussies and their tiny asses running out into the night. Tom and I heard the splashes as the girls jumped in the pool. We jumped up and ran to the pool, not stopping till we hit the water.

Carol and Sue found us immediately after we were in the water. The only light was the bright moon and the canopy of stars. We kissed and laughed. Yes, there was some groping. Tom and I grabbed at both girls not caring which. The girls did the same. I think they wanted to know what both guys felt like, both front and back. The guys were very busy doing the same.

All of a sudden a huge spot light came on and the entire yard was as bright as day. A male voice yelled; "Hey, what the hell is going on." The four of us froze.

"Jake, what are you doing home? Turn that stupid light off and go in the house. As my big brother, you sure know how to ruin your sister's fun." Carol yelled.

I didn't even know Carol had a brother. He was big but looked even bigger as he stood on the pool deck where the spot gave him back lighting. He responded, "No way Sis! I just caught four high school kids skinny dipping in the pool. You are going to be in so much trouble."

"Is anybody with you Jake?" asked Sue. "Please turn off the light so we can get out and get dressed."

"No one is with me. My date needed to get up early for work tomorrow so we made it an early night. You ladies can get out of the pool and cover up with these beach towels. I want you to sit on this chaise lounge while I figure out what to do with the two guys. What are their names?"

The girls scampered out of the pool grabbing the towels. Jake had a foot on Sue's towel, which gave him a laugh and long look at her cute body. After they covered up and as they walked to the chaise, we were identified as Paul and Tom.

"Well Paul and Tom, we have a major problem. On the one hand, as a guy, I understand you were out for some fun. Hell, I bet the four of you were out for some fun. I bet you guys even hoped for the big score to fuck these two helpless virgins." He laughed. "That isn't going to happen. Your big fuck sticks are probably too shriveled with fright to do that now. Would you two guys settle for a blowjob? I don't want you to go away with a two huge sets of blue balls. Would blowjobs be an adequate ending to a fun evening?"

Carol cried, "Jake stop this. Go in the house and turn off the light. You can be so crude."

"Carol, my job is to see to it that you are protected from guys that may take advantage of you. I am not planning to hurt anyone here or to even tell anyone what went on. That is as long as we can work things out." Jake said with a serious tone in his voice. "I also want you to really understand males get excited and want to empty their balls when they get the chance. Paul and Tom prove to us that chivalry is not dead. It is time to stand up for your ladies. Get out of the pool and stand here with your hands behind your backs. "

Feeling we had no choice, Tom and I slowly got out of the pool and stood in front of Jake as he requested. Our erections were long gone. Our dicks were totally deflated. The cool night air on our naked bodies did not help the situation. Carol and Sue were crying slightly. Tom looked like he was going to die. I probably did not look much better.

"Paul. Who was with who or was it a group thing?" asked Jake.

I told him, "I was with Carol and Tom was with Sue. We are just friends. We have never done anything like this before."

"Great! Tom go stand in front of Carol. Paul go stand in front of Sue." Jake calmly stated. "I want the four of you to get a little experience with this partner exchange. I want you girls to learn a man's penis has zero conscience."

I thought about making a run for it. However, all my clothes were in the house. I could not be sure we could get away. Leaving the girls did not show any masculinity or even maturity. We moved in front of the girls as told.

"Carol and Sue, use your hands to get Tom and Paul fully erect. When that is done, you guys can turn and face each other in front of the girls."

Even with all the stress, it did not take the girls long to have Tom and me boned up. Jake had moved to be standing close to the four of us. Tom and I turned to face each other.

"Okay boys; get down on the pool deck in a 69 position." Jake laughed. "Get the other guy's dick in your mouth and start sucking. Don't stop till you swallow his cum. Girls you are going to see their dicks don't care how they get off. Paul and Tom prove you are the men these fine girls think you are. I won't tell anyone if you help me prove my point."

Tom and I both got down into position, lying side by side with the crotch of the other inches from our mouths. Tom leaned in and took my cock in his mouth. I quickly followed suit. It seemed like it took longer than it did last night but in just a couple of minutes, I could feel my balls start to tingle. I guess I was just a little slow because Tom moaned, "I'm Cumming."

A moment later, as Tom's load filled my mouth, I was shooting my load into Tom's mouth. Exhausted, we both stood, totally humiliated. Jake laughed at the two 16-yearold studs standing with deflating cocks. The girls had stopped crying. They were staring at both Tom and me.

"Good job guys. Only one more thing to do and you can go home. Come and kneel over here on the pool deck and face me." instructed Jake. Beaten, we did as he said without objection.

Jake turned so he had his back turned slightly from the girls. As he faced us, he took his circumcised, erect cock out of his open zipper. It looked huge in the moonlight. With his left hand he jacked his cock at the two of us. In a minute his breathing changed and he grabbed my head. He began to paint my face with his cum. After the second rope of cum, he turned to Tom and gave his face a paintjob. He finished by cleaning his dick on Tom's hair.

Jake looked at the two of us and laughed as he slipped his sausage back in his pants saying; "Now jump in the pool and get my load off your heads. Then get your sorry asses dressed and out of the house. Girls get your clothes on before I change my mind. I won't tell if you don't tell."

Very quickly Tom and I were in the pool and out. Even quicker we were in the sunroom getting dressed. The girls were almost dressed when we got inside. Fully dressed, the four of us walked to the front door. As Tom and I slipped on our shoes, both girls rubbed our backs. When we stood up to leave, Carol and Sue gave each of us a kiss. Then Carol whispered; "We are so sorry you were forced to do things to keep Jake from telling. I will figure out a way to get that bastard back. We hope you both know how much you mean to us. No one will ever know what happened tonight."

Tom and I walked slowly back to his house. I was pissed and humiliated. So was Tom. We got to his house just as the grandfather clock in his hall chimed 10:30. We grabbed two Cokes from the fridge and went up to his bedroom. We both agreed to rinse off the chlorine from the pool. We had easy access to his in suite bathroom shower. In just a few minutes we both lay on his twin beds in our briefs.

"What the fuck do you think Carol can do to get paybacks? I thought we were going to lose our virginity tonight with these girls. You can't count what we have done as punching the virginity ticket." growled Tom.

"Yeah, well I am glad the girls think we were forced to suck dick. That is as close to rape as we can get without losing our ass cherries. I am kind of glad we did oral last night. At least neither of us was crying like a baby or throwing up from the taste of cum" I responded. "How old do you think Jake is?"

"We don't know or care his age. We got to find a way to get him back." We said as a chorus.

Next: Chapter 3

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