Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Jan 16, 2019


Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. This is a work of fiction based. The people described in the story do not exist as described but you can still find personalities like those presented. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART.

All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else. This is another attempt at writing for Nifty (I-lost-big-time, Boys-Buddies-Growing-Up). Take my lack of experience into consideration while reading. This is the third chapter in what I envision as a multiple part story. I am undertaking this as both a labor of love and in response to the kind words of readers of my earlier efforts. Please support Comments without being cruel can be sent to


Recap From -1: I am Paul, 16. I lost a bet to Jen, my grade rival in high school, which obligated me to eating her pussy and jacking off in front of her friends. My best friend Tom came with me just to make sure things did not get out of hand. When we got back to my house, Tom and I got off with each other for the first time.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the cell phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Recap - 2 and 3

Carol and Sue are both on the cheer squad with Jen. Carol is about 5'5" and 120 pounds. Sue is a little shorter, about 5' 3", and roughly 115 pounds. Both girls have great skin, beautiful legs and nice size tits. No horny guy would turn away from our opportunity to swim with them.

After two rings of the doorbell, Carol opened the door with Sue standing back behind her a little. Both girls were both fully dressed in shorts and nice tops, which accented their bodies. As we sat down, Carol sat with me on one section of the L shaped couch and Sue sat with Tom.

We played a strip game with lots of necking and groping Each time the necking and groping increased and lasted longer. Carol smiled as she dealt the next hand. It was obvious that Tom and I lost. The girls helped us out of our underwear. I am not sure how long we were necking. The girls stripped naked and ran in the pool with Tom and I chasing behind. We were swimming and playing when Carol's older brother, Jake, showed up and turned on the yard spot light. He made a huge production of the situation and ended it by having Tom and I suck each other off and then Jake jacked on our faces. Carol promised us she would get him back.

Just before the 4th of July, Carol had Sue, Tom and me over for another swim party because her parents were gone for a long weekend. The four of us had mutual oral sex. Carol had found her brother was selling pills. She hid his supply and money as she implemented a blackmail plan as a payback for what he did to our first get together and to turn his life around. Her brother was humiliated, pissed and trapped into following Carol's directions.

Now Chapter 4

I woke up on the morning of the 4th of July excited about Carol's afternoon swim party. I was hoping for some great teen sexual-fireworks before sundown. Tom and I sent a series of texts back and forth about the happenings yesterday and the prospects for today. Tom asked if I wanted to spend the night at his house if our parents said okay. We both agreed to meet at Tom's after a shower and breakfast. Carol texted Tom and me asking we get to her house around 1:00. She had asked others in our group of friends to come around 3:00. Carol promised a good time for everyone.

My parents said okay to stay at Tom's but to give her a call or text when we got back from the party. She reminded me, "NO ALCOHOL AND NO DRUGS." Tom's parents said okay but restated the same message my mom had given.

I got to Tom's about 12:30. Throwing my stuff in his room, I slipped into my swim suit and put my underwear and shorts in my cinch-sack/backpack. Tom already had his suit on and his cinch-sack packed. Tom's mom gave us chips and an 8-pack of Coke for the party. We headed out for the short walk to Carol's.

Carol's brother's car was not in the drive. Carol opened the front door and invited us into the kitchen. Sue was in the kitchen making Sloppy-Joes. Carol gave us some small bowls for the chips and told us to put the pop in the cooler. When I opened the cooler was filled with ice, pop and beer. Jake had come through as instructed. When I commented, Carol said, "Now is a good time for you guys to see my morning with Jake. Sue came back with me this morning so I could talk to Jake with a witness." We all sat down at the kitchen table and Carol brought up a video on her phone. Carol continued before hitting play on the video. "Jake is still pissed but I think we both have a better understanding of the other's position." The video only showed Jake but you only heard Carol's voice and Jacks responses. From the beginning of the conversation it was obvious there had been some discussion before the start of the video.

"Jake I found drugs, actually pills, and money hidden in your clothes hamper when I was doing your laundry as Mom asked me to do. You have been mad at me and want the box and contents back. I have agreed to return the drugs and money to you at the end of this weekend if you do everything I say till then." Carol said from beyond the video shot. "Now I want you to admit the box and contents are yours. I want you to promise to stop selling this poison immediately."

"The drugs in the box and the money actually belong to some other guys. They will want the drugs and the money I owe them. If I don't give them what they want then they will definitely hurt me. You must give me the stuff and the money or I will be in big trouble. Yes, I will stop selling if we get them the stuff and money back." responded Jake with tears in his eyes.

"I will keep my end of the deal. Mom and Dad will not know. I still want you to act more like a caring family member and not a belligerent asshole. This video is getting emailed for safe keeping. Fuck up and everyone will know." Carol said with authority. "Now be sure your room is straightened up and then leave until at least 8:00. Oh I almost forgot, I called the Homeless Shelter for Families. I signed you up as a volunteer for 8 hours tomorrow and Sunday. Your shift starts at 6:30 am tomorrow. Do not be late." The video ended.

"Okay. Let's get ready for a party. Sue put a sign on the front door directing guest to use the side gate. Guys, get the ice chest out to the pool deck and set up a couple of tables and a few folding chairs from the garage. I will get the kitchen cleaned-up and the Sloppy Joes simmering in the slow cooker. We can put the bowls of chips around on the tables." Carol directed. Everyone got to work.

"Tom and Paul, Did you see that big refrigerator box in the garage? I need it in the yard over by the bushes with a closeable door cut into it. The door should face the deck. Cut two small six-inch squares in the side closest the pool. One hole high and one hole a foot off the ground. A big knife is on the workbench in the garage." Carol continued to order. "Sue you and I need to blow-up some balloons."

Ten kids started to arrive. Jen, my academic foil and winner of the biology bet, came into the backyard. Linda, another witness to my bet payoff, was right behind Jen. The wine, beer and soft-drinks were flowing and everyone was having a nice time. Carol asked everyone if they would like to play a sexual pool game that did not involve intimate touching. The four girls and six guys said okay. Carol divided them into 2 teams facing each other in the shallow end of the pool. One team put a scarf around their neck. She got a balloon and explained. "This is balloon polo. Each team puts a grabber on the pool deck on opposite sides. Teams line up facing their grabber on the opposite side of the pool. I will toss the balloon into the pool. Teams must work to get the balloon to their grabber. To make it interesting, when a point is scored the other team must take off a piece of their swim suit. That means boys are naked after they lose the first point and girls are naked after losing two points. Ladies decide what to take off. Throw suits on the deck if you lose a point." With everyone laughing, Carol tossed the balloon.

There was lots of pushing and shoving. A grabber got the balloon in about a minute. The team scoring the point and those on the deck started to chant, "Lose it, lose it." Those down a point took off what was underwater. One girl had a one piece suit. Everyone agreed she could slip the top of her suit down to her waist, which exposed her pert tits. The guy that was the grabber on the team that lost the point just stood there. Everyone pointed at him and yelled, "Lose it." He did and showed a 6" boner with light brown pubes.

In another two efforts one team and most of the other team were naked. Sue gathered up the suits and put them in a pile. "Come and get your suits." She yelled. There was a naked scramble for swim suits. Lots of beautiful 16-17 year old naked boy and girl bodies. It was great to see both Jen and Linda naked as they found their swimsuits. Everybody was laughing. The wine and beer had lowered all inhibitions for the kids at party.

Carol called, "Ready for more?" Everyone cheered. Carol had two short stacks of 6 playing cards each (Ace to 6). She shuffled the first stack and handed each guy a card. She shuffled the second stack and handed each girl a card including Sue and herself. She asked the Aces to step forward. She tied the hands of the boy and girl at the wrist in front of them. She tied a scarf around the wrist of the girl. "You are now going to the box. You are to help your partner out of lower part of their swim suits. Once you have the task accomplished wave the suit of your partner through the small holes. When told to do so, you can untie your wrists and put your suits on if you wish."

Now we all knew each other from school. I am not sure anyone had been intimate with their partner before the party. Tom and I were not paired with Sue or Carol. Everyone laughed as each couple thrashed around in the box in the dark. There was not a lot of extra room in the box. Having to hold a swim suit out of each hole meant someone was very close to the genitals of their partner. When it was done, some of the guys and some of the girls did not bother putting on their suit. We all jumped in the pool and horsed around, which included a lot of groping. A few times I felt I was getting groped by a guy.

Around 6:00 the food and beverages were all but gone. A lot of the kids started to leave to get home and go to the fireworks with their families. Jen came up next to me and asked me to meet her in the first bedroom at the top of the stairs. Jen then picked up some plastic cups and dishes as she walked into the house. I grabbed a few chairs to be returned to the garage, which gave me the opportunity to slip upstairs to that bedroom.

When I opened the door, Jen was there with one of the boys, Nick, who had been at the party. Jen said, "I never got to say what a great sport you were when you lost our bet. Someday I will explain why but I need to pay you back and Nick would like to help me." Jen immediately stepped forward and untied the drawstring to my swimsuit and pulled them down.

Now I was not hard but, in an instant, I started to chub. Jen got on her knees and started to play with my dick and balls. She leaned in and licked my shaft and scrotum. Nick got down and scooted forward to start massaging my balls. Jen looked up at me and said, "Tell me when you are going to shoot." She started to move her mouth up and down on my shaft like it was the greatest thing she had ever tasted.

In only a minute or two, I started to feel my balls start to churn a big load. Jen was relentless and Nick continued to play with my balls as they tightened to my body. I moaned, "Jen I am going to blast." With that she backed away and Nick took over. He was much better with his tongue than Jen. Nick only made love to my meat for a few seconds when I grabbed the back of his head to hold him on. I grunted, "You want it. You got it." I pumped a big load in his mouth. Nick did not miss a drop and continued to lick my dick as it softened.

"I hope you didn't mind Nick helping me out. I told him what I planned to do when we were in the box. He said he has wanted to be with you since he saw you at school. So I gave him a chance to live his fantasy. We didn't know how you would react to a guy. I hoped if I got you hot enough, you would let it happen." Jen laughed.

"Thanks to the both of you but I really don't understand." I said.

"Paul, when we have our ten year school reunion, I will explain everything. Let's just say ties are no fun and I am glad to have you for a friend." Jen said, as she turned to leave with Nick.

I went back downstairs, literally blown away. It did not take us long to finish the clean-up. Tom and I both kissed and groped Carol and Sue. Our thoughts were that maybe we could have a little fun now that the four of us were alone. Just as we laid down on two chaise lounges on the pool deck, the phone in the house rang. Carol got up and went to answer the phone. When she came back she said Jake was coming home. He needed to talk to her right away, but alone.

Sue, Tom and I left by the side gate. Sue lived in the opposite direction so we said our goodbyes and headed to Tom's. No one was home at Tom's. There was a note on the kitchen table saying we should join them at fireworks. They had gone early, with a picnic, to get good seats. I called home as I promised. I told my mom, Tom and I were going to be at the fireworks with his family.

There was plenty of time before dark, which gave us the opportunity for a shower. Tom went first and then I jumped in as he was drying off. While I was quickly showering I told him about Jen and Nick, jointly, sucking my dick. I got out of the shower and started drying off. I could see Tom was getting hard. "You are telling me Nick sucks dick. Is this the same Nick from the baseball team, who was in the box with Jen?" Tom questioned. "I wonder if he takes it up the ass."

"With that boner, it appears you would like to fuck his ass." I laughed.

Tom grabbed me and threw our naked bodies onto his bed. "Yours is the only ass I want to fuck." Tom chuckled as he grabbed my dick. He flipped around on top of me, sitting on my chest. Bending down, he took my freshly showered prick in his mouth. I was boned and letting him do it. He pushed his body up so his cock was an inch from my face. I took the cue and took his cock in my mouth.

In just a few seconds Tom let my dick slip from his mouth and he spit on his fuck finger. He started to rub all around my asshole. He spit on his finger a couple more times as I wiggled but still had his dick in my mouth. Then he applied a little pressure to my hole and slipped in to the first knuckle and moved it around. Not getting a negative reaction from me, he pushed his slicked digit to the second knuckle and started moving in and out, always pushing deeper. He hit something and my dick twitched. He hit it again and again for the same reaction. Taking my dick in his mouth again, he started tonguing my cock head. Even though I was trying to focus on Tom's dick, I exploded in his mouth. As my third or fourth shot filled Tom's mouth, he started to fill my throat. As he finished, Tom stated, "Seems like my buddy, Paul, likes getting finger fucked. Would you like the real thing?"

I pushed Tom off the bed onto the floor. "You are really fucked up if you think I would ever let your dick close to my ass." I laughed as I ran back to the shower.

Next: Chapter 5

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