Birthday For Roger

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 28, 2004


Birthday for Roger Part 1 By

It was a typical Hollywood party, I guessed. I'd never been to one before, and had only attended this one because the manager of the local branch of my company was into big parties. The air was filled with loud conversation, and smoke from regular cigarettes and the illegal kind that to me always smelled like burning leaves.

Roger and I gravitated towards each other because almost everyone else was younger than we were, and soon we were out on the patio smoking regular cigarettes.

"Tomorrow's my birthday," he said with an air of sadness.

"Were you born in 1940?" I asked.

"Yes, I was! How did you guess?" He replied.

"Roger was the most common name for boys born that year," I answered. "I just made a lucky guess, really."

"Yeah, and I'm glad my name is Roger," he continued. "So many of the guys here have names like Jason, Justin, Kyle, Bruce, Brad, Sean, Tyler, Mark, and Trent."

"I'm glad my name's Jack," I said. "John, really, but I like Jack better. I don't like the modern names at all. Anyway, what are you doing for your birthday?"

"Nothing, really. I don't have any family, and I'm single, so I'll spend it alone."

"I'm alone too, although my birthday's not for a couple of months. I'm just out here on business, and don't know anybody except company people. You shouldn't be alone on your birthday."

"Well, then, come on over to my place. We don't seem to fit in here anyway, since we're older than most. We don't even have to say goodbye, since I'm sure they won't miss us." I followed him to the street and found he was parked only a few cars ahead of me. It was only a few minutes to his house, and I pulled into the driveway next to him.

"Want another drink?" he asked once we were inside.

"Not really. I've had enough for tonight."

"I've got a hot tub on my patio," he said, leading me outside.

"I don't have a bathing suit," I said, wondering if events were going to take their logical course.

"We don't need them. See that high fence? Nobody'll see us going in nude." He began removing his clothing right then, casually dropping them on a patio chair. I began stripping, comfortable in the hot summer night. Roger was slightly shorter than my six feet, with a chunky build and a round face that contrasted with my long countenance. We stood facing each other and our eyes dropped to each other's crotches.

"Only about half the boys were getting cut when we were born," he said. "We were among the lucky half." I saw that Roger's prick was a lot like mine, about average in length, the bulge and rim of the head showing clearly through the long pendulous foreskin.

"You're right about that," I said. "My foreskin's nice to play with, and it keeps the head moist and sensitive." He stepped down into the hot tub and I spoke and I followed, sitting close to him. Roger moved closer to me, and when I felt his thigh against mine I didn't move away.

"I play with mine a lot, since I live alone. I guess you do too." His thigh pressed harder against mine and I returned the pressure, glad of his company on what had been becoming a frustrating and lonely evening in a strange crowd.

"You're right about that," I said, resting a hand on his thigh. I knew I was getting the right signals and that he'd welcome my touching him.

"Mind if I play with yours a little?" he asked. I felt his hand slide along my thigh under the bubbling water, feeling for my prick. His fingertips brushed the tip of my foreskin nipple, and I felt a delicious light tingle at his touch.

"No, I don't mind," I whispered. "Your touching me feels really good." I moved my hand and bumped lightly against his prick, grasping the end of his foreskin and rolling the nipple lightly between two fingers.

"You really know how to handle a cock," he said. "Some guys are too rough." I felt my prick beginning to swell as he spoke.

"Those are the cut guys," I said. "They don't know how sensitive an intact prick is."

"Women too," he added. "My ex-wife was that way. All her previous boyfriends had been cut, and she was really rough with my dick at first. I had to tell her it was really sensitive."

"I was married too," I said. "I had the same problem with my wife. Her ex had been cut, and she was used to handling a prick that wasn't very sensitive. She squeezed too hard, and then she yanked my foreskin back hard so she could see the head. That stung." I felt Roger's prick filling out, the head pressing against my fingertips that still held the end of his foreskin.

"I like jacking off, but it's not as good doing it alone." Roger was squeezing my glans through the foreskin, making my cock-root throb, and my prick was also swelling.

"You've got the perfect touch for this," I said. "I know you can feel what you're doing to me."

"I can feel the head of your dick swelling," he said. "It's got a nice shape. I can feel the rim at the back." His fingers shifted slightly and he was now grasping my prick just behind the head, gently sliding the foreskin in easy movements. I grasped his the same way, feeling the outline of his cock-head through the skin as I moved it gently.

"You've got a helmet head just like mine, with the same flaring rim," I commented. "I like the way it feels. It's really hard now."

"Let's get out of the water, Jack. Those bubbles make it impossible to see what we're doing. I don't know about you, but I like to watch." He stood slowly as I released his prick, and I followed him into the house where he led me to the bathroom. Our erect pricks swung gracefully as we walked, eyes cast downward, staring at each other. We grabbed towels and dried ourselves before going into the bedroom.

"I like to look at pricks too, especially the heavy-ended ones like yours. They look so sexy when those heavy ends swing side to side. Now that I'm looking at yours, I can see that you've got about six inches hard, same as me," I said.

"Yeah, I guess we're both average," he replied. "Your shaft's got a big vein on the right and the skin still covers the head even when you're hard, just like mine."

"Your shaft curves up a little, and your balls really hang low."

"Are yours always tight that way, or is it that you're really excited?" he asked.

"Mine are always tight. I never had low hangers. I bet yours are going to tighten up tonight, though."

"I'm sure they will," he said as he sat on the edge of the queen-size bed. I sat beside him and grasped the end of his prick again, sliding the foreskin gently in slow sensual movements. His fingers closed around mine and he said:

"Your skin's thicker than mine, but I can still see the shape of the head through it. Can I skin you back a little? I want to see the front of your head and the slit."

"Go ahead. You know how to do it." His fingers increased their pressure slightly, enough to drag my foreskin back enough to reveal the front dome of my glans.

"Oh, that's nice, really nice," he said. "Your slit pouts, like a teardrop. That looks so sexy." Now I began retracting his hood, just enough to bare the front of the helmet.

"You've got a long slit, longer than mine," I observed. A drop of clear fluid parted the lips of his slit as I spoke.

"I can feel your rim through the skin. It's nice and flaring, just like mine, he said." I held his foreskin back and dipped the index finger of my other hand into the drop of lubricant, spreading it in small circles around the front dome and the edge of his foreskin. I used a light touch, because that was enough to tickle the sensitive nerve endings. He drew in his breath sharply.

"That's nice, that's just perfect," he whispered. "Happy Birthday, Roger. I'm going to give you the hottest orgasm you've ever had for your birthday." I felt his fingers twist my foreskin slightly, just enough to stretch the nerve endings, and my prick throbbed in response.

"I felt that," he said. "I love to feel a guy's dick throb when I touch it." Now I was insinuating my fingertip under his lubricated foreskin, slipping it in along the top side of his helmet, probing for the corona. More lube seeped from his slit, making the glans and foreskin very slippery. He shuddered as my fingertip touched the hard upturned rim, and I slid my finger sideways to caress the nerve endings.

"I felt you shudder," I said. "I know your tip's really sensitive and this is turning you on."

"Only an uncut guy would know how to do that," he said. "I'm so glad we're both uncut." His fingers slid my hood back farther, gently squeezing the rim. I pulled his foreskin down as well, and now the front dome and body of his helmet were exposed. The aroma of wet foreskin and glans filled the air.

"I love the odor of uncut prick," I said. "Now I'm going to touch your hot spot." I slid my fingertip under his glans, into the triangular groove where the two halves of the corona meet underneath, and felt the thick gee-string. When I pressed it gently, his prick throbbed hard under my fingers.

"That really made my dick jump," he gasped. "You keep that up and you'll make me come quick."

"No, I want to make it last for you. I promised you the hottest orgasm ever, and the longer I take to build you up, the hotter and harder it's gonna be."

"Want me to make you come first, then? That way you'll get relief and I'll get hotter watching and feeling you come."

"Okay, then, I'll let go of your prick. I'm sure you'll stay hot and hard while you're doing me." Before releasing Roger's prick, I made sure the foreskin was fully forward to protect the precious head.

"Good thing you're letting go, Jack. My dick's gonna stay hard, don't worry about that. Just doing you keeps me excited. If you were stroking mine while I'm making you come, I don't know how I'd hold off coming."

"Okay, you're in charge now. Tell me what to do," I said.

"You just lie back and let me do the work. I'll get a towel to catch your come. You shoot or dribble?" I lay back as he was speaking, and Roger spread a towel over my stomach.

"Normally I just dribble, but with your hand on my prick, I'll probably shoot."

"I'm the same way," he said as his fingers closed around my shaft, dragging the foreskin slowly back to reveal the head. "Usually I dribble when I'm alone, but this time I know I'll be shooting hard after doing you." As he lay beside me, I saw that Roger's prick hadn't softened at all.

"That feels nice, the way you're just sliding my foreskin," I said, enjoying the sensations.

"It's supposed to feel nice, Jack. I think it'll feel nicer if I give you more lubrication. Your tip's kinda dry." I saw that Roger's foreskin-encased glans was drooling lubricant, unlike mine.

"I've always been a bit dry. You leak a lot more than I do." He reached for a small plastic bottle on the bedside table.

"This is Astroglide. It's got glycerin in it. This'll make your tip feel warm." He poured a few drops on my exposed glans, spreading it and working it in by sliding my foreskin forward.

"That's what I use too," I said. "I like the feel of that lube. It's doesn't evaporate, and it's easy to rinse off." Now Roger drew my foreskin back again, ever slowly, baring my glistening glans.

"Your tip's so nice and purple," he said. "I really like the shape and color too. It looks so sexy." As he spoke, he pulled my foreskin up to engulf the glans.

"That feels really good. You do it nice and slow, and my tip's really sensitive." Now his skilled fingers dragged my foreskin down again.

"Your skin just snapped down into the groove behind your rim. Now I can see the whole rim. Can I pull it back further? If it doesn't bother you, it'll feel really good." When I nodded, he exerted traction on my skin, baring the groove behind my corona.

"That feels good," I said. "When you do that, you stretch all the nerve endings."

"Your helmet looks so sexy," he commented. "Your rim's big and thick, and it's got a nice flare to it. Now I can see what a deep groove you've got behind it." He touched a fingertip of his other hand to the groove, lightly caressing the nerve endings, and I suddenly shuddered and gasped with delight.

"That really hit me, Roger. You know just how to do it." The sensations built as he ran his finger lightly around my groove, laid bare by the pulled back foreskin.

"I figured you'd be really sensitive there," he said. "I know I am." His finger traveled down one side of my flaring corona, until it settled into the triangular groove where both sides met under the head. When he pressed in slightly, my entire body tensed.

"Now I know I hit your sweet spot," he said. His fingers strummed my gee-string lightly as he was speaking, and the tension built in my body.

"You really hit my hot spot, Roger. You know just what to do, and how to do it," I said. "I know I'm gonna shoot hard when I shoot my load."

"That's exactly what I want you to do, Jack. Just relax and let me bring the orgasm to you." Now his fingertip traveled up the other side of my corona, caressing the nerve endings in the rim and the groove. I looked at his prick, which was still hard, and noticed his scrotum.

"It's doing something for you, too," I said. "Your balls got tighter."

"Yeah, Jack, doing this to your dick's really priming my pump."

"I hope you won't come when I do," I said. "I'd really like to watch and feel you come when my head's clear, not when I'm coming."

"I'm trying to stay relaxed, Jack. By the way, how are you doing?" His fingertip was now running down the other side of my corona again, heightening my excitement.

"I'm getting close, Roger. I just can't resist. I've been trying to relax but what you're doing's really getting me hot."

"I can see that, Jack. Your helmet feels harder, and it's gotten darker. I think you're close to the edge."

"Keep doing that to me, but when you feel me start to come, pump my foreskin up and down. I'll need that to keep me going."

"I hear you, Jack. When I feel your cock throb hard, I'll stroke your skin. Does your tip get really sensitive when you're coming?"

"It really does, Roger. Good thing you asked. When I've shot a few loads, stop stroking and just hold my foreskin back hard for the rest of the way."

"Okay, I'll do that. When I hold your skin back I'll be able to see that big tip shoot. I really enjoy that." I was becoming tenser, and knew that I'd be blasting off any second.

"If I do the same for you, I'll be able to see the cream shooting out of your big slit too."

"I love the way your dick smells. Now that you're hot you're leaking a little, and that's really sexy."

"You're getting me so hot..." I trailed off.

"I can feel how hard your tip's become. It's really dark now." His fingers shifted their grip and pulled my foreskin up over the flaring rim to engulf my glans. "Your big rim keeps the skin back when you're hard. Mine does too."

"Mine stays back even when I'm soft," I whispered. My swollen glans was aching for release, inflamed by the hot sensations he was giving me.

"Your legs are tightening up. You're close, very close." He slid my foreskin back to the rim, and then up again.

"My tip's starting to tingle," I said as the sensations built to a crescendo.

"I see you close your eyes too when you get close. Just lay back and let it happen," he urged. "Your tip's so dark now."

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh," I moaned, the sensations building up almost to the explosion.

"That's it, just relax, you'll be shooting in just a sec." he said as he worked my foreskin up my swollen helmet. Now he yanked it back suddenly, and an explosion of sensation burst in my tip and shot down my shaft. My cock-root contracted sharply, squirting the first torrent of cream into my tube, producing an intense tickling sensation. The hot lava rushed up my urethra and I howled in blissful agony as I felt it slam through the lips of my slit.

Roger pulled my foreskin up over my hard throbbing glans and my cock-root contracted again, sending a second burning stream shooting up my urethra. Now he dragged my hood back sharply, triggering another hot spasm in my cock-root, and I felt myself tumbling into the free-fall of orgasm, my mind on "HOLD," crying out helplessly as the avalanche of sensations overwhelmed me.

Now he pulled my foreskin up to ancase my throbbing tip, and I cried out loudly as the sensations became too sharp in my super-sensitive tip. A blast of cream poured from my helmet as Roger pulled my foreskin back behind my rim and kept it there, holding it back tightly to stretch the nerve endings. I moaned again as another gush erupted from my tip, and I felt the hot liquid running down the contours of my helmet and onto the shaft. Another spasm, weaker this time, wracked my cock-root, sending a hot jet rushing up my tube. The spasms were weaker, and the last contractions pulsed through my rpick and sent more heavy drops seeping from my tip.

I lay very still, dazed by the after-effects of my orgasm, while my breathing returned to normal. As I lay there, I felt Roger's finger expertly milking my urethra, starting behind my balls and working up to the end of my prick, forcing out the residue. I felt the light touch of the towel kissing my tip as he dabbed at the thick droplets. Then he pulled my long foreskin forward to engulf my tender tip. When I opened my eyes Roger was looking at me, and he said:

"Do you go to sleep after you come? I forgot to ask that before."

"If I'm alone, I usually do, but not this time." I propped myself up on my elbow, noting that Roger had placed another towel under his prick and that a steady seepage of clear lubricant was flowing from his foreskin's long nipple, wetting the towel. "That orgasm energized me, and now I want to make you come like you did me."

"I'm glad. I really need to come after seeing you. When I felt your dick throbbing in my hand, I almost lost it right then."

"Now you just lie back," I said as I pushed him gently flat on the bed. "I'll spread that towel over your stomach and make you come."

I was in seventh heaven, watching your big tip swell and get darker, and then watching the white cream shooting from it. You were pretty loud when you came, you know that?"

"I'm not surprised I was loud. You were so exciting. I just hope you'll be loud too, because I want to make your prick throb as hard as mine did." I began sliding his foreskin back to reveal the engorged helmet. The skin slid very easily on a thick coating of the lube he'd been secreting, and now I had his hood all the way back, forming a thick collar behind his flaring corona.

Oooohhhh, that feels good," he moaned.

"Your helmet's very dark," I said as I pulled his foreskin up the engorged head. "You're really primed for this. It feels very hard through the foreskin."

"I'll pop any second," he whispered as his legs began to tremble. I saw his stomach muscles tighten.

"Just try to stay relaxed, Rog. I don't want to hurry this. Your balls are tight and I know you're close to the edge."

"Any second..." He trailed off.

"I want to keep you on the edge," I said as I very slowly brought his foreskin back to uncover the engorged helmet. "You're very close, but I'm gonna give you a very slow build-up."

"Ooooohhhhh," he moaned as I brought his foreskin back to slide over the ridge and lodge in the deep groove behind it.

"With your prick swollen like that, the rim's really large, and I can see the little bumps of nerve endings around it." I gently pushed his foreskin forward, feeling it catch on the hard rim before it slipped up over his dark purple glans. He moaned again as I tugged his fleshy sleeve back towards his rim.

"Now I'm slipping it back again. Can you feel it sliding over the head?" He didn't answer me, except to moan again.

"Your eyes are closed now," I said. "I know you're right there. Your slit's really leaking now." I eased his foreskin back over his rim, and watched his face tighten. He was right at the point of no return.

"GO FOR IT!" I yelled as I pulled his foreskin up sharply, compressing his rim and bringing the thick fleshy hood all the way up. I felt the sharp throb in my hand just before a thick geyser of white cream erupted from his slit, filling the foreskin tube and spilling over onto my encircling fingers.

"HAAAAAHHHH!" he yelled as the force of the orgasm overwhelmed him. I pulled the foreskin back as his shaft throbbed again in my hand, and this time the stream shot up unencumbered from his slit, arcing to drop onto the towel.

His engorged helmet glistened wetly as his prick throbbed again, sending another heavy stream in an arc through the air, and his loud moans filled the room. He heavy odor of chlorine filled the air as he shot again, his rock-hard shaft pulsing sharply in my hand.

"Now I just held his skin back tightly to stretch the nerve endings, aware that his glans was becoming super-sensitive as had happened to me, and he squirted another load, but this one didn't shoot as far. His prick throbbed again, and the lips of his slit parted, releasing a flow of cream that trickled down the contours of the big head to run over my clasping fingers. His hips bucked as if to thrust his prick into the air, and another heavy gush poured from his slit.

"Now you're just seeping," I said, not sure if he'd heard me as he was in an altered state of consciousness. His prick pulsed again, weakly, and a long slow trickle oof cream flowed from his slit, contrasting with the dark color of the swollen helmet. Finally, he stopped pulsing, and lay still. I knew it would take him time to recover, and I just held his shaft, feeling it begin to soften in my hand. I reached under his tight scrotum to press a finger into his urethra, milking the residue from his prick. I ran my finger along the underside of his shaft to force the last drops from his slit, and then pulled his foreskin fully forward before letting his prick down on his stomach.

"That was hot, really hot,' he whispered weakly as he opened his eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Roger," I said, smiling down at him." We stayed motionless next to each other until I spoke again:

"I have to pee. How about you?" He got up and led me to the shower.

"I'd like to rinse off too, and I guess you'd enjoy that. Let's get in," he said as he turned on the water. We stood facing each other under the spray, the water running down the fronts of our bodies. I felt my stream begin and a moment later saw a thick yellow gush pouring from his foreskin's nipple.

"You must have done this in the shower," I said, reaching down to pinch the end of his foreskin, watching as the fleshy sleeve began to balloon. He quickly grasped the end of mine and applied pressure, trapping my stream to make my foreskin distend.

`We both know that trick," he said as he let go. Our thick gushes erupted from our foreskins, meeting in the air as they dropped to the floor of the shower. Now I skinned him back and a second later he did the same to me, uncovering the glans completely.

"Both our foreskins lock behind our rims," I observed.

"I wanted to see your stream, Jack. You said you usually dribble when you come, but you didn't dribble just before. Now even your pee's in a strong stream."

"So's yours. I'd wondered if the size of the hole had anything to do with shooting or dribbling, but I guess it doesn't. You shot your cream like a fire-hose, and now your pee's really shooting out of your slit."

"This is fun," he said. "We're just like a couple of kids."

"Yeah, we are, I guess. Even peeing together's lots of fun." We drained ourselves and then rinsed our bodies. Roger turned off the water and we began drying ourselves.

"Feel like a drink now?" he asked. I nodded and we went into his kitchen, still totally naked. The tile floor felt cool under my feet.

"Martini?" he asked. "I saw what you were drinking earlier, and figured you might like the same thing."

"You were drinking a Martini too, I noticed. Fix mine the way you fix yours," I said.

"Gin and vermouth, right?" he asked, reaching for the bottles in the cabinet.

"That's just the way I like them," I replied. It took Roger only a couple of minutes to fix our drinks and come to sit beside me at the kitchen table. We both lit cigarettes and lifted our glasses to toast the evening.

"I'm glad I met you," he began.

"Likewise," I countered. "It would have been a lonely evening for both of us otherwise." We sipped and put down our glasses. Roger moved his chair closer to mine so that his right thigh pressed against my left one. I felt the warmth of the alcohol running through my bloodstream, and then I felt my prick stirring. I reached down with my right hand and began squeezing my helmet through the thick fleshy sleeve. Roger noticed this and said:

"I guess you're getting horny again. I don't know how. I'm just drained." My prick swelled as he spoke, and now was half-hard.

"I've had a little time to recover since I came. You just shot your load ten minutes ago. I must have been subconsciously thinking of this evening." As I spoke, my prick raised itself to full hardness, and I began working my foreskin up and down the helmet.

"Man, you're really hot. Did the drink do that to you, or is it just me?"

"I don't know, but right now I feel I need another come," I replied. As I spoke, I felt Roger's fingers creeping around my thigh to tickle my scrotum.

"Need some help?" he asked. Hi hand moved farther, and now he was cupping my balls.

"What you're doing is just fine,' I answered. "You keep cupping my balls, and I'll work on my prick." I kept up the slow rhythmic stroking of my foreskin over my swollen helmet, enjoying the sensual sliding sensation and the delicious stretchy feeling as the hood expanded over the contours of my glans.

"Okay, I'll watch," he said. "I wondered how you did yourself, and now I've got a front-row seat." His eyes were fixed on the big purple tip that emerged from the confines of my foreskin to be swallowed up again as I stroked upward.

"Enjoy the show, but I don't know how long it'll last. I'm really horny," I said.

"Just let it happen naturally. Don'[t worry about where you'll shoot, either. I'll use this napkin to catch your spunk." As he spoke, his other hand reached out to pick up a paper napkin from the table.

"Just having you watch gets me hot," I said. I was looking at my prick as I kept stroking, enjoying the sight of the big purple head being covered and then bared by the movement of my foreskin.

"I know how that feels," he said. "When I stroke my cock, I really like the way the skin stretches over the head." I knew he was talking me through it, knowing that his words would add to my excitement.

"Yeah, and when I start to get a tickle in the head, I'll stop stroking," I said. "I like to hold off just before I come. That makes it last longer."

"I get that tickling feeling too. Then I keep stroking and it changes to a hot tingle and I know I'm gonna pop."

"It's starting to tickle now," I said as I slowed my stroking. "I'm going to pull my foreskin all the way back now." My fingers tightened their grip slightly as I dragged the long thick foreskin back down off the head, and it snapped into the groove behind my corona.

"Man, I just love to look at that big head of yours. >From the thick end to the flaring rim, it looks so sexy. You gonna stay that way?"

"No, now I'm just going to bring the skin forward to bump my rim. On the way back, I'll pull hard to stretch the nerve endings in the skin." I pushed my hood forward just enough to kiss my corona, and then pulled back hard, watching the skin stretch, along with its many nerve endings.

"You've got those little buds around your rim too, just like on mine," he said. "They must feel real good when the skin touches them." I kept up the rhythm, slowly stimulating my prick closer to the moment of truth.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna go slowly until I feel that tingle," I said.

"Goping slow like that lets you feel every movement," he said. "It's a lot sexier than just pounding your dick."

"My tip's starting to tingle... I'm gonna stop for a second." My fingers ceased their stroking, just holding the thick fleshy collar stretched back from my rim.

"Your tip's really dark now," he said as he touched the front dome with a fingertip. "It feels really hard, too." His touch sent a thrill through my glans, and my prick jerked involuntarily.

"I'm really tensed up now," I said. My legs had begun to tremble slightly with the excitement, and my glans ached for the release of orgasm. I resumed stroking, very slowly.

"I bet you can feel it building up," he said as his expert fingers kneaded my scrotum lightly, and I felt my balls sliding around inside their sac. "Anything you want me to do when you come?"

"Yeah, I'm almost there. When I feel I'm right on the edge, I'll drop my hand. You can grab my foreskin and pump it a few times to get me going. Then stop, because you know my tip gets too sensitive after a few seconds."

"Your eyes just closed," he said. "Just give it a few more slow strokes..." He trailed off. Now my tip was tingling from the rim to the front dome, and I felt my crotch muscles tightening despite my best efforts to stay relaxed.

"That big purple head looks so sexy," he said as I felt my sensations rise to a peak. My distended cock-head was ready to explode, and I let go of my prick.

"Now you just let it happen!" he said as his fingers closed around my shaft. He swept my thick fleshy collar all the way up over my helmet, and the hot sparks of sensation from the sudden intense friction triggered my climax.

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH," I cried out as my cock-root contracted sharply, and I felt the hot tickle as my prostate shot the first squirt into my urethra. My stream felt like hot lava as it shot up my shaft and erupted from my straining glans. Roger's fingers dragged my foreskin back sharply, triggering another outpouring, and my body convulsed as the force of the orgasm overwhelmed me. I was in my own little world, totally focused on the heavenly sensations in my prick, as the mind-numbing sensations dominated my awareness.

Roger said something I didn't understand as his fingers pulled back hard on my foreskin, tightening around my shaft, and another hot jet erupted from my prick. My glans and shaft throbbed hard with the sweet agony of orgasm, and I cried out again, helpless in his hands, as he forced another torrent from my pulsing prick.

I cried out again, even more loudly, as the sensations in my glans became too intense, and I felt his hand stop, just holding my foreskin stretched tightly back, the strining nerve endings singing in my prick as it shot another gush of cream. Another hot spasm made me cry out again, but the next contraction was weaker. I felt several more pulses, diminishing in strength, as my orgasm tapered off and finally ceased.

I sat dazed, too weak to open my eyes or say anything, as I felt Roger's fingers milking my prick, drawing out the last drops. I felt the roughness of the paper napkin against my super-sensitive glans as he dabbed at the orifice, and I squirmed.

"That was beautiful," he said. "I felt your cock throbbing, and watched it shooting. You really shot. I had to keep the napkin right in front of your tip to keep it from spraying on you and on the floor." I opened my eyes and said:

"Thank you, Roger. That was so hot, especially with you helping me at the end."

"That was my pleasure," he replied. "I really enjoyed making you come. That's one of the best birthday presents I've ever received."

"Happy Birthday, Roger, but wait until tomorrow morning," I replied.

END of Part 1 Continue to Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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