Birthday Gurl

By Miss Bee

Published on Apr 13, 2019


This story is fiction. Any similarity between charactors in this story and real people is coincidental. If you enjoy reading this, please make a donation to nifty so that those of us who are blessed with gay or bisexuality can continue to thrill, enlighten or disgust you. Feedback very welcome to:


Michael's silver BMW looks rather incongruous as he drives it through the farm gateway. A 'tick, tack, tick' sound warns that animal shit is being picked by it's tyres and flung against the undersides of the car. I swing the gate closed after the car passes, reset the latch then climb back into the front passenger seat. As Michael drives on, I return to navigating from the handrawn map.

"Only two more gates and then we should be there," I say.

Although the surface is dry, the gravel farm road is littered with potholes and cow shit. Michael attempts to dodge everything, but when he fails, we both laugh. With anticipation for the weekend ahead dominating our thoughts, cleaning a car is hardly a consideration.

Michael has rented a farm cottage for two nights upon the pretence of it being my birthday present, but we both acknowledge the true intent. Located at the back of a farm owned by gay friendly people and adjacent an ocean beach, it offers us the chance to live as a couple for at least forty eight hours free of time limitations or the need to remain hidden from neighbours etc. To extend our stay, we have each taken Friday off from our jobs, ensuring an arrival at the cottage before midday.

A short time later, a small cottage comes into view, atop a small hill and nestled to the right of some trees. Michael stops his car and I alight to open the gate in the fence that surrounds the cottage. Michael drives through and parks his car on the gravel near the front door. I close the gate and join Michael as he steps out of his car.

We look around and take in our surroundings. Trees have been planted along the seaward side of the cottage to provide shelter from the prevailing westerly winds, but the outlook into a farmed valley towards the north and north-west is lovely. Black dots etched upon a sea of green indicate Hereford cattle grazing on the lush pasture. To the left, a boundary fence can be discerned, providing a division between the cultivated farmland and a tangle of gorse, flax and pampas grasses which extend for about six hundred metres to the ocean beach. Through gaps in the trees, I catch glimpses of the tops of big sandhills and beyond, the silver ocean beyond the breakers. But it is the quiet that really catches my attention. Just a hum of waves crashing onto the distant shore and the tweeting and chattering of birds in the trees.

"Happy birthday darling," Michael says. I am tempted to fling my arms around Michael and kiss him in gratitude but refrain because I am still in male mode. The woman in me will have time enough during the next two days to express my appreciation.

A sign above the door reads: 'The Cabin'. Michael unlocks the door and leads the way inside. The interior is quite spartan, as you would expect in a farm cottage, but clean and functional. A combined kitchen/dining/sitting room takes up most of the available space, with a single bedroom and bathroom/toilet off to the left. Glass panelled doors lead out onto a rather large wooden deck that faces the north west and offers a great view into a farmed valley to the right and glimpses of the ocean through the trees to the left.

"How about you dress whilst I prepare some lunch," Michael suggests, "and then later we could go for a walk and check out that beach."

Reality hits me like a bolt out of the blue! The idea of walking to the beach and on it whilst fully dressed sounds very exciting, but what if we meet someone?

"I hope there is nobody on that beach!" I say.

"Don't worry my sweet, if we meet someone I will shield you from embarrassment." I return to the car and carry my two suitcases into the bedroom. I felt rather presumptuous packing a wide range of feminine items, but now that I see the location and imagine the possibilities offered, I am thankful I did. Michael is in for some big surprises!

Michael leaves me alone to transform myself. He understands my preference to switch between my male and female personalities in private. I have made it clear that in male mode, we can never be more than best friends. Yet Miss Bee and Michael can be lovers. Of course, knowing that Michael is looking forward to seeing Miss Bee walk through the door, encourages me to spend a little extra time perfecting my transformation.

I strip off my male clothes and duck into the shower for a quick freshen up.

When I return to the bedroom, I search through my cases for some clothes that I think would be suitable for a gurl to wear for a trip to the beach. As this is my first opportunity for such an adventure, I become rather excited.

A blue skirt and floral top that I have matched together before catches my attention and I lay it out over the edge of the bed. I select lingerie to suit, dressing my masculine frame in a matching blue bra and panty set and then filling the bra cups with my silicone breast forms. I check my image in the dressing table mirror and am pleased with my choice. Pretty floral patterns on the bra cups are repeated in panels at the sides of the brief yet the broad expanse of stretch satin in the front offers my male genitalia ample room to swell should I become aroused later.

Such thoughts ensure that when I sit before the dressing table mirror to apply my makeup, growing excitement means I have to control my nerves by whispering assurances to myself to avoid spoiling my most important transformation step. Consequently, I spend longer than usual on this part of my transformation. Images of people approaching us on the beach cross my mind as I attempt to get my eyes looking glamorous and my lipstick looking colourful, yet not overdrawn.

I complete my transformation with the sleeveless floral blue top and dark blue pleated skirt which I had chosen. The skirt hem reaches to about midway down my thighs. I decide to not wear any stockings or pantihose on this occasion as I realise the sand on the beach will destroy any that I do wear. I arrange my short blonde wig upon my head and brush it lightly to remove any kinks caused by the transportation in it's box. I slip my feet into my white sandals and buckle each of the double straps.

I find Michael with sandwiches and drinks set out on the table when I make my entrance.

"Well, you look lovely...all fresh and sweet," he says.

He puts his arms around me and gives me a gentle fleeting kiss.

"Sorry I took so long there. But thank you for this wonderful birthday present," I say.

"To spend time with you my darling is worth the wait," he says.

"I hope so," I say.

He looks into my eyes. "Don't doubt yourself darling. You look fabulous!"


We sit up at the table and eat the sandwiches and drink the tea that he has made.

"I love this setting, it looks very private," I say.

"The owners said that the farm is signposted as private property and should be private enough to do what you like on, but always be prepared to find people on the beach, as that is public space," he says.

"Are there any public beach access points near here?" I ask.

"I didn't ask....Sorry," he replies. "Oh yes, the owner also said not to go swimming. It can be very dangerous."

"You'd have to be crazy to swim at these beaches," I say.

"The owner did mention that there are some small lakes several kilometres north of here where you can swim. But they are on a neighbours property and therefore can't be guaranteed to be private."

I feel Michael's feet making advances to mine under the table. He has kicked off his shoes and is rubbing his feet against my bare legs. I feel his left foot slide up my left thigh then down again. "No stockings?" He asks.

"No sorry, I don't want to ruin them on the beach."

"Good thinking."

I look at Michael and when I see the smile upon his face and the sparkle in his eyes, waves of contentment wash over me. Everything seems so right. After years of trying to meet Mr Right, I think I have struck gold! I feel ready for anything now, provided that it is for the gratification of each of our senses. If Michael had suggested taking me to the bedroom right now, I wouldn't raise any objections. It would be a real pleasure to lie on a bed and open my legs to his needs. But I know that Michael enjoys the compound pleasures of courtship and anticipation, the same as I do. I am hopeful that the next two days will allow us the time to play out our fantasies without the pressure of time limits.

When we are finished eating, Michael excuses himself to change into something more suitable for a beach walk.

"Get some drinks from the fridge and a blanket from the car!" He calls out from the bedroom.

I follow his directive, then sit on one of the wooden chairs on the outside deck to enjoy the peaceful view. The contrast between the clutter of trees, flax, gorse and pampas grass on the left and cultivated pasture to the right is dramatic. Appearing out from behind the shelter trees on the left, the boundary fence heads in a straight line for about a hundred metres before curving towards the right, skirting the edge of a steep descent to a farmed valley that stretches for several kilometres towards the north. The pasture is dotted with lone and clusters of native trees, the dark green foliage standing out in contrast against the light green grass. Black cattle can be seen grazing in a group on the valley floor with several individual beasts choosing nearby ridges to graze.

Michael reappears a few minutes later looking very smart in a bright floral shirt, 'surfie' style shorts and sandals. "Wow, you do look smart!" I exclaim.

"No smarter than you my dear," He replies.

When we leave the cabin, Micheal carries the blanket and I the drinks.

We head straight for the fenceline beside the cottage, expecting to find an access path to the beach. But after walking back and forth several times we fail to find any gateway or trail beginning in that area. We note that there is a style in the fence in front of the cottage but we dismiss that as merely giving access to the farm.

"Now what?" Michael asks.

"The map! That hand drawn map they gave us at the farmhouse might tell us!" I blurt.

Michael heads over to his car.

I discover a swing hanging from one of the larger trees and sit on it to await his return. Without warning, Michael sneeks up behind me and gives me a playful shove. I have to strengthen my grip upon the ropes very quickly but then I giggle as the swing lurches forward. Within a few minutes I am being swung so vigorously that I become concerned lest the swing should break.

But then Michael discovers a more exciting option. The ground in front of the swing drops away slightly, so he sits on the lawn in front of the swing and looks up my legs as I propel the swing myself.

"Blue!" Michael calls.

"You naughty man! You shouldn't be looking up gurl's skirts!" I return.

But then the freedom offered by this idyllic location relaxes my attitudes.

"Hello Michael, hello cows, hello world, come and see Miss Bee's panties!" I yell and open my legs wide.

Within a few minutes, we are both roaring with laughter.

Eventually Michael suggests that we had better go to the beach before he gets any more frustrated and will have to take me inside!

Clutching the map, Michael directs us to the style giving access to the field in front of the cottage.

When he holds my hand and guides me up the two steps, I am impressed by his chivalrous attitudes. But when I glance back as I stand upon the top step and am about to swing one leg over the top wire of the fence, I spot the grin on his face as he prepares to look up my skirt!

I giggle and deliberately accentuate my leg swing, swirling my skirt outwards and giving Michael a good view of my bare upper thighs and whatever else he cares to view.

"Sexy panties darling!" Michael yells.

"You're awful!" I retort.

Once safely over the style, we note that to our left, a boundary fence heads straight for about a hundred metres, then curves to the right, atop a ridge. The field drops away steeply on the right, so we follow the fenceline which hugs the highground, searching for a second style which the map indicates gives access to the beach. The frequent movement of cattle has created a dirt trail along this ridge and we follow this, treading carefully to avoid cow shit and the odd prickly thistle which line the trail. Cattle see us approaching and run off down into the valley.

On the fenceline, about three hundred metres distance and almost directly opposite the cabin we spot the second style.

Here the style sequence is repeated but now accompanied by outrageous theatricals which encourage squeals of laughter.

Reunited on the far side, we find a track that winds through long grass, flax, gorse, lupins and clumps of tall pampas grass heading in the general direction of the beach.

Michael suggests I lead the way along the single file track. But once again, the reason for his chivalrous attitude soon becomes apparent.

"My god you've got a gorgeous bum!" He exclaims from behind me as we walk.

"You're awful," I complain. But then I deliberately wriggle my arse to tease him.

After a few hundred metres, the grass surface gives way to sand, pockmarked with footprints. Stunted, wind-blown trees appear alongside the track, some of them leaning at amazing angles away from the beach, giving a strong hint of the gales that blow in here from the west at times.

A suddden movement to our right catches our attention and we pause to watch a rabbit scurry off at high speed with his little white tail flashing a warning signal as he runs.

"Are you a happy bunny?" Michael asks.

"I'm a very happy bunny," I reply.

"Your buck is happy too, but getting very randy!" Michael squeals.

The foliage alongside the track gradually changes. As the hills of sand grow taller, clusters of lupins line the route, their yellow flowers offering a sweet perfume to blend with the salt laden air. Further on only hardy marram grass surives in the dry, salty environment.

Eventually the track widens further and only a multitude of footprints winding their way between the smooth walls of sand dunes indicate the route to the beach.

We stop to remove our sandals to make walking more comfortable.

The wider trail allows Michael to walk alongside me and he wraps his right arm around my waist. Naturally, I am terrified of meeting strangers at the beach, but Michael's strong arm reassures me that he will do his best to protect me from ridicule. I begin to feel thankful that I spent that extra time working on my makeup.

When the track opens out onto the broad expanse of dry sand above the high water mark, we pause to take in the spectacle before us. The tide appears to be well out, offering a vast tract of sand running down to where the huge breakers crash upon the sand. To the north and south, the views seem like mirror images. The beach appears to stretch for miles in either direction with only the top of an odd large tree showing up beyond the hillocks of sand to indentify localities. When I check for other people and fail to spot any, I begin to relax.

I detect a smudge on the south horizon which I assume is a distant promentary or cliff face. But when I strain my eyes to clarify it's significance, the smudge appears to float upon the sea, much like a desert mirage.

But then a sudden swirl of wind finds my skirt! I giggle as I struggle to push it down. Michael laughs.

Michael spreads the blanket on the dry sand and we sit down together.

"It's lovely here isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes, and you're lovely here too," he replies. He puts his arms around me, pulls me to him and kisses me. Amid such gorgeous surroundings and with my sense of antipation at extreme levels, I respond to Michael's kisses with real passion. I thrust my tongue into his mouth and press my body against his, eager to display my acceptance of his advances.

As my arousal increases, I find my submissive tendencies begining to dictate my actions. When Michael releases me from his hold, I push him away gently and fall back onto my back on the rug with my legs open slightly, hoping that Michael will read my compliant attitudes correctly.

When he smiles and then lowers himself to between my legs, my heart begins to race.

He supports his weight by resting each hand alongside my shoulders, forces my legs wider with his, then lowers his face to mine. The kiss is gentle at first but becomes a frantic display of hidden desires within minutes.

When the inevitable happens and Michael's hand contacts my bare knee, a shiver of excitement ripples through my lower body. I moan with greater pleasure when his hand moves slowly up my sensitive inner thigh, pushing the hem of my skirt up with it. All the while, he keeps kissing me, undoubtedly hoping to neutralise any resistance that I may still retain against his advances. Yet every gentle touch of his hands sends a shiver of excitement cursing through my body and increasing the bulge that strains for release from my panties. Wearing those stretch satin panties was a wise decision! Yet when his fingers encounter the bulge, my feminine instincts return to overide my growing level of passion and I push his hand away. But Michael understands my enthusiasm for roleplay. His fingers linger on my knee for awhile, then slide up my thigh again at a much slower pace. So slow that every inch of progress seems to send an electric impulse direct to my sex glands.

When his finger tips finally arrive to trace the outline of my cock through the stretch satin of my panties, I am so aroused that I am squirming with excitement. My cock has increased in size so much it feels painful where it strains for freedom.

Michael lifts his head away from my face on the blanket and looks down at my lower regions. "You're very horny today," he murmurs.

"You are very observant!" I squeal.

He laughs. I expect him to pull my panties down, exposing my cock to his hands and mouth, but fortunately, his determination to extend our anticipation preserves the moment. For now.

Instead he lies on his side alongside me and I turn to face him. His sense of excitement is clearly visible in his eyes yet I read his frustration too.

"You're a very sexy gurl," he murmurs with his mouth just inches from my own. "So incredibly sexy! If only you knew how much I desire you!"

I shudder with pleasure at his comments.

To prove his words, he takes my right hand and places it upon his crotch. I rub my fingers gently across the hard bone like structure in his shorts, feeling the outline of his hard cock.

"I want you too darling," I stutter. "I want you on me and in me in every way possible till our bodies and our minds fuse together!"

His smile captures my heart!

He brings his mouth to mine and we share another long tongue twisting kiss.

When he finally takes his mouth away from mine, he whispers, "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you for this wonderful present," I whisper.

We lay together, kissing and whispering sweet words to each other for many minutes. Our environment barely intrudes, yet we both sense the freedom and opportunities offered by this location.

Michael's frustration eventually triggers a response. "Shall we go for a walk along the beach?" He asks.

"Yes I think we had better," I say. "Otherwise I might have to pull your pants down and ride you cowgirl style right here on this blanket!"

"Miss Bee, you shock me! Whatever has got into you today?" Michael asks.

"Sorry darling. This beautiful setting and your hot body has really stirred me up!"

Michael rolls away and gets to his feet. He takes my hand and helps me stand. But the strong westerly wind very quickly makes it's presence felt under my skirt again. I use my only available hand to push my skirt down, but the wind keeps returning to billow under it. Soon, Michael is laughing out loud and I'm giggling so much I nearly wet my panties!

I check the beach again for other people, then let go of Michael's hand and run off down towards the sea, laughing and squealing. I feel my skirt billow out several times but make no attempt to push it down. The breeze blowing through my bare legs and lifting my skirt feels so naughty!

Michael follows, calling out, "Hey, wait for me!"

The tide is out, so I have to run a couple of hundred metres to the water's edge. Once I reach the wet sand near the sea, I pause and await Michael's presence.

"Worrrr, what a gorgeous sight!" he exclaims when he arrives and puts his arm around me.

"The beach or my panties?" I ask with a giggle.

"Well...both!" He exclaims.

We walk along the edge of the sea towards the south, holding hands.

The wind continues to billow under my skirt, but after awhile, I just let it go. To be able to wear my chosen attire outdoors in the wind is a new and exciting experience. Especially as it entertains Michael so much.

The beach appears to be completely deserted except for a few gulls who glide silently past, wings held taut and hanging upon the wind as they search for a meal. Only the roar of the wild surf breaks the peaceful scene before us. A wave often reaches up to wash over our feet then slide back out to lift and curl ready for a new attempt to reach us.

With just a few centimetres of water sweeping back and forth, we begin kicking the shallow water at our feet. Eventually we break apart and run about yelling and giggling and attempting to outdo each other with our kicking game.

Time passes without concern. We walk and we talk for a long time, only diverting to spash with our feet. At other places we pause to pick up shells and spin them into the wind.

It is Michael whom breaks the spell. "Perhaps we should be heading back?"

We stop and look about us. I am amazed at the sameness of our location. We have walked for at least an hour yet the views in either direction here are identical with the views near the cabin. I suddenly feel small and insignificent in this vast landscape.

I clutch Michael's hand as we turn and begin walking back along the hard sand. Michael reads my concerns. "This place is empty isn't it?" He asks.

"I hope we can find our entry point near the cabin," I say.

"Don't worry my dear, I will find it." Michael replies. "We walked for about an hour and a quarter, so after sixty minutes we start looking for that trail of footprints leading from the sandhills."

We follow the same trail above the line of the waves that attempt to reach higher up the beach with each sweep. The tide appears to be coming in now, forcing us to walk closer to the area of dry sand near the sand hills.

Michael puts his arm around me and holds my bum through my skirt and panties. "My god you've got a sexy arse," he says above the roar of the surf.

Later, his hand slips in under my skirt to hold my panties directly.

"You are a naughty man," I say.

He responds by sliding his hand under the waist elastic of my panties where he holds my bare arse cheeks gently with his hand as I walk.

"My god you've got a sexy mind," I complain.

But his touch sends a gorgeous tremor of desire right through my body. My cock is being teased in the front of my panties too, as his hand stretches and tugs, pulling the satin fabric against the outline of my cock. Once again, I acknowledge that I would happily submit to his cock right here on the beach if he had suggested it! Instead I contemplate the sexual encounter soon to take place in our own bed in our own cosy cabin on the farm.

As we walk, I muse over how lucky I am to be here right now. To be able to spend two nights as a gurl in the arms of my new lover is like a dream come true.

Michael has been timing our return diligently and it is he who spots the trail leading from the sand hills opposite the cabin. He clutches my hand and leads me off across the dry sand to climb the well trodden trail and track. My sense of anxiety is quickly replaced by anticipation for the evening ahead.

We arrive back at the cottage just before five o'clock and set about making ourselves an evening meal.

Once that is set to cook, Michael says that I am free to freshen up now if I wish. I am very pleased to hear his suggestion because one of the extravagances I brought with me is an evening dress. I hope a display of elegance at the dinner table will impress my lover sufficient to encourage an entire evening of old fashioned female seduction!

I shower again, then dress myself in a black torsolette, brown lace top stockings and black, stretch satin panties. Over this I wear a long black nylon full slip and follow this up with a long black dress made of a soft satin like material. I redo my makeup then slip my feet into my silver, medium heels.

When I make my grand entrance, Michael is watching the stove. But he notices my arrival and looks up. "Wow! I did say freshen up for dinner but I was not expecting this!" He says.

I pause in the doorway, watching Michael's eyes look me up and down and relishing in his stare.

"I call this my evening dress. It was made in the UK," I say.

"I am stunned! That whole ensemble looks so beautiful on you!" Michael says.

"Thank you so much," I say.

"You look like a real elegant lady in that."

"This lady needs a gentleman tonight!"

Michael laughs. "Wow yes mam! Hope I can help with that?"

I laugh. "Just you be patient. That's all I ask!"

"Yes mam!"

I step forward into the room and approach the stove.

"Can you watch this while I change darling?" Michael asks. I smile in agreement and he leaves the room.

When I am satisfied with how the dinner is cooking, I turn to look at the view again. That's when I notice something new on the table. Michael has sneaked a tall vase and a bunch of multicoloured carnations in from his car whilst I changed and set them up in the centre of the table! I rush over and inhale deeply on their fragrance. I am in love!

Suddenly my tight fitting foundations, real stockings, evening dress and heels seem very appropriate. With each trip I make to set the table for dinner, I look at the flowers, smell their fragrance and dream.... Eventually, I see myself as a princess, setting a table for a royal banquet!

When Michael returns to the room, he finds me deliberately concentrating on the dinner. "How is it going?" He asks.

"Not too good." I lie.

When he comes over to take a closer look, I spin around, embrace him and kiss him full on the mouth. He is caught by surprise but is soon returning my show of affection. I sizzling sound on the stove alongside us eventually breaks the spell.

"Thank you for the flowers darling." I whisper.

"I am very thankfull that I brought them now. Your level of feminine enhancement deserves equal acknowledgement." He replies.

We break apart, serve our meal onto plates and sit up at the table to dine. Conversation across the dinner table alternates between how good that beach looked and how good the food tastes after our afternoon in the salt laden air. Then it shifts up a notch and alternates between how good Bee looks and how good Michael looks, each of us trying to outdo the other. It seems about to shift up another notch and become rather risque, when we finish eating. We wash the dishes without saying much and then cuddle up together on the settee to watch some TV.

But we soon find that the reception is not very good in this remote place so after catching up on the world's events, we switch it off.

Michael pulls me to him and we kiss.

When he lets me breathe again, he whispers, "Happy birthday my dear lady."

"Thank you. Bringing me here was the best birthday present this gurl could ever have," I whisper.

Michael looks me straight in the eyes. "You're a darling, a very sexy darling," he whispers, then kisses me again. As the kissing and whispers of affection go on and on, my decision to wear panties with a stretch satin front panel is vindicated again.

When I feel Michael's hand on my stocking clad knee, where it starts pushing my skirt up, my arousal stretches that panel fully and I smile to myself. I may see myself as a lady but right now this lady has got a very hard cock in her panties!

I decide it is time to reveal my secret wish.

"I want to be like a real girl tonight," I whisper when he finally takes his mouth away.

"How do you mean? I always treat you like a girl." He says.

"Tonight I want you to leave the condom in it's packet," I whisper.

I see his eyes light up. "Are you sure?"

"I trust you darling," I reply.

He smiles. "You will be my real girl tonight."

I look deeply into his eyes. "That's what I want....Tonight I want everything that real girl's get and nothing between us to spoil the intimacy."

"You and I will share our bodies and souls like never before tonight darling," Michael whispers.

I clamp my mouth to his and we kiss again.

By the time our mouths part again, my need for a sexual connection has become a compulsion. "Time for bed?" I suggest.

"It's a bit early isn't it?" Michael replies.

I look up and notice that the sun is still shining outside!

"Hey, I have an idea," Michael says.

I look up expectantly.

"The web page said this cottage sleeps four," Michael says.

" So?"

"Well this settee must fold out into a double bed."

I still fail to grasp his thought process, so he continues.

"Why don't we drag this settee out onto the deck so we can cuddle together and watch the sunset?"

"Oh Michael you are a bloody genious!" I blurt.

We jump to our feet and carry the settee out onto the wooden deck and fold it open with the head against the glass doors. Michael disappears inside whilst I sit up on the right side.

Michael returns with two pillows and we sit up alongside each other with our backs supported by pillows against the headboard.

The sun is beginning to sink towards the west, reflecting it's golden hue onto long strips of high cloud which appear to curve from above the cabin and vanish into the strong glare near the horizon. Small, plump looking clouds at lower altitudes catch the glow as well, adding depth and multiple colours to the display.

"Isn't that beautiful?" I ask.

"Not as beautiful as you my dear," Michael whispers.

He pulls me to him and looks into my eyes. "I love my little gurl."

"I love my big boy," I reply.

Although I am thrilled at the level of passion shown by Michael, his incursions sometimes appear just a little tentative. Sometimes this gurl needs to feel she is being possessed just a little more urgently and whilst I am dressed as a conservative lady is one of those times! So when my own tongue tip contacts his and a teasing duel develops, I decide to challenge his authority with a spirited resistance.

Right on cue, Michael increases his demands, eventually overwhelming my resistance and taking possession of my mouth. I am thrilled. I cling to my lover with my heart pounding and my sex glands quivering with anticipation. Submission is sweet when affection and trust blend!

When I feel his hand reach between my thighs and push the hem of my skirt into the gap, my adopted feminine persona is tested in another way. Should I welcome his incursion by opening my legs, or should I play the conservative lady even further and fight his advances? Whilst I dally, Michael continues with his incursions. I feel his fingers sliding the soft material of my evening dress back and forth across my thighs as he toys with unfamiliar textiles. The gorgeous sliding sensation his hand creates, convinces me to accept his advance.

He lifts his mouth off mine only long enough to gather a deep breath before taking possession of my mouth again. His fingers reach higher and he begins dipping his fingers between my thighs, squeezing the soft material into the gap. I feel like I am being mauled, yet to be groped and indecently assaulted whilst wearing formal clothes feels so improper that I relish the sensation. I grab at the crotch of his trousers to prove that my interests are mutual but all I feel is a pressure point where his cock strains for release.

When Michael removes his tongue from my mouth for his next respite, he strengthens his tease by straddling me, pressing me back against the bed and pinning me down in similar fashion to how I invited him on the beach. Instinctively, I spread my legs and pull him down on top and we kiss again.

Although we are both still fully dressed, when he rubs the bulge of his cock up against mine in a kind of simulated intercourse, my needs suddenly become very physical. I am being mauled now and it feels very appropriate!

"I love you Bee," Michael whispers.

I can't help myself returning the sweet words. "I love you Michael."

I pull him down on top of me in an attempt to reveal how my attitudes have changed from conservative lady at the dinner table to submissive harlot who desperately needs to be fucked!

Now I can't wait to feel Michael's cock inside me. Not only fulfilling my need for playing the female role, but connecting our souls as man and woman.

Michael seems to have similar thoughts. His mouth slides away from mine and shifts to my neck.

"I need to make love to my woman on the double bed now," he whispers in my left ear.

He gets up off me and I am astounded to find that we are now in almost total darkness! Only a dull red glow appears over the trees to the west to indicate where the sun has gone.

Michael takes my hand and leads me through the dark living area to the bedroom.

At the doorway, he lets go of my hand. "Wait here," he whispers.

He walks ahead into the dark room.

I see a spark of light appear on the right as a match is struck, then a soft glow develops as a flame rises from the wick of a candle. I am captivated and stand still taking in the view before me. Michael's body appears as a silhouette as he moves across to the left and another candle is lit. The combined glow reveals that Michael had been busy whilst I tended to our dinner. The bed has been fully made up with plump pillows and fresh sheets folded back ready for our love making.

I rush straight over to Michael and wrap my arms around him. "You are so romantic!"

"Happy birthday darling," he returns.

The kiss upon my mouth is merely a prelude.

Michael's mouth slips from mine to my neck where he nibbles my ear lobs before kissing my neck. The bare parts of my left shoulder receive attention from his mouth next. I stand still and let the quivers and tingles of anticipation race through my senses. A slippery sensation warns that the left shoulder strap of my black dress is being slid away to hang alongside my upper left arm. Another kiss upon bare flesh and then the strap of my petticoat follows a similar path. Then his mouth is busy paying attention to my exposed left shoulder. After what seems an eternity, his fingers and mouth move to my right shoulder and he repeats the ministrations.

"Love my beautiful lady," He whispers.

With my arousal at extreme levels, my mind drifts into a trance like state when I feel my dress and petticoat being peeled to my waist. Only when my arms feel restricted at my sides do I fully recognise my situation and lift my arms free. His fingers and mouth combine now to contact my corset, squeeze my fake breasts and kiss each inch of bare skin that he has uncovered.

"Love your attentions tonight Michael," I whisper.

"A lady like you deserves respect and patience," he whispers.

I close my eyes, concentrating my mind on each gentle touch upon my bare skin and let my imagination drift...I picture Michael's beautiful cock...I recall his raspy whispers when his face is close...His massive chest towering above mine...

A slithering, tugging, sliding sensation disturbs my dream. "Lift your left foot darling," Michael whispers from somewhere near the floor.

It takes me a few moments to realise that Michael has peeled my dress and petticoat to my ankles! I open my eyes to find Michael crouching on the floor at my feet with a very puzzled look on his face!

"Oh sorry darling," I whisper as I lift my left foot, then my right.

He picks up my dress and petticoat from the floor, folds them correctly and lays them over a chair. I am impressed. Despite his arousal, Michael is still a gentleman.

When Michael returns to face me, he checks that my eyes are still open, then begins to release his top shirt button. The cheeky grin on his face warns me that this strip tease could be just as memorable as my undressing. As I look on in awe, the buttons on Michael's shirt seem to reflect the flickering yellow glow from the candles, highlighting their significance like counters in a game. A mischievious grin on Michael's face follows each button release. He knows his body fascinates me and is working it to the max tonight. When Michael's shirt falls open, the orange glow falls directly upon his masculine chest. The heavy shadows from the candles highlight bulges of muscle, broad expanses of naked flesh and thick clumps of hair. My cock begins to feel pained as it strains for release from the front panel of my panties.

"Wow!" I whisper.

My heart rate steps up another notch when Michael lowers his trousers and steps out of them.

Yet Michael knows how to retain my attention. He keeps his briefs on till he knows that I have fully absorbed the sight of the big bulge that lies bent inside his briefs. He grips the waist elastic at each side of his briefs and makes as if to lower them, but then pauses.

"Take them off Michael," I plead.

He ignores me, turning away from me to lower his briefs. Not because he is shy. Oh no. Michael knows that the sight of his tight arse cheeks can stir my passions higher than the sight of his beautiful weapon. Today is no exception. Although now reasonably familiar Michael's naked arse, I quiver with renewed lust as I imagine the power that lurks in those narrow hips and gorgeous tight cheeks. Power that this lady needs if she is to be taken and used in the manner I have in mind tonight.

Only now does my gorgeous lover turn to reveal the beautiful cock that I know can bring such pleasure to the sex glands within my pelvis. Tonight, Michael's cock looks better than ever. Maybe today's prolonged anticipation distorts my vision? Maybe the flickering candlelight has added a simulation of stark nakedness to my view? His thick shaft curves over and out from his pelvis looking magnificent. Amidst the hair at the base, I search for a glimpse of his large balls. Another personal obsession of mine that I find difficult to curb. Although the dim light prevents intimate appraisal, they look more tightly packed, more virile, more beautiful than ever. My mind runs wild as I contemplate the relationship between big balls and a large amount of male sperm. I know the truth but tonight my wild fantasies prevail.

A shiver runs right through my sex glands, causing another stir in my panties as I recall my promise to Michael about leaving his condom in it's packet. This rather conservative lady's rectum is going to get flooded with male sperm tonight!

"Now sit on the bed here darling," Michael orders.

I follow his direction, sitting rather primly with my legs together.

Michael laughs. "You are so cute! I was kind of expecting to see you sitting with your legs wide apart!" he squeals.

"Oh Michael, I am a lady!" I squeal.

He kneels on the floor in front of me. "I can see that."

He reaches for my left shoe and brings it to his mouth. He kisses the shoe, then reaches his hands to release the tiny buckle. My toes, the flat of my foot and my ankle get his treatment next. Then he shifts across to the other foot and repeats the procedure. I am amazed at his level of control tonight.

"Love your personal attentions darling," I whisper.

"Your meticulous transformation into a lady warrants that you be treated with a similar level of respect," he replies.

He shuffles himself a little closer and my knees become his focus. I feel a hand contact both knees and pause there. He looks up and catches my gaze.

His smile is all this lady needs. I relax my stance, Michael spreads my legs and my arousal increases.

He kisses my right knee first, lingering there for several minutes before planting little kisses all over my left.

I relax my tight reign upon my legs as his ministrations progress. I feel his mouth contact my thighs, sometimes reaching almost up to my stocking tops. Almost. Michael understands the function of tease.

"You have bloody gorgeous legs baby."

"You have bloody gorgeous methods for arousing this gurl!" I say.

Michael moves in closer and it's my sensitive upper thighs that receive the contact with his hot tongue and wet lips. As Michael kisses his way closer and closer to my panties and my cock, my anticipation levels peak.

"Michael! Michael! Please fuck me now! I can't stand anymore teasing!" I squeal.

He laughs and shifts his face closer.

"Oh Michael!" I squeal when I feel his mouth contact my panties. His kisses the outline of my erect cock first, then slobbers his wetness across the entire bulge, wetting my panties and sliding the thin material back and forth.

"Michael, you are such a bloody tease!" I squeal.

He laughs again.

I feel the warmth of his mouth on my knob as he attempts to suck my cock through my panties.

"Oh Michael baby," I whisper.

He shifts his mouth to one side of my shaft, nips at my panties with his teeth, shifts his head away, then releases his hold again.

"Michael!" I squeal as my satin panties slide back into place across my sensitive knob. He repeats the procedure many times, each slide adding to the need for release that grows and grows within my sex glands.

"Michael! You're a dreadful tease!" I squeal.

This time he yields to my desperate pleas and gets to his feet.

"Stand up my sexy lady," he requests.

I follow his directive and immediately feel my panties being pulled down my legs. I step out of the clump of material at my feet and then feel his hot mouth envelop my cock.

"Michael darling!" I squeal as a most exquisite sensation engulfs my senses.

Full plunges to the back of Michael's mouth are followed by lighter sucks and nibbles. But then the tip of his tongue plays tricks on my swollen glands as it traces every curve and lip. Then he shifts focus and his mouth moves to lick my balls, pausing there to mouth each hairless testicle separately.

A moan tells him that his efforts are appreciated. Then his hot mouth returns to my most sensitive gland. The lick and nibble is nice but when the powerful suck sensation returns, I feel my senses reel with unexpected urgency. My orgasm suddenly seems imminent. To give the tormentor what it demands appears so simple, so natural!

But no! Just in time, I come to my senses!

"Stop!" I yell.

Michael looks a little shocked as he lifts his head from my cock to check my sanity.

"Now bring that beautiful weapon of yours to my mouth and let me taste you," I say.

He follows my prompt immediately and I seize my chance to indulge myself in another close inspection of my favourite cock.

Although only average in length and slightly above average in girth, Michael's solid, straight shaft has always impressed the girl in me. The way it stands rigid and strong and at virtual right angles to his body adds a degree of brutal functionality to it's appearance somehow. It seems the perfect shape to provide the connection that I so desperately need!

I grip the lower part of his shaft with my right hand first, eager to reaquaint myself with what I love most about this cock. Sure enough, Michael's cock resists every effort to dislodge it from it's eagerness to stand strong and rigid. The tingle of need within my sex glands increases as I fantasize again...

But then I spot a small bead of precum lingering in the centre slit and I lick it up eagerly.

"You taste wonderful tonight darling," I purr.

I open my mouth wide now and pop my lips over his knob, pausing there to tickle his sensitive channel with the tip of my tongue. I feel Michael tense as he anticipates what I have in store for him.

I work his cock deeper into my mouth in stages, maintaining the tightest grip upon his swollen knob with entry and less with withdrawl. Yet teasing by lingering at intervals to lick his shaft.

"You teasing girl." Michael whispers.

Still holding the base of his shaft, I begin plunging my mouth deeper and gripping his knob more firmly with each plunge. A feel Michael adjust his feet as he braces himself for more. But then I pull away to lick his shaft and indulge my fantasies with another close up inspection of his manhood. The glow from the candles appears to dance off his wet shaft, highlighting every vein and every dimple to perfection.

By the time I return to plunge my mouth down upon his shaft again, I note how my arousal has shifted it's focus slightly. Although my sex glands still demand that I empty my sperm reserves through manipulation of my cock, a growing need for penetration by a cock proves my transgender status.

"Oh you darling! You bloody darling!" Michael says.

I break away again to lick his shaft and fondle his balls.

"Damn gurl, you are driving me crazy!" Michael squeals.

"So are you baby! So are you!" I cry.

I return to plunge my mouth down upon his shaft again and again.

But then he interupts me.

"Lay on the bed on your front darling and spread your legs wide," he orders.

On my front? What has Michael in mind?

He usually fucks me missionary style so he can read my reactions through my facial expressions. But as his dutiful lover, I follow his order then feel the bed bend and twist as Michael climbs into position to lay between my legs. When his fingers contact my bare arse cheeks, a shiver runs right through me.

Yet the same question haunts me. What has Michael in mind? Is he merely opening my arse to lubricate my anus for his cock or has he got other titivations in mind?

My answer arrives when I feel his fingers parting my arse cheeks and then his tongue enters my slot! Michael has never rimmed me before. My birthday is getting better and better!

He licks my entire slot first as if to lubricate it for future use. But then the tip of his tongue stabs at my hole.

"Michael darling," I whisper into the pillow.

He stabs again and again, forcing his tongue into my hole.

"Mmmmmmm," he murmurs from right in my slot.

Then his tongue intrudes right into me. I feel it stab, twist around, withdraw then stab again. With my prostate tingling with need, the warm, wet sensation triggers a desire for a more robust intrusion.

"Oh Michael, you are such a fabulous lover!" I squeal.

"Just getting your arse ready for my cock," he says.

"It's ready! It's ready!" I squeal.

Suddenly he pulls my arse cheeks wide apart. I feel very stretched and exposed down there! My heart rate increases as I lay awaiting his tongue. But once again, Michael understands the power of anticipation and tease. When his tongue finally arrives at my shivering anus, he merely slurps his way up and down my slot. But then I squeal with shock as his tongue presses right into me again! I feel it penetrate, curl, twist then withdraw creating a sense of intimacy that is exquisite.

But then he is gone and I shiver with anticipation.

After several minutes of extreme frustration, he licks my slot again.

"Did anyone tell you that you've got a bloody sexy arse?" He asks.

"Yes," I reply.



He laughs, gets off the bed and stands alongside it.

"Turn over darling," Michael orders.

I roll over onto my back and cast my vision upon the great hunk of masculinity who stands alongside the bed. Michael's broad chest, narrow hips and muscular legs are impressive enough but to a gurl with an immediate need for a sexual connection, his cock commands my central focus.

It sticks straight out in front of him and everytime he moves, I see it bounce, then return to it's former rigid angle. A shiver runs through between my legs as I contemplate having that gorgeous weapon reach right into my body.

I watch as Michael opens his bag. Once again he utilizes every opportunity to dramatise and tease. He picks up a condom packet and makes out he is reading the label.

"Guaranteed to reduce sensations of true intimacy!" He says.

I laugh. "Thats true. This birthday gurl wants nothing to spoil our intimacy tonight."

Michael looks quite serious. "Baby I see this as our wedding night fantasy now!"

"Oh Michael! I love your imagination!" I whisper.

"Your decision to dispense with condoms is about to bond us in a way you could never have envisaged!" Michael says.

"I choose this moment because I hoped the privacy afforded by this place would offer a once in a lifetime chance to bond like never before."

"And create memories?"

"I hope so. I really do hope so!"

"Darling Bee. I am stunned by your visions!"

Michael looks down upon me from alongside the bed and I take in his bulk as he towers over me. Once again, I am amazed at this man's patience. Or does he have a different agenda? This man is very smart.

As I ponder this, I watch his vision pause briefly upon my face. Distracted, I smile my acceptance. Fascinated now, I watch his eyes lower to take in my chest, with my black corset and fake breasts filling the decorated cups. Then his eyes scan lower across my belly, absorbing the femininity inherent in the panels of lace and boning in my corset. Beyond there though I notice how his eyes become rather fixated. Without any sense of self-consciousness he gazes intently for several minutes upon my cock curving back at full erection and framed at either side by the suspender straps holding my stockings taut. Eventually his eyes shift lower and he stares at my inner thighs and into the narrowing gap between my legs. Although only his sight contacts my body, a strong tingle races through between my legs as I become absorbed in my lover's clever ruse. Yes, this man is very clever.

Michael looks up to my face again. "Darling, I am in love with a very beautiful transvestite!"

"I'm in love with a man called Michael."

But Michael will not be rushed. He acknowledges now that this love making session is very special and will be remembered for many years to come. He changes tack again by standing alongside the bed, deliberately taunting me by turning his great strong frame this way and that in a tease that he knows will drive me wild with desire. His shear bulk is impressive enough but when combined with his cock pointing out at right angles to his pelvis and bouncing each time he shuffles his feet, I begin to shiver with excitement. I attempt to distract my thoughts by taking the opportunity to indulge myself in a rather personal fantasy, sneaking another furtive look at those massive balls of his. The flickering glow from the candles fails to filter through the thick mat of hair to identify individual balls yet the shear bulk below his shaft conveys a profound sense of raw masculinity. But my attempt at distraction fails. My desire to be a gurl has never reached such extreme heights.

Michael increases my level of anticipation dramatically when he squeezes a great pool of lubricant into his right hand and begins to lubricate his beautiful cock. He pushes his cock through his closed fist several times, supposedly to spread the lubricant, yet unwittingly highlighting the rigidity in his shaft and prolonging his tease. I watch as his shaft glows in the candlelight, highlighting his fat knob and exposing the veins and swollen dorsal channel. Free of the usual rubber cover, Michael's cock appears bigger and more beautiful than ever.

"Oh darling! Your bride is ready! Come here and consumate our relationship!" I blurt.

Micheal stands alongside the bed, stroking his cock and looking down upon me with a quizical expression on his face.

"Which way does my bride wish to submit her body to her man?" He asks.

I smile up at him and fit a pillow under my bum, spread my legs and lift my knees.

"I want to see you as well as feel you in me," I say.

My offer and stance is too much for Michael to ignore now.

Without warning, he leaps down on top of me, straddling me and pinning me to the bed. His mouth lowers to mine and we kiss. I pick up his vibes from the frantic urgency in his kiss.

The prolonged tease is over. Even as we kiss, I feel his cock prodding at my sensitive perenium between my legs. The tease goes straight to my prostate, increasing my need for direct stimulation!

His mouth lifts off mine and whispers. "Tell me if I hurt you?"

"No!" I say.


"I don't care how much the entry hurts. I need to feel you deep inside me now!"

"You are really dedicated to your transexual status, Miss Bee!"

Michael supports his weight above my chest with one hand as he aims his cock at my anus with the other. I feel his cock pressing at my tiny hole, eagerly seeking entry to my body.

"I love you Miss Bee," He whispers.

He stabs his cock as he searches my eyes for approval. I smile up at him in a desperate attempt to express the need for complete intimacy that my body and soul needs. After a few rather perfunctory stabs, he increases his urgency. It begins to hurt but I say nothing. How can I say anything when I need this as much as he? He wriggles his cock around and jabs it again and again. His urgency is obvious but I don't flinch even when he presses hard.

Suddenly I feel the knob of his cock stretch my hole. I feel my entrance bend inwards but still resist. Michael recognises his position and pauses. It hurts down there but when I manage to smile up at him, he smiles back. I watch the excitement in his eyes as he pushes and prods some more, gradually working his way into my body. The pain peaks as my sphincter spreads wide around his shaft then eases as a slide sensation signifies a very welcome penetration.

"Your bride is not a virgin now!" I giggle.

Michael laughs.

All discomfort gives way to a delightful fullness and heated sensation as Michael eases his manhood all the way into me. Within seconds it's like a fire has been lit down there and is spreading to all my sensitive places. I have a sudden urge to wrap my arms around Michael and never let him back out of there! He seems to read my thoughts.

"We really are as one now darling," he whispers.

I imagine his bare cock lying within the pink folds of my rectum.

"With nothing between us to spoil the intimacy." I say.

He gives in to temptation and reaches his head down to kiss me briefly, his big chest squashing my legs down even further alongside my head. Despite the discomfort, my feminine experience needs such confirmation.

When Michael starts thrusting his cock in and out in smooth, yet deep strokes, my sexual parts are soon enjoying the ride. When I recall the lack of a rubber sheild between us, I feel more intimate now than ever before with any man.

He thrusts another couple of slow, deep thrusts. "Darling that bare feel is so fucking good!" He says.

I enjoy each stroke as it adds heat to the fire between my legs.

"My bare cock loves your bare arse darling!" Michael says.

"Oh Michael! Your beautiful big cock is lighting a fire between this gurl's legs!" I squeal.

Yet now something inexplicable happens. I develop a sudden a need for something more. I need to get closer to Michael! I need to have him under my skin and inside my soul! I wrap my arms around him and pull him deep into me. "Please!" I squeal.

He stops thrusting and looks into my eyes to ascertain my concerns.

"Sorry darling," I whisper.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks.

I feel embarrassed and when I fail to find adequate words to describe my feelings, my discomfort increases. "'s nothing," I blurt.

I suddenly wish I had kept my secrets hidden!

When Michael's face shows real concern, I realise I must explain myself.

"I just got this crazy need to somehow get even closer to you! Under your skin, into your mind, to fuse our minds together as one!" I stutter.

"You are so very sweet," Michael whispers.

He lowers his mouth to mine and we share another kiss. With our bodies connected in sexual harmony, the kiss offers an expedient moment for me to express my passions. Consequently, the kiss endures for many minutes as I attempt to relay just a little of my pent up emotions. Tongue duals eventually give way to lip sucking, then teases using only our tongue tips. All the while, I cling to Michael in a desperate attempt to relay how I feel right now.

When we both begin to gasp for breath, I whisper: "Love you Michael,"

"I love you too. Love the way you reveal you deepest emotions." Micheal whispers.

"I need you Michael. I need your guidence. I need your acceptance. I need your devotion." I reply.

"You've got it all baby," Michael whispers.

Michael strokes his cock briefly, just to remind both of us of our sexual connection, then he pauses to kiss again. The urgency to reach orgasm has given way to a need to express our devotion. Another session of gentle thrusting follows but is then followed by further pauses and kisses. Meanwhile I continue to grip Michael's body firmly to relay my need to get closer and to express my love. Each pause is accompanied by whispers laced with emotion. Eventually the kissing and the ultimate physicality offered by the sexual connection seems to appease my crazy need a little and I begin to relax again.

Michael reads my emotions correctly. He lifts his head away from mine to return to thrusting, yet continues to look directly into my eyes to read my thoughts. I feel more vulnerable than ever but relax when he smiles.

"I love you Michael!"

"I love my little gurl too!" He says.

"Pleasure yourself however you like now darling, but don't forget to give me my really special birthday present at the end," I whisper.

I see his eyes light up as he contemplates his opportunity. "Love you Miss Bee!"

I watch his facial expressions change as he strokes his cock in and out. A favourite pastime of mine when I am being fucked by any man. When Michael's strokes get deeper and more forceful, I notice how his smile becomes slightly contorted.

As a transgender, I can usually interpret masculine body language and read facial expressions with ease. As Michael's pleasure increases, his body's natural functions begin to demand relief from the pressure building in his glands. But I know from experience that Michael's control rarely falters. Meanwhile, each stroke of Michael's cock creates a gorgeous friction in my rectum, stimulating my prostate and sex glands and increasing my infatuation with Michael. When I look up to Michael's face and see the excitement reflected in his eyes, and the look of determination in his grin, all doubts about my condom decision vanish. This is intimacy as it should be between a man and his woman. I wrap my arms around Michael and smile up to him in encouragement.

Michael smiles back and increases his thrusting speed.

My rectum appreciates every slip, slide and blatant stretch. "Fuck me Michael!" I squeal.

"My god I love you Miss Bee!" He blurts.

His breathing rate increases in sequence with his thrust rate.

"Michael! I love your cock! It's burning it's way right into my body....into my heart!"

"Oh baby, you feel so hot!" Michael says.

He allows a little more body weight to contact me and then thrusts faster.

My submissive attitudes stir.

"Yes! Yes! Take me like that! Use me darling!" I squeal.

He presses me down against the mattress harder, holds his pelvic muscles taut and powers into me.

"Oh yes darling! Take your pleasure!"

Michael's pelvis slams repeatedly into mine, adding to the fire that burns out of control in my sex glands.

"Michael! Oh shit, Michael! You're really fucking me now and I love it!" I squeal.

Desperate to relay my enthusiasm, I begin tightening my anal muscles around Michael's cock as he powers into me. "You teasing bitch!" Michael says.

I become stunned when a jumping, twitching sensation begins in my glands. It's almost like the initial stages of orgasm!

"Oooo sheet Michael! I love you! I love you!" I squeal and link my hands around his neck, eager to convey my acceptance for whatever punishment his powerful body desires and maybe even precipitate my own orgasm?

"Fuck me hard darling! Take your pleasure from my submission!"

Michael pauses. "Really?"

"Yes darling. Unlease you masculinity and give me a ride I won't forget! Remember it's my birthday and this our virtual wedding night!"

I feel his body tense, see his grin develop as he contemplates the offer. He begins slowly, building his pace over time as he contemplates riding his woman towards the ultimate masculine pleasure. My rectum begins to burn as if a fire rod is being thrust into it. Yet everytime he stiffens his back to power into me, I ignore the physical discomfort and match his aggression by lifting my hips to meet his thrust.

Loud grunts, blasphemies and various other utterances escape both our mouths as we ignore refinement and fuck for the pure pleasure of it. As Michael's thrusting becomes faster and more aggressive, the resistance I offer his cock appears feeble against his powerful shoves. I feel my body being moved higher and higher up the bed. Yet amidst the grunting, the squeals of joy, and the blatant aggression being unleashed, I scream for more.

"Go! Go darling! Stick it in me! Deep! Deeper! Deeper! Oh yes! Yes! Like that! Oh fuck yeah, like that!" I squeal.

Michael flattens me against the mattress and slams his cock into me over and over.

I feel used and abused, but that's exactly what I need right now!

"Go! Go!" I scream and reach both hands to his bum cheeks and pull him deeper into me, eager to display my acceptance of what he is doing and feel every ounce of energy being unleashed upon my weaker body. Through his bum cheeks, I sense the power being unleashed as he dips his hips forward into me. Meanwhile, shock waves ripple through my frame as his pelvis slams into my upturned arse cheeks. The twitching, jumping sensation returns and I ride the pleasure for several minutes, hoping to feel it burst into a full orgasm.

"You sexy bitch Miss Bee! I've never seen you react like this before!" Michael shouts.

"Its my birthday! I need my present!" I squeal.

"It's coming! My god yes it's coming!" Michael bleats.

"Oooo sheet. Oooo you lovely...Oooo er, er....Big man!" I stutter amidst the thumps, bumps, twitches and jumps.

On and on Michael thrusts, setting off a fire sensation in my arse that seems to lead right through into my cock. And my heart!

"Yes! Yes! Stick it in me like that! Go, go, go!" I scream.

When Michael's face contorts into a grimace, I know he is close.

His eyes flash then stare without recognition. His control is being tested now!

I shiver with anticipation and dig my nails into his arse cheeks. I've waited all day for this moment!

"Give it to me darling! Squirt it in deep!" I squeal.

"Arrrrh! You sexy woman!" He squeals.

He thrusts hard, pulls back then slams into me again.

My rectum burns a genuine protest now but I ignore the discomfort.

He withdraws a fraction then slams his great weapon into me again. My arse jumps, tingles, quivers and burns.

"Arrrrrrh! Shit Miss Bee! You beauty! You fucking beauty!" He calls.

My mind spins with relayed excitement. My lover is in ecstasy!

"Arrrrrrh! Shit! Yes! Yes!" He repeats.

He staggers against me, his cock pressed deep into me. "I love you Bee!"

I feel his cock twitch inside me once, then pulse as my birthday present is delivered with explosive force. I quiver with pleasure as I visualise his hot cum smacking against the pink folds of my rectum, then sliding back to spread over his swollen knob. Then to be shot forward again as another spurt flies from his hole.

"Darling Bee! I love you! I love you!" Michael screams.

"Oh Michael! I love you too!" I scream and dig my nails deeply into the soft cheeks of his arse.

"Oh Bee! I can't stop! Oh yeah! Oh fuck! I can't......oh shit darling!"

I feel Michael's body shake and shiver as he delivers my second, third and fourth rewards in rapid shots. My birthday present is being delivered with real passion!

"Oh, darling!" He squeals, "I can't stop! Oh yeah! Oh fuck! You're draining me!"

I grip Michael with both hands in a desperate attempt to prove my devotion.

Many minutes pass as we cling to each other and his shivers and staggers reduce in intensity and his orgasm fades to a few small shots and oozes.

"Oh fuck! You drained me!" Michael says.

He lowers his head down to mine and whispers, "Thank you for that. I haven't cum that well for a long, long time."

"Thank you too Michael. I have needed to experience total intimacy like that for a long time too."

When he kisses me again, I notice how this kiss differs from the others. The urgency of sex has given way to a blissful thank you.

When Micheal finally breaks the spell and lifts his mouth off mine, he asks. "Now what about you?"

"I nearly cum with you," I tell him.


"Yes that was the closest I have ever come to having a mutual orgasm with a male lover. The familier shivers, pulses and twiching started several times but never developed into a full blown orgasm."

"Wow, you really are a sexy gurl!"

Michael pulls his cock out of me and lifts himself out of our embrace. I immediately feel abandoned. But when I feel his mouth envelop my cock, I ignore the sensation. He sucks gently on my knob for a few moments, then licks my shaft a couple of times, then returns to suck gently on my swollen knob. It feels nice enough, but when he repeats that strong suck sequence that he employed earlier, my senses react with urgency.

"Oh Michael! Oh yes!" I scream.

Michael seizes his chance, repeating his amazing suck routine.

Within a few moments I feel those familiar pulses begin deep within my groin.

I close my eyes and let the pleasure carry me away!

"Michael! Oh fuck Michael!" I squeal.

Ecstasy overwhelmes all other senses as my first shot of cum shoots up into Michael's mouth. The shot is so powerful it shoots down Michael's throat without much taste lingering on his tongue.

But when he swallows, the clamping of his jaw encourages another spurt to shoot into his mouth.

Within seconds I feel that my all my body juices are flowing into my lover.

I shiver and shake as my cum squirts and again and again.

"I love you Michael!" I squeal.

When he realises that he can't get any more to drink, Michael collapses alongside me and we kiss again.

I taste my cum in his mouth, yet I love the idea of sharing that taste with him too. This entire weekend is about sharing our bodies and sharing our minds.

"I think I need a shower," I eventually whisper.

"Me too," Michael whispers.

We wander into the bathroom and take turns under the shower.

I return to the bedroom and I slip on a white bra, white panties and a short, white, babydoll style nightie. Then I walk into the lounge and set the jug to boil.

Michael reappears, wearing an expensive looking dressing gown.

"Wow, that is a very sexy nightie!" He exclaims when he see what I am wearing.

We sit at the table and enjoy our cup of tea.

Through the windows, we can see that a full moon is now shining, lighting up the shape of the hills. Michael turns the light out and we sit cuddled up together watching the moonlight lighting up the curvature of the farm hills and through the trees, dancing on the distant sea.

"I'd love to be down there on the beach now," Michael whispers.

"We could go down tomorrow night," I suggest.

"Yes, lets do that," he agrees.

Eventually, tiredness overcomes sexual interests and we retire to bed. I drop off to sleep with my face just inches from Michael's and with my left arm over his strong chest.


Next: Chapter 2

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