Bitch Boy Breaker

By Alpha Spirit

Published on Aug 14, 2023


Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males of consenting age 18+. It involves domineering, rough sex that both parties, at some point or another, consent to. It contains strong language and other adult situations. If the material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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-From Part 3 / Buff Gym Bitch 01-

"You want a body like this? A real man's body?"

"Yesssss," Red sucked in his breath, closing his eyes. He dropped the pretense, and the towel, and thoroughly ran his hand up and down the outline of my erection.

"There's a gym back at my place, only a few blocks from here. I've got just the program for you."

-From Part 4 / Buff Gym Bitch 02 -

Red looked confused, frowned his freckled brow. I didn't release his hand, stared straight into his green eyes. "Pound for pound. You win: you get my Asian for a week. But..." I took my other hand and cupped the muscle cunt's big, fat booty in the palm of my hand. "If I win... when I win, I get to break this tight little ass of yours in."

Bitch Boy Breaker - Buff Gym Bitch 03 by AlphaSpirit

Red had already agreed to the contest: me versus him, a battle of strength, durability, and manliness. If he won, he could fuck Charm as much as he wanted for a 7-day period. If I won, which I was going to, I'd get to fuck Red's muscle bubble butt. Red agreed on the contest but disagreed on the outcome. "That's not gonna happen."

The cocky, muscle bound ginger returned my firm handshake with audacity. "You're on." The arrogant redhead, all vim and testosterone, thought he had an advantage over me. Shorter and only 3/4 of my weight, he was never going to take me down one-on-one, but the 'pound for pound' stipulation gave him more than just a fighting chance.

We set about picking the contests. Nothing mind blowing, just the traditional 'pissing match' exercises you see at gyms around the world. It was going to be an opportunity to see Red's budding, rippled physique in action. It would also give him plenty of time to get buzzed off the goods Charm was bringing down from my apartment, give Red plenty of chances to admire the man who was about to break him in.


"Of course."

"Incline bench?"

"Dude, of course."

"Weight times reps, or just weight?"

"Doesn't matter to me."

I could see how Red could be mistaken for a top: his swagger, his bulging pecs, biceps, and the abs stretching around to his rippled back. The kid was a stud... if it wasn't for the fat glutes and his popping bubble butt.

We had just settled on about 12 different exercises that'd we compete in when Charm came back downstairs with protein shakes and some of the extra goodies. Neither of the protein shakes were your run-of-the-mill supplement store stuff. I had made it clear to Charm that it wasn't just 'extra supplement' I had instructed him to prepare, but a little bit extra of a chemical concoction to really get the red headed hunk horny, dumb, and helpless for the onslaught he was going to experience. Some Viagra, soma muscle relaxant, an aphrodisiac that creeped up to mind bending levels before you knew it: there was a little bit in mine too, but the one put down in front of Red would have a full-grown man hard and horny in under an hour. Making sure there was no chance of a misstep, I grabbed my shake and started chugging down. Red instinctively followed suit.

"And the soma and speed, Master", Charm announced as he put down a handful of pills in front of both of us.

Red eyed the drugs suspiciously, he definitely hadn't been paying full attention when I asked if he'd wanted those. Egging him on I said, "You never have any soma, boy? It's essentially just a muscle relaxer, not enough to make you shit your pants or anything, but makes the muscles less likely to tear doing a really intense workout." What I didn't tell him was that it was going to open up his muscle boycunt in a way that even a virgin like him would be able to accommodate my massive girth. I took my pills right away, washing them down with the remainder of my protein shake.

"And... amphetamine?" The boy asked. This was a little bit extra, certainly not necessary. Unlike the soma, it would heighten the sensation of Red's cunting, make him really fired up for our contest. I explained it to him that it helped with intensity in workouts. Red didn't end up taking the speed right then, which was fine with me. It's always good to pause and see what limits these muscle sluts have with their bodies.

Red popped the pills of soma and then sucked down the protein supplement, his neck contracting as he gulped. Exaggerated in his guzzling, the young ginger put on a show without seemingly knowing what he was doing. A trickle of shake dripped out the corner of his mouth and Red wiped it on his workout shirt, revealing his abs in the process.

"So, let's get down to it."

We started on bench, then moved to incline. We added in some cardiovascular activities in between, lunges and squats that showed off Red's juicy ass, push-ups that got a fine sheen of sweat on his hairless biceps. We moved to dead lifts, snaps, and the two of us started truly sweating and grunting. Red's fat ass nearly split his pants every time he leaned over far enough, and I almost threw him up against the fly machine when he arched his back and grunted at the end of each set. I stripped off my shirt; it was getting moist and funky in the claustrophobic, dingy, gym basement. There was no clock in the basement gym, but it had to have been almost 90 minutes or two hours of serious exercise.

"That soma feels good, doesn't it, boy?" I asked Red after he dropped his dumbbells at the end of one particular set. His green eyes were somewhat dilated, and he had a stupefied, far-off look that really fit his Himbo body type.

"Fuck, yeah, shit feels great," Red stripped off his top, his hairless chest was everything you wanted in a muscle boy: defined pecs, sleek obliques leading down to a trim waist, and rippling, rock hard abs. "Grrrr!" Red flexed in the mirror, really feeling the effects of the soma (and the drugs in the shake, no doubt).

I won the incline bench, Red won the bench press. I'll spare you the details. It wasn't going to matter. I had decided I was going to fuck Red no matter what the results were. We were in there for just over two hours before we took our first real break. Red was a sweaty mess, and he couldn't stop touching himself, running his hands over his ribs, forearms, and especially his chest. This was particularly noticeable after I won three straight sets, popping my final pill of Speed. Being out-muscled like that broke Red's resistance, and he gobbled down his amphetamines, too.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Red announced as he admired my triceps and deltoids during a back exercise. "Only problem is this stuff gives you a serious boner, doesn't it?" He was all but jerking his dick through the thin material of his shorts; we were both completely rock hard, though Red didn't know it was from the Viagra.

"Oh yeah, but it makes it all the better when you're at the gym and some bitch, or some sissy faggot, keeps looking your way." It was true, that was exactly how I'd gotten Red here, after all. Setting down the exercise bar, I rearranged my package to show off the prominence of my rock-hard boner.

"Fuck yeah, fucking awesome!" Red was really feeling it now, essentially masturbating the entire time between each of his sets, eyes unconsciously glued to my male physique (or his own) instead of resting properly. He slapped himself on his bare pecs, groping his own muscled breasts (not for the first time, either).

Even I was getting a little spun, it had been some time since I'd indulged in the soma/Viagra/MDMA combo. Deciding a little break was in order, I texted Charm to get back down to the gym and, anticipating the Asian sissy's arrival, suggested to Red that we take a break.

"Sit down, kid, take a break. You deserve it," Red was jacked up on the Speed, pacing the floor; he needed the encouragement by example to sit down. Fondling himself through his shorts, he muttered but did as told. "You can keep playing with your meat, too. One of the perks about having a place like this all to yourself."

I pulled my own turgid erection out into the sweaty gym air. Double digit inches, thick and veiny, the stuff all sissies dream about. Fondling myself softly, I watched Red's greedy stare with approval.

"Fffuck," Red shook, instinctively licking the freckles next to his lips. He broke his gaze from my dick to unload his own from his gym shorts. Kid was maybe a 6 incher, respectable but nothing major except for the precum he was leaking all over the place. He'd trimmed the red pubes to essentially nothing. "Mmm, yeahhh..." With his dick in his hand, Red closed his eyes and brought his hand up to his chest, this time squeezing the hefty pec muscles and straight up tweaking his nipples.

It was a good thing Charm came in right then. I had almost no self-control left. Red, nervous little muscle boy, jumped out of his cock-fixated focus at the intrusion, struggling at his shorts until he saw it was Charm again.

"Oooh, it very hot in here!" Charm wrinkled his cute nose in mock derision, walking in with Gatorades (spiked with more Viagra, soma, and Molly, of course) and set them down in front of me and Red. He coquettishly winked at both of us; Red was positively eye-fucking the Asian sissy boy and had returned to mindlessly pulling at his twink cock. "You make it hot and sticky down here!" Charm laughed.

Charm had put on makeup, and he was looking very good. He'd changed into tiny jean shorts, ripped open 'Daisy Duke' style at the top of the fly. He was wearing dangling necklaces and a tube top that showed off his flat stomach and belly-button piercing. With darkness flaring in my temperament, I stood up and stalked over to Charm. Red's eyes were fastened on us, he'd come to expect conflict and turmoil in our interactions.

The little ginger wanted a show, and I was of the mind to give him one. Charm pretended not to see me as he returned Red's sultry gaze, cracking a whorish grin as Red flexed and played with himself exhibitionistically. The little fag-on-fag flirtation came to an abrupt hlat as I viciously grabbed Charm by his hair, long and freshly washed, falling down almost to the small of his back. Great for manhandling a boy cunt.

"Ah! Ah! Ow! Ow!" Charm really had a set of pipes on him, shrieking and grimacing like a little girl being beaten by a cruel stepmother. I wrenched him backwards away from Red by his long hair. "Ah! Ow! Ow!!" Being dragged kicking and screaming, Charm squirmed and fought (a farce, of course), but I was far too strong.

"You useless piece of faggot trash!" I roared, voice booming fit to shake the glass mirror in the squalid gym. "Who told you you could speak? Huh!?" I rag dolled Charm around by the hair, shaking him like a flimsy mannequin. "You think anyone cares what you have to say, you bitch queer?"

"Ah! I sorry, I sorry!" Kicking one of his sandals off in the fray, Charm begged and pleaded for mercy. Red was mindlessly beating his meat to the abusive scene in front of him, a preview of what was in store for him, ironically. "Please! No."

I dropped Charm to the floor in a heaping pile. I faked kicking him, and he curled up in the fetal position, his long dark hair shielding most of his face (but, if you looked hard enough, you could see he was actually smirking, the masochistic little homo!) and blubbering, "No, Master. No, Master. No, Master."

Giving Red a meaningful look that said, "See? This is how you deal with sissy bitches!" I backed off, tsking a frustrated noise of disapproval, and I sat down on the gym bench, watching Red twist his fist around the head of his boy boner. I sniffed my armpit in a gruff gesture and addressed Red, "The bitch has a point, doesn't she? It's pretty ripe down here, isn't it?"

"Uh... yeah, yeah." Red hadn't thought to be cued into the conversation. He was getting used to watching (and enjoying) the interplay between an alpha dom and sub.

"I'm pretty sweaty down there. You?" I asked Red, lifting up my hairy balls to indicate underneath them.

"Well, uh, yeah, I guess..." Talking about your ball-sweat used to be standard locker room fare when I was growing up. But, the way Red blushed, I guessed it was just one of those things that showed how much softer and unmanned teens these days were. I grinned at Red affirmingly.

"Hey, faggot," I called out to Charm, "come here." I winked at Red and said, as though the Asian sissy couldn't hear, "Check this out, you'll like this."

"Y-Yes, Master?" Charm was already sliding into position. One sandal missing, his tanned skin gleaming in the sweat-sticky room, he was on hands and knees in front of me, anticipating my every desire.

"You're right. It's hot and sticky down here," I spread my legs wide, indicating my groin. My dick was popping out of the top of my shorts, and my thighs were stretching them to the limit. Brutishly, I tore the fabric away, my fat balls bouncing and hanging off the exercise bench. "Make something of yourself and get down here. Clean me up."

"Ohh, fuck," Red just kept stroking himself like a good little goon himbo. "You mean..."

"Don't touch my cock though. You don't deserve that, yet." I inched myself forward, squatting over the floor completely in the nude except for my sneakers. "Just lick those nuts and clean out my asshole. I'll punch your faggot teeth down your throat if I feel you even so much as breathe on my dick."

"Yesssss, Master," Charm breathed heavily, adjusting his hair out of his face. Sliding into position below my squatting form nearly flat on the dirty gym mat, the Thai sissy began to reverently kiss and tongue my testicles, relishing the sweat and funk.

"Dude, that's sick," Red said in a way that showed he meant it as a positive.

"It's disgusting, demeaning," I told him while I adjusted myself to give Charm access to my hole. "That's why it's the perfect thing to have a faggot do on the regular."

"Charm, show the boy how stiff your little clit is," I ordered. "And get that tongue of yours up in my ass. It's filthy down there." I moaned as Charm dragged his long tongue down from my balls to the entrance of my shitter, the Asian bitch thirstily worming his pink muscle into my musky ass.

Charm moved to put on a show for Red while he ate out my ass. He'd been a main eventer at Bangkok sex shows since he was in middle school, and he could move effortlessly with licentious grace. Charm moved to face Red (although his face was buried in my hole) keeping the lower half of his legs folded underneath him on the ground, bending back at the knees. His long, tanned legs glimmered in the fluorescent light. While he probed his tongue reverently into my manhole, Charm arched his back, flaring his exposed, lithe stomach and thrusting his tiny lower torso up off the floor. With one hand, he effortlessly tugged down the ripped jean shorts, exposing skin-tight velvet panties. Charm's dick was tiny, always had been, but it was rock hard in the lacey panties.

"Yeah, the little faggot loves this," Red laughed, jacking his dick even harder. But was he talking about himself?

"It's a bitch boy's natural place," I flexed, gripping Charm's intruding tongue with my sphincter. The Asian sissy moaned into my ass cheeks. "Here, you try it."

Standing up, Charm knew exactly what I meant because he swung around and, crawling submissively, headed towards where Red sat jacking his teen dick. Red, however, was a little confused (and no doubt high). I walked over to him and made him think I was going to force the 'top' redhead boy to rim me out. All in good time... Instead, I put my hands possessively on both of Red's shoulder blades while Charm worked his way under Red's sweaty torso.

"Better get those shorts off," I indicated to Red. "Door's locked, no worries." Grabbing Red's water bottle, I gave him a reassuring squeeze on his lat muscles while Charm got into position. Red's shorts went down to his ankles, his boxer briefs clinging to the wet material of the sports shorts. I had Red drink from the dosed water bottle, giving Charm the time to slip a capsule from his pocket and into his mouth, hiding it in his tongue. Charm's tongue, elongated by augmentation surgery, could extend almost 8 inches past his plump dick-sucking lips. It was going to deposit the load of drugs deep inside the redheaded teen's muscle cunt, making his hole frenzied for a fuck. "Relax, stud."

Red didn't. It's not easy when an Asian street whore is pushing himself between your butt cheeks to make out with your asshole. Charm's tongue started coiling and probing at the smooth skin under Red's balls, the ginger's fat bubble butt almost engulfed the Asian's face right away. "Relax," I whispered, running my hands over Red's muscled body while Charm started to lap at his rosebud. "Open that fat booty of yours and let the sissy do his thing..."

"Holy shit!" Straight, fag, or dom, you never forget the first time a boy tongues your asshole. Red arched his back, then sunk his marbled muscle butt back down onto Charm's face. "Dude this is fucking wild," Red said, eyes far-off. I squeezed his muscular shoulders harder, kneading the young muscle roughly. "And that feels really good. I've never felt this good before. What'd you say those pills were?"

"Soma, boy," I decided it would be a worthwhile compromise to massage Red while Charm worked his boyhole open. Make him correlate anal stimulation with pleasure. "It relaxes the muscles, like I said. Not just to kill pain, it makes it feel almost good."

One hand firmly on his neck, I let the other drift down over Red's heaving, freckled chest. His pecs were great, and I groped them, my burly fingers able to spread out over most of the muscle twink's chest with just one hand. Red had been playing with his chest a lot while admiring himself in the mirror, I wanted to see just how he responded to proper stimulation.

"You've got great pecs, boy," I complimented Red's physique, bringing both my hands to his chest. Squeezing a nipple roughly between my pointer and thumb, I elicited a hiss from the ginger gym rat. "And these nips feel good, don't they?"

"Yeah," Red leaned into my touch, precum running all up and down his hand while he played with himself, closing his eyes in lust. "Fuck yeah."

Grinning to myself, I nudged Charm with my foot, once, twice, three times. I started to count to myself. "Yeah, boy." One. "Saw you playing with these nips." Two. "These slutty bitch tits!"

On the silent count of three, I yanked Red's nipples, hard. "Yeowwch!" The boy jumped, but I kept his bubble butt pinned to Charm's face with my shoulders pressing down onto Red's back. On his end, Charm shot his wickedly long tongue as far as it could go into Red's boyhole, depositing the capsule of drugs deep inside the virgin cunt.

Not letting go of Red, holding him down with my dominant strength, I cursed in his ear while I thumbed his nipples. "Hell yeah, boy, just like that. You like it hard, don't you?" Even sweating profusely, the boy smelled good, like soap and cologne. "These tits don't lie."

"You fucker!" Red wriggled, but I had him by the tits, my shoulders and broad chest were trapping him from behind, and his hand was still working his dick. Red forced a moan out of Charm as the gymrat twink clenched his thick ass cheeks around the Asian's face. "Ow!" I was going to seriously enjoy struggling fucking this virgin.

"Concentrate on your hole, boy, on your tits." I hissed unrelentingly into Red's ear. "Yeah, it hurts. But it's not half as bad as the burn of a workout. Face it, you like it. You live for the burn." I tweaked his nipples, a little bit more gently for now. Red hissed, his tits were rock hard, jutting out from his muscled pecs. Sweat ran down from his ear to the nape of his neck and I licked it, making the boy moan.

"Grrr..." Red didn't need to admit anything, you could see from the way his body was reacting that he was getting into it. His freckled face was bloodshot and flush, his dick was leaking precum straight down to his balls, his heart was beating fast under his manhandled nips. I could feel him still struggling, but less so. Our bodies, slick with sweat, rubbed against each other, muscle on muscle, bitch on man.

"Tell me it feels good," I encouraged the red headed muscle fag. "Tell me you want me to work those nips harder. I saw you earlier; I know you play with them when you're horny."

Kneading the pale flesh, I earned a half-groan, half-whimper out of Red, all confession and submission. "Feels good," he mumbled. I let up, just barely teasing his nipples. "Harder!" The second he felt me lighten up on his tits, Red followed my command, requesting my pain-based pleasure. "Harder!" the boy requested as he let himself go further into the ecstasy of submission.

Twisting the muscled boy's pecs by the nipple, I growled into the nape of his neck, play-biting down on his jugular. "Good boy." I was getting so hot and horny, I knew the dosage must be making Red nearly delirious with passion, as well. The booty bump in his hole was probably dissolving too; Red was positively grinding his ass on Charm's face, smothering the Asian with his thick jock cheeks. The mix of lubricant, MDMA, and topical stimulant would soon coat the interior of Red's fuck chute, making the entire thing ache and yearn for friction.

"Yeah, you like that pain boy?" I knelt down forcefully, grinding my erection into the small of Red's back.

"Yeahhhh," Red hummed, buzzing.

"You like that feeling in your ass?"

"Yeaaahh." Masturbating furiously, Red was close to the edge. It was time.

I stepped off of Red, but only released his nipples for a fraction of a second. I nudged Charm at the tip of his knee as I adjusted my position, standing in front of Red now, retaking his pecs in my hands, my boner hot and bobbing in front of the boy's face.

"Oh, fuck, wait, I'm not ready for-" is what Red said before I sank his face onto my dick.

But I grabbed the stud by his short cropped hair and, when my dick got to his mouth, he opened those sweet lips of his and took me inside his mouth. The kid was mumbling something around the bulbous head of my man meat, but I didn't care.

"Suck that dick, you little muscle fag," I whispered, twisting both Red's teats. The boy's words turned into a cry, and, as Charm used his sissy tongue to flagulate the poor kid's prostate, a helpless, orgasmic moan. His first ever real alpha dick, the tongue on his joy button, the nipple abuse, his constant masturbation, and the drugs were too much for Red.

"Yeah, that's it, boy. Cum for me," I encouraged him as the boy exhaled a defeated murmur around the flaring head of my dick. "Cum from your hole and a real man's cock in your mouth."

Red didn't stop masturbating. He kept jacking his jerking and pulsating cock while he was assaulted from above and below, physically and mentally. He wasn't broken quite yet, but he was well on his way to it.

I let Red nurse on my thick, drooling meat while he finished off his orgasm. The redhead recovered after only a minute and a half of mindlessly half-sucking. He was going to need some serious throat training... but all in good time.

"You look incredible with a dick in your mouth, boy," I laughed. Red was still too far to resist the verbal jabs. He literally moaned as he reluctantly backed off of my cock head, a string of saliva attaching his lips to my spit-slick rod. "Too bad you lost the bet."

"What do you mean?" Red pulled his flushed face off of my dick, and I let go of his nipples. They were glistening red like his cheeks from the twisting and teasing, solid diamond nubs on his broad chest. "We're not done yet."

"You just came, boy," I said, matter of fact. "No cumming during a workout!"

"You never-" Scared green eyes.

"I never needed to say anything. That's a pretty common sense rule, isn't it?"

"No, but-" Flushed, freckled face.

"And you used my little sissy's mouth, let alone my cock, to get yourself off with. That means you sampled the goods before the contest was even done."

"Wait, no. You said-" Lips trembling, pleading.

"I don't care what I said. I'm claiming what's mine."

"You... I... You..." Desperation turned to panic.

In fight or flight, Red was a flyer. Young and strong, sure, but his natural skittishness had been evident ever since the gym, especially moreso once it was just the two of us. I was much bigger than him, stronger than him, taller than him. I was a man, and he was a boy. Now, his fat muscle booty was going to be my plaything.

  • end Bitch Boy Breaker - Buff Gym Bitch 03

Time to get down to Red's cherry popping in part 04. I've enjoyed the feedback from readers, send your thoughts and opinions to

Next: Chapter 6: Buff Gym Bitch 4

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